Chapter 3 - The Mystery of Afreean
Laura - The Parallel Universe 3 - The Mystery of Afreean
Any place, any time, once more. And it was over, the first adventure in the parallel universe was finished successfully. Laura had passed the energy portal in the end, leaving the first planet Rylon, and shifting to the next world - where ever this planet would be and what it would be about. But Laura would find out soon, of course...
Laura got up from the ground again. Like the first time, the first arrival on Rylon, she had been unconscious for some time after the crossing of the energy portal. And now the mother of all life found herself in a total unknown area again, and even like the last time anywhere in a foreign forest again. Huge trees all around, and nothing but trees, so Laura could not yet see anything like a first destination yet...

The mother of all life sighed deeply one time, as she stood on her feet again, shaking her head then several times...
Okay, starting over now. I have no idea where I am now, what this world will be about, and what do I have expect here. But anyway, it doesn't matter. I am ready for everything. And as I do not know where to go now, I will choose a direction. Hopefully the right one...
Laura began to walk finally, straight through the wood, and straight through the undergrowth, as there simply was no real way to follow yet. But Laura hoped to find one soon then...
Some time later. Laura had wandered through the extensive wood without a break so far, but she did not reach any special destination until now. This forest was really very thick, but at least the mother of all life was no on a real small path then, snaking its way though this forest. And Laura hoped it would lead her somewhere. Anywhere...
And "anywhere" was really "somewhere" at last. Laura began to smile as she saw something interesting suddenly, also if not yet a real destination. But at least the wood changed then, into a light forest then, because of a small stream flowing through here. And Laura believed it would be a good idea to follow this stream then...

Perhaps this stream will help me to get out of here and find some life on this world finally, I will try...
Laura did as she said and followed the stream through the further forest, until she reached a waterfall. And at once she began to smile again, as she no longer was alone in the forest now...
A little boy. A black boy, sitting at the riverside and collecting pieces of wood. He seemed not to notice Laura yet, but as he did he startled at once...

It was a total unexpected encounter for him, and before Laura could react in any way, the boy got on his feet and disappeared in the undergrowth. Laura tried to follow him, but it was not possible. The young boy certainly was at home in this area, and Laura a whole stranger. After only a few minutes Laura abandoned the search, concentrating on her own mission again. She still had to find her own way into the civilization of this unknown world, and she was sure though to succeed in the end...
Laura decided to stay with the small stream and follow its route. She found a way to climb up the wall where the waterfall came from and wandered along the broadening stream...
Laura had reached a new area. She stood on a natural stony platform on a mountain, straight in front of a deep abyss. Her way had led her upwards, next to the stream, and now she looked at further waterfalls, a bigger number of waterfalls in the opposite direction, falling down from a higher plateau into a lake, and then continuing into the stream where Laura came from. And Laura knew she had to reach this higher plateau now...

Laura finally turned around and began to pass completely around the area at the left side of the stream. And some time later she had reached another natural ledge of the mountain side, looking at the higher plateau again. She could see more details now, as the stream was a real river up there, coming from the opposite direction. The nature was flat up there now, and through further trees Laura could also notice free area there...

The mother of all life began to follow her way once more, again to the left side of the water, towards the higher plateau. And now she soon was back in the middle of a deep forest again, making her way through the partially thick undergrowth. This path was not always totally safe, with abysses to the left and right, but Laura continued bit by bit...

And some hours later, as the sun already began to set, Laura left the forest again...
Laura had reached the higher plateau and left the area with the river to the left, reaching a natural boundary of the plateau there. She stood on a ledge of the plateau now, looking down into a deeper valley again, reaching until the far horizons all around. But there was still no sign of civilization far and wide, so she decided to spend the night on this higher plateau before reaching the new valley the next day...

It would be a little bit uncomfortable to spend the night on those rocks, but Laura had no alternative, as she would not walk around in this unknown area in the darkness. But the mother of all life did not get around to lay down on the stony ground then, as suddenly something unexpected happened. Laura saw a sphere of energy, appearing from the nothing all at once above the higher rock next to the one where Laura stood. And only a few moments later a human shadow appeared in the mass of energy and light, standing there with the back towards Laura...

Laura began to smile happily. She recognised the shadow at once, as the visitor she had met before yet, after her arrival on Rylon then. And really, it was Elora, her first guide in the parallel universe...
The energy around Elora was gone totally finally, as Laura began to speak herself first to her welcome guest...
Hello, Elora, I am pleased to meet you again, as you promised after our first encounter on Rylon. As you see I found the energy portal and could enter the next world, though I still know nothing about it yet, and not even a name. But looking around so far, and seeing a first inhabitant in form of a little black boy, all of this looks very familiar, and if I did not know better, I would think to be in Africa on Earth. But of course I am not, as this is the parallel universe. What can you tell me this time?
Elora still turned her back towards Laura, watching the extensive deeper valley in the background then. And she answered after a few moments, with her soft and warm voice...
Hello, Laura, I am also greeting you again with pleasure. I had no doubt to see you again, and yes, this is a world with a special theme, as the inhabitants here have rebuilt this continent on Earth here, for their own very special reason. And with this fact we get to your task here yet, so I will tell you more about before you get asleep for this night...
Elora continued her speech after a short break...
So, an Africa seeming world then, and let me tell you one thing first here. It is again a still safe world for you, if you act carefully, as the only danger here could be wild animals then. Just be careful, and there will not be any further danger from the inhabitants at all. Your task rather is to find answers, if you watch this world and the lost children here, what may be the reason for this special world. Speak with the inhabitants, see how they live, and solve the mystery what may be behind all this, as I can tell you yet, it is more than your exes can see...
Elora paused a second time for some moments, before she continued talking to Laura once more...
When it is all done, when you know all what you must know, then you will have a special encounter here. And after that you can continue to the energy portal on this world again to continue your journey to the next world. And by the way, the world you are standing on now is called "Afreean". And the new journey for you has just begun...
Laura nodded with her head once. She hesitated for some moments before taking the floor herself finally...

Thank you, Elora, so my feelings were right in the end about this new world. And I will do as you say, searching my way into the civilization here on Afreean, and searching for answers and the secret of this second world. Will I see you also on the third world again later?
Elora finally turned around to Laura, looking her in the eye. As the little girl began to speak again Laura believed to hear a little sad tinge in her voice while she also shook her head once...
No, Laura, it has been decided different now. You will even get a second visitor here tomorrow, before you leave this place. Speak to her, she will explain further things to you. But be sure, we also will meet again, if you further succeed, I can at least promise you that...
Laura nodded with her head and smiled at the girl...
Thank you, I am happy to hear that, Elora! And I am curious who will further
visit me here on Afreean, from the kind of your species not simply living on normal worlds like Rylon or Afreean...
You will know tomorrow then. And for now, until we meet again, I only wish you the best, Laura! May you find all answers, solve all mysteries and succeed all your journeys...
I will do my best for sure...
With those last words of farewell Elora disappeared as fast as she had appeared, simply vanishing into thin air then. Laura sighed deeply one time, then she laid down on the ground and fell asleep soon, after a small meal with some supplies of food in her luggage. And this was also a gift from the lost children of Rylon, an invisible backpack with no weight, no matter how full it was. Really a valuable gift for Laura on her journey. She could make this backpack visible whenever she wanted...
The next morning on Afreean, as the sun just began to rise at the far away horizon. Laura was awake again yet, and though of doubts for the uncomfortable ground she had slept well the last night. Now she sat on the higher rock, enjoying the wonderful nature round with the warm sun and different animal voices from the woods in the deeper valley. Laura waited for the announced visitor, and it really happened soon then...

Another energy sphere appeared, straight from nowhere. This time it was the lower rock, and Laura could see movement and another human shape within the mass of light and energy...

And as the sphere vanished at last another young girl stood on the lower rock in front of Laura, looking at her with a broad smile in her face...
The foreign girl began to speak immediately, and Laura could feel the same warmth and kindness from inside of her like from Elora before. And she looked curious at the new arrival...
Hello, Laura! My name is Yguna, and I have also been chosen like Elora before to meet and talk with you. It may not be so much we can really help you on your long journey, but we do what is possible. And we give you a little companion at the beginning of every new world at least. Together with the necessary details you must know then...
Laura nodded with her head smiling...
I know, and I appreciate everything you can do for me, of course. Elora yet told me much details so far, and I wonder if there is anything you could add? Or what else may be your task here?
Yguna answered Laura at once with her childish voice, but though of this voice and the appearance Laura knew exactly that this also was no little child at all, but a real powerful creature...
Oh, well, I guess there is always something else left to help you in any way, Laura, believe me. But first I was pleased to be chosen to also now get known with you, what is also an honour for sure. And I hope my presence will also please you then a little bit...
Laura nodded with her head at once...
Of course it does, as I do appreciate every good company I can get from your people at all. Even then if I can not get any new information, simply for your presence then. I hope you can feel this.
The young girl also nodded with her head once now before answering Laura with her friendly voice...

