Chapter 11 - Epilogue

Laura - The Parallel Universe, Part 11 – Epilogue
Laura was aware of herself again, and she only knew she was standing somewhere on safe ground, with closed eyes. And she hesitated a little bit at first to open her eyes again, just thinking about what would wait for her now. She knew nothing about this really last part of her long mission now, except the fact an unknown person was waiting for her now. Probably another lost child, but certainly not any lost child. It would be a very special one…
Laura also knew one thing more. This last part of her mission would not contain any more action or even battles, but the last answers and final truth about all things then. And so Laura was naturally excited, as she could feel her heart beating much faster as usual…
Laura sighed deeply one time, and finally she was prepared to open her eyes again, to see where she was now. And as she did so the mother of all life began to smile slightly, looking around…
The area was huge and beautiful. She stood in a small pavilion, near a river. At the other side of the pavilion a forest neighbored on it. In some distance Laura could see high mountains, while the river divided into two parts to continue to both sides of the mountains. Several bridged crossed the river, and Laura could see a lot of different animals along it. And at the opposite riverside also a forest began. Additionally Laura could see a beautiful waterspout fountain, being placed in front of the junction of the huge river…

Really a beautiful area, wherever we may be here now. But I guess I will learn more about this place soon…
Laura had just spoken to herself as it happened. In some distance she could see a bright light, appearing in the sky and lowering slowly. And Laura reacted, she left the pavilion and walked towards the river…

And now, the new visitor will arrive. I am curious who it will be now, but probably somebody I have not met yet…
Laura crossed the river to a certain extent beyond some rocks in the water, to remain on a bigger rock in the water then…
The bright light landed on a certain place in the water, another bigger rock there like the one with Laura on it. And the mother of all life was really curious who would appear out of the light now…

In fact, another lost child. Laura looked at a young girl in a long white dress, standing now on the rock as the bright light disappeared finally. And she smiled happily, obviously happy Laura had made it until here now. And the young girl began to speak to Laura at once then…

Lost Child:
Hello, Laura, nice to meet you here finally. All lost children waited for you a long time, especially me. And I would guess, with your big heart, you may already know who you are talking to yet…
Laura nodded with her head…
Yes, I am sure who you are, though I do not know your name, of course. I have heard about you yet, as a kind of queen of all lost children, but my feelings would still go beyond this. I guess you are something as a goddess here, very powerful, and most certainly the alpha child. I mean, the first child at all then who arrived in the parallel universe and created this safe haven then. Would this describe it nearly, or did I forget something?
The young girl smiled and shook her head…
Lost Child:
No, this was a very good description, and as I believed, your heart is a very sensual one, to recognize persons in front of you. And so you also know why I am here now, and what your last task will be about…
Laura also began to smile slightly now…
Oh yes, of course. It is the time of answers now, and the time for the final truth. And I am prepared to answer your questions…
The young lost child nodded with her head and looked straight into the eyes of Laura now. She answered with her tender voice again…
Lost Child:
You can name me Ephira, Laura. This is my name in the parallel universe as a lost child, my identity in this reality. And so, if you are prepared after your long journey now, then let us begin…

