Chapter 2 - Lessons and Changes
Laura - The Parallel Universe 2 - Lessons and Changes
Anywhere. Anytime. But Laura first knew nothing any more, really nothing at all as she finally began to wake up again. She tried to open her eyes, at least a little bit, but first it did not work. Her eyelids somehow were so weighty, and also the brightness around was too much, and so the eyes had to fight first until getting used to the light again...

Yet before opening her eyes again Laura tried to use her mind again. She tried to remember, remembering what had happened before. And how long she had been sleeping at this place, wherever she really was now. But it was hard, and for some unknown reasons her mind did not work properly at the moment. A lot of memories seemed to be lost, somewhere in the darkness, somewhere on the way she had followed before...
It worked again. At least her eyes were open now, looking upwards, into a blue sky with only few clouds wandering along it, and Laura noticed that she was in an unknown forest. She saw high trees around, and the branches, reaching out for the sky all around. And Laura lay on a soft ground, between bigger green plants, on a mossy forest floor...
Laura began to stretch herself, and she began to yawn. Then she finally sat up, looking around. She still tried to remember, but the memories came back only very slowly...
What...has happened? I...remember only...very slowly, but we entered this portal to...the parallel universe of the...lost children...
Laura laid her hand onto her forehead, as she felt terrible headaches. But not only this, her whole body ached, and she could somehow feel every single muscle in her body...
What happens here? Where am I now? And where is Estera, why isn't she at my side? And what is wrong with my body? I never felt this way in my whole life, I never experienced...pains. Is this what Amarylisse warned me about, am I really so...weak now...?
Laura watched her arms and became frightened. There were bruises on her arms, and even abrasions, physical injuries as the mother of all life never had experienced them ever before. And she really understood what had happened, what was going on now. Laura no longer was a goddess herself, not at all. She had become a normal human being, mortal and vulnerable, really as weak as never before...
Laura sighed deeply one time and tries to get back onto her feet again. It cost her some efforts, and Laura really was a little bit week-kneed at first, but then she could move again...
So, this means to be a normal human being? I could not imagine this before at all, and it certainly will take some time to get used to this whole new kind of life for me. Now I must be much more careful with all I do, but the priority is to find out one thing first. What happened to my sister? Where is she? But I have no idea where to go now...
Laura looked around again. She stood in a thick forest with no visible way to follow, she could only see thicket all around. And so Laura took a deep breath with shaking her head...
Okay, then it does not matter which direction to go from here. I have no clue, I can only try to find a way out of this forest. And I hope I can find anybody to talk to soon here...
Laura was on her way again. She simply began to walk, to cut her way through this unknown forest, in the hope to find a sign of civilization soon, to find the lost children - and answers...
Estera, my beloved sister, I hope you are also well. At least as a normal human being now, like me. And I promise, I will find you. No matter how much time or efforts it would cost, I will find you...
Laura knew. She really knew, life never had been as hard and complicated as now, and in this foreign universe she would have to fight out the battle of her life. And just the sorrows about her sister, the question what may have happened to Estera, brought tears into the eyes of Laura. But she brushed away those tears again quickly...
No! My body may be weak now, but my mind is strong and determined. I will succeed, no matter about the costs...
Laura clenched her fists then and took a deep breath with closed eyes, before she opened them again and finally continued walking through this thick and unknown forest. Slowly and carefully, of course, but even more determined as ever before...
Laura didn't know how long she had walked through this thick forest yet, as she totally had lost her sense of time. And of course it was different now, completely different, as Laura now also had to pay tribute to her body. She could not simply walk around as long as she wanted, like always before in her own universe and with supernatural forces. Now her body was limited, really limited as never before, and so the mother of all life had to go on a break regularly. But she learned quickly to attune to this new situation and accepted those limits, it was the only way to succeed here...
After some further time the environment began to change finally. The trees began to clear slowly and more and more light surrounded Laura. Until she finally could leave the forest...
The mother of all life stood in a beautiful environment now, and she looked around. Not far away was a deep abyss, with a valley down there. The whole area was surrounded by high mountains now, except the direction with the forest where Laura came from. At the opposite site of the abyss was a lake, being created by smaller river, flowing down from the mountains. In front of the abyss this lake accumulated to a lake then, with two waterfalls, rushing down into the deeper valley...

Laura walked towards the abyss and sat down on a bigger rock. She was very thoughtful - and sad. There was still no sign of civilization, no sign of the lost children all around. And of course also no sign at all of her sister Estera, while Laura not even knew if she was on the right path at all. The feelings overran Laura now, and some tears ran down her cheeks. The mother of all life had problems to control her feelings now, as there was fear inside of her heart. Really much fear...
Suddenly Laura noticed she was no longer alone then. Some animals showed up,
a rabbit, two deer, and an eagle in the sky. Also a big cat came to the abyss, but
somehow all of this was strange. Neither the eagle, nor the big cat got ready to attack their actual prey, and also Laura seemed not of any interest for them. She was confused by this behaviour. But she stayed on her rock then and lost her initial fear...
The deer even came so close to Laura, sniffing at her as if they wanted give comfort then. Laura began to smile unavoidably, and she stroked those unusual tame animals...
Some time later, Laura was back in the forest again. There had been no way for her to cross this abyss from before, and so she searched for another way through the forest. But it seemed to be a long way to go, obviously far away from every civilization here. And the mother of all life really had no clue at all how much time her peregrination would take...
After some time something really strange was happening. Laura stopped on her way, as an owl was appearing in the air, flying around then, but only around Laura. She looked astonished at that animal, and somehow it seemed this owl wanted to communicate with Laura. It did not stop flying around her, until Laura gave a sign, with nodding with her head. Somehow she simply trusted in those strange animals at this place, and in fact, the owl then flew away into a certain direction. But only slowly, and always waiting until Laura could close up. The mother of all life followed the owl, convinced now this strange animal would lead her to a real destination...

Some time later again. Another area in this extensive wood, with a small forest glade. The owl had disappeared again, and Laura could only hope that this really was a destination for her now. But though, there was still no sign of human life around, nothing at all. So Laura sat down on the ground, leaning against a big tree, expectant...
Some time passed, but nothing happened. Laura was sad, very sad again. Could this really have been an error? Did this owl lead her to nowhere, and was she lost in this endless forest in the end?

