Chapter 0 - Prologue
Laura – The Lord of the Rings, Part 1: Prologue

Lothlórien. The wonderful and mystic kingdom of Wood-elves, under the wise lead of queen Galadriel and her husband Celeborn. But it was night-time, and most of the elves were asleep at this time. Except the guards, of course, as the kingdom was always protected vigilantly. And it was a quiet night, with only a few clouds in the sky. The moon and stars were shining peacefully from above, and it was entirely windless. It had been raining the days before, but now the weather had been fallen calm again…
One person was not asleep this night, Galadriel, the mighty queen herself. Her husband had not noticed, as Galadriel had told him she would follow later. But she didn’t, and Celeborn slept peacefully since a longer time yet. Galadriel however had left the royal palace meanwhile, and she walked just walked through the beautiful forests of Lothlórien. But she would not reach her destination here now…
Suddenly, out of reach of every further elf, the queen of Lothlórien simply vanished into thin air. Her destination was far away, and so she chose another way of travelling. And nobody in Lothlórien noticed her disappearance, not even her sleeping husband...
Another place, far, far away from Lothlórien, but still in the night. As Galadriel appeared again out of nowhere, she could at least see the first light at the horizon, as the new day now began to displace the darkness. And the queen of the Wood-elves began to smile as she finally reached her destination, the house of Elrond in Rivendell. However without his knowledge, because this was a secret appointment. Only one guest would come, after Galadriel had sent for him. And this was the reason to meet in Rivendell, for a journey to Lothlórien would have been to long for the guest. He had just been close to Rivendell anyway as Galadriel had called for him, and so the decision had been made to meet at this place…
Galadriel did not enter the Refuge of the Elves. She stayed out of any sight, as nobody should see her now. And the queen followed a small way up into a mountain from here, to finally reach her actual destination. And as she got there, standing in a small, round pavilion with pillars, where the elves of Rivendell had consultations often. But this time Galadriel would use it, as soon as the expected guest would arrive here…

