Chapter 1 - The Adventure begins

Laura - The Story of a Fairy, Chapter 1 - The Adventure begins
A new beginning finally. And also a new ending this time, so much was for sure for Laura. The story had been told many times before yet, really so many times. Laura could not say any more today how often, really not. The powerful old man, known so well in the world of the fairies, had told it some far away day for the very first time, and then over and over again for generations. Until he was gone forever, after the great and long last war between all forces of light and darkness.
Laura herself continued this tradition then, as the mother and queen of all fairies, so her children should never forget. Never forget the most important story of all times, in the world of the fairies and beyond.
And now, as another new generation of fairies grew up, it was time to tell it again, the story of the battle between fairies and demons. But it was a really special day for Laura, as she knew yet what no other fairy knew, it would be the last time ever she would tell this story. Joy and sadness filled the heart of the mighty queen, but she could not change the things which had to happen from this point.
Laura was ready to follow her destiny, and to fulfil it. It really had been such a long way for her to reach this point of her life, but now things had to change, totally change forever.
The young fairies began to assemble yet in the story room, really happy and curious for what to expect with meeting the queen. And Laura finally entered the room at last, with a smiling on her face as she saw all those young and expectant eyes around. So the queen took her seat at the end of the room and then began to speak with her tenderly voice...

Once upon a time there was a still very young fairy, named Laura. She had just become 200 years old, so almost nothing in a life of a fairy. And she lived among countless other fairies within a mighty tree, called "the tree of life". This was the habitat of the fairies, far away from mankind, hidden in another dimension so no foreigner would ever find...
Laura knew that she was too young to get an important task yet, too young to fulfil her destiny. This time would first come much later, not until she would have reached the age of 300 at least. And so there was much time left to live peacefully within all other fairies in the mighty tree of life, until the day of her vocation would come...
But Laura was not satisfied. Somehow she already felt prepared for her destiny, somehow she heard a call inside her, but without understanding who was calling her and from where. It was only a mute voice inside of her heart, but this feeling really was so strong...
Laura knew she had to follow this voice. But first she had to find out where it came from, where she had to go. Flying around in the area did not help, she could not find anything. There had to be another way - and finally she succeeded...
One evening some older fairies spoke to each other, telling about an ancient legend within the fairy realm. It seemed only a fairytale, about a mighty and heavenly being within the nearby woods. The legend told about a huge golden stag, supposedly translucent like a ghostly being. And this stag would be a very powerful creature, only to be seen by somebody with a totally innocent and pure heart. But for this legend no living being ever had found this creature within the woods...
Laura was very excited at once. Somehow she felt this creature really would exist, somehow she knew this legend was true. And so she knew what she had to do, as she believed the voice inside of her heart could be from this mighty golden stag. She had to find him...
Only one day later Laura left the tree of life. Nobody was able to hold her back, Laura was hell-bent on finding this mysterious creature. And so her journey began, a journey into whole unknown regions of the realm, she had never visited before...

The legend of the golden stag! Laura thought much about it, and of course there were also some doubts inside her, if this mighty creature, which had never anybody seen before, really existed. But before starting her expedition, she had still made some investigations in the great library of the fairies, laying within the tree of life. Laura had searched for all possible information about this mysterious creature there...
The strange thing about all this was the fact, that there were some writings about this strange being, and they told Laura, that this stag was appearing in regularly clearances, about every hundred years. And though nobody ever saw it with own eyes, the stories were always there and continued...
Laura found out, that the last appearance of the golden stag really was about one hundred years ago. So it really would be the time now, that the story had to repeat itself now. And Laura was on her search for it, for if it really existed, she would find this creature...
Laura believed in this mysterious being. And she was whole sure to know where this strange voice within her heart came from. Laura believed in this golden stag, and that she had heard this voice of this creature. It was calling her, and also still this moment...
Laura trusted this voice. She was very sure, that if she would find this mighty creature, she would also fulfil her own destiny. Though of actually being too young, Laura would follow her way, no matter where it would lead her. But she had a hunch yet...
Laura always had been so fascinated of the world of mankind. Since a long time she had studied all possible facts she could have found, and she had read all books she could have found. And if possible in any way, there was only one
thing Laura wished so much. So somehow serve in the world of mankind, though normally fairies would not get into the world of the humans. But Laura hoped so though.
And so this longest journey ever for the young fairy began. Leaving the safe tree of life for a long time, Laura was on her way into the nearby woods. With flying and walking she began her search, and her faith and confidence to reach her destination were really huge...
The mysterious golden stag! If this mighty creature really existed, and if it was calling Laura, then she would find it now...

Laura had been on her journey since some days yet, crossing the huge, extensive woods of the fairy realm. It was unknown area for her, as she never before had been this far away from the tree of life. Normally fairies do not go this far on their own, if they are still so young, but Laura did not listen to the warnings of the elders. Not to the warnings for possible dangers in those partially total unknown woods...
In this moment, yet so far away from the tree of life, Laura was not sure to ever return home again at all, she would not even know the way she came from so far. But somehow it simply didn't matter, somehow nothing mattered at all at the moment. There was only one thing to be important, to control all thinking and feeling of Laura...
The legend of the golden stag! Somehow Laura really felt the presence of this mighty creature, though she knew she still was so far away from this being. And she even wasn't really sure to get any closer, but perhaps being on the wrong way. Nobody could tell her...
As it got evening and darkness expanded, Laura searched for a glade. She found one, close to a small ditch flowing through the woods at this place. Here she made a rest for this night. Lying down into the soft grass Laura finally fell asleep. And she dreamt, she dreamt about a golden stag, and as she finally found it in the woods...
Early in the next morning Laura woke up again. After eating some fruits of the wood and drinking the clear blue water of the ditch, Laura felt strong enough to continue her search. But before leaving again, there was still something to do for her, something very important. Because Laura knew, without any help she would perhaps never reach her destination. And so she did, what she only could do in this situation...
Laura got down on her knees, folding her hands and raising her sight upwards, towards the clear and blue sky...