Thank you, Laura. I wished the circumstances would be different, so we could simply establish and live our friendship, but sadly our universes do not work like this. There is too much work to do, and there is such a lot at stake here, so we all must follow our destiny. But though there is also such a long and hard way for you to go, we know you are the biggest hope for all people in your universe - as you are now also for us. You may not understand all this right now, but the answers will come for sure. Now that I stand in front of you I also believe so, as Elora does too. We can feel what is inside of you, and though of the determination to now act as normal human being here we believe you can solve all tasks and challenges. Then you will fulfil your destiny, as it was meant for you since such a long time yet - a long time before you were even born. And yes, it is no secret as you certainly can feel it in your heart as well, you are the last hope for your universe - and for ours. It was and is your determination, and we believe in you...
Laura closed her eyes for some thoughtful moments, while she took a very deep breath then. As she opened her eyes again she looked at Yguna, and straight into the eyes of this mighty unknown creature, as Laura still knew nothing about her or Elora. And while the mother of all life suddenly got teary-eyed she began to speak with low voice...
Those are really kind words, thank you very much, Yguna! I am really surprised meanwhile, by all my experiences in this parallel universe, as with my former information I could not expect all that at all. I rather even feared to find hostility here in the worst case, as we simply did not know what to find in this totally foreign universe for us. Even our gods were not sure any more, because of all the time since their last encounter here. And now all that support, and all your kindness, I am overwhelmed. Most of all, as I now see that my destiny is not only about to try to save my own universe, but also yours. This is really much responsibility. And whole unexpected for me. But I will try to not disappoint anybody, I will try my best to fulfil my destiny. No matter where it will end finally...
Yguna took a deep breath once...
We did not expect anything less from you, Laura. In fact we did watch you all the time in the other universe, since your journey began. And we could see soon, you really were the chosen one we hoped and waited for. And we knew the day would come for you to learn about us, and you would decide to accept this part of your destiny. The gods had no chance at all than to tell you that truth, it was only a matter of time. And now you are here, now your journey has begun, and we believe in you as we always did...
Laura sighed deeply one time...
And now, on my journey, I have only also to try to understand all this, and what is the secret behind the two universes. I am aware of the fact to still knowing so few about the true details, as I believe also my gods could never tell me the whole truth so far, for what reasons ever. I know I have to find all answers myself, and this is my only chance to really succeed. But I promise, I will get all answers in the end...
Yguna nodded with her head one time...
If anybody can succeed here at all, than it will be you, Laura. And for what you
just said, for what you think, I can confirm your thoughts at least, that it is true. You could never find the whole truth and all answers in your universe, as this simply was not possible. The answers are here, and in the end you will understand. We know it was a long and hard way for you to get here at all, after your long way of deception, your first life of trials and tribulations, misled by evil forces. But you found and accepted your true way and destiny, carefully led by the true good gods, and though, they had their reasons - good reasons to still keep the whole truth away from you. It was only a beginning, a first preparation for the things to come, as they always knew, your destiny could only be fulfilled here, in this universe. And the way with your gods ended then, as they had to send you to us, where you now must finish your determination and find this whole truth bit by bit. The answers are all here, and it is up to you to find them now. We will guide you on your way as far as possible, but as the chosen one you must succeed yourself...
Laura took a deep breath before answering...
Well, what can I say, all of this is more than I could ever expect before. Really much more. And I will do all to not disappoint the expectations of anybody, and I also do this for my sister. It does not matter how long this time will be that I can not see her again, but I will someday. And I will do all to heal her from this terrible curse why she is isolated now, next to my responsibility for the universes this will always stay my further main priority. As nobody ever can imagine how much I love my sister...
Yguna nodded with her head understandingly...
Believe me, Laura, we do understand you so well, but also hope you may somehow also understand us, as we had no choice in this matter. We could not allow an obsessed person to enter our universe and get in contact with our children. Of course we understand that you always want have Estera at your side, as your beloved sister, but we simply could not allow this. And though, think about it. If you had left her behind, alone in your universe, Estera certainly would have been overwhelmed by her demon soon. Now, in our custody, this will not happen. As long as we keep her she is safe, as the demon will not break out, and you win time at least. So this may even be not the worst thing what could have happened, and so we hope you may forgive us this hard decision against your sister...
Laura also nodded with her head once...
Well, there is nothing to forgive at all, because I do understand you totally, and I know my sister in the best possible hands now. What could I wish more then? I can now concentrate on my mission only, with the certainty of Estera being safe until I meet her again, and I will only fight so much the more now, for her and all life at all. But what I really would like to know, what I simply must ask now though of knowing your answer yet, is about you and Elora. Who are you? Who are you really? There are your worlds with their inhabitants, the lost children, and I could see yet what they have created here. But somehow you two do not belong to them, you do not belong to the worlds I entered so far, I simply can feel this inside. You are no normal lost children - if anything here is "normal" at all - you are different. I can feel incredible power, both of you simply radiate this energy. Would it be possible to learn more about you, who you really are and where you come from?
Yguna began to smile sympathetically and nodded with her head one time before she answered...
I waited for this question yet, but yes, you are right, I can not answer this question. It is all part of the secret, of your mission for finding answers, but at least your thought is not wrong. Elora and I are not from the worlds you visit here, but if you are successful on those "normal" worlds, then you will also enter ours one day. Our dimension. And you will get your answers. But this is a far away day, and you should take those facts as granted for now and only concentrate on your mission. On the certain world you are standing on. What brings us back to the current word again...
Yguna paused for some moments, looking down to the ground, but then she looked squarely into Laura's eyes again...
You will enter several unusual worlds in our universe, where things are simply different, and not what you would expect then. Afreean is one of them, and perhaps even the most unusual one for some reasons. But you will see for yourself, and you have to solve the mystery around this world. Find your answers, and then continue to the next world again. This is when we will meet again, when you have been successful...
Laura took a deep breath and smiled slightly. She answered Yguna with low but though firm voice...
We will meet again, I know...
Yguna nodded with her head several times, while she began to vanish into thin air slowly, until she was totally gone. Laura still remained for some moments, closing her eyes and changing her outfit once more for the further day...
Afreean then. The journey continues, and I am going to meet the inhabitants here, hopefully soon. Let's see what this world is about, and what mystery it keeps. I am curious...

Laura took another deep breath before she opened her eyes again. The mother of all life turned around and was on her way again, the way down into the new extensive valley of Afreean...
Laura was walking through the extensive new valley on Afreean, partially consisting of woods and deserts. And at the moment Laura was crossing a desert part, where she also met the first animals of this world. Typical animals, as they would also have been found on Earth, on the real African continent. Animals like zebras or apes. At least no hostile animals so far, and some time later Laura was walking through another forest part again...
It was about noontime as Laura decided to have a little break on her long peregrination. She had found a wonderful forest glade with a small stream flowing past, additionally fed by two waterfalls, coming down from some rocks to the left...
Sitting at the bank of the stream Laura had a little meal to brace herself again. But just finished she jumped up suddenly, after noticing a little chimpanzee at the other side of the stream, after it appeared on the rocks between the two waterfalls. But after the first scare Laura began to smile and waved at the beautiful looking animal. And what a surprise, the chimpanzee also seemed to smile at her, waving with its arms too then...

The mother of all life began to talk to herself pleased...
What a nice visitor here! Hello, little chimp, I am really pleased to meet you. Though I don't believe you understand me, would it though be possible that you help me with my further way, so I may not become lost in those extensive woods on your planet...?
Laura didn't expect any answer or reaction at all, of course, but she was surprised again. Really surprised...
The ape jumped to her direction and stood next to Laura soon. And it reached out for Laura then, while she hesitated for some moments. But then she smiled again, taking the hand of the chimpanzee...
Well, it seems you can understand me! And yes, why not having a little guidance here? If you can take me to any part of civilization here I would be very pleased. But I accept any destination you can lead me to. And from now on, as long as you stay with me, I give you a name. Yes, I will call you "Bert", and I hope this is all right for you...
The chimpanzee began to quickly nod with its head, also making pleased sounds as it seemed. And so it was Bert now, and Laura had a new friend on this foreign world. After some further seconds Bert released the hand of Laura and began to walk away. The mother of all life shook her head smiling and followed the happy little chimpanzee...
Laura and her animal companion had walked for a while yet, through different kind of environments. It seemed the chimpanzee knew exactly where to go in this foreign area, and Laura somehow trusted this little monkey. She simply felt it in her heart. And she was sure, in the end she would reach the first inhabitants of this African seeming world...
Laura and the chimpanzee crossed a deep canyon now, with sheer rock walls to both sides. And between both walls and the small path they were walking on water was flowing in small streams. It really was an impressing nature, all along the way of Laura and her new friend...

Laura began to speak to herself, and to her companion. She really treated it as if it would be a human and understand her, and somehow the mother of all life believed it was like that...
Where would this journey end, my little friend? At least I can say, I am trusting you, and I am really curious yet...
The ape looked up at Laura and nodded with its head. And Bert made some excited sounding ape tones...
If I could only understand you, my dear friend...
The two unlike companions continued their way and finally left the long canyon behind. The area got even now, and instead of high rocks the two wayfarer were back in a forest again. And still it seemed the monkey knew exactly where to go, and it guided Laura forward. She only hoped to reach a destination before the next night approaching...

Several hours had past, with two breaks for resting and eating something in between, but it got clear finally, that Laura could not yet reach and destination still at this day, and so it was time to look for a place for the night. And as the nightfall began Laura could at least see the further way for the next day. She now looked beyond another huge deeper valley, standing next to a waterfall which flew down there. But it would have been too dangerous to try this descension in the darkness. And besides that, Bert was not yet very happy to try to reach this valley, though he led Laura to this point, but this way down way really very steep...

Laura began to smile slightly...
What is the problem, Bert? It is too late now, but of course I must go down there tomorrow. And I hope you will still accompany me, as I would really miss your company. What do you think?
Bert shook his head several times with making sounds of not being amused, and he laid one hand over his eyes...
I see, this means I still need a little more persuasiveness, but okay. We do have time, as the darkness comes slowly. Let's have our place for the night right here, we need some further rest...
Laura knew it was not useful to hassle this little monkey, and so she just ignited a bonfire for the night and laid down on the not really comfortable ground. But at least there were not only rocks around, she could find softer locations to sleep this night...
After laying down finally Laura looked at Bert a last time. She smiled at him and began to speak then...
My helpful little friend, I really hope you will still accompany me tomorrow, and maybe further days on this world. Though you can not speak, you are a real friend for me now. I really like you very much...
With these words, and with a happy nod of the head of Bert Laura finally closed her eyes then. It didn't need much time until she fell asleep, thinking Bert would do the same. But he didn't. Instead the monkey went to a rock behind Laura, sitting there and watching the peaceful night scene. And what Laura couldn't see any more, something was really strange with Bert. He suddenly sat and looked with his eyes not like an ape, but like a human...

Bert looked at the bonfire and at Laura, again and again. He seemed to think about something, as it finally happened. The mysterious animal really began to speak, with a whispering voice to not disturb Laura at all. But Bert really began to speak to himself...
Poor Laura, you still have no idea what lays ahead of you on this long journey. We would like to help you so much, but those possibilities are very limited. For good reasons, as you still will have to learn. But at least there are such hidden ways to be close to you and help a little bit on this journey. It is not much, but a small help for finding the right ways...
Bert sighed deeply one time...
And your journey can not stay as peaceful as it has begun. Not at all, for you must pass all needed tryouts, to enter your final destination at all. And this is what we all hope. What we all need. But yes, I do believe in you, yet much longer than you have even be born at all...
Bert began to smile, but suddenly with tearful eyes. He thought about the uncertain future, and all the challenges waiting for Laura. Could this delicate build girls really get through all the tasks waiting for her out there? Could she survive in the end?
Bert nodded with his head one time slowly...
Yes, Laura, you can! And by one means or another I will be with you, like the owl on Rylon, and the monkey here. You will never know about this little secret, But I will be there...
Bert sighed deeply one more time...
Sleep well, Laura, my brave little heroine...
Bert became silent finally. But the mysterious creature - who ever he really would be - did not even think about going to sleep himself at all. Instead he kept sitting on his rock, looking at Laura and guarding her sleep. He was satisfied, as the mother of all life remained in the land of beautiful dreams - and she was safe for this night...
A new day began to wake up over Afreean. The sun was already climbing up the horizon, as Laura opened her eyes again, greeting the new day with an almost cloudless sky. And she greeted Bert, who was bustling about yet, waiting for Laura to wake up finally. And he made happy sounds now, pointing at a location near the now dead bonfire, and Laura saw that the monkey had collected a lot of fruits and plants, certainly possible to eat on this world. And so breakfast was already prepared...
Laura went to the bonfire location and sat down there, next to Bert, beginning to speak to him then...
Well, Bert, you really impress me. Thank you for your care about me, and I hope you also reconsidered our further journey, to climb down with me into this further valley. I would love to further have you at my side, and I would really be so sad if you leave me now...
While Laura began to eat, and all foodstuff really hit the spot, Bert began to make sounds again, with also using his arms for making signs. And Laura understood quickly. She would not have to miss her animal companion yet, the monkey would keep following her. And better, he would further lead her, hopefully into human civilization at last....
Laura nodded with her head smiling. And yes, the pure joy was writ in her face now, and also resounded from her voice...
Bert, my little friend, thank you very much, you don't know how much I appreciate your help. You are more I could ever have hoped for in this universe, a new friend...
Laura kept silence now again, enjoying her little meal then. Bert also ate some of the food, and Laura could have sworn this animal only was so happy at this moment. She began to believe that animals from Earth and here could totally be different, and perhaps they were much more intelligent here. Laura was sure Bert did understand her words, as he always reacted to them in a way he simply had to understand the words. He only had no language, but he could express himself with sounds, facial expression and gesticulation. So Laura also always understood him...
Finally the mother of all life and her animal companion were ready to leave once more. After a short search they found the best possible way to get into the deeper valley, but though it was still a dangerous way to go. With Bert in the lead Laura began the descent...
It was done. It was finally done, as Laura and Bert reached the deeper valley on Afreean. And they were both all right. Laura with a few bruises, of course, but really nothing to be worried about. And the long journey for the mother of all life could continue...
Laura and Bert were standing in another extensive forest again. There were several possibilities, several ways to go, and so the mother of all life looked at Bert quizzically...
So, which way would you choose, Bert? Any idea where to go to meet some human inhabitants of this world in the end? I would like to speak to anybody very much...
The monkey nodded with his head and pointed in a certain direction. The Bert began to walk along this way. Laura still hesitated one moment, while she sighed deeply one time...
Seems you are really sure and know exactly what you do, Bert. Then be it so, I really trust you...
Laura also began to move again, and the mother of all life followed her animal companion full of hope...
It was about noon as Laura and Bert left the forest again. But what they could see now was not very inviting, as there were still no signs of human settlements at all. Instead there was a veldt following the wood, and as far as the eye could reach a very barren one...
Laura looked at Bert, and now a little bit uncertain. This way could really be a very hard one to go...
My dear Bert, this area doesn't look very comfortable. Are you really sure we have to cross this veldt, instead of rather staying in the forest? Perhaps there is any other option...?
Bert looked at Laura and shook his head twice. The monkey was really sure, and he pointed straight into the opposite direction, straight into the veldt. So Laura sighed deeply one time...
Well, I trust you, though I am not amused. But if this is necessary, then precede, please, and I will follow you...
Bert did as he was told, and ha walked on all four legs. Laura began to follow slowly, and she noticed yet, the temperature was going up. It would get a hard day for her, she was sure...
Some time later again, as Laura believed they had been walking for hours yet. They reached a certain place now, with at least a little verdant around, and even one single tree, reaching for the sky in the burning sun, as there were barely clouds in the sky...
And there was something else. For the first time Laura met some further animals now. Animals as she knew them from Earth, from the continent Africa. She saw zebras giraffes, walking slowly through this barren landscape. Laura began to smile then...

