Chjapter 7 – The Witches of Oz

Laura - The Parallel Universe, Part 7 – The Witches of Oz
It was done. Laura had reached the extensive valley of Oz finally, and she and Toto were in a fine condition. Though of a really dangerous and rapid decline, they could make it without any injuries in the end. And of course it was time to make a rest first, as it was night meanwhile anyway. So aura found a suitable place to sleep, and after a small dinner from her modest supplies of food she laid down on the ground and fell asleep very soon. Toto had left the basket and laid next to Laura, also sleeping peacefully now…
The next morning Laura was able to take a closer look around in the new area she was standing in now. And it was a beautiful landscape, with multiple different plants of all colors, ans also partially strange animals Laura had never seen before yet. But they were all peaceful and meant no danger for her, so she could feel safe in this area for now…
Laura had no idea where to go next from here. She was standing in the middle of nowhere, in the middle of an unknown area with no artificial way to follow in a certain direction. Instead she had to go straight through the nature here, hoping to find a next destination soon…

So then, Toto, it seems we must explore whole new area here to find something helpful then. Or even better, the great Wizard of Oz, who may be anywhere meanwhile. But we must try…
Toto barked confirming, and Laura opened her basket again. Tot jumped inside without hesitation…
I guess such a little dog like you is still in the safest possible hands this way, so I can totally concentrate on my mission…
With those words Laura took another look around and decided for one direction finally. Then she was on her way again, on her way through new and unknown regions of the world of Oz...
Some hours had passed meanwhile while Laura and Toto were still wandering through the changed world of Oz, in their search for the great Wizard of Oz, wherever the mysterious magician would be now. And of course Laura was always aware of the possible danger all around, caused by this dark conspiracy of the witches of Oz. It was still a secret what they really had in their mind, but it could not be anything good then. The whole world was cursed, and now Laura had been thrown into the past, certainly because of the Wizard of Oz, where he would hope to find a solution against the mighty conspiracy. And Laura was prepared to help, in any possible way…
The environment was so beautiful. A great nature in different colors, and Laura really enjoyed this journey. She stopped at a bigger lake, down in a deeper valley, to the left of the way she was following now. It was not the yellow-brick road so far as Laura had not found it again so far in this changed world of Oz. But she was on the search…
Laura put the basket with Toto down on the ground, and the dog looked around interested. But it didn’t leave the basket, not without the clear permission of Laura…
Well then, Toto, it seems safe here, and it is a good place to make a little rest. You can walk around if you want, but please, do not run away too far, as this is unknown area. And we will eat soon, I make the preparation for a quick meal here then…
Toto did how he was told, and he really did not run away very far, always visible for Laura then. At last he laid down at her side as she sat down on the ground, having a small meal. A short, but necessary break to recover a little bit. But the journey would continue soon...
Laura and Tot were on their way again, further crossing this amazing unknown world of Oz then. First the little dog was still walking on its own, but suddenly the environment began to change totally. Toto jumped back into the basket at once, hiding totally, and also Laura did not feel well any longer. She had entered a really dark forest, with partially huge trees. But they were all totally leafless, and with sharp thorns-tendrils all around…
The way Laura was following began to get smaller more and more finally. And after some time it ended, ended in front of a kind of natural portal, formed by the trees and tendrils around. The area behind did not seem different, but though Laura could feel this was not true. Something did change totally at this point, and the touch of evil was all around. This was a cursed place, and Laura knew the time of peace was over now…

Toto, simply hide and be quiet totally, really no sound from you, please. I can feel it is the time of the first battle now, as I feel the evil witches of Oz are waiting for me here…
Laura sighed deeply one time…
But well, I am not whole defenseless then. Not at all. If those witches want to fight, then be it so. I am prepared...
Laura concentrated totally on her inner magic abilities, as they had returned meanwhile, and she let her energies flow. After some moments something happened, straight above her head. Up over the natural portal a kind of energy sphere appeared, simply hanging in the air there. And after some further moments the sphere reacted…

A huge flash left the sphere, shooting down on Laura. It hit her head, covering it totally in the bright light, but not hurting her at all. But it began to fill her body with additional energy then…

The light still spread and finally covered Laura totally. She disappeared in the energy, finally appearing again at another place – somewhere behind the portal. And Laura had changed, wearing a kind of battle armour now. In her hand she was holding a magic wand, just loading it with her magic energy. And really not a moment too soon…
Laura saw her now. The first evil witch of Oz, appearing close in front of her in an own magic sphere, holding a witches’ broom in her hand. Without any word the witch was preparing to attack yet…
Laura reacted at once. With her own mighty energy she could stop the evil attack before it even began, forming a giant magic wall of light between her and the witch...

The light got brighter and brighter then, finally throwing the witch away backwards with a shrill cry, before all matter disappeared in the light. All matter and Laura with Toto…

The bright light only disappeared very slowly again. But finally Laura began to notice forms and colors again, standing at a different place now...

And in the end the light was totally gone…

Beautiful! This was the first thought of Laura now, looking around at this place she was standing at now. It was the yellow-brick road again, with Emerald City at the far horizon. This time the not cursed version again, in all its colors and splendor…
Wonderful, Toto! As it seems we are safe again, at least for the moment. Let’s visit this version of Emerald City, and perhaps we will find the mysterious Wizard of z in there this time…
Laura and Toto were on their way again, waling along the yellow-brick road slowly, towards the wondrous capital city of Oz, the homestead of the searched mighty Wizard of Oz…
Well, Toto, there it is once more, the magical capital city of this world, Emerald city, the homestead of the mighty Wizard of Oz. And perhaps we will have a chance to meet him this time then. At least I must try. So, let’s try to visit this huge town again…
Toto hang his head out of the basket and barked confirming, then he laid down in the basket again. Laura took a deep breath one time before she began to move finally. And once again she was on her way to Emerald City, though in another time now as it seemed. And she really had hopes to meet the hiding Wizard of Oz this time at last…
Laura had not yet walked on very far then as she suddenly discovered something. There was somebody else on this road, walking towards her from the opposite side. And after a short time Laura recognized the person, as it was nobody else then the Wizard of Oz. Really him at last with no doubts, and Laura began to smile happily…
Finally, I really found him…
Laura stopped as the mighty magician, totally covered in black clothes, came closer slowly. Of course he had also noticed Laura, and he looked into her eyes as he approached…

Laura, there you are at last. I waited for your arrival yet a longer time, and I hoped it could have been earlier yet. But things have changed already, as you have seen, and you have been told about this mighty conspiracy in our world and beyond…
Laura nodded with her head…
Yes, I did, and I had a confrontation with one evil witch yet. But I guess you know, and you have been a little bit helpful there…
The magician began to smile slightly…
I do what I can, though it is not as much as I would wish. But it is true, we all are in big danger here, and the different worlds have yet begun to flow into each other. It is too late to stop this sinister development, as it is on its way now. You can not stop this conspiracy in this world any more, but must follow the traces into one of the further worlds of fairy tales. I can not accompany you there, nor do I know the way to the crossings. But I am sure you will succeed, because you are who you are. Laura, the chosen one, the mighty foreigner who can save us all in the end…
Laura sighed deeply one time…
Thank you, mighty wizard, but I really hope not to disappoint anybody here. I will at least try my best for sure. And this means to continue my journey here, trusting into my own magic abilities, and into my heart. I will find the right way, and the crossing into the next world. Wherever those responsible for the conspiracy go, wherever their last destination may be, I will follow and find them at last. And I will do whatever has to be done, as I am prepared to protect your wonderful worlds…
The Wizard of Oz nodded with his head several times, while he smiled at Laura with big hope in his heart…
You know we all believe in you, all beings following the path of good and light, Laura. But things change forever now, as all sleepers awake and chose their own way. The dangers may be manifold now for you, but you have the ability to defeat every enemy…
I hope so…
After those words the Wizard of Oz said goodbye to Laura and turned around. He began to walk back the yellow-brick road, back towards Emerald City then. But Laura did not follow, as she knew this wonderful magic town was not her destination. Instead she also turned around, walking away into the opposite direction then…
Laura had walked for some time, further and further through the wonderful landscapes of Oz. But the current destination she was searching for stayed hidden so far, as Laura still could not find any crossing into another fairy tale world in the parallel universe…
Laura found something different instead. She reached a really strange area of the nature on Oz, standing in front of giant abysses until the horizon. There were natural bridges, crossing the abysses in different directions, somehow formed of stone and plants. Laura remained for some moments, looking around carefully, until she sighed deeply one time…