Heavenly father, please, listen to your little daughter down here on the ground. I am praying to you, the creator and protector of all fairies and our world. I did never request anything from you, but always was a true and obedient servant to you. But now I heard this voice inside of me, straight within my heart, the voice calling for me. It was so strong, and I simply had to follow it. What ever my destiny shall be, I am prepared. So, please, help your searching child now, lead me on the right way, so I may have the chance to find your wonderful being. I believe in it, and I believe in you. Thank you and amen!
Laura remained on the ground and on her knees, not with closed eyes, and with a heart full of faith and hope. And as she opened her eyes again, she began to smile at once...
There were some wonderful small lights, dancing around Laura in the air. And this was an answer, the answer of the creator. The lights finally pointed into a special direction, and Laura knew her further way...
Thank you so much...
Laura got on her feet again. And with so much joy and hope, filling her heart, she was on her journey again...
It was still a long journey for Laura, for a young fairy like her, but at least she knew she was on the right way now. A mysterious creature like this golden stag would never to be found easily, of course, as no living being had ever succeeded in this search at all. Not that there had been much fairies to try this, but at least a few. They all had come back some day without any success, or they had never returned at all...
Laura knew that she could share this destiny. She could get lost in those extensive woods, never finding any way out again, and never to be found herself by anybody. But she did not succumb to those doubts, but keeping her hopes and faith unyielding. And may this journey would still last for weeks or moths, she would never quit her search...
Laura continued her way by day, and she rested and slept by night. And anytime she stopped counting hours and days. It was not important, time really did not matter at all. Only the destination, the final destination, to find this mysterious golden stag, this was all what mattered for her. Sometimes she also had to face heavy rain, thunderstorm or storm, sometimes she had to hide herself and run away from dangers, but it all did not matter. Laura did what ever she had to do - and continued her search...
And finally, one day, she stopped. She suddenly stood still, only watching what she saw in front of her, still in some distance. And then she really was all smiles, and with her heart leaping for joy...
Laura really stood in front of a huge, natural portal. And she saw a guardian standing above it, protecting this entrance. Nobody without a really open and pure heart could ever enter here, as this was the entrance to the real home and realm of the golden stag...
There was no fear at all inside of Laura. Once more she could hear this wonderful voice inside of her heart, calling for her, and the young fairy did not hesitate. She began to walk again, towards the natural portal and the guardian, with slow but firm steps...

And finally Laura walked through the portal. Nothing happened at all, the guardian did not react. Laura was safe, and her pure heart, full of faith and love, had opened this realm for her now...
Laura could continue her important journey. And she knew, she was really close to the mighty creature now, living in those magical woods. She could feel this presence yet so close, and still getting closer...
Laura was really excited. Her heart was beating faster, with her little body even shaking a little bit. The aura of this golden stag was so overwhelming, yet from this distance. And Laura got closer and closer...
It was incredible! Simply incredible! After further days of wandering, searching, hoping and believing Laura now stood in front of her final destination. And though she had always followed her inner voice and faith, though she always defeated her doubts, it now was almost too much to see, that her great dream really came true...
For a while Laura simply stood still. She could not move, she could do nothing, except staring at the unbelievable scene she saw with her own eyes now. And she felt her heart beating so fast, as well as her breath. And the body of the young fairy began to tremble. For some moments Laura really thought she would not be able to stand this situation...
The golden stag! It was here! A huge creature, almost translucent, but with golden light floating through its whole body. This manifestation seemed so unreal, almost surreal. But it was true, it was really there, standing not far away from Laura, between some enormous ancient trees. And the creature almost appeared like a statue, as it did not move at all. From this distance Laura could not have said if this being really was alive...