Laura thought about Estera. She saw her picture in front of her inner eyes, the last picture of her beloved sister before entering this energy portal to reach the parallel universe...
Laura was fighting against her tears again. She felt so weak and lost now, more than ever before in her whole life...
Estera, sister, where are you...?
"Don't be afraid, Laura, goddess from the other side, visitor of our universe! Estera, your sister, is safe, and nothing will cause her suffering here. You have our promise!"
Laura startled the first moment, as this childish voice suddenly sounded out of nowhere. It had happened so unexpected, and Laura looked around into all directions, of course. But she could not see anything, there was still no sign of human life...
Who are you...?
The question of Laura stayed unanswered. Instead something else happened. A light appeared in the air, a blue light with a white core, in form of an energy sphere...

And this sphere was growing quickly, until Laura could see something in there. First only shadows, movements. And then a human being began to materialize within the light...

Laura was very excited now. Her time of loneliness and searching was over finally, the first lost child on this world began to appear. And finally it stood in front of Laura. The energy sphere was gone again, but there was still some light around this little child...

The light was finally gone. Laura watched this child, but wearing a black capuchin, she could not see a face. There was only blackness under the hood, and it seemed this child did not want to offer his identity yet. But it began to speak again now...
I greet you, Laura, visitor from the other side, and I want to apologize for this little...rough welcome. You certainly will have been informed before by your old gods, the ones who have created your and our universe. And I am here to introduce you to our universe now, to give you more details about what to expect and the tasks to solve. We never had visitors from your side except Diayla and Amarylisse, and since a longer time now not even them. We love our independence and freedom, and we wanted to be on our own for some reasons. But as we heard about your interest to visit us, we accepted at once, as we did watch you and your life for a long time yet. We were interested to meet you, but of course on our terms. This is what you must accept first, as long as you are here, to obey our rules and orders without any conditions. Such as not being a goddess any more, but continuing as a normal human being, as long as you visit us. Otherwise this journey ends before it really has begun. This is you decision, and you must decide now...
Laura looked seriously at the little girl, nodding with her head then several times, before she answered...
I was aware about this fact before I ever started this journey, and I did accept yet in my universe. Nothing changed about that. But what I am really interested in most, please, tell me what happened to my sister. Where is she? Why is she not at my side any more? I must know...
The child nodded with her head understanding. After a few moments Laura got her answer...
This is understandable, of course, but as I said before, don't be afraid, she is well and will be safe. But as long as you are here, as long as you follow your way on an important journey here, as long we will keep your sister in custody. Not in prison, she will have her own place to live and move free, but only in a certain area. We can not allow her to accompany you and get in contact with our children, and of course you know about the reason very well. Estera is a danger, for herself and others, and a demon inside her is nothing we could ever tolerate here. Never. So she must stay isolated for this time, and when you succeed to leave again, the moment you arrive in your own universe again, she will be at your side again - safe and sound. And this is another condition you must accept, and there is no chance for any compromises. But I am sure you can understand our concerns...

Laura lowered her head and nodded several times. Sadness was reflecting in her eyes, as she answered with low voice...
Yes, of course. I had this fear yet before starting this journey, but Estera would never had accepted to stay at home. But okay, I accept this condition, the main point is that Estera is safe. I will continue on my own, without her. But what will happen if this demon gets stronger, if it breaks through...? I really fear this moment so much...
The girl shook her head at once...
This won't happen. We have the power to keep Estera in the condition she is now, as long as necessary. The problem of her is a really sad one, but you must solve it yourself later then. In your own universe. So, do not care about Estera, care about your own destiny...
Laura nodded with her head and looked up again, into the blackness of the little child's hood, where at least two green eyes were gleaming. The mother of all life answered immediately...
I will for sure, now that I know my sister is safe. What else would I have to know, I mean, are there further conditions I must learn about? Then, please, tell me about...
The little girl began to move again, walking through the forest slowly and indicated Laura to follow her. The mother of all life followed the girl, walking at her side then. And she listened carefully to the further words of this being, who looked as a weak little girl, but really was a mighty creature for sure. Laura could really feel this...

Yes, there are further things you must know. I will tell you all you all about, while we walk through this forest. So, know then, this universe, what you call a "parallel universe" to yours, is full of worlds and countless children meanwhile. We invite them since a very long time, and so many followed our call and still will follow. You recognize our children always by there eyes, as they are always coloured. Most times green, but depending on the worlds also with different colours. Those children are taboo for you, no matter which world, no matter which task. You are not allowed to hurt any of our children, but all other creatures are free. And there are other creatures, as adults, for example. Those adults complete our worlds for certain reasons, but they are not real. They have no real life, as they have all been created artificially. And we have animals of all kind and further creatures, you will meet a lot of them on your journey. If you are attacked by any creatures except our children, you may do whatever has to be done then...
The little girl paused for some moments, further walking at the side of Laura, before continuing her speech again...
You may perhaps wonder about what I tell you now. For a whole universe of lost children, who can realize all their dreams in there, why is this not simply paradise, but instead also full of danger? Well, certainly a qualified question, but without an answer. This one, as many further questions, are part of your entire task, and you must find those answers yourself. And at this point, you will have to visit twenty-three worlds altogether, this is the number we chose for you. Each world will have an own theme, and you will get a part of those worlds then. You will play a role there, different and new in every world you visit, and some of them will even be own sub universes with further own worlds. When you solve one world and reach the next you will get all necessary information at the beginning, meeting me again, so you will know what to do next. And you can first reach the next world then when all tasks are solved, then you can reach an energy portal on each world for crossing into the next one. This will be the rough frame for your journey here, beginning in this world, the normal one, without a special theme. It is our arrival world for all children and guests, where they get all necessary information...
The child kept silence once more for some moments, and Laura jumped at the chance to ask a question herself...
I understand your rules and conditions, and I will respect them, of course. And yes, I do have a lot of questions, things I can not understand, but I will certainly have much time here to find the answers. What you tell me really proofs what I expected, that this will be the so far longest journey of my life. And though of being a normal human being now, with no special forces, I will always do my best to succeed...
The little girl nodded with her head...
I am convinced you will, Laura. But know then, this will also not be absolute. All circumstances depend on each world you visit, and on some you will have special forces again. It is necessary then, and you will understand later. And there is one special gift we leave to you, the possibility to change your clothes every time and moment you want. So you can align yourself to all conditions on every world. Also you will be able to stay a longer time without food if necessary, so those facts shall not be your problem. You can fully concentrate on your mission here...
Laura began to smile slightly...
Thank you, I appreciate everything from your side you make this experience a little bit easier for me...
The young girl suddenly changed her personal appearance. The blackness in her hood disappeared, and instead Laura could see her real face for the very first time then...
My name is Elora, Laura, and you can name me so. No need to hide my face any
more, so you can see the first real lost child in this universe face-to-face. And this is my real face...

