Laura - The Story of a Fairy, Chapter 4 - A new Beginning
Centuries had passed by. The grand war between the forces of good and evil, it was almost forgotten. Life bloomed throughout the whole universe, in all colours and forms. It was a time of peace and happiness, a time with the whole universe being a one and only paradisial garden. A lot of details about the past had been forgotten meanwhile, but not all, of course. And especially not Laura, the goddess and mother of all life. Though she never had returned again after her last journey, after her last farewell...
Nobody in the universe really knew whatever became of her, and where she would be now, and in what form ever - but probably in heaven. Of course all races were totally convinced that Laura was still alive, but all beyond that only were stories and legends. Really nobody could say anything valid any more, but at least the stories about her life, the stories about who Laura was and what she had done for all races, they were told from generation to generation, to never get forgotten...
But now, just these days, a new legend was born. It was told here and there, and it was spreading. A new race had been sighted, not on any special world, but somehow on all worlds, on all worlds with supernatural beings. And the inhabitants remembered, they really remembered very old stories of their ancestors, almost being forgotten meanwhile, but suddenly totally current again. It was the legend of an ancient race of unicorns, disappeared with the raising of evil, and now being back...
Well, at least the stories told so, talked about by many creatures who allegedly had seen unicorns. But if so, those were single encounters, as so far they were still hiding from most creatures...
Was it really true then? Did the unicorns, the really oldest race in the universe, return? And if so, what would that mean? What did they want now, after such a long time?
The answer was following soon then. The legend came true, as the unicorns did no longer hide from other creatures. They populated all worlds again, but without interference in local matters in any way. They only were living again, among the other races, and they did what they ever had done before, in the ancient times. The unicorns were the real guardians of nature, living within it in whole harmony...
The last hope of the mysterious old man from a long time ago, it now was fulfilled finally. The unicorns were back and the circle of life completed. But this was not the end of the story, not yet...
Earth. The only world in the universe, not being part of the whole fellowship between all other known worlds and races. Mankind hat not changed, and perhaps they never would. They stayed under surveillance and never learned about what was really going on in the universe. Mankind was not ripe for this truth, not at all...
But there were exceptions. As there had been yet for a long time, a secret, of course, and really only very few humans knew about. It was an old tradition, a tradition of few chosen people, and a possibility since the days of Laura then. She had been the first one on Earth, presenting this chance, and since this time her heir really worked...
So, what was happening since then? Well, people remembered her. They remembered her presence, and that she had been something very special. Stories and legends were told about her, until today. And some people really believed in her, believed that there was more, much more out there than what human eyes otherwise could see...
The stories were being told from mothers to their children, from one generation to the next. They were written into books and narrated then, and really many children believed in them. For those stories simply were hope in a dark, sad world of war, hate and sorrow. Children wanted to stand fast, and the story of Laura was the story of hope. So many believed in this legend after and after, and sometimes something really unbelievable happened then...
Just in such moments, with a mother reading the Laura story to her child, a bright light appeared within the room. And out of the light a fairy materialized. Speaking with the mother then the fairy had an offer for her. Showing a vision to the mother, of what universe really was about, and what wonders laying in there, the fairy offered to take the child with her, far away onto the world of fairies. There the child could live a new life, raised by fairies and angels and integrated into the worlds of supernatural beings then. With becoming immortal themselves in the end...
It was only an offer, but also a promise. Some parents could not follow, though of all possibilities for their children, and though of an unknown future on Earth. It was understandable, of course, for all parents, loving their children so much, always had much trouble first to release them. But a lot of parents took this chance in the end, for a better future of their children, they gave them away. A lot of children disappeared this way, without parents ever talking about. They had been bound to keep silence, for otherwise the children would have to return to Earth...
Mankind never got aware of what was really going on. The chosen parents remained resolutely silent and told every possible other reason for the missing of their children. And the people around believed so, they believed in sudden disappearance, crime, and even in such things as abduction by extra terrestrials, but never in the real truth...
This was the way humans were taken away from their world and carried into the world of fairies first, where children then spent their childhood and grew older. With getting adults finally they gave up their mortal human life, getting their own wings and becoming immortal. First then they could also visit other worlds and get full members of the fellowship of all planets and races of the endless universe...