After some more minutes Laura began to move again. Carefully and very slowly she walked again, towards this heavenly creature. And her heart was still beating so fast...
Laura did not feel any fear inside herself. It was a strange atmosphere all around this place, but nothing to fear at all. Laura only felt small, still much smaller than her little body, from a view to a mighty and godlike being like this one, as she never had any similar encounter before in her life. But she also felt this creature was waiting for her...
Yes, Laura was totally sure, this was the creature who had called her within her heart. There was silence now, no more voice, no more words, only this wonderful being in front of her. It was such a touching moment, the most important moment in Laura's life. And the young fairy really enjoyed every single instant of it...
Laura was so curious now. Curious about what would waiting here for her now. Curious for what would happen then. Curious about why this mighty creature had called her of all people. She only knew for sure, that her life would never be the same again after this encounter.
Laura finally stood in front of the mysterious golden stag. And intuitively she got down onto her knees, dropping her gaze. The young fairy felt so small and shy in front of this heavenly creature, and she also could not speak. Her heart still was beating so fast all the time...
Suddenly the silence was broken, as the golden stag began to speak. It was the same voice Laura had heard within her heart before, but now she could really hear it with her own ears for the first time. It was a mighty voice, but also full of warmth and love...
Golden Stag:
I am greeting you, little fairy, and I am very pleased you could finally find me in my realm. It did not happen very often in those long periods of time, that a fairy found me here, and for long ages you are the first one at all. But somehow I was very sure, that my call would not blow out this time, somehow I was certain you would find me in the end. And now you are here, standing in front of me, with so much love and faith, and looking so beautiful...
Laura had closed her eyes, and her small body was trembling. Her answer was only a shy whispering...
Thank you very much...
The golden stag did not move, it only stood there nobly and majestically. Then it began to speak again...
Golden Stag:
Little Laura, don't be shy, and don't have any fear. It is a great day of joy for you that you found me now, and you may raise your view. You came to me with faith and wishes, and I am here to help you now. Look into my face, look into my eyes now...
Laura obeyed at once and looked into the sparkling eyes of the golden stag. And she began to smile, as she felt the love and warmth of this creature, seeming to embrace the whole world. Laura was filled with this love totally, and she simply did, what she felt inside her heart. She knew, this was what she should do now, what this creature wanted from her...
Laura remained on her kneels, stretching her arms to the sides, with open palms. Laura closed her eyes again, and began to sing. She sang with such a beautiful, incredible voice, and the chant fulfilled the whole wood. Even the trees seemed to dance to the music...

Only a little bit later, while Laura kept singing so beautifully, a unicorn appeared nearby, and birds were dancing in the air. It was such a wonderful scene, with the singing of an angel...
Laura and the golden stag were on their own again finally. All animals and the unicorn had left. Laura stayed on her kneels, but with raised head and sight. She did not speak anything, and finally it was the golden stag again, addressing Laura with its mighty voice...
Golden Stag:
So, brave young Laura, it is time to speak about you and your reasons, why you searched for me and found me now. Of course I knew about you a longer time yet, and yes, it was my voice you could hear inside your heart. It was my call, as I yet called others before you, but most fairies could not find me at all. There are some requirements to do so, and a really open and pure heart is one. As well as a wish, a very certain wish and passion, that a fairy wants more from life than what fairies normally do and live for. I could feel all this in your heart, even if you really were too young to be chosen. But it did not matter here, as your wish was so overwhelming, that I could not ignore it. So I had to give you that chance, and now you are really here...
Laura slightly bowed her head...
I felt it, I know you are much more than what my eyes can see in front of me. And I am so happy to be here now...
Golden Stag:
But we have to speak about important things now, little Laura! I know your passion, I know what you wish, and of course I could do what you want. But this is not an easy way, on the contrary. You must understand what this decision means, and what you loose with following this way. You have studied the world of humans such a long time yet, and you are fascinated of them. You think you could help them, to make a difference in this world. And yes, I also believe so, but as you know, fairies are not allowed to enter the world of humans in their normal existence. There is only one way to do what you want to do, and the price for it is so high...
Please, tall me about...
Golden Stag:
If I fulfil your wish, then you will totally loose your life as a fairy, with all your magical gifts. You will be transferred into the world of the humans, and straight into a new birth there. You will be reborn as a normal human being, growing up and living the life of a normal human being. You will not remember anything about your former life, and you will never see the world of fairies again. You will loose your fairy family. As a human you must learn to exist in this world, and this will not be an easy way. You will be born with a great gift there - the really only thing what also will be transferred with you into the new world. It will be your voice. What you will do with it then, this is you decision. I will not be there to help you, and you must understand, in the world of humans you will totally be on your own...
I understand. And it is no surprise, as with all my studies yet, I really thought it could be about this. And it really doesn't matter, my decision is final. Whatever the price may be, I will pay it. I always knew that there had to be more about life than what I can reach in my world. It is not enough. I want to do something better, something really useful, something that changes anything. And I believe I can do so in the world of humans. Even if I have to start all over there again. I will do so then and learn to use my gift some day. If you allow me to do so, then the decision is made...
Golden Stag:
So be it then, brave strong fairy, beautiful little girl, beloved child! I have never before found any fairy with such a mighty voice and so much faith and love, to give all her safe and magical life in one world away, to life a whole unknown and unsafe life in another world. I believe in you, that you can be successful, and so this way for you begins now. You have to return to the entrance to my realm, to where you came from. Leave through the portal there, and you will find yourself ion a totally new environment. Arriving there you will know what you have to do then. And you won't have to search your way this time, for my light will guide you to your destination...
Having spoken the golden stag suddenly created a magical light above its head, sparkling very bright, in the form of a small sphere. A few moments later this sphere divided into two spheres, and the second one floated towards Laura, then remaining above her head...
Golden Stag:
Now follow this light, Laura, and reach the place of your destiny. You will find the mighty portal into the other world, and if your wish is strong enough and true, as well as your heart totally free of doubts, but totally pure, then you will be able to enter...
The second sphere now began to move. It slowly floated into the direction Laura had came from. The little fairy looked at the golden stag one last time, with so much happiness and gratitude, then she finally turned around and followed the magical sphere...

