Chapter 5 - The Realm of the Dragons
Laura - The Story of a Fairy Chapter 12 - Sisters 5 - The Realm of the Dragons
A new day was coming in Lauhaven. The sun was still deep at the horizon, but a lot of birds were already singing yet all around...

Many fairies were still asleep, but also many on their feet again. And so were Laura and her sister Estera, prepared for the new day already. After an extensive breakfast in the dining hall of the royal castle, together with queen Eteria, the sisters returned to their own castles, and into the bedroom of Laura this time...
Laura smiled at Estera, and she noticed her sister still was tired in those early hours of the new day. So Laura didn't speak, but simply took the hands of her sister, pulling her gently towards her bed. Estera also began to smile, and both women then got onto the bed. Laura sat down there, leaning against the rear end, and Estera laid down into her lap...

She was feeling very well, not knowing at all what had happened last night. But even Laura did not know, she still had no idea what haunted them last night. And she tried to push it to the back of her mind, as she couldn't do anything about it now...
Laura finally sighed deeply one time, before she began to speak. But the words only came gently and quiet, straight into the ears of her sister, while Estera had closed her eyes...
I hope you feel well this morning, Estera, as you really had a very restless sleep this night, and I fear bad dreams. Do you remember anything about, or is it all gone today?
Estera took a deep breath once...
Oh, well, I do remember something, but it is undefined, I can not get any clear pictures. But I guess it was a nightmare, as I sadly have them often. But no matter, those are only bad dreams, nothing more, nothing to really worry about, dear sister. I would rather talk about something else, for example what to do now with this new day...
Laura knew better, of course, as her sister was worried. Perhaps not as much as Laura, as the goddess simply knew more details, but she was worried. And though, Laura accepted the wish of her sister, not to speak further about those nightmares now, and about any further problems, as Estera was not prepared therefore. This time would come, sooner or later, as there was no choice, but not now. Not today and maybe not even this year. But it would come, and if the time was right, Laura would be there for her sister. And she would give all, all whatever was possible, to help her sister...
Laura took a deep breath herself now, before she finally answered her sister. And once more with a quiet voice...
Of course, sister, but I do not have a certain idea at the moment. What would you think about a little walk outside the castle, in the fresh air, as we perhaps then will get an idea?
Estera nodded with her head...
I agree, a little walk benefit for sure. And I also have no idea for now, so let's leave the castle for a while...
Laura and Estera finally stood up from the bead...

The two sisters finally left the bedroom and walking through the castle...

Laura and her younger sister now left the residence then, to start their little walk outside, in the wonderful warm weather of brilliant sunshine...
The two sisters did not get all too far, because it happened almost just after leaving the castle then. And it was really unexpected, to meet Amarylisse so soon again, but she really was waiting yet outside for the sisters, and both of them began to smile at once. And after a short greeting Amarylisse began to speak immediately...

I hope you won't mind if I visit you quite often now, as I do not want to get on your nerves, of course. But you may excuse this, as all of this is really a whole new experience for me, because I never had such feelings ever before in my existence. To concentrate on physical life, with all those feelings, now for two beings being my physical children, I must learn to handle this myself. And being away from you, if only physically then, is yet disturbing, as my heart pulls me back to you, into your closeness. I hope for your understanding, but if it is too much, then, please, simply tell me and I would leave again. As I said, I do not want to mean anything bad for you, really never...
Laura and Estera were so deeply moved, that they couldn't react at once. For some moments they only stood motionless, but both women with suddenly with bleary eyes...
Finally it was Estera, who could move first again, stepping forward and reaching out her hands for Amarylisse. And the goddess materialized own hands now, grasping those of Estera...
Amarylisse! Mother! No! How could you ever go on our nerves with only loving us? Never! You are always welcome here, and you won't need a reason for any visit. In fact, if I would be asked, but I know this isn't possible, I rather even would live togehter with you and Laura as a real family, but I am only glad at least Laura can live again as a human being instead of wandering aimlessly through the universe as a goddess. The one thing I never again want to experience in my life is loneliness...
And you won't, Estera, as either Laura or me will always be around you, or both of us. And this is a promise, a fact. It does not matter how far my spirit, my life energy, will be away, and maybe at the other side of the universe - if you need me, I will be there in a second. And also will Laura. Do not fear anything, we will protect you...
Amarylisse bent down to Estera now, and though of no face below the cowl she kissed the young girl onto the forehead, as Estera really could feel it. Love and warmth began to flow through her whole body, and Estera was so happy. Finally she stepped back again...
Thank you, mother! I love you so much...
Amarylisse only nodded with her head as an answer, but Laura and her sister could feel how deeply moved the goddess really was at this moment. And now it was Laura to speak to her...
What Estera said is true, Amarylisse! I really feel the same, and her invitation is also mine. We both love you so much...
Laura sighed deeply one time, lowering her head and closing her eyes. It was a very touching moment also for her, as she was about to do something she never had done before. But the moment was right now, as her heart spoke to Laura so clearly. And so the mother of all life raised her head again, smiling at Amarylisse with bleary eyes...
Yes, mother, I also love you so much, more than I can say. You have been my main enemy, as I at least believed so some time and wanted to fight you by all available means. But I was so wrong, so misguided, and the anger and hate really turned into deepest love. Estera calls you mother a longer time yet, and she was so lucky to have been saved and accompanied by you. Now I am so lucky too, as you are also my mother, the mother of a new life, and I never want to miss you again...
As Laura finished her important speech there was only silence at first. Nobody spoke any further word, and Amarylisse only stood in front of her children totally motionless. The sisters could not see what was going on inside her, but they could feel it...
Amarylisse cried. She really cried, though it were waterless tears. But though they flow inside of her, and as Laura could feel for the first time at all in her existence. Laura and Estera also could no longer dam up their tears, as they were flowing down their cheeks...
Laura acted as her heart told her now. She embraced Amarylisse, and the godless let it happen with materializing physically then. And Estera also stepped forward again, embracing Amarylisse from the opposite side. And all three women then remained in this position, smiling happily again, with not speaking any further word...

Finally the sisters stepped back again, looking at their chosen mother so pleased. And it was Amarylisse herself then, beginning to speak again first, with her warm but whispering voice...
Well, this was a not expected emotional situation, but it seems we all just simply needed it. In fact, I am not used to such feelings, not in all my so long existence. Normally I live without human feelings, in a not physical form, and so all of this now also overwhelms me. I must learn to handle this, and the love I feel inside, in this intensity, is also new for me. But to have such lovely daughters now is the best what ever happened in my life...
Estera nodded with her head so happily, but she needed some moments to answer her new mother...
Thank you, dear mother, we appreciate your love so much and are glad to have you now in our life. And thank you very much for also having an open mind on physical closeness. Of course you are so much more than this, a mighty goddess in this universe, only getting physical for us. This is wonderful, and I hope we can meet as much as somehow possible...
This is for sure, from now on we will meet regularly, and to be honest, there was another reason too for my visit, or course. There is something we have to speak about, something important. I hope you have the time therefore, as it also is very significant for your mission...
Laura nodded with her head at once...
Of course, Amarylisse, as you know we appreciate every help you can offer. Every hint can be useful, and at least you do know so much more than us. We have all the time it needs...
Amarylisse kept silence for some considerable moments, before she finally began to talk and tell her story...
So, please, listen carefully to me. You know, there are limits, as I can not share all my knowledge with you, also if I would like to. But we all must follow rules and laws, but what I can do for you, I will do. And what I have to tell now is well thought for a longer time, and I believe you are prepared for it now. It is essential for your mission...
Amarylisse paused once more for another few moments, before she continued speaking. Laura and Estera stood straight in front of her, listening with open hearts and souls...
Let's start with a certain fact. The mission you are on is the most important one ever in this universe. The mission to find the creator and solve all mysteries about gods and life at all. But to ever be successful on this way, it is also absolute essential to understand this mission in the right way. To understand life at all in this universe...
Laura and Estera could hear a deep sigh from Amarylisse, as she paused for some more thoughtful moments. But then her whispering voice sounded again towards the sisters...
The problem is, you do not understand this mission and the true meaning of life at all. In fact nobody does, though you all act for the best reasons. But the races in the universe forgot about such a lot of things, and meanwhile they only see things from the point of their own interests. Understandable from a certain point of view, but not helpful here. It is necessary to pause your search now, to do some other work. You must be aware again what life really is about, and how manifold it really is...
Laura wrinkled her brow and began to speak now, as she now really was visibly confused about the words of Amarylisse...
I am sorry, Amarylisse, but I do not understand you at this moment. Can you explain what you are just talking about?
Amarylisse nodded with her head one time...
Yes, I can, at least as much as is possible here, Laura. As you know yet you have been misguided for a long time, by a god who sadly is misguided himself. The old man does not care for the true issues of this universe, as he also has forgotten about such a lot of important things. I want to change this for you, with giving you some important hints. And to send you onto a very certain journey - you and Estera. This is a mission for both of you, but only for you, not for the fellowship, as nobody except you shall know about what I will tell you now. But I trust you totally, that you keep the secret...
Laura and Estera nodded with their heads immediately, and Amarylisse continued with her speech...
Well, the most races of the known universe have united in a certain kind of confederation, and all important decisions are made within the council of guards, a advisory body which ruled the universe for a long time. Meanwhile this council is more about a committee for making advices, since you and the old man then took the lead of this confederation. And all of you really care for the races in the alliance, but not beyond. Not at all. There are countless more worlds and kinds of life out there, and most of them are forgotten today or worse, not known at all so far. You battle enemies for the freedom and safety of the known races, but what about the rest? What about all further races - where I do not speak about Earth - what will be happen to them? This is my concern, and it shall be yours now too, Laura...
Laura took a deep breath before answering...
I agree with you, mother, that our concern always should include every kind of life in this universe, and, I am sorry for that, though I still don't know what you are talking about. As you know, as a goddess I have wandered all through the universe myself and visited all known worlds. I really thought to be aware about all possible life, and I would know all races. Now I am really confused. What have I missed...?
Amarylisse also took a deep breath before she answered. And Laura felt the words now only came hardly...
Well, yes, you travelled through a huge part of the universe, and you have seen much and even recreated a lot of planets after the big war between heaven and hell. You met a lot of races and became a goddess yourself, called the mother of all life. And that is the point, "the mother of all life". And I do really mean - all life! But so far this is not true, for taken as a whole I must say, you have only seen very little of the true life in the universe. You must understand that the races you know, the strong races with the most population each, are only a very small part of the entirety of life, with the difference, that they live in a visible form for all, others however do not. And there are many others - incredible and wonderful races and creatures your imagination even won't understand. And only because you won't see them does not mean they are not there. They really are, and so many of them...
Laura shook her head several times...
Once again, I am sorry. For yes, I did think to be the mother of all life, all life out in this universe. But what you tell us now would mean I only was the mother of some life so far, not even knowing there is much more life out there? This is so sad, as I now see more and more, I did not only follow a totally wrong way, but also not understanding this universe at all. If you are right, and I do believe you, of course, then I was blind and unaware, and somehow also naive. I have been all - but no goddess at all...
Amarylisse shook her head one time...
Don't be too hard with yourself, Laura, I do not tell you this for blaming you, not at all. I want you to learn, to see and feel, to understand and really become the goddess you should be. And if you open your heart and soul, you will succeed, I believe. And with your sister now at your side, I know you can do this next step, the step into a bigger and most wonderful universe. It all lays ahead of you now, you only have to do this step...
Laura nodded with her head one time, and she seemed to be very thoughtful now. But finally she looked at Amarylisse again, straight into the cowl, where her face should be...
I am ready to do whatever is necessary, Amarylisse, and yes, I am open to learn more. much more! Only teach me whatever may be possible for you, and I will be your willing student...
Amarylisse answered with getting one step closer, and her whispering voice sounded very satisfied...
This is one reason why I left my isolation and wanted to get known with you. And as you are the chosen one, as I believed, you now can get hints to solve all mysteries and puzzles. You and your sister, who is also chosen. Before you also got hints, from the old man, which sadly led you into the wrong direction. Now I am there, trying to make it better, though I can not solve one single task for you. But the possible hints, you will get them all. This is a new period for you now, as you will have to go on another long journey, to find answers and more, and I will help as much as possible. It starts here and now, after you got the first important information. But before I tell you what you must know, one question before. What do you know about dragons?
Laura and Estera looked at each other, not really understanding this question, but finally Laura answered then...
Well, as much as all others, I guess. They seemed to be an ancient race, while most believed they were only an ancient legend. They had not be seen by anybody for a long time, but in the war between heaven and hell, they were back. I saw them myself, fighting on both sides, and they were finally exterminated in this war. I have seen them die, but this is all I know. Neither where they came from, nor about there culture, if they had one at least. So, as I said, not more than all others...
Amarylisse nodded with her head one time. She didn't answer at once, but after some moments of thinking...
Yes, not more than all others, in fact, and one time more, almost nothing. This must change, and the error that the dragons have been exterminated. This is not true. Not at all, They are still alive, and really many of them. They have their own culture very well, but the dragons you saw in the war did not belong to this culture any more. They had been captured by heaven or hell one time, and they only were like pets any more - trained and forced to serve their masters, loosing their whole identity...
Amarylisse sighed one time deeply...
The dragons I am speaking about are whole different. They have withdrawn from all races, living in their own secret realm, and nobody, really nobody, could still find it any more today. This has reasons, very sad reasons of a long forgotten time, as even all races still have been very young. There have been terrible happenings then, and the dragons were mistreated totally. They lost a bigger part of their populace then, and in the end they disappeared. But the whole true story is one part of your new mission, to find out about, to travel into their realm, to find them with getting passed the guard there, and to try to get in contact with the dragons finally...
Laura looked at Amarylisse with really wide open eyes, but before she could say anything, the goddess continued...
I will help you to get into this realm, for it would not be possible in any other way. But all the rest is in your hands, and it is so important. We will still need the dragons in the future, hoping they may leave their isolation again - but this depends on you, if you can convince them about your true heart and innocence, if they will be content to follow the right way, just like you also did now. At least we must try...
Laura also nodded with her head now...
If it is all true what you say, and of course it must be, then I understand your intention. In the final war, which sadly may still come any time, those dragons really would be mighty allies. If you can bring us into their realm, and if we find them, we will try our best to speak with them. And perhaps we can return with good news in the end...
Amarylisse took a deep breath once...
I hope so, but do not forget one thing. As I said, those dragons are totally different as the ones you saw, and nobody can say before how they will react today. It has been a long time since the last contact, and they won't have forgotten about how they had been treated in the old times. You must be prepared of all - even that they could react hostile. I don't hope so, but we do not know. and if hostile, then you will be in big trouble and danger, but I won't have to tell you that, of course. It is a very dangerous mission, because of knowing so little about them today, and of course I can and will nor force you to go. I can only say, it would be so important...
Laura and Estera looked at each other one time more, and this time the younger sister answered Amarylisse...
Mother, this is no question at all. For now and all further tasks you may ask. Only tell us what to do, and we will do. It is an honour to serve you in case you need us - no matter for what you need. And so we will search for the dragons, and if they still exist, we will find them. And if it is possible to speak with those dragons, and form any kind of alliance, then we will do so. Only show us the way to go and we will start...
Amarylisse looked at Laura and the older sister of Estera showed her approval with nodding with her head...
We are ready to start, Amarylisse, no matter where this way will lead us, what danger may wait on this way or how long it takes to return again. We know you are the only god to trust, and from now on, you will lead us on our way. My sister loves and trust you such a long time yet, and I have also learned to do so. You may not be our physical mother, but you are the person to be closest to what I call a mother. And I also love you like this, my heart really tells me so. It is true...
Amarylisse was really deeply moved, even if Laura and Estera could not see her face now. But they could feel it clearly. And after some moments of silence the goddess spoke again with her whispering voice...
Thank you so much, Laura, you may not imagine what your words mean to me. And I promise, I will never let you down like the old man did, really never. But now your new important mission starts, and I have sent a herald to the fairy queen yet so she may know about your absence. And you should understand, that this mission, the journey to find the ancient dragons of Lauhaven, is only the beginning of a very magical journey, a joruney to open your eyes, hearts and souls for what life really means in this universe. You should understand that you are fighting for much more than the known races, as others have been forgotten for a long time yet. But if you follow my way, if you can succeed until the end, then you will understand. And I promise, you then will see this whole universe with entire new eyes...
Laura's eyes dilated clearly, as she looked at Amarylisse and answered her with determined voice finally...
I do not understand your words now, but only, that I do understand only very few things in this universe so far. This is sad as a goddess, but it will change. You will be the better mentor for me now, to finally open my eyes, heart and soul for all things...
I will, if you let me. But let's start with this first mission, as I will send you to your first destination now. The realm of the dragons is not reachable by any normal way, as it is hidden into another dimension today. And even the place to open this dimensional portal is hidden in a separate dimension, so you would not have a chance to ever reach it. I am the only one who can do this, and I am allowed to do so by the dragons. This is a very old agreement between us - and your chance to be welcome there. A chance, not more, do not forget this ever. I hope you will succeed, and I hope you will return unharmed. When you are ready to return, only send me your mental call, and I will hear it. Then I will open you a new portal for returning home...
Laura nodded with her head...
Okay, then send us onto this mission now...
Amarylisse did not answer any more. She raised her arms and let her energy flow. Blur energy, spreading fast. Laura and Estera were shrouded quickly by this energy, finally dissolving in it...

