Chapter 1 - The lost Children
Laura - The Parallel Universe 1 - The Lost Children
A new day in Lauhaven, as it was still very early and the sun had not yet risen above the mountains. And it seemed the sun would hide this new day anyway, as thick white fog was lying all over the realm of the fairies. It had been the season of autumn yet for a while, and slowly, but sure winter was coming closer - earlier than usual this year...

And this morning it also was really cold outside yet, and from a lot of houses all around smoke was climbing out of the chimneys, to heat the buildings...
Laura opened her eyes again, after a good night of recovering sleep, but being fully aware about herself again, she noticed Estera wasn't there any more. She had left the bed and room yet, obviously still earlier awoken than Laura. But it was no surprise, not really. Laura knew exactly what was going on in her sister, and in fact it rather was almost a wonder at all that she had slept at all this night in the end...
Laura sat up in her bed. The mother of all life sighed deeply one time, before she finally got onto her feet again. This was not a nice day, and it would not get better. The moment of truth had finally come, and there was no escape any more for Laura. She had to reveal the sad and dark truth about her sister to Estera, no matter what this truth would cause. But Estery really deserved to know the truth, it was high time...
Laura prepared for the new day and went to the small dining room of her castle. As expected Estera was already there, and the sisters then had breakfast together. It was a quiet breakfast, as neither Laura was speaking much, nor Estera. And somehow even breakfast wouldn't seem to taste this day, so it was over very soon then...
The two sisters went back to the bedroom of Laura, where they finally wanted to start their important talk then. It would need time, much time, but both sisters were content to face the next necessary step. Estera was lying on the bed, looking expectantly at her sister, while Laura sat on the ledge of the bed, staring into another direction...

It still needed some time with an almost oppressive silence until the mother of all life finally began to speak. Her voice was rather weak and low, but Estera could understand every word...
So be it then, Estera! It is still not easy for me, and a burden on my heart, but you deserve to know the whole truth...
The mother of all life closed her eyes and sighed deeply again, before she looked up again, and this time into the face of Estera, at least for some meaningful moments. Bound and determinedly Laura continued with her sad words then, but not before finally turning her back at Estera. Laura could no longer hold her gaze...
I heard your story from Amarylisse for the first time, of course she was the only one to know it at all before, as the wonderful goddess who had saved your life - straight out of hell where you were captured. The story you told me before yourself, of course I believed it first, but somehow I had a strange feeling yet, a bad feeling about all of this, as if something would not be all right. As if some important details would still be missing. And in fact, this was true, but even worse. The story you know, the story you have been told a longer time ago, it was sugarcoated, but of course not for any bad reasons, instead of simply protecting you. And you really should not be angry with Amarylisse therefore, as she always only wanted the best for you - and she believed the time was not yet right for this truth. Even I myself are still not sure in my heart, but as I said, you deserve the truth now. And we will deal with it, as you get help in every possible way. I can not offer you more than this, my whole love and strength, and you know, if possible and necessary I even would give my life for you. Every single moment...
Laura paused for some touchingly moments, and yet her eyes had a wet glance, as Laura had to fight against some tears already. But there still was a slight smile in her face. And so the mother of all life continued once more, but the words only passed her lips more seriously now...
But...but it is not enough...simply not enough! I had to learn it in a very hard way, being shocked with the true pictures, what really happened to you once. All masks and illusions were taken away by Amarylisse then, as she took me with her onto a journey into the past, being present in all events from then, where I had to experience it all physically, what happened to you. and since then I was characterized by those pictures, trying top find a solution myself, but I wasn't able to. On the contrary, I still had to learn about the true dimensions of that dark secret inside my beloved sister, with even knowing it still had not reached the darkest climax at all. The sad truth is, all of this can still get worse, and neither me, nor Amarylisse know what to do against it. This is why I didn't wanted to speak with you yet, hoping I could find a solution first, but it was not possible. And now you demand the truth from me, and I have to reveal it then. This is it now, the moment of truth...
Laura sighed again one time deeply, closing her wet eyes again, but only for some moments. Opening them again she couldn't avoid the first tears to finally run down her cheeks. But the mother of all life was strong enough to continue with her important speech...
I will tell it to you now, what I have seen by the vision of Amarylisse, the vision of your true past. And I hope you will be strong enough to stand it, for not despairing. And whatever you will feel afterwards, I am there, with all my love and strength for you. I hope you never will forget about this, even in your saddest moments...
Laura now changed her position. She no longer wanted to turn her back on Estera, sitting onto the bed now and leaning against the rear ending of it. Being very close to her lying sister now, Laura took her lift hand, holding it between her owns. Then she began to speak again, with further tears leaving her really sad eyes...