It was not clear yet how the story of Earth and mankind would end finally. If they would destroy themselves or being destroyed by the other races in the worst case, or if they tough would still find their final peace. Nobody could say, this future was not written yet. But one thing was for sure, some humans survived and got part of universal fellowship forever...
Lauhaven. This was the new name of the home world of the fairies, as it was chosen not so long after the last farewell of Laura. The new queen, named Eteria, had initiated this, in remembrance of Laura, of course. And the second part of the name because this world always had been a safe haven for all races, and the more now for all those humans from Earth, being under the protection and education of the fairies...
Eteria had also changed the face of the planet sustainably. The fairies no longer only lived within the woods, hiding in deep forests, but also in splendid castles and towns today. There was no need to still fear any evil, no need for living as a threatened race. Life was paradise now...
The fairies were very proud about their meaning and role in the universe. Lauhaven was nothing less than the centre of the universe, and all races accepted this willingly. Because Lauhaven had been the place of birth from Laura, the so much beloved mother of all life, and this of course was a fact never to be forgotten in the whole universe. And so it was normal, that pilgrims from all worlds constantly visited Lauhaven, seeing where it all had started, and where Laura had lived such a long time...
Eteria of course also took care of preserving all important traditions and customs of the fairies, no matter life in other ways may have been meanwhile. It was so important the fairies never lost their true souls and preserved the memory of their beloved goddess. But this was more than only thinking of her and visiting the places where she once had lived. Much more, and even also with an important new tradition...
Yes, many fairies lived in more modern towns today, but not all. Others stayed in the woods deliberately, with keeping the oldest traditions. They lived on giant trees and modestly built dwellings there, with often celebrating festivals, together with the town fairies then, and sometimes even with all kind of animals from the woods. Those gatherings were so important for all fairies, and sometimes also angels took part, for the perfect symbiosis of the two races. It would never been forgotten, that the fairies had been the basic for creating the angels, and Laura herself had been the first angel ever. Laura, and then her sister Amber...
Both of them, beloved of all and first angels ever, had been worshiped since then, and this should never end. Therefore the most important celebration for all fairies and far beyond their world was the so-called "Lauramber". A special celebration where all possible magical beings came together to celebrate in the honour of Laura and Amber. But this was not only any simple celebration. It was very special, at a very special place then...
It was such a beautiful place. The magical forest nearby, a small stream flowing slowly through the area, and high mountains in the background. At one point the stream was separated in two parts, creating a small island there, and on this island stood one giant tree. It was not the real tree of life, of course, as this one no longer was approachable for any living creature, but a kind of replica, from the imagination of the fairies. Near this tree, to the left and right, had been built two huge statuary, one was Laura, and the second her sister Amber. The eternal memory at them both...
One time every year creatures of all worlds gathered at this holy place and within the mighty tree for celebrating their beloved gods, and when this celebration started, it was such an impressing sight to watch the procession. Countless creatures, appearing so small in the presence of the tree and statuary, when they all flew towards the mighty tree in such long waves. Love and happiness pure were spreading all around then...
Yes, Laura and Amber were gone forever, so much had been clear to all races. But they never would been forgotten, and the love for them would never get lower. The Gods, Laura, Amber and the old man, now lived somewhere else, and maybe in a total different form. Maybe with no body any more, but this was only imagination. Important only was the fact of living, and every creature in the universe, every supernatural being, could feel so within the heart. And that was all to really matter...
And so, what was it now with the Gods of universe, whatever became of them? The mysterious old man, also known as the golden stag, who almost had disappeared on the quiet once? Amber, the little sister of Laura, who supposed to have died in the big war, though the races refused to believe that a Goddess ever could really die? And Laura, after her last long journey, where it seemed she had travelled into heaven straight?
Well, nobody knew anything about them. Since Laura had gone, centuries ago, none of the Gods had ever returned in any form, and the races had lived without them. Only the stories and faith had been kept alive, but the desire for the closeness of their Gods were never to be satisfied. All living supernatural beings, wherever they lived in the universe, missed them so much - one reason to take part in those annual celebrations of the fairies, of course. Nobody would ever miss those opportunities...