Only Amarylisse was still present after the energy was gone again...
All my best wishes on this way, Laura and Estera, my so much beloved daughters. I will wait for your return...
Also Amarylisse now finally began to melt into thin air again, and for Laura and Estera a first common adventure started, in search for the mysterious and mighty race of the ancient dragons of Lauhaven...
Laura and Estera slowly were aware of themselves again. And as they opened their eyes again finally the sisters found themselves in a whole new area - strange and impressing, as they never had seen anything similar in their lives before. It was a valley, surrounded by mountains, and with ancient buildings in the background. I front of those buildings were some really strange constructions of an artificial kind, with some flying crystals around and an energy sphere in the middle. And at the opposite background was another amazing structure, with an artificial socket, where another huge crystal was floating above. And above this crystal a giant tree was floating in the air, stretching its branches towards the sky...

Laura and Estera really were astonished, while they watched this incredible spectacle. From the crystals bright light beans were sent towards the sky in regular distances, and from those huge crystals strange sounds were also sent into the air...
The two sisters first kept a safe distance to this area, staying in the air and only watching the scene. But finally Laura began to talk to her sister, with a silent voice, but understandable...
Well, we can not get any further here, if we won't do anything now, Estera. This area seems so beautiful and eerie at the samer time, and I do not understand the meaning of those constructions yet. But we have to find out, so, time to get down to the ground here...
Estera nodded with her head, still whole under the impression of this amazing area, as she answered...
You are right, though I feel not well with those strange energy crystals. To me they seem dangerous, and we better should not get in contact with those energy beams. Or do you sense anything else, so you copuld tell me we are totally safe in this area...?
Laura shook her head with a serious face...
I wish I could, Estera. We will be careful, but without exploring this are we won't be able to continue our journey...
With those words the two sisters began to move finally, landing on the artificial ground, but with safe distance to the energy beams. Laura took a close look around then first...
Well, here is nothing to interact in any way than only those huge crystals and the energy beams coming from them. I would say, this is the only way for us to get any answers, we must use this energy. But as we know nothing about it, I recommend you stay back a little bit, and I will try, Estera. I really don't know how dangerous this could be, but with my own godly energy inside I may be successful...
Estera agreed by nodding with her head...
Then try it, sister, but please, really be careful. I don't want you to be harmed in any way here...
I promise, Estera...
Laura was careful, as she tried to reach one of the crystals with her own inner energy, but nothing happened. And after some tries Laura stopped, as she suddenly had an idea. It would not work this way, she now knew. To be successful here the sisters needed more energy, and Laura knew how to make it possible...
Sister, I need your help! We must handle this together, as this was the reason we were both sent onto this journey. It seems to need our combined energy here, and so we try it. Let's get back into the air and into a safe distance, where we will combine our energies...
Laura flew upwards again and Estera followed at once. The sisters kept some distance to the crystal they chose, and Laura got behind her sister, embracing her firmly from there. Finally the sisters let their inner energies flow, and before releasing them they combined all energy to one powerful beam. And this beam now stroke from the sisters straight towards the huge crystal in front of them, hitting and shrouding it at once...

This time the crystal reacted. It absorbed the energy from Laura and Estera, beginning to glow, and finally emitting the energy again at the opposite site. The energy beam went towards the crystal below the huge floating tree then and hit it, so this one also began to glow. And once m ore the energy was thrown out again, straight into the air in some distance, where a huge energy vortex now began to materialize...

Laura and Estera looked at each other and smiled, it really worked now. And finally the energy vortex was a dimensional portal, showing a picture in the middle of an unknown place. The sisters could see a kind of foreign town with further energy beams there, and it was obvious, this was the only further way for them to go from here...
We have opened a door, a dimensional portal, dear sister, and this is our next destination then. Follow me quickly, so we may pass this portal before it closes again, when our energy flow ends...
I will be straight behind you, sister!
The two sisters stopped their energy beam at once and flew towards the dimensional portal as fast as possible. And in fact, as soon as the energy flow ended the portal began to close again. But Laura and Estera were able to cross the doorway in time...
Laura and Estera were on safe ground again. And from some distance, standing on a high balcony, they were watching an incredible scene. It really was a foreign town, laying high between the clouds, with further energy beams flowing up into the sky from some places. But there was no life in this ancient town, though the sisters could see so many silhouettes of people all around. Human people, who had all turned into stony statues a long time ago...

Really an eerie scene. For what reason ever, life seemed to have ended here within a second. All statues were standing in positions, as if they really still had moved just moments ago, and even some huge air ships were hanging in the air as if they would fly again every moment. But in fact, there was no life at all in this town any more, though the flow of energy still was active. And Laura and her sister needed some time to come loose from this sight, and to find words again to speak...
Estera was the first to speak again, but only with a really whispering voice in this uncanny and fearful moment...
What is this about, Laura? What ever happened here? Is it really what I see, that all life ended with turning into stone...?
Laura nodded with her head, looking sadly down to what both sisters had to see at this place of incredible sadness...
Yes, Estera, for what ever happened here a long time ago, and for what force was responsible, it really turned all life into stone within a moment. We better not move away from this position, as I still can feel danger down there. We can not do anything for those poor creatures any more, but we must do something for ourselves and our mission. I have an idea, so, give me your hand, let your energy flow again, and follow my example. Together we may be able to also succeed here again...
Estera sighed deeply one time...
Okay, Laura, let's try...
Laura closed her eyes and Estera did the same at once. Both girls were holding each others with one hand, letting their inner energies flow then. And with reaching the highest level of this energy flow, a colourful beam was sent out of the combined hands, hitting the next energy beam of the ancient town in some distance. And this caused a reaction, as another beam was created from the crossing point of the two so far beams. And right from there a third beam materialized, shooting out into the opposite direction of the two sisters. And there, in some further distance, straight in the air, bright white light appeared in a huge extension...
Laura and Estera maintained the energy flow, and finally a picture began tomaterialize within the white light. First only pieces of it, but more and more a complete picture...

The two sisters could realize another town, very similar to this one here, and maybe even the same in just a time long ago. And as the picture got clearer, they could see real life in this town then. It was obvious, this picture showed the past of this town to Laura and Estera, and just as they began to understand, they suddenly could hear a voice speaking to them. A meanwhile really so well known voice, as it was Amarylisse...
Welcome to the ancient world of Lauhaven, then still called "Gontova", in a now forgotten time, my beloved children. You have made your way until here and solved the task to how interact with the still available energy in this hidden dimension. This is how the forgotten story of this ancient time can be told to this day, but instead of only watching pictures, I will now explain them to you. At least as far as possible, without revealing anything what must stay a secret for now. All further things are for you and your mission to find out, and I am sure, I know, you will...
Laura and Estera could see the first picture in a giant size now, filling almost the whole horizon. And they did not speak or ask questions at all, as they both knew it was not the time for. So the sisters only stood there motionless, with holding each others hand. At the same time Amarylisse materialized within the picture and all further ones as a background shadow...

Amarylisse finally began to talk again, for explaining the first picture the both girls could see here then...
This is Rogurat, the former capital city of Gontova, a part of the now dead city you are standing in front of. You can see it here, filled with life in an ancient time, when even the fairies were a still very young race, and only one of multiple races living on this world. The races, now dispersed all over the universe, then all lived here, in a time of whole harmony and peace, in a time of paradise. And one race among all others were the dragons, not living in their own part of the world, as they always had been solitary, but also living in peace with all other races. It was a normal picture at this time, that those mighty creatures, really intelligent and speaking different languages, also visited the towns and villages on Gontova, having real friendships with people of this time...

Amarylisse paused for some moments and let this kind of vision work, as Laura and Estera not only could see a scene still, but really a world in movement and alive. As if this ancient time had come to life again now. And finally Amarylisse continued again...
Well, the races did not have own governments at this time. They all lived together on one world, and they simply constituted a king for some time alternating. This worked very well, and as a special protection, and as there was no council of guards like today yet, a special army was created, for the protection of this world against all possible threats. But this was no normal army then, as the races built a very certain cooperation with the dragons at this ancient time. And since this day the dragon riders were born...

Amarylisse paused again for some moments, during the pictures changed regularly. Then the goddess spoke again...
To become a dragon rider was not easy. It was a really special vocation, and you only could get it as a chosen one from birth, after the first generation of dragon riders had been chosen out of adults. The dragons themselves chose their riders after birth from all races, as this always was a very special kind of relationship, being kept throughout life. And if a dragon rider died then, no matter why or which age, the dragon related to him also died, though those amazing creatures normally lived for centuries. And at this time nobody on Gontova feared them, as even children were used to those beings from the beginning, even playing with them as something just normal...

Suddenly a new picture appeared, but it was a dark one. Laura and Estera knew from the very first moment, and really, the story changed totally at this sad moment...

One fateful day something unexpected happened. First it only were rumours, but more and more people reported about a stranger, a human stranger, wearing a huge coat and hat. He did not get in contact with anybody, but was only seen wandering through the world. But then he disappeared again for some time. What nobody knew at this time, this stranger only was interested in the mighty dragons, and as they lived separated and single, nobody learned about what happened if this stranger found a dragon. He really was so powerful, using magic energy, not speaking to a dragon at all, but only using his power against them. And no dragon could resist, they were finally bound to the stranger one by one. At least as much he could find. Those dragons then disappeared, to an unknown place, where the stranger assembled them for unknown reasons. But the races finally got aware of it...

Amarylisse sighed deeply one time before continuing with her speech and the ancient pictures...
A decision had to be made, and the leaders of all races had to react then. There was only one solution, as they feared the force of this unknown magician, and so the dragon riders were mobilized. Not only a few of them, but the whole army. They were sent to confront the foreign sorcerer, if possible stopping him by words, but if not with the option of every necessary step to eliminate all possible danger from this world. And they felt, for the first time at all, Gontova was on the verge of war...
Amarylisse lowered her head before she continued speaking, with her now whispering and sad voice...
Well, at first it seemed a conflict could be avoided. The sorcerer welcomed the delegation of dragon riders at first, and they talked. The stranger assured the dragon riders, he would not want to mean any harm or danger to them, but he was on an important mission for the future of the whole universe. He talked about things nobody could understand, about a possible war in the future which could even destroy the whole universe. And this was the reason for his mission, to gather the mightiest creatures in the universe, the dragons, for a powerful army against the upcoming darkness. And who knows, perhaps this wish could even have been accepted, but we will never know. The sorcerer then said, that he needed all dragons, every single one of them, and he demanded also the dragons of the dragon riders. This was the point to be the final straw, and of course the dragon riders refused. You must understand this special relationship between those dragons and their riders once, as if united one time, this relationship lasted for the whole further lifetime. If one of them died, the partner also did. They could no longer live without each other at all. But the sorcerer did not accept this, it did not mean anything to him. He was only interested in his mission and the higher destination, single lives did not mean anything to him at all. And so he said to take those dragons by force - and unleashed hell with this decision. The dragon riders got onto their dragons again at once and attacked the stranger without any further word. And though of his magical forces, certainly he would not have had a chance against all of his enemies then - but he called for his own dragons then. Those to be slaved already, and though of being whole peaceful before all times, they now attacked their own fellow species at once. And the first and only dragon war was unleashed...

Amarylisse paused for some moments and the sisters could feel her incredible pain inside her heart with telling this sad story. And after some more moments of silence Amarylisse continued...
You can not imagine what happened then, but the pictures, the visions you can see now, will show it to you. This war in a very early time, the first one at all in the universe, destroyed the paradise we had until then. Soon the whole world was involved, and all living creatures. The sorcerer did not hesitate to expand his force on some savage races, so they also opposed against the other races. Dragons against dragons, humans against humans, and the whole world was inflamed then. You can see some pictures of this war now, so far away today that the races not even remember, but true. And Gontova, our beloved world and paradise before, was on the edge of disaster. All this because of one stranger and his dark mission...