Ephira took a deep breath before she continued to speak, and she answered with her first of the final questions…
The moist important question at this point can only be one for you, Laura. With all you saw, heard and learned, you should know it meanwhile, that we all life in a wrong reality since a long time. So, what does this mean exactly then? What is the true reality we belong to? From where do we originally come from? And where do we return when all of this ends successfully?
Laura was not surprised, as she had expected this question of course. And she was prepared for the final answer now…
My mind refused to accept this final truth for a long time, but the signs were clear in the end. And also my feelings. I am only speaking with my heart here, the part of my existence here I always trust most. Because I still have no memories at this far away time, they are completely gone. But it seemed this was purpose, by whom ever then. And the world we really belong to, the true reality we came from once, and the place where all real truth lies, it is the world Arda. The fantastic world where Middle-earth is a continent on, and where a lot of known stories are told about. Stories on Earth, and also movies, as mankind believes those stories are only fairy tales. We know it better now, though this thought still seems fantastic. But I am convinced now, and this is the truth I was searching for, since such a long time…
Ephira nodded with her head smiling. She answered after some moments, and Laura now got her first real confirmation…
Yes, Laura, it seems like a story tale, but is is the truth, the final truth for every living being in our universes. And tell me further, please, what do you know about your own real existence now?
Laura took a deep breath before she answered…
This is interesting. I have not only made a long journey in this reality, I also lived different lives in different races, as a human, a fairy, an angel and even a goddess. But never the true identity I found now. But my heart is clear again in this matter, my true identity is an elf woman…
Ephira nodded with her head again…
Indeed, this is what you are in the real life, a princess of elves, in one of the countries in Middle-earth. And this is what you also worked at, to return to your true home world, and into your true race. And what do you think about the known story about Middle-earth now, being told on Earth? And further, why do those stories only exist on this world, the only world until today not being a member of your alliance of worlds in the normal universe? How can you bring all those elements together, and what is your conclusion about?
Laura also nodded with her head now, as those were questions she also had thought about for such a long time yet. And now it was the time to speak about her own thoughts first. Laura was prepared…
Good questions, and the elements which I really had payed attention to most. And I will tell you what I think now, what my heart believes…
Laura paused for some moments, closing her eyes then, but she opened them again and answered with firm voice…
Earth! Really a strange world in our universe, so far backward in development, with mankind even threatening itself all the time, and though so important for all life in the end. Most other races would not like to hear this, but I know Earth is the center of the universe in this reality. Not only because the stories about “The Lord of the Rings” is from there, and not only the parallel universe with all lost children depends on it. Also in “The Lord of the Rings” the humans took a more and more central role – with fatal consequences in story and reality…
Laura sighed deeply one time before she continued…
I believe we only know a whitewashed version of the original story about “The Lord of the Rings”. If this story really would have ended like that, then all of us would not stand here today, and the wrong reality would not exist. So something has gone wrong once, totally wrong. I never have payed attention to the Gods of Arda, as they now must be the real gods of us all then. I only know very little from the further books of J.R.R. Tolkien, and not how much of the content is true. But such a complete change of reality can only be a work of Gods, and I only met two Gods at all so far. I am speaking of Amarylisse and Diayla, the two Gods who led me in my universe until I have entered yours then. But now I do not know who they really may have been…
Laura took a deep breath once more…
If they are really Gods, and I still do believe so, then they also have different true identities. And perhaps they are those true Gods of Arda then who are responsible for all of this, my feelings tell me so. But however, one fact is for sure for me now. Earth is not only the center of this wrong universe here, it is much more. When I look at this strange world, then I see a mirror now. A mirror, showing the wrong side of it. Because if we would stand on the other, on the real side, then we would see something whole different. We would see Arda…
Laura now looked straight into the eyes of Ephira, with serious look. And she continued speaking with firm voice…
Earth is Arda, at least this sad version of it in this reality. And it is the mirror which must be destroyed now, with all consequences, to restore Arda again and all real life as it should be again. This is what you expect from me at last, a mighty last strike to end all what is wrong…
Laura silenced now, waiting for the response of Ephira then. And the young lost girl began to speak after some further moments…
Yes, Laura, this is true, it is all true. You have found the final truth at last, and I can only confirm your wise words…
Ephira took a deep breath once…
You have found so much now, Laura, around you and inside of you, inside of your own heart. And for the two Gods, I have also met them once, yet a long time ago, as we closed our frontiers later. They never revealed their true identity, but that they are Gods of Arda, and probably those or two of those who have created all the changes, so much seems clear. And also yes, the story about Middle-earth we all know is only a small part of this universe, and with a really positive drawn version. And indeed this positive ending never happened. I do remember some details until today, my memories are not all lost. And I can tell you, the war developed bad for us, for the alliance of light. We were about to loose the final war finally, and suddenly all memories stop then. Somewhere then the Gods must have intervened, though they never did anything like that before. Except one time, in a really long away past. And so this was a surprise for all life, if good or evil. And we made our own theories about the reasons, so I will tell you about those thoughts now…
The young girl sighed deeply one time…
You see, Laura, the central factor of all is you, really you then. Until the moment we were transported into a changed reality, there was never any thought or detail about you in Middle-earth. Nothing at all. But afterwards, as the memories returned bit by bit, the story was changed. Now you are not only known here so well as the chosen one, you are also known on Arda now. This thought must have placed into our minds and hearts with the change, and believe it or not, the main reason for this change was you. The Gods must have placed you into a new role, to also be a chosen one in Middle-earth in the new version, next to Frodo then. We believe the Gods saw that evil simply was superior in the old days, with no real chance for us to ever win this war. But the Gods wanted a balance, so every side would have a real chance to win. They do not give us an advantage with you, but a real chance. And with breaking the mirror finally we will be transported back to Arda, all of us, all life out there. We may have changed identities, and many of us were reborn over and over again in new bodies with time. But we will return at the same place and time before the final war started, to begin it all over again – with one difference. And this difference will be you. Last time there was no spark which ignited inside of you, this time it will happen. You will be involved into this story, and all further things will develop new then…
Ephira took another deep breath…
But at this point, I know there is also one important question on your mind and in your heart at least too. Before you ask this question, let us make a little break, Laura. Because there is still something also important to do for you here now, in order to fulfill your destiny finally. Because ask yourself one question now, the most important one then. How could you break the mirror?
Laura took a deep breath before answering…
I thought about this too, of course, but the answer also lies deep inside of me. As the normal human person I am standing here it would be impossible. But I am not a normal person, and I am no longer limited here. In fact there are no limits, no frontiers at all any longer. In this reality, as this chosen one, I can be whatever I want to be. Or what I need to be…
Ephira began to smile happily…
Then follow me now, Laura…
With these words Ephira began to rise into the air, with no wings, but with outstretched arms. Laura herself created eagle wings on her back, and she also flew into the air, following Ephira…