Laura nodded with her head one time...
Thank you therefore, Elora, I really do appreciate this very much. As well as your companionship and all help and advices. Is there still something now what I should know?
Elora began to smile slightly herself now...

Oh, well, Laura, for now only a further advice then. This universe is very dangerous for you. Never forget about to only be a normal human being now. Be careful, just be very careful. This is all I still can say, and if things go well for you, then we will meet again. It is my duty to serve you in this certain way, and we will meet again at the beginning of every new world you enter. But now you must continue on your own again, I will leave here. But, perhaps, you would not have to be totally alone at least...
Elora turned around and left Laura, walking away into another direction now. But instead of her the owl from before returned, flying towards Laura and around her then...

Wonderful smart owl, I am happy you are back. Perhaps you really still could be a little helpful for me...?
As if the owl had understood the words of Laura, it slowly flew away again now, and Laura began to follow. She was happy not to be totally on her own, and she knew it was a gift from Elora. Perhaps this could be an error, but somehow Laura believed this little girl had some feelings for her. And she was happy about this knowledge to meet her again...
Okay then, further on my long way here, after the owl, as this extensive journey only just has begun...

Laura was smiling again, and she really felt happy at the moment. And she continued crossing the forest then...
Some time later. Laura had finally left the extensive forest again, with the help of the owl at her side. Laura now found herself standing on a higher rock, looking down into a deep valley, which filled the whole area until the far horizon. First then there were further high mountains, surrounding this whole valley then...
The deep valley was the first big area with proof of civilization in the parallel universe, as Laura now looked onto a big city, filling all the area until the horizon. Laura knew at once, and Elora had also mentioned it yet, that this was the capital city of this world. It was created in a historic style, smaller houses and giant palaces, and with one main palace in the middle of the area. And this area was also crossed by water, as a river with several junctions flew by here, into the opposite direction, towards the northern mountains. And sailing ships were travelling on this river...

Laura watched this scene happily, as her time of loneliness was over now. And she watched the owl finally leaving her now, flying some rounds over the city first, and then leaving towards the northern mountains. Laura raised her hand, waving after her animalistic friend...
Good bye, my little friend, and thank you very much for your help and guidance. I will miss you for sure...
The owl disappeared and Laura still watched this beautiful scene for a while, until she then searched a way down into the valley and found it. Laura followed this way down into the capital city...
Laura had found a way leading down into the deep valley and towards the capital city of this world. And down in the valley, getting closer to this town, Laura really was impressed. Because this city simply was astonishing, and at all, thinking about it, this whole world was so impressing. Wonderful nature with animals in perfect harmony, and now this city with an imposing architecture. Created and implemented by children - though Laura knew of course that they only still looked like children. But they had grown far beyond that age, and with incredible powers. Laura would not underestimate them ever, yet with her first child encounter it had been totally obvious...
Laura walked along the mountains in the east, which where the frontier of the huge town in this direction, entering the town then on a stony bridge. It went across water, where several waterfalls were flowing down, two to the left side and one to the right. Laura passed a guardhouse then, but it was vacant, at least at the moment...
Nobody here? No guard? But okay, I guess those children really do feel totally safe here. But I hope there is some life in this town, and anybody to tell me how to continue...
Laura continued her way into the enormous city, with crossing another bridge part now, leading her towards a huge building in the middle between those two waterfalls. And she only walked slowly, letting her eyes roam beyond all she could see...

The mother of all life still was so impressed, though she had expected much yet before entering this parallel universe then. But now she was really overwhelmed, as all of this simply was an eyeful. Almost unbelievable to imagine what those lost children had created, and how powerful they were meanwhile, whereby this was only the beginning of the first world in this universe - one world of so many...
Laura sighed deeply one time, shaking her head again and again, before she spoke to herself once more...
Yes, I can not say different, I love what I see here. Those children really have made their dreams come true, as they have created their own real paradise here. Unbelievable, and except the gods nobody at all senses the least of the existence of this second universe. While we follow our dark way into the unavoidable final apocalypse, the lost children have created their own heaven. This is plain fantastic...
Laura sighed one more time then...
But where will it end? The question really is, is it all enough this parallel universe would not be effected by the apocalypse in our universe? And what if the unthinkable really happens in the end, what if evil and the old man destroy us and rule out universe? How long would it need until he would find a way into the parallel universe...?
More and more Laura understood the concerns of Diayla and Amarylisse, of how the lost children could react in this face of incredible danger. And she really understood urgency of her mission...
Well, I will do my best to get the answers, all answers we need. And, perhaps, in the end even an alliance with this universe, it would be the best we could ever reach in this important matter...
Laura continued her way. And at last she entered the huge unknown building between the two big waterfalls...
Laura had passed the huge building again to the right side. It had been a kind of huge junction, form where one could reach several areas of the giant town then. And Laura decided to simply try one direction, as she was a foreigner in this capital city, of course...

At this junction Laura had seen the first lost children now. They had recognized her as a visitor, but didn't react, except of greeting her friendly. And Laura herself also recognized every lost child because of their eyes, they were all in a green colour...
Laura walked in a small alleyway between huge buildings now. And also here she met lost children, and they really all smiled at her and greeted friendly. And Laura felt this was unplayed, but serious...

After further following this way between buildings Laura reached a bigger open place then with some further lost children walking and standing there. At last she addressed one lost child, a young girl in as short dress, standing there and simply enjoying the fresh air. And the mother of all life hoped to perhaps learn something from her...
Hello, pretty girl, excuse me for disturbing you, but would it perhaps be possible I could ask you one or two questions?
The little girl began to smile at Laura, nodding with her head at once, before she answered with a childlike high voice...