Amarylisse paused again, and the pictures continued in front of the eyes of Laura and Estera. Finally it was Laura then to now beginning to speak, with a very sad and quiet voice...
This is really a more than sad story, Amarylisse, and I also had no idea about those happenings at all. Nobody told me ever, and most of all, of course, also not the one to be responsible for all of this. I can understand it now, the coherences get clearer at last. There is only one person, one god, one creature in this universe to react like this - destroying all things around and only fulfilling his own mission at any costs. I have experienced this myself, but now I see, it has not been the first time. The old man, this horrible dark god! The mission with me was only his second try to reach his destination, and the dragons was the first try before. He wanted to battle evil and hell and forgot about all what life is really about - single lives did not interest him at all. I even think meanwhile his true interest is to rule the whole universe one day himself and to eliminate all danger before. And if he really was a good god before, in the beginning, he has forgotten all about this nature now at all. The evil he wanted to fight against once, this evil he is now himself, as it seems even without understanding. He is our true enemy, as I had to understand before, but I only get more and more verifications now...
Amarylisse answered after a few moments of silence, and what she said now was no surprise, of course...
Sadly I can not contradict, though I have my own issues and restrictions, so I can not do anything in this matter at the moment. But I am glad you find the answers yourself and make the right and necessary decisions. This misguided god must be stopped in any way, or he will make his plan come true in the end. And this would be fatal for our universe and all life. But there is a new chance now for us, to change things. The sad things the old man has caused, as with the dragons. He almost was responsible for the total extinction of this species, of those wonderful creatures, who once only wanted to live in peace and harmony with all races. But since then, since those horrible dragon wars, they have totally retired from the races, only living for themselves, avoiding all human life. I have no idea how they will react about your visit, but it is a chance and we must try. It is a chance to correct very old mistakes, and perhaps make new friends then. To bring those creatures back into our reality, and heal a piece of the once real paradise...
Laura nodded with her head...
I understand, mother, and we will use this chance, no matter of the costs or the possible danger. But before we leave and start this journey, before we search for the dragons, there is one last thing, one last question, burdening my soul yet for a longer time. I have deferred this question again and again, but now I can't do this any longer. I need an answer, and of course I know, you can give it to me, Amarylisse...
Amarylisse looked deeply into the eyes of Laura, as she paused, and the mighty goddess knew exactly what her chosen daughter wanted to know. She really knew it for a long time, but she had waited until this moment, the moment Laura asked herself now. But Laura waited for any response first, and Amarylisse lowered her head before she answered......
Oh yes, of course, Laura. I knew this question would come, sooner or later, and I will answer. But first, frame the question yourself, and do it just the way you fell about it...
Laura took a deep breath first, closing her eyes for some moments. Now that the time had come it was not easy to ask this question, in front of Amarylisse and her own sister. But there was no other possibility, Laura finally had to get her answer now...
The mother of all life opened her eyes again. And then she began to speak with firm and determined voice...
After some important moments of silence, Laura looked up again, straight into the face of Amarylisse, which still was hanging in the sky in some distance. Then the mother of all life began to speak again, with really obvious sorrows in her voice...
Well, where shall I begin now? Preferably in a really far away past, which is present now again, thanks to you and Estera. I can remember my true and only family again, and also many things of this time. I remember the Estera from then, my younger brother, my father and my mother. I can see their images again in my mind, and the spell of the old man is totally broken now. I am really myself once more. But with those memories, with the understanding of it all, there are new questions there now, now mysteries, where I can not really find the answers myself. I guess them at least, but I must try to get clarity about all this now finally...
Laura paused for some moments, lowering her head and closing her eyes. Estera did not know, what this problem of her sister was about, but she could sense how much it burdened Laura. So she laid her hand on the shoulder of her sister, before Laura looked up again and continued speaking. But her voice was not firm, she spoke shakily...
We all know the story, the further story of me, what happened because of the deviant game of the old man. I also know it now, that my important mission on Earth much time later, to try to give mankind a message of a higher kind of life, was also rubbish. The old man never was interested in this activity. We all know it, he always only worked at his own plan, and then to recruit as much people as possible from Earth for his later army and the war against hell. And against all further possible enemies later. But all things he told me before, all things about this mission, to get a human myself, to be reborn and live a whole life of a human there, with not knowing about my true identity and past then any more, this really all makes no sense any longer. The old man really knew better, as we know, because I have always been a real human from birth, before I was transformed into different life with this shroud in front of my mind and forgetting my true identity. And so, why all this now seeming macabre game, especially with the fact, that my second family on Earth was only another illusion. The old man chose not simply anybody then, but really the images of my one and only true family again. Another fact for making no sense at all, and it only really disturbs me now. As well as I do believe I wasn't reborn on Earth for that mission again at all, though there are images about - I guess this only was another mask of the old man, another game of deception, as he always only used and abused me at will. And so, as I see different pictures of this time now, what was this really about, what did the old man really want to reach with this horrible plan...?
Amarylisse did not answer at once, but she nodded with her transparent head understandingly. Then the mighty goddess finally began to speak, as usual with her whispering voice, but the sisters though could feel the incredible love and warmth in it...
My dear poor Laura, I really wished I could have spared you all of this, if it only would have been possible, but there was no chance to do so. I am a goddess, yes, but I also have to live and respect the eternal rules of the universe. All creatures are free to do what they want, otherwise I would have to interfere all the time and every second with something I would not like. It is not possible, and so we all must go through our destinies and try to make the best of it. But at least I can help you now, with some answers...
The mighty goddess sighed one time deeply, straight looking at Laura, before she continued speaking again...
Laura, please believe me, the old man is very powerful and can do such a lot of things, and he should never be underestimated for only one moment. He now really is the highest danger for our universe, and we only can guess what he still will do to reach his destinations. But though, he can not control every single detail, and he is not responsible for all events. But first, yes, he did fool you again with this mission, as he knew very well who you really were, and your life on Earth, this second life, only was another illusion. But the old man did not choose the family you lived in then, it did not matter to him. He created any illusion with any family for you, but this illusion was overwritten then. The old man never came to Earth himself, he simply trusted in his plan totally, not aware of the fact, that I had returned from my long sleep long since meanwhile. And I was there, I was on Earth and in your proximity, though I could not destroy the illusion by myself yet. I only changed it, hoping it would perhaps help you to wake up and understand, but as we know, this sadly did not happen. Your shroud was too deep, and it still should last a long time to wake up again then. And so, you can see, the old man and I really battled for you, for your destiny, a much longer time yet than you have known...
Laura now looked at Amarylisse with wide open eyes and mouth, though somehow she wasn't surprised totally. Somehow she had sensed something like that yet, and now it was confirmed...
Yes, I understand, I really do now. And somehow at least a part of me had even guessed something like that, somehow this is not really a surprise, though I am still shocked then. I have been standing in the middle of a game and illusion my whole life, with two gods battling for me - but of course I am not angry with you. Because your intention always was good, and you were the only one to really trying to help me, though of no success for a long time. And the old man wreaked me even so far, that I totally lost all reality, with only trusting him and believing you as the main enemy at all. I am so glad I could wake up still in time, and now I have my true life back. But there is one thing left, one last question, though I guess again I know the answer yet. I can feel it now. But you may confirm it, please. As my family, my real family, was dead a long time yet at my second visit on Earth, I know that all persons then have been new illusions, illusions from you, to bring back my real family again this way. All persons, but except one in the end. I do believe now, that the picture of my mother then was not a whole illusion, but a real person behind it. And this person was you, Amarylisse...
Amarylisse nodded with her head several times...
Your sense is right, Laura. It is true, I have been by your site as long as I am back in this universe again, and as long you really have been born on Earth a long time ago. I used my chances to do so and hide from you though, and also hide from the old man, because he never should notice anything. Otherwise all of this could have ended fatally. But the chance to be your mother for some time, and later be amber, your illusional sister, was too important to not try it. I hope you can understand...
Laura nodded with her head several times, and she began to smile now. Suddenly the eyes of the mother of all life became moist, and some tears began to roll down her cheeks. And as Laura began to speak again, her voice now was really brittle...
And how I understand you, and the real meaning behind it. There has never been anybody except my true family, to love and support me that much like you, and I really do understand and feel this now. I feel your incredible love and warmth, to me and my sister, radiating so much even if you are only here as an appearance now. I can not tell how much this means to me, and how much I appreciate all you do for us. You saved the life of my beloved sister, and you saved me too. I love you, Amarylisse. I really love you more than I could ever tell in words...
For some important and really moving moments nobody spoke any further word. Laura cried, with now holding her hand in front of her face, as she simply was overwhelmed totally then. Estera also could not prevent her tears any more, feeling the same as Laura. She embraced her sister, holding her very tight. But what the sisters not could see now, also Amarylisse could not hide her feelings any longer. Even the mighty goddess was overwhelmed now, and for the first time ever, the goddess had own tears in her eyes. But she brushed them away before the sisters could see them...
Finally the mighty goddess began to speak again, while the sisters still stood there in that emotional embrace...
I am so happy that all barriers from the past between us are totally gone now. And that the love between us has destroyed them. We can continue our way now, while the true enemy is revealed and can no longer play with you. We have destroyed his bad plan, and he has withdrawn now for some time. But we should stay careful, and not hesitate too much. So, please, try to control your feelings again, to continue your mission now...
Laura and Estera released each other, turning towards Amarylisse at once. And Laura began to speak again then, while she finally got her feelings back under control once more...
We will be prepared to continue our journey, no matter of all feelings inside of us, Amarylisse. But if you don't mind, please, allow me one last question. Though of this perfect illusion of my second life on Earth I now also have different pictures in my mind, pictures or even visions I can not really explain. And I do wonder now, if those are also further strange illusions, but they would not make any sense then for me. Or if those images are something different, something from my subconsciousness perhaps, showing something to me what really happened beyond the illusion, though I absolutely can not remember? I don't know. But as you show the pictures of the story of the dragons to us, let me show you my pictures now, and perhaps you can tell me something about them? I would hope so...
Amarylisse nodded with her head one time and smiled. Once more she yet knew exactly what Laura had in her mind...
Do so, Laura, show me what you have in your mind, and I promise, I will give you an answer for sure...
Laura took a deep breath and closed her eyes for some moments, before she began to speak again with open eyes...
Whatever this second life on Earth really was about in the end, and whatever the old man really wanted me to do, as he created all this for me as a second illusion after my so-called "real" life as a fairy, it all doesn't matter any more, as this whole past now lays behind me. But remembering this time, as it comes back in flashbacks again and again, I see pictures, strange pictures, even almost as a kind of visions, but I can not understand what I see. Those are real events from Earth and my life there, where I can watch myself what I did in such moments, and then, suddenly, the pictures change. I stand there just as before and do the same things, but looking whole different and being at complete different places. Sometimes not even on Earth at all. This seems impossible, and I put those pictures aside as often as I see them. But now, see it for yourself, mother, and please, try to explain them to me...
Laura paused for some moments, closing her eyes and concentrating on her inner magic energy. She could reach the pictures in her subconsciousness and make them appear in the sky like the pictures from Amarylisse before. So Estera and Amarylisse could see them now. And Laura began to speak again, explaining what she could understand herself...
Well, those are only examples, there would be much more such content meanwhile. The first one you can see is in front of a bridge, in our home town on Earth, where Estera and I have played often in our real childhood. You can see me there in my second life, standing in that pretty park during a simple walk in the fresh air. That was the normal perspective, what I always remembered. But now this picture looks different, very different. When I look into my unconsciousness I see this picture now. The same park, the same time, the same walk and the same dress. But suddenly with colourful wings, a crown and light around my head. I never experienced anything like that on Earth, and remember - before this second life I "only" was a normal fairy. Not yet an angel, and not yet a goddess...

Laura sighed deeply one time before she continued with her speech, looking straight at Amarylisse...
Or this one. Visiting a small nice village with allegedly relations, where I stood on a bridge in the setting in dawn. Whole normal, I would mean, and oh, yes, I did not wear any shoes then. I did not forget or loose them, but sometimes simply liked it to walk around only with stockings or barefoot, to feel the ground under my feet. But anyway, this is not what disturbs me here, but once more the alternate picture. So, look at it. All the same again, but me with colour wings again, a crown and this strange light beyond me head. I even never had such elements in my time as angel or goddess, so I must think this can not be real. And it even still gets more strangely...

Once again Laura sighed deeply, closing her eyes again, before she once more looked at Amarylisse while talking further...
I remember a lot of my concerts on Earth, where I used my gift, an angelic singing voice, to reach people. This was the time when I slowly get aware of being not a normal human, as I heard a voice in my mind again and again, telling me things about a higher mission - this mission of saving humans from Earth for a higher kind of life. I believe it was the voice of the old man, who brought me back onto his way then, and I did so. And you can see pictures of such concerts here, with more and more people then, being called by my voice and message...

Laura looked to the ground for some seconds, raising her head again then and continuing speaking...
And now, when I see the same concerts, it seems I never really was there. I was singing, yes, but somewhere whole different. In the sky or even in space, letting clouds and even stars dance. And forming matter, energy and light at my will. But this was not possible at all...

The eyes of Laura now looked asking at Amarylisse, and also with obvious despair in this sight...
Amarylisse, mother, mighty goddess, please, help me with this mystery. What am I seeing here? What do those pictures tell me, and why do they disturb me so much? What is this all about...?
Amarylisse took a deep breath herself now, looking to the ground shortly, but then straight into Laura's eyes...
After some further silent moments the mighty goddess began to speak again with her whispering voice...
Well, let me answer you a little bit more detailed. First with the end of the dragon wars, as I did not yet tell you how those horrible wars finally ended, a long time before you even were born. Because something really remarkable happened then, something whole unexpected. I was also involved into this wars in the end, as well as other gods and almost all living creatures. The existence of the universe was at stake. But we would not have succeeded without destroying at least half of our universe and the races, I am really sure about this fact. Somebody else had to interfere...
Amarylisse suddenly began to smile, with her transparent face in the sky. And so she continued talking...
Long ago, in a almost forgotten time today, there had been rumours yet of a special leader of the dragons, the mother of all dragons. But those were really only rumours, as nobody ever met this mysterious creature or even only saw it. Nobody could have said if she really existed - until this special moment, as all involved creatures in this war saw it. We saw her arriving, we saw the rumours getting true. In the middle of a terrible war of extermination, she appeared in the sky, enormously, huge, and so impressing. She was accompanied by an army of giant dragons, much larger than the ones fighting in this war. And the skies of all involved planets were full of those new arriving dragons....

Laura and Estera looked at Amarylisse with wide open eyes, as the mighty goddess continued with her speech...
Believe me, this horrible war was over in a moment. All dragons from Lauhaven shared around the dragon mother at once, also those, banned by the foreign magician. They were freed at once. The mighty creature, in the body of a human woman, did not speak a word. Not at all. But she looked into the direction of the stranger, who had caused all this, and he did not wait for any reaction. Within a moment he vanished into thin air and was never seen again, at least in the form he had chosen then. After that the dragon mother and all her children disappeared in the skies - and from that moment they were never seen again too, except some single dragons, staying with us on their will. And this was the end of the dragon story, until today...

Amarylisse paused, and Laura took the chance to address the mighty goddess with her questions...
Really, an impressing story, and I am really astonished, as I never heard anything myself about those special huge dragons and their mother at all. But this universe really still keeps a lot of secrets. But though, what has this story part to do now with my own questions, though, of course, it was really interesting listening to?
Amarylisse began to smile tenderly...
Well, as I fear a lot more than you could ever imagine. Once more I can not reveal all details, but it is time now, that you get aware of this creature. And as you may think yet, yes, she is another goddess in this universe, a very mighty goddess, but also a very secluded one. As opposed to me she will have some more answers for you, if you would be able to find her, on your mission through the dimension of the dragons, as you are on this important way now anyway. This is why I mention this creature now, as she is no secret, such a lot of living beings have seen her once. You should take this chance now, as there will not be another one. I don't believe you would ever find her except in this dimension, where she is home...
Laura nodded with her head several times...
Thank you, Amarylisse, we will of course search for this mysterious creature, and if ever possible, we will find her. I still can't imagine, what this creature would have to do with my questions, but if you say so, then I know it is true. I will get my answers here...
Amarylisse also nodded with her head...
I wish you all luck you need to be successful here, Laura and Estera, as it would be so important. But I have always faith in you, and if anybody can succeed at all here, than the two of you...
With those words Amarylisse made her farewell to the two sisters and disappeared, while Laura and Estera looked at each other for some moments. Estera then began to speak...
Interesting news, Laura, certainly. So we are not only searching for the dragons now, but also for their mother...
Laura nodded with her head thoughtful, and it seemed her eyes would gaze into space this moment. But she answered at once...
Yes, this is true, Estera, and I am really surprised again. Though of being a goddess myself, how many secrets of this universe would still wait out there, which I never was aware of at all? But this is all part of my special "heir" of the old man, who guided ma on a whole wrong way, trapped in an illusion with never understanding the truth of this universe. I now have still to learn so much, and I am so happy, that you and Amarylisse are at my side. This is the best thing ever what happened in my life...
Estera began to smile happily at Laura...
As you are the best thing what happened to my life. Since hearing from you again the first time by Amarylisse I could not wait to see you again, and nobody and nothing will ever separate us again...
Laura nodded with her head, lowering her sight for some moments, as she remembered the still dark secret inside of her sister again. The secret she knew about, but not Estera herself. But she thrusted those painful thoughts aside again at once. Instead the mother of all life looked into the eyes of her sister again, and she began to smile herself...
This is for sure, Estera! But now, we have a mission to be fulfilled. Let's finally start it, here and now, to find the mighty dragons again, and their leader, the dragon mother...
Estera nodded with her head determinedly...
I am ready to leave, sister...
Laura sighed deeply one time...
I am too. And after all I know exactly what to do now, beloved sister. Trust me and do what I do. Let us combine our powers and open another portal here, for this will be our further way to go...
With those words Laura closed her eyes, and Estera followed this example immediately. Both sisters concentrated on their inner energies and let them flow and fill their bodies quickly...
So, we are here to find the mighty race of the dragons and their leader! We come sincerely and in peace, with our hearts and souls filled with love. If this is enough, the portal may open now...
Laura was right, and the sisters suddenly found themselves in an new surrounding. Somewhere on this planet, in the middle of night, and with something incredible happening. As the mother of all life hoped a giant dimensional portal opened now in the sky. It looked like a vortex of energy and light, being in a circular movement, with the brightest light in the middle. This was the next destination of the two sisters...
Follow me now, Estera, this is our way to go...
Estera took the hand of her older sister, and they began slowly to walk again. To walk towards the dimensional portal. And a last time Laura suddenly heard the whispering voice of Amarylisse again, but this time only within her mind. The words were clear though...

Remember this, Laura...
Amarylisse did not speak further, she was gone again. But she left a picture, a picture in Laura's mind. But the mother of all life could not believe what she saw, as she did not understand...
Laura: ...?
But there was no time to further think about that strange picture now. The two sisters finally reached the dimensional portal up in the sky after flying there, and they entered it...
Laura and her younger sister found themselves again in a whole new and most impressing environment. There was much water flowing around, including waterfalls. Between were islands, partially with buildings or ruins on them. But most impressing were two giant cathedrals in the foreground, which even seemed to reach into the sky. Those cathedrals were surrounded by really huge trees, also reaching far into the sky...
The giant cathedral straight ahead was obviously the next destination of Laura and Estera. As it contained another dimensional portal in a certain height, with bright yellow light...

The two sisters were standing on one of the islands between the multiple streams around. And after standing motionless for some time with looking around, Laura then began to speak...
Estera, put this view aside again for some minutes, and speak with me. Just before we entered the first dimensional portal here, Amarylisse contacted me again in my mind, with only a few words, and showing one certain picture to me. the words had been, "Remember this, Laura", and the picture was a whole mystery to me. But instead of describing it to you, and please, watch it carefully before saying anything...
Estera nodded with her head...
Of course I will, Laura, show it to me...
Laura and Estera closed their eyes, with concentrating on their inner energies. Laura conferred the picture, received from Amarylisse before, to her sister, so Estera could see it with her inner eyes exactly as Laura before. And as the sisters opened their eyes again, Laura could see the astonishment in the eyes of her sister at once...
So, Estera, please tell me now, do you remember any time and place, where this picture could have been real? For we both really know, Amarylisse would never fool us with showing anything not true...
Estera took a deep breath and shook her head several times, before she finally answered her sister...
No, Laura, sadly I do not. This picture shows our whole real family, with both parents, us and our brother, and a further unknown person - a woman without a face. And she looks exactly as this dragon mother, which Amarylisse showed to us before in the story of the dragons. In this picture we look like a royal family in a palace, but we both knew, this never happened in our real life on Earth. We were normal people, living a normal life, and this was all. Whatever this picture means, I don't remember anything like this, and I also don't understand it. What is your opinion, sister?

Laura sighed deeply one time...
I don't understand it too, Estera. If this scene really happened, then it must have been a whole different time and place. But what would this mean. Do I have a third life in the end, not remembering any more at all? Or better, do we both have another forgotten life...?
I am completely clueless, Laura...
Laura took a deep breath before speaking again...
And all things seem to have a certain conjunction with the mother of all dragons, as she seems to have a connection to our family. Still more and more mysteries again, and we must solve them...
Yes, and at least some answers are somewhere out there, possibly not even far away, within the realm of the dragons. Now we still must find them only all the more, and the dragon mother...
Laura nodded with her head, looking up now, towards the first cathedral and the new dimensional portal...
Yes, Estera, and this is our further way to go, another dimensional portal, as the true realm of the dragons really seems to be hidden very well. After that horrible war they really have withdrawn very far...
Estera also looked up in the direction of the new energy portal, with nodding with her head several times...
So, let us no longer hesitate, Laura, this important task is waiting for us. I am ready to enter this new portal...
Laura took the hand of her sister again...
I am too, sister. Let's try to fulfil our mission and solve the mysteries around those creatures and their leader...
Laura and Estera began to float upwards, and then straight towards the first cathedral and the energy portal. They entered it only a few moments later. And the new adventure, to search for the race of the dragons, and to find their leading mother, had just begun...
Laura and her younger sister Estera found themselves in a whole new area again, a deep valley with rich green pastures and impressing high and steep mountains, surrounding the whole valley. There was only one way for the girls to go from here, leading straight to the north, a kind of canyon through this wonderful mountain landscape. And looking into this direction, Laura and Estera also saw something else, something even more impressing - two giant statues of stone, to the left and right of the canyon, standing there like a kind of guards. But their hands made an inviting gesture - certainly a monument of an forgotten, ancient time, when the dragons still lived in peace with other races. But those days were gone for a very long time yet...