Galadriel stepped out of the pavilion again, at the opposite side, to enter a small platform, built out of the rocks. From here she had a great sight beyond the valley, and the sun was rising at the horizon now already. The guest would be here any moment now. And the queen of Lothlórien waited patiently, looking thoughtful into the new daylight…
And finally it happened. Galadriel could hear soft-footed steps, coming closer quickly. He was here at last, and once more a slight smile darted beyond her beautiful face. As the queen turned around then, looking into the pavilion again, she saw her guest arriving at the entrance then. The old man came nearer slowly then, as he also began to smile with happiness, and he nodded with his head one time. But it was Galadriel, the hostess of this secret meeting, who began to speak first now.
“Finally, after a longer time again, we can meet once more, Gandalf”, she said with low voice, “and I can only say how happy I am now. I hoped you could contrive to meet me so short-termed, but you are here now. And there are some important matters to speak about for us.”
“Finally, after a longer time again, we can meet once more, Gandalf”, she said with low voice, “and I can only say how happy I am now. I hoped you could contrive to meet me so short-termed, but you are here now. And there are some important matters to speak about for us.”
Gandalf nodded with his head again, as he looked into the bright eyes of Galadriel, and once more, as every time he had the possibility to meet the queen, he was overwhelmed of her radiant beauty.
“Well, if Galadriel calls, who would ever refuse to queen”, Gandalf answered with proud voice, “and it is true, we sadly can meet all to rarely. So I am happy every time it is possible.”
Gandalf took a deep breath one time before continuing.
“But however, you wrote something in your averaging of a serious matter. And to be honest, I do also carry something of much concern inside of me, so perhaps the both of us could exchange their sorrows?”
Galadriel nodded with her head and smiled again. Somehow she knew already, both matters would be the same.
The queen of Lothlórien answered now with firm voice.
“As usual you get to the point very quickly, but you are right, this is the reason for our meeting, Gandalf”, the queen spoke with steady voice. “And so, hear my words what I must tell you. And only you at first, as both of us have special abilities, and special knowledge. And so I guess my words may not even be a surprise for you.”
Galadriel paused for some moments, looking on the ground while sighing. But then she continued again.
“Well, since a short time I have this strange feeling inside of me”, the queen of Lothlórien began, “and it even got stronger within the last days. Something isn’t right here, not as it should be, and even somehow not the right time. My feelings tell me that we got somehow back to the past for an unknown time, and the things happening now, I believe they repeat and we have already experienced them before. Of course my mind says this can not be possible, but I still believe it is true. And I noticed it with small things, as places I go to or things I see. Then I get strange flashbacks sometimes, seeing the same things and me, and I know this happened yet before…”
Galadriel silenced again for some moments, shaking her head several times. She looked straight into the eyes of Gandalf, trying to read in there what he was thinking. But finally, as it simply wasn’t possible to read in Gandalf as usual, the queen began to speak once more.
“Well, as we all know, the first created, the Ainur, those god-like spirits, have not been showing up any more since a long, long time. We live in the Third Age now, as you know, and nobody here is closer to the Ainur than you, as you are older than all other beings in this world at all. You even lived among the Ainur once, and if anybody should know something about their plans, then it would be you. But as it seems, the long time living among us in Middle-earth, has also separated you from the original Ainur, who do no longer visit this world any more. But now something has changed, and also I can feel it. I feel it inside my heart, as I have received gift, which can only have been sent from the Ainur themselves. And I know, this is a bold assumption, but I am really sure. For it is a prophecy, a new prophecy, not existing so far at all. And also not in those days I remember we have experiences yet, before the time has been turned back. But before I continue, Gandalf, do not keep silence any longer. Let me know your opinion, if you share my believe or discard it…”
The queen of Lothlórien paused once more, and again she looked straight into the eyes of Gandalf now. And after some moments of returning the look the old man harrumphed then.
“Well, Galadriel, my beloved queen of elves”, the magician began to speak, “you have always been so mighty and wise in this world. You know more than anybody else here, and we really share a knowledge that is unique now. And really whole new. I also know this new prophecy, and yes, your feelings and thoughts about what happened before, it is all true. In fact the Ainur also did not involve me, and like all other people I was also trapped in this illusion a long time. Not in an alternate life, as even the enemy used my body image in this time, but sleeping until we could return into our true identities on Arda again. But from the very first moment of being back here I knew it all, and I understood what happened, and why. We all really wouldn’t be here any longer without the interference of the Ainur this time. The first attempt of fighting the new rising Sauron was a whole disaster. We were not prepared, and the plan we made was hopeless in the end. We had no chance, but now it all changed. The Ainur can not win this war for us, but at least they could prepare things new to give us an equal opportunity. And it really was an incredible plan, and a long way, for a new and second chosen one to be prepared for this mission. And this fact will change it all now!”
Galadriel began to smile happily and nodded with her head several times before she answered with low voice.
“Thank you for sharing your thoughts with me, Gandalf, and I am happy my heart does still not misguide me after such a long time of existence. And so we have this common base to look into the future now, and decide about what has to be done next now.”

The old magician also smiled at Galadriel in return now, and he nodded with his head too, before taking a deep breath.
“Let’s see this new prophecy together with the know facts in front of our inner eyes”, Gandalf said to Galadriel, “and let the words and pictures and open ourselves to what we feel. We should not miss anything important, and together this prophecy may still be much more powerful than before. Would you simply tell it to me, just the way the pictures and words are inside of you? Show me all and let us put all details together now!”
Galadriel agreed to the suggestion of Gandalf.
“I will share it all with you then. You will see the pictures as they are in my head now, not as before in the time before the alternate universe, but as they are now, in the changed world. And you will see her, the new and mysterious chosen one, as her image burns in my mind hand heart now, for this one and important task to find her finally. Therefore notice and commit her to memory now, if you not yet saw her picture so far, as well as all words. It is essential for us, for all life and the future of our world…”
The old man nodded with his head.
“I will do as you say, Galadriel”, the mighty magician responded, “and so, let me hear the prophecy loudly and in your own words the first time now. Let us combine our hearts and minds!”
The mighty queen closed her eyes then, and Gandalf did the same. They concentrated only on the innermost parts of their hearts, letting their energies and love flow.
Galadriel finally began to speak once more. And she did with low voice again, but also bound and determined.
“(I amar prestar aen.)
The world is changed.
(Han matho ne nen.)
I feel it in the water.
(Han mathon ned cae.)
I feel it in the earth.
(A han noston ned gwilith.)
I smell it in the air.
Much that once was is lost, for none now live who remember it.
It began with the forging of the Great Rings…