Toto, this is really looking eerie somehow. Bridges, somehow natural and somehow not, I have no idea who or what would have constructed something like that. But however, to continue our journey we must cross this area, though I have the bad feeling this could also be a trap. But we have no other choice, so we must try at least…
Laura began to move again finally, entering the first bridge close to her position, and walking along slowly…
Laura did get none too far on those impressing bridges until something happened then, just as feared and expected yet. Because evil began to strike once more, as the Witches of Oz started another attack on their chosen enemy, on Laura…
Laura stood on the next bridge, the one right from the position she had been before, where she had entered this area at first. Until then nothing had happened, until then there was only peace, if only a treacherous one. Because Laura did know better yet…

And yes, what her feelings told her urgently, it happened then. Laura noticed the new danger at the horizon, at the left end of this area of bridges, in the form of another evil witch, approaching on a flying witches’ broom, and also accompanied by flying monkeys, the known fellowship of those Witches of Oz, from the known story…

Laura reacted immediately. She did not know if the enemies had seen her yet, flying between the bridges, but at least of course they knew about her presence for sure. So Laura did what she only could do in this dangerous situation, she ran away as fast as possible…
The mother of all witches crossed the next bridge to her right, running along it further as quick as possible. And she knew without turning around for even one moment, the enemies were following her now. She could hear the witch screaming, obviously calling for further reinforcements, and Laura was not interested to meet them at all…
Finally the flight ended, with passing the last of those bridges in the area, and with one witch close in the rear of Laura. One energy beam, thrown by the witch, had missed Laura, but broken the bridge into three left pieces. Laura was standing on the final piece, turning around now and facing the witch on the intermediate piece then. The evil witch, with one flying ape at her side, was just about to form another energy beam, when Laura reacted quickly then. She could activate her own magic energy…

Bright light was forming out of Laura’s left hand, spreading and extending very fast in this desperate situation…
It happened very quickly then. Laura had to find out what this call for help was about, sent by the evil witch. Suddenly another flying monkey appeared in the sky, at the horizon, between the two higher rocks in Laura’s back. But she felt it at once, seeing the creature out of the corner of her eyes. And it was not a normal ape like the other one, but really a very huge exemplar of this species. A flying monkey with magic power, yet activating it while approaching. And the creature prepared to attack at once…
Laura could feel it. Feeling the concentrated power of evil here, with two creatures attacking from two sides at once, just forming deadly energy beams then, she simply knew. With her own magic energy, not reaching the highest possible point yet after getting it back, it would not be enough to create the protection shield strong enough. The hostile evil energy would cut through the shield and kill her…
Toto, this is the end of our journey…
Laura still let her energy flow, of course, further raising her energy shield, but she also closed her eyes yet. The mother of all life really expected her final end now, dying on this wonderful world, helpless and lonely. Nobody could help her any more…
Astonishment. Confusion. This would describe it best what Laura thought and felt the first moments then, as the hostile energy beams hit her – without any consequences at all. On the contrary, her energy shield was not only strong enough, it also still got stronger and taller. The bright light finally covered Laura completely, hiding her from the enemies…

The evil witch and the huge flying monkey still shot energy beams at Laura, but further without any effect. And suddenly the magic protection shield vanished into thin air, leaving the place empty. Laura and Toto were gone, obviously disappeared to nowhere…
The evil witch totally fell into rage, screaming inhuman and still shooting energy beams into the air. But her victim was escaped, somehow escaped though it made no sense at all. And finally the witch and her flying monkeys began to search for Laura again…
Laura was aware of herself again. The magic energy had released her not so far away from the area of bridges, at the ledge of a forest. And she knew of course the evil enemies were still close, so the mother of all life reacted immediately. She needed to hide somewhere at once…

A huge rock nearby was the only option, and Laura ran to it. Standing behind it was not a moment too soon, as the evil haunters appeared in the air again, with the smaller monkey landing close to the position where Laura just had appeared before. And now she could only hope not to be discovered, a really small hope in this despairing situation…

Laura only whispered to herself, with not much hope inside, but somehow it was like anybody would hear her call for help. The evil enemies got back into the air again, disappearing finally at all. And they did not return. It needed some time for Laura to really believe, but finally she knew she was safe again. Safe, at least for the moment then…
Laura sighed very deeply one time, before she found her tongue again, speaking silently to Toto. But in fact it were no real words, but only a gentle whispering in the air…
Toto, I can not believe. What happened here? I was not strong enough, I would not have survived this attack only on my own. Was it a gift from the lost children? Or anything else? Another unknown force around? I really can not say and do not understand. But I am grateful, really grateful, because somebody has saved my life and mission…
Laura had barely pronounced, as it suddenly happened. The first moment Laura even startled, as a powerful voice sounded from nowhere, deep and powerful, and unknown at first…
Laura, child, listen to me…
Laura frowned confused, as the voice somehow sounded familiar then. But she still could not identify it. While she thought about it the deep voice spoke to her once more…
Laura, it’s about time to finally meet again, and now, that the frontiers of the parallel universe finally have fallen, it is possible again. It has been some time since we have met lastly, but now it was the right time to do so, and to set some things straight. And I am sure you remember again now, as you certainly never will forget about me for sure…
Laura suddenly was shocked, really totally shocked, as the confusion dissolved at last, followed by really frosty scare. And yes, of course she remembered, and of course she recognized the visitor now…
No! You! It’s really YOU…
Laura now became angry all of a sudden, and she wanted to scream against the invisible visitor, but she had no chance to do so. The visitor was faster, and the deep voice spoke again…
Before you get too angry, Laura, listen to me and hear what I have to say to you. Yes, it is me, the one you used to know as “The old Man”, the one who guided you a longer time, and the one who leads all forces of evil now. The man who got you worst nightmare and bitter enemy. The one you have to face for sure in the final war of apocalypse – but not now. And hopefully not at all in this universe and existence, the reason for me to change some important things, and to even help you in this situation…
Laura really was confused again. Of course those words did not make any sense to her, but though, somehow she knew they were true. Somehow Laura had to admit it to herself, that it had been the Lord of all evil, saving her from dying in the battle before, of all things him, the worst enemy of all living beings of light and goodness…
Laura could not react in any way. She suddenly felt totally weak and helpless, desperation filled her heart and soul. The mother of all life could not understand what was going on here now, and she sank to the ground slowly then. As the deep voice spoke again she closed her eyes…
Laura, it is important. For now and here, please, listen to me, let me say what I have to say. I will not harm you here and now in any way, and there is something you must understand…
Laura could not listen. She simply had no strength to do so, not at all in this moment. With all her left energy she stood up again, standing weakly on her feet. But she fought, also against herself then. And finally, without any further word, she began to move again…
The sad and confused mother of all life walked away slowly, step by step. But she knew this so confusing evil shadow, the invisible Lord of all evil forces, was following her then…
Laura walked and walked relentlessly through the colorful valleys of Oz, though she actually really felt so weak in those hours. But it seemed she was only still walking like in a trance, somehow mechanically, and her eyes only stared empty into the area. Laura simply felt empty herself, totally empty, disappointed and also angry. She could not understand how this was possible, how the Lord of Hell himself could simply confront her here, and tell her in the end he had been the one to save her now from death. This was too much to understand, too much to accept in her heart and soul, and on this way of thinking and despair Laura had no eyes for the beauty of the nature around her. But she was aware of the fact the evil Lord was still following her invisible, and that she would not be able to escape him…

Laura knew his words had been true. Somehow she simply knew, though of not understanding the sense behind them, and she was safe. The evil Lord only wanted to talk to her, and it was clear, no matter how far she would walk, Laura could not escape. Sooner or later the deep voice of all evil would resound again, and Laura would have to listen…

The sad mother of all life still continued wandering, even through the whole next night, without any single break, and finally until the next new morning, when the sun was approaching again at the horizon. And Laura still did not stop this unnatural journey...