Yes, you have been captured by a terrible giant demon, and yes, you have been taken down into hell, were they kept you in prison then. The person behind all that, as we know today, the person who forced this, was the old man, in his cruel mania to isolate me from all my true past and form me into his personal mighty puppet, who should conquer him the universe in the end. He wanted to see you dead, with no care about at all how this may happen. All possible consequences did not matter. But in the end his plan failed, as hell was not controllable this way, and they had their own plans. The lord of hell at this time wanted to use you for only one purpose, he wanted also to lure me down to hell, because of your suffering, and this could not happen the way you have been told before. This is the point where the story changes, where you only heard the light version of it - here is the full truth now...
After some moments of silence again, Laura pressed the hand of her sister still a little bit firmer. Then she continued. Her voice still got lower then, but never too low, so Estera could not understand her any more. The younger sister of Laura understood every sad word...
It is true, the old man simply wanted to see you dead. No matter in which way, no matter how much suffering. But the demons did not cooperate, they also wanted to get rid of me, something the old man of course could not let happen. But in the end there was no need for him to intervene, as his sad deception game was complete and perfect. I was not able to sense your suffering in any way, my true past and former life had been totally wiped out. This is what still hurts me so much until today, that I have been such an easy victim, not being able to save my own true sister. And as the demons finally understood they would not be able to get me this way, you had been worthless for them. They wanted to kill you - after seemingly endless sessions of torture and pain, as they really broke your body, heart and soul, only for their joy and to lure me down into hell. And then, in the end, the leading demon of the prisoner zone decided to get rid of you. He called his underlings to your dungeon - not to simply kill you, but first eat you alive. They already entered your dungeon, as it happened - really the last moment possible Amarylisse appeared. She had been the only one to hear and sense your endless pain and suffering, and she saved you, destroying all enemies around. I never forget this picture, the one she finally opened your dungeon, standing in front of you and seeing it herself in own incredible pain, seeing what they did to you. But I spare you that, I really spare you that picture, for it is too much. Simply too much...
Laura lowered her head again, and more tears were running down her cheeks. The mother of all life remembered the horrible pictures some time ago, when Amarylisse showed the true story of Estera to her, the most shocking pictures ever in Laura's life. But Estera shook her head determinedly then, pressing the hand of her sister a little firmer and beginning to speak again herself the first time...
No, Laura, you won't still hide anything from me any more! This is the moment of truth, for both of us, and I want to know. I want to see it all, as you have seen it before. Show those pictures to me now, as I know you do still have them in your mind. It is really time for me to understand what really happened, and what is my heir from this dark past...
Laura did not answer immediately, but she nodded with her head then. Of course Laura was right, and so Laura completed her words. She completed them with transferring the pictures from Amarylisse to the mind of her sister. And she placed them all, with no exception...
Silence. Only silence finally. Laura could not speak any more, while Estera had closed her eyes. But though, also through those sad closed eyes, tears were running now. Steadily, relentless...
Finally, after a felt eternity, it was Estera to speak again. But her voice was very low, fragile and under tears...
I understand. I understand it all now, Laura. I understand why you and Amarylisse had such trouble to tell me the truth. I am not angry, not at all, as you only wanted to protect me. But it is not possible, not for good. I must face my true destiny now...
Estera sighed deeply one time, opening her eyes again then. And she sighed another time deeply...
But this is not all yet. There is something else, unspoken so far, as neither Amarylisse named it, nor my sister. But I feel it clearly, that you know. You know like I know now, Laura...
Laura still couldn't answer. She sat higher on the bed, onto the cushions at the rear end, letting her tears flow in showers. Estera, after dealing with the first shock, laid her head into the lap of her sister, also crying uncontrollably now. Laura stroke gently through the hair of her sad sister, and the two sisters remained this way a long, long time...

The dusk was falling again yet, when the two endless sad sisters still had not left the bed of Laura this sorrowful day. Meanwhile Laura was sitting normally on the bed again, still against the rear end of it, while Estera laid in her lap, with the arm of Laura around her right shoulder...
The tears were dried up meanwhile, and so far the sisters had not spoken and further word any longer. First now it was Estera once more to finally taking the floor again. But the words only came hardly now, and fragile. Also Estera could only whisper...
I can not see it, but I feel it now. I knew it a longer time yet, it is there. As you also can't see, but feel it. And it is back now, at it always comes back. It is true, I am cursed...
Laura gave Estera a still firmer squeeze, fighting against her own tears again. She would have given her life to save Estera at once, but it was not possible. In fact, Laura was helpless, totally helpless, not knowing how to defeat a mighty demon from another dimension, which was invisible and a part of Estera. Outside of her, coming regularly and sucking from her life energy, as well as a pert of this horrible demon already was inside of her sister, being a part of her and darkening her soul...
Yes, it is there now, as so often yet for a long time, and I still don't even know how to fight this enemy. I would like to help you so much, but the truth is, I am as helpless as you, Estera...
The two sisters kept silence once more, as the truth was finally revealed, totally revealed, without a solution at all. The two sisters had to let it happen once more, as the invisible demon was floating above them, sucking from the life energy of Estera once more. And even worse, in return it was blowing its own dark and demonic energy into Estera afterwards...

Laura, it is in me, really inside of me...
Laura didn't answer. She simply couldn't, as she really did not know what to say any more. The desperately unhappy mother of all life only held Estera in her arms, even still firmer as before, but not noticing at all then what was happening now...
Estera suddenly began to smile. But it was an evil smile, while her eyes suddenly lost all humanity. The pupils began to dissolve, and the whole eyes were black, as black as the darkest night. And as Laura turned off the lights in the room, only with a snap, the whole bedroom finally fell into darkness. And Laura closed her eyes in despair...

Estera still smiled. Then she also closed her eyes, clinging to her sister with a last deep sigh. Then there was only silence left, before both women finally fell asleep. And the horrible demon above the bed was gone. It was totally inside of Estera now...
A new morning was awakening in Lauhaven. And it seemed to get a beautiful autumn day, with a sun rising at a cloudless sky and countless birds singing all around. But Laura and Estera were still sleeping in the bedroom of the mother of all life, after a restless night, where at least Laura woke up again regularly. Of course in the deep sorrow of her sister. And Laura also now was the first to wake up again, seeing the new daylight from the window and her younger sister still sleeping quietly. At least now, as Estera also had been restless often this night, for all too known reasons...
Laura still held Estera in her arms, trying to protect her somehow this way, and knowing though it was not possible. The unknown demon had taken possession of Estera long since yet, and Laura could feel it more and more, that the evil force inside her sister was growing. If she couldn't find a way to defeat this evil, the demon inside her sister, it would only still be a matter of time when this mighty creature would totally overwhelm Estera, and the human side of her would be lost forever...
This was a fact, a sad and true fact, finally pronounced, and a matter of deepest concern now. Laura had to continue her mission for the whole universe, of course, but she also had to save her own sister, before Estera would be lost and doomed forever. And this was the highest priority now, but with no idea so far at all how to solve this problem...
Laura began to speak to herself, but only whispering quietly, so Estera would not wake up therefore...
Estera, my so much beloved sister, what can I only do to help you, to defeat this horrible demon inside of you, torturing you so much? I fear it so much, as I can feel it takes control of you more and more. The time in winding down, slowly, but for sure. And I feel so weak and helpless, as I have no answer, no solution at all to help you...
Laura shook her head several times, fighting against her tears again - and loosing the day. At least some lonely tears left the eyes now, running down her cheeks...
It happened as sudden as unexpected. And Laura saw it, she really saw it for the first time at all. The face of her sister, the face of Estera, was changing while she still was asleep. Through her reel face another face was gleaming, only lightly and transparent, but it was there. It seemed to try to replace the real face of Estera - and failed. After some seconds the demonic face disappeared again, and Estera was herself once more. But as last night, with empty black eyes, while she slept restless now...