Three were given to the Elves, immortal, wisest and fairest of all beings.

Seven to the Dwarf-Lords, great miners and craftsmen of the mountain halls.

And nine, nine rings were gifted to the race of Men, who above all else desire power.

For within these rings was bound the strength and the will to govern each race. But they were all of them deceived, for another ring was made. Deep in the land of Mordor, in the Fires of Mount Doom, the Dark Lord Sauron forged a master ring, and into this ring he poured his cruelty, his malice and his will to dominate all life.

This was the Prophecy of the Dark Lord:
Three Rings for the Elven-kings under the sky,
Seven for the Dwarf-lords in their halls of stone,
Nine for Mortal Men doomed to die,
One for the Dark Lord on his dark throne
In the Land of Mordor where the Shadows lie.
One Ring to rule them all, One Ring to find them,
One Ring to bring them all, and in the darkness bind them,
In the Land of Mordor where the Shadows lie…
Seven for the Dwarf-lords in their halls of stone,
Nine for Mortal Men doomed to die,
One for the Dark Lord on his dark throne
In the Land of Mordor where the Shadows lie.
One Ring to rule them all, One Ring to find them,
One Ring to bring them all, and in the darkness bind them,
In the Land of Mordor where the Shadows lie…

One by one, the free lands of Middle-Earth fell to the power of the Ring, but there were some who resisted.

A last alliance of men and elves marched against the armies of Mordor, and on the very slopes of Mount Doom, they fought for the freedom of Middle-Earth.

Victory was near, but the power of the ring could not be undone.

It was in this moment, when all hope had faded, that Isildur, son of the king, took up his father’s sword.

Sauron, enemy of the free peoples of Middle-Earth, was defeated.

The Ring passed to Isildur, who had this one chance to destroy evil forever, but the hearts of men are easily corrupted.

And the ring of power has a will of its own. It betrayed Isildur, to his death.

And some things that should not have been forgotten were lost.

History became legend. Legend became myth. And for two and a half thousand years, the ring passed out of all knowledge. Until, when chance came, it ensnared another bearer.
It came to the creature Gollum, who took it deep into the tunnels of the Misty Mountains. And there it consumed him. The ring gave to Gollum unnatural long life. For five hundred years it poisoned his mind, and in the gloom of Gollum’s cave, it waited.

Darkness crept back into the forests of the world. Rumor grew of a shadow in the East, whispers of a nameless fear, and the Ring of Power perceived its time had come. It abandoned Gollum, but then something happened that the Ring did not intend.

It was picked up by the most unlikely creature imaginable: a hobbit, Bilbo Baggins, of the Shire.

For the time will soon come when hobbits will shape the fortunes of all.
And there will be a chosen one, giving back hope to a dark and lost world again…”

Galadriel paused after her long speech, where all of her words had come straight from her heart, and flowing into the heart of Gandalf. The old man had listened carefully, but the beautiful queen was not ready yet. And after a short break she continued speaking.
“And this is the new prophecy, the words from the Ainur, no longer part of the development in our world since such a long time yet, but finally back again to still give hope to the creation of Eru Ilúvatar. Those words were placed straight into my heart, and there they live now. As they live inside of you, Gandalf, I know. But I will declare them now for the first time!”
Galadriel paused once more for some seconds, while she began to smile happily at Gandalf.
“So hear now loudly”, the queen continued with her low voice, “what was also placed into your heart, Gandalf!”
“After another short break the queen began to speak again, and this time with firm and clear voice.