Curious! Laura was really astonished, as she came closer. Normally those were flight animals, running away from every foreign species, especially also humans. At least it was like that on Earth, but not on Afreean. On the contrary, those animals even were curious and in the end the mother of all life could even stroke those animals...
Well, really impressing. It all looks like being in Africa here, but in the end things are really different though. And now, I would say, this is the right place for a little break...
Laura was just walking down a little hill, while Bert was standing on the right place yet, a piece of grass, where they could rest then. But instead Laura suddenly almost jumped out of her skin, as she noticed another visitor of this area, coming from around the hill. It was a huge male lion, and much too late for Laura to hide or run away. She began to tremble, remaining in fear, but things got even stranger now...
The lion was not interested in Laura, nor in the other animals around. It did not attack at all. But Laura needed some time to realize she was really safe...

This was a wild lion, but for some unknown reasons a tame one. In the end Laura could even get close to the lion and also stroke this animal. Until it walked away slowly finally...
Laura sat down on the grass at last. She began to eat and drink then, together with Bert. The monkey had not been surprised, and it seemed the animals around knew that they were safe. But why? What was the secret of this mysterious world, where animals did not behave normally at all? One of the questions Laura had to find an answer for...
After some time Laura and Bert were on their way again, on their long way towards a still unknown destination - unknown for Laura at least. But Bert seemed to be confident totally, as he always walked so straight and sure, and Laura simply trusted him...
Finally the two wanderers left the desert again, walking through a far plain now, which much green vegetation. Bert first stopped once more as the two companions crossed the path of a huge herd of elephants. Animals of all ages were walking and standing around, and though Bert kept some distance to those huge animals he did not seem to be afraid again. Instead he watched the elephants interested and happily...
Laura also was fascinated by this view. She smiled while Beret sat on the ground. And then he suddenly pointed into a certain direction, and as Laura followed with her eyes she also was surprised. She saw him in some distance, between some bushes, the first human inhabitant of this world at all. It was a young black boy, certainly clothed in a local costume, looking at Laura interested then...

Laura could not react fast enough. The black boy disappeared again in the undergrowth, and he could not be found again. But at least Laura knew they were on the right way then...
After still watching the herd of elephants for a while Laura and Bert finally continued their journey again...
Bert obviously decided to follow those majestic elephants for a while on their way...

And after some time they reached a way, an artificially created way through the area, a certain trace finally for humans to live anywhere in this region. Laura began to smile, as her hope, to finally speak to anybody again at last, was rising now...
Laura and her animalic friend stayed close to the artificial way then, also if they walked not always straight on it, or for example when making breaks. And as it was evening again Laura and Bert sat a little bit away from the way, on sandy ground, having a small meal and enjoying the warm evening sun. But it was really incredible what happened then...
Paradise. It was a vision of paradise, at least a small part of it. Laura could only believe like that, because what happened here was totally unreal. At least unreal for her, as she never experienced anything like that before. The place where she was resting with Bert, more and more animals began to join them. All kind of animals, normally being hostile each other. As lions or a huge snake, for example. But all animals were also resting peacefully, not interested in harming each other in any way...
Laura was confused. It seemed to be normal for Bert, but Laura could not understand it. On Earth those animals would only kill each other, but the lost children had really created their whole own version of this African like world. It was unique, really amazing, and it was a vision of what paradise really could be about then...

After s short time of getting used to the totally unusual scene Laura enjoyed it. She really enjoyed that peace all around, sitting on the ground with Bert in her lap now. And with one arm around him. And slowly the next evening came close, as the sun began to sink at the horizon. It was time to find a new place to sleep again...
Laura and Bert had found the right place finally, being alone again and enjoying the wonderful warm night air around. The two friends were sitting under a huge single tree, while the sun sunk more and more at the horizon. It would be completely dark soon...
A small campfire was burning, when Laura laid down onto her belly, underpinning her head with both hands. And she looked at Bert with a warm smile then, while the little monkey also seemed to be totally happy. Laura could really feel this, though her animally friend sadly wasn't able to speak. But Laura knew at least he could understand her, and in this confidence she began to speak to Bert now...

What a beautiful world, Bert! If I would have to choose one world of all I know so far, it would be this one which I would call the closest to paradise. And I really do not know any other world where all animals live together in peace so totally as they do here. But I wished I would also get known with humans now, with any inhabitants, as I know at least there are lost children on this world. So I hope you will find them for me...
Bert gestured with his arms and made excited sounds, then he nodded with his head several times. It really seemed he understood Laura, and confirmed her wish to lead her to humans on this world...
Laura began to smile slightly. She also nodded with her head and began to speak to Bert once more...
Somehow I know you really do understand me, little ape. And okay, you will take me to my destination. No matter how much time it still will need. So, time to sleep a little bit now...
Bert reacted at once and laid down on the ground. The monkey closed his eyes and Laura followed the example...
Good night, my little friend...
Laura also stretched out her limbs, and she yawned deeply one time. Then she also laid down on the warm ground and closed her eyes. Laura fell asleep only a little time later...
A new wonderful morning in Afreean. Laura and Bert were back on their journey again, walking along a small river, and also through a new part of a rain forest once more. Partially there was even still hanging some fog between the huge trees, disappearing only slowly to give place to the sun finally. And a comfortable fresh wind was blowing through the branches. Laura enjoyed this cool breeze of the new morning very much, and of course Bert was in the lead again on this way...

Laura was wondering if this day would bring her to the next destination, to the first human settlement on this fascinating world. Bert at least seemed to be whole sure about this further way...
And yes, this day Laura finally reached a special destination with Bert, after leaving the rain forest again. First they reached a broad plain, where the river meanwhile had taken a much bigger size. There were further forest parts to both sides of it, but also bigger parts of woodless riversides along the water. This was the further way to follow for Laura and Bert...

After following the pathway of the river for some hours Laura and Bert finally really found a certain destination. Yet from a far distance, when the land area replaced the forest to both parts of the river more and more, Laura could discover artificial structures, and she was sure it was a settlement. Probably the first human settlement at all on this world, and of course the mother of all life was really excited...
Laura and Bert walked faster now, straight towards the settlement they discovered at the horizon. And finally Laura could see more, being totally surprised then. For some moments she thought to be in a dream, and she remained for some moments. Bert however walked on, and he also was very excited...
Yes, Laura had reached a little village. But for her incredible surprise it was not a human village at all. Artificially built cottages, yes, but not by humans. Not at all. Instead Bert had led Laura to his own people, and in fact it was a village of chimpanzees. Only monkeys, nothing more. And Laura understood this was not a conquest at all, not on this world. Those apes were really intelligent, in understanding humans and building their own artificial villages. And they really lived in cottages like humans...

Could this be true? Could the lost children on this world not be human children in the end, but live as monkeys...?
Laura was not sure any more, not at all. But she began to move again, walking slowly towards the settlement. At least she would hopefully find an answer here, an answer for the secret of this fantastic, but somehow also strange world, called Afreean...
Laura and Bert stood in the middle of the unknown chimpanzee village on the world Afreean, and the mother of all life still looked around fascinated, hardly believing what she saw. But it was no dream at all, it was the truth. And the monkeys welcomed her excited and with sensible joy, they all chattered in confusion now. But the excitement wore off again slowly then, and Laura tried to communicate with the apes then. She tried with facial expressions and gestures, with hands and feet and with words. And somehow it worked, though the apes could not speak they seemed to understand her. And Laura understood them, the signs they made...
The monkeys would help Laura on her further way, but first they invited her to stay one night - to have dinner with them and sleep in their village. And Laura gladly accepted the offer...
It was a long evening, sitting within the chimpanzee circle at a big campfire and eating together with them. But finally Laura entered one of the cottages in order to lay down in there on a bed and find some rest for the night. Lying on her right side Laura looked at Bert, who sat on the floor next to the bed, looking really hopefully and speechless asking at Laura...
The mother of all life began to smile. Of course she knew exactly what Bert was begging for, and she nodded with her head. There were no words necessary at all this moment, and Bert understood. Really happy he jumped onto the bed, lying down in front of Laura, also on his right side. Laura sighed deeply one time, then she nestled against Bert, who fell asleep only a little time later. And the little ape seemed happier as ever before in his life...
Laura did not fall asleep so fast. She was thinking about her so far journey, the possible things to come in the future, and her new little friend, who obviously loved her very much, as Laura also loved this cute animal. And then it began to rain outside, an really heavily shower, as thick raindrops pattered against walls, ceiling and windows...

Laura now began to whisper to herself, but really only very low, as she not wanted to wake up her friend again...
Mighty, wonderful raindrops, whooshing and knocking all around, letting my beloved friend find sleep in nice dreams so fast then. I love this sound of nature, and it's time for me now to follow Bert. To follow him into this wonderful land of most beautiful dreams...
Laura sighed deeply one time and finally also closed her eyes. For some time she still listened to the wonderful sound of rain around the cottage, until she began to dream herself in the end...