The two girls flew higher and higher into the air, towards the clouds, finally leaving this wonderful and heavenly place. Laura did not know where the journey still would lead her now, but she was curious about…

Suddenly the two girls stopped in the air, as they were covered by bright light. And this light got still brighter. In the end the whole area disappeared in bright light, and Laura knew she would reach another area now…

Laura found herself at a known place again. Together with Ephira, as they stood in the moors of Maleficent now, in her residence there. And Laura wondered why the lost child had chosen this place now, when she looked into the eyes of Ephira then. And the young girl began to speak once more…

Here we are again, at this special place of your last journey, and the right place and time to ask your personal question now. Tell me what is on your mind and in your heart, and I will answer you…
Laura nodded with her head once. She had not to think about this offer at all, as she had waited yet for this opportunity…
Well, what else could I ask in this moment than about the destiny of my real sister, about Estera! I have waited so long to find her traces again, in the parallel universe, and I know she has been in this world for some time. In this world as Aurora, at the side of Maleficent. But I know she is no longer here, and nobody could tell me anything about her current destination. But they said you could. So I am asking you now, Ephira, where is my sister Estera?
The lost child nodded with her head once…
So know it then, Laura. Estera is where she belongs yet. I have sent her through the mirror, back to Middle-earth, where she belongs, and where we all belong. This was an old deal with the Gods, who fulfilled it now, as the first and only person to return home finally. Let’s see this as an additional attraction for you, though there is no alternative anyway. You can only be reunited again in your true home, and she is waiting for you there. If it will happen now only depends on you, but this is my promise. If you succeed you will find Estera finally then…
Laura took a deep breath, as she suddenly saw her sister shortly. Between the two mighty rocks at the rear end of the residence island appeared a huge mirror now, empty at first...

But a few moments later it was filled with an image – the beautiful image of Estera. And it was the real Estera, yet again as an elf woman. And Laura was moved to tears at once…

The mother of all life looked at Ephira again...
This is no surprise, I already had this feeling yet. But let me ask one more question. If I succeed and if we all return home, what will happen with our memories? Do we remember what happened before, or will it be a complete new beginning, as if this reality never ever existed?
Ephira began to smile slightly again…
It will be a new beginning. What ever happened before in this reality, it will never have happened at all, Laura. At least in our minds…
Laura took another deep breath…
I understand. And may I also ask how it was possible the real story of Middle-earth could be told at all on Earth? Who allowed this, as the secret could have been revealed too early then?
Ephira shook her head one time…
No, there has never been a danger. Mankind and also all other races, spreading throughout the universe, had no memories at the truth at all. But the story simply was a possible spark, for you in the end, as you began to understand. This was what the Gods allowed us, and what would help us later to find our way back. So, have a look at this now, please…
Ephira suddenly raised a magic wand, and she created blue light in the air. A few moments later the light changed, as the energy began to form picture. Pictures straight in the mind of Laura, while the mother of all life now held a sword in her left hand…