Laura had reached another area with giant natural bridges, really encompassing the whole region until the horizon. It was really an amazing sight – or better, it would have been if Laura would have had any sense for the nature of Oz. But she even didn’t notice any more am all. Instead the mysterious words from the evil Lord began to foreshadowed her about a still much darker truth behind them, a truth Laura never wanted to learn about. But those feelings were real and there, and they got stronger every moment…

Laura knew she had to face this truth. And she had to face her one and only archenemy, no matter if he was peaceful now – at least for the moment. She could not run away from her destiny, though she never had felt lonelier in her life, in all her existence. The gods, Amarylisse and Diayla, they seemed so far away as never before, as well as the lost children, after their protection was gone. They were hiding now…
Laura’s eyes began to fill with tears once more. But she stopped now, standing still in this area of giant natural bridges. Still feeling so weak and despaired, with anger and pain in her heart, the mother of all life finally raised her frosty voice against the sky now…
So then, “old man”, master of all evil and enemy of all light and goodness, speak to me again. I don’t want this talk, but it does not matter what I want. There are higher priorities, and I will listen to what you have to tell me. But speak fast, so we can end this encounter as soon as possible again…
Laura closed her eyes after those determined words, and she collected all strength inside of her heart she could find. It was not the time to surrender, not at all. Life and destiny were always keeping disappointment and pain, again and again, and she had to deal with those moments. Too many lives were counting on her, and this was the only fact counting now. Laura had to stay strong, and she would…
Laura opened her eyes again, as she could feel the mighty presence of her enemy behind her, but she could not see that his head, the former head of the old man, now appeared in the sky behind her. It was only a transparent appearance, but the voice of the creature resounded mighty from the sky now, deep and with obvious satisfaction then…

So, Laura, you have finally accepted the inevitable now, and are prepared to also hear the rest of my words. Good! I will not delay your mission longer than really necessary, but at least you must know some facts from my side to better understand the end and result of your long journey. I also found out this truth only a short time before, with the demise of the frontiers of the parallel universe, but what should have been the moment of my greatest triumph only was the sad discovery of a sad truth. So sad and though important that I had to stop all our activity and reconsider all things new…
For some moments the Lord of Hell paused and emphasized the importance of his words therewith. But then he continued, and it seemed the voice still was sounding deeper now…
Laura, our conflict is not what it seems, not at all. There is so much more behind it, and we both have been on a wrong path for such a long time. This was the result of a very old decision of the gods, those gods who send you on your final mission then. They could not reveal the truth to you, and I understand it now. I understand it much too good to respect those rules and not break them at all. On your shoulders lays the destiny of all things, of all life, no matter which way to follow so far. Only you can fulfill what has been decided such a long time ago, a time totally forgotten by all living beings today, including me for almost an eternity. At least it feels like this. My enemies wanted to keep this truth, hide it from me, for the only fear I could use this weakness, and I could start the war of apocalypse before your destiny is fulfilled…
The evil Lord sighed deeply one time before continuing. And the words really showed his determination…
Well, this fear was for nothing. They did not understand my own wish for fulfilling my own true destiny, and the truth is, I never can do so before you do not fulfill your own true destiny. It may be a shock for you, but we both are dependent on each other. More than we ever knew so far. And so my only decision could only be now to stop all my activity in both universes, and to withdraw all my armies from hostile territory. Unfortunately evil in this reality is not following one way, and there are still forces I can not control here. Like those witches of Oz, for example. They do what they want, and they will stay a danger for you, so you always have to stay careful and prepared to battle, if necessary. I saved you this one time, to speak to you and let you understand some things, but as your own friends I can not accompany you on your further way. You must succeed on our own in the end, learning slowly about the whole truth, learning to accept it and do what has to be done in the end. And I will be waiting for the result, making my own final decision then, and really first then. What it will be about depends on you, but do not misunderstand. There are only two options left. The first one, what all forces are hoping for, is your final success. If this happens all things will change completely and forever, and we all then will deal with the new situation…
The voice of the evil Lord of Hell suddenly changed now, not only with still getting deeper again, but also showing the final determination, in a complete evil aura…
The second option is that you fail. You must understand that there will not be a second chance. Once you have finally failed this means the current reality will stay forever, and the past, the long ago past life with its whole truth, has died forever. When this happens you can be sure the war of apocalypse, the final war ever, will begin at once. I will not be able to fulfill my own true destiny then, but I will at least be able to destroy all light and goodness here forever. It is the next best thing what I can reach, and I will not hesitate any single moment then. So it only depends on you, if your forces still will get a new chance, and of course more time, or if the armies of evil will yet overrun you very soon and for eternity here…
The deep voice finally became silent again, and the transparent head in the sky disappeared without any further word. The evil Lord was gone, with his whole dark aura, and all necessary words had been spoken. Laura did not move again at once, she only closed her eyes and remained at her current place. And time seemed to stand still now…
It still needed some time until Laura finally could react and move again. But she did not walk away yet, instead some sad words were whispering through the air, only reaching the ears of Toto…
Toto, believe me, I have never felt more lonely in my life than now, and I feel so weak and tired. Never before the wish for help and companionship has been bigger, but I know I must continue this journey on my own. There is nobody who can help me on this way, now that the final destination gets closer. And perhaps even too close for what I may find there. I have doubts, real doubts, if I am really strong enough to stand the whole truth in the end, for I am whole sure meanwhile I won’t like it. But it may still even be worse, beyond all my power of imagination…
Laura sighed deeply one time, closing her eyes for some moments, until she opened them again and continued whispering into the ears of Toto. And the dog listened quietly…
Do you know who I miss most all the time? Of course you do, as this is always the heaviest burden on my heart and soul. Estera, my little sister, who I love so much. More than I ever could tell anybody. It is much too long since I have seen her the last time, and I still don’t know when I can see her again. Or even worse, if I ever will see her again at all. This is so sad, and next to all further tribulations the most depressing fact at all. As all other things I also must accept this realness, but the thought to perhaps never see her again in my life is simply intolerable…
Just having spoken those sad words Laura suddenly startled heavily, as totally unexpected another voice resounded through the air. But it was a gently and lovely voice this time…
No, Laura, no! We will meet again…
Laura recognized the voice at once, because nobody else then her own and true sister was speaking, straight out of nowhere…
Estera! Is it really you…?
The voice answered immediately…
Yes, it is me. And we must talk now. Please, follow my voice and your feelings, then you will find me soon. I am waiting for you in the village called “China Town”, there we can talk…
I am on my way…
Laura began to move at once, full of new joy now. And there was hope again, hope inside of her heart and soul…
Laura did as Estera had told her, she simply followed the feelings inside of her heart. Of course she remembered the named place, “China Town”, this really amazing village of the China-dolls, known from the stories about the fantastic world of Oz…
It needed some time, but Laura really found the searched village finally, following the own voice of inside her heart. Laura still stood in some distance to the main entry to the village, looking at it with a smile. The aura of Estera, her so long missed sister, was very strong now, and Laura could barely control her feelings of joy now…

Estera! I am here, and I will find you soon within this fantastic village of the China-dolls…
Laura finally entered the village, where she began to cross it at once. But the joy from before changed immediately, as she had to see this village meanwhile also was destroyed for the most part. Obviously the conspiracy of the evil witches had disastrous consequences for all good inhabitants of this world. And in fact, all China-dolls were laying on the ground now, dead and in pieces, a really more than sad sight…

Laura only walked slowly trough this dead village, still on the search of her sister Estera, somewhere hiding within this village. And the only thought of Laura was still to find her quickly. Because the sight of this destroyed village really made her sad again. Meanwhile the once so beautiful world Oz seemed to be a dead world totally…