A new morning began over the beautiful world Afreen. Laura slowly woke up again, noticing that it yet really was late at this new day. Bert was on his feet again yet, but with no sounds at all, as he did not want to wake up Laura himself. He waited until she woke up alone, but now he greeted her happily with joyful sounds...
Laura began to smile. She couldn't remember to have ever slept this long in her life, but being a normal human being now her body simply had other priorities. And Laura had to pay the prize for this limitation. But sitting up on the bed she first then became aware of the fact, that it was still raining outside the hut. and not only balmy, but really heavily...
Laura went to the door and looked outside. The whole sky was totally grey, and it did not seem this raining period should end very soon. So Laura looked quizzically at Bert, as he of course knew this world much better. But the monkey shook his head, and Laura knew, the rain would not stop this day. It was not the time yet to continue the journey...

Laura sighed deeply and began to smile slightly afterwards. She began to speak to Bert with low voice...
Well, I guess you also have no interest in looking like a drowned rat? We will stay here in this village a further day, and at least until this heavy raining period is over. I would not care if I still was a goddess, but as a human, walking totally soaked to the skin - not at all. At least if I can avoid this. So thankfully we have reached this village just the right time, and I hope your family will accept us here a little bit longer...
Bert nodded with his head, also making approving sounds. And so this decision was firm yet. Laura turned towards the door again, looking outside once more and sighing anew...
Well, I hope the rain will not last too long, as I would like to continue this important journey as soon as possible. And if the ground all around gets too muddy, this will only complicate things for us. But we have no choice at the moment, as we can only wait and hope...
Laura turned towards Bert again, noticing he was just about to prepare breakfast. And after eating together at a small table there was only one thing Laura wanted to do then. She looked at Bert with a smile in her face, and her hand then pointed to the bed. Bert understood and agreed, jumping onto the bed again yet the next moment. The little chimpanzee laid down at his place again, closing his eyes at once...
Laura followed suit and also laid down again next to Bert. There was really nothing to do for her at the moment, and she knew she could still need some more sleep. Before she also closed her eyes Laura listened to the game of the countless raindrops, knocking against the cottage from outside without cease. And the mother of all life sighed again...
Strange. Being a human not only brings a whole new feeling for my physical body as a result, but only other things. I never noticed such things at all, like the sound of rain, falling down all around and somehow having such a comforting and restful effect on me - as one sample. I am just discovering what it really means to be a real human gradually, and I am getting used to it. But for now, time to get more sleep then...
Laura finally closed her eyes, still listening to the nice sound of rain for some time, until she disappeared into the realm of dreams again, into the realm of beautiful dreams...
Laura was astonished. As she woke up again it was almost evening, and Laura still heard the continuing sound of rain outside the cottage. But it was at least not this heavily any more as in the morning. Bert was not present at this time, he seemed to have left the hut anytime before. And so Laura also got on her feet again finally...
Laura looked out of the door, discovering some chimpanzees in some distance playing together. And some were only sitting on the ground, seeming even to enjoy the now balmy rain...
Laura began to smile and looked up to the sky. It was still completely grey, but there was hope the rain would stop soon. Without shoes Laura left the hut finally, walking towards the group of monkeys. And she saw that Bert also was among them...
Laura sat down in front of the group of chimpanzees, joining them for a while though of the rain. But it didn't matter, getting wet then, as she simply enjoyed this wonderful society...

After a while it was Bert, standing in front of Laura and taking her hands. He made excited noises and tried to pull Laura away from her place. Obviously he wanted to show something to her, with leading her to another place. And the mother of all life got on her feet again, with changing her clothes as so often, before the group of monkeys left this place with her...
After a short walk, a little bit away from the village, the group reached their destination. It was a small lake, with waterfall at the opposite end, and with a beginning forest around. The chimpanzees stayed here, and it really was such a beautiful place. Laura enjoyed it very much, with carrying two young monkeys in the end, and a bird sitting on her head...

After some time the monkeys left this place again, and they returned to their village, together with Laura. And after a common dinner in a bigger house Laura and Bert returned to their own house, as it yet was dark again. It was still raining, but only with balmy raindrops still knocking against the hut. Laura hoped the rain would stop the next day...
Happy but tired Bert and Laura laid down onto their bed one time more, to spend the night there. And it really needed not much time until both of them fell asleep finally...
The next morning on Afreean. Laura woke up after a long and restful night, while Bert was still sleeping at her side, straight huddled up to Laura. She sat up carefully on the bed, with a happy smile in her face. And Laura began to stroke gently over the head of her little friend, whispering to herself. She not wanted to wake up Bert too sudden...
My wonderful little friend, I guess we can continue our journey today, as I do not hear any more raindrops knocking on our cottage. But I really enjoyed our stay here, and I will be a little bit sad at least to leave your nice family again. I will miss them for sure...
Finally Bert really woke up slowly, noticing Laura close to him then. He began to make happy sounds and gave Laura a hug. And the mother of all life reciprocated the hug...
So then, my dear Bert, no more rain from the sky, we can continue our journey today. I would recommend to have a last breakfast with your family, and then we leave this place...
Bert nodded with his head at once, and so the decision was made. Laura and Bert began to prepare for the new day...
Laura and Bert were on their journey again. They had left the chimpanzee village after a last extensive breakfast, together with all monkeys there. And the farewell had not been an easy one, as Laura really had tears in her eyes in these poignant moments. But it had been time to leave finally, and now, with bright sunshine again, Laura and Bert walked once more through the great nature of the world Afreean...
And of course, once more, they met all possible animals on their way, even in almost unbelievable situations. As one moment, for example, when a giraffe, a zebra, a rhino, a gazelle and an elephant stood close together, almost like being one family, and with a little lemur sitting on the back of the elephant. Laura was surprised again, as so often on this strange but beautiful world, and she remained with Bert for some moments, only enjoying this almost surreal sight. But it was really true...

As Laura and Bert left this place finally the mother of all life began to speak to her companion happily...
Well, Bert, I can assure you, no matter where my further journey still will take me, and how all of this may end, I will never forget this world again in my life. Really never...
Bert nodded with his head excited and also made appropriate sounds, while walking at the side of Laura and holding her hand all the time. He really seemed to understand every word of Laura, and she never doubted this any single moment...
After some time Laura and Bert reached another wonderful place on Afreean. It was a small lake, the only one in a bigger distance, and with almost countless different animals all around. It was a steady coming and going here, and again a wonderful sight for Laura. She decided to make a break here then, watching the activities of all animals. And again, such genera, which would have been deadly enemies on Earth, walked together peacefully here, and Laura really never could observe anything different here than complete peace. She really knew she had found a very special paradise here...

But though, though of all incredible things Laura found on this world so far, there were also different thoughts, being concerned with this mission and the true background. Because Laura knew it all the time, since the beginning of her journey on this world, this was not all. This paradise she found was not all, simply walking through it and being astonished about, this would really be too easy. Elora, her first guide in this universe, had spoken about a mystery on Afreean, a puzzle to solve and answers to find. There was much more behind all this than Laura could see so far, and she never doubted this fact at all. But she still had no answers...
And besides, so far she also had not met and spoken to any human inhabitant at all of this world, though she at least knew they existed at least. And now, after the wonderful experiences with the people of Bert, she finally wanted to find humans and solve the mystery...
It happened. Finally it really happened, as Bert suddenly got very excited. Jumping around in front of Laura and making really excited sounds he then run away, straight forward. Laura was a little bit wondering, but then she followed Bert immediately. Obviously his eyes were better than hers, but after a short time Laura could see what excited Bert so much. And Laura stopped again, as she began to smile...
There we are! A beautiful artificially created park, with wooden bridges over a floating stream. And pretty different birds all around. This is for sure the first real sign of a human culture on this world, and I am sure we are close to my final destination now. So, well done, Bert, I always knew you would lead me to the right destination at last...

Laura and Bert began to cross the wooden bridges, and halfway between Laura could see something. A small shape appeared in the opposite distance, just from the way Laura and Bert were following now. And soon Laura recognized this shape, as the human person she had seen yet earlier, when she had met this elephant herd. It was some kind of childlike guard, and he seemed to wait for Laura and Bert now...
Last time this mysterious guard had simply disappeared again before any close encounter, but this time he waited at his position. But he did not speak. When Laura and Bert were only a few metres away the young boy made a gesticulation to follow him. And without any word he turned around and walked along the way he just had came from, while Laura first looked at Bert amazed. But then they followed the mysterious boy...
Laura made it. She really made it at last, as she found the first village with humans as inhabitants, the first settlement of the lost children on this beautiful world. And here she also found a former child again, the little boy from some time ago, collecting wood then. And also other inhabitants were greeting Laura and Bert now...