Laura kept holding Estera in her arms. And she cried, whole sad and helpless, and in so much fear for her sister. But suddenly something else happened, and also unexpected. It was a light, a bright light, appearing in front of the bed below the ceiling of the room...
Laura could not look into it. But she felt and knew then what was happening. It was Amarylisse, finally appearing in a human body in front of the bed, in the same form as with Diayla before. Half transparent and with blazing light instead of a face. So she began to speak to Laura then...

Laura, my poor child, do not despair, for there is no reason for now. Please, only listen to me now, as Estera can not hear us. She will not wake up until I am gone again, and it is important for you to understand all of this. Really so much important...
Laura looked at Amarylisse, but she could not look into this amazing light, what was the face of the mighty goddess. So she looked down again, but with wrinkling her brow...
Amarylisse, I really don't understand. The evil demon inside my sister is crashing through her body yet, and I don't know how much time she still has. So, what are you talking about...?
Amarylisse answered at once with her whispering voice, stepping a little bit closer towards the bed...
Believe me, we also did not foresee all things and all possible ways. And sometimes also gods do need time to understand all details. But now it is important..., no, it is essential, that you trust me and listen to my words. I can not reveal this further secret to you, but I can assure you, that what is happening now to Estera is nothing, really nothing, what will destroy her in the end. On the contrary, this is even most important for us and our fight, that you not try to destroy this demon inside of your sister. For sure you could find a way to do so, but you shouldn't. If I ever have to ask you for anything, than it is now, here and now. We need Estera, just the way she rises now, and evil will not destroy her soul. This is serious, really serious, and you will understand it later if you let it happen. I adjure you to do so, let your sister finish this way - for the survival of the whole universe...
Laura was confused now, really as confused as never before in her whole life, as she answered Amarylisse now...
Amarylisse, mother, mighty goddess, is this real or a nightmare now? I do not understand anything what you are just talking about. Please, give me something - anything to understand you...
Amarylisse sighed deeply one time before answering again with her whispering voice then...
Laura, you must believe and trust me now. I can not tell you this truth, as so much further details about the universe still must stay a secret for now. It is part of your mission, to find all answers yourself and learn slowly about all truth, to handle it in the end. We can not give those answers to you, but we can give you hints. By leading you on a lot of special missions, where you can find the answers bit by bit. And you must know and never forget, you can not succeed in the end on your own. Estera, your younger sister, is the key, the only key to be victorious finally in the last of all wars. Though you an not understand yet, this demon must stay inside of her, and she is strong enough to live with it. If you would destroy this demon now, you also would kill Estera - and with her all remaining hopes for our universe. This is the truth, and once more I adjure you, help your sister in any way possible, support her, give her all your love, and simply be at her side all the time. There will be another time and place, when you find the right moment to deal with this demon, and solve this problem, but not until the final war has begun...
Amarylisse paused for some important moments, to give Laura the chance to think about those words first, until she continued her speech once more, whispering to Laura...
This is all I can tell you now. Try to speak with Estera again, to also explain it to her, and try to deal with this situation together with your beloved sister. I will appear again when you are prepared again, prepared to continue your journey and mission. We will meet soon...
With those words the mighty goddess disappeared again, as quickly as she had appeared before. Laura did not move at all, she only gazed into space, trying to think and understand what just had happened. But it was not easy, not at all, and the mother of all life began to whisper to herself...
What was that now? Could it really be true what Amarylisse demanded from me? But what choice would I have, she is the only one left we can trust. I must speak with Estera when she wakes up again, but the only thing in our own hands left now will be hope. Nothing more than hope. And I must trust in Amarylisse that she knows what she does...
Laura had doubts, of course, and even massive doubts. But she pushed them aside, for there really was no choice...
Estera, no matter what happens, and what else we still have to go through, one thing is for sure at least. I will never leave you, never let you down. We fight together, in which way ever. And my endless love for you will be my power, as long as we follow this way. But one day we will confront your demon, and then I will be prepared...
Laura sighed deeply one time, as Estera finally woke up. Opening her eyes she realized Laura at once, and both sisters began to smile. Laura was the first to take the floor then...
Good morning, my dear sister. I hope you had a little recover at least this night, for I noticed your sleep was sometimes really restless. Did you have nightmares, perhaps about a demon...?
Estera looked into the eyes of her sister for some quiet moments, before she nodded with her head...
Yes, but it wasn't only a nightmare, Laura. We both know what is happening to me, as this demon attacks me over and over again. Meanwhile it is inside of me, trying to seize hold of me then. I try my best to fight back this horrible demon, but it seems I can not win. It gets deeper and deeper into my soul, and there are moments yet I do not feel my own soul any more. I feel I am somebody else then, and it really frightens me. I want to defeat this creature so much, and I need your help to succeed. And though, it is strange somehow. Because though of all this knowledge, and my urgent wish to get rid of this demon, there is also something else...
Estera lowered her head, keeping silence for some moments. Laura sat down on the ledge of the bed, reaching out for her sister and tenderly pushing her chin upwards, until Laura could straight look into the sad eyes of her beloved sister. Then she began to speak...
What is it, Estera? Please, tell me. I know all those details about the demon and your problem, but what else do you feel?
Estera took a deep breath before answering...
Well, I can not really explain. But there is a strange kind of familiarity to this presence, almost like I would know it somehow. But I don't, I really don't. As I said, I can not explain. But in those moments, when I feel like this , I also feel not to destroy this creature. Something inside me, deep inside of my heart, tells me so. This is mad...
Laura also took a deep breath, but before she could answer it was Estera again to take the floor...
What is wrong with me, Laura? Am I going mad finally? This makes no sense, and I fear to loose my mind in the end...
Laura shook her head determinedly at once. Now she knew it, she really finally knew it. For some unknown and not understandable reasons Amarylisse was right. And Laura had to tell it to her sister now, for there should not be any further secrets between them ever again...
Estera, dear sister, please, listen carefully to me. This strange voice inside of you, though we may not understand it, you must do what it says. I feel the same now, and I also know it from Amarylisse. She was here a short time ago, when you still were sleeping. And she was talking to me, in a way I never experienced it ever before. Our chosen mother really adjured me to not kill this demon inside of you, for we will need it still later. She tried to tell me how important this is, for you and our whole conflict. And I know now, you are the key in this holy war we have to fight, the upcoming was of apocalypse. We must still find out a lot of details and answers, but it is true. And if we kill the demon inside of you, if we defeat him now, then - whyever - you will also die - and all the last hopes for our universe with you...
Estera looked at Laura with wide open eyes and mouth and could not answer at first. But Laura spoke again instead...
Please, do not react too fast, consider my words, and explore your own feelings. You already heard the voice inside of you, now, also listen to the deepest regions of your heart. I am sure you will also find out for yourself then, you will see it is the truth. And together we can handle this situation, together we can avoid the demon totally overwhelming you. We will keep it covered, but unharmed, to see where this leads you then. And we will learn what the words of Amarylisse really mean. Trust me, and trust Amarylisse, because you know how much we love you. We would never do anything to harm you in any way, if not really necessary - and in this case it is even essential for survival. For all our survival...
Estera still needed some time, to think about all those shocking words, while she had closed her eyes. But finally she opened them again, looking at her sister and speaking to her determinedly...
You are right, both of you, I really feel and know it now. It is mad and makes no sense, nothing what we could ever understand at the moment. But it is really true. We must keep this demon alive, and we must find all needed answers to handle our destiny. I am up for it now, and I trust in you and Amarylisse. You will take care of me, so I never totally loose control and being turned into an evil demon myself...
Laura nodded with her head one time. Then she got on her feet again by leaving the bed, reaching out for Estera. Both sisters then stood in front of the bed, with Estera leaning against the back of her sister, while firmly holding her hand. And Laura began to speak now, with an obviously emotional voice, but also deadly determined...