Laura finally reached her searched destination. She stopped between the houses, close to another edge of the destroyed village again, as she heard the voice of Estera again…
Laura! Here I am…
Laura looked around and was confused, because as she looked for Estera she could not find her…
Estera? Where are you…?
Look down here, Laura…
Laura did as she was told, but instead of Estera she only found one living China-doll on the ground. It was the only inhabitant of the village who was still alive, but it was not Estera…
The doll really answered with the voice of Estera, and the explanation followed within the next spoken words…
Yes, Laura, this is me, Estera! I am not able to appear with my real body in this world, but with the help of the lost children, the Wizard of Oz and this little China-doll I am able to speak through her with my voice, after I could “borrow” this body for a while. So, please, sit down next to me, as you are so tall here, and let us speak…
Laura followed the wish of Estera, sitting down on a broken China part, while the little doll also sat on the ground then. The next moment another creature arrived, a little monkey, but not one of the evil ones…

May I introduce Finley to you? He is the personal servant of the mighty Wizard of Oz, and his master sent him to make this meeting possible. And I am so happy it works, Laura. It has been too long to be without you, a hard time for both of us…
Laura nodded with her head…
You really can say so, Estera! And I can not tell you how happy I am to meet you like this at least then…
Estera also nodded with her head now several times, before she began to speak to her sister again…
Laura, first of all, please, never forget one thing. No matter what you are going through, no matter what may still be waiting for you, one thing is for sure. You are not alone. You never have been, you are not, and you never will be. Also if I can not be at your side physically, I am with you though on all your ways. My heart and love, they are always in you, deep inside your heart. It can be, in such hard times, that you sometimes may forget about this fact, but I hope you will always remember again…
Laura nodded with her head and smiled at Estera, at this small China-doll she was at the moment…
I am sorry, dear sister, but you are right. Meanwhile I was so much used to be alone that I really was about to forget about your presence and love, though it really is in my heart all the time. I am so glad you are here now to remember me at this most important fact…
Estera took a deep breath before she began to speak once more, with her voice full of love and confidence…
This was one reason to meet you again now, my beloved sister, and the other is this sad meeting with our main enemy. Of course we were aware about that, and though the lost children did also not tell me the whole truth, this final truth you are searching for, I also know it will not be an easy truth. The fact of the evil forces to react this way after learning about this truth is more than alarming. Because they really give up their final advantage here now, as with the fall of the frontiers of the parallel universe it is a sad fact, that the evil armies have this deciding advantage now. If they wanted they could overrun us now and finish this whole conflict forever, with defeating us easily. But they don’t, they simply suddenly withdraw from all frontiers…
Estera sighed deeply one time before she finally spoke again. Her voice now had a sad coloration…
So, what the Lord of Hell said, it is true. We can only assume now that the final truth, the truth to find and deal with it then, that it is so controversial, so incredible, that we still can not even imagine it. But I know, what ever it may be about, you will be strong enough to deal with it and do what has to be done, you will make the right decisions. And you will not be alone then, even not then, because I will be with you. With my love and my strength. I will help you as much as possible, as it always will be…
Laura took a deep breath, as her eyes began to fill with tears. She nodded with her head while answering…
I promise, I will not forget about that any more, and I will be strong on the rest of my so important journey. I do not want to disappoint anybody at all, and I will try my best to reach the best final solution possible. This is what I really can promise you, sister…
Estera nodded with her head smiling…
This is what I wanted, this is what I came for, Laura. We all need you strong, and we all believe in you. As we always did and always will. Please, also never forget about that…
Laura stood up from her place, prepared to continue her journey again on her own. Estera and Finley accompanied her still to the next exit of the village, leading over a small bridge. And it was a short farewell then, between the two deeply moved sisters…

Thank you, Estera, your visit really was at the right time. I will miss you, but I know we will be reunited in the end again. This is also one reason to succeed this grand mission…
Estera nodded with her head...
And you will, my dear sister, you will! I am totally convinced about that. I am looking forward to see you again yet, and next time then with my own real body once more...
Laura smiled at Estera one last time, then she finally turned around. Laura left the village over the small bridge and was on her journey again, while Estera and Finley looked after her a longer time…
Best of luck, Laura!
And also from me…
Laura finally disappeared at the far horizon, as Estera and Finley also turned around and walked away…
Laura walked through an area with giant rock formations again, building further rudiments of natural bridges. And there were a lot of different plants around, with trees and huge sunflowers. And this time Laura noticed the beauty of the nature on her further way, as she now was in much better mood again. Laura walked with new hope and faith…

Walking through this new area for a while it happened very sudden then. Laura felt a strange atmosphere around, as the brightness began to increase more and more. The mother of all life stopped and looked around, but very soon she could not stand the light any longer. She closed her eyes as the abnormal light began to eat all matter around, including Laura herself…

Laura stood somewhere, at an unknown place, totally covered with the bright light from before. She could still not open her eyes, and she only felt that she still stood on form ground. So she could only wait for this strange light to disappear again anytime…
It needed time, and the brightness only dissolved very slowly. But Laura finally could open her eyes again carefully, noticing forms and colors slowly appearing again around…

The brightness was completely gone finally and Laura could do a first complete look around then. And she was astonished…
Well, what happened now? Where have I gone now, and who am I here? Toto is gone, and I look different, as well as the whole world as it seems. I am sure this is not Oz any longer. Have I really passed a kind of dimensional portal without even noticing it? But it would seem like this, any maybe the light is a portal every time, when the area changes so sudden…
Laura was sure to have changed the world now. Because the environment here looked totally different. In the distance Laura could see two castles, including high towers, sticking out against the sky. Those castles were not easy to reach, because around them were huge labyrinths, made of high green hedges, and until the huge main castle it would be a very long way and search to ever get through the labyrinth…

Somehow all of this seemed appeared familiar to Laura, and thinking about she had an idea. Because thinking about fairy tale stories and -worlds, Laura believed to have the solution soon…
Yes, I remember this. If I am not totally wrong now, then this is the world of Alice, of Alice in Wonderland, and if I further put one and one together, then I am this main character here again…
Alice! Laura really looked exactly as her from the known stories and movies on Earth, and she knew she would be in a rather surreal world then. But Laura was ready to face the new challenge…
Okay then, a labyrinth first. It will certainly need much time to cross it, if I ever succeed here at all. But I will try…
Laura finally began to move again. Standing on higher rocks with a good sight over the whole area the mother of all life began to climb down the rocks now to enter the labyrinth valley…
Having reached the valley safely at last Laura began to walk towards the entry to the labyrinth slowly…

Laura changed her decision. She knew this main castle belonged to the red queen in this fairy tale story, the evil red queen – not a place to visit with first priority. Instead Laura wanted to stay unseen here for now, and rather explore the closer environment. She had to find out what was going on in this world now, if it would be like in the known story, or if the conspiracy, started on Oz, even had changed this world too meanwhile. Hopefully this world would not be empty and dead yet too…
Laura left the area of the main castle and area of the evil Red Queen, walking into the opposite direction…
The landscape changed suddenly, as Laura reached a bigger lake. The way ended here, but there were big stones soaring out of the water – complete across the lake. But as Laura came closer she noticed it were no stones, but really huge mushrooms…
Okay, I can see this will not get an easy task. I can choose between the labyrinth on one side, and this lake on the other side. Both tasks are difficult and obviously dangerous. But to get further here I must choose, and of course there is only one choice in the end. To escape the castle of the red queen for now I must cross this lake…
Laura sighed deeply one time, stepping on the first mushroom at the riverside. And she was prepared to start this task then…

It needed a longer time, and also good timing, but in the end Laura could cross the lake without getting wet at all. And she really took a deep breath first afterwards, as this dark lake somehow gave Laura the creeps. But now she was on safe ground again… least for the moment. Only a short distance behind this dark lake Laura reached the entrance to a huge park, certainly once something really pretty and inviting, but no longer today. This park also looked eerie and rather daunting, but Laura had no choice. She could only also cross this park, or return to the castle of the red queen – and so even a murky park was a better solution...