The mother of all life was really happy. Of course she enjoyed the friendship to Bert every single moment, but the possibility to talk to somebody again was simply like an salvation. And Laura walked on then, close to two young girls standing at the beginning of the village. And she began to talk to those girls at once...
Hello, people, nice to meet you finally! It has been a long way to reach this first human settlement, after impressing experiences with your animals, living on this really unusual world. But now I am really interested to speak with somebody again, and I hope I am welcome here. Some rest would be very good and needful for my meanwhile exhausted body...
One of the young girls nodded with her head, while she smiled, and she answered Laura after some moments...
Girl 1:
And how you are welcome here, Laura, as we know about you since a longer time yet and waited for your arrival since then. It is a pleasure to meet you finally, and as long as you stay here you will enjoy our hospitality. But before we speak, would you be interested in a good dinner first? It is the right time now, and I guess you must be hungry...
Laura began to smile as we, nodding with her head...
Thank you, of course we will accept your kind offer. I hope my little companion is welcome here too?
The second girl answered now...
Girl 2:
He is! So, until we prepare dinner, please, sit down anywhere and rest, we will bring you water and the meal will be ready soon...
Laura and Bert did as they were told, sitting down onto the soft grass. Drinking some water then they only relaxed, and Laura knew she had done another important step towards her final destination on this unusual world. Whatever this final destination then would be...
It was evening time again. After an extensive dinner within the circle of the villagers Laura and Bert still sat together with the two girls from before, close to a bonfire. The sky was clear and countless stars were shining from above. Laura talked to the young girls again, telling them first about her so far experiences on the world Afreean. And finally the mother of all life sighed deeply one time, with shaking her head...
Well, I know there is a mystery around this world, and that it is my task to solve it, but so far I have still no idea what may be behind all this. Because what I see and find here all around, it is just the opposite to all I know from my own whole universe, of all worlds I ever visited. It seems, for some reasons all normal laws of nature are completely in abeyance, for normally animals only are categorized into hunters the hunted ones. And hunters would only be carnivores, but not on Afreean...
Laura paused for a short time, lowering her head and taking a deep breath, before she looked up again and continued her speech...
Well, nothing on this world seems to be like in our worlds, and this is what makes all thing so strange. Not least the intelligence of animals here, especially my chimpanzee friends. I never could imagine before they could live the way I experienced it here, in their own village, like humans. And the question remains - how is all of this possible?
The two young girls smiled at Laura, as one of them began to speak again after some moments...
Girl 1:
We can not give you this answer, Laura, as this is the secret and your task for our world to solve. But you have not by a long shot seen much all of our world, and we believe, we simply know, the time will bring you all answers. We know you are the chosen one, to be designed to lead all armies of light into the last was of apocalypse one day. This is what every lost child believes, but we must obey the rules, given from our leaders, to simply proof and prepare the chosen one when she comes one day. And this day came now...
The second girl nodded with her head confirming, and both girls smiled happily. Then the second girl began to speak...
Girl 2:
Yes, it has come, and you are here. You are among our people now, and seeing you, speaking to you, hearing your voice and feeling what come out of you, out of your heart and soul, it is true. You are the chosen one, as it had been announced yet centuries before. We would not need any further proof, but we must obey the rules. And so your long journey will continue here, until you reach the heart and centre of Afreean then. And when this happens you will have found your answers...
Laura was astonished and arched her eyebrows. As she answered herself again her voice sounded deeply moved...
Well, you girls really nonplusses me, and I am astonished. As I first entered your universe I had no idea what to expect here, and I was even prepared for refusal and enmity. There were such a lot of rumors, doubts and fears around, since I was told about the parallel universe the first time. But now I only find friends here, and helpful people and animals. Your hospitality simply overwhelms me now...
Laura could not avoid some tears, making her eyes a little bit wet now. She lowered her head then...
I accept all rules and conditions you have for me, and I will do my best to solve all tasks. And I will continue my journey the day after tomorrow, if I could enjoy your hospitality one more day, and if you then would tell me if my way is right, or which direction I should take from here, I want to find the centre of your wonderful world soon...
The first girl took the floor again now...
Girl 1:
Laura, you can stay here as long as you want, decide for yourself when you want to leave again. And for the journey, you know our river nearby yet, called Aronk, which guided you since a shorter time. Return to the park from before and follow the way of the water. Stay always quite close to this river, until you reach a further area of our people, where they assemble regularly for work and more. You can not miss it this way, Laura...
Laura nodded with her head gratefully...
Thank you very much, I will do so. And I hope my little friend here, Bert, will further accompany me, as I would be very sad if he leaves me, now that we have found the first human settlement...
Laura turned her head towards Bert before she continued speaking, and now straight to him...
I would really need your further help, Bert, and I really would not like to loose a wonderful friend now. Will you further accompany me, as long as I stay in this world...?
Bert had made his decision long since. And so he jumped up now from his place, swinging his arms and making excited sound at once. This was a real answer for Laura and she began to smile delighted. Now she knew she would not loose her wonderful friend...
You embarrass me really all, my friends, and I have no words now. Except those, thank you all so much...
Further tears were appearing in Laura's eyes now, and she could not stop them. As they began to roll down her cheeks Bert reacted and sat onto Laura's lap, embracing her then. Laura did the same and closed her eyes, while the two girls next to her were only looking deeply moved at each other. And it really were moments of grand emotions, where all kept silence now. And they stayed sitting like this, until Darkness fell...
Laura and Bert had returned into a cottage again to spend the last night in the human village there. It was another cottage this time, as the roof of the last one was damaged a little bit by the last heavy rain and could not be repaired so fast yet. But it didn't matter, of course, as the tired friends only were happy to have a bed again for recovering sleep this night. And it really did not take much time until Laura and Bert fell asleep finally...
Anytime, deep in the night, when Laura and Bert were sleeping deeply and having beautiful dreams, it suddenly happened. While it was still raining heavily outside the hut, and the rain was pattering against walls and windows, a shadow appeared inside the cottage. It appeared in one dark corner of the hut, to the right side of the chimney, where a comforting fire was burning. And the shadow began to assume a human appearance quickly...
It was one of the known lost children, the one Laura and Bert had met before entering the village yet. And this child seemed different towards the others here, anyhow it had magical abilities...

The young girl smiled happily at Laura, while her magic wand now began to create a mass of light and energy at its top. And this energy began to grow very fast then. The mysterious girl began to speak then, but only whispering to herself to not awake Laura and Bert...

Poor Laura, mighty brave girl form so far away, but closer to us than you could ever imagine. It is such a pity also we can not be totally honest to you, after your whole so far life has almost been a one and only illusion. But you deserve the truth, and much more beyond, and we believe in you. You will solve all tasks and mysteries, finding the necessary answers. You will proof your true existence and find your true self in the end, to be who you always should have been, and accept your fate. When I would not believe anything else at all, but I do believe that, Laura...
Poor Laura, mighty brave girl form so far away, but closer to us than you could ever imagine. It is such a pity also we can not be totally honest to you, after your whole so far life has almost been a one and only illusion. But you deserve the truth, and much more beyond, and we believe in you. You will solve all tasks and mysteries, finding the necessary answers. You will proof your true existence and find your true self in the end, to be who you always should have been, and accept your fate. When I would not believe anything else at all, but I do believe that, Laura...
The mysterious girl sighed deeply one time before she continued whispering to herself...
This is really only the beginning, Laura, but finally the beginning of your way to your true self. And to the final truth about all things, so the grand illusion can finally fade away. And you will make it in time, before evil itself will have back its true size and power. But for now, sleep and dream well, my beloved pretty girl, your journey continues tomorrow...
With those words the foreign girl kept silence then, still smiling at Laura for some further moments. But finally she disappeared again in the shadow from before, which dissolved quickly then...
A news day began over the village of the lost children of Afreean, and the rain had finally stopped. The sky was still full of clouds, but at least they started to break up now. The preconditions for Laura and Bert to continue their journey were present now...
After a last breakfast in the village Laura and Bert stood at the outskirts of the village finally, talking to one of the leading girls of this great rural community. It was the time to say goodbye now...

I can only thank you so much once more for your wonderful hospitality, for it was a great time to be here and the chance to get known with you a little bit. I wished there would have been more time to stay, but my mission is too important - we must leave now. However, I can say I will never forget about this village again...
The girl nodded with her head happily...
Thank you, Laura, we also appreciated your presence so much, and we wish you all the luck and success you need for your journey. We all believe in you, that you will make it in the end...
Laura didn't answer any more, but she simply embraced the girl deeply moved. With wet eyes she finally walked way, with Bert at her side, holding his hand. Laura turned around one last time, beckoning the young girl, then she left the village definitely...
Laura and Bert followed the way as they had been told in the village, always staying close to the river, but walking though a pretty rainforest then. Bert did not leave Laura's side at all, and they made good progress on their way. Laura hoped to reach a new destination part at least before the next night, and so they walked at a smart pace...

Laura used her only remaining supernatural ability of changing clothes often, also depending on the environment and weather conditions, and sometimes also only because it was simply fun. But suddenly they made an unexpected encounter with a really huge animal, a gorilla, towering over Laura obviously when standing on two feet...

Laura had no fear at all, as Bert also was totally relaxed - meanwhile she knew animals on this world would not mean any danger at all. On the contrary, the gorilla joined Bert and her for a while, before finally leaving anytime into the huge rainforest again...
It was about midday as Laura and Bert made a first break then. Very close to the river they sat on the big roots of a giant tree, simply relaxing after a small meal among the shade. And after a while Laura began to speak to Bert, and also to herself then...

We are really be doing fine, Bert, and though I doubt we seem to reach any further human settlement until darkness will draw near again. But however, we will deal with every necessary situation then. Let's see how far we still can get this day...
Laura and Bert stood up again and they began to move. The two friends followed the course of the big river once more, at least hoping a next destination would not be too far away then...
Well, Laura was right with her feelings. They did not reach anything until the end of the current day, and so, after dusk they searched for a suitable place to sleep nearby. But as there really was not a plenty of choice they found rest in the middle of nowhere, in the middle of the nature around - after finally leaving the huge rainforest. Laura was leaning against a tree, closing her eyes while Bert sat on her lap. And both fell asleep very soon, as they really were tired after a long day of wandering around...

And no end in sight...
A new day began over Afreean again, and after a short breakfast Laura and Bert were on their feet again. Laura decided to leave again early, to perhaps reach a new destination this day. The area changed now, as there were mountains around. The flat plain definitely ended, and soon the way for Laura and Bert leaded them upwards...
It was against midday again when Laura and Bert met a new group of humans again. Not lost children this time, but adults with camels, just resting on a rock plateau. And those humans welcomed Laura and Bert friendly, also making them a nice offer. The humans were on their way to a bigger town on Afreean, and they would escort Laura and Bert there. Of course the two friends accepted this offer happily...

It still was a longer march through mountains and high plains, until the group saw their destination finally. A really big town at the horizon with buildings from simple huts to even latest skyscraper - it was all there. Laura was really surprised and amazed...
The adult group parted with Laura and Bert again, as they entered a suburban of the huge town, with more simple huts here and a lot of people working on a public place, most of them with collecting and handling fruits. Laura was welcomed by them very kind once more, and she sat down on the ground first to rest a little bit. With embracing Bert, sitting in her lap again. And somehow Laura was not surprised to see a well known face again here - the lost girl from the village who seemed to be a kind of shaman. She beckoned Laura and disappeared in the town then...

After some time Laura and Bert also got back onto their feet again and began to walk towards the centre of the unknown town too, very excited what would wait for them in there...
It was raining again. Just as dusk was approaching it started raining once more. Laura and Bert had crossed the town meanwhile, searching their way to the main palace of this human city, where they believed to meet a leading person of this certainly important city on Afreean. And as it started to rain Laura and Bert just arrived in front of the really huge and impressing palace, ready to enter it now, as the guards let them pass without any problem...

Inside the beautiful palace Laura and Bert were welcomed by further lost children, and the mother of all life could talk to them. By this means she could cross the palace, talking to further lost children on this way, and getting new needed information then...
Laura knew something important now. This palace was a part of the royal reign on this world, as there really was one queen, ruling this wonderful world in perfect love and harmony, and this palace was one site of the royal dynasty, having palaces in multiple towns on Afreean...

However, the queen was not here, and Laura at least knew one thing now - solving the mystery of Afreean also meant to find this mystical queen. She knew this being would not only be a normal lost child, it really would be much more powerful, holding the answers Laura was searching for. To find her would not be an easy task at all, this was also what she heard from all children here she was talking to...

Laura and Bert spent the night in this huge castle, as they had been invited to, and the next day woke up in bright sunshine again. Laura and Bert continued their journey after an extensive breakfast, and with some new advices where to go next. They could talk at least to a high royal servant last night, giving them valuable hints for the further journey, and Laura knew she still had a long way to go for the last destination on Afreean...
Still early in the new morning Laura and Bert were ready to leave the palace, and the huge town again finally, after saying goodbye to the lost children around...

Laura and Bert were wandering through the wonderful nature of Afreean once again, as the sun still was standing low at the horizon, and they found a tired male lion on their way, resting on the ground. Laura could still not believe all of this, the perfect harmony between all things on this world - something the people on Earth could only dream in all times. Especially on Earth, but also on all other worlds Laura ever learned about...
Laura did not insist doing to sit down at the site of the lion herself, with Beret in her lap again, something she really would never had done on any other world at all. Really never...

After a while Laura and Bert stood up again and continued their way, as they finally were back at the river they had been following before yet a longer time. And so they did again now, with a lot of different animals around. Peaceful animals, as always...

Laura and Bert were wandering all the day without arriving at a new destination then, and they had to spend the night in the wild once more. But this was really no problem on a world like Afreean...
As the next day began, as Laura and Bert just were back on their feet again to continue their journey once again, something really strange happened. Laura was not sure about what she saw now, a vision or only a illusion? Maybe only a delusion at last?
No. Laura knew it was true. A strange picture at the horizon, above the trees, hanging in the sky and showing a shadow in bright light. And it was the shadow of a huge gorilla...