But well, it was not the same, not an adequate replacement for the true closeness of the Gods, especially Laura, the mother of all life. But there was no choice, the Gods were gone and would not return, for what Laura also had told before her farewell. There had been other determinations, and now all races had to accept and live with the circumstances...
It was not always easy, but as Laura had wishes, her children had grown up meanwhile and could rule the universe themselves, with caution and wisdom, to keep it a whole paradise in peace. And following this good way the races perpetuated the memory of their Gods and honoured them. This was the best way to deal with the situation...
And though, it was this time, exactly five centuries after the farewell of Laura, as things changed again. Very slowly first, only with rumours of very few people, who told a strange story. It was whole normal to live with the unicorns again meanwhile, but the creature, described by those few people, was totally different. It had blue colour, was really huge - much bigger than every other unicorn, but also had a horn to growing out of the forehead. But the most significant difference, it should have mighty wings - normal unicorns didn't have wings at all...
First the races only believed this would be another legend, a story of hope, that one day another superior being would appear again. But the legend spread, as more and more people believed to had seen the creature, until the day it all really changed. Totally changed then...
There was a call. A silent call from this mysterious creature, heard by all supernatural beings in all the universe. The call was within every heart and could not be ignored. It called all races, and it called them once more to Lauhaven, to the centre of the universe. Nobody really could guess what was going on, but after and after they all followed this call. There was simply no chance with this mighty silent voice...
The fairies were the first. After hearing the voice inside they came in flocks, straight into the magical forest. Somehow they all knew exactly where to go, following this inner voice...
Finally they saw it then. On a huge forest glade, there it stood. The giant blue creature with the form of a unicorn and mighty wings, it really waited at this magic place. With no word spoken at all the fairies knew at once who it was, who was standing in front of them. And the happiness was overwhelming, the atmosphere not to describe. A big celebration started immediately, with all fairies dancing around through the air...
The celebration lasted a long time, longer than anybody could have told then. And unnoticed from all fairies, far away in the background, suddenly another creature appeared in bright light. It was the blue stag, watching the scene for some time and then disappearing again. Only the foreign giant blue creature had noticed, and it seemed, there was a happy smile then in its face. And the big celebration continued...
Some weeks later. The great celebration had lasted many days, with all kind of races visiting and sharing, but now there was silence again in the magical woods of the fairies. The visitors had returned home again, all with great happiness about what they had found out. And the huge magical creature, the blue flying unicorn, was all alone again in the woods of Lauhaven. Alone, but totally happy inside the heart...
Laura now was aware again of herself, as she had been away in a non physical form for a long time, being all and nothing, floating through the whole universe and beyond as pure energy. But now she was back, in a new, mighty body, similar the unicorns, those mighty magical creatures, being older than every other life form in the universe. It was no surprise for Laura now, that this was her new chosen body, and she was so happy of being allowed to return into the universe of matter and life again...
Of course her children had recognized her again, and they always would have done, no matter which form she had used. And the whole universe was still celebrating her return - not knowing, of course, that this had only been the beginning. A new beginning, because she was not the only superior being to return, others would follow her. And this was what she was waiting for now, even with some excitement inside...
There was no doubt, no doubt at all. She would meet them again now, the two most beloved persons ever in her former life. And nothing could ever change this love, nothing at all...
Laura had entered a beautiful garden, waiting there for the things to come. A garden with wonderful plants in all possible colours. A small bridge was leading beyond a little stream with clear blue water, coming from a waterfall, down some hills nearby. The sun was shining with only some smaller white clouds on the sky - simply a perfect idyll all around. And Laura got more and more excited, waiting for the beings to arrive...
It happened. It finally really happened, as the two expected beings appeared, out of bright light first. And the form of the old man had not changed, the last form he had chosen, as he came along as blue stag again. Certainly he also had spent much time before without any body, but now he was really back. And he was not alone at all...
The old man was accompanied by a new golden stag, a very young one, and Laura knew it from the very first moment. She even had felt it before yet, and it was true. Amber was back, reborn in this body. She had risen from the grave, with the help of the old man, of course, and now she could also fulfil her own destiny at last...