Oh, hello, you must be Laura, the visitor from the other universe, we have heard about you yet a longer time ago, that you would visit us one day. So, welcome in our universe, and on Rylon, the starting world for all to arrive new in this universe. I hope you like it here, and yes, you may ask your questions bluntly. I will see if I can answer you then...
Laura also smiled happily, as she was relieved those lost children on the first world did react so kindly on her. And the mother of all life asked her question after some moments...
Well, thank you, as you know I am a whole stranger in your world and universe. I know mot much yet, and even still less about my journey here. Of course I can walk around here and spend much time with it, looking around and enjoying this impressing culture you have created. But this is not the sense of this mission, of course. I have to find out what I would have to do on this world, what my real task is about here. And this is my question, is there anything you can tell me about, anything to help me finding my way and task? I would really appreciate every help you could give...
The young girl nodded with her head understanding, and her smile still seamed to get a little wider...
Well, we ordinary people do not know about what your task really is, not on this world or any other then. Not really at least. Those are decisions to be made by others, and to find out yourself. But there is something we can do for you, at least we can give some smaller hints. And I hope I can help you a little bit this way then...
The little girl paused for some moments, before she continued speaking with her childish high voice...
What I can say to you is to find the main palace in this town, which is called Ingunden by the way. This palace is the residence of the ruler of this world, Rylon. To better understand things here you should speak with this ruler. I am very sure you can get further important information there, to help you on your further way...
Laura nodded grateful with her head...
Thank you very much, I will do as you say. I have seen this palace yet from a far distance, as it really tops every other building in this huge town. And so I will find my way into this palace now...
Laura said goodbye to the little girl and began to move again, following her further way through the capital city...
After a while, walking slowly through the majestic city and watching all elements closely, Laura reached the giant complex of the main palace in Ingunden. Walking along this incredible residence she searched for the main entrance then...
What a huge palace, I have rarely seen such an impressive construction anywhere else so far. But this is really a giant home for a ruler of a world indeed. I am very curious to meet this ruler, if this is possible, and ask a few questions then...
Laura continued walking, now along another small river, ending somewhere in front of the giant castle. A small harbour was the end of this river now, and Laura saw sailing ships anchored here. The mother of all life then used a lateral entrance into the castle to the left, as she did not find the main entrance for this castle so far...

Laura stood in an inner courtyard now, beautiful designed with a lot of grass fields and other plants. But the further way was blocked now, as two girls in police uniforms guarded this area. Laura came closer slowly towards those girls, greeting them friendly then...

Hello! I am on my way into the main palace of this town, to hopefully meet the ruler of your world for an audience. I hope you can help me along in this matter as a foreign visitor here...?
One of the young guards answered Laura stonily, as both girls did not move or show any emotions...
Guard 1:
We have heard about you yet, and your name is Laura. You are welcome in this palace, and we will pass you...
Laura nodded gratefully with her head...
Thank you very much. May I also ask you for some further help also, to tell me which way to continue from here?
The second guard also answered with no reaction in her face, with a childlike but also impersonal voice...
Guard 2:
Cross this courtyard to the other end and use the stairs there to reach the upper floor. Then turn left and follow this corridor in to the building. Reaching a bigger hall there you will find signposting there, showing the further way until the throne room...
With those words the second guard stepped aside and Laura could continue her way then, after saying goodbye to both girls. And finally Laura entered the destination building to the left...
Laura had walked along multiple corridors yet, following the direction signs towards the throne room. But so far it seemed she didn't get any closer at all to her destination...
Well, this palace is really as giant as it seemed from outside. Or even still bigger. I hope I can find this throne room in the end, but so far there are really only further corridors and direction signs...
Suddenly Laura found herself in an outside area again, another smaller courtyard. No police guards there, but Laura saw a boy, standing at the other end of this courtyard, with artificial waterspout fountains all around, in different sizes. And so Laura crossed this courtyard, and it seemed the boy was already waiting for her. Before she could speak to him in the end the boy took the floor himself...

Welcome, Laura, I have waited for your arrival, to finally guide you further through our main palace in Ingunden, until you can enter the throne room for the meeting with our ruler. My name is Trior, and I have been chosen as your personal servant, as long as you visit this palace. If you are ready we can leave for the throne room...
Laura nodded with her head smiling...
Thank you very much, Trior, I really appreciate your help. And yes, I am ready to follow you then...
Trior also began to smile happily now...
It will be a pleasure, Laura, as we do not often welcome guests on our world, except new lost children, of course. But so, let's continue from here, just follow me for your further way...
With those words the young boy turned around finally and began to move then. Laura followed him satisfied...
After crossing some further outdoor areas Laura and Trior finally were inside the giant palace again, walking through corridors and rooms there, until the young boy stopped again. They were standing in a big kind of arrival hall now, where Trior began to speak again...

Here we are, Laura, we have reached the throne room of the ruler of this town and world. We only still must climb the stairs behind us and cross the last corridor, then we reach the residence of our queen. She is already waiting for your arrival...
Laura nodded with her head smiling...
I am ready to meet her, and I hope she will be able to answer some of my questions at least. Let's enter the throne room...
Trior turned around immediately...
Follow me a last time then, Laura, and I bring you straight in front of our wonderful and mighty ruler...
Trior began to climb the stairs finally, and Laura took a last deep breath. Then she followed her leader...
Laura entered the throne room of the superb city Ingunden finally, stepping forward only slowly then. It was a smaller room, smaller then expected in the presence of this city. Trior crossed the room quickly then, taking his place next to the throne. Certainly he also was a kind of consultant of the queen, an important task in this town...
The throne itself stood on a little gallery, three steps led up to it. At both sides of the steps a lost girl was standing, and on the flat throne the queen. Also a young girl in a modern outfit, not a long dress this time. It was a short dress instead in different colours, and high boots. This queen not even wore a crown, but she was the queen for sure. Laura could feel her power, and as a ruler obviously bigger then the power of all other children here. And Laura walked closer towards the queen...
Finally Laura stopped, and the queen began to talk to her at once. There was a slight smile in her young face, and Laura could feel openness and really true kindness from inside her...