So, for now the decision is made. We can not do anything against your problem at the moment and must deal with it as good as we can. I will always keep an eye on you and protect you with all my love and strength, be sure. As Amarylisse will do. And as there is nothing else for us to do here now, we should speak with Amarylisse again, learning what she has to tell us then, learning about out next mission. This is where we can get further, getting more answers also, and preparing for the things to come. If you agree we should call the goddess again now...
Estera nodded with her head...
I do, Laura! And really, instead of thinking and poring about all of this I rather want to go onto a next mission, to be diverted. So, call our mother, please, I am prepared to meet her again...
Laura nodded with her head, closing her eyes for some moments. Then she opened them again. And the mother of all life began to speak silently, knowing she would be heard...
Amarylisse, dear mother, we know that you always hear us! Now we call you again, as all necessary words are spoken for now and we are ready to start our next journey then. So, please, visit us again, grace us with your presence, and tell us where to go next...
Laura sat on the frontal edge of the bed, while Estera laid down on the floor, leaning her body against the legs of Laura and laying her arms into her lap. So she also began to speak now, as she wanted to support the call for Amarylisse of her older sister...
Amarylisse, beloved mother, I am okay, and I am not angry with you, not at all. I understand your decisions and actions, as they were also only for my best. Now we put this aside, concentrating on the mission again, until we will be able to solve my problem in the end. And so, please, hear the call of my sister, and visit us here again...
With those words the two sisters then waited for Amarylisse to arrive, as they were sure she would...
And in fact, barely spoken Estera saw it within the next few moments, as her sister did too. The transparent face of Amarylisse appeared in the room, over the bed under the ceiling, and the mighty goddess began to speak at once. With her whispering, but truly satisfied voice...