Laura took the hand of her sister once more, and looking along the further way, she talked determinedly to her sister...
So, I guess we have passed all hidden, dimensional portals now, and somehow I can feel a foreign and most powerful presence now. The dragons are certainly close yet, but I can not feel, if there is a hostile or friendly atmosphere. Whatever those creatures are and feel now about us humans, they hide all feelings perfectly. We have to find out ourselves, so we must find and hopefully speak with them...
Estera nodded with her head one time...
Yes, and I only hope we will be given the chance to do so. If those dragons will be hostile today, then our real chances to get away here alive again will not be very high, Laura...
Laura sighed deeply one time...
There is no doubt about that. we really only can hope, but if it will be the worst case, then we still have our godly powers at least. And we do have a small chance to escape again...
Of course Laura wanted to comfort her sister, but she didn't really know if she should believe her own words. However, the two women had no alternative, and so they began to walk along the canyon, straight towards the north. Slowly and carefully...
Laura and Estera passed the two mighty statues, looking up at them a last time then. Laura shook her head once...
I really hope they will be a good sign for us. I am yet sending out our true emotions, our aura of light and goodness, as we do not want to surprise the dragons. Indeed I do not really believe this would be possible at all, but we do not hide anything from them. They simply shall know we are here and coming, so they also can prepare...
Estera looked quizzically at her sister...
Do you really believe this is the right way to handle this, Laura, as with a whole unknown realm and race for us? I am not so sure, but perhaps because of my very own feelings of uncertainty and fear...
Laura stopped and turned to her younger sister, and both girls then looked into each others eyes. Laura began to smile, and she laid both hands onto the shoulders of her sister...
Really, somehow I believe my way is the right one, and somehow I even believe there is no reason for fear at all. I think the dragons will be able to straight look into our hearts, and they will know we mean no danger for them at all. Trust me, sister, and trust your own feelings...
Laura moved closer towards Estera, so that their faces almost touched each other, before she began to whisper then. But Estera really could understand every single word...
I know, you have the same energy inside your heart as I carry it, just take it and trust. You are my sister, the same blood, the same power. We both will handle that - just with our love and faith...
Estera also began to smile now, and she nodded with her head several times, before she answered her sister...
I do trust you, as much as only Amarylisse and nobody else, Laura. And yes, together we will handle this. At your side I feel no fear, and I am ready to continue our important journey...
Laura also nodded with her head one time now, smiling really happily, before she answered her younger sister...
Then let us go, as I guess, this journey will still need much time to finish it any time. Let us find those dragons, Estera!
With those words the two sisters began to move again, hand in hand they walked towards the north, into unknown area. They walked slowly and carefully, but whole determined...
It needed not much time until the area suddenly changed totally. It was the end of the canyon, when the steep mountains to both sides each made a wide curve, to create a new valley in the form of a giant circle. Laura and Estera stood in front of a great lake, and looking further into the north several waterfalls from a higher plain were flowing into this lake. Still further in the north, from another higher plain, even more waterfalls were going down into another higher lake, with streams flowing to the first visible waterfalls. All of this was very impressing, but not really the most amazing factor in this whole new area. As there was something else to impress the two sisters. And for a while Laura and Estera only stood motionless and stunned...

It needed some time until the two sisters could move again, and also found their voice again. They looked into each others faces, still totally impressed, until Estera was the first to speak again...
Estera took a deep breath, with shaking her head several times, before she finally began to speak with low voice...
Wow! What a sight! And I guess we are really on the right way now, coming closer to the current habitat of the dragons. And I am really curious to see them close, as I never saw a living dragon before in my life. You did, of course, but I am really excited...
Laura nodded with her head, looking into the eyes of her sister, and then towards the north again...
Understandable, and this sight is really only so impressing. I find no better words to describe this...
Estera also looked towards the north again, straight onto those two giant statues of stone and gold, raising out of special artificial constructions from the ledge of the higher plain. A true sigh of finally really entering the area of the dragons, where this mysterious race was living today. And after some further moments Laura began to talk again...
So, this seems the frontier of their habitat, and now we will enter it. As you can see, this whole area is well protected, and from here, for normal humans without wings, it would really be more than difficult to reach the higher plains at all. On purpose, of course, as the dragons try to keep unwanted guests away from their territory. But we do not have those problems, we will simply fly to the higher plains then...
Laura reached out her hand towards her sister, and Estera took it. Together the two sisters left the ground, flying up into the air, and finally towards the new area behind the waterfalls...
Laura and Estera were wandering yet through a huge new area, an area of valleys, streams and waterfalls, surrounded by steep mountains. But the two sisters made their way forwards, and nothing could stop them. But so far there were still no dragons within sight, no matter how long the women yet were searching for them. But at least one thing was for sure, those creatures were out there, somewhere out there, and not so far away any more. And for sure they long since knew about their new visitors. But for what reasons ever, so far they did not react at all...

After some further time Laura and her sister reached a bigger lake, with some deer grazing there. It was another amazing sight, with more high and steep mountains around, and more waterfalls flowing into this lake from the opposite site, from the north. And from there position the women could see, they had to pass completely around the lake to the other site, where a way seemed to finally lead into and up the high mountains. And so Laura and Estera were on their further way again...
Laura spoke to her younger sister, while they wandered in slow speed, along the right side of the lake...
Well, Estera, I do not want to overcharge you in any way, and please, you may tell me every time you want to have another break. We had a lot yet, of course, but it does not matter. We will reach our destination for sure, no matter when, and you must not hold your wishes back. And when it is not enough to eat and drink, only tell me and I will get us more in a second. I only want to know your true needs...
Estera began to smile happily...
Thank you, Laura, and in fact, I have to admit, I do not have your divinely abilities - though of more energies than ever before - to endless walk around through this wonderful nature. If we could have another break now, I would be happy in fact...
Laura also began to smile slightly, as she was not surprised at all. She had simply felt something like that...
So be it then, just here, at this beautiful lake...
Laura and Estera had their break again, and the women really did travel without any luggage. Whatever they needed, all provision, Laura just materialized it with her divine energy. And so the two sisters sat in the grass at the shore of the lake, in the shadows of some huge trees, resting and having a small meal, and the deer were further grazing nearby, without any fear of the new arrivals. It was such a great and peaceful scene, with the sun shining through a field of different clouds in the sky, and birds singing all around...
Some time later Laura and Estera were on their way again, further walking along the right side of the lake. And after some time they finally reached their next destination, the opposite side of the lake. From here the way now would lead them up into the mountains after a short part of the further way, but it was blocked. A guard was waiting here, not to be seen yet from the opposite site of the lake, but all the more giant now. It was a human creature, a real giant, much times taller than Laura and Estera, and very dangerous for sure. The sisters kept a safe distance to him, but of course the guard had seen the visitors long since yet. And suddenly his mighty voice resounded through the whole area, while the ground even was slightly shaking...
Who are you, strangers, arriving at this territory, and what do you want here? I am protecting this way, and for human life the realm of the dragons is forbidden. You can not continue here...
Laura and Estera looked at each other, and finally the mother of all life faced the enormous guard again. She had no fear, but she thought about the words to choose now. And while thinking about, it was Estera, surprising her sister and the guard, as she abruptly stepped forward, outstretching her hands into the air. Then she began to talk...
Mighty guard, impressing giant, please, listen to the words of two women, arriving here for an important mission, but really with no bad or hostile purposes at all. Quite the opposite, we finally want to make peace between all life out there and the mighty dragons, so they would no longer have to live isolated any more. I swear you that...
The guard really seamed surprised by the small girl, and he looked at her as he answered with his wavering voice...
Brave little girl, speaking for the two of you, words and oaths do not count, as they have been broken too often by humans before. But as you speak for the humans now, I give you one chance to proof your words with a special feat, so I can see it with my own eyes, that you really may be worth to pass here. If you convince me of your purposes, to really bring peace back into the realm of the dragons, I will let you pass. If you are not able to proof your purposes, then you will die at once...
Laura didn't believe her eyes and ears, as she was really frightened her sister would destroy all hopes in a moment now. But she could not do anything, as it was too late, the decision was already made. Estera had to handle this task on her own now, and Laura almost was in panic. She watched her sister with wide open eyes and mouth, only believing that this dangerous guard would attack them any moment...
Laura really believed she could hardly believe her own eyes. And her mouth closed again at once. Estera used her magical inner energies as if she would have done this yet for an eternity, as her hands were swathed into white light first. After some moments blue energy appeared around her hands, spreading into the air. Estera smiled happily, finally releasing wonderful huge butterflies out of her blue energy. They began to fly around her, and finally even around the waiting guard...

Estera spoke to the guard again then. Her voice was full of joy and peace, and the magical energy now filled her whole body. And the guard really seemed to be impressed...
This is my sign of peace for you, the energy of love forming wonderful butterflies, taking it all around this area. You may not trust our words, but I hope you trust in what your eyes tell you...
The giant seemed to think about what he just saw, and after some moments he finally began to talk again himself...
Really, what a brave little girl, with great magic power! Both of you are worth to pass and enter the realm of the dragons. Your good intentions are proofed, we trust you, and the dragons will welcome you. Laura and Estera, you may continue your journey now...
With those words the giant guard suddenly simply vanished into thin air, and the two sisters looked at each others astonished. Laura was the first to find her tongue then...
Well, what is going on here? First my little sister surprises and impresses me totally, how far her magic abilities really reach yet, though all exercises - I did not expect this. And then this guard vanishes unexpected and also surprises us with even knowing our names...? I have no idea what this all is about, a strange realm and race indeed...
Estera agreed and nodded with her head. But it needed some further moments until she answered her sister...
Well, I may be stronger yet than my older sister expected so far, but for this strange guard, I also do not understand this either. It seems this guard - and the dragons - did expect us yet somehow, and this little trial only seemed to have been a farce. I mean, this guard knew us yet before the trial, and also knew we would pass...
Laura also nodded with her head, but she did not answer any more. The mother of all life had her own thoughts, older thoughts, coming back up now out of her mind. Yet since the first stories about the dragons Laura somehow felt a strange, but strong drawing power from those creatures, unaccountable, but real. And the nearer the sisters came to those creatures now, the stronger those feelings got, though Laura tried to push them back of her mind. But it did not work, and there was something else...
Finally Laura began to speak again, to her sister, but also to herself, with a obviously distraught voice...
Something is totally strange here, Estera! This wondrous guard, the mysterious dragons, the mighty dragon mother - I can't help myself, but somehow..., yes, somehow all of this seems so familiar to me. I can not explain, but it is almost like coming come. This does not make any sense, I know, but it is just what I feel now so strongly...
Estera laid her hand on the shoulder of her sister, and both girls looked into each others eyes then...
Yes, Laura, and though I am totally foreign to those worlds, as I never have been here before, I feel just the same. It is even mad for me, but true, those strong feelings act in both of us...
Laura took a deep breath before she answered again, and her eyes now showed absolute determination...
Well, at least we know one thing now for sure, the dragons will not be our enemies and we can move around safe and free here. So we can explore this realm to find our answers, now even more than ever before, and I promise, we will find them...
With these words Laura finally began to move again, and Estera followed her older sister at once. The two determined sisters were on their way again, deeper into the realm of the dragons...
Laura and her younger sister arrived in a new area, that once more really was so impressing. The two sisters stopped for some moments, only watching the scene that presented itself here...
What Laura and Estera saw now was a monument, ancient ruins of a former town, left and gone to rack yet along time ago. And even more impressing, the actual monument behind this town, a giant structure hard to describe, also half gone to rack yet, but still reaching out far up into the sky. It was made of stone and artificial materials - and a proof of other life here in an ancient time, other life than only dragons. Because this was not made by dragons, at least as much was clear then...

After some time Laura and Estera continued their long journey through the high mountains of the realm of the dragons again, reaching another ancient ruin after some time. An old castle, also abandoned long since yet, and placed lonely in the middle of a beautiful green valley with a river flowing by, and further high mountains surrounding the landscape...

The sisters followed the course of the river into the opposite direction, as it came from still higher mountains, and that should be the further route of Laura and her sister then. And while wandering in slow-paced tempo, Estera then began to speak again...
Laura, may I, please, tell you something? It has nothing to do with our current task, but it is important, really very important to me. Yet for a longer time, but now I need to talk about...
Laura nodded with her head at once...
No need to ask, Estera, you may tell me all what is in your mind and in your
heart. And you know, I am there for you, always and everywhere, no matter how terrible a problem may be. Simply tell me and I try to help you, as I always try as you loving sister...
Estera took a deep breath and closed her eyes for some moments, while holding Laura's hand and wandering further. But finally she opened her eyes again and began to talk with low voice...
As you said yourself before, something isn't right here. With this realm, with the guard before, with this mission - but also with me, Laura. I know it, and I know it a longer time yet. Outwardly I may be a happy girl again now, but deep inside of me, anywhere in the deepest regions of my soul, there is something strange - something dark. And also if I first pushed it to the back of my mind, it gets stronger and stronger, and I can not deny it any longer meanwhile. I know, there is something totally wrong with me, and I also know, even if you do not talk about at all, you also know. So, please, if you have any answer for me, Laura, then give it to me now...
Laura stopped at once, and also Estera stood still the next moment. And the mother of all life was shocked, totally shocked and got jumped, as she had almost forgotten about the dark secret of her younger sister meanwhile. As there had been no signs of something negative any more, Laura also could have pushed this problem to the back of her own mind for some time - and now it was like thunderstruck...
Laura could not answer at once. She could not even look into the face any eyes of her sister, and instead she looked down towards the ground. What should she do now, how should she react? Laura had hoped to find away perhaps never to talk with her sister about this dark past, if there perhaps wouldn't be bad consequences, but now all thoughts and hopes were for nothing finally. Laura had to make a decision...
As the mother of all life still hesitated, it was Estera then to talk again first, with low voice again...
Laura, there is no need to fear anything. I know, whatever you do, whatever you tell or withhold, you have your reasons and only want the best for me. As well as Amarylisse, for she certainly also will know, but also didn't tell me anything. There is no other creature in this universe to love me more than both of you, and so I could never be angry with you in any way. But there is no need to have secrets, no need to fear I could not stand something. I will deal with every truth I have to, with your and mother's help. And I think I deserve to know the truth, if it is about me, I deserve to hear it from the person closest to me - my beloved older sister...
Laura took a deep breath and nodded with her head one time, before she began to speak finally. And as her sister before also the mother of all life could only talk with low voice now...
Estera, dear sister, please, forgive me, I just could not find the right time and words to speak with you so far, but you are right, it is necessary. And I promise, we will talk, as soon as we are back home again in a private setting. Would this be acceptable for you? For I don't believe this is the right place and time now, as long as we are on this mission...
Estera nodded with her head...
I agree, Laura. Though all inside of me, inside of my heart, presses to talk about this matter and finally learn what is wrong with me, I will still wait this short time. And I concentrate only on our mission now, so we can get it to a positive ending...
Estera laid her hand on Laura's shoulder...
Don't worry, I am strong enough to stand my ground, and I will not disappoint you at all. Promised...
Laura began to smile again and finally looked into the eyes of her sister again, before she answered her...
You never could, Estera, never...
With those words of Laura both women were satisfied for the moment and kept silence again, further continuing their journey. But though, the heart of Laura was sinking now, as she knew, she could no longer escape her destiny, the moment to tell her sister the whole truth. It was only still a matter of days now, and it made her sad. Very sad. Because Laura did not know how Estera would stand this truth, what would happen afterwards. But Laura had to take this risk, as she couldn't lie to her sister...
However, for now the important journey continued...
Laura and Estera reached a new region, still much higher in the mountains of the realm of the dragons again. Around still higher crests were towering, and now with snow and ice all around. It was much colder in this area now, but though of only minor clothes, Laura and her sister were not freezing, as they could also use their magical energies inside therefore...
After following a smaller mountain path for some time, Laura and Estera finally stopped at a fork in the path. The normal way was further leading to the right, but there was an artificial bridge, made of stone, leading to the left - straight towards a mountain part with a strange opening. It was a cave, and the entrance was the huge mouth of a skull, created into the rocks. Obviously for keeping unwanted visitors out...

Laura and Estera looked at each other, and Laura could see, her sister did not feel very well about this cave. But they both knew, this was the way to continue. And Laura embraced her sister encouragingly...
Don't worry, this will not be as eerie as it looks from here, Estera, as we already know we are welcome here. No need for any fear, we can further follow our way with confidence...
Estera nodded with her head...
Excuse me, Laura, I know, of course. This just only didn't look very inviting to me, that's all...
The sisters finally continued on their way, walking slowly over the bridge towards the entrance of the cave. Light was shining out from there, reflected from ice from all walls, but nothing else was to see so far. The cave made a curve soon, so the sisters could not know what was waiting for them inside this strange cave...

After some moments Laura and Estera took a deep breath, standing close to the entrance, and they entered the cave then...
It was a longer way through the ice cave, without finding anything interesting inside, but also, as Laura had been sure before yet, no danger at all. And finally the two women left the cave again, finding themselves back within the high snowy mountains. And as there was no alternative, Laura and Estera further followed their way through the ice and snow...

After a while, though of still going upwards, the snow disappeared again. Instead the two sisters found an artificial way, a kind of bridge, leading towards a special mountain. A very special one, as the rocks here almost protruded like huge prickles. And at the end of this strange bridge, also having prickles at both sides, another cave was waiting...