Laura entered it at last…
Walking through the abandoned park Laura could only guess how it may have looked in an earlier time. She could recognize different huge statues, with one of them certainly showing the Mad Hatter, but now those statues were overrun with weeds. In fact those plants did overrun the whole park meanwhile, really a more than sad sight…

I do remember Wonderland from such a lot of stories on Earth, but this version here has nothing of it. The beauty is totally gone, and it is clear now, the conspiracy of the Witches of Oz has already also infected this world. It sadly seems I am too late again…
Laura continued her way, sighing deeply one time. And finally she could leave the dark park again...
The environment changed very sudden, and also unexpected. Laura would not have believed to still find original places any more in Wonderland, but there still were some. And so she crossed a beautiful forest now, with huge mushrooms, and even a kind of mushroom house. Perhaps a house of an imp or some little creature like that, but however, there was nobody at home now. Laura sighed deeply one time…

If I may still find any still living creature in this world? Or is it also an almost dead world again in the end…?
Laura tried to save her hope, and she continued her way finally. She further crossed colorful landscapes, and even almost surreal places in this area. But it was a good experience, after those dark areas from before. The only sad aspect remained the loneliness, and there seemed only few hope to find and known creatures from this world alive…

Laura left the colorful forest area then, finding a further way leading her upwards. There were higher mountains surrounding the area now, and Laura followed the only possible way into this new environment. Slowly, but
steady she got higher and higher, not knowing at all where this mountain path would lead her in the end…
After a longer time of walking through the mountain landscape, with steadily getting higher and higher in this area, Laura finally stopped. She discovered something, a sign of possible life at least. Meanwhile her path had changed into a stony stairs, obviously created artificially, and there were also standing giant mushrooms at eh sides again and again. But much more interesting was the object Laura had discovered in some distance now…
A house. Another house in the form of a giant mushroom, and it was obviously the destination of this mountain path. Laura began to move again, walking up to the end of the stony stairs…
Laura had reached a position between two huge mushrooms, near the end of the mountain path, as she suddenly stopped again. And she startled a little bit the first moment, as totally unexpected a foreign creature appeared close to her. It was the semitransparent Cheshire Cat – laying on the right mushroom next to Laura. And of course Laura recognized this creature at once, from all the known stories about Wonderland…
The Cheshire Cat! What a nice surprise…
It seemed the cat felt flattered because Laura recognized her at once. And she began to speak immediately…

Cheshire Cat:
Honored is the Cheshire Cat,
the beautiful visitor knows her that,
long the way and knowledge small,
tenuous girl, but love so tall…
Laura began to smile involuntarily at once…
Thank you, dear cat, nice description of me and my mission. And I am so glad this is not also yet a dead world, as it seems. Would it be possible for you to help me on my journey in any way?
The Cheshire Cat answered after a short break…
Cheshire Cat:
Helping a beautiful angel,
Alice in Laura was changing,
this may be a good deal,
advising the Cheshire Cat will!
After another short break the cat continued speaking, with her really strange deep and high voice at the same time…
Cheshire Cat:
Enter the house at first,
satisfied be questions and thirst,
meet smart creature there,
we will later meet elsewhere…
With those words the Cheshire Cat disappeared again, while Laura was still smiling happily. There was still hope for this world and the mission, as the conspiracy of witches had not yet completely destroyed it. And Laura sighed deeply one time…
Into this hut then! Let’s find out who is living there, and who may be able to help me then on my way through Wonderland…
Laura began to move again, this time at a smart pace. And finally she could enter the door to the mushroom house…
Laura began to smile again. Inside the beautiful mushroom house she found two inhabitants, one dwarf, cooking something on an ancient stove, but much more important, the Blue Caterpillar, well known from the story of “Alice from Wonderland” from Earth. And Laura knew this was a smart creature in the story, so she perhaps really could find some help and advice here. But at least she had to try now…

Laura stepped closer to the Blue Caterpillar, sitting on a huge mushroom which grew straight out of the floor. But before she could say anything it was the Blue Caterpillar himself who now began to speak. With a deep, but also warm voice the creature talked to Laura…
Blue Caterpillar:
Hello, Laura! I am glad you found us here, and yet before the sad conspiracy finally destroys our entire world. So we do still have this chance to speak face to face then…
Laura nodded with her head…
Hello, Blue Caterpillar, the pleasure is all mine. And I hope you can perhaps even help me on my way, to find the head behind all this, to stop and defeat the enemy, before all fairy tale worlds can be destroyed. Do you know the reason, why is all this happening? And who may be behind all this, do I ever have a chance to find this creature?
The Blue Caterpillar answered after a short break while using the well known pipe several times…
Blue Caterpillar:
Well, Laura, though the rules in our worlds always were very strict, always told us by the children who ruled all things, and though those rules break now as all things break, it is still not possible to tell you the truth you are searching for, not the final truth out there somewhere, and not the truth in our worlds, as all things belong together here, and the more the final ending comes closer. You may even still not guess how near the end is right now. And it is so important that you find all missing truth yourself, what you first will understand when the curtain falls. You may forgive me, and not be angry with us, but it is really the best for you. Believe me…
Laura nodded with her head several times…
Yes, I really do, and of course your words are no surprise for me now. In fact I have been told those worlds several times yet, by several different people, and I do believe every single one of them. I can sense yet from my heart, that this final truth is so important, and so terrifying at the same time somehow, that I have to find it slowly and on my own, to prepare myself for the moment of the final decision, because I know it will be hard. I know the final truth is only the beginning, as there must be more behind – much more. I feel this truth shall get my on my final mission, never mentioned yet at all, but our there for sure, and at the current status, the person I am now at the moments, people fear I could not stand it. And I admit, I do have doubts myself, so I hope I will still grow – grow to the person I shall be at the end, to face all challenges and succeed them. This is what I will try…
The Blue Caterpillar shook his head once…
Blue Caterpillar:
No, Laura, there will be no trying, not at all. You will grow to your own destination and be the true person you are still searching for now, or you will fail and fall, as then all things will fall, the whole universes we know. With no chance to stand up again at all. There is no other option, no other chance, as you were born for this choice only. It is your determination and always was, and more and more people now understand this part of the truth. But be careful, as not all of them accept it then. You still do have enemies, even if the worst one now did lay down his arms – at least for some time. But not all evil forces follow him, and the witches only want to kill you. They will try again, and you must be prepared. And never forget, you are and always have been the one and only, the last hope for the universes and all life – for all beings of goodness and light out there…
Laura sighed deeply one time…
This is something I really tried to ignore a long time, something at least a part of me tried not to accept, as the responsibility seemed to high and too much for a simple girl like me. At least the girl I became in the parallel universe, reduced to something I never experienced before. And though, in the end it was a good and necessary experience. The lost children took my magic abilities away and I had to remember my true inner values – the love and faith inside my heart, guiding me since then through all my missions. And now, as my magic abilities return, it is not the same any more as before, as I begin to combine all elements. It is not yet the end of this way, and somehow I feel I can still grow, I can grow to this unknown person my destiny wants from me. It is such a strong feeling yet, though there is still some resistance inside of me. But I believe I will succeed in the end, and I understand why all of this long way is necessary. I do accept my destiny now…
The Blue Caterpillar nodded with his head several times before his voice resounded once more…
Blue Caterpillar:
Wise words, Laura, and you are following the right and true way, as it is your determination. I am really glad to hear those words from you, as I do believe in you whole firmly. And you can further follow your way now, with no advice necessary. Leave the hut, look around, and you will find the way to continue your so important journey…
Laura also nodded with her head now…
Thank you, Blue Caterpillar, as even with no concrete advice you gave me more than I could expect before. So, once more, thank you very much. I promise, I will not disappoint you or anybody else believing in me. In the end I will be prepared for all my destiny ever will claim from me…
After some last words of farewell Laura turned around and left the mushroom house again, somehow now really more filled with faith and confidence as ever before in her life…
Laura understood the words of the Blue Caterpillar very soon. As she looked around outside the mushroom hut she went around the mountain ledge at the opposite side, the only possible option to continue at all, unless not returning back the way she came from before. There was a small mountain path continuing in this area, with another huge mountain at the other side of this way, but not reachable because of a very deep abyss. And so Laura followed this small path carefully…
It was a short way this time. Laura reached the end of the way, at an artificial platform of stone, created in form of a giant human hand. This platform was surrounded by abysses from all sides, and the next mountain at the opposite side was impossible to reach from here. To the right side Laura saw a castle, deeper down in a valley, but not reachable from her position. It seemed ancient and abandoned...
The mother of all life had no idea what to do now, but the solution was close at hand. Because suddenly Laura saw a balloon, approaching slowly from the sky, and indeed, only a short time later it was about to land on the giant hand…