Laura knew her great dream would come true now. And though there was also a little sadness inside her, for leaving this wonderful world and family forever. She knew she would never return and even forget about all her so far life in the other world. But there were no doubts at all, for it was her destiny. And in the end there was only happiness...
It was simply totally overwhelming! This was all Laura still could think and feel about now. She was wandering back through the densely undergrowth, thinking about what had happened so far. She could not believe to really have met this wonderful heavenly creature, and in her heart and soul, she even knew now whom she had spoken to. It was unbelievable, also as the decision she had been allowed to made, and now - finally - she really was on her way to fulfil her own destiny...
Laura walked and walked, no matter if by daylight or by night. She did not need any rest, she had no need for food or water - it really seemed that nothing would matter anymore at all. Except one thing, of course - to reach this final destination of her life as a fairy...
Laura knew her life would end very soon. She would loose all her magical abilities, all what she ever reached and experienced, all what her so far life had been about. And she would loose her own corporal family forever - to win a new one on the other side. This had been a sad Farwell of course, as she had left the tree of life, but also a necessary one. Her family supported her in every way, as they always had done...
And now, a new world was waiting for Laura - the world of the humans, the world of growing, living and dying. Laura knew that she had also chosen this way, as she would be reborn in a human body, growing up then, living this life and dying in the end. And she had no idea how this new life really would proceed in the end, if she would get a chance to effect something in this world, as it was a world of light and darkness, of joy and pain, of love and hate, of living and dying...
Laura believed she could be successful. She believed in herself, and in the creator, as he would always guide her. And her faith gave her strength and courage so much...
Finally, a few days later, Laura reached her destination. She stood in front of the natural portal with the guardian above again, but looking through it, she could not see what the golden stag had told her about. But this was a matter of faith again, and Laura believed. And with this faith she entered the portal to reach the opposite side...
Light! So much light all around, the former world had disappeared. Laura could only see light, fog and clouds, wafting all around. There was no matter except a huge stairs, leading upwards. But this stairs had no end, as it simply disappeared within the light then...
Laura stood at the beginning of the stairs, looking back in the direction of the realm she had come from. One last time she went down on her kneels, folding her hands again and praying. All her gratitude, all her joy and all her determination, she gave it all to the creator. And finally she was ready, ready to make this last and crucially step into a new life...

It was still all only so much overwhelming for Laura, that she waited for some further moments before going upstairs. Because she knew of course, those were the last moments of her life in this world, of her life as a fairy. Of course there were a lot of memories now, especially about her fairy family in this world, living further in the tree of life. But Laura knew, that they all were behind Laura now, and only wished her all the best...
Laura took a deep breath, before turning around and fading the stairs again. It was time to go upstairs, towards this wonderful portal of light and fog, the door into the world of the humans. There were no fear or doubts at all, and though the little fairy was so excited. Her heart was beating faster again, as she finally walked up the first stairs. And she really only walked very slowly, while her sight remained at the portal above...
As Laura had reached the middle of the mighty stairs, she stopped and turned around for a last time again. Looking back to the world of the fairies, suddenly a hole opened within the sparkling light. And through this hole Laura could look back into the world of fairies...

Laura took a deep breath once more, raising her arms to both sides and also raising her head. She began to gleam with pleasure, and it seemed she would want to embrace this whole world of the fairies. It was Laura's last farewell to the world of her birth...
Finally Laura turned around again, facing the portal of light and smiling so happily. Then she moved again, walking up the last steps of the mighty stairs resolvedly...
Laura did not stop any more. She reached the sparkling light and moved into it, but only very slow and carefully. And finally, she walked through the portal, as the light absorbed her...

The old man was on his way again. It was about time now, and for his opinion it was always much too long until visiting those wonderful fairies again, living in their mighty tree of life. Of course the old man would rather spend much more time with them, but this simply was not possible. Too much work to do, too much obligations, and no chance to change anything about this. A hundred-year cycle, this was all what could made possible, and finally this long time was over now. Again at last...

The old man walked slowly through the pretty landscape of the fairies world, through green forests, over lush grass, beyond fields and rocks, straight towards the huge tree of life. It was always such a pleasure to visit the fairies, spending time with them and telling his stories, while the children listened with big eyes and open mouths. They always were so curious for new or older stories, especially for one...
The story of the golden stag, the story of the mysterious creature, possibly living in the magically woods of the fairies world, though no living being ever returned who had really seen this creature. But of course all of this changed now, as there was one person. But Laura also would not return, as she had made her very own decision how to spend her further life...
The golden stag would stay a legend and mystery. The old man was very satisfied with this development, of course, as all things came to be exactly the way they should. Laura was on her good way, just as her destiny called for. She would make her way to the predetermined destination, the old man really was whole sure about this. But besides there was still work to do, as he could feel it a longer time yet. There was another young fairy with a big heart, searching for her destiny, and if she would be prepared, the old man would be ready too to help her...
Of course it was much joy to spend time with the fairies and tell tem stories, and the old man enjoyed all the time he could offer to simply relax a little bit. But the main aspect always stayed the duty, to prepare the chosen ones for their not yet written, but though determined future. And perhaps soon the next chosen one would be on her important way. But of course not too soon, not before she would totally be prepared. And not before all other preparations would have been finished...
The old man stopped for a short time, as he reached a huge level country, where he saw the mighty tree of life, framed by steep rocks at the horizon. And to the left, across a fast flowing river, he could see the begin of the magical forest, the home of the golden stag...
The old man smiled and took a deep breath. His heart was beating a little bit faster, as he began to move again. And now he walked faster, straight towards the wonderful tree of life. No fairies around the area at the moment, but nothing unusual, as it was noonday, when they all were inside the tree and taking lunch together. And yes, this would really be a good idea, the old man could also need some food now...
Amber arrived late at the tree of life. She flew lonely outside the mighty tree, thinking about the old man. The mysterious visitor, arriving about all hundred years, as the elders told her. And at the moment he was telling his stories again, as usual, while all the youngest fairies around were listening. Only Amber was missing so far...