Welcome, Laura, and so you made your way into my residence finally. I am happy to meet you here, at your first station on a very long journey. We want to keep it comfortable here for you on this world, as the tasks will get much more difficult and dangerous later. But for the beginning you are safe on this world, I can guarantee you this at least...
Laura began to smile happily herself...
Thank you, mighty queen of Rylon! I appreciate your kindness and all help you can offer me, and if it is possible I would like to ask you some question. Perhaps you would have some answers for me?
The queen nodded with her head before answering...
Yes, maybe, but this depends on your questions, Laura. Certainly I can not give you all answers, but I will help as far as possible. But I believe you had your first introduction yet?
Laura nodded with her head one time...
Yes, of course, a little girl named Elora welcomed me first on this world, and how she also told me I will meet her again at every further world I enter first. I do not know who or what she is, but I could feel she is very mysterious and powerful...
The queen nodded with her head approving...
In fact, your feelings are right. But I can not tell you anything more about her, maybe you can find out yourself. In this universe not all children are equal, and some of them are from far beyond our normal worlds. We do have rules and laws here, so our society can work, and it does, since such a long time now yet. We are very proud about this success...
Laura took a deep breath then, asking her first question finally as the queen kept silence again...
From all I learned so far, from Amarylisse, Dialya and Elora, I understand that all lost children have their genesis on Earth, the world I also was born myself. They come from there since such a long time yet, and still come, so this parallel universe expands more and more. And it is a society of only children, with their own rules and laws. All living creatures beyond children are created artificially, to create them worlds at will, and here, on Rylon, it always starts. Here all new children arrive first and learn all about this universe, before they finally decide on which world to live later. And this is a life for eternity - for every single child then, where they never will suffer again, never be ill and never die at all. This is your own paradise, as I really understand it...
The queen nodded with her head smiling, as Laura paused again. The she took the floor again herself...
Yes, you did say it right, Laura, and this is how our universe works roughly. But your long journey through it has only just begun, and you will have to understand that not all our worlds are equal. In fact your mission and task will be different on every world you reach, but those are details you learn about later. This beginning world, Rylon, is safe for you, so you can get used to us and our universe in a easy way first. The hard times will still come, but not now. As long as you are on Rylon we can make things comfortable for you, so you may take new strength and faith, that you succeed your future missions. More, really much more depends on your success as you now ever could imagine. Simply believe me, and we do hope that you will succeed, for your own and our universe. This is what I can say to you honestly...
Laura nodded with her head smiling...
I will try my best for sure and face every challenge, for my sister, for my and your universe and for all life at all. We certainly do have one common destination, to save our universes from all possible danger. And I really never wanted anything else than this, why I accepted this mission in my universe, and my role as chosen one...
The childlike queen also began to smile...
We know, and we really know yet since a very long time. As for myself I trust in you, and all my best wishes will accompany you. And I also know you will learn much on your journey, much more than you now can imagine. Your way to fulfil your own destiny has really first begun...
Laura took a deep breath and did not answer at once. Of course there were still much more question inside of her mind, to learn about much more details here, but she simply knew it would be for nothing to really ask them here. It was not the place and not the right person to learn more now, as it was part of this journey to find a lot of answers herself. And Laura was prepared to do so, as she finally began to speak again...
I spare further questions for now, as I know and feel it I can not get further answers here. You did tell me all you could, and I will find further answers on my continuing journey. No matter what is waiting for me then, I am ready to face all danger and challenges. If you only could give me a hint where to continue now, as I still no nothing else about this world, or what task would still wait for me here then...?
The queen now shook her head once...
There is no further task for you here except one - finding the energy portal which will carry you into the next world. Until this happens you are our guest any may accept our hospitality. We already prepared a guest room for you here in this palace, as the night begins soon, and you may eat and drink with us before going to sleep. Tomorrow you can stay as long as you still want, or leave for your further search, this is your decision. Would this offer be acceptable for you then?
Laura nodded with her head once more...
Thank you very much, so be it then...
The queen ordered Trior now to escort Laura to the dining hall of the palace, and not much later she had dinner there with the queen and a lot of further residents of the palace...
It was night in Ingunden, and many inhabitants of this giant town already had gone to sleep. Laura had still had a longer talk with the friendly queen of this world, before she was escorted to her quarters for this night by Trior. They just arrived there, and the mother of all life found herself in a really huge and pompous equipped bedroom...

Incredible, Trior, and really impressing! I will sleep very well here for sure. Thank you very much!
Trior bowed low to Laura now before he answered her with an obviously satisfied voice...
I wish you a good night, Laura, sleep well! And if there is any further wish, no matter when, you can let me know and reach me with this switch here close to your bed. It reaches me in my own quarters, and I will be here soon then. Otherwise we meet tomorrow again...
With these words Trior finally turned around and left the huge bedroom, while Laura began to prepare herself for the night...
Some time later. The bedroom was dark now, after Laura had turned off all lights. She laid on the round and very soft bed. After still mediating on her so far experiences in the parallel universe the mother of all life felt her grand tiredness. And so she closed her eyes and fell asleep soon...

A new day was dawning on Rylon. And yet, with the first rays of dawn, Laura was on her feet again, preparing for this new day. The mother of all life had made her decision already, to continue her journey soon. But she wanted to stay in Ingunden at least still a little bit, for breakfast with the queen and to explore the giant capital city a little bit further. But at midday at the latest Laura then would leave the city finally...
After an extensive breakfast with the queen of Rylon Laura met the regent a last time finally. It was a huge arrival hall, with a lot of lost children standing and talking there, when Laura had a last talk with the queen. And the mother of all life was the first to speak then...