Galadriel finally ended her speech then. And she looked at Gandalf with expectant eyes, while the old man thought about those words ruminatively. And he nodded with his head.
“Yes, Galadriel, those are exactly the words living also within my heart”, the magician confirmed, “and for the first them I also heard them spoken now. There are not so many people to know this new prophecy yet, but certainly still more than the two of us. We will certainly learn about this later. For now something else is much more important. The question what we would do now. For we both have important tasks yet, but this new mission will also be an extensive one for sure…”
Galadriel nodded with her head as she just thought the same. And she answered with low voice again.
“I still have it in my mind, that I met this new chosen one yet. But this was another reality, as I could have contact with her there. It was a young woman, but also in a alternate life, and I do not really remember all details any more. Now she is also back here, on Arda, but not part of my people, so much I know. She is an elf, so much is for sure, but she does not live in Lothlórien. The mission hen can only be to find her, no matter at which end of this world, if necessary!”

“And she is not living in Rivendell”, a voice from the background suddenly added, “so much I can contribute here.”
Gandalf and Galadriel, really poring over their thoughts, startled a little bit for a moment, as they did not haver expected any further visitor to arrive here now.

But then they became aware of Elrond, the lord of Rivendell, suddenly also entering the pavilion now. And he was greeted friendly then, as Gandalf joined him in the pavilion while Galadriel stayed outside.
It was the old magician then who spoke first after the arrival of Elrond, with a slight smile in his face.
“Oh, well, my friend, I should have known that such important knowledge does not elude the lord of Rivendell. But it is good to have you at our side, so welcome, Elrond!”
Galadriel now returned to the important prophecy and necessary mission because of it now.
“So we are three then, but the question stays the same. We must find this new chosen one. But how shall we proceed in this matter, and who should be sent? And what about the world outside here, how shall we behave because of our important knowledge?”
The three friends looked at each other thoughtful for some moments, as Gandalf began to speak again then.
“Those are really essential questions, and we should not proceed too fast and reckless here, my friends. Let me tell you what I think in this matter, and you may tell your opinions afterwards.”
The old man looked into the faces of Galadriel and Elrond, and he only found agreement there. So he smiled and nodded with his head one time, before he began to speak again.