An old monochrome picture! This was what Laura saw first in front of her inner eyes. But not any picture, it was a very special one. At the first glance it could have been a grandfather with his granddaughter, with the old man sitting on a chair in an office, and the little girl standing in front of him. But Laura recognized this man at once, because it was nobody else than J.R.R. Tolkien himself. And the little girl in front of him was Ephira, unmistakably…

Laura now stood with wide open eyes and mouth, but she could not react, as the next picture already appeared within her mind. And this time it was clearly Peter Jackson, the famous director of the movies for “The Lord of the Rings” on Earth back then, those movies also Laura loved so much since her time on Earth at this time. And once more, while Peter Jackson sat in a movie set in a Hobbit house, a well known little girl was standing next to him…

Ephira again, in a whole different time! And it continued. The next picture Laura could see was during the filming, with Peter Jackson again, crew members around, and once more Ephira standing on the set…

And there was still one more picture, this time one in the finished movie itself, in “The Fellowship of the Ring”. It was a scene in the hobbit village in the beginning, with Hobbits all around, plying their trade. And who was also in the scene? Of course, Ephira again with a little minor role…

The little series of pictures ended finally. And Laura looked at Ephira now, still with wide open eyes and mouth, as she began to speak. And now she really understood some more elements here…
You! It has always been you, in different places and times! Now I understand, and you are not only any lost child, like all the others. You may live in the body of a child for now, but with all your decisions and abilities, you can only be a goddess yourself in the end. Incredible…
Laura shook her head several times…
The know story about “The Lord of the Rings” on Earth, you gave those ideas and inspiration to Tolkien, as you seemed to live at his side for some time. It was his novel in the end, and perhaps he never even understood where the inspiration came from. Maybe while he was sleeping, so you could whisper the ideas into his mind? And the same again later, with the director Peter Jackson. I remember, he never did anything similar before, as he rather created horror movies. And then this surprising epic movies, which were so successful. And again you lived at his side, I know now. Whatever has been made and known on Earth about the fantastic world of Arda, you have been responsible for. And though, nobody there ever sensed that the basic of it all was really true, the truth I searched for in such a long time…
Ephira nodded with her head smiling…
Yes, Laura, now you understand it all, finally…
The mother of all life also nodded with her head several times, before she began to speak herself once more…
But may I, please, ask two more questions now?
Ephira nodded with a smile in her face…
Of course. If I can I will answer you…