Amber turned around and flew towards the tree of life now. Now she was up to meet the old man, but not for his normal stories. There was something else, something much more important. And this was the chance for Amber, so she would not miss it...
The story was over. It had been the story of Laura this time, the story of a special brave fairy, and the old man smiled, as he kept silence now, looking into all those faces of the assembled young fairies. They were obviously pleased and happy as usual, and now they began to talk across each other excited. And so they began to leave the room finally...
The old man was on his own again. Satisfied he sat down on a chair and closed his eyes to think about a little bit. He had told two stories to the new generation of young fairies, the one of the golden stag, and the one of Laura. And he was very happy to be here once more, as the time periods simply were too long that he could not visit the tree of life. It was hard to leave those wonderful children alone, but there were rules, and even the old man had to follow them. But he felt a little sadness about...
Actually the old man would not have been able to visit the home of the fairies at all, as all there homes simply were much to small for him. But they had build extra rooms, only for him and in his size, and there he lived every time he visited the tree of life, as long as he wanted to stay. The old man always was welcome in the tree of life so much...
Suddenly the old man opened his eyes again. Something was different, as he felt a strange presence within his room. Normally the young fairies left at once after he finished his stories, as they never dared to stay in his rooms any longer, but this time it was different. There was the strong presence of one fairy, and the old man began to smile...
Old Man:
Welcome, little Amber! No need to hide from me between some furniture, so, come out, show yourself, don't be afraid and rather tell me what the reason is to stay in my rooms...
After the kind words of the old man a young fairy really showed up, but still a little bit shy and fearful, as somehow every fairy also feared this mighty and strange old man. And he really knew this fairy, so the old man began to smile happily now...
Old Man:
Brave little Amber, look at me and really don't be afraid, you know I never would mean any harm to any fairy in this world. But I am interested in the reason for your visit, why you did not leave with the other children. I believe it must be important...
Amber could calm down her feelings and forget about her fear. She looked into the eyes of the old man and began to speak herself. Only with soft voice, but the old man understood every single word...

You have told us wonderful stories, as usual, and for all other fairies, those have all only been fairytales. But not for me. We both know, there is more behind those stories, and especially about Laura. I was still so young as she left us, but most other fairies yet have forgotten about her. But not me, not her sister! And you did not tell the end of the story, the part really interesting most. What happened further then? Did Laura reach the world of humans? Did she live her new life there? And what was her destiny finally? I know you have the answers, and I know fairies normally do not ask questions. But I do, I want to have those answers. I really still think about my lost sister, and I am sad because of this fact. The least I would want to know is if she is fine, if she has a good life in this other world...
The old man bowed his head insightfully...
Old Man:
A lot of questions, but not surprising, little Amber. And yes, I know and feel the love you have for your sister, and you deserve those answers. So I will give them to you...
The old man stood up from his chair again, and Amber remained in front of him, turned away with her back to him...
I am ready to hear the truth from you, so tell me. And tell me all, no matter if good or bad news then...
The old man began to smile once more, and he really recognized so much of Laura in her sister. Finally he began to speak again...
Old Man:
Listen, little Amber, I can tell you that your sister is really fine. She is alive, and she lives a good and important live in the world of humans. Meanwhile, counted in years of humans, she has reached the age of fourteen. And she lives in a wonderful family, full of faith and love, with new siblings, and with her wonderful gift she had yet discovered in the world of fairies. Yet as a small child in her new world she also became aware of this gift and began to sing in public. And she continues until today...
The old man kept silence shortly, smiling at Amber, who still turned her back on him. Then he continued...
Old Man:
Laura is very successful in the world of humans, and yet known all around this world. There are such a lot of people to love her voice, and a lot of people she could really help with her voice and charisma. This is what she always wanted, to mean something and reach something. She does not remember anything of her previous life, as this is the rule. But her life is fulfilled and so happy now, and with still a long way to go...
Amber nodded barely with her head, consciously not showing her face to the old man. She tried to hide her true feelings...
She has talked about this dream so often, and it really was all she ever wanted. I am very happy that her dream came true, I am happy for my beloved sister. Though I lost her forever...
The old man came closer and laid his hand onto the shoulder of the little fairy. Of course he knew and felt what was going on in Amber, and he could understand her so well...
Old Man:
There is no reason to hide your true feelings, little Amber. Such a great passion sadly also had a prize to be paid, and there was no choice for Laura. Of course she also felt sad after the farewell, but she had to put away those feelings to pass the portal between the worlds. And then she was reborn, not knowing anything any more about her former life. But you do, and you have every right to be sad about this loss...
Amber finally turned around again, looking upwards and straight into the serious eyes of the old man. And then she could not blink back her tears any more. Some of them began to flow down her cheeks now...
You are right, I am very sad, and I can not put this aside, though of knowing that Laura fulfilled all her dreams...
Old Man:
I can not help you with your sadness, but at least I have a little gift for you. And only for you. Close your eyes, open your heart, and take the pictures I will send to your mind now. You will see your sister in her new life, and I hope this may be a little consolation for you at least...
Amber did as the old man said and closed her eyes...
Thank you, old man, please, show me. There is no greater gift you could ever make than this...
After the last words of Amber there was a total silence in the room then. And suddenly the pictures began to flow. With her inner eyes Amber could see Laura now, pictures from her as a small child until today. And the more Amber saw, the happier she smiled...