“Well, as I said to Galadriel yet, we all are yet bound to important tasks and missions, and it is most important to fulfil them again, also if we know that we repeat them now. But it is my confidence that evil has no memory at the past things, at this alternate life, for this secret about the new chosen one is only given to us. We must consider this and try to hide this secret as long as possible, while we follow our fixed way again. And when we have found and prepared the chosen one we will decide ourselves about the right moment to play our card, and change the story at all. The world shall not know about our secret until then, so the enemy will concentrate on the fellowship and Frodo as before. But first it will be the most important task to find the chosen one, for this world is huge and she can be elsewhere…”
Elrond nodded with his head before he answered.
“As usual, a wise advice from you, my friend”, the lord of Rivendell spoke with almost solemn voice, “and I would say this is the best decision we could come to at all. Do you agree, Galadriel?”
The queen of Lothlórien also nodded with her head and began to smile as she looked at Gandalf.
“The decision is made, my friend”, Galadriel spoke with firm voice, “and so it will be done. The only remaining question now is how to succeed here. We cannot just send out anybody onto this so important mission, and this is a choice we should consider very well!”
It was Gandalf again to take the floor now, and the old man also nodded with his head approving. There was a certain smile in his face, which convinced Galadriel that the mysterious magician already had made a choice, and once more the mighty queen should be proved right.
“Well, if you don’t mind, my friends”, the old man answered now, “then I already have a suggestion for you. Only tell me your opinion, and we will make the final decision then.”
Elrond and Galadriel nodded with their heads again, and Gandalf smiled satisfied. Then he began to speak once more…
Elrond had already left the pavilion again, as Gandalf and Galadriel still remained there for a short time. The old man looked into the eyes of the smiling queen of elves, beginning to speak one time more.
“Mistress Galadriel”, the old man began with almost solemn voice, “queen of Lothlórien, as beautiful as no other woman I know, and the most powerful leader of elves of all times, listen to me one time more. We have now made our opinion, and the new plan stands. I will take care that it will be put into practice at once, and we can only hope to succeed in the end. The new chosen one must be found and be convinced to accept her destiny, as the destiny of the whole world depends on that. We have been given a second chance, and if we will not use it we are doomed for sure. This has the highest priority now, and I will do whatever I can to support this mission.”
The old man paused for some important moments, taking a deep breath, before he finally continued.
“But all the more we must keep silence about all of this, because if evil ever gets aware of the new chosen one too early, and if they would also search for her and find her first, in her present condition she would not survive at all. This may never happen, and the destiny of all life – of all free and good life – now depends on this mission.”
Galadriel nodded with her head, as she was aware of the possible dangers of course. Anything could happen now, as nobody knew where to find the new chosen one, and how long it would take to succeed here. The evil lord had not yet risen again, but he was out there. And also his followers, this was totally clear. And so the danger was obvious, but the queen of Lothlórien believed in Gandalf, as she always did.
“My dear old friend”, Galadriel answered with her lovely voice, “we have experienced so much yet in our long lives, and now even the interference of the Ainur. Believe me, all their efforts will not have been for nothing, as they believe in you, as one of their own race, as I also always did. Whatever they prepared, and how long it may have lasted, they obviously believed in your and your abilities, to end now what they began. And if there is anybody at all to do so, then it is you, my friend!”
Gandalf began to smile slightly.
“What wonderful words of a wonderful woman, Galadriel”, the old man now replied, “what could I still say now then? You even succeed in making an old man abashed…”
The queen shook her head one time. And she smiled almost amused, while laying a hand on Gandalf’s shoulder.
“Sometimes you are even funny, Gandalf, as I believe nobody could ever make you abashed. But let’s finish this secret meeting finally, my dear friend, as we have work to do. Much work. And for the importance of it all, we should not hesitate any longer. In the end time may be short, and every moment can be determining!”
The old magician agreed to the worlds of Galadriel, and it was time to say goodbye again now. With taking another deep breath Gandalf made his farewells, and the next moment Galadriel also left the pavilion. The old man looked after her, but only after a few steps the queen of Lothlórien vanished into thin air. She returned to Lothlórien then…
Gandalf still stood in the pavilion in Rivendell. He had closed his eyes, talking to himself now at last.
“So then, the story starts all over again, as we really get this second chance now. This time we must be successful, as there will not be any further chance at all. We have failed before, though the world does not even know. The Ainur made a perfect plan, and it is up to us now to take it then. And I am prepared to do so, the final battle against Sauron and his armies starts all over again. The last time finally!”
With those worlds Gandalf also began to move again now, leaving the pavilion quickly. The old magician had a certain destination now, and he followed this way bound and determined…

Gandalf was riding on his faithful horse Shadowfax, through the high Misty Mountains in Middle-earth. His way led him downwards, to leave those mountains again. It was still a long way to travel for the old man, and only few time, but this mission was necessary. It was essential, for the final survival of all life and the final victory against evil.
Gandalf thought about his meeting with Galadriel and Elrond, and he was really relieved that it had ended so well in the end. The two allies had accepted his suggestion at once, and the magician believed it was the best possibility at this moment. Because he knew about what had happened before, and that things started again now. All persons from before had to follow their given ways again, to not make Sauron suspicious in the end. The new chosen one had to be undiscovered and safe as long as possible, but first she had to be found at all. And so there was only one known person left to fulfil this mission, one person not being involved into the former activities the last time. It was another new factor now, and possibly another advantage in the end. And Gandalf believed he could convince this person for sure.
The old man sighed deeply one time. It really still was a long journey now, but he had no choice. Gandalf knew where to find this person now, and he would try to reach this destination as soon as possible…