Thank you, Estera, and thank you, Laura, I am very happy that you won't be angry with me after all. But I really only did my best, always trying to help you, Estera. But as you said, it is not the time now to hesitate and think it all over, not at all, my dear children...
The voice of Amarylisse suddenly sounded very serious, and Laura and her sister, looking into each others eyes, knew it at once. Something really bad would follow now...
Amarylisse finally continued speaking...
Well, my dear daughters, I have a new mission for you, yes, but it will be different this time, really whole different to all experiences you ever made in your lives so far. And it actually is not the mission I rather had chosen for you before. You see, in fact I had plans for several missions yet, to continue the magical journey you began with the realm of the dragons, but it all changed. It changed for important reasons. And so those former planned missions must wait now, as they are not as important than the new one, and not as urgent. And I will tell you why...
Amarylisse paused for some moments, while Laura and Estera looked at her eagerly. And finally the mighty goddess began to speak once more, with a really serious whispering voice...
You see, Diayla contacted me again. Actually she left it all to me, the missions and the order which one to go next. But this time she came to me unexpected, and she spoke to me in oppressive sorrow. And now I share her sorrow, and I changed my mind. So here is what she said, what she remembered me after such a long time, and I tell you this story, certainly a story you have never heard anything about at all...
The goddess kept silence once more for some moments, but then she continued with her important speech...
Well, to tell you that story we must go back into an ancient time. A time so long ago that even the former old story of the dragon wars were still far away. And in fact, nobody in this universe, nobody in all the living races, has ever heard about that story at all. It was kept as a secret, and there are only three people at all to know about it. Me, Diayla and the old man. It once was a matter of us gods, and after the development of this matter it was decided to close it away from this universe, to hide it from all living races. And this oath was not violated at all, until today. The old man certainly may even have forgotten about it, at least he knows he can not do or reach anything at all in this matter. And Diayla now allowed me to introduce you now, as this now must get a mission - your next mission, urgently as nothing else at all. The time is right now, and so I will tell you all I can, all I am allowed to tell you. All you must know to start this next mission then...
Amarylisse took a deep breath and kept silence for a few moments, until she continued speaking with her whispering voice...
So, what you must know first now is the fact, that you will not only visit a further new planet in our universe. Instead you must leave our whole universe, for this known universe is not the only one to exist. There is a second one, a parallel universe, with its own lots of worlds inside, and totally separated from our universe. It is not possible for anybody here to reach and enter this parallel universe on any normal way, and meanwhile not even for us, the gods. But to understand this you must know the story of this second universe, the part at least I can tell you. The rest is your task to find your own answers, but for now at least the basic knowledge...
The mighty goddess paused once more for a moment, while Laura and Estera looked at each other with wide open eyes and mouths, as Amarylisse finally began to speak again...
It was Diayla who created this parallel universe first in an ancient time. But it wasn't really planned like this in the beginning, but only as a hidden single planet in our known universe. It was hidden in a foreign dimension, so all other races should not get aware of it at all. And this world had a very special meaning, but to understand it you first must know something else. You must know the reason for the creation of it, the original world this idea depended on from the beginning...
As Amarylisse paused again for some moments Laura thought about her so far words. But so far she had no idea at all what her chosen mother was speaking about. As less as Estera. And so the sisters kept listening as the mighty goddess continued her speech...
And so, finally, we are back on Earth once more. On this world, the only one, not being an issue at all in the grand council of all inhabited planets of our whole known universe. Earth was the only world having a whole different development than all others - a sad and dangerous development. You know it so very well yourselves what I am talking about, and until today Earth is isolated from the rest of our universe, while we only watch mankind with concern. But the question is, why are things as they are, why was this development on Earth so different from all other races?
Anarylisse sighed deeply one time, before she continued again with her important speech...
Well, I can answer you this question, a question you certainly also have
searched an answer for yourselves yet often. And it is our fault, the fault of the old gods, though we never had anything bad in mind, of course. And though, this one time we failed totally...
The mighty goddess closed her eyes now, before she spoke further, with her silent whispering, but obviously sad voice...
You see, Earth was the youngest and last creation of intelligent life in this known universe at all, a long time after the other races yet had reached their development of today. It happened in a time when the three old gods still were in line with each other, and it was the old man himself who asked for one further world with new live. But his plans were different, whole different to what we ever had created before. The old man asked for a world with different races on it, taking a whole own development, without any help guidance from the real gods. Diayla wasn't really happy with this idea, because all other world always had this guidance, and she couldn't really believe that races could get along without knowing about their true gods. But however, after much discussion she agreed finally, and so it was the old man who created Earth himself. Mankind then developed from a very early status of life until the status of today, without ever learning about us or the rest of the universe. And even with their technics of today, exploring the galaxy with their resources, they never could find any sign about other life, as we of course did hide it from their eyes, as we also will do in the future. But for the development, you know the result. It didn't need much time to understand it, and yet in a very early status it was whole clear yet, mankind could not develop like all other races in stayed as they always were - simply primitive in a lot of kinds. No need to number them, and of course the old man got totally disappointed anytime. The discussion with us started once more, but this time about the consequences. The old man asked for a change, and he wanted to correct the mistake then. He wanted to interfere and show the truth to mankind - but Diayla refused. for good reasons, of course, as this is one eternal law of our universe - never to interfere with worlds and their development after they had been created. The difference only was, that all other races had the knowledge about us from the beginning, but afterwards they also developed whole on their own. And so the mistake "Earth" could not be corrected any more, instead the only consequence was total isolation. The old man was very annoyed about that and lost all interest for Earth, and this was the end of this story part. Almost the end at least...
Amarylisse paused for another moment, opening her eyes again. And finally she continued speaking...
The old man never learned about what Diayla and I decided afterwards, as the old man yet began to change more and more, and we also decided to not involve him any longer. It was the idea of Diayla, and she told me about. Their was one possibility to finally interfere though - but without changing anything on Earth and nobody there would ever know...
The mighty goddess stopped once again, looking into the eyes of Laura and Estera, before she spoke again...
Well, there was really only one thing we could do for Earth, as we did sympathise with mankind, with those who were the most innocent and sad victims of the development there at all. The children. We could not help them on Earth in any way as long as they lived, but afterwards. As you know, the other races in our universe almost have a status of an immortal life, as their lifespan is so high. On Earth it is just the opposite, as they never developed their magical potential at all. Life on Earth is so vulnerable, so short, and it is mankind itself to even shorten it in so many ways. Even the youngest children have to die so often for multiple reasons, and no matter what time, this never changed and stopped at all. At least until we changed it ourselves, for the children of this sad world...