With a deep breath Laura finally entered the further cave first, closely followed by her sister. They hoped it would be the last cave then, but of course they could not be sure. Not at all...
Laura and Estera had left the second cave again, finding themselves in a huge high valley then. A forest was here to both sides of their further way, which would lead them straight to the north, towards another very special mountain, which was also surrounded by further mountains. But this special mountain straight ahead was impressing. Really impressing, and the two sisters first remained, only watching this strange scene...
The mountain ahead was naturally arranged in a circle, with the forefront lower than the backside. And this backside was split, straight in the middle, while a strange energy sphere was hanging over the mountain top, sending a constant energy beam down towards the ground. But before reaching it the beam entered an energy field with bright light - obviously a kind of dimensional portal once more...

After some moments, somehow feeling like eternity, Laura was the one to speak again first...
Obviously our further way to follow, Estera, and hopefully, if we may be lucky, finally a new section, where we hopefully will find the dragons. I have a certain feeling at least, this will be the last portal of this kind here. But however, we will find out soon...
Estera nodded with her head approving...
I share you hope. Though of supernatural energy inside of me I would have enough of walking around here...
The two sisters finally began to move again, slowly walking towards this strange mountain in the north, and towards the energy field, which would mean a further portal to pass...
It still needed some time to reach the destination. But in the end Laura and Estera were able to stand in front of the new energy portal, happy to leave the current area. And with a last glance into each others eyes, the sisters passed the portal hand in hand...
Laura and Estera vanished into thin air within seconds, and after their fading the energy field also disappeared. It almost seemed this portal had never been there at all...
Laura and Estera appeared again in a new area. And now they were back in lowlands again, only with some single high rocks standing in the environment, with their top as burning fire each. As darkness of the night was gradually drawing near, those fires were shining bright, still in a far away distance. Laura was sure about the meaning...

Well, seams we get closer to our destiny, Estera. Dragon fire! Those creatures are flying here, though we can not see one now, and they use those tops as fire marks. I would believe it will not take much more time now until we really see the first living dragon here...
Estera began to smile slightly...
I would really be happy, dear sister. We have followed a long, long way until here, and I am not sure, if we have to go all this route back again, that we still find our starting point again...
Don't worry, Estera, this is of no concern for us yet. We will see if this mission really lies behind us. For now I only want to find those dragons - and their mysterious mother...
The two sisters finally were on their way again, wandering through the new area then. And really, it didn't need much time until the environment changed once more, and not only slightly, but totally. Standing at the ledge of some rocks Laura and Estera had an impressing sight onto the further environment, and both women really were speechless with amazement now. At first they could almost not believe what they saw...
Below the two sisters was a large deeper valley with a small river flowing along. It was surrounded by wood to both sides. There were also further higher rocks, normal ones, but also a number of flying rocks, simply hanging in the air somehow without falling down. To the right Laura and Estera could see giant bridge constructions of stone, each created semicircular, and they traversed the landscape here...
The most interesting fact for the two women was something else though. Estera saw it first, tapping slightly on the shoulder of her sister. Laura looked at Estera, and she pointed in a certain direction with her right hand. So Laura could see it herself now too. And as her sister before also the mother of all life began to smile happily now...

A dragon, a mighty, beautiful dragon, standing on one of those giant bridges! We finally succeeded, Estera...
Laura's sister did not answer. She only nodded with her head, staring at the dragon with open mouth and wide eyes. Estera really had never seen a dragon in her life so far at all...
Suddenly the dragon spread out its mighty wings and began to rise into the air. then it flew away in the opposite direction of the two sisters, and they were not sure if the creature had noticed them...
I would say we follow the direction of the dragon, Estera, what means, along this small river in the valley. And let's spare the descension. I would say, time to fly ourselves again...
Estera agreed with a happy smile in her face...
Absolutely, Laura! My legs will be very grateful, and we will stay on top of things about this area then...
Laura and Estera now also spread out their wings and began to fly upwards. Above the wonderful nature around the two sisters then followed the course of the river, and the trace of the dragon...
It was unbelievable! Really incredible! The flying rocks extended more and more, from small ones to whole areas, and somehow all combined with stony bridges, leading upwards steadily. Some time later they even were hanging between and above the clouds...
Laura and Estera now landed on one of the tops of those countless flying rocks, having a great sight on the whole environment. And now there were more dragons, much more of them. Flying all around, but so far not taking notice of the two new visitors...

Estera was the first to speak again, after a longer time of keeping silence and only being whole impressed...
Wow! What a sight! Yet for this view all the efforts from before have really been worthwhile. I love what I see, I really love it so much. and those mighty dragons are so impressing...
Laura nodded with her head confirming...
Yes, and I see our next destination, Estera. Look at this giant area in the middle, for as it seems there is a whole ancient town down there. We should fly there next, as the dragons here don't react to our presence. We must try to get contact to them, but flying in the air they are simply to fast for us. Perhaps we are more lucky down there...
Estera agreed, and some moments later the two sisters were also in the air again, flying towards the ancient town...
Laura and Estera had landed in the ancient town on the huge floating island, and as expected, it was abandoned. But though the town was in an amazing good condition. The two woman could move safely in there. And after a while Laura knew what to do. Dragons were flying over the town regularly, and so the sisters entered one of the higher buildings...
Laura and Estera had reached the ceiling of the huge building, standing on it now, with a great sight over the area around. But this was not the most interesting fact, but something else...

Laura and Estera saw three dragons from this position. A red one flying around, a blue one standing on the rounded ceiling of a neighbouring building, and a green one - lying on the other end of the ceiling of Laura and Estera. This was the chance the sisters were searching for, and they were determined to use it now at once...
Laura and Estera slowly got closer to the green dragon on the roof of the building. So far it did not react in any way, but as the two sisters stood very close, the dragon opened its eyes. It looked at the visitors, and the sisters did not show any fear. Instead Laura now sat on a wall stone to the left, embracing Estera from behind. Smiling at the dragon the girls did not speak, but waiting for a first response...

Finally the dragon really began to speak. Laura knew those dragons were able to speak, as they were intelligent, and she heard a deep and friendly voice. As hoped no hostility at all...
I am greeting you, Laura and Estera, we have been waiting for you yet a while, glad you made it so far. And you are welcome to the realm of the dragons, though the rules had to be adhered to. But we also knew, the guard would not be a problem for you. And so, you now found what you were searching for, the dragons of Gontova. Though of different names we live in the same world, yet since the beginning, and what you call "Lauhaven" today was originally called Gontova. This is the real name of our world, as it still was paradise, before the grand dragon war changed it all...
Laura nodded with her head, and her face now showed a sad expression. And the mother of all life began to speak...
Thank you for your welcome, we appreciate this more than I could ever express in words. It was a long journey, and we heard your true story before, from the goddess Amarylisse, who sent us here. Originally our mission was to only find you, trying to get contact and finally make peace between all our races again, so we could make the first step on the important way back, to finally create our paradise new any time. But this is not enough any more, as we learned more than ever expected. We learned about the mysterious mother of all dragons, another mighty goddess as it seems, and in some way we have a mysterious relationship to her. Not that we really would understand, but we want to find her and speak with her, if possible. It would be so important for us, and our question is, can you help us with this mission? Is it possible in any way to meet the mother of all dragons?
The dragon did not show any emotional reaction, but after some moments it began to speak once more...
Well, of course we also already knew about this special wish, a wish not easy to be fulfilled at all. Our mother never before had any visitors at all, and in fact she loves her privacy. In all the past it had been on rare occasions that she only showed herself in public at all, but she knows about your wish and understands your needs. This is why I have to tell you, that she would be prepared to meet you in fact, if you will be able to find her then. We can not reveal her residence, as this is a secret, but it is possible for you to find it...
Laura sighed deeply one time...
Please, tell us what we have to do. Whatever this may be about, whatever you demand, we will do so...
You must further travel through our realm. Find further special dragons, who do not fly around, but waiting for you to talk with you like me. Speak with them, and you get hints. If you collect all hints, then it will be possible for you to solve the puzzle and find the residence of our mother. And if so, if you succeed, then she will welcome you...
Laura began to smile slightly before answering again. And the goddess was not surprised at all...
Well, I did expect something like this, thinking our journey would not be over yet. But no problem, we will do exactly what you told us, dragon, to find your mother. The only left question is, do you have a first hint for us, where to go or what to do next?
The dragon answered at once...
In fact, as I am your first station on this way. So, listen carefully, and solve my task, to get further on your way...
After a short break the dragon continued again...
You know about the story of the dragons, as Amarylisse told you about. You know about this evil magician of your kind, who came in our realm once and changed all things. Because of him there was this terrible war with the loss of so many lives, a war almost to destroy the whole universe. What was the reason to prevent this in the very last moment?
Laura nodded with her head and began to smile, understanding now why the story about the dragons, told by Amarylisse, had to be told before entering this realm, and why it had been so important...
Well, we know the answer. This horrible war would have been the apocalypse yet, if one person would not have interfered then. There had been no other chance, and so it was her, the mother of all dragons, who appeared and ended this war. The magician was banned and never seen in the realm of the dragons again, and the dragons themselves retreated since then, never been seen by the other races again until today. Until our arrival, as we became this wonderful opportunity to enter your realm for the first time again. And we are more grateful than we could ever tell you...
The dragon nodded with its head one time...
Well spoken, Laura, you answered my question. And so, here is my hint for you. Fly to the north, following the floating islands, until you find the next huge one, surrounded by small floating islands. There, between a lot of green vegetated rocks, you will find one lonely rock in the middle of a valley. A dragon is waiting for you there...
Laura stood up from her place, also releasing Estera again, and looking happily at the green dragon...
Thank you very much. We will start again at once, searching for this next dragon and task, to further continue...
With those words the two sisters took leave of the friendly green dragon, flying away through the air quickly then. And the long journey through the realm of the dragons continued...
Laura and Estera still had to travel a longer time through the impressing realm of the dragons, to find all hints and get closer and closer to the residence of the mother of all dragons. But the two sisters succeeded and learned much about the race and culture of the dragons thereby. Especially one fact, so far not known in the rest of the universe at all. The race of dragons was much more various than ever expected...
Laura and Estera could see and meet dragons of multiple kinds. The "normal" flying dragons, with also different kinds and sizes, but also human dragons. Dragons, walking on two legs, living in real towns and palaces in fact. So it was a real surprise, that the towns and palaces in this realm were certainly not abandoned, but full of life - and now also visible. The two sisters were totally surprised by those facts...

With regard to the special dragons for hints, Laura and Estera visited a lot of areas in the extensive realm, meeting amazing dragons with solving different puzzles then. And so they also learned about multiple tasks of the leading dragons, as there was the dragon of nature, the dragon of fire, the dragon of ice, the dragon of crystal energy, the dragon of thunderstorm, the dragon of love and the dragon of magic...

After all those hints the two sisters finally reached a region of some very special dragons - as Laura and Estera recognized them of the history story of the dragons at once - those giant dragons, appearing then the first time at all at the end of the grand dragon war, together with the mother of all dragons...

Meeting those giant and so much impressing creatures, Laura and Estera only got closer very slowly and shy. But there was no reason once more to fear anything at all. The closest of those giant dragons began to speak to the new visitors at once...
Welcome, Laura and Estera, we expected you yet, of course. And we were sure you would solve all puzzles then. So his task is over now, only one visit left before meeting the mother of all dragons. And I will explain it to you, where to go from here now...
Laura began to smile happily, as well as Estera, only glad the journey really would be over soon now...
Thank you very much, we are glad to hear this. It really has been such a long and energy-sapping journey, and meanwhile we are really a little bit tired. But to get this chance to meet your mighty mother is such an honour. And worth all efforts...
The dragon answered at once...
You can see the buildings to the left of me, a little bit to the northwest. Go there, enter this village, and search for a special place there, a ritual place between some unusual rocks around. It lays in front of a small lava river. Meet somebody there, who is waiting for you, somebody really special. Then you will learn how to meet our mother finally...
Laura nodded with her head gratefully...
Thank you, we will do so...
Laura and Estera took leave of the giant dragon, which had a beautiful subadult to its feet, and were on their way again afterwards. And short time later they entered the dragon village...
Laura and Estera walked through the village, seeing human dragons once more there, and finally they found what they were searching for. It was a surprise, as on that ritual place two creatures were waiting. A normal flying dragon, but with an armour around its body. And next to this dragon a female human was standing, holding a special wand. As the two sisters got closer they could recognize the race of this human creature, she was an elf. But not a normal one, as she was almost three times taller than Laura...

The huge female elf began to smile as Laura and Estera arrived, and she began to speak with a friendly voice...
Welcome, Laura and Estera, I am delighted to meet you at last, as we all waited for your arrival a longer time yet. And as you really made it this far, the mother of all dragons expects you now. I will tell you how you can find her, and the residence where she reigns. But before doing so, I would guess, you still may have some questions? If you, you may name them now, and I will attempt to answer them...
Laura and Estera also smiled happily, but this time it was Estera, who began to speak first for the sisters...
First I would like to say how impressed we both are, and surprised, what we finally found in this realm - really more than ever imagined. Laura met dragons before in her life yet, but for me it was the first meeting at all, and I am just overwhelmed. But yes, I do have questions, and my sister certainly too. Perhaps you can answer me...
After a short break Estera continued again...
Well, we heard the story of your race, before and after the grand war, but for me a real surprise is, to find somebody here like you. And I believe, on our long journey, I have seen others yet, other humans, but I was sure you would have broken with all human races after you retreated then into your own safe dimension. What is this about? And, if you want to tell us, who are you? What is your function here?
The elf smiled again before answering...
My name is Galandel, and yes, originally I was born once in the elfish world Reigon. And yes, there are others here like me, from different races. We were so much related to the dragons, that we decided to leave the rest of the universe behind once, respecting the culture and rules of the dragons in every way and leaving with them peacefully. That meant having no more contact with other races - until today, until you came to visit us. And if you wonder why I am so tall, well, I am one of very few still living former dragon riders. Today this means nothing any more, as they are not needed any more - the dragons have sworn to never interfere again with other races. And for most dragons simply were that huge, the dragon riders had been aligned to that size, and as you see, I am still a rare relict of this time...
Laura also began to speak now, while nodding with her head. The story of Galandel had not been a surprise for her...
Nice to meet you, Galandel! I have not experienced that time myself, but I saw dragons earlier yet, in the grand war between heaven and hell. But there were no dragon riders any more then, and only such dragons, which had not retreated with you once, for what reasons ever. It is a pity though, that your guard has disappeared, and that the dragons refuse every contact to the rest of the universe, as this is one reason we are here. We want to change this again, to put an end to the sad past, trying to have the dragons back in the rest of the universe again, and maybe as new and old allies in the upcoming war of apocalypse, which is unavoidable. We know that we ask much, very much, and that it certainly will be for nothing, but at least we must try. And, of course, we want to meet your mother, the mysterious goddess behind all dragons, to also speak with her, if possible...
Galandel nodded with her head understanding...
Well, I understand your concern, and if it was about me, you really would charge an open door. I would love to reinstate the guard of dragon riders, but I fear, this will only stay a nice dream. You see, our mother is very different in this matter, and clear. Since this devastating dragon war of the past, where countless dragons were killed in such a senseless battle, our mother has hidden this whole realm in a foreign dimension, for never again to interact with human life in any way. Except those who also turned their backs to the rest of the universe, to only live with the dragons and their rules. This is our law here, and nothing can break it. This is why I believe our goddess will refuse your wish for sure, no matter for what reason, and you should be prepared for this possibility. I don't want to discourage you, of course, but this is what I believe. I am sorry, but I had to tell you that...
Laura sighed deeply one time, looking to the ground with serious facial expression. But finally she looked up again, straight into the eyes of Galandel, before she answered...
Well, I am not really surprised by your words, Galandel, for somehow I expected this - after all we learned so far about the history of your race. But you may forgive us, if we do not relinquish our hopes so soon, after the long way we have gone for. We will meet your leader and speak with her ourselves, so she may tell us her decision personally. And so, if you can help us to find her residence now, we really would be happy so much. After this long journey my sister and I are only tired, and we hope we may be able to rest a while in the palace of the goddess now...
Galandel nodded with her head smiling...
At least this is for sure, you will experience hospitality there as much as only possible. And you do not have a long way to go now any more, because I will take you there in a moment. As you did fulfil all tasks, there is no need to walk around any further...
With these words Galandel lifted her arms and created an energy portal at once. It appeared only a few steps away from Laura and Estera, and Galandel began to speak again...
Now, go through this portal, and you will stand straight in front of the residence of our mother. Enter her palace and you will be guided to her, my good wishes will accompany you...
Laura nodded with her head smiling...
Thank you, Galandel, we appreciate your kind support. And you know, hope is always the last thing to die. We will try our best now, but first we are so curious to meet the mother of all dragons at all now. Good bye, Galandel, our best wishes for you too...
With these words Laura and Estera finally turned to the energy portal, and the mother of all life took the hand of her sister. Both girls were smiling now, and the next moment they entered the potal...
Laura and Estera were really wondering. They really had reached the grand palace of the mother of all dragons, but not the way they had expected to. Insetad of standing in front of the residence the two sisters found themselves high in the air, high above and in a little distance to this palace. But of course they didn't fall down, as they simply were floating in the sky at once. And in fact, it was incredible, an amazing sight what they saw now. And so the girls first remained in the sky, watching what they saw and simply enjoying this wonderful view...