It needed three days until Gandalf finally reached his destination, the area of Rhovanion. And the old man continued without a break, finally riding along the Long Lake. And somehow it was strange to enter this region again, as Gandalf had not done so since a longer time. Since the war of the five armies, and the battle against the dragon Smaug.
The mighty magician sighed deeply one time. The memories came back now unavoidably, and the old man had to admit that he had pushed them away as good as possible since then. It was not easy to think about the tragic events again now, where some of the most courageous dwarfs ever died. And among them Kili, the one to be in love with Tauriel, one of the bravest elf-warrioress he had ever met.
Tauriel had left her home and people after the war at the Lonely Mountain then. She had not appeared again as Sauron finally returned for the last war ever on Middle-earth, and it had been decided to not ask her again. The time of fighting had been over for her at all.
“Well, until now”, the old man thought for himself, “as things have changed so completely this time. We can not relinquish you another time, and no matter about the costs, I have to convince you. And I will. We need you more than evert before now, as the chosen one needs you. If anybody can find her at all, then it is you, Tauriel”!
Gandalf sighed deeply another time, controlling his horse for some moments. Shadowfax stopped obediently, waiting for further commands to come. But Gandalf looked around carefully first.
“She has her hideout somewhere here”, the old man spoke to himself, “here within these mountains. Nobody could ever find her again since our last war, but I will for sure!”
The magician put his horse to a trot again finally, but soon he speeded into gallop once more. The old man trusted into his feeling now, and those feelings drove him along…
It was the morning of the fourth day, as Gandalf finally stopped Shadowfax once more. And this time he descended from his horse, with a smile in his face. The destination was close now, really close. And the magician left Shadowfax behind, where the smart animal would wait for him. But this was not necessary, and Gandalf spoke to his horse with a low voice, while he stroked beyond its mighty body.
“Shadowfax, my brave companion, you may return home now. For the way back I will have another way of travelling, a faster one. But we will see us soon again, I promise!”
The white horse did as its master said, and it finally turned around. Gandalf looked after it until it disappeared, then he turned around again, towards a number of higher rocks ahead. There was a small way leading through between them, but Gandalf chose another path. He began to climb those rocks, and to pass completely around them…
The old man stopped again finally. He had made it round the rocks, standing in front of a deep abyss now. An arm of the Long Lake crossed here between the mountains, and the only way to the opposite side of the mountains here was a small chain bridge of wood. But this opposite side only was a smaller valley between further high mountains around, isolated by the river branch, leading completely around this valley.
Gandalf saw a wooden hut there, really a lonely house in the middle of nowhere. This was a perfect hideout, and the old man was really sure that Tauriel was here.
Gandalf began to smile finally. A woman now left the gut, a well known woman. It really was Tauriel, and she did not discover her visitor yet. The magician sighed one time.
“There we are again, Tauriel”, he whispered to himself, “but now you must follow me again. You simply must!”