Yes, it was her former beloved sister, and of course Amber recognized Laura too again. They had no human language any more, but though they could speak with each other. Thoughts and feelings, minds and views, and the two sisters melded with each other...
The old man also joined the intense talk without words. And a long time passed, during some magical creatures were dancing in the air nearby. It was such a perfect and wonderful harmony...
It was over now. The story for Laura and the old man finally ended. After they had met again a last time in the world of their children, showing them that the Gods really were alive, Laura and the old man now had left again, but this time in their new physical existence, entering the new chosen home for all future. And this was far away from every living being...
Somewhere in the universe, somewhere far away from every other planet, with a whole own atmosphere and clouds, and a moon shining bright, there was an island floating through space. On this small floating island only stood a single temple, and the water of life was flowing all around. In the temple was a bright light, the portal between two dimensions, the one with and the one without physical bodies. And this was the new home for Laura and the old man, from now on and for eternity. And so, here they would live in entirely peace and watching over their universe and children...
Amber was not with them. It had been another farewell in that beautiful garden, because the destiny of Amber was different. She had to spend time in the world of the races of light, as their new golden stag, an old legend, which now had become true once more...
The old man had entered the temple yet, disappearing in the magical portal. Laura followed not at once, she still stayed a little bit, remembering a very special moment in her fairy body. It was before leaving Lauhaven for the last time, before the last farewell. There had been a ceremony in the great throne room of the royal palace, a symbolic ceremony, but it really had a very important meaning for Laura...
Of course the new queen of all fairies had been crowned yet at this time, but after that ceremony the new queen had invited Laura for another ceremony. In fact there had never been an official crowning for Laura as the former queen at all, it simply had been decided. Now the new queen was adamant that there still had to be an official ceremony for Laura too, especially also because of her last farewell...
Laura could not refuse. And so there was a great celebration with delegates of many races. And Laura wore a wonderful wide royal dress, and a new crown, which had extra been made for her quickly...
It had been a very emotional moment for Laura, also with some tears in her eyes. And until today, this ceremony and the following big farewell from all her children would never been forgotten, also not in this new existence. So much was for sure...
Finally Laura sighed and turned away, slowly trotting towards the temple, to follow the old man now...
Amber was very happy for her destiny and the new task in the world of all races. After her resurrection from the Dead the old man had been preparing her for this mission, and of course she would fulfil it - as long as she was chosen to do so in this form of life...
The legend of the new golden stag, living on the fairies world Lauhaven, it began to spread very fast, of course. And many visitors from all worlds and races visited Lauhaven again and again, to see the place where Laura, the mother of all life, had lived, and to search for the new golden stag in those magical woods out there...
Amber did not hide very hard, she enjoyed the company of her new children. And there was so much to talk about with them, of course also answering questions about Laura as far as possible...
Next to all that the new task for Amber also was to watch over Earth, the one and only world of crises and a danger for the rest of the universe. She continued sending chosen fairies there, trying to teach humans as far as possible without revealing them any secrets, and also carrying children away to Lauhaven, whenever a chance therefore was taken...
Sometimes, in clear nights with countless stars shining in the sky, Amber could see what no other living being was able to. She saw the temple of her sister Laura and the old man, with both of them looking down on her. As well as in this night...
Amber raised her head to full size and smiled happily. No matter how much time passed by, no matter if she had died and resurrected from the Dead, and no matter which body she was living in - one thing would never change at all. The endless love to her sister Laura...
Maybe really even further centuries now would have to pass by, maybe many generations of living creatures who had to be guided, until the two sisters one day finally would be united again forever. But no problem, as time didn't matter at all...
Amber lowered her head again with taking a deep breath. She could feel the presence of new visitors, soon arriving at her place to live now. And of course she was prepared for them...
And so Amber finally turned around and slowly went away, disappearing in the darkness of the night...