The old man began to speak once more, after the flow of pictures ended. And his voice was so full of warmth and love...
Old Man:
You see, your sister is very satisfied and happy, as she does not miss anything. She lives her new life and is being taken up in it totally now. She does fulfil her true destiny. And let me show you something else at last, a success for Laura, not so long ago yet. She had competed in talent shows, being shown on TV and screens around the world. And she was very successful. See some pictures of her final performance in one competition...
Amber still kept her eyes closed, and the old man sent further pictures to her mind. Three new incredible pictures, but first here was only silence then. It needed some time until Amber could speak again, but even then, as no more pictures were following, she did not open her eyes...

By the heavenly creator, this is only amazing! She almost looked like an angel, and I could even hear her voice in this vision. If I wouldn't know better I would believe she IS an angel now...
The old man smiled, but he didn't answer. And finally Amber opened her eyes again, turning around and looking into the eyes of the old man. She began to speak with serious voice...
Now I understand it, old man, I really understand it all! The passion of my sister, it was bigger than everything else, and to fulfil her destiny, to serve those humans in the other world, she has made the biggest sacrifice ever imaginable. Laura offered up her magical life, and her immortal soul, to become mortal. She will live and die in a world, where she always also have to struggle with darkness, as it is so much easier for a fairy in my world to live a safe life in light without dying. But Laura recognized this as nothing for herself, nothing to fulfil her destiny, nothing being really worth to spend a whole life for. She wanted more beyond this, so much more, and she got it now...
The old man nodded with his head...
Old Man:
In fact, with giving away her immortal life she could be what she wanted to be. She serves in a world of mortality, where light and darkness always struggle so hard, and Laura stands between. She really has helped such a lot of people yet, as she leads them from darkness to light. She is a true servant of the creator, and she is so happy...
Amber began to smile again...
Yes, she is, I can feel it. And now I wished I could share her destiny, I wished I could also hear the call of the golden stag. I believe there could not be anything better a fairy could reach in this life...
Amber closed her eyes again and lowered her head. The old man sighed one time and laid his hand on her head, tenderly stroking through her hair. Then Amber suddenly huddled against the old man and he let it happen. He put his arms carefully around the young fairy. And what Amber couldn't see, his eyes were gleaming moistly now...
Amber was fast asleep now. The old man held her on his arms, looking into her young and beautiful face deeply moved. His eyes still were filled with tears, and he nodded with his head then...
Old Man:
Brave little Amber, it is almost incredible, but really true. Love and faith are really so strong in your whole family, and you do carry so much of your sister inside your heart. Both of you are so similar, and the hope of such an old past, the hope of the heavenly creator, it will be fulfilled totally in the end, now I really believe so...
The old man carried the young fairy away now, to his bedroom, laying down her gently there onto his bed. Amber did not wake up, for it was a magical sleep, caused by the old man before...
Old Man:
Sleep now, my beloved child, your time and choice will come later. And you really deserve it, like your wonderful sister. But now, there is other work to do first. We will meet later again...
The old man hesitated for some further moments, still looking at the sleeping Amber, then he raised his arms. Light began to flow out of his hands, spreading fast and soon covering his whole body...

Old Man:
Laura, time to meet you again, time to change things finally. And most of all, time to show you the final reward for your sacrifice, what you deserve so much...
The old man now began to dissolve in the sparkling light, which now filled the whole bedroom. But finally it disappeared again, with the old man, and only Amber remained in the room. The little fairy was sleeping peacefully and her happy face showed that she was dreaming. She dreamt of Laura, her beloved sister...
Somewhere in time and space. The old man flew through the dimensions of stars and light in an incredible velocity. He could not have said any more how long this amazing journey lasted yet, as time and space did not really have any importance for him. To the contrary, it was even sometimes difficult for him to live in his physical existence and concentrate on special points of time and places in the world of bodily creatures...
At the moment he did not have any body, as he only was made of light any energy, as the space he was travelling through. And he loved to fly like this, he loved to be in this existence...
The old man felt that his destination came closer, and he slowed down his speed. Suddenly the light and energy around him got brighter and brighter, until all energy suddenly exploded. There was only light left, but so glary, that no forms could be seen any more...
In the end all light went out finally, and there was nothing left but darkness then. The old man was gone...
Was it far away in the future now, or far away in the past though? The old man did not know, but it didn't matter at all. For him past, future or presence really all were the same. But not for bodily creatures, of course. And so it was a time a lot of years in the future - in the future of Laura. She had lived her life in the world of humans so well, so successful, as she had reached countless people with her voice and charisma. And she had saved so many lost souls from the darkness, leading them into the light again...
Laura was satisfied with what she could reach. But of course she still did not remember at her former life, as she was about to die soon. She had almost reached the age of Hundred years now, and she was very ill. No doctors could help her any more...
Laura laid in her bed, alone at the moment, thinking about her life and the close death, and she had no fear at all. She was prepared to leave the world now, thinking that she really had lived a fulfilled life. But suddenly something happened, something whole unexpected...
Light! Sparkling light, materializing in the room, and it got bigger soon. Laura was very dazed, not understanding at all what was going on then. But she could see something else - forms and shadows, also materializing within this impressing light now...
The old man appeared and emerged out of the light. Laura wrinkled her brows, as she somehow had the feeling to know this old man, though she really saw him for the first time ever. At least she believed so. But somehow he seemed very familiar, and then he reached out his hand for Laura...
Laura stood up from the bed. Though she actually was too weak to do so on her own, she simply stood up. She did not even think about it, but only followed her strange feelings...
Laura took the hand of the old man, and in the same moment she was totally overwhelmed by his love and warmth. Her eyes got bigger and bigger, and suddenly she understood. She really understood, as she recognized the old man finally...
The memories were back, but Laura could not think about anything. Suddenly forms, light and energy simply exploded, and the light absorbed the old man and Laura. Both were gone in an instant...
Laura found herself at an unknown place. She stood on some mountains, looking beyond some beautiful wooden valleys. The old man stood in front of her, and in his hand a mighty magic wand, which peak began to glow then. And finally the old man began to speak...
Old Man:
Laura, wonderful woman, angelic being, servant of the creator, and my beloved child! It is time now to show you the truth again, and that death will not get you at all. Be what you have to be, get what you deserve! Fulfil your true destiny now, with your final existence...
With his magic wand the old man sent the light towards Laura, and at once she began to transform herself. She got back to the age and body before she had left the world of fairies, wearing a wonderful dress. Light was all around, but the transformation was not yet finished...
Old Man:
Now get your final wings, Laura...
In fact, mighty wings began to grow out of her back, but not the same as in her former life as a fairy. The new ones were much bigger, with countless white feathers. And Laura slowly left the ground, finally levitating in the air, in front of the old man...