To say the residence of the dragon mother was a giant castle would still have been a understatement. On the contrary, Laura and Estera could not remember when they ever had see a castle of that size yet before. And they just were full of admiration now...
The air was full of dragons here. Dragons of all kinds and sizes, flying all around, but not reacting to the two new visitors at all. And there was something else of interest, on the upper courtyard, as Laura and her sister had a good sight on it. There was a strange device on that courtyard, and blue energy was floating into the air from it. In some height the energy formed a sphere, also of energy in different blue color shades, and Laura had a clue what this device could be about in fact...
I guess, this is a mixture of energy device and magic, and it has a protection function. If I am right this device can create a giant protection shield of energy and magic, covering the whole castle in case of need. Impressing, really only impressing...
Estera agreed at once...
I think the same, Laura. This dragon mother really must be powerful, and what I feel here, the whole atmosphere around, I would say we are about to meet the mightiest god in this whole universe. At least for all gods I know until now. Or am I wrong...?
Laura shook her head stony-faced. She could really feel exactly the same, and suddenly, for the first time at all now, a certain thought was in her mind and heart. But she would not yet speak about, not until she really would stand in front of the mother of all dragons, seeing her physically, face to face. And it was about time now...
Okay then, we made it until here, Estera. Let us enter this amazing residence now. A goddess is waiting for us...
Laura began to move again, straight towards the giant castle, and her younger sister followed at once...
Laura and Estera were first welcomed by some guards, creatures half dragon and half human, standing at a lot of places in the castle. One of them led the sisters into the castle then, into a bigger lobby then, where a flying dragon was waiting in the air, while the guard left again. The flying dragon also was a servant in this castle, speaking to the new visitors then...

I welcome you, Laura and Estera, the whole realm knows about your presence and is excited to meet such high guests in our halls since such a long time. We would not have had welcomed any other humans creatures at all, but you are an exception, of course. Our goddess is prepared for you, for there was no doubt at all that you would made it until here. And if you are also prepared I will lead you into her throne room now...
Laura nodded with her head once...
Thank you! But if you don't mind, would you answer one question first, a question of my heart about all of this...
Ask your question Laura!
The mother of all life looked into the eyes of her sister first, and Estera nodded with her head smiling. Then Laura turned towards the dragon servant once more, asking her question...
All of this, all we experience here, is really incredible and overwhelming. But one thing is strange, really strange somehow. The fact that everybody knows us yet, and our names. How can that be? We did not announce our journey, and we never had any personal relationships to dragons before. But though every single creature here seems to know us. As you also just confirmed again. But why? How can that be possible...?
The dragon seemed to smile, though a face of a dragon was not able to have such facial characteristics. But Laura could feel it at least, and the dragon answered her...
Well, I would think, this is a question which actually should be self answering meanwhile. As you heard so much about us and our story, though of not have met our mother yet yourself, you though should know this answer. Wouldn't you agree?
Laura could not avoid a slight smile in her face. And in fact, yes, she really knew the answer long since yet...
I do agree. But I simply had to ask before entering the throne room. It is your mighty mother, the grand goddess, to know all things before they even happen, this is all I can think now. We had been told a lot before this mission began, and I guess you also know the name Amarylisse here? Another mighty goddess, and somehow in a relationship with your goddess. I only still do not understand the coherences so far...
The dragon seemed to smile once more, but it ignored the last words of Laura. Instead there was another answer...
You really should spare your further questions now and follow me to the throne room then. If there is one right place for all possible questions, then there. Speak with our mother...
With those last words the dragon turned around and flew away slowly, tight above the floor. Laura and her sister looked into each others eyes for some moments, before they followed the dragon. And the defining moment, perhaps even for the whole universe in the end, was very close now. Laura and Estera would meet the mighty goddess now...
It was an indescribable moment. The dragon servant guided Laura and Estera straight into a low lighted huge throne room, where a lot of delegates already were waiting. And some were still arriving first. There were different creatures, as the two sisters were coming closer, and in the end even fairies, riding on smaller dragons in the air - certainly as the biggest surprise in this moment. And, of course, there was somebody else, a human creature, standing at the other end of the throne room, on a higher pedestal. Not really physical, but semi-transparent, holding a large wand with an owl sitting on the top of it. And a cat was sitting to the feet of this woman...

It was the mother of all dragons, the goddess of this realm, finally waiting to welcome the two sisters now. And Laura and her sister only walked slowly now, really shy and so much impressed, the aura of this mighty goddess was really overwhelming. And finally the two sisters stopped, keeping their distance, waiting for a first response of the goddess...
After some moments of exciting silence the mighty goddess really began to speak to her visitors then...
Welcome, Laura an Estera! Don't be afraid, come closer and let us talk. You may speak freely about your matter, what brought you here...
Laura and Estera did as the goddess had told them with her low, almost whispering voice, and they walked on a little bit. Only a few metres from the goddess away they stopped again. But they still couldn't speak, as both sisters simply were too awed, by the mighty and really overwhelming aura of this goddess - an aura of pure magic and love...

Finally it was the goddess herself once more to take the floor and talking to the so far speechless sisters...
Please, don't be so shy, there is no reason for at all. Talk to me and be really sure, that you are welcome here, in every way. I can assure you, that you are friends here...
With these words, and though the goddess didn't move at all, Laura and Estera suddenly felt something like a invisible hand, touching their faces and stroking over their cheeks. The two sisters could even feel a warm embracement, and finally they lost their shyness...
Laura took a deep breath. Looking at her sister first she then turned to the goddess and began to speak with firm voice. Meanwhile Estera was holding her hand all the time...
Please, excuse us, but we simply were totally overwhelmed by this very special meeting, to meet the mightiest goddess in this universe at all. So far we knew not even that you existed, until this mission, as Amarylisse told us about the story of the dragons for the first time at all. And now we found you, we are really standing in front of you. May I ask you, what your name is, so we know how to call you?
The semi-transparent goddess nodded with her head one time, before she answered with her whispering voice...
My name? Well, this is really a good question, as it was not vocalised for a very long time any more. My children, all of them, only name me "mother", I did not hear anything else any more for this long time. So I really had to think about it for a moment. But you can call me Dialya then, this was my name a very long time ago...
Laura began to smile and nodded with her head once, before she answered with her warm voice...
Thank you, Diayla, and we are so happy to meet you finally. We were so curious and excited since the very first moment when we learned about your existence. And I want to say, that..., no! One moment, please...
Laura ceased speaking suddenly, staring at Diayla with wide eyes and also wide open mouth. She couldn't believe. what she just felt, but she discerned it with all her senses. Laura stared at her sister now, and then again at Diayla, shaking her head several times...
Could I really have been so blind? Could I really have missed the point totally? But it is true, I can feel it. I really feel it all now, and it really makes sense now. Is it really you? Can it be true then? But this can not be an error, not at all. You are who we were searching for yet a longer time, before this new mission. You are the...creator...
For some moments there was an atmosphere full of suspense in the throne room, as it seemed all delegates would hold their breaths. Also Estera could feel the same now, and also she was staring at Diayla with wide open eyes and mouth then. And finally the mighty goddess reacted, as she began to speak again with her low voice...
Your intuition is remarkable, Laura, and it is now about time to not hide certain things any more, or to place certain masks. For the ruler of this realm and the mother of all dragons - yes, it is me. For a goddess in this universe - yes, I am. And for your search for the creator of all things, for the creator of the known universe - yes, you now have found her. I will not deny your questions, for we only speak the truth here...
Laura and Estera intuitively began to tremble in every limb then, as this incredible awareness had overcome Laura so sudden and unexpected, like a lightning stroke. To search for the ruler of the dragons and find the creator of the whole universe in addition was absolutely overwhelming totally. It was simply too much for the two sisters in this moment...
It needed time. Diayla reacted at once, sending warmth and love to her visitors, to appeal calming down on Laura and Estera. And it worked, as, after a while of emotional silence in the huge room, Laura and Estera could get back the emotional control about their feelings again. The trembling ended, and Laura could speak again after some further moments...
Thank you, Diayla, and please, excuse us, this was all too much overwhelming for us at the moment. But it is okay again, our feelings are under control now. Though my heart is still beating very fast. We searched traces for you some time ago, but we were not really successful. So we postponed that matter for a while, as Amarylisse had a new mission for us, and we first wanted to finish the dragon matter now. And now we found the mother of all dragons - and the creator of the whole universe in one person. Incredible...
Diayla nodded with her head once...
This is more than understanding. I would not have told you that truth myself first, to not spring it on you. But you knew it at once, and possibly before yet of my aura, as I can not hide it totally. And now that the truth is revealed I guess you would have some questions to ask?
Laura and Estera began to smile immediately, and this time it was Estera to speak first to the mighty goddess...
Mighty goddess, it is an honour to really stand in front of you, and the biggest possible surprise ever in our life. Of course there are a lot of questions now, certainly too much to discuss them all now. But for me, the most important one, is only one. Why did you retreat a longer time ago, retreat to a foreign dimension and not caring for the rest of the universe any more? Especially now, that we try all to save our universe in the fear of the upcoming apocalypse, the final war of all forces?
Diayla nodded with her head several times, and it needed some moments until the goddess answered again...
Yes, I understand that this must be the most urgent question for certainly all living creatures outside this realm. Why does the first god, who has created all existing material and life, suddenly retreat and seemingly not care about the rest of the universe any more?
Diayla paused for some moments, but then she continued with her low and almost whispering voice...
A good question for a complicated answer. Fact is sadly, I can not reveal the past and its secrets to you or anybody else, because there were disastrous events in the world of the gods, which caused all those sad things we have to face today. Fact is also, that we are too much involved and bound to laws and rules at the same time, that we can not interfere with the matters of all life in the universe any more. Amarylisse chose her own way, as I chose mine. I retreated into this realm, only dealing with my dragons still. And as you are the chosen ones now, as it yet was from the beginning, we can only leave the further things to you, hoping you can reveal all mysteries yourself and find the answers you search for. In fact, the time of the first, ancient gods is over today, as we were responsible ourselves for what happened, but for some very personal reasons we can not reveal it to anybody, what happened. You must find those answers yourself, and if you succeed one day, then our only hope is, that you can handle the whole and terrible truth, to do what has to be done, and what we never could ourselves. You, Laura and Estera, both of you are the last and only hope for our whole universe and all life in it, that is one aspect of the truth at least. You are now the current goddesses of the whole universe, and you, Laura, are the new mother of all life. So, if anybody still can save this threatened universe, than only both of you...
Laura sighed deeply one time, thinking about those remarkable words of Diayla, before she answered then...
Somehow I feared something like that yet, as I could not explain myself your disappearance, and at all the powerlessness of the gods. Also for the old man, the now revealed true only danger to this universe, who simply wants to destroy it, to create his own vision of "life". Also he can not simply start the last apocalypse war at once, for what reasons ever, but I am sure he will find a way in the end. With him we have to deal then, but I have no idea if we really be strong enough to defeat him in the end. And I spare my questions about him, as I know you won't answer them either. You did not name him before, only Amarylisse, but I am sure he is part of those events you mentioned, and possibly the reason for the development today...
Diayla answered Laura immediately, as the mother of all life paused again, looking straight into the face of Diayla, though there was no face at all. The ghostly appearance of the mighty goddess wasn't complete, as she did wear a huge kind of crown around her head, but the head itself was missing. The sisters only saw a black void...
Amarylisse told you yet all details about the old man which were possible for her, and there is nothing else I could still add. I am really sorry about this, but it is part of your determination to find all answers yourself, to solve all mysteries and save the universe at last...
Laura nodded with her head and looked at Diayla with serious look, as she answered her with sad voice...
This is really a sad heir, which leave the gods us behind, a heavy burden on our shoulders, as my sister and me stand alone in a bursting universe, where all life is in danger. We hoped for answers and help, finding the true creator of the universe, but the only real answer now is, that there are no answers, no help for us, and we are lonelier than ever before...
Diayla shook her head several times...
No, Laura, this is a hasty opinion of the current situation, and you should not let your feelings let take the control again. Instead, think about it all again, and consider what we talked about so far. You only asked me for answers, which I could not give to you, and I said we gods can not interfere directly into the matters of the universe any more. But please, think about this again, and then, perhaps, ask again...
Laura wrinkled her brow, thinking about the words of Diayla, but somehow she did not understand them at the moment. Instead it was Estera, starting to smile suddenly, taking the floor now. And in her voice resonated even joy, as she talked to Diayla...
Well, maybe I could ask the right question? As you told us - for what reasons ever - you can not act straight in the way we do. But, perhaps, you could help us in an indirect way? We have spoken with Galandel before, one of your faithful vassals, who served in the ancient army of dragon riders once. In these old days the dragon riders were well respected in the whole universe, and a powerful order of averting all enemies. But after the terrible betrayal of one man and the horrible dragon war the dragons disappeared and the order of the dragon riders has been terminated. You decided not to interact with the other races any more, to not take part in any further war, and so there was no need any more for dragon riders. But this decision was wrong in my eyes, as the mighty creator must have known then yet where the future would take us. And it is wrong, if you still continue keeping hidden and turn your back on the rest of the universe, because if this cruel old man succeeds in the end, we all will be doomed - including your realm. A goddess like you can never want this for her beloved children. And so I ask you - no, as the sister of the mother of all life, I demand it from you, that you open the hidden frontiers of your realm again, and give us your dragons for help whenever we need them. I demand it further to re-establish the mighty order of the dragon riders, for the forces of light will need every army possible in the upcoming war of apocalypse, to keep our chances for winning this conflict in the end. I know, the old man will not hesitate to assemble all troops he can ever get, now that the masks have fallen. And I believe he will also open hell again, which he had closed himself in the war between heaven and hell, and command all evil against us, if he needs to. There are no frontiers any more, and we also must prepare for the worst case. And so, yes, you are right, you may not be able to battle yourself in this conflict, but you can give us what we need to follow our necessary way. This is the answer we want to hear from you now...
After Estera had finished her emotional and passionate speech, a complete silence was filling the hall. The delegates looked at each other obviously surprised, but the one to really be most surprised now was Laura. She looked with wide open eyes and mouth at her sister, not being able to react in any way. But finally all eyes turned to the creator again, to the mighty goddess, expecting her response with suspense. And it was written in some faces, that they believed the goddess would explode now...
Well, Diayla didn't. She didn't at all, and Estera even believed herself she could almost see the creator smile under her crown. Then the goddess finally began to speak...
What a brave little girl you are, Estera, so late first risen from a normal human life, to an angel, but with so much strength inside of you, what makes you equal to your sister. You both have gone a far way yet, partially so hard and sad, especially yours, Estera. You still know too few about your destiny, but this will change soon. You will understand and fight against your problems of the past, and I know, I believe in you, that you will succeed, with the help of your sister. This is your destiny, your determination, to stand at the side of your sister, for I have always seen it, yet before both of you were even born, that one day, the final day, you will give back peace and entirely love to the universe, destroying all evil forever. You will create the originally paradise new, to lead it with your sister into a wonderful future, and the old gods can rest finally. This is my vision and always was, and now you have come to fulfil it finally. I have waited for this moment such a long time...
The mighty goddess paused for some significant moments, until she continued her speech then. And suddenly also the transparent face of Amarylisse appeared in the air, smiling at Laura and Estera. It happened only for some moments, until she disappeared again...
So, yes, I will help you, Laura and Estera, and it will be a pleasure for me. For me and all my children. This is the day we have waited for, and when you need my children, they will be there to support you in any way possible. This is my promise, as well as the re-establishment of the dragon riders. Their order will be renewed still today, as the dragons are prepared long since. They will call their chosen ones from all over the universe and lead them into our kingdom, so those special and powerful relationships can be renewed. The ancient realm of Gontova is now prepared to fight alongside of Lauhaven once more, as it was in the old days, and this alliance is now renewed...
Estera was happier than she could ever have told anybody, while Laura still was completely taken attack by her sister. But then the mother of all life also began to smile again, so proud of Estera, and happy about the final result they had reached...
The delegates around in the throne room also reacted, it was a general cheering and applause all around. Then Diayla sent her servants away with new orders, all of them until one. It was the dragon who had led the two sisters into the throne room. Diayla spoke to it now...
It's getting late, and time to rest for our wonderful visitors. They can continue their journey back home tomorrow, so get them a room where they an spend the night. And also get them to eat and drink, Escul!
After those words the goddess spoke to Laura and Estera a last time, once more with her whispering voice...
If you have any further wishes, only let me know by Escul, as long as you are here he is your personal servant. But now rest, you have had such a long journey until here. I wish you a good night, and we meet again tomorrow morning at breakfast...
Laura nodded with her head, while she really still was left in disbelief. She was so happy, and her heart full of joy, but though she couldn't understand what just had happened. Estera had surprised her once again, though her inner problems were still unsolved. As Diayla also had just told. But Laura knew what incredible powers still slept inside of her sister, waiting to be released finally. It was her determination, as it had been for Laura before. And she would help her sister to go her way, to fulfil her destiny. But for now Laura answered Diayla to her last words...
Thank you, we appreciate all your help so much. And yes, we are tired and hungry, so we accept your offer!
The tow sisters said goodbye to Diayla and followed Escul then out of the throne room, while Diayla simply vanished into thin air. And the huge throne room was totally empty again finally...
Laura and Estera finally had come to rest again. After an extensive dinner they now were in a small bedroom, where they would spend the night in the residence of the mighty creator. And still both women were totally overwhelmed by the last events, with also still being emotional agitated, while lying next to each other on the bed in the room...
It was dark night outside long since, but the sisters could not think about sleep yet. The moon was shining bright from the sky, as well as countless stars, and with one last candle burning at a wall the bedroom was dark apart from that. The sisters did not speak since lying on the bed, and finally Estera laid her head into the lap of her sister. Laura held her sister at her shoulder, whispering then into her ear...
Well, Estera, my beloved little sister! But she isn't really so little any more, is she? When I look at you I still see my younger little sister, who I mast care for and who I must protect, an sometimes I really forget, that time doesn't matter for us any more. You still like a little girl, but in reality you are an adult long since like me. And on this important journey you really surprised me with your abilities, as you did understand all things much faster than your older sister, much less the trial with that giant guard. I simply want to pronounce it, Estera,I am so proud on you!
Estera really felt flattered now and even went red in her face then. And she was simply so happy then...
Thank you, big sister, I only want to help you, I want to do something instead only being a useless fellow. And yes, we both look like children until today, but since these real days so much time has passed. On earth several generations were born and gone again yet. My mind still sometimes can't believe this, but it is true...
But though of all turmoil of passions, I would now suggest you sleep a little bit. Tomorrow we have to start our journey back home, and this is a rare opportunity to really rest for a whole night...
Estera just wanted to answer her sister, as suddenly a bright light appeared in the bedroom, at the door under the ceiling. Only a few moments later it was Diayla, materializing again as a transparent epiphany, standing near the door now. Laura and Estera were happy about this unexpected visit and smiled at the goddess, who began to speak at once...

