Introduction Chapter 9
Well, what can I say? This whole novel meanwhile develops in a really total unexpected and not planned direction, and if I remember the beginning, now all of this is just unbelievable. The "Sisters" part changed all, and still does, as there always still come further and new details, as thoughts and ideas come with writing it further. Meanwhile this "Sisters" part involves eight (!) parts instead of three, and so you can see how it grows. It is like a story in the story, and now, this second part, which is just separated from the first part in an own chapter, shows us something new added again...
The idea actually was not new. After the reunion of the two real sisters, Laura and Estera, I had this idea from the beginning, of course, to somehow tell the story of Estera, so Laura learns what happened to her sister in all those missing years. But this was all then, it only was planned as a tale, a shorter summary of this past of Estera, without any special pictures of this time. But now also this has changed...
There are pictures now. And the tale of Estera has become a whole own chapter then, where we get a further story in the story and learn about Estera very detailed, and as I said, also with pictures. I could find again some impressing images to show this time period, for it is a very sad and emotional one, to learn about and understand what Estera had to be gone through. This is still very hard for her, and also for Laura, as - like in real life - some scars really will never heal in life...
This part of the whole "Sisters" story is definitely the hardest and darkest one, where we will have to face the true destiny of Erstera, and which horrible way she had to go. But we also learn about how she solved her problems with a very special help as never expected, and how things in life can sometimes change a way you never would believe. And this means also Laura's life will be upside down totally in the end...
We can imagine yet, the relationship between Estera and Laura - though of all the love between them - will not be totally easy, as they really both did follow a totally different destiny and way in life. And most of all there is something defining between them - the question will be, how will Laura decide about all this in the end? Where does this way lead Estera and Laura, to a common way and destiny, or will they separate in the end again?
This is not an easy question, and we will not yet see this in chapter IX. The important question to remain definitely will be, if the two sisters, the love between them, will be strong enough in the end to overcome all differences and obstacles. But not yet. Let's first find out about Estera and her true story in this chapter, together with her sister Laura...