Laura sighed deeply before she began to speak again…
I met the wonderful Galadriel in this existence several times, and she spoke to me. First I did not yet recognize her, but now I am sure. But how could this be possible? Does she not also live an alternate life in this reality? And the Lord of Hell, sadly I followed him first for a while, when neither he nor I were aware about this fact ourselves. But at this time he walked in the shape of Gandalf, and this was really strange. How could this happen? And what is with the real Gandalf?
Ephira answered at once then…
About Galadriel, there were exceptions for this alternate life, at least for some very mighty beings among the younger races. And Galadriel was one of them. She remained in a dimension between both realities, like also Gandalf. This is why the Lord of Hell could use his body, but it happened casually. It was not a conscious decision, but rather an instinct I guess. A lot of evil beings yet used the shape of their enemies to delude their victims, but in this case it had no bad consequences then. You were able to leave in time. And Gandalf himself had the order to not intervene, as this would have threatened the capital plan seriously…
Laura nodded with her head one time…
I understand. And for you, Ephira, in contrast to the other two goddesses, Amarylisse and Diayla, you worked behind the scenes, on Earth and in the parallel universe, to also prepare my way in your very own kind then. In conformity with those two, or totally on your own, I don’t know yet. Can you tell me anything about? Why did Amarylisse and Diayla work together for my way, and you stayed on your own?
The young lost girl took a deep breath before she answered, and this time only with a low voice…
Well, whatever happened between the three of us, it was all in consultation with the others, yet a long time before your journey started at all. You see, Diayla was the one in the background, she did not act personally here. Amarylisse had the task to control the evil forces, at least as long you could reach our universe. She helped you as good as possible, without getting you an advantage, of course. All she did happened in your normal universe. And my tasks were Earth and the parallel universe. This was my contribution to your mission…
Laura nodded with her head once…
Yes, and I really appreciate all your efforts so much, as I understand them now. All what ever happened was only for a chance, a chance for all forces of light to reach the final war against all evil forces, so both sides have a real chance to win. And now this will be possible then. But can you tell me a little bit more about you, I mean, the three Gods here, who are you really?
Ephira shook her head several times…
I am sorry, Laura, but a few things must stay a secret, so the true identity of us. At least here and now, but we will see how the development on Arda will look like. Back there all things may be possible, and we will certainly meet again some day. But in different form, and without your memory from before…
Ephira began to smile then…
But for now, at least know this then, Laura. Tolkien has written more than only the books about “The Lord of the Rings” or “The Hobbit”. I guess you know the further works, especially “The Silmarillion”. There he collected details and facts around the world of Arda and its history, and also information about the Gods. But as you may remember, in truth there is actually only one real God, Eru Ilúvatar, the Almighty. He was the beginning, he is everything, and he created all the first existing elements. And also us, the Ainur. We were the alpha race, almost godlike, with much more power and abilities as the younger races. And those younger races were partially created by us later, but some, as the elves for example, had still been created by Eru Ilúvatar himself. And he rarely ever appeared in a physical form, most times he is only spirits, simply a thought in the universe – and the universe itself. He does not want to be worshiped by his races, or get sacrifices, those were things on Earth later, as mankind created own Gods and religions. You know where this led them to. But as the final war on Arda developed so one-way, with no chances for the armies of light, it was Eru Ilúvatar himself to send a new thought into his creation. The thought of a new chosen one. The thought of you, Laura. And you know the rest of the story...
Laura nodded with her head…
Thank you for those words, Ephira. And I will take it like this. And I guess I know all then, all what is necessary to finish my mission finally. Is this right, or are there further tasks, and further questions from your side?
Ephira shook her head…
No, Laura, you have fulfilled your mission now, except one thing. It is now time to do the last and all deciding step. You must break the mirror. The moment it happens this whole reality will disappear forever. The next moment you will find yourself in Middle-earth again, in your true identity. And the story there, which began such a long time ago, will continue new. And do not ask now, how you should do this last step, for there is no answer here. The answer is only within you now, as all the truth before. You must fulfill your destiny on your own, like before…
Laura took a deep breath…
I understand. And I will do as you say…
The mother of all life closed her eyes, letting all her energies flow now. And soon she was prepared to do what was necessary now. Not as Laura, the normal human being as until now. But as the real chosen one. And yet the next moment a sword materialized in her hand...
The change still continued. A few moments later angel wings appeared on the back of Laura, and Ephira began to smile satisfied…

This is the final hour for you, Laura, and for us all. Now do what you have been chosen to do, go and fulfill your destiny…
I will, Ephira…
Laura spread her wings and raised herself into the air. She flew away fast. And suddenly she simply vanished into thin air…
Ephira stayed at her chosen place, on the residence of Maleficent in the moors, obviously waiting for anything to happen now. And suddenly she changed, as she morphed into an angel. She had mighty wings on her back now, wearing the same dress as before. But her eyes were empty now, without pupils, shining in yellow color. And her head was adorned with a chaplet of flowers, while a bright light shined behind her head. And she did not stay alone…
Two new visitors arrived. But they did not appear in a real physical form, instead as transparent beings of energy. Ephira smiled slightly and welcomed the newcomers at once then…
Hello, Amarylisse, and hello, Diayla. Finally we meet again, as our work is done now. Laura has just left, for her finally last step, which will bring fulfillment for all of us. And we can eventually leave the illusion forever, to return home. Only a short time to still wait, and it all will be over then. Over for a whole new beginning, so our great plan can finally progress to the next chapter…
Diayla was the first to answer Ephira, and her deep voice resounded through the whole area then…