Amarylisse began to smile suddenly, pausing for a few moments, but then once more continuing her speech...
Well, the only solution was to care for all those poor children, who never got a chance for a normal and full life on Earth - no matter for what reasons - after their death. Straight after their death. It began at an early time on Earth yet, after Diayla had created this new special and hidden planet, to be there invisible for all others, but only visible for the dying child. The moment this child died Diayla took it by the hand, taking it into this new world and offering a whole new life there. She then could give back life again to such dead young bodies, offering a second chance this way. And she also was there to teach those children about their new possibilities, making things better this time in every meaning, and I supported her, of course. And in the beginning we helped them with creating their new world, until they learned to live in it on their own. But it was not enough, simply not enough...
Amarylisse sighed deeply one more time, closing her eyes again, before she continued speaking...
In the course of time this new planet was crowded. There were so many children
arriving through all time periods on Earth, but where should there have been a limit, after starting this mission? Could we say "yes" to one and "no" to a second child, because of not enough space then any more? And besides this, more and more those children asked to be independent. Of course they respected us and really were grateful, but though they could not do anything on their own, with only being and staying mortal children of Earth. And so we decided to change this, giving them immortality as all other races around in the universe, and also awaking their own magical abilities for the very first time. They learned it all so fast, and really very soon we saw we could leave them alone then. Like the other races they now were able to live on their own, creating all they needed and living a life in entirely peace and harmony. We still visited them only from time to time, seeing the development this way. And the children also inherited the transfers of all further dying children on Earth themselves in the end, creating further worlds for them. But one day things changed, totally changed, and Diayla noticed it first within a new visit on the main world of the lost children, as we called them. They had been lost on Earth, but all got this second chance for a new and better life on a new world then...
The mighty goddess kept silence for a few seconds again, but then quickly continued with her speech...
Well, it didn't happen totally sudden, from one visit to the next. First it was a slow process, when Diayla simply had the feeling something was wrong, but the children did not talk about. But then, more and more, there was an obvious distance between them and Diayla, and things got worse fast then. One day, as Dialya once more wanted to make a visit there, it was no longer possible. The dimensional portal was blocked, and it could no longer be opened from our side. no longer and never again since then. Diayla could only still get in contact with the children in her mind, and when accepted the portal then was opened by the children. But entering it this way the first time again it was a bad surprise for Diayla on the other side, a very bad surprise...
Amarylisse sighed deeply once more before she looked seriously at Laura and Estera, before she continued speaking...
Well, at least since this moment Diayla had no chance any longer than to accept that the lost children followed their own way, and only their own. They still respected us as the gods who had created their new existence, but they simply wanted to be complete independent from us and our universe then. We did not realize first, after we had made it possible for them to discover their own magical abilities and use them, how fast and really powerful this development was afterwards, until the moment they cut alliance and made it impossible to still enter their parallel universe on our won at all. And this wasn't all yet, as Diayla had to notice then, after entering this second universe this time she lost all her divinely powers, just the moment she entered the portal. On the other side she was reduced to a normal human being, as she travelled in this form, and first got back her abilities when entering our universe again. This was really shocking for her, as you may understand...
Amarylisse paused another time for some seconds, before she continued speaking once more with her whispering, and now also sad voice. Her eyes were also closed again...
Of course Diayla asked for the reasons for those unbelievable changes, but she did not get an answer. The children only said it was for their total independence, but we know, we can feel it, this is not the only reason. There is more behind that, much more, and Diayla did not visit the lost children again since this last time. On the contrary, this was one reason for her to withdraw so much from all life, the disappointment - and the fear - were too big. And so feel I, really so much concerned about what is going on there. We have no idea what plans those children have, meanwhile filling a whole one universe on their own. Could it even be possible, that they get a third force in the coming apocalypse, being an enemy to our whole universe? And if not, would they ever form an alliance with us, or only watch the doom of our universe? We don't know, and just as adult beings, we do not get any answers any longer. Our last and only hope is about you now, Laura and Estera, as you are still children in your bodies, though with the mind of adults of course. But you are exactly like the lost children, and maybe you could get in contact and still reach the lost children, where Diayla and I failed. This is the mission we would like to send you now, if you would agree, of course. We can not force you to do so, as we must fear you also would loose all your magical abilities on the other side, being reduced to normal human beings then. And I mustn't tell you how dangerous that can be, so you can only make your own decisions here. But however, know then that we made a contact again, asking the lost children if it would be possible for you to get a permission to make a visit in the parallel universe. The answer was positive, and so, if you would agree then, you could start this journey. But never forget, you probably would loose all your powers and totally be on your own on the other side, as we could not help you there in any way. This would be a whole dangerous and unknown journey for you, more dangerous than anything else you experienced in your lives so far. But as we only have little time, I must ask you to think about it and decide now, it is simply urgent...
This was the end of the important speech of Amarylisse then, and she opened her eyes again, looking seriously at Laura and Estera. And also the sisters exchanged serious glances...
Laura finally was the first to speak then, after she exactly knew the thoughts of her sister. The mother of all life turned towards Amarylisse and began to smile before answering...
Well, what can I say, speaking for my sister and me, but would you really fear we ever would let you down, no matter where or when? We understand the pressure here, and we also share you concerns, though the surprise about this pure existence is very high for us now. Really nobody ever mentioned this parallel universe to us at all. But however, we are ready to go there, no matter for which consequences, and we will deal with every situation we find on the other side. If possible at all we will speak with those children and try to find out what they want, or if an alliance would be possible. So you can send us there whenever you are ready, there is nothing more to say about here than that. Do now what has to be done...
Amarylisse also began to smile now, really moved by those words of Laura. But she had not doubted her chosen daughters at all, she never did. And so the mighty goddess began to speak again...
Thank you, my beloved daughters, thank you so much. I can not send you through this portal, but I will send you to its position. You will meet Diayla there once more, and she will do the rest. I hope to meet you again some day, but I know, this will be a long journey for you. You can not come back on you own, but only if the lost children let you. I hope you will come back with good news then, all my hopes and best wishes will accompany you. Good bye, Laura, good bye, Estera...
Amarylisse reacted at once. She created an energy portal within the room, getting bigger very fast and encasing Laura and Estera completely, and finally the whole room in the end.