Hello, dear girls, I hope not to disturb you too much with visiting you another time. Can we speak again short?
Laura nodded with her head, while Estera remained lying with her head in the lap of her sister...
Of course we can, we are happy to see you again...
Thank you, Laura. I simply want to apologize for all trouble it caused for you to make things so complicated in finding me. But as I said, my disappearance had urgent reasons, and it had to be ensured that really nobody else than you could ever find me again. As you started this mission first with a whole group, this would never had been successful at all. I only wanted to welcome you here in my personal realm, and now this was the final chance to do so. Amarylisse laid the foundation of this result, and I am really happy you could find me now. This for a further explanation...
The goddess paused shortly, as Estera griped the chance and began top speak herself again to Diayla...
And I am glad you were not angry with me for my forceful speech, but somehow this was simply inside of me, the strong feeling that I had to exactly talk like this...
Diayla nodded with her head one time...
It was exactly the right thing to do, Estera, don't worry. All people around should understand it, and they did, just the way you presented your needs. And now the whole kingdom is in an uproar, as the time changes here finally and my special children, the dragons, prepare for a new age. Of course, as a mother, I see this with mixed feelings, the need of the things to do, and once more knowing to loose such a lot of children in a terrible war. But in the end all living creatures are my children, good and bad ones sadly, and this so long lasting conflict must finally come to en end. Therefore I always knew the day of decision would come, as certain as the decision was not made today, but yet a long time ago...
Laura began to speak herself now...
We are honoured about the faith you have in us, and we will try all to succeed in the end, Diayla. I promise!
The goddess only nodded with her head, as Estera once more began to speak to the mighty creator...
May I ask another question, and also give the answer myself? And perhaps you could give me a confirmation, if I am right, or at least any hint? There is something still urgent for me, if possible...
Diayla answered at once again...
You are not only a brave, but also a curious girl, Estera. But yes, of course, as I said, ask me all what is in your mind or heart. I can not always promise an answer, but I will do the best I can...
Estera did not hesitate, she began to speak with firm voice immediately, but not as forceful as at the gathering...
Laura told me about her mission on the planet Olwon, as the search for you started, and then still with a whole fellowship. But it was not Amarylisse who sent them on this mission, instead the old man. The question is - why? Meanwhile we know, Amarylisse and you stand on one side, the old man on the other side. So we could say you are deadly enemies. So, why would a nemesis send out a mission to search for you? The only answer can be to destroy you. Or, if not possible, to neutralize you in any way, to get rid of one powerful danger. Is this the truth? Or whatever could have been the reason for the old man to act like that?
Diayla nodded with her head again...
Estera, your intuition is really remarkable. You said it just the right way, the old man wanted to get me to sleep again, as I did so earlier in another time. He can not destroy me or Amarylisse in any normal way, so he searches for other ways. This is also one reason why I hide since such a long time. And you know, we had one confrontation yet, at the end of the dragon war, when he was not yet as powerful as today, so I could stop and cause him to retreat for some time. I can speak freely about this, as it simply is no secret, but I can not tell you the reason for it all. This truth, would it be revealed in to all living creatures, then this truth could possibly destroy the whole universe. This is a fact, an incalculable risk for us all, why all gods hide it from the universe at all costs. Even the old man, as you know. He follows his own way, wherever it may end, but Amarylisse and I can not confront him for the last deciding battle, as you will hopefully still understand some day. You must take this sad heir, to finally save the whole universe for eternity...
Estera also nodded with her head now, and her young face revealed an almost deadly determination...
And we will, Diayla, we will for sure. Until this final day we will be prepared, to get back the paradise which was broken in an ancient time. We will create it new one day, for sure...
Well spoken, little Estera, and now I will leave again. you should really sleep now, my beloved children, to be in a good condition again tomorrow. We will meet again then...
Diayla disappeared again, and Estera closed her eyes, as she still huddled up tighter to her sister. And Laura was so happy about her sister, so moved in her heart, that her eyes now were filled with tears. And the mother of all life whispered a last time to Estera...
Sleep well, Estera, I love you so much...
As much as I love you, Laura...
And then there was silence. With a snap Laura doused the last candle in the room, and then she also closed her eyes, remaining in a half sitting position against the rear bedstead, with holding and stroking her beloved sister so tenderly. And some time later both sisters had fallen asleep finally, with dreaming heavenly this night...
A new morning in Gontova, the amazing kingdom of the dragons. Yet early the birds were singing in the air, with only few clouds wandering along the delightful blue sky. It was about to become a wonderful and still warm autumn day, when Laura and Estera woke up in their bedroom again, after both women finally had found restful sleep. And Estera was still lying in the lap of her sister, finally getting up again now...
After preparing for the new day Laura and Estera yet were invited for breakfast, and their personal servant from the day before, Escul, brought them into a huge dining hall, where they had breakfast with a lot of human dragons and other creatures. Diayla was not among them, but the two sisters met her afterwards again, in the throne room once more...
After a short talk the girls said farewell, to the wonderful goddess Diayla, to the dragons and to the impressing realm of this race. Safe in the knowledge that it would have not been their last visit there. Diayla had invited them to return whenever and how often they wanted...
Shortly afterwards Laura and Estera were on their way again, on the way back to return to Lauhaven and leave the dimension of the dragons again. But they would not have to walk all the way back they had come from before, as Dialya had revealed them an alternate route to a further dimensional portal. And so the two sisters were on their way now...
Laura and her sister wandered through further wonderful landscapes, with extensive woods and valley full of nice plants and huge trees. It was still early in the new morning, with the sun not standing high yet. And the girls walked unhurried, as it seemed now they would have all time of the universe. With the new alliance of the dragons in the rear...

Laura and Estera also talked about all what happened the last days, being still under the impression of this incredible trip and the results. In fact the doubts had been very high if they could have succeeded here at all, and now this amazing result. Almost unbelievable...
Some time later the two women suddenly go an unexpected visitor, as the face of Amarylisse appeared in the sky. The sisters stopped immediately, hearing the whispering voice of the goddess...

I am greeting you, Laura and Estera, my wonderful girls! I knew, I always knew you would succeed and not disappoint our hopes. And with this new alliance between the races of light and the dragons of Gontova our chances rise for us to win the final conflict in this universe...
Estera spontaneously began to smile while shaking her head at the same time. And she answered with firm voice...
Well, I would say, it was especially the benefit of my wonderful sister Estera - and of you, mother. I haven't really done very much this time, and in the end, of course you knew it all before. You and the creator had contact all the time, and so you also must have known there never was any real danger for us here. Not that we would complain, on the contrary, I am happy we could avoid all trouble this time. But though it is a strange feeling, every time again, to understand, that you never tell us the whole truth, but only parts of it. Of course I understand it, as also Diayla told us, told us about the rules and laws of the higher gods and the mysteries, and we have to solve them ourselves. But however, it though stays a strange feeling. We really trust and love you, especially me, mother, but there are barriers between us though. I really understand this fact first now. And this won't change until we really can solve all mysteries in this universe - a fact that somehow also hurts...
Laura, holding the hand of her sister, pressed it still a little bit firmer, while the eyes of Estera showed a wet blink now. And of course also Amarylisse noticed it, answering Estera at once...
Estera, wonderful girl and beloved daughter, I never wanted to hurt you in any way, believe me. This is truly the last thing I ever wanted to do. I am so sorry, and I hope you will forgive me. Actually nothing would be stronger than my love to you - except the laws I am bound to. There is nothing I can do about, as little as even our highest goddess, Diayla. We can only beg for your understanding, hoping you may understand one day, when all secrets any mysteries of this universe are revealed. And believe me, this day will come. I know, you both will succeed in the end. I trust in you and Laura, now and in eternity...
Estera looked into the transparent eyes of the mighty goddess, and wrinkled her brow. It was unbelievable, but really true, because it was the first time ever Estera saw tears in the eyes of her beloved mother. Amarylisse had never shown such feelings before, really never. And now Estera also couldn't stop her own tears any more, as they began to run down her cheeks. She began to speak with low and trembling voice...
Mother, please, no! Do not cry. I do understand you, and I wanted to hurt you as little as reversely. Those are only feelings, coming up and fading again, but nothing, nothing at all, will ever break our love. This is for sure. And I do not want to see you sad. Never! So, please, smile again now. We need you strong and safe...
Amarylisse really began to smile slightly again, getting her feelings under control once more, while answering...
Thank you, Estera, you never know how much your words mean to me. And my love is endless, no matter which barriers the destiny forces between us. In the end they will all be broken for sure...
With these words Amarylisse began to materialize, standing physically in front of the two sisters in the end, this time in her red capuchin again. And then she reached out her arms for her chosen daughters...
Please, come, let me...let me...hold you...
Amarylisse was still in a turmoil of passions. Estera also was still close to tears and Laura didn't know what was really happening any more. The mother of all life was totally overwhelmed by emotions, feeling this endless love between Amarylisse and her sister. But not only there. Because Amarylisse did send the same feelings also towards Laura...
No chance at all! In the end also Laura felt some tears running down her cheeks. And together with Estera she now walked to Amarylisse, so the mighty goddess could finally embrace both of her beloved children. And the entirely power of love flew between all of them...

Laura could not say any more how long they stood like this any more afterwards. It seemed to have been an eternity. But finally Amarilysse whispered in the ears of Laura and Estera, before releasing them again out of the loving embrace...
My love for you is absolute and eternal. What ever still may happen, please, never forget about that. And whatever I am able to do for you, I will do. If possible and necessary I would give my life for you, at once. But for now, continue your way, return home and rest a little bit - you need it. We will meet soon again, very soon. And for a shorter way at least, now follow this route only a little bit further, then I have a surprise for you...
With these words Amarylisse began to vanish into thin air again slowly, and she disappeared. Laura and Estera still remained for a while, trying to work at their feelings to calm them down again, and embracing each other for some so emotional time...

Laura and Estera were on their way again finally, walking hand in hand through the beautiful landscape. And they were curious what surprise was waiting for them now...
Laura and her sister Estera arrived at the end of the huge valley zone, where it finally was opening into new mountains again. From here several ways were leading upwards then. And the two sisters could see some rests of snow again, but something else in addition, of course. Because Galandel was waiting at this place, sitting on a boulder and waiting for Laura and Estera. And this was really a nice surprise, and an unexpected one...

Galandel greeted the two women, and she told them what this surprise really was about then...
Well, I simply had to see you once more, after I still can almost not believe what's happening in our realm now. I never would have expected you could be this successful, though of course I was hopeful at least. But you exceeded all my dreams and expectations...
Galandel began to smile while continuing her speech. And the joy really resonated also in her voice...
The dragons and dragon riders now finally awake from their long sleep again. The order is established officially again, and I was made the leader of it. I guess the both of you would not be whole innocent for that? I was only a normal dragon rider once, only one among so many, but now I was called to lead the new order...
Estera also began to smile happily...
Congratulations, my friend, we are really happy for you! And we believe you deserve this honour, otherwise I would not have suggested it to Diayla still before we made our farewell...
Galandel nodded gratefully with her head, while Laura was stunned once more, as she had not even noticed this talk between Diayla and her sister. And Estera continued with firm voice...
We need the dragons! We need the dragon riders, together in this symbiosis one of the most powerful orders I could imagine. And we need a faithful and strong leader for it, we need you! Because one day the last and deciding war will come, the war of apocalypse, and we must prepare for it. While we continue our journey, looking for further possible allies, we trust in you to make your new order bigger and stringer than ever before. And together, at the end of this long way, we will win the final conflict...
Galandal nodded with her head confirming...
Yes, we will! And I will do my best, I promise. Whenever you need us, we will be there. Count on us, now and in eternity...
Laura shook her head several times, as she also began to smile, and she only was fascinated of her sister. And so proud. Estera herself was only happy, and Galandel spoke once more...
And now, a further surprise for you. Look!
Galandel pointed up towards the sky, and the two sisters looked into this direction. Only a few moments later they saw a dragon, flying in the sky and coming closer quickly...

The dragon landed not far away from Laura and Estera, and Galandel took the floor once more then...

This is for you, for you must no longer walk or fly around yourself here. I want to show you how wonderful it is to ride a dragon, and for you I chose extra tame and friendly dragons. They will bring you to the place where you can use the dimensional portal, a second dragon for Estera will arrive soon. This one is for you, Laura...
And one more big surprise. Laura and Esters were really speechless now, and it needed some time until they could react again. But then it was Laura to find the first words again...
Galandel, I don't know what to say. Not for my incredible sister, not for you and your present. Not for all what we experience here in this wonderful kingdom. To really ride a dragon, I could not imagine this at all. Of course I am so happe your order is getting alive again, for it was such a sad loss as it disappeared, for the whole universe. But now and here, getting the chance to ride dragons ourselves, there is no gift, no imagination at all at the moment, which could be more wonderful...
Galandel did not answer. she only nodded with her head smiling. And Laura finally moved again, walking slowly towards the dragon. She still did respect those huge creature so much, but without any fear. And so Laura got on the back of the beautiful dragon, which did not move at all. Sitting up there then Laura only felt so happy...

It happened. It really happened. The dragon now began to move and got up in the air. Slowly and carefully, while a second dragon suddenly appeared at the horizon. And in some distance also another visitor appeared in the sky, the silhouette of Amarylisse...

The second dragon landed close to Estera then. And before she moved Galandel was speaking to her again, while Laura was flying around through the air with her dragon...

Estera, listen to me, these words are especially for you. I know a lot of things, as our mother often spoke with me. She told me a lot of things, and also a vision of the future. A wonderful future, where the old gods will rest forever, as they deserve it, while a new generation will lead the new created paradise into a new future with everlasting peace and love. Your sister Laura was chosen therefore a long time ago, even before she was born. She has made her way yet, from a human life to a marvellous goddess. But she can not succeed alone, not alone on her own. As this always was part of the vision, that somebody is standing at her side, somebody really strong and wise - you, Estera, the terrific sister of our new goddess. All our hopes now lean on you, on both of you. You have proofed it yet more than one time, who you really are, and what power really lies inside your heart. No matter of your past, no matter of the problems left. I know. You will find a solution to solve all problems, to chase away all shadows, still inside of you. I really know...
Estera nodded with her head, and involuntarily some tears began to fill her eyes again, while she answered with low voice...
Thank you for your kind words, Galandel, I appreciate your help very much. I will do my best, for myself and Laura, to not disappoint anybody. but I admit, I am still fearful...
The elf nodded with her head understanding...
I know. It will not be easy, as we all feel it, you have a dark heir from the past, carrying inside your soul. Laura also knows, and she is prepared to help you. As Amarylisse does. And as we do. You are not alone, you never will be. Remember this, especially in your saddest hours. Fight! Fight against all darkness, fight against all negative inside of you and heal your hurt soul. This is the only way to be successful - and to be prepared for the final war in the future against darkness. But I know, and I really believe, that you will get through there and triumph over all negative in the end...
Estera was dashing away all tears now, finally climbing onto her dragon with so much determination. Then she turned towards Galandel a last time for her final farewell...
I will never forget your wonderful words, Galandel, thank you so much! You helped me a lot, believe me. My very own battle for my soul has now begun, and I will prevail. For sure! Farewell!
With those last words the dragon of Estera also got upwards, flying around some circles first in the air. Just as Laura did with her dragon. Galandel watched this wonderful scene smiling, until the two sisters led their dragons towards the south, slowly disappearing at the horizon...
Farwell, you magnificent women, so powerful and pretty! Find your way through all problems and tasks, and get all races of light prepared for the last and deciding war of apocalypse. We all will follow you, we all stand by your side, from now to the end of all days...
Galandel finally got on her feet, looking after Laura and Estera a last time. Then she turned away determinedly...
Laura and Estera enjoyed every single moment of sitting on their dragons and flying through the air this way. It really was an incredible feeling, and now the sisters could understand it better, the relationship dragon riders had to their dragons. Especially for human creatures without wings, who could not fly themselves...
But even for Laura and Ester it was such a great feeling, flying above wonderful landscapes this way, and they certainly would have continued this flight a long time further, if they hadn't been on an important mission, which had to end then. And so it was time to return home, and so the dragon journey had to take an ending finally...
After some further time, just flying an impressing area with a giant rock looking like an animal, standing in the middle of the area with a huge lake and waterfalls, surrounded by woods and mountains, Estera discovered something and began to smile...