The old man left the rocks finally, entering the chain bridge then. And he began to cross it quickly…
Tauriel was surprised. Really surprised, as she became aware of the arrival of Gandalf. Of course she still remembered the old magician, and at once all the former events cam back into her mind again. But the elf pushed those pictures away immediately, looking distrustfully into the direction of the visitor. And she knew of course, this arrival could not mean something pleasant. Because when Gandalf visited somebody unexpected, problems always were close at hand. And so Tauriel was not pleased of this visit.
Gandalf stopped in front of Tauriel, and he was not surprised as the welcome turned out very distantly.
“Hello, Tauriel”, the old man began to speak friendly, “it has been some time
since our last contact.”
Tauriel looked into the eyes of Gandalf, and her feelings were obvious. Her words confirmed them afterwards.
“Well, Gandalf”, the elf answered almost chilly, “if you ask me, still not long enough. After those last events I was happy to live on my own, and not having contact with anybody of this time any longer. You should not have appeared again, to disturb my chosen loneliness, and I can not imagine that this visit can mean anything good.”
The elf sighed deeply one time.
“But okay”, she continued with low voice, “now that you are here, at least tell me what you want. But no matter what it may be, I guess you know my answer already. And it won’t change!”
The old man nodded with his head understanding. And under normal circumstances Gandalf certainly would not have made this visit, but he simply had no choice.
“Tauriel, I understand your anger and sadness”, the magician opened his speech, “and I still wished I could have prevented this tragedy back then. But I couldn’t, I could not save Kili back then. And I also would not disturb you with my visit, if things would be different, but as often in our life we simply have no choice. Of course you can decide as you want and refuse all my wishes, as I can and will not force you to anything. But I have to try, and maybe you will understand me afterwards at least.”
Gandalf paused for some moments, sitting down onto a wood block then. Tauriel remained standing, and she avoided to look into the face of Gandalf now. The old man however looked straight at Tauriel, and he continued to speak to her then.

“It is your decision, if you not want to help us any longer in our long battle against evil, Tauriel. We had hoped the dark lord was defeated forever, and not for the first time, but he is still there and will rise again. We prepare for this situation again, and we will not ask you to fight again if you not want to. But there is something else, another important mission, and we search for somebody to fulfil it. Somebody like you, who can succeed and who we can trust. It is not a mission to fight enemies, not yet at least. It is a mission to find somebody, an important person for our future, but so far an unknown person. And it was my suggestion to ask you, if you would help us here again, at least with finding this important person…”
Tauriel wrinkled her brow now, still not looking at Gandalf again. But at least this was not a wish to completely refuse at once, and the elf seemed to be surprised. As Gandalf did not continue at once then Tauriel took a deep breath first and reacted then.
“Well, I must admit, this is an unusual wish at least”, the elfin said, “and before I make my final mind, you may tell me more about this mission. Who is this person, and why would she be this important for you? There must be more behind all this, much more!”
Gandalf began to smile slightly, and he nodded with his head. After some moments he began to speak again.
“Sadly this is a very long story, Tauriel”, the old man began to explain carefully, “but I try to shorten it for you as good as possible. Once more important things have happened, also very unexpected ones. What nobody knew before, the Ainur, the first created divine beings by Eru Ilúvatar, the one and only god of all life. The did not intervene in our matters since such a long time, but now they changed our history. And the result is, that our world now has a new chosen one. A young unknown woman, nobody of us knows so far. We only know she is elfish, living somewhere in this world. But not in the known regions, not in Rivendell or Lothlórien, so much is for sure. But we must find her, as we need her urgently in our battle against Sauron. She has been sent by the Ainur, as we otherwise would loose this conflict for sure, this is certain now. We get a new chance, as the Ainur made it clear – the war, the new war, had already begun and almost gone lost, where the Ainur intervened. They changed the whole story and sent us back into the past, to change the balance. Now we have a real chance to reach something in this conflict, but only if we find and take the gift of our creators. And this is what we ask you now, this is what we need. At the moment there is nobody else who could search for this person, as they are all bound in other missions. You are not, and I have no choice then begging you for this task. Could you at least think about it and tell me if there is a chance you help us in this matter?”
The old man still looked into the face of Tauriel, and after some moments the elfin returned the look then.
“Well, Gandalf”, Tauriel answered then, “somehow you really succeed in always surprising me again. A story of the almost forgotten Ainur, who suddenly change the history of our world and sent a chosen one for the upcoming war, this is really a strange story. If it wasn’t you I even would not believe a story like that. But so it must be true. But if this girl is unknown, and also nobody knows where she lives in this huge world, how should it be possible at all to find her then, and possibly in a short time?”
The elf shook her head several times and sighed deeply one time. She did not wait until Gandalf answered, but turned around towards the door of her hut. Then she spoke again.
“Let us continue inside the hut, Gandalf, it may at least be a little bit more comfortable in there.”
With those words the elf walked towards the door, and also Gandalf stood up again. He followed Tauriel with a smile, as he knew there was a chance now at least to still convince her…
Inside the hut of Tauriel. She still did not take a seat so far, only Gandalf sat on a chair again. And now he answered her, telling more about the knowledge he had so far. Of course it was still only few, but he hoped it would be enough for Tauriel then.