Di we really do enough? Will she really be strong enough to do this last and decretory step? She carries all our hopes now, and we can not do anything further. But she is our last and only chance…
Amarylisse nodded with her head…
As she always was! And yes, I still believe in her, as I also always did. Laura has succeeded in all points so far, and she has all inside her heart to do whatever is necessary now. She will break the mirror, finally and forever, and this illusion, the wrong side of the mirror, will no longer exist. All life will return home to where it really belongs, good and evil. The story will start all over again, but this time with new hope. Real hope for the forces of light…
Ephira nodded with her head one time…
Soon, very soon. Time’s up now, and all our efforts were not futile. We did right, in every meaning. And now Laura will proof it. It may happen every moment then, only keep believing into her…
Diayla also nodded with her head slightly…
We do! We always do…
The three godlike beings did not speak any longer then, but only stood totally motionless and kept waiting. Waiting for the final moment in this reality, and for the final end of time in this reality…
Earth. The blue planet. The home world of mankind, where Laura also had spent much time on. She remembered it, as she had even lived two complete lives on this world. The first life was too long ago, and there was noting else left today than pieces. The second life was self chosen, at this time when she followed the way of the old man back then, her former mentor, who in fact was nobody else than the Lord of Hell, but also without knowing it. As Laura herself in this reality of illusions. But this time ended now, all trials and tribulations were over now…

Laura was about to return to Earth, for a last time finally. And this time in a complete different mission. She had known she never would have been able to complete this so important mission as the human being she was in the parallel universe. But this human being also only had been an illusion, as all other identities too in this existence. Her whole so far lives, those she could remember at least, had been an illusion, except the form she had chosen now. Because Laura was the real and only chosen one, announced such a long time ago, and after this long way through her different lives Laura finally had accepted the truth…
And though, at least a rest of her former human life was still somewhere inside of her. And it was a strange feeling to return to Earth this way, especially with the knowledge of what she was about to do now…
Laura pushed those human feelings aside finally. With her magic energies she could defeat all human remains, as they only stood in her way, Laura knew the final truth now, she knew all about it. Earth was the center of all elements, the center of both universes in this reality. And Earth was the actual mirror, the wrong side of the mirror, the element separating all real life from returning home into the true reality. Because Earth was nothing else than Arda, the world of the stories about Middle-earth, which were all true now in the end. And Laura was the only one now who could change all things, making Earth disappear and creating Arda new…
The time was right now. Finally. Arda would raise new in the only real universe, and the story of the world could start all over again. All life would return there, including Laura herself then…
At this time Laura had no physical body. She was only spirit, and a thought, a mighty thought, speeding through the universe now, and heading towards Earth, the one and only final destination now…
Earth, the blue planet, seemed to lay peacefully in its solar system, with mankind living their normal lives as usual. Until today nobody on this world knew at all what was going on in the universe, no human being sensed anything of the true happenings on other worlds, as they still believed to be alone in the universe. The only living race then, also with no memory at the true past. Arda only was a fantasy story there, and on the contrary to all other races mankind never evolved into a positive direction. Fighting against each other and slowly destroying their own world was still the main destination of mankind, and nobody knew that the apocalypse was still much closer than anybody ever would have suspected. The time for the blue planet was over finally, the sands were running out now. And the angel of apocalypse was on her way…
It happened suddenly, and quickly. Not far away from Earth suddenly a yellow light appeared, just out of nowhere. It began to grow very fast, and mankind saw it, of course. But nobody knew what was going on in space. And they should not even have the time to explore the phenomena…

The humans on Earth still discovered movement in the bright light, and the shape really seemed to be an angel. A really giant angel, materializing in this sun-like energy sphere. But the foreign shape could not be identified, before it had materialized totally it simply shot out of the light. And whatever it had been, it disappeared towards the moon and behind it, while the yellow light disappeared again…

Laura was prepared. She grew to full size finally, floating as an incredible huge angel behind the moon of Earth. And in this final size she was even taller than Earth itself, the final truth mankind discovered at last. It was the last thing mankind ever discovered, and the truth, spreading from Laura through time and space now, was reaching all humans at last. They understood the writing on the wall now, and that their own apocalypse finally had arrived…