Laura looked at Bert as the phenomenon disappeared again, and her little companion really was excited now. He jumped around and screeched with wild gestures, so Laura knew he had seen the same like her. But it seemed not to frighten him, he only was totally excited...
Laura could not get an answer here. It only was a new mystery, and she had to find an answer herself. And Laura decided to look for gorillas on her further way, as she believed there were further of them, like the really huge one she had met before. Something very mysterious was going on here, certainly with all monkeys on this world, beginning with Bert and now leading her to the race of gorillas...
Laura and Bert finally continued their journey, as Bert had calmed down again, staying near to the river Aronk...
Some time later, walking through a new forest again near the river Aronk, Laura and Bert found a bigger population of gorillas, living in this area. Those apes also were very peaceful, with no problem to accept Laura and her little companion in their centre. Laura sat down on the ground, viewing those monkeys carefully and with different eyes now. She knew something really unusual was going on here, on this strange world, and the whole mystery, so much at least seemed clear now, must had something to do with the races of apes, with all of them...

And yes, though also the gorillas had no real language Laura could see they were no normal apes, like on other worlds before. Laura realized intelligence in their eyes, and in their behaviour. And they talked to each other with their hands, with sign language...
Laura could not understand what they spoke this way, but she knew it was real. No balderdash at all, they really talked to each other, and also tried to talk with Laura. She was sad she could not understand this language, but Bert did. He could talk with the gorillas, and he understood every single sign. At last he turned to Laura...
Bert took the hand of Laura and pulled her back onto her feet. Then he walked away with her, into a certain direction. It was obvious Bert had learned something important from the gorillas, and now he wanted to show Laura. She followed him curiously...
Laura was shocked. Shocked at least for some moments, as she saw what the destination was at that point. And it really was totally unexpected, as she found the leader of the gorilla population, the chief of the whole group. But Bert had no fear at all, and after some moments Laura also lost her fear. She could simple feel it, also this really huge gorilla meant no danger to her at all. And he could have been three or four times taller than Laura, the hugest gorilla she had ever met in her whole life...
The huge gorilla leader sat on the ground and invited Laura and Bert with a hand movement to come closer, and to sit down in front of him. And Laura and Bert did as they were told...

The huge gorilla tried to communicate with Laura. And in the course of time Laura began to understand some parts of the sign language, at least as much to get some basic information...
In the end Laura had won a new friend, and she sat with her back against the huge gorilla, embracing Bert who sat in front of Laura. She was ready to continue her story, now with some new information, which made her more confident to solve the mystery of Afreean...
Laura knew now that this huge ape was not the end of the journey, not the highest creature for all ape races. There was still more, and as she understood a real goddess, living somewhere on this world. She was the beloved royal empress of Afreean, and she kept all answers Laura was looking for. To find her now was the only further way to go then...
Some time later Laura and Bert said goodbye to the huge gorilla leader, then they were back on their long journey again...
After a trudge again Laura and Bert encountered a group of human adults again, and they were on their way into a village nearby. Laura and Bert decided to join this group, to perhaps get some further information in this village. In the end every single hint, even the smallest one, could be helpful to find the final destination on Afreean...

It needed half an hour to reach the new village then, and Laura and Bert were welcomed there very cordial again. Telling about their mission they could get an audience with the chief of the village, and Laura prepared to meet the leader of this village...
Laura sat on a wooden balustrade, next to the chief, while his son also joined this meeting, sitting on the ground. And as usual also Bert were present, sitting in the lap of Laura...

It was a long and good conversation, though Laura of course could not learn about the place of her final destination. But the chief told her to be very close yet at least, and it was the only matter of Laura herself now to find it. The chief explained it more detailed then...
You see, Laura, our goddess can never be found with physical hints or by logic and searching with your eyes. There is no normal way to ever reach her, and if you would try so, you will still be on the search in a hundred years' time. You must depart from this imagination and find another way - the only possible way to find the goddess...
The chief paused for some considerable moments, before he finally continued with his important speech...
But if you are what we believe, the chosen one, though of loosing your supernatural powers, you will find this way and reach the goddess. Think about it and try, succeed and you can find all answers. This is all I can tell you, the rest is up to you...
Laura nodded with her head understanding. She had already thought about this possibility, that a goddess would not be able to found in a normal way, and she stood on her feet again...
Thank you, I understand. If there is a possibility I will find this way, no matter what to do for it. I will find your goddess...
Laura and Bert left the village again, as they didn't want to waste any further time, and so they were on their journey again. Soon they arrived at the river Aronk again, where Laura stopped. Animals and people were on their way here, but Laura had no eyes for them now. Instead she thought about the words of the village elder...
Well, yes, I do understand what this chief meant, Bert. And he was right, how could I doubt it? There is only one way to reach a hidden goddess, with no physical or supernatural help. And I will do so, indeed. Let's search for a suitable place then, waking along this river a little bit further. Okay, then, Bert, follow me again...
Laura and Bert continued their journey along this big and impressing river, meeting further people, animals and lost children. They also had further talks and interesting acquaintanceships, and Laura kept looking for a special place to make her next important break...

After another hour of walking along the river Aronk, the mother of all life finally began to smile happily. She stopped immediately and turned to Bert, speaking to him then...
Look, Bert, there ahead, this is just what I was searching for now. Let's settle ourselves there, and I promise you I will find the needed way to find the goddess of this world in the end...
Laura began to move again, straight towards a little dock ahead, where she finally sat down at the ledge to the water. And of course once more with Bert in her lap...

After a short time of relaxing and getting whole quiet internal Laura closed her eyes. Bert knew he had to be whole quiet himself now too, and he really didn't move at all then any more...
Laura concentrated on her inmost being, becoming one with her heart and soul. She let all her love and inner energies flow, flowing through her whole body in the end...
This was the way to search for a goddess, the only way to do so. And anytime Laura began to smile with her closed eyes, whispering to herself then like just returning from another world into reality...
Yes, this is it, this is our way! Thank you, unknown goddess of Afreean, I know we will meet soon now...
Laura sighed deeply one time, opening her eyes again finally. She stood up again, taking the hand of Bert. And only a few moments later the two companions were on their way again...
Laura was lead now only by her heart and feelings, her mind was no longer in demand at this part of the journey. And the mother of all life still totally trusted into her feelings, also without any supernatural abilities any more. And her heart really showed Laura the way...
It needed not so much time then to reach a next destination on this way, and yet from the distance Laura knew her heart had not misled her at all. She notice a huge artificial construction of stone, with a huge statue in the form of a head and a kind of giant temple complex behind it. And Laura also saw she was not alone with Bert in this area...
The mother of all life and Bert were welcomed in front of the temple complex by two lost children - and both of them really were familiar faces yet. One girl was from the huge city before, and the other one once more the shaman they had met several times before yet...

The shaman greeted Laura with a happy smile in her face, and she began to speak to her at once...
Welcome to the divine temple complex of Afreean, Laura, and of course we never doubted your heart would lead you to this place. With your mind only you would have been able to cross our whole world without ever discovering this place, but now you are here. The portal you can see ahead is the entrance to a huge area of temples, where our children spend much time with serving the goddess and learn from her. You can enter this area now, and with your heart full of love you will certainly find the final temple where our goddess will welcome you...
The shaman turned around and stretched her left arm towards the portal of the temple complex...
Go now, Laura, and stride through the portal. And let our best wishes accompany you on your further journey, as we really believe in you, as Laura, the chosen one...
Laura was deeply moved and nodded with her head, when she felt some tears filling her eyes. But she didn't hesitate, and after a short farewell she walked towards the portal with Bert at her side and entered it. The last passage of her long journey on Afreean began...
Laura further totally depended on her feelings as she and Bert had entered the temple complex, and it really was an extensive area, non-limited by any artificial or natural barriers until the horizon. What Laura saw was a landscape with enormous forests and multiple temples of different kinds all around. And Laura only walked slowly now, with Bert at her hand, looking around very closely to not miss anything important. It was simply impressing, and Laura could feel the divine presence all around...

Laura stopped for some moments, sighing deeply one time, and she began to whisper with awe in her face...
Indeed, this is a holy area, and the divine presence is sensible with every step I make at this place. But this area is really enormous, and it still will take some time to find the right temple. My heart will lead me on, until we reach the final destination then...
Laura sighed another time and began to move again, taking the hand of Bert once more. And the area changed after some time, and also the kind of temples, as they got bigger and higher. Standing at the begin of this new area Laura began to smile at once...

Do you see what I see, Bert? One temple is different than the others, and now also my eyes confirm where my heart leads me to. Our last destination really is within reach now...
Bert understood the words of Laura, and he got very excited. As it seemed the special temple of the goddess of Afreean had a magical attraction to the little monkey, and suddenly Bert broke free from Laura. Before she could do anything the chimpanzee run away, straight towards the destination temple. Laura shook her head and sighed deeply...
Okay, he is excited, I can understand this. But we will certainly meet again at our last destination...
Laura began to walk again herself, and after some time she really stood in the area of the splendid temple. Some lost children were waiting here, dancing and celebrating as Laura arrived, and also Bert was waiting here. And after some time another child appeared, a young boy this time, welcoming Laura and Bert with kind words...

So then, Laura, you have reached your final destination on our beautiful world, and our wonderful goddess is waiting for you inside the divine main temple. Bert can not follow you any further here, you must face the goddess on your own inside. And as you found this last destination, our regent can answer you all remaining questions. At least I guess there are still some of them, so continue now into the temple...
Laura nodded with her head once...
Thank you. And yes, there are still questions left, as the mystery, at least the mystery for me about your world, is not yet solved. Though I sense certain coherences in my heart, I must get assurance...
Laura went towards Bert now, kneeling in front of him and holding his hands. She spoke to him with wet eyes...
Bert, my dear friend, I don't know what happens now, and if this may perhaps even be our last farewell yet. Of course I would like to see you again, but if this is not possible any more afterwards, know then, you are really such a good friend to me. You were so kind and helpful, and I really love you. I will miss you when I must leave this world again, but one thing is for sure. I will never forget about you again...
Laura embraced Bert now, and also the chimpanzee seemed to be very sad at this moment. But finally it was about time, and Laura stood up again. Sad and sighing she turned around and began to climb the stairs towards the entrance of the divine temple...
Laura stood inside the divine temple, and it really was a huge construction. The mother of all life could feel the divine presence of the holy goddess in every part of this temple, and now she was on her search for the throne room, where she certainly would find the goddess. Not knowing anything about this building Laura only used her heart again for leading her, and as she reached the throne room area at last she suddenly stopped...
Laura stood in a huge hall with corridors at both sides, separated by columns from the throne room part in the middle. And before she could see the throne itself Laura simply grew stiff...
She knew it. Suddenly she somehow knew it, even without seeing the goddess with her eyes. But her heart told the whole truth, though the mind still wanted to refuse to believe...
Laura took a deep breath and closed her eyes for some moments. still remaining at her current position the mother of all life shook her head several times, before she whispered to herself...
In fact, it is you...

Laura finally began to move again. Walking forward slowly she could now catch sight of the throne between the columns the first time. And yes, nobody else was sitting on it than her wonderful and true companion, being at her side before all the time on Afreean.
It was Bert...