Old Man:
Almost finished, Laura, my wonderful child...
The old man sighed softly and began to smile very happy, as he raised his magic wand a last time towards Laura...
Amber woke up again. Only very slowly she got aware of herself again, squinting into the brightness of the room. And only slowly she also remembered, where she really was, as she recognized the bedroom of the old man. Still tired she sat up in the bed, trying to rub the sleep out of her eyes. And first then she noticed, that she wasn't alone in the room...
Amber saw the old man again, as he stood near the door of the room, watching her with a warm smile in his face. But before she could say anything, the old man began to speak first...
Old Man:
Hello, Amber, nice to see you awake again! You have been sleepy so much some time ago, that I decided to lay you into my bed and let you rest for a while. I hope you slept well...
Amber sat on the edge of the bed and yawned loudly then one time, before she finally answered...
I remember. It was strange, that I fell asleep so fast, and also strange what I was dreaming then. Somehow it was about Laura, as I saw her in my beautiful dream. I could see her live her life in the world of humans, but just before she died, she suddenly disappeared in light and energy from this world, as if somebody had taken her away from there. I could not recognize anything more, as the dream ended then...
The old man seemed to still smile a little bit wider, before he answered with his warm voice again...
Old Man:
What a beautiful dream, and what a pity you could not see more. I wonder if it really only has been a dream, or perhaps more? But who knows, dreams often carry secrets without answers...
The old man suddenly sighed deeply one time, and his voice changed into a serious colour then...
Old Man:
However, it is time for me now to leave. My work in the realm of the fairies is done again, and other tasks are waiting for me. It is always sad for me, but I can not stay any longer...
The old man turned away towards the door of the bedroom, but Amber held him back with her call...
Please, wait, I have still one question at least...
The old man remained in front of the door, but with his back towards Amber, as he only nodded with his head one time...
I know I am too young to ask this, but though I do. I want to follow my sister, I want to follow my own destination beyond the life of a normal fairy. You can help me with this, I know, as I understand things now. Will you help me to also fulfil my destiny...?
The old man did not react for some moments, and to Amber he somehow suddenly seemed statuesque. But finally he nodded with his head one time more, to leave the room wordlessly afterwards...
The old man was on his way though the realm of the fairies again. His destination were the great woods of the realm, but he wasn't alone on his peregrination. Amber followed him in the air with some distance, and of course the old man knew. Though his face didn't show he was happy, really happier than he would have been able to say...

Amber was gone, as she had to finally. The old man was very satisfied with this result, as in truth he never really had expected a result like this a long time ago. Not really. Of course there had been great hopes, hopes almost as old as the old man himself, as he couldn't really remember the beginning any more. But it was true, that a lot of fairies through the centuries yet had tried to find the golden stag, tried to find a determination beyond the normal life of a fairy, but they all had failed...
The old man seriously needed such visionary and faithful fairies so much, for his great plans with mankind, but until Laura all hopes and tries simply had been for nothing. But Laura had been successful in the end, this really unique and wonderful child, as the old man had felt before. And now even Amber, her sister, was following...
The foundation stone was finally laid. Now the old man could work with this result, he could create his vision of a new race, of new, even higher magical creatures in the universe. As he really knew, the war between good and evil was just at the beginning...
Oh, yes, the world of fairies was a one of good and light, as it always had been, and no fairy there could ever imagine, what was still waiting in the dark depths of the universe. Those fairies were not prepared, not strong enough for such a kind of war, and this was how the decision was made to create a new and even much more powerful race of supernatural beings in the dimension of light. The race of angels...
Laura was the first one now. Originally born as a fairy, reborn as a mortal human being, and finally transferred into an angel, she had experienced all possible forms, and now she was more powerful than ever before. And her sister was following. Those two, Laura and Amber, were only the beginning, and with them it all had started now...
The old man had left his human form again. He was what he loved to be, wandering through the endless woods of the world of fairies. He was the golden stag once more...