Laura was astonished. Obviously this was a kind of transport between the mountains here – but with no pilot at all. Could Laura really trust this balloon, or could it be a trap?
There was no choice. If Laura didn’t want to give up and turn back she had to use this balloon. And with one deep breath she climbed into the huge basket below it, as the journey began at once…
Laura really was very relieved as she had firm ground below her feet again, standing on the opposite mountain finally. And the balloon left again immediately, disappearing in the sky…
Strange, but somehow fitting to Wonderland. But so I can continue my journey in this world again now…
Laura turned around after watching the balloon disappear, and she finally was on her way through Wonderland once more, further crossing the high mountains of this beautiful area…
Laura was shocked. Really shocked as she finally reached her destination. The destination of the journey through the mountains of Wonderland. Because she reached another huge house, a house created in the form of a giant hat. It was the homestead of the Mad Hatter, and indeed, the owner even stood in front of his house there. He wasn’t alone, as Laura also saw the White Rabbit, who had visited the Mad Hatter, standing in front of him. And both of them looked into the same direction...
They could not see Laura. They could not see anything any more, as Laura had to understand she was too late again. Both known characters of Wonderland were statues now, with no life inside of the at all any more. And the curse of the Witches of Oz had slammed once more, with terrible consequences. Dismay and sadness filled the heart of Laura now…

And again – too late! The witches have already been here, and I can do nothing for those poor characters any more. What shall I do then now? What can I still do now…?
Laura startled again very deeply, as suddenly the Cheshire Cat appeared again unexpected, hanging in the sky as a giant transparent appearance, and beginning to talk to Laura immediately…

Cheshire Cat:
And perception now at hand,
standing in such unknown land,
yet too late for those to save,
evil makes us helpless salves…
Laura sighed deeply one time before answering the Cheshire Cat. Of course those words had not been helpful…
Well, I have had this insight myself yet, dear cat, that I was too late here now exactly as in Oz before, but this doesn’t help me along in any way now. Could you at least tell me, if there is still something to do for me in this world, or should I leave yet with searching the exit into the next world of fairy tales? This would be a little help then…
The Cheshire Cat answered without delay…
Cheshire Cat:
Yes, my dear, there may be help,
help from you still for this world,
search not over yet so soon,
find what still for you to do…
Laura rolled her eyes and sighed once more, but of course she would not get any concrete details from this creature, always speaking in rime and riddles. She still knew the story good enough…
Okay, Cheshire Cat, at least better than nothing, so I will still stay in this world and look around, if I can find something to do for me elsewhere. And I am better on my way again at once…
After a very short farewell Laura turned around and left this place of sadness into the only further possible direction from here…
It may have been hours after leaving the house of the Mad Hatter, since the way of Laura had led her down from the mountains again. She now walked through huge flat areas with beautiful and colorful nature…
Sometime later Laura reached a small stream, and she could see strange items laying around in the environment. A really huge book, or a likewise outsized clock. But she understood quickly, as those items must have been left by the real Alice – a huger Alice from another time in this world and story. And Laura continued her way…

The mother of all life stopped again soon. Close to her, on a bush to the left, the Cheshire Cat appeared again, as usual only in a transparent form, but speaking to her at once…
Cheshire Cat:
Beautiful land, untouched still,
against all odds and witches will,
hope, you see, is still at hand,
saving our wondrous land…
Laura nodded with her head once. She looked around again, answering the Cheshire Cat with low voice then…
Yes, it may seem so, my friend. But you would not accidentally have a little advice for me where to go concrete for me now? I mean, only spoken from friend to friend…
The Cheshire Cat seemed to grin even wider now, and the answer came again with no delay…
Cheshire Cat:
Smart little girl with faith and grit,
coaxing me a little bit,
only follow on this way,
worth may be your further stay…
Laura nodded with her head before answering again, and at least this was a more concrete statement of the Cheshire Cat…
Thank you. I will follow your advice, and I will see what I still may be able to do for your wonderful world…
Laura took leave of the Cheshire Cat once more, and she did as she had been told, further following the way through this area, now straight along the little stream then…
After some time with following the flow direction of the small stream, the path followed another direction, away from the stream. And sometime later Laura stopped again, standing in front of a new area. She entered a forest with giant trees and colorful plants, and with a fallen tree at the beginning, creating something like a natural entrance to this forest…

The vegetation here was very densely, so that the further way seemed a little bit gloomy, though there was still some light shining through the forest. Laura took a deep breath finally…
Okay then, I must further follow this way, as the Cheshire Cat told me. No time for doubts, hesitation or fear…
After taking another deep breath Laura began to move again, finally entering the forest and beginning to cross it…
Laura was relieved as she could cross the forest without any further difficulties or enemy attacks, obviously reaching another destination here. It was a smaller door, created between the mighty stems of two huge trees, but seemingly with nowhere to go, as the normal forest only continued behind it. But of course Laura knew better…

Well, okay, this is Wonderland, and things work different here. This door is a little bit small, but I will get through if I can open it. And I am really curious
where it will lead me then. But as I do trust into the words of the Cheshire Cat, hopefully to a next destination…
Laura made an approach about the lonely door and tried to open it. And it worked, the passage was open then. But Laura could not see what was laying behind the door, as there was only light. Really bright light, and Laura could not look into it. She would have to close her eyes and make a step of confidence, and she was ready then…
Okay, Cheshire Cat, now I will learn about of what value your words have been. Let’s find out…
Laura took one deep breath and closed her eyes, turning towards the open door now. And then she stepped through…
Amazing! Only amazing! Those were the first thoughts of Laura as she was aware of herself again, standing in a whole new area. And the sight was gigantic, standing on a higher hill with really good sight over a huge new area in front of her. Except the wonderful nature, with also some almost surreal parts, especially one element caused a special attention of Laura – a giant white castle in the valley below her…
Laura was so fascinated that she really did not realize it at first, but she wasn’t alone any longer. Noticing it finally she startled a little bit in the first moment, but she felt there was no danger for her from this creature. It was a huge dog, standing next to her and also watching the beautiful environment. And it was not a normal dog, as it began to speak now…

Welcome, Laura, nice to meet you here. And don’t worry, I mean no harm to you at all, though there are other forces who want me to have this role. Originally I was sent to catch you and bring you into the red castle, but I made my own decision. I rather help you a little bit on your way, at least if you want me to do so then. Perhaps you know already, but my name is Bayard. And I hope you trust my words…
Laura nodded with her head several times…
Yes, I do, Bayard, I can feel that your words are serious, and yes, I know you from the stories of “Alice in Wonderland”, though this is an alternate version and world of those stories. And in one of them you chased Alice for the Red Queen, but decided also different. In the end you helped Alice against all evil forces. As you do now here with me. And your help is welcome, for whatever you can do for me…
Bayard answered with his deep voice…
Well, I don’t know the alternate story you are talking about, for I only live in this world and reality. But I can say, here it is not the red queen who instructed me, for she had been discharged yet for some time. You know about the conspiracy of witches, started in the world Oz and now also infecting many further worlds. Several of those witches now rule our world, subduing it bit by bit. The red castle was the first destination, where those witches have their base now. Reversely this castle is the still safest place to be here now, but nobody knows how long that still may last…
Laura nodded with her head once…
I understand, Bayard. But so the White Queen still lives free at least, and I ma be able to speak to her here?
Yes, Laura, and we all knew you would visit our world. This was the hope to save Wonderland, but maybe your arrival here cult yet be too late. I don’t know. But if you want I accompany you to the white queen…
Laura nodded with her head again…
I would be happy, Bayard. So, let’s do not waste any further time, I will visit the white castle now…
Laura began to move again, followed by Bayard, and both of them walked along the way to the castle of the White Queen...