Laura stepped through two of the columns now, walking until the begin of a small stairs, which let up to the throne at the rear wall of this hall then, and Bert was waiting for Laura there...
Somehow Laura was really disturbed, and somehow she was also not, as her heart at least told her not to be surprised. There had always been a strange feeling about Bert - and all apes on this world, and now Laura had her final confirmation...
She knew now, Bert could not only understand her words, he certainly was also able to speak himself. And as all people had spoken about a goddess, well, the name "Bert" certainly was not quite appropriate, but Laura would learn more about the truth now for sure...
The mother of all life finally ascended the stairs, but the she wasn't able to ask any questions. Suddenly the monkey began to change, as his body began to dissolve and instead another being began to take shape out of it. Laura understood, the real goddess was appearing now...
A young girl, with the body of a mermaid, standing just in front of the throne now, as Bert had completely disappeared and the goddess in her new form was complete. She had colourful wings on her back, and the eyes without lids were gleaming blue...

Laura began to smile. She could feel the divine power of this creature, as the goddess finally began to speak. Her voice resounded mightily through the whole hall, but in heavenly peace and joy. Laura knew she was safe here, and the creature welcomed her now. The face of this mighty goddess was also smiling happily...
Welcome, Laura, I am really so glad you have found me, and solved the first part of your task here on our wonderful and paradisal world, on Afreean. Your journey here was a test for your heart, to see if you can become one with yourself so deeply to only be led by your heart and feeling - it was the only way to get here at all. And you made it without any problems, as I expected. So, once more, welcome in this world and our universe, Laura, we are so happy to have you here now...
Laura nodded with her head before answering...
Thank you, I am also happy to be here now, though your words remind me that my journey is not over yet. But it is no surprise, as I rather wondered to be here yet, because without all answers at all it simply couldn't be the end of my task on Afreean yet. Am I right, that this journey still has to continue? And if possible, may I learn something about you? That you are a goddess, that much is clear now, but though, what - who are you really? I can feel that I have not seen all things yet, nowhere near, and I still do not understand the mystery of this unusual world, especially the relationships between humans and animals. I can only feel so much, that there is a much stronger conjunction than I have ever sensed it on every other world so far in my life...
The goddess also nodded with her head now, and she answered once more with her powerful, but harmonic voice...
Yes, Laura, your feelings are strong and do not deceive you. Your way to this place, your way to find me, was only a first step on this world, as the task isn't over yet. And also yes, there is a secret beyond all things you have seen so far, the big secret responsible for our paradise. In fact, what you have seen and even experienced here, it wasn't real, as so many things so far in your life. You have experienced a wonderful dream, a dream we gave to you. You could also name it a vision - a vision about the future. Because this is the future we want to create - a perfect paradise, raising from the ashes of a wild and cruel world, for our lost children here. In truth it is still a different world, the world of adults as we know it from Earth. It is like you would look into a mirror from Earth and see the same world as a mirror-world. You have gone through this mirror, first into a vision of the possible future, where the adults relinquished their destructive way of life and gave all power to their children. And those lost children could build their paradise...
Laura nodded with her head...
I understand. This is in fact a wonderful dream, and I can feel how this story continues. The connection between the cruel world and paradise, it is me. You want me to somehow realize this dream, and make it come true. You want to send me on a further journey therefore...
The goddess smiled nodding...
As I said, Laura, your feelings and your intuition are really strong. This actually would really be the second part of your journey, and if we really could build this paradise then, it would have depended on you then. The dream would only have come true if you totally succeeded, and if you would have shown it to us in this special case, that you really are the chosen one we waited for all this long time. Nobody else could succeed here, but as we believe in you, we know you would have been successful in the end...
Laura took a deep breath before she answered again...
Your confidence really honours me, goddess, but how could I ever perform a miracle like this? Especially as a normal human being, who I am now? I have no idea at all, all the more as you speak strange now. What means "would have been..." and similar words? Will this be my next mission now, or will it not? I don't understand at the moment what you are talking about. And, by the way, would it perhaps be possible that I at least hear your name, to know how I could approach you?
The mighty goddess answered not at once, as she took a deep breath first. But finally she began to speak again...
I am sorry, Laura, but I can not yet reveal my name, as it would bespeak too much of the special secret yet, the secret you must still solve on your own. And yes, you could perform a true miracle here, if you simply are what we believe - and react this way. It will still be a trial of your heart, because only your heart can and will determine this last decision. But therefore we still have this more difficult, as you will travel through a special energy portal into the past of this world. With this portal you will loose all your memories of your true existence - as long as you are in this past. You will slip into a role and other life, totally different from all you experienced so far. The only thing remaining is your heart. And no matter what you see and experience in this past and role, your heart will make the last decision. If you fail, if your mission is not successful, then you will return here automatically and unharmed. But this would mean the end of your whole journey in our universe then, and the end of all our hopes. If you succeed you will find the portal into the next world and your journey through our universe will continue. You will leave Afreean then, leaving behind a real paradise. The paradise you already experienced. But, for urgent reasons, this will not happen yet, not now..
Laura looked at the mysterious goddess furrowed now, and she shook her head several times...
What are you talking about now, I do not understand. What could be more urgent to fulfil this whole mission and make it possible to create the paradise you hope for...?
The goddess nodded with her head understanding, before she took the floor once more then...
Well, you must understand, we leaders of the single worlds are also only a part of the whole universe, and the rules are made by others. We implement the missions for you, but place and time is always decided by others. There are still higher instances also in our universe, but you will learn about this fact later. And so, the second part of this mission has been deleted for now, and it may be you can still fulfil it later - or not at all. Accept it for now as we must do, for now another mission is waiting for you...
Laura sighed deeply one time...
Okay, there are rules and I will follow them, of course. We must not understand all things, but we must follow our way and destiny. So, what will it be instead then now, what is my next mission?
The goddess began to smile slightly before she answered again, with her firm but warm voice...
I will tell you later, Laura, just keep a little bit more patience for now. Because at this point I will give you something else now first, another hint for a possible future, your very own future, if you succeed all tasks in our universe. And if you reach your last destination. Look...
The goddess pointed into a certain direction and Laura suddenly saw a mirror appearing there, only the empty sash for a mirror at least, simply hanging in the air now...

This is a magic mirror which can show many magic things, and also moments of a possible future. What you see will not be explained, see it only with your heart and feelings. Explore your heart and soul, to find answers I can not give to you, and retain those images in your heart, from now as long as you live. Even if you do not understand them now, even if they tell you nothing yet, they are essential for you. If you succeed and reach the last destination, you will understand them and find all answers, otherwise they will fade forever. And please, believe me, this is your first hint ever for a truth beyond all knowledge you ever attained so far, impressions of the last truth you were searching for since such a long time. And a truth that is older yet than both universes, from a forgotten time, only still known by us and two further goddesses...
Laura's eyes began to dilate noticeably suddenly, and her next words left her mouth involuntarily...
Diayla and Amarylisse...
The mighty goddess nodded with her head once...
Yes. Your two known goddesses keep this secret for an incredible long time yet, but do not be angry with them therefore now, Laura. There have been reasons, good reasons, why they could never tell you anything about, for it was neither the place nor the time for. In fact your whole way was predetermined to reach our universe, as this was the only place ever to find your answers and the whole truth. Diayla and Amarylisse always knew this, and they did what they had to do, preparing you as much to first leave the fateful path of "the old man", this specious shadow of the true and pure evil which wanted to pull you on the dark side forever. And afterwards they guided you until the point you were ready to learn about us, to send you in our universe then, though even the two goddesses weren't whole sure any more about our intention. Because of the long time of separation and isolation, after we closed our universe totally for every being of your universe, even the goddesses. It was a necessary step to keep all evil outside, and as long as this parallel universe exists evil will never take any step into it at all. Diayla and Amarylisse accepted the risk for not knowing anything about us any more, for they also knew that they had no other choice at all. Your destination was here, and only here, and now you can fulfil your destiny and become the being you were assigned for since eternity, and to finally lead the complete armies of light into the last deciding war, the war of apocalypse against all armies of evil...
The goddess paused for some meaningful moments, and Laura did not react. She only looked at the goddess with big eyes...
Yes, Laura, this was always your determination, and you know it. You may not know the exact circumstances and details, but you know this war has to come. And it will, by one means or another. And this means, if you fail, if you can not complete your whole mission here, our both universes can not be reunited again. We will then have no chance to defeat evil at all. When it is strong enough it will totally destroy your universe first and transform it into a one and only hell. And with this power we also can not resist any longer, and evil will also destroy our universe in the end. All life as you know it will be doomed forever, and this would be the end of the story...
The mighty goddess kept silence for some more moments, and Laura thought about those really painful words. She really knew about the unavoidable war of apocalypse a long time yet, but she never thought about it so clearly yet than in those oppressive moments. The meaning of her mission had never been as clear before, and the burden on her shoulders suddenly seemed so heavy. But Laura defeated all doubts and fears, with her heart and determination. The goddess noticed it satisfied...
Yes, Laura, you have this strength to carry this burden, even as a normal human being now. And if you keep your strength and heart this way, then you will reach the last destination, and fulfil your true destiny, which will be the hardest challenge ever. As we all you also have no choice here, and this is why Diayla and Amarylisse could never react different then. If they had told you the whole truth, you would not have been prepared, and you would not have been able to fulfil your destiny at all. They could not risk this, and the only way to really prepare you is getting through all our tasks and mission here. Step by step you will be led to the last destination, and yes, there are waiting hard challenges for you out there. Hard, but nothing you could not solve. And if you have gone through all our tasks, you will be prepared and strong enough to fulfil your destiny. We believe in that...
As the goddess finally became silent then Laura didn't answer at once. But then she took a deep breath and looked into the eyes of the goddess again, more determined than ever before...
I understand. I really do, and I am not angry with anybody. You all did what you had to do, only for the best for us all, and I really would not have been prepared before. Especially after such a long life of lies and deception, where it needed much time to find my right and true way at all. And I will continue my journey here, no matter where it ends and what is still waiting for me then. I will do all to reach the final destination and fulfil my destiny, you always can be sure about that. I am only sad about the fact that my sister Estera can not be with me on this way, as I miss her so much...
The goddess nodded with her head...
This is more than understandable, but not possible. But let me tell you this now, to take a piece of burden from your soul. Estera, your sister, is safe. She is not demon-possessed, and in fact never was. It was only a delusion, created by Amarylisse, because it was necessary. Diayla and Amarylisse needed a reason you and your sister could be separated again after entering our universe, and a demon would never have been accepted here of course. We made you believe Estera had been isolated therefore then, but in truth she is not possessed and lives her normal life in safety now, on Rylon, the world you started in our universe. She has been welcomed and is one of our children now - with the chance to meet you again if you succeed your whole mission. This is a truth I can reveal now...
Laura was radiant with joy now...
Thank you, majesty, thank you so much. This is so good to know, as I must not fear for the destiny of my beloved sister any longer. She really is safe now, and there is really no place I could wish her to be than on one of your wonderful worlds...
Laura took another deep and almost salvific breath and continued speaking with a truly determined voice...
And so, I am ready now. Show me your pictures, please, the visions of your magic mirror, whatever it wants to reveal. Only one thing before the mirror starts, one last question, though I know the answer yet, of course. You will not answer, as you can not do so like for many other things. And though I must ask this question, even if only for myself in the end...
Laura closed her eyes for some moments, and for this short time she felt bitterness raising inside her heart. But those sad feelings disappeared again at a great pace, as Laura could defeat and banish them out of her heart. And her real strength returned again...
Who am I? Who am I really? This is the question really following me yet my whole life, as I lived in different existences yet, from a simple human being until a goddess - and back now to a human being. But in all the time I never found the true me, never. Of course I thought this search had been over with Amarylisse, but now I know better. Even this part of my life now only has been a kind of..., a kind of intermezzo, as with your words it is clear I still have not found my true me. And this means the most essential question remains, the one and only question for my existence - who am I really...?
The goddess nodded with her head, and as she began to speak her answer was no surprise for Laura...
Well, Laura, you have given my answer to yourself yet, as it is impossible for me to tell you the truth. This depends like all other further details on your mission, where it is your task to find those answers yourself. You will discover your true existence one day yourself, if you succeed this complete mission, I am sure about that. But this is the time you must still wait, and there is nobody who could change anything about that...
The goddess kept silence for some meaningful moments, where Laura nodded with her head understanding, before she continued her speech with a mighty, but also warm voice...
Please, Laura, always try to exercise patience, and keep your churning emotions under control. They are understandable, especially in your case, but they also can be dangerous. Negative feelings could lead you on a wrong and dangerous way very quickly, and this really may never happen as it would prejudice your whole mission. Be strong, and never forget about this...
Laura nodded with her head once more, and she clenched her fists before she answered determinedly...
I understand and I agree, as nothing ever may prejudice my mission. Personal things do not matter at all now, and as you say, the answers - all answers - will come with succeeding my mission. So I will postpone all personal matters till the time has come to really get all answers. And until then I will stay what I am now, with all my love and strength...
The goddess smiled satisfied again...
That's the spirit, Laura! You can now earn all missing answers yourself, for your own life and beyond, as all of this only depends on yourself. On your own strength and abilities, Laura. Not the abilities of a goddess, as you have seen you could also not find the answers in this existence. But as a normal human being then, concentrated on your true heart and feelings, as this is the only way you can succeed at all...
I know! I really know, majesty, as this is the central point in this existence now. This was the first real insight I have taken from my so far journey here, and it will lead me through all my further voyage. But for now then, back to the present point in time, let the magic mirror talk to us now, and let it show the images it has for me...
The Goddess nodded with her head several times, smiling satisfied about the development of things...
So be it then, Laura...
With only one thought the mighty goddess activated the magic mirror then. And it began to work at once, filling the inner part with energy. First it only was white light, but then something changed...
There was movement then within the light, and finally the energy began to vanish. Instead a real picture began to form, and Laura waited for the result very excited...
Laura saw a first picture in the magical mirror. But it was not only a simple picture, instead indeed a live version of what the mirror presented. Laura saw a beautiful forest with colorful trees of different sizes, and all leaves were in movement through a softly blowing breeze. Laura could even hear this wind, and the wonderful picture reached her heart at once...
Laura could not look away from the picture at all, and she even gazed at it with wide open eyes and mouth. Only like from a far distance she heard the voice of the goddess again...
Please, tell me, Laura, while you look at the picture, what do you feel? What is in your heart now? Be totally straight to me, as I can not give you any details in return. But I would like to learn about your feelings and thoughts, if you want to talk about...
Laura nodded with her head, almost like in a trance...
I see this landscape for the very first time, says my mind at least. But my heart says something whole different, and I feel a huge, a really huge attraction to this picture. Something out of my heart tells me I know what I see, that this is a real landscape on an unknown world, and that there was a time I have been there already. But I don't remember, I really don't remember at all. This is strange, very strange indeed. I can only tell you this, that this picture totally confuses me, every moment I look at it...