At the moment the woods really were calm and peaceful, as the golden stag was totally on his own. Standing majestically between those mighty, ancient trees, and waiting for the things to come...
Of course it would not be a surprise. The success of this new beginning, it had to be celebrated now. And they would come soon, they all would come, following the invitation of the old man...
It was really only a beginning, but a good one. And the old man, in the form of the golden stag, began to smile, overwhelmed with joy, as he saw his guests arriving finally...
The great celebration had begun. For the first time ever the mighty golden stag had invited his children to visit him whole open, and of course they followed this invitation happily.
It was a very special celebration, as the birth of the first two angels, a new mighty and magical race, had been announced. And this was a great day for all magical beings, and a chance to see two of their beloved siblings again, Laura and Amber. It had been a long time again for they were missed in the tree of life...
The old man, in his current form as the golden stag, stood between those mighty and ancient trees, watching all his children very satisfied. Laura and Amber of course would only be the first two new born angels in an army of them, which should follow soon. And every fairy now should know that it was possible to reach this destination. Every single fairy should get this chance and learn how to follow this way...
But not today. Today was the time of joy and celebration, and the golden stag could see this joy in the eyes of all his children. The fairies were there already, and further would still follow. They all were waiting for the arrival of Laura and Amber, the two sisters, which had been reborn as angels now, the first two angels for the dimension of love and light. And finally they arrived, under the great cheering of the fairies...
The celebration reached its climax. As Amber and Laura began to sing together, for some moments all life seemed to stop. This singing was so heavenly, so touching, that even the golden stag had to hide some tears. As well as the fairies around. But then the joy was unlimited, and the fairies began to dance. To dance all around in the air...

The golden stag nodded barely notable with his head. It began. He could feel it deep inside, the wonderful singing not only could reach human hearts. It also reached the fairies, and the first one heard the call of destiny. There would be other angels soon, no doubt. And the army of light would raise, to be prepared for what would be coming...
The golden stag closed his eyes. He succeeded with his efforts. Hope began to grow again, as the world of humans was not lost yet. Also as the dimension of light and love. The war would come, as there never had been a chance to avoid it. But the forces of light would be prepared then...
It was all calm again in the extensive woods of the fairies world. The old man was alone again, as the celebration was over. The fairies had left, and also Laura and Amber were gone...
It all seemed so peaceful, as if never could happen anything evil within these ancient woods. Or anywhere else. But unfortunately it could, and since a long time yet the evil was raising. Demons and monsters of all kind were crouching out of the dimension of darkness more and more. The evil was spreading out into the world of the human beings, as they always had the possibility to make their own decisions. They could choose for or against the creator, and they even could choose to bring the evil into their world. And so it happened since a longer time yet...
Oh, yes, of course the evil had always been there. Light and darkness, good and evil, love and hate, all those elements existed as long as the first life at all was born in the universe. It simply was a general law of nature, that those antagonisms could only exist being in balance, at least the old man ever had believed this way. Now he knew better...
The eternal law had been broken, broken by mankind. They had forgotten about the true nature of the universe, and about their creator, and they had invited evil to rule their world. All those eternal evil creatures, banned such a long time behind the great mirror in their own dimension, they were freed now more and more, and an evil army was raising yet a long time. A final war between light and darkness was unavoidable...
This was a huge problem for the old man, for the creator, for the golden stag, whatever he was called then. He was and stayed the creator, the creator of all life, and he was not able to destroy life at all. It did not matter, if good or evil life, as all creatures were his children. But now the evil side was growing stronger and stronger, and for preserving the balance, he had been forced to react in the end...
The final war between god and evil, he had to come, but now, with the new race of angels, the light would not be defenceless against the darkness any more. There would be a chance for both sides...
Even him, even the mighty creator, did nor know how it all would end. He was only sad because of this development, but there was nothing he could ever do to avoid this war. Both armies were growing now, until the day of the final decision in the end. And mankind would be between those forces. Even with no notion about at all. Mortal beings could not see the supernatural beings, they could only be guided. Guided to one or the other side, and that was happening yet for a long time. So many souls already had gone lost in hell, and many would still follow...
But there was hope now, new hope, caused by the angels, being able to enter the world of humans finally. As people were seduced by evil forces, so they were guided by angels to the side of good and light. But this was only the beginning of this great war...
The old man saw it then. He saw the vision of the things to come, as creatures on both sides were gathering. Humans were saved and doomed between, and the world was separated into a dark and light half...
The old man saw the troops of angels preparing for the great battle. And he saw Amber, leading humans into the light, while Laura was leading the army of angels, being the final frontier of the dimension of light. No evil creature could pass here so far...

The old man knew this frontier would not hold. It would break soon, and the final war would bring the final decision between good and evil. And nobody knew how it would end. But somehow the old man was confident, somehow he believed into the angels. And especially into Laura and Amber. If there had to be a deciding battle then, so it had to be light what he supported. A hard decision in the end, but evil had never to be the only ruling force in the universe. And so this decision was made...
The old man began to smile. He had worked well, as he believed, to create the race of angels, and at the beginning there was Laura. Now she would lead his army of light to the final victory...
Really very soon...
End of chapter 1...
... but to be continued in chapter 2...