Well, then, Your Highness, this is the time to say farewell finally. I want to use my time to still take a closer look at your incredible city here, and leave then for my further journey. I don't know where the destination is, the energy portal into the next world, and how long I still will have to travel. But I am ready, and if possible I would of course be very grateful for any further hint in which direction to go....
The queen nodded with her head once...
No problem, Laura. When you are ready to leave the city, bear northward then. Keep this direction, and you will certainly meet other children then on your way, helping you along. I am absolute sure you will find your final destination, and reaching the next world you will get further information there. But be prepared, the journey will change then...
Laura took a deep breath before answering...
I know, and all the more I enjoy the time to be on this special world with your kind welcome and hospitality here, to really prepare for whatever still may wait for me out there. But be sure, I have yet gone through so much in my life, and I have seen so much. It does not matter how hard the challenges will be, I will face them. As I said, for all life and universes, and for my beloved sister. I don't care for my own life, but I want to save our existence. This is all what still matters, really all...
The queen seemed really impressed, and Laura believed to even see wetness in her eyes, as she answered smiling...
You are a very impressing person, Laura, and I can tell you how you reach my heart and touch it. I wished I could help you more, but it is not possible. We all have our own destiny, following rules and laws, and my role, together with you, ends here. I can only still wish you all the best for your further journey, and may you be successful in the end. At least my thoughts and feelings are with you, now and always...
Laura was also deeply touched by the last words of the queen, nodding with her head while fighting some tears. But finally the mother of all life could answer with firm voice...
I am honoured that I had this chance to meet you, Your Highness, and be sure I will not forget about those hours. Your kindness really helped me a lot, and I got new hope and faith at this place...
Laura took a deep breath before continuing...
Farewell, Your Highness, I hope, perhaps some day, we will have the chance to meet again when all of this is over...
With these last words Laura finally turned around and left the enormous palace of Ingunden - after another change of her dress. Laura used this one and only supernatural ability often, what was left to her in this universe, so she could always match her outfit. And so the mother of all life was on her way through the capital city again, and on her long mission...

After further looking around for some time Laura finally left the capital city of Rylon. It was time to make the next step on this long journey, finding this energy portal now which would lead her into the next world in the parallel universe. And the mother of all life was really curious about what would wait for her next then...
Leaving the town northbound Laura walked over huge green plains, along the huge river, which also had one billabong into this direction. High mountains were the natural barrier to the right on this way. But with the hint of the queen Laura knew she was on the right path at least. And she walked slowly, enjoying the wonderful nature and peace all around...
I have still no idea what to expect on the following worlds, but this one really is a paradise, no doubt at all. Those lost children are incredible, and so powerful, certainly still more than I can imagine. But I am prepared, ready to face all challenges, to reach my final destination, what and where this ever may be. I will succeed in the end...
Laura continued walking at this wonderful warm summer day, with only very few clouds in the sky and the sun shining bright. Birds were flying and singing all around, simply a scene of entire peace. And somehow Laura was really sad to leave this world soon. But of course she had to, as there was no choice for the former goddess...
On her way Laura also met different animals frequently. They all did not behave as usual, as they were not shy or afraid at all. On the contrary, they did not run away, but come closer and looking or even sniff at Laura. And she could pet them with no problem, as some deer, just passing. Laura really smiled from ear to ear happily...

And the journey continued, Laura now followed her way upwards, straight into the mountains. The way was not too steep, so the mother of all life could walk it without physical problems...
Laura reached an area again where the pure nature changed into a much-used place. Still walking along the grand river to its left the way had led her through an even area for a while again, but now it began to go upwards once more, up into the mountains. There were two wooden houses at the bottom of this climb, and Laura saw some children playing and talking in this area. Some of them were sitting in a boat, just arriving on the right bank of the river, and greeted by another child with a dog...
Laura decided to speak to those children, as she hoped they could perhaps help her on her way, telling her if she would still be on the right path towards the searched energy portal...
The mother of all life went to the right, towards two children working on a vegetable field and spoke to them...

Hello, people, may I ask you a question? I could need some help on my way through this for me foreign world...
The female child stopped working and looked up, straight into the face of Laura, and she began to smile...
Welcome, foreign visitor of our beautiful world, and yes, you may ask every question you like to. How could we help you?
Laura also began to smile...
Thank you. I am on my way to your energy portal, and your kind queen herself has told me the first direction to follow. Now I ask myself if I am still on the right way then...
The young girl nodded with her head...
I see, the energy portal, of course. You must be Laura, the long announced and expected visitor from the other universe. It is an honour to meet you now, and a pleasure to help you. And so, let me tell you that this is the right path, follow it further into the mountains from here. Just always walk straight ahead, ignore all junctions until you reach a small farm with a windmill. There you may ask again for further help...
Laura was very satisfied because of the kindness of all lost children on this impressing world, and she smiled bright. The mother of all life answered really happy now...
Thank you very much, little girl, I appreciate all your kind help. And I will do exactly as you told me...
The girl nodded with her head...
But well, if you are not in a great hurry, would you take lunch with us first? It would be the right time now, and we invite you as our guest. We would be pleased if you accept...
Laura was simply overwhelmed by all the kindness on this world. She did not answer, but just nodded with her head, bearing with joy. And soon she followed those lost children into their house...
Laura was on her way again, on her way into the mountains. She felt reinvigorated and only happy, after a really abundant meal. But finally she had left the children again, continuing her search for the energy portal to reach the next world in the parallel universe. And after several hours, only following the mountain path upwards all the time, she reached a bigger plateau, seeing her next destination in some distance yet. Laura began to slime once more, speaking to herself then...
The farm, there it is! Exactly as the lost children from before told me. But I guess travelling in this parallel universe will not always be this easy. Not at all! The more I enjoy this first stage, really giving me faith and new strength - especially as a now normal human being. And I can feel it, I will still need all faith and strength I can get at all on my way, to finally succeed. For my sister and all further life in both universes...
Laura had stopped for some moments, but now she began to move again, wandering towards the small farm. And she could also see some inhabitant in front of it yet...
So then, meeting the next lost children here...
Laura only walked slow-paced now, while the children yet watched her curious. And Laura began to smile again...
Laura reached the small farm and was welcomed there by three girls in front of the main house. A further boy was just walking towards the windmill, looking interested at Laura shortly, and then continuing. One older girl was sweeping the ground in front of the house, the two further younger girls sat in the grass in front of the building. They invited Laura to join them there, and so she also sat down there, onto a rock fragment on the ground. One of the younger girls began to speak then...