The goddess nodded with her head, and her former powerful voice now sounded much more gentle...
This is understandable. As I said, I can not help you with those pictures, as they are part of the whole secret you must solve in our universe. But you have deserved those hints, to keep them in your heart and mind until the time all shadows and illusions fade. Those pictures can help you on your way, but now, see the second one and tell me what you feel again...
The mirror began to change its picture, as the forest disappeared in dazzling white light. Another picture began to form, but the result was really shocking this time. Laura saw a black and elongated pupil, moving in different directions within sea of flames all around. It needed some time before Laura was able to speak again...

Shocking! Really shocking awesome. And it is like with the first picture, my mind wants to tell me the same again, I have never seen such a horrible eye ever before in my life. And though, my heart disagrees once more. Somehow I feel I have seen this before in fear and pain, but I can not remember. In this case I am even glad I can't, because this is so terrible. If you ask me I would not like to see this ever again, but I guess I will...
The goddess did not answer to the last comment of Laura, but instead now made her own comment...
It is ending now, Laura, for the third picture, but please, also do not forget about this image. I can not tell you anything else, but don't forget about it. And see the last picture now...
Laura was really glad as the demonic eye finally disappeared again. And instead the image of a woman, a very beautiful woman appeared in the magic mirror, and Laura began to smile involuntarily...

What a beautiful woman. And leaving my mind aside this time, yes, also the third picture goes straight into my heart, making me feel I know this woman. Somehow I know her, I am sure, but I can not name any further details. It's only a feeling like before, as all of this, all pictures, seem familiar, but without any further knowledge. And for this unknown woman, my very first feeling was, when seeing her, to embrace her, because I can feel her love and incredible power, as she moves in this picture. And dead certain I will never forget about those pictures again, now that I have seen them...
The goddess nodded with her head again and began to smile, while the last picture in the magic mirror finally disappeared and it was empty again. The empress of Afreean began to speak again...
Now you have seen and heard important things for your further life, Laura, as a little hint from us for your further way in our universe. When you leave my palace now, you will be sent into a desert then by me, where you will find a special portal. There are several of them, but you will discover the right one. Most of them are different, as they are not portals to reach further worlds with them, but only travelling on Afreean. There is only one portal to leave this world again, find it then. And this portal will send you to the next chosen world and mission. Another lost child is waiting for you there, giving you all further needed information...
The goddess paused for some moments, looking straight into the eyes of Laura with a smile...
I hope to see you again, Laura, for the rest of the mission here, but this is not my decision. We will wait and see. For now I can only tell you that you have to proof yourself in a magic world now, where a dark danger is waiting, a danger to possibly destroy this world if you fail. But I know this will not happen, I believe you will succeed again. Only be yourself as usual, with all the love of your heart, trusting in your feelings. Then you will pass all tasks and worlds for sure, until the final ending of it all...
Laura also began to smile herself again...
Thank you for your confidence, majesty. As I said before, I always will do my best for all life and my mission, to get it to a good ending finally. And I am ready to continue my journey now...
So be it then, Laura! All my best wishes and my love will accompany you - now and at all on all your further ways...
The goddess began to rise into the air suddenly, where she floated for some moments. Then there were flashes and energy, streaming out of the body of the goddess and getting bigger. In the end the creature was encased by the energy with flashes further spreading into all directions - without meaning any danger form Laura, of course...

The energy began to fill the whole throne room then, and the light got brighter every second. Finally all matter dissolved in this light, and Laura lost consciousness...

A lonely desert. Anywhere on Afreean, but not only filled with pure sand. There were also plants all around - and something else. Yet from the distance, the place Laura appeared again, being awake and standing on her feet, she could see something seeming incompatible to the landscape she stood in. From this distance Laura could not yet see this construction completely, but it was an artificial one for sure...
Laura began to move again, walking towards the strange construction and reaching it finally...

Laura saw a big sphere of metal, hanging into a lot of firm branches, not coming from a tree but straight out of the ground. They encompassed the sphere from all sides, and though it seemed to be really heavy this sphere did not fall down to the ground...

Laura got closer to the sphere and searched for a hint if it would be the right one, as the goddess had told her there would be several ones in this desert. But there was nothing, and also nothing to activate it anyhow. Laura was wondering what to do now at this place...
It was not necessary. The sphere really was the right one yet, and getting very close to it Laura activated it only with her presence. She could see energy, coming from the sphere now and building a triangle of blue energy rays, building the triangle and a blue circle on the ground. The inner part of the triangle was filled with white light...

Laura could feel it at once. This was the right doorway yet, the path into her next mission to reach new announced world and get to the next task, created by the lost children. Whatever this task would be about then. Laura really had no idea what this new adventure really would be about, but she was ready to start it now. No matter if as herself or in another role, but with her own heart and feelings. And so she began to move again...
Laura stepped into the white light, slowly and careful, and finally she disappeared in the bright light. Her long journey through the parallel universe would continue...

Another place, far, far away, in another universe. And hidden in another dimension. It was a cold place, very cold, though fire and lava were flowing all around, between countless artificial walls and natural rocks. A strange place, and a horrible one to be for every creature of good and light, but the home for all creatures of darkness...
Hell. The realm of all evil and its leader, the lord of hell. Since a long time now he hadn't left his throne room at all, only sitting on his throne and giving commands from there. But more than that he was thinking, thinking about all developments and the future again and again. All the time dark servants, shrouded in black capuchins, were standing silent behind the throne in a semicircle...

Among his murky thoughts a delegation of servants suddenly entered the throne room. Five demons were slowly walking towards the throne, stopping then in still keeping a proper distance...
The demons stood there totally motionless, not speaking any word. No creature of hell would ever simply speak to its ruler, an unwritten rule, but respected by every creature here. And so the delegates waited until the emperor would speak to them first...
The lord of evil did not move at all. It almost seemed he would have been lost in his own thoughts so much that he even had not yet noticed the new arrivals in his giant throne room...
It still needed some time until the emperor finally reacted. But as he began to speak it was more to himself than to the delegates, and his dark voice resounded not as mighty as usual from the walls...
God of Hell:
Strange. Somehow really strange, as things seem to develop so well, and though nothing of it all seems right. Really nothing. I have so many doubts meanwhile, but I can not understand them. I feel a call inside of me, still low and so far away, but there. It seems to be a call from a far away past, so far away I even can not remember it. But this is not possible, as I do remember all things since the beginning of time...
As the emperor paused again the delegates looked at each other in confusion, as they could not understand what their ruler was talking about. But they didn't the guts to speak yet...
After some moments the god of hell reacted once more, and again he began to talk to himself then...
God of Hell:
What is going on here? What does this mean? I must really find some answers, as this is urgent. Really urgent, as mistakes or weaknesses are totally out of question...
Suddenly the emperor turned towards the demons, and this time he really began to speak to them. And now it was the normal voice of the evil god again, resounding powerful from all walls...
God of Hell:
What are your news then, what can you tell me? Anything important from our enemies and the missing sisters?
One of the delegates, the tallest of the five demons, took the floor then and began to speak to its ruler...
Our grand majesty, our servants and spies are active in all parts of the universe, and they could only confirm what was obvious before. Amarylisse and Diayla are hiding as usual, nobody can find them at all. And the two sisters are gone, as there is no trace of them at all any more. We really searched everywhere, but if they have not died or vanished into thin air, then nobody can say any more where they may be now. We have no idea where still to search or what to do further in this case. So we hope for your help now...
The god of hell did not answer at once. Instead he seemed to fall into his very own thoughts again, keeping silence for some time. But finally he spoke to the delegates again...
God of Hell:
Leave now. There is nothing to do for you any more, until you get new orders from me. Only keep working at our preparations for war as before, this is my only command for now...
The delegates did not hesitate and left the throne room again, while the emperor remained on his throne. As he was alone again he began to speak to himself once more...
God of Hell:
Servants and spies are not useful at the moment, this is only a personal matter. I must find the answers inside of me, though I don't know yet how. But I will find a way, sooner or later, for sure...
Silence impregnated the throne room again, and the god of hell remained motionless on his throne. He began to think once more, while his inner energies melded with his dark heart and soul...
The end of chapter 3...
...but to be continued in chapter 4...