Look down there, to the west Laura! I can see a castle in this beautiful landscape, and it seems our dragons take us there. Maybe this is our final destination in the realm of the dragons?
Laura nodded with her head...
Yes, Estera, it seems so. What a pity, I could have enjoyed this journey still much longer. Dragon riding is so amazing...
In fact, the two dragons flew straight towards the castle at the edge of the lake, finally landing not far away from it. And so the two sisters got down onto the ground again...

The two dragons left at once to fly back where they came from. They disappeared soon then...

Just as the dragons were gone the face of Amarylisse appeared in the sky again, and with her also something else. Only a few metres away from the two sisters, up in the air, a blue energy sphere was materializing, quickly changing to sparkling white light in the middle. And the tow sisters now heard the whispering voice of Amarylisse again...

You have made it now, my beloved daughters! Get closer to the energy sphere, stand straight below it. Then you will be transported home. Your journey here is over now, but the real journey, what journey into the most fantastic magical dimension you have ever experienced, has just begun. We will meet again soon, Laura and Estera...
The two sisters had walked below the energy sphere as Amarylisse had told them. And at once a blue energy field came down from the sphere quickly encasing Laura and Estera, until the completely disappeared in this blue energy. After that the sphere disappeared again, and also the face of Amarylisse...

The two sisters had left the kingdom of the mighty creator, and only a few moments later they appeared again - straight in front of their own castles in Lauhaven...

As the energy sphere disappeared again, Laura and her sister looked at each other happily, and they decided not to enter their residences yet. Instead they left the area to visit the royal castle of Lauhaven, to visit the fairy queen Eteria and report to her what had happened...
Laura and her younger sister reached the garden of the royal castle, and they smiled as they saw Eteria yet, also just taking a walk in this beautiful garden, accompanied by two fairies. And more fairies were flying in the air. Eteria invited the sisters to follow her, as it just was time to have dinner now. And then the sisters also could talk about their mission. Laura and Estera agreed, and they followed the fairy queen to the royal castle then...

Inside the royal castle. Laura and Estera had entered the huge dining hall, followed by queen Eteria and a lot of fairies then. Only a short time later the common meal began...

Laura and Estera had finally returned home. After an extensive dinner and a long talk with Eteria they now had entered the bedroom of Laura in her castle, with Laura sitting on the edge of the bed. Estera laid on the bed, with the head towards her sister. And Laura reached out for Estera with her right arm, as her hand gently began to stroke through the hair of her sister. Estera sighed deeply and closed her eyes...

Time to sleep now, time to really have a longer sleep again finally. No need to get up again early tomorrow, as we now take the time to recover. And to talk then, of course. I have promised you to reveal the truth, all I know about it, so we can try to solve all problems of the past together. And I also promise you, we will succeed. No matter how hard it gets or how long it takes, we will be successful in the end...
Estera nodded with her head gently, and her answer only was a low whispering. But Laura understood every single word...
I know, Laura! I believe in you, and your love. Whatever my problem is, I will solve it with your help...
Laura and Estera silenced now, and the room got dark. Laura turned off all lights with only a certain glance, after she also got into a lying position, straight leaning at her sister. And after a short time both women finally fell asleep, a recovering sleep with nice dreams...

Outside the castle, in the darkness of the night. Once more the transparent face of Amarylisse appeared above the castles. The mighty goddess was really satisfied, and after a short time she began to speak. To speak to herself with her whispering voice...

Welcome back home, my dear girls, where you finally can rest and recover, as you deserve it. The hard and sad hours will come soon, when the dark secret of Estera must finally be revealed, and even you, Laura, still do not know the whole truth. But it will be revealed, and it will be defeated, by the love and strength of two powerful sisters. I believe in you, as I did for your finished mission. I always knew you would not fail, as it simply was determined yet such a long time ago. You are fulfilling your destiny, especially also Estera, who now begins to take her true place, revealing her own true abilities. Even this sad secret inside of her will not change anything, being solved finally Estera will grow further, much further...
The mighty goddess paused for some moments, sighing deeply one time. Then she continued speaking to herself...
Oh, my wonderful girls, how much I love you! If you only could really understand, if I only could tell you the whole truth. If I only could show you, what your eyes can not see, and what is blocked from your minds, I would wish it more than everything else in my whole existence. But it is impossible, really impossible. This sad truth, being revealed now, could possibly destroy the whole universe and all life forever. We can not risk that. And so the secret must stay a secret, until the right time finally will come. And I hope so much for it, I hope for this certain day, when you finally will understand. When you are prepared for it, and can deal with it. When you can do what is needed to be done, and what is impossible for Diayla and me...
One time more the eyes of the goddess suddenly shimmered wet, and the goddess closed her eyes quickly...
Time to leave here now, and let you some time do to what has to be done. Time to make one last visit in this matter, a necessary visit, behind time long since. And I am so happy, as the time is right now. I haven't been at this place for such a long time, and I know, she is already waiting for me. I won't let her wait many longer...
With those mysterious words the face of Amarylisse disappeared again. And Laura and Estera continued sleeping peacefully, in a cloudless night with a full moon and countless stars shining from the sky...
Epilogue, Part 1
Somewhere on Gontova. Somewhere in an area of extensive valleys and woods, partially with trees and plants in such thick vegetation, that a getting through was impossible. Somewhere really far, far away from all enlivened places and towns. Somewhere also far, far away from the royal palace, where no dragon creature ever had been. And just there, at this hostile to life place, a small cottage was standing, on a bigger forest glade...
It also was the middle of a swamp. Water and mud all around, surrounded by huge trees. A small footbridge of wood leaded to the cottage and away from it, into the eerie forest. And some lamps at both sides of the footbridge were spending faint light...
But however, the hostile to life place wasn't really abandoned or dead. Not at all. Some wondrous creatures were at this place, magical creatures of light and fire, dancing in the tress, air and swamp, and also on the footbridge. And while dancing they also sung happy melodies...
On the footbridge also stood some further creatures, pant creatures, not doing anything, but seemingly only waiting for something unknown. And in fact, something happened then...
It was Dialy. The mighty goddess. The creator. The ruler of the dragons, the queen of Gontova. She appeared on the footbridge now, not physically, but like a ghostly appearance once more. She was transparent, but really there, and speaking to the present creatures then. And also once more her voice only was like a gently whispering in the wind, but though the creatures around understood every single word...

Here I am again, my beloved children, back from the so long awaited mission, what we prepared half of our existence. And it was successful in the end, as hope lives in this universe, just as we hoped so much. The two chosen ones are on their way, carrying all the hopes of the universe, and of all life. The destiny now can fulfil itself finally...
Having spoken those meaningful words something happened again. At a certain place in the air suddenly the air began to flicker. And of course the creator knew exactly what was happening...
So, she is coming now. Welcome her, my children, and be happy with us. But then leave us alone, for we must have an important talk right now. I will meet you later again...
Something now began to materialize in the air, and it was the transparent face of Amarylisse once more. All creature around greeted her with merry melodies, before finally disappearing...

Diayla and Amarylisse were on their own then. And it was Amarylisse to speak first, as her mighty whispering resounded from all trees around, all through the swamp...
So, Diayla, I hope you were satisfied? I said to you those wonderful girls would forge ahead, and so they did. It was still only the beginning, of course, but I have no doubt at all they will reach their destination. And in the end, the moment of the final conflict in the future, though it isn't written yet, they will succeed. And paradise will rise new...
Diayla nodded barely noticeable with her head, before her whispering voice also resounded through the swamp...
Well, we both believed, as we did our whole so far existence. And the prophecy, made such a long time ago, even really long before Laura and Estera were born at all, got true now. He, who hates us so much and threatens all life in the universe, he also knows now. He tried to change it all, tried to pull Laura at his side and destroy Estera, but as usual her simply could not understand. And I fear he never will. There is no way back, for all of us, as we created our own destiny and now must fulfil it. But the two sisters are our hope, while he has nothing left now. And you know what this means...
Amarylisse nodded with saturnine look...
And how! I wished we had found another solution, but it's too late. It's simply too late, and he will open hell again for sure. This time there will not be another option, this time it's the final decision. The evil will not be locked again, it must be destroyed or will destroy us. But I repeat, I believe in our girls, in those wonderful two sisters. They will save us, and they will save the whole universe and all life in it...
Diayla shook her had several times, while she suddenly materialized totally, in a physical form. It was the first time ever, but her words resounded sadly from the trees around...

No, Amarylisse, you know how it has to end. We are not supposed to follow this way until the last ending, this new paradise, this new time period, it will be written without the old gods. If we succeed in the end, and I do believe so, then we will fade away forever, and the new generation of goddesses will lead all life into a new future. This is the prophecy, this was written since the beginning of time, just after the first downfall then...
Amarylisse sighed deeply one time...
Yes, mother, I know, we must bear the consequences, and we will. But it's hard, and it's so sad, not to accompany those wonderful children throughout eternity, I still have problems with this...
As do I! But we must accept. We made the rules until now, and until the final battle of all forces, but we do not make the rules afterwards. This is not our destiny and never was...
After some moments of silence also Amarylisse left her transparent form. She appeared physically on the footbridge, wearing a thick capuchin of white colour, and she had a human body now...
One time! One time only, Diayla! Let us be what we used to be a long time in the past, and what I miss so much...
Diayla nodded with her head. And then it happened. Both women in their human form had full bodies, but there was nothing under the hoods. Nothing accept deep blackness. But then, in a split of a second, two human faces, real faces, appeared in the blackness, but nobody ever would have really seen them at all. Even with standing next to the goddesses. Because the next moment the faces were replaced again, replaced by really such bright yellow lights, almost shining like suns under the hoods. And from there the light expanded into the air, while Amarylisse spread a giant pair of fire wings on her back. And she began to whisper again, while this powerful voice even let the branches dance, the branches of all trees around...

However, even if our destiny is decided yet, this time is still so far away then. We are still needed in this universe, and I won't leave my children alone. Never! They need my help and will get it, as they get yours as far as possible. The least we can do then...
With those words Amarylisse said farewell and flew upwards into the air slowly. The next mission for Laura and Estera was not so far away any more, though important problems still had been to be solved. But Amarylisse would be close, as she always was, and so she was on her way again...
Diayla remained at her place in the swamp, still standing on the footbridge of wood. And she whispered to herself now...
And so, finally alone again. All actors are just there where they should be, and the hope for us all lives strong as never before. Thanks to Amarylisse and her steadfastly faith into our two chosen ones, those wonderful and lovely girls, who were born for the mightiest challenge ever, to create a new era for all existing life in this universe. And when they succeed the downfall will be avoided, as well as an everlasting ignominious end for all gods. The end will come, but now there is hope the gods can resign in majesty and honour. This is the only thing I still wish, for our children, for all our children...
Diayla sighed deeply one time and shook her head once. Though of all hope there was also something very sad in her mind, and this sadness also still caused doubts...
Yes, there is still fear and will stay. The two sisters, no matter how much faith and strength they have inside, they have no idea at all what is still waiting for them. It will be a shock for sure, and we ourselves have also no idea how they can deal with it, with the whole truth. Time will show, and time will demand a solution. A solution we old gods can not bring about. And so, Laura and Estera are and will stay our last hope...
The goddess sighed one more time, lowering her head then. And finally the creator turned her sight towards the cottage...

Well then, there is nothing more I could do about all this now. The die is cast, the chosen ones have accepted their destiny and are on their way. At least about what they know. How could I have told them now about one further truth, another so much dangerous task, which is waiting for them soon, very soon. They will sooner be back than they can imagine, but Amarylisse will care. It is much too painful for me. I would really like to care again for my children here so much, but I can't It is impossible for me, no matter how much it hurts my soul. It has been too long yet, much too long, and I miss them so much. But others have to care now, the chosen one. They are our and my personal only and last hope to solve this problem. Or our universe may be doomed in a still even more incredible way than anybody could ever imagine...
Further standing in some distance to the cottage the goddess really was tempted to walk towards it and open this absolute unique portal. But it was impossible, simply impossible. Finally the goddess disappeared just the place she was standing before...
Epilogue, Part 2
Another place, somewhere else, far, far away. Deep under the surface of a dark dimension, the dimension of hell. It really was a horrible place, full of pain and hate, full of evil. And it was a huge hall, a lobby, the dark lobby of fire, in front of the gates to hell. But it was not an empty place, as just some unexpected visitors arrived...
The small group contained a tree creature of Olwon, a transparent fire creature of Olwon, a demon of hell, and an evil human witch from an unknown place, suddenly standing together in this dark hall, with not even knowing how they were transported here. But it was no bad dream, it was reality, and the visitors eyed each other with deep mistrust. And in the end they even had attacked each other, if not a dark deep voice had spoken, just out of nowhere, which even let the walls and ground quake...

Hearing this frightening dark voice all visitors stood motionless at once, only listening to the cold words of darkness...
No Questions! No discussion! No mercy for failure! No hope! No light!
No plans on your owns! Nothing to follow any more, except one thing - except the final truth! You all have been brought here for only one reason. You all have been fooled, you all have been defeated, you all are powerless now! There is no chance for you to stand up again and ever reach your own destinations, Olwon is just as doomed as hell. I have also followed an own plan myself, and also for nothing, as other forces destroyed all my plans for the future. But the difference is, you stayed weak, I raised in giant dimensions of power, for finally understanding it all. I have been a warrior of light once, fighting for a heaven that doesn't exits, for the gods to lead it, to lead all life in the universe, are nothing more than double-dealers and weak. They totally have lost control, and this is what the universe needs - total control! I now understand that light can not be that way, only darkness and evil. But evil is different, and not even the former lord of hell, as I defeated him so easily myself, did ever understand it. I do! I have taken his throne now, I have taken all powers, and I will finish what he began...
No plans on your owns! Nothing to follow any more, except one thing - except the final truth! You all have been brought here for only one reason. You all have been fooled, you all have been defeated, you all are powerless now! There is no chance for you to stand up again and ever reach your own destinations, Olwon is just as doomed as hell. I have also followed an own plan myself, and also for nothing, as other forces destroyed all my plans for the future. But the difference is, you stayed weak, I raised in giant dimensions of power, for finally understanding it all. I have been a warrior of light once, fighting for a heaven that doesn't exits, for the gods to lead it, to lead all life in the universe, are nothing more than double-dealers and weak. They totally have lost control, and this is what the universe needs - total control! I now understand that light can not be that way, only darkness and evil. But evil is different, and not even the former lord of hell, as I defeated him so easily myself, did ever understand it. I do! I have taken his throne now, I have taken all powers, and I will finish what he began...
After a short, dark break the horrible voice continued speaking, with a devilish satisfaction in it...
Hell will be unleashed again, but in a way as never before. Whatever has been before, in the war against heaven, will only seem child's play against what to come now. The preparations have already begun, and all of you must understand it now - all further things except evil are doomed. This is your only chance left now, to follow me obediently and true in eternity, to fulfil my chosen destiny, or be doomed forever. I offer you this one and only chance, with no time to think about it or hesitate. You will give me your answer now, and you take the consequences for every decision. Evil will take its course now to destroy all enemies and create its own paradise of everlasting darkness, pain and suffering - and you decide which side is yours. But before you answer, at least see this. See those visions...
The visitors saw the pictures at once, pictures the dark force sent to their minds. Endless armies of evil and darkness, raising and marching forward with nothing to stop them, and giant wars of all forces, destroying everything around. It were visions of the apocalypse...

After those horrible pictures the dark voice finally became a face, and a body. A giant creature materialized through the portal to hell, hanging in the air above the floor then. And the creature spoke again...
I have been called the old man before. I am called the god of hell now! You see and feel my power, and this is the moment of your final decision now. Follow my to the complete evil victory and everlasting reign, or be doomed and die at once with your whole race. What shall it be then?
The delegates really decided quickly. There was no chance at all any more, and finally it was the oath of allegiance. The delegates kneeled in front of the god of hell, and the new alliance was forged. Afterwards the god of hell gave his new orders in total satisfaction...

God of Hell:
So, return now to your worlds and implement my plan. There is much work to do for preparations, until the final war can begin. The details are in your darkened hearts now, do what has to be done. When the time is right you will be informed, do nothing aggressive or offensive until then. If you fulfil your tasks our victory will only still be a matter of time...
With only a slight move of one finger the god of hell let all visitors disappear again. Then he whispered to himself...
God of Hell:
So, there we are, and all things proceed as they have to. Only still a little more time, and Diayla and Amarylisse will not mean any danger for me at all any longer. And then I will deal with Laura and Estera...
A dark and evil laughter resounded from all walls now, as the huge creature finally disappeared again...
The end of chapter 5...
...but to be continued in book 3...