Girl 1:
Welcome to our farm, Laura, as I can only guess you are the announced visitor from the other universe. It is nice that your way also leads to our farm, and we really appreciate your visit. If there is anything you want to know, or if we can help you in any way, please, let us know...
Laura nodded with her head, answering at once. And she spoke with a really grateful voice...
It is really overwhelming how friendly you are, all of you I got known so far. This is such a wonderful world. But my only wish would be to know which direction to further follow, so I am able to finally reach that needed energy portal on Rylon...
The second younger girl stood up now, also speaking to Laura then with a warm and friendly voice...
Girl 2:
We will help you in this matter of course, but not now. You have walked a longer time yet to reach this plateau, and you must be hungry and tired now, most of all as you are a normal human being now. And besides that fact, it is evening meanwhile, and the sun will set soon. You won't find any way and destination at night. So we invite you to spend the night here with us, having dinner with us and sleeping in our house then. Tomorrow, after breakfast, you may continue your journey. Would you accept this invitation? We would really be pleased then...
Laura took a deep breath and began to smile at once. In fact she had even wished yet she could perhaps spend the night at this place...
Thank you so much, and you are right, I am hungry and tired, as I am not used to such physical efforts at all. I will stay until tomorrow, and I really feel honoured by your hospitality...
The second younger girl also got up from the ground now, and both children turned towards the house then...
Girl 1:
Follow us, Laura...
The two little girls informed the older girl in front of the entrance of the house and then entered it. Laura and the older girl followed them inside the building finally...
It was dinner time. All children, living at this place, assembled bit by bit, and Laura already sat on a wooden bench at a wooden table, as the furnishing in this house was very modest. But the dinner was extensive all the more, and Laura enjoyed the meal very much. And she simply still was overwhelmed by all the hospitality of the lost children on Rylon - just a wonderful world she certainly would never forget about any more at all...

After a still longer evening, with talking to the residents of the farm, Laura finally was tired and needed some sleep. This was also a accompanying effect of her humanity, needs that Laura didn't know this way at all before. Just as hunger and thirst. And so the mother of all life wished her hosts a good night, and one girl led her to a smaller bedroom for this night...

It didn't really need much time for Laura, after lying down on the comfortable bed, until she fell asleep and entered the land of dreams, while her body found rest for this night...
Early in the next morning, when the sun already stood high at the horizon and the birds were singing beautiful up in the air, Laura finally was on her feet again. And after a good breakfast with her hosts she did no longer hesitate, but leaving for her long journey again. And she followed her chosen way higher into the mountains, towards her final destination on Rylon - towards the needed energy portal...
After some hours of wandering through the really superb nature of Rylon Laura reached another high plateau within the mountains. After crossing some extensive woods Laura then reached a little village with further lost children working and living there. And they also greeted Laura friendly, as it seemed really the whole world did know about Laura and her journey. And she found help at every inhabited place at all. But the more the mother of all life also remembered the warnings, and her feelings, about what to expect on the further planets in the parallel universe - she would really need every help she could get on her way...
Laura talked to one girl, standing on the way leading through the small village, while other children walked around...

As you certainly already know, I am Laura, the visitor of the other universe, on my long journey now through your universe. To leave this planet for the next world I need to find your energy portal, and I hope I may still be on the right way for this direction. Can you help me and tell me which way to follow further from here?
The girl nodded with her head and smiled slightly. She answered Laura with a warm and friendly voice...
Of course I can, Laura. You must turn left here, following the way to the gate over there, leading you back into the extensive forests here. Follow the main way then through the woods, but be careful. It may not always be obvious which is still the main way at many junctions, but I hope you will make your way through the woods...
Laura answered satisfied...
Thank you, I will try my best. It is never easy for a stranger on a foreign world, but I trust my feelings. Can you tell me what my next destination would be? Where do I have to get from here now?
When you leave those woods behind, you will reach the second largest town on this world, named Rifis. Then you also have crossed those mountains, and the rest of you way will lead you down again, until you reach the ocean. There at the beach you will see your final destination, but first enter Rifis with its impressing waterfalls in front of the town, to speak with the local governor. She is already waiting for you...
Laura nodded with her head again...
Thank you, I will do as you say. And I will continue my way at once, to hopefully reach this town before sundown. Would you say this is possible in the remaining daylight?
The girl also nodded with her head before answering...
Yes, you can make it, if you walk swiftly, and your way will no longer lead upwards now. I wish you much luck for your way, and for your whole further mission in our universe...
Thank you very much...
Laura left the small settlement again and entered the widespread woods again and continued her long journey...
Laura didn't know how long she was wandering already again, but those extensive woods really didn't want to come to an end. Crossing a lot of junctions meanwhile Laura even did not know if she still was on the right way at all, she could only hope so...
But after some further time the way ended the for Laura, really in the worst case - at a dead end. Laura reached a smaller river, and her way just ended at this point. So she had to accept that she had taken a wrong direction at any point - and now this journey would get very difficult. Laura simply had no idea where to go now, which way to follow...
Laura sighed deeply one time, as she suddenly looked upwards. And she began to smile then, seeing something totally unexpected in the air. The owl was back, the first leader for Laura as she had entered this world some time ago now. And the owl beat its wings excited, so Laura knew she should follow this intelligent animal once more...

Hello, my little friend, I am so happy to see you here. And I would really appreciate your help so much now...
The owl began to fly away slowly, and the mother of all life followed it at once. And the animal only flew as slow so Laura could always follow. The journey could continue then...
The evening was close meanwhile, the sun was already fading yet at the horizon. But Laura really made it through the woods, with the help of her little animalic friend, she finally stood outside the forest now. And while the owl now flew away Laura saw her next destination - the huge town Rifis in some distance, laying in a deeper valley. And it really was an impressing sight, so Laura stood still now and enjoyed this view for a while...

Rifis was a town with a lot of towers with blue dome roofs and a huge castle at the opposite end of the town. At the right side in front of the city was a huge lake, and the water issued into several waterfalls, going down into a still deeper valley. And Laura could see, looking into this direction, that the ocean was not far away any more, and Laura had to reach that deeper valley in order to also reach the final beach...
After some time Laura took a deep breath and began to move again. She followed her way downwards, leading to a bridge which would take her beyond an abyss to reach Rifis...
The sun had almost disappeared at the horizon as Laura finally reached her destination. The inhabitants instructed her with the shortest way into the palace, and there she got access to the throne room at once. And it was a surprise who the governor was then - looking totally equal to the queen of Rylon. But in fact, it really was her twin sister...
The governor escorted Laura onto a bigger balcony of her palace, where they could talk to each other undisturbed. Laura sat on the ground while the governor stood next to her, and Laura had a great sight beyond the huge town. She just began to speak then...