It needed only a few seconds, and as the energy disappeared again the room remained empty...
Anywhere. Anywhere in the realm of the dragons, this fantastic hidden world Laura and Estera yet visited before, where they had met the mysterious goddess Diayla - the creator - for the first time...
And now the two sisters were back again, back once more so soon and faster than ever expected, but not in a place they had visited before. On the contrary, this was a whole unknown place, as the two sisters just stood in the middle of a huge swamp, far away from any settlement. Really a strange and unexpected place to return into this world...
A wooden footbridge, really only a small one, was the only sign of something artificial here, and the lamps to both sides of it, hanging at some small stakes there. This footbridge leaded straight through the swamp. But there was no further sign of life around, not at all...

The two girls knew which direction to go. because they could see some further light in some distance, not being caused by a lamp like the ones at the footbridge, it was different. And it seemed to be not so far away, and certainly a sign here in which direction to go further then...
Laura looked at her sister and talked to her with a tender but also though determined voice now...
Um, an...interesting place to find ourselves back in this world of the creator and her impressing dragons...
Estera shook her head once while sighing...
Interesting? I wouldn't say so. It rather seems very strange to me, a lonely and almost eerie swamp with no life sign around, and after this almost pompous welcome last time in the end, I do not understand this. What should we find in this strange swamp?
Laura also sighed one time before answering her sister. But she wasn't really surprised like Estera...
Well, think about it. If you have kept an eye on Diayla last time I think you would have noticed that she had to welcome us this way in front of her people, but she didn't really feel well this way...
Laura paused for some moments, looking straight into the eyes of her sister, before she continued speaking...
I guess Diayla is a goddess to love her loneliness most for some reasons, and if she welcomes us here this time, only on her own, I would say this even suits her more than all we experienced last time. But we will find out...
Estera nodded with her head now, and she could feel that her sister was right. She raised her hand, pointing towards the strange light in some distance with her forefinger...
Maybe you are right, Laura, as I was to fascinated last time by all we experienced within this realm. So I didn't watch Diayla as intently as you. We should follow this way until the light, then we certainly will get our answer there...
Laura agreed without speaking any further word then. And the two sisters began to walk slowly along the wooden footbridge, towards the shimmering light in this strange swamp...
Both girls really seemed calm and collected outwardly, but the excitement inwardly was rising distinctly...
It needed not much time until Laura and her younger sister Estera reached their final destination in the extensive swamp. The wooden footbridge ended straight in front of a small wooden hut, straight at a closed door there, and really straight in the middle of nowhere. The two sisters stayed in some distance to this hut first, looking around a little bit, but there was still no further sign of any life around here...

The swamp was surrounded by huge old trees all around, growing out of the muddy water and trying to reach out as far against heaven as possible. The leafage was so thick that the sky could not be seen, and without those lamps along the wooden footbridge this swamp would have been a completely dark area. And it was a really mysterious place, especially the destination with this simple seeming hut. But Laura and Estera knew at once, it was not what it looked like, not at all...
Also the trees around were different. Very different to normal trees. Watching them really attentively the sisters could see that those trees were alive. They were moving sometimes, really hardly to see, but they did. Those trees were alive, also as this whole place around as it seemed. And something else was remarkable here...
Laura was the first to finally find her voice again, but somehow intuitively she only whispered to her sister...
You can also feel it, can you? This place is so different to all I experienced before. The harmony and peace around here is perfect, as I never felt it in such a concentration before at all. Though it looks different for our eyes a paradisal place in eternity...
Estera nodded with her head several times. And as she answered she also did it only with a whispering voice...
And how I also can feel it now, dear sister! I also never experienced any place like this before in my life. This is really a place for a mighty goddess, for a creator, for Diayla. As often also here, beauty is only skin deep, especially at this place. And looking around, every tree, every plant, everything at all is really alive here...
Laura took a deep breath before answering again. And her voice got a normal bit tone level again...
This is really what I thought, the hidden safe haven of the creator, the real home of Diayla! Here is where she preferably is and lives, far away from all other life forms. And normally nobody ever would find her here, except she wants to be found like in our case. An exception, and an honour, as we have been invited to be here now...
Estera looked at her sister asking...
I share your opinion, Laura, but the question is, where is she now? Where is Diayla, if she has invited us...?
Laura began to smile and returned the look of her sister. She answered her with a warm and confident voice...
She is here, Estera, of course she is here! She is all around at this place, in every peace of life. All of this is Diayla, and more. Much more than we could ever imagine. And it is her decision when she transforms into a human shape again, into a human form. She will appear soon, I am convinced. Otherwise Amarylisse would not have sent here now...
Estera also began to smile now and nodded with her head before she launched into an answer...
You are right, I can really feel it, Laura. So we will simply wait and see what is happening further. Diayla will appear when she is ready to meet us again. but I can also feel her impressing presence again...
The two sisters kept silence then, only standing motionless on the wooden footbridge and looking around eagerly. And of course those expectations should not be disappointed...
A few minutes later then, almost seeming an eternity for the two waiting sisters, it finally happened. Within shimmering white light it was Diayla to appear on the wooden footbridge, only a few steps away from Laura and Estera, in her flowing blue dress, holding a wooden wand in her right hand. A white owl sat on the top of the wand, and a white cat sat to her feet. But Diayla was only visible semi transparent, half there and half not. As this appearance she began to speak now...