Laura had no real eyes any more, they were only whit energy. And energy was also forming in her left hand now, straight out of the core of her heart. And this white energy began to grow quickly…
Laura began to speak now. With a whole new and different voice, a deep double voice, which let Earth and moon shudder…
Finally, the end of time has come, and the apocalypse will clean the true universe from all illusions, from all wrong life. The mirror will break now, so the one and only real world in the universe can bloom new. Good and evil must return to their true identity, and all forces will rise again. The final conflict can not be fought in this wrong reality, it will happen on Arda. All races will return to this true world, and also those who created all things. So speaks Laura, the chosen one, and the angel of apocalypse, who will now be the end of all things. And the beginning…
Laura was prepared to unleash the final apocalypse now. And she knew, breaking Earth as the responsible mirror of the whole base of all illusions, of all elements on the wrong side of the mirror, would end up this entire timeline forever. And it was time for Arda, the one and only true world of all genuine life, to be rise again. And it would rise, out of the ashes of this illusion…
Now break, Earth, root of all what is wrong, and burn then. The flames will wipe off the whole illusion, and out of the ashes Arda will be reborn. I am the destroyer of all delusion, and the creator of the truth…
The mighty energy in the hand of Laura now reacted. The angel of apocalypse sent it out in an incredible beam, hitting the moon first. The incredible force simply went through all matter, through the whole moon, and searching its further way towards the Earth. And then the blue planet was hit…
The mighty energy also shot through Earth as if it was paper. The world broke into two halves, and soon into more parts, and all color went missing. Fire shot out of the moon and Earth, and both worlds finally bursted…

And it will be done finally…
Laura still watched the scene of the final apocalypse, when Earth and moon were engulfed in flames. Then it all changed, as the flames turned into light, bright white light, spreading very fast. This shining energy soon covered all, it really began to engulf all matter. And also Laura, the angel of apocalypse, as she finally disappeared in the bright light…

It was over. All over. There was nothing left except light, and both universes had disappeared in this energy now. And after some time things changed once more, as the light finally began to retreat. And slowly, really slowly, something happened within the light, something new formed in it…

Flames and light were gone again, and space was back as if nothing had ever happened. Countless stars were shimmering in the universe, in the one and only universe, being reborn now of the ashes from the mirror. Earth did no longer exist, as little as everything else from both universes before. And really, in the same place, where Earth and its moon had still being placed just before, something new had appeared now. A new world, and a new moon…

The three godlike beings appeared again one last time. Amarylisse and Diayla as transparent emergences like before, and Ephira, the childlike being in a physical form again. Really as giants the three beings floated around the new world, which actually was a really old world, much older than everything what had been created in the illusionary universes before…