I had that honour yet to meet your twin sister, and it is a reel surprise to see that twin sisters rule the two biggest cities on this wonderful world. But sadly I have almost reached the end of my way here now, here on Rylon. The next world is waiting for me, as the energy portal is close now, and I wonder if there is anything else you could tell me before I have to leave? At least I have been told to visit you before continuing my journey. And I really do appreciate every help I can get, of course...
The governor of Rifis nodded with her head and began to smile slightly before she answered Laura...
Oh, it may not be much what I can tell you, but as you say, every single detail may be helpful on your journey, and we want to do what we can and what is possible at least. But before, I would like to ask you to still have dinner with me here and spend this night in my palace. Tomorrow, after breakfast, you may continue your journey to the energy portal. Would that be in your sense, or are you in a hurry?
Laura shook her head once...
No, I would be pleased to accept your offer, and yes, I am hungry and tired again. To be a normal human being now is something I am not used to at all, and it needs time to adapt this...
This is understandable, but the more we wish to support you, at least in such matter. And I suggest we are going to eat first then, there will be time later to continue our talk...
Laura agreed to this suggestion and got on her feet again. Both women left the balcony again to have dinner together...
After another extensive meal on Rylon Laura found herself finally in a really luxury bedroom, and the governor herself had led her there. The young girl still stayed with Laura for a while there so they could continue there talk from before. And this time the governor of Rifis answered the question of Laura she had asked yet before...
So, back to your journey then, as it ends now on this world. It was not yet a real challenge for you, of course, as there was not yet a danger or a real puzzle to solve. As you know yet, the challenges will get more and more difficult, whereby it is not defined in which order you will visit the different planets. But the tasks there will be very different, so much is for sure. From a better sight-seeing tour, like on Rylon, until a one and only survival tour - all things are possible, and all things are necessary. I can not tell you anything about the reasons yet, except that one thing - you are also on a very significant learning mission now...
The female governor paused for some important moments, but then she spoke again with serious voice...
I am not allowed to give you further details, for this is most important for you to find all truth and answers for yourself, because this is the only way for you to succeed at all in the end. With of course also surviving physically as a human being, and that will be still hard enough. Only all elements together, all experiences you make, and all answers you find, can help you in the end into your final destination - missing any necessary details only means you fail. But we hope and trust in you, we believe you can make it. And all our best wishes will accompany you - all the time for sure...
Laura took a deep breath before she launched into an answer. And her voice also had a serious sound then...
I can only say again and again, I know about the importance of this whole mission, and the difficulties, but I will do my best, all I can to finally succeed in the end. And this is a promise...
The young girl began to smile again...
We have observed you for a long time yet, and we did know about your mission much longer than you yourself, because things only could end this way. And this is our reason to believe in you, and your abilities, also without being a goddess any more. You will make it through for sure...
With these words the young governor turned around, looking straight into the eyes of Laura...

I will leave you now, if there are no more questions, Laura, and I hope you sleep well this last night on our world....
Thank you, I am satisfied so far, and I will go to bed at once now. We see us again tomorrow, for breakfast...
The female governor left the bedroom again. Laura began to yawn now, and she went to bed at once. It really needed not much time until she found herself in the world of dreams once more...
It was still very early in the next morning, as Laura had been on her feet again, after having a last breakfast with the governor of the impressing town Rifis. And now the last farewell had also been made, and the mother of all life was on her long journey again, the last stage of the travel on Rylon, to leave this wonderful world again finally. And there was no further search any more, Laura knew where to find the energy portal at last. She began to walk down a way into the deeper valley, which would lead her to the coast of an ocean finally, and to the energy portal...
Only one hour later Laura had reached the beach, with soft sand all around and clear blue water, flowing against the beach in small balmy waves...
There were also areas with rocks and palms, reaching until the water, and with the sun just rising at the horizon, this was a wonderful scene. Laura remained for some moments, simply enjoying the great nature, until she finally discovered her last destination...
An island, very small and not far away, where I can see an artificial structure on it. Certainly the energy portal, and only reachable with swimming to the island from here. I guess I will get a little wet then, but okay, with the temperatures like at the last days I hope the water is quite warm then. But even if not, I must reach this island...
Laura doffed off her shoes now, walking slowly towards the water then. And in fact, standing in the water then Laura was satisfied and began to smile. It was really clear and warm water...

On this world it is easy for me to succeed, at least a little present from the lost children for the fact to loose all my supernatural abilities. But I am very curious what will wait next for me...
Laura walked deeper into the water, laying down on the ground then and getting totally wet. She remained for some minutes in this position, simply enjoying the soft game of the small waves around her...

I love it, but it has been too long since I enjoyed such a beach and clear water on Lauhaven the last time. And now there is also not enough time. I have to continue to the island...
Laura began to swim finally, slowly, but determined, towards the island in front of her. And it came closer steadily. Laura stopped again as she could stand on the ground once more, really close to the small island now. And in fact, she could see the energy portal now, and the mother of all life had really reached her last destination on Rylon...

So then, there now and activating this portal. I guess I can even see yet how it works, an easy solution...
Laura began to swim again and finally reached the island some minutes later. She went to the energy portal and really found one red button on a pedestal in front of it...
Laura didn't hesitate. She pressed the button, and she stood in a safe distance afterwards then. Just as hoped the energy portal reacted, in its middle circle energy began to appear. This energy filled the whole empty circle from before, with loud white colour at first, but in the end it changed again...

The circle now was filled with a kind of fluid then, being in a constant movement. It looked like blue water, but it certainly was no real water. Laura believed it was the energy form the portal worked with - and the way into the next world of the parallel universe now...

Laura sighed deeply one time before talking to herself for a last time, and with closing her eyes...
Good bye Rylon then, wonderful first world of the lost children! I will miss you, and I will remember for sure...
Laura opened her eyes again, turning towards the activated portal. With slow steps she walked towards it, and up the few stairs towards the circle. Then she entered the portal, disappearing in the energy at once, while all things around disappeared in loud white colour...

The end of chapter 2...
...but to be continued in chapter 3...