Laura and Bayard had almost reached the huge entrance portal to the white castle, the royal homestead of the White Queen, as the dog stopped and turned around towards Laura. He looked at her, straight up into her eyes, as he began to speak again…

Okay, my dear friend, I will leave you now again, returning to the red castle and make a report, that I could not catch you as you escaped. At least I hope they will believe me and perhaps only send me on a second hunt, so I can buy you some more time. Use it well, Laura, and I really wish you all the luck of this world and beyond…
Laura began to smile and stroked over the rear of Bayard, looking at him deeply moved this moment...
Thank you, Bayard, you are a wonderful friend, and I thank you for your kind help. I will not forget you and do what I can for this world, at least what still may be possible then. Farewell, my friend!
Bayard began to move again and ran back the way he had just come with Laura, and she looked after him until he disappeared. Then the mother of all life turned towards the castle again…
So then, the White Queen of Wonderland! Let’s meet her and see if there is still hope left for this wonderful world…
Laura also began to move again, finally passing the huge portal, allowing her to enter the giant castle. She walked only slow now, looking around carefully, and her heart was beating faster…

Laura had reached the center of Wonderland, the center of all good and light what may have been left on this world now. And she hoped the White Queen really was still here and unharmed, because otherwise she knew also this world was finally lost…
Indeed! There she really was, waiting outside the castle in the palace courtyard, the beautiful White Queen of Wonderland. Laura was so happy and relieved to see her unscathed, and the sensible Aura of goodness and love was also really overwhelming. Laura felt a little bit awe inside of her heart, and she only walked on slowly now. Still in some meters distance it was the queen herself who began to speak to Laura with warm and gentle voice. And Laura even felt her heart somehow beating faster now…

White Queen:
Welcome, Laura, to my palace, and what a pleasure to meet you finally. We waited for you since some time yet, hoping it still would be in time before this world of wonders also ends. My wish is fulfilled now, and I am really happy, though you must sadly accept that you can not save this world in the end. It is not your destiny, though you may have thought like this. But it never was. You still have to learn and understand such a lot of things, the whole truth, which is still so far away from you, well hidden by such powerful forces, but only to the best of you and us all, what you hopefully may still understand some day and also accept. And I myself are happy to see you here, as the promised chosen one, as the one and only true savior of all things, when your mission is completed one day. And we all believe in you, as you know, as we always did, and as we always will do…
Laura was speechless now. And surprised. She could not say which talking she had expected here, but most certainly not the words the queen had spoken now so openly. And Laura even did not know what to answer now, she only stood there uncertain and even deeply ashamed, for understanding again how many people believed in her so much and firm. But how often Laura had felt doubts inside her heart though…
Laura lowered her head finally, and as she began to speak her voice resounded only low and shy…
Thank you so much, Your Highness, I am totally overwhelmed by your so unexpected and wonderful words, empowering my faith and strength so much now. So many hope and believe in me, and so many even seem to know the final truth yet. But I do not, no matter how hard I search and try. I do never want to disappoint anybody, but this is a sad fact for me. And sometimes even doubts attack me, when I am feeling so lonely and helpless. Then I have those feelings not to be a chosen one at all…
The Whit Queen now stepped closer, laying her hand on Laura’s shoulder. And in the same moment Laura felt so much love and faith from the queen, filling her body and heart…
White Queen:
Laura, I am sure you have already heard this a lot, but it is true. You are not alone, you never was and never will be. Even if you must fulfill this mission and your destiny on your own, and this is simply essential, we all who believe in you, we all are with you in thoughts and hearts all the time. And if you are open and in heart and soul, you must feel and know this. Because this is the way we support you and help to raise your faith and strength. You only must trust your own heart and feelings…
Laura nodded with her head and looked up again, straight into the eyes of the beautiful White Queen now…
I am sorry, and I beg for apologize, for you are really right. I do feel what you say, though my own human weakness tries to overwhelm me sometimes. But as you all believe in me, I also believe in my destiny, and that I will be successful in the end…
The queen also nodded with her head now…
White Queen:
Yes, my dear friend, this is the right attitude. But please, follow me now, to continue this important conversation at a more private place, for the time we still have left…
The White Queen began to move now, choosing a way around the castle, and Laura followed her at once…
Laura and the White Queen reached a place in the courtyard where they were alone finally. Between some pillars, standing behind a handrail, Laura could look at a wonderful scenery of mountains and a lot of waterfalls, falling down between them into a deep valley here. And the evening began to grow already, as the sun began to sink at the horizon…

Laura could not get enough of this wonderful scene of harmony and peace, but then the White Queen began to talk to her again. And Laura listened carefully to all her words…
White Queen:
Yes, this is such a beautiful place in our world, as many others too. And though, nothing of all of this matters now, as such important things are going on. And the only really concerning thing, the only important factor, Laura, is your safety, and that you reach your destination in time. The conspiracy is spreading, and like a dark cloud of poison it is spreading more and more, devouring all things on its way. And in fact, it doesn’t matter if our world is being destroyed and we all die here, not if you can complete your mission in the end. And we will do all what is possible to help you on this way…
Laura looked really shocked into the eyes of the White Queen now, but her words had really been totally serious. And so the mother of all life reacted the only way she could, while shaking her head. And also her voice only resounded very low now…
No, your highness, no! You can’t possibly be serious! For this so beautiful world and all its wonderful creatures, exactly as before on Oz, this can not be the end of all things. No matter what this final truth may be, one life, also not of the chosen one, can be worth the destruction and death of all other things. I can not believe this. And if there is a priority in my mission for me, then saving as much lives as ever possible…
The queen nodded with her head…
White Queen:
This is understandable, Laura, and as the person you are you really could never think different. But please, follow me now, it is getting dark. We may continue inside my palace then…
The White Queen began to move again, walking slowly back in the direction of the main entrance to the castle. And Laura followed her, after a very deep breath, and being very worried…
The White Queen had guided Laura through the castle, as the walk finally ended on a smaller balcony. Here the two women continued talking, while Laura leaned on the handrail with pain in her face. The White Queen stood behind her, beginning to speak again now…

White Queen:
Laura, though everybody understands what is laying like a giant burden on your heart and soul, believe me, this is one reason for you holding you back from discovering the truth. The shroud around you really is more impenetrable than of anybody else, when now so many people wake up slowly, but not the chosen one. You must fight harder as everybody else to be successful, and in the end even against yourself, because this is one fact the shroud can keep you as a prisoner. The normal conventions, the normal rules and all what mattered in your life so far, learn to forget about it all. Learn to listen inside of you as never before, to really reach the deepest regions of your heart and soul. Because the truth is not hiding anywhere around you, but deep inside yourself. You may have trouble to understand and accept this, but there is no choice. The sooner you learn to accept, the sooner you can do the next step on your way. And if you let it happen, we all help you on this way…
Laura closed her eyes for a while. She had to fight with some tears now, and it needed time to answer. As she could speak again her voice sounded only very low once more…
I know. Somehow I really knew all the time, but I really did not want to accept this fact. It is hard to really listen into yourself, not knowing what to find there. My fear is so huge, that I may not like what I find inside of me. The real truth, about me and all other things. And I do fear that it may be too much to stand it in the end…
The queen nodded with her head understanding…
White Queen:
I know, Laura. We all know, and this is the reason we act this way, trying gently to push you into the one and only right direction – the direction to yourself. There is no other way to succeed…
Laura sighed deeply one time before answering again. And now the tears really trickled down her cheeks…
How much time may still be left to find my true self and the truth behind all things? There is so much fear inside of me…
The White Queen reacted unexpected now. She stepped closer towards Laura and laid her arms around her shoulders. And Laura turned around, embracing the White Queen firmly. She could feel all her love and energy, soon also flowing through her won body. And more tears left her eyes while the White Queen began to speak once more…
White Queen:
It is not too late. For nothing, Laura. I can feel this, and I believe in your chance until the final ending of all things. You will succeed, and those tears, the tears of understanding and truth, are your first step on the way of return. The return to your true identity and understanding. And because you never keep up and never let anybody down, we will also fight. And if it only may be to still get you more time on your way. Wonderland is not totally doomed yet, as long as one being of light still lives…
For some time the two deeply moved women did not talk any more. They only stood there in their firm embrace, with closed eyes. And in the end even the first light of the new day began to raise…
Laura and the White Queen had left the castle again. With the sun raising at the horizon the two women still continued their conversation now in a beautiful garden…