Welcome to my very personal and lonesome home, my dear children, and the time is finally right for this visit. As we saw us last time, in my realm of the dragons, the time for this part of the truth had not yet come, as there were still personal problems for you to solve - at least solve as far as possible for now. And as you are ready to continue your mission to save our universe from the final downfall, Amarylisse has sent you to this very special place now, to my safe haven...
The creator paused for some meaningful moments, probably looking at the two sisters in front of her. But as there only was a hood with blackness inside - no face as usual - Laura and Estera could only imagine that the goddess now was looking at them...
Diayla finally began to speak again, with her low and whispering voice, but the sisters could understand every single word...
Amarylisse has told you yet about your unexpected new journey, as you are the first and only ones at all to know about the existence of the parallel universe, and maybe in the end the biggest danger we ever had to face. It can be possible that our good will in the end is a boomerang, and that this creation causes the downfall of all life in our own universe. You are the only ones now to find out about that, and maybe change this danger...
After taking a short deep breath the mighty goddess continued with her important speech...
This is our hope, the only one left for us now. But you may never, really never underestimate those children, only because they look like children. They are more, so much more than you can ever imagine, and dangerous. The power they have now, the status of life they have reached on their own in the end, is incredible, and we really could not foresee this at all. But if there still is a way to stop this fatal development, then you will find it. We trust you, we believe in you...
The mighty goddess kept silence once more for some seconds, until she continued her important speech again...
But, however, the best you could do now first is trying to have an open mind as much as possible. Because, in the end, all of this could also be only our negative imaginations, and perhaps nothing of it all is true. It could also be possible, that those lost children are not interested in us and our universe at all, only following their own way. Or, in the best case, they even may be interested in an alliance with us against evil. We simply don't know, we do know nothing any more at all. Those children wanted to be on their own, they wanted to be whole independent, and thinking about it is understandable, reminding where they come from and what they are over then - every single child of them. We may never forget about this...
After another short break the mighty goddess began to talk once more, while the two sisters further listened carefully...
So, there are really a lot of concerns here, a lot of fears, and multiple question, but no answers. And no certainty at all. In our situation, following our way to the final battle of this whole universe and all life in it, we can not ignore this possible and additional threat, not at all. And this is why you now learned about this sad truth, after we became this signal from the other side, that they would accept your visit. But really only yours...
As Diayla paused once more at this point Laura nodded with her head several times while taking the floor herself...
We understand and accept this challenge, Diayla, as we yet told it Amarylisse. If there is any chance to still reach here something positive, then we have to try, no matter for possible dangers. Estera and I are ready to enter this parallel universe, also if this means to loose all our magical and supernatural abilities. If this mission only works in form of being normal human beings, then be it so. We will also try and do our best, no matter of the circumstances. This is our promise, to Amarylisse, to you, and to ourselves. We are in the debt of all life and the existence of our universe, and so we are ready to face every challenge that is waiting for us...
Diayla also nodded with her head now, and though Laura and Estera could further see no face, they believed to feel a great gratefulness from there. The goddess began to speak again...
I did not expect anything else from you, my beloved children, the way I know you since your lives began in our universe. You are the chosen ones, the last and real hope for us all, and we trust in you. Though we can not support you any more on the other side, never forget about us and all our love we send you on your way. You will never be alone, no matter how far away you may be. and this is for sure...
Estera also spoke to the goddess now, nodding with her head and smiling happily all over her face...
We know, Diayla, as we always knew since we got aware about the existence of Amarylisse and you. And we won't disappoint you, as we always try our best. I have no fear to loose my magical abilities again, as I have lived most time of my life as a normal mortal human being. And so, may this challenge be as high as necessary, we don't care. What has to be done will be done, and in the end we will succeed...
Laura also nodded with her head once more, firmly holding the hand of her sister all the time...
I could not have answered any better then. And so, if this is now a farewell for a long time, be it so. We are ready, and you can send us onto this mission now, so we may start it...
The mighty creator took a deep breath before answering again, and she also nodded with her head once more...
The portal will open any moment, my beloved children. The lost children know about your presence, and they will react, as they only can open this gate themselves. And yes, this will be a long farewell, and nobody really could say for how long then. But one day you will return with good news, I am really a firm believer of this as a fact...
The goddess had barely spoken her last words as it really happened then. Straight in the position of the door to the hut in the background a small but gleaming light suddenly appeared, caused by an energy flash, coming from above, from nowhere. It was a blur light, spreading very fast and becoming bigger and bigger...

Diayla took the floor a last time now...
Your new long journey into the unknown begins now, Laura and Estera! The other side opens and the energy will take you there. All our love and best wishes will accompany you, now and forever...
The two sisters kept holding each others hand very firmly, as the powerful energy finally grabbed hold of them. Colours and forms began to blur, and the forms also began to spin, faster and faster...

Then all matter shrank until it totally disappeared within the energy, and the light then covered the whole area. In the end there was only light and energy left, until it suddenly disappeared again and left the area in darkness...
The Swamp. This so much unusual place of entire harmony and peace, and the safe haven of the mighty goddess Diayla, the creator. It was back again as before, as if nothing had happened here. No sign of life around, nothing moved at all. And it was quiet...
Laura and Estera were gone. They had been taken to the mysterious parallel universe, and also Diayla had left the place with the energy vortex. But now she finally appeared again, straight at the same place as before. The only difference was, that she now appeared physically, no more semi transparent. As well as her two animals...
Diayla did not move at all. She was almost standing there like a statue, as if she would wait for something or somebody. But nothing happened, and the creator kept waiting...
Suddenly it happened. Another person appeared, as expected by Diayla. And of course it was Amarylisse, the only further goddess and person to know about this place, and to visit the creator. And as Diayla also Amarylisse appeared in a physical human form again. But as usual both goddesses had no face, the hoods were empty...

After some moments of silence it was Amarylisse to take the floor then. Her voice whispered gently to Diayla...
It is done, finally done. Laura and Estera have reached the other side, they are in the parallel universe now, among all those lost children there. The future is not written yet and really unsteadier than ever before...
The mighty goddess paused for some important moments, and she sighed deeply before continuing...
Nobody can say what will happen now, nobody knows if Laura and Estera will ever return. And maybe, if the worst case happens in the future, it can be that our time is over. Maybe this whole universe is doomed and being swallowed by this mighty second universe we once created ourselves for a good reason. And you know what? Sometimes, yes, sometimes I really ask myself, if this really would be the worst case, if all of this here finally would end forever and this new universe, with all those mighty children, would be eternity, together with the best we have sent them now, Laura and Estera...
Diayla did not answer at once, as those words from Amarylisse really were shocking and challenging, and never being spoken this way ever before. But then the creator answered quietly...
We both had such thoughts yet, and really not only one time, Amarylisse. It is understandable, because of all what has happened, and in the presence of the imminent apocalypse, the final war which can destroy our whole universe in the end. We never had something in mind like what this parallel universe really is now, but perhaps it a chance now. A chance for a total new start of life, and the end of all evil. If we pay this prize in the end, for a real eternal peace without evil, then I am ready to go...
Amarylisse did not answer for some thoughtful moments, but finally she nodded with her head and began to speak...
Well, it this end will come we will be ready to accept it. So much is for sure. But not yet, as there is still hope left for another ending. And this hope lives inside of Laura and Estera, as they will decide the destiny of both universes. This is what I believe, what I know. And no matter which final decision it will be then in the end, it will be the best one possible...
Diayla also nodded with her head once, and suddenly something changed. Something important. Because both goddesses now showed a face under their hoods. Only transparent, but faces. And sparkling eyes, gleaming in the darkness of the swamp...

Whatever it will be then in the future, out time of controlling the skills of the universes is finally over here. Here and now. We can still only wait and see what will happen. It is no longer the time of the old gods, but of their wonderful children...
Amarylisse sighed deeply one time...
Will we ever see them again? And no matter how it all ends, will they really find all answers, the whole truth then...?
Diayla nodded with her head again one time. But her last words still only were a tender whispering in the wind...
They will, for sure...
Silence. Only silence was finally left in the dark swamp, and the darkness began to spread...

In the end the darkness swallowed it all, the goddesses, the hut and the whole swamp...

The end of chapter 1...
...but to continued in chapter 2...