Laura was surprised. Really surprised, after following the old man through the dimensional portal. He had not yet told her what exactly would wait behind this portal, except a life without any physical body any more. But now things changed in a whole unexpected way, and it was like looking into a mirror first. On the other site Laura found the exact part of the temple like on the opposite site, with one difference. Looking around here, there was a planet not so far away - a well known planet. But this wasn't the only surprise in this moment, as Laura stood there in her human form again. It had happened with crossing the dimensional portal. And the goddess, the mother of all life, now really was totally confused...
Laura turned around, looking at the blue stag with wide open eyes, before she began to speak...
The old man shook his head before answering with a silent voice, and he seemed to smile a little bit......
Laura began to smile happily too. She could feel it inside, she could feel her true powers, and she used them at once. The next moment Laura stood there in her queen dress again, the dress from the celebration from Lauhaven, which had meant so much to her...
The blue stag nodded with its head...
Laura felt the presence immediately. Because something changed at once, after the meaningful words of the old man - and this other urging wish inside her heart. And suddenly a bright light appeared from the nothing, soon with a body materializing in there. And Laura knew what was happening, of course she knew at once...

In fact is was Amber, emerging out of the light now. And during the light disappeared again, Laura knew this floating island then was also otherwise reachable. But now only one thing mattered, as Amber, her beloved younger sister, stood in front of her, and also in her former angelic body again. The two sisters clasped in their arms, overwhelmed with joy, holding each other for a while. And both of them now really had tears in their eyes. But finally they moved apart again...
The old man didn't answer, but suddenly turned away. All things were spoken now, and Laura had all acknowledgement, his presence was no longer needed here. With a last smile and nod of its head the blue stag went away, disappearing through the dimensional portal once more. And Laura began to speak to her sister then at once...
Laura suddenly saw something strange, and at the same moment also Amber felt and saw it. Both sisters looked in the direction of Earth, and both of them saw the strange picture...
Laura raised one hand...
Both sisters kept silence then and watched the scenes, playing somehow in front of their eyes and in their minds...
A family on Earth. A special family, living somewhere in America. And it somehow was like a movie, playing for the two goddesses, showing the story of this family in a kind of fast motion. So they saw the parents, a still young man and woman, with their daughter and a family dog. And those adults were believers. Yet since generations their family had lived for the legacy, Laura once had left on Earth, believing this world and life could not be all in a time of darkness and despair on Earth...
The daughter was still very small, but yet grown enough to tell her the truth. And so one more mother was narrating stories for her child, stories of a better universe and of a little fairy, surpassing herself so much until even becoming a goddess...
Finally it was about time. One day, one nice evening in winter, as it was snowing heavily outside and the mother sat with her daughter, reading once more from a fairy book, a real fairy was appearing. Out of bright light, under the ceiling of the room...
The exchange was short. Long ago the family had begun to prepare for the hopeful day a fairy would visit, for the chance of a better life for her daughter, as it yet had happened with children of the ancestors. And so the girl left the family, though there also was deep sadness too, of course. Tears were flowing, but there simply was no choice. With all this acknowledgement the parents only wanted a much better and eternal life for their beloved daughter in another world...
The scene changed, the whole family stood at a wonderful place, near a dimensional portal, where the fairy and daughter would leave. A guard was already waiting there...
It was a short farewell, then the fairy left with the daughter, and the guard closed the dimensional door again. The girl was gone, forever...
The scene changed once more, the sad parents were on their way home again. And then it happened, too fast, too sudden. They had a terrible accident, rushing into a big van unbraked. They had no chance, as their car was totally in flames within seconds, and they died at once...
The vision ended finally, and Amber looked at Laura, with obvious tears in her eyes. Laura began to speak...
Amber understood at once and agreed of course. She was so happy her older sister would accompany her. Without any further word both sisters left the floating island and flew towards Earth...
The dead parents, the father and the mother, their living souls, had reached their last destination. Surrounded by wonderful light and clouds, with not really understanding what was going on, they stood at the beginning of a large stairway, and really, a stairway straight into heaven. And suddenly they saw something above, two angels materializing in the light, at and above the entrance into heaven...
Amber and Laura were waiting for those good souls, guiding them now to their last destination. And together, hand in hand, the man and woman began to go upstairs then...
The end of chapter 4...
...but to be continued in chapter 5...