As announced such a long time before Arda, the one and only true world of all life, had been created new now. And it also had been gone back in time, so the story of this world could now start all over again at a certain point…
It was Diayla who began to speak to the others now, with a low voice seeming to be a whispering in the wind. But Amarylisse and Ephira could understand every single word, of course…
And so, there we are now. As we hoped it since such a long time, and as we prepared it as much as possible. It did not happen often that the Alphas intervened since the days of the conflict between the Ainur. But those stories are a closed past, the days of the divine beings are over. We fulfilled our work and destiny, and now the younger races must find their own way…
Amarylisse nodded with her head…
Yes, the balance complete this time, and no side has any unfair advantage then. This is what we wanted, this is what will be now...
Ephira also spoke to the others, confirming what the others said. And she looked really happy, while Amarylisse and Diayla not showed their faces, as usual. And Ephira also spoke with low voice…
So we succeeded. The races will not remember what has happened in the alternate timeline, in the universes of illusions. They will start again between the two grand wars of the Rings, the same way as before as if nothing would have happened. And they will not be aware of the difference, aware of the new chosen one. But this makes the deciding difference, the new chosen one will be the assurance of a real balance then. And we must accept the final result, no matter if light or darkness gets the final victory at last…
Diayla nodded with her head…
So it was spoken once, and so it is spoken now. Eru Ilúvatar is satisfied, and the prophecies now can be fulfilled in the last days of war. At least there is a real chance now, and we will know some day. For us it is time to retreat now, to where we came from, to return to the Timeless Halls…
Amarylisse sighed deeply one time and shook her head. As she spoke again it was also only like a whispering in the wind…
Well, almost. As we all know there is still something left. Something for me that refuses the final rest. But it was my decision once, and it was the right one. So, this is also a farewell for us. You two may return to our beloved Timeless Halls, I will not. This story is not over for me…
Ephira smiled at Amarylisse slightly…
We all have chosen our own destiny, and without you this whole conflict would have been decided long since. Decided against all light with no chances for them. We could not let this happen, not this way. No matter of the neutrality of Eru Ilúvatar, but we all know actual thought of him. And so, this was the best decision one of us could ever make, and we supported you all the way…
Amarylisse nodded with her head…
I know. And I appreciate this very much. But let’s wait and see if all the efforts have not been for nothing in the end. At least we can hope now…
Ephira looked at Amarylisse with a smile in her face, and she nodded with her head while answering…
Yes, we can hope again, and finally at all, because one of us had the courage to do what actually would have called a deadly sin in the race of the Ainur. Yet a short time before this decision long ago you would have been banished, because of the offense against the highest godly commandment in our race, but now nobody would charge you therefore at all any more. This is the change of time, when we must do what is necessary, so the creation can survive. It would never have worked if Eru Ilúvatar would have denied it, but the great plan has worked. And now we are here again, at the point where we started, with the most hopeful difference for this world. This is what we could do, but you, my dear Amarylisse, have paid the highest prize. And as you say, your part in this story is not over yet, on the contrary. It begins new now, and we all still must hope it will work in the end…
Dialya nodded with her head now…
Well spoken, Ephira, though of the long time of efforts so far hope is still at the beginning now, as we must wait and see if the new chosen one can do what Frodo, the first chosen one, could not fulfill on his own. But we helped with the preparations, so the new prophecy, now living on Arda like the first one before, to give the races of light new hope on their way. And Amarylisse will further accompany them in her very own way, while we leave now…
Amarylisse sighed deeply one time…
You can believe me, there were times when I really was not totally sure to follow the right way. I feared rather destroy all we ever created instead of helping to save it. But she, who was chosen then, grew up again in this alternate reality, and even much stronger and better we could ever hope for. Yet in our first real encounter I was deeply moved to tears, and the time together was balm for my soul. I learned to love this girl so easily, and so fast, and from the beginning then I knew I had been right. It was worth all the efforts, and even the risk to be banished at first. I would do it the same again if ever necessary, this is for sure…
Ephira nodded with her head…
I understand you so well. My task was different, but as I created the parallel universe I also had no idea where this really would lead me. But then, with all those wonderful children, who are also the hope for the future of Arda, I learned to love them all so much. It was even hard to leave this paradise behind in the end, though it only was an illusion. But I knew we had done so right, with every step we made. And it would never have been possible at all without your first step, Amarylisse, and we owe so much to you. Eru Ilúvatar knows this, yes, he knows…
I guess he does. I had this fear in the beginning he would stop me, but he didn’t. And this was proof enough to continue, until now, where we really stand here, at the first grand destination of our hopes…
The godlike being sighed deeply one time, before she continued with her speech. And now almost with solemn voice…
And so I send it to Arda now, into the hearts of all creatures of light, once created for new hope, now living into those who follow the light. I send this prophecy, as Eru Ilúvatar allowed it to be born…
After another short break Amarylisse continued speaking, looking at Arda with high raised arms then…
Laura is gone forever, with all illusional reality. But Galadhwen returns and lives. And those are the words for her and all who still hope…
“Darkness, rising soon again from the Past,
Out of the long forgotten Shadows,
To still find all Enemies and destroy them.
The One Ring, more evil than ever before,
It is not lost forever,
And still tries to master all other Rings.
But Light is not helpless,
As there was always Hope and is again,
New Hope, mightier than ever before.
One Birth changes it all forever,
One Name out of the Elven Race now.
Hidden but alive, clear but unaware,
Far away but not unreachable at all.
Prepared to accept the destiny,
She can do what Arda needs,
And accepting her destiny
Hope lives…”
The conversation between the three mighty beings finally ended. All words were spoken finally, and it was time to leave here…
The three divine beings were whole satisfied for now. They looked at Arda and knew they could retreat now finally. The time of godlike activity and intervention was over now, and the races, now united on one world again, had to write their future story on their own. Only with one difference, as a new chosen one would rise in this world. And the actual story of “The Lord of the Rings”, almost ending in a complete disaster once, could now be written new. Witch both sides having a real chance to finally decide this entire conflict once and forever. Only Amarylisse knew she would see her again, the new chosen one. Someday, sometime…
Middle-earth, the continent where it all started once, and would start again, was back. And the story would continue. Soon. Very soon…
The end of chapter 11…
...but to be continued in book 4...