“Well, Tauriel”, the old man spoke with low voice, “I wished I had all knowledge in this matter, but nobody has. The Ainur did not reveal all their secrets, and I can only tell you what I know. This knowledge is only shared by three people, Galadriel, Elrond and me. Nobody else knows. So we can not give you details about this young woman, but something else instead. I can share a picture of her with you.”
Tauriel finally turned towards Gandalf, and now she returned his look. She was surprised once more.
“Okay, a picture then”, the elf replied unbelieving, “tell me how this should be possible then!”
“It is”, the old magician responded, “as we had been given this picture into our minds. It is the only hint we have for the truth of this story, and the only detail to find her. This won’t be an easy mission therefore, we know, but we believe you can find her!”
With those words the old man raised one hand and let his magic flow. And really, a picture was forming inside of Tauriel’s mind, so she could see the young woman in the end. She saw her in front of her inner eyes, and reacted deeply moved in the end.
“I also do not know her”, the elf spoke with low voice, “but there is something about her. Something strange. I can feel her aura, a really powerful aura. She is not a normal elf, not at all. There is really more behind her, much more. She is the chosen one…”
Tauriel closed her eyes for some moments and took a deep breath. All her emotions suddenly were in motion, and somehow she felt a strange attraction to this unknown girl. In the end the elf nodded with her head and continued while opening her eyes again.
“She is really still so young, and so beautiful”, Tauriel only whispered, “and she is as much innocent as helpless. She could not yet fulfil her destiny yet, as she needs help first. I can not refuse and leave her alone this way, and yes, she must be found by us before evil ever gets aware of her…”
The elf sighed deeply one time, shaking her head then. And the final decision was made yet.
“Clever and smart old man”, Tauriel began to speak again, “one time more you have caught me into your plans. I will do as you want, I will search for this unknown young woman. I feel that she needs help first, before ever dragging her into your plans. And I guess, as she is an elf, another elf would really be the best option for the first contact.”
Gandalf nodded with his head satisfied. He smiled at Tauriel, before he answered with warm voice.
“This is a wise decision, Tauriel”, the old man said, “and somehow I knew you would not disappoint us then. We will not mind afterwards, if you want to return here, into your chosen loneliness, this is your own decision. But we need this woman, or all life in this world will really be doomed finally. This is the most important mission now.”
The elf turned around, and she began to pack he necessary equipment then. Tauriel prepared for her waying at once. And also the old man stood up from his chair again.
“So then, we are in agreement about this matter”, the magician spoke with almost solemn voice. “I will also leave again, and when you have succeeded, you know where to find us for sending the chosen one. We believe in you, as we always did!”
Tauriel only nodded with her head, but she didn’t answer any more. She not even looked at Gandalf, and the old man accepted. He left the hut after a short farewell, and Tauriel followed only a short time later. She saw that Gandalf had called one of the giant eagles, just climbing onto its back and leaving up into the air then.
Tauriel sighed deeply one time. She took her horse, leading it carefully beyond the chain bridge then. After crossing it the elf looked back one last time, watching Gandalf to disappear at the horizon.
“There he goes again”, the elf whispered to herself, “and once more I follow his plans. But okay, this is a very special mission. This strange attraction, the aura of this unknown woman, I have to learn more about. And so I have to find this woman. I have and I will…”

Tauriel got onto her horse finally, and she left the area. Certainly for a longer time, and maybe forever. She could not know. And so the elf also disappeared at the horizon finally…
The end of chapter 0…
…but to be continued in chapter 1…