Thank you. Thank you really so much, and believe me, I found so many good friends on my long journey yet, all supporting me so much. Like you do now, reaching my heart and soul…
The White Queen nodded with her head satisfied. And she began to smile really happily now…
White Queen:
That is all I ever could hope to reach, Laura. If you are only tiny bit further on your way to the truth, I was successful…
Laura nodded with her head, looking straight into the eyes of her new friend and also beginning to smile…
You were, my friend, you were…
White Queen:
Well, wouldn’t you say it was a long night then? I am hungry now, and you must be too. Please, follow me into the kitchen, so we can get something to eat there, Laura…
Laura agreed and the two women left the garden again to enter the huge castle once more, on their way to the kitchen. And Laura suddenly really felt totally pinched with hunger…
Laura and the White Queen had eaten their fill and of course continued talking in this time. Now they were still standing in the kitchen, as it was the queen to take the floor again…

White Queen:
Well, Laura, the night is already over again, and you should soon continue your so important journey through our world. We have talked a lot, and I hope I could help you a little bit, also with your faith and confidence, and it is so important to be strong for you in your heart. And regarding our world, there is at least one aspect I still need to show you, and I am totally sure you will like it. Then you may still continue your mission with a much better feeling, so, let me, please, surprise you…
Laura began to smile curiously…
But of course. No matter what it may be, show me then. I will follow you, and I am really curious…
The White Queen nodded with her head and turned around towards the kitchen door. She left the room quickly, and Laura also began to move. She followed the beautiful queen…
Higher and higher, upwards in the castle, this was the way the White Queen chose with Laura behind her. Crossing corridors, rooms and balustrades, inside and outside the castle, and Laura still had no idea where this little journey would end then...

But finally they reached the destination of the White Queen, entering another balcony at another side of the huge castle, while the sun still was standing deep at the horizon. It was early in the new morning, after a long night of talking so deeply…
Laura stepped towards the handrail of the balcony and looked beyond it, first hardly believing what she saw. But it was true, really true. Laura looked beyond a far plain outside the castle, surrounded by high mountains as a good protected place. And it was filled, totally filled with troops – the army of the White Queen from Wonderland. Laura guessed that there were thousands of soldiers, all prepared to fight against the invaders from Oz. And seeing their queen on the balcony, deafening cheers broke out, resounding beyond the whole plain. And the White Queen waved at her troops smiling…

Laura noticed the change, of course. Just before, with only a slight move of one finger, the queen had changed her outfit. Now she stood there in a complete battle armor, and the silver glance of it reflected in the sunlight. Laura really was so impressed…
Finally the White Queen began to speak again. Still looking at her army she spoke to Laura though…
White Queen:
So now, what do you think, my dear friend? Would you still believe we are totally helpless here? Or will we be able to stand up to all hostile invaders then? We will fight for you and your mission, to give you as much extra time as possible, but we also fight for us and our world. Just look at them, how they believe in us and themselves, and in our victory. We will be ready to “welcome” the invaders from Oz, the way they deserve it…
Laura nodded with her head, almost being a little bit shy now with this incredible sight. And as she began to speak her voice only sounded silent on the high balcony…
I believe in you, my wonderful queen, as you believe in me. Thank you so much, I am really overwhelmed…
The queen only smiled for an answer and turned around finally. She left the balcony again, and Laura followed her…
Laura was surprised once more. Entering the balcony door the White Queen had used her magic finger again, and only in a second she and Laura disappeared form their current place. Instead they found themselves somewhere else, now standing outside the castle. It was not the main courtyard where Laura had entered the castle first, but a side exit. And the two women stood alone there, where Laura could see a small way leading away from the castle. Leading somewhere into unknown regions…
The White Queen began to speak to her guest again, standing close to her and with a hand on Laura’s shoulder…
White Queen:
So, this is our farewell now, my dear young friend. You must leave and continue your so important mission, and we will wait for the enemies to come and stop them here. Use this advantage, and only reach the end of this world for you in time. You will reach a very special area from here, where you find multiple castles around. But they are not real, not at all. We created this area for all possible enemies to confuse them, and to stop them. Those areas are full of deadly traps, and there will not be a visible main way then at all. But you can cross this area without any damage, just and only listening to and trusting your heart. Hear this deep voice as never before and experience your true strength a whole new way. You can do this, and I am with you. My own strength will lead you there…
Laura sighed deeply, nodding with her head then. And for her own surprise she did not feel any fear now…
I will do as you say. And leaving this area finally, will I find the exit from Wonderland there?
White Queen:
You will, you will recognize it…
Laura did not answer any more. Instead she followed her feelings, embracing the White Queen now. And the two deeply moved women kept embracing themselves for a longer time…
Laura was on her way again. She was only walking slowly after this hard and sad farewell, as she still heard the voice of the White Queen again. Laura turned around, yet in some distance to the castle…
White Queen:
A little surprise as farewell gift for you…
Suddenly it happened, as totally unexpected several known characters from the Wonderland appeared to both sides of the queen, just out of nowhere. Laura did recognize them, as Tweedledee and Tweedledum, the Cheshire Cat, Bayard, two relatives of the White Rabbit, and Mallymkun, the little fighting mouse. They all were waving at Laura now…

The mother of all life was so happy, she really was all smiles. Laura also waved at her new friends, until turning around again and finally leaving. In the end she disappeared at the horizon…
Some time had passed. Laura was gone, and the White Queen was in her throne room, sitting on her throne at the end of this huge hall. She was not alone, as some entourage was standing to both sides of the middle hallway, also waiting. Waiting for something unknown…

All assembled people did not look at their queen. They were looking straight into the opposite direction, somehow in a mixture of curiosity and insecurity. But the White Queen did not feel any better, though there simply had been no choice. And so it finally happened, as the expected visitor finally entered the throne room…
No person, no human form, an impalpable creature of darkness and energy. It appeared in the form of a black cloud, slowly flying through the air, just a little bit over the floor…

It was totally silent in the throne room now, and the black cloud stopped still in some distance to the queen. From this position a deep voice resounded through the whole hall, somehow really mighty, and though not more than only a whispering from all walls…
So then, the chosen one is on her way again, and we hope the illusion was perfect we created for her? But we guess you played your role like usual, and nobody would ever doubt the White Queen of Wonderland. And all the other lovely creatures of your kingdom…
The queen on the throne did not answer immediately, but sighed deeply first. Then she formed her words for an answer…
White Queen:
Hard times require sometimes hard decisions, and in the end we all did what was absolutely necessary here. I could not choose my allies like I would normally do, but let’s forget about that. Because we all know, if Laura is successful, and we all add our contribution for this destination, then all things, our whole worlds, do not matter any longer. Nothing will be important any longer, only the true future counts…
The voice out of the dark cloud answered after some moments, whispering throughout the whole hall again…
We all followed our own ideals and destinations much too long, and we all know today how wrong we have been. This alliance of convenience has been our one and only option, to get Laura a good feeling and continue her way in faith and confidence. And this has happened now, so we all got the best out of this situation what was possible…
The White Queen nodded with her head several times, but she seemed to be elsewhere with her thoughts. After some moments she answered again, but only with a low voice…
White Queen:
Sadly this is right. But okay, let’s leave it at that. This alliance of convenience ends here and now, so please, leave my castle and wait in your own area for the further things to come…
The deep voice out of the black cloud answered promptly, one last time throughout the huge hall…
So be it then. We will not meet again, not in this reality and life. Another world will be the further location for Laura now, for her mission, and others will continue our work…
With those words the black cloud began to move again, backwards this time, towards the exit of the throne room. But before reaching it the energy creature vanished into thin air…
The White Queen closed her eyes, staying on her throne motionless. And she began to whisper to herself then…
White Queen:
Good luck, Laura. I hope I have done the proper thing for you and your mission. Complete it successful now…
The entire entourage left the throne room now, leaving the tired queen alone then. And she stayed on her throne motionless…
Laura walked through an almost surreal landscape now again, with giant mushrooms of different forms and colors all around, always following the main path as she had been told. And there still were more strange environments on this way...

It needed some hours until Laura finally reached a new region, this region the White Queen had told her about before. It was a huge plain first, with an immense castle in the background. An area full of death traps as Laura knew, but she knew exactly what to do…

The mother of all life closed her eyes finally, after she had a close look around. But not her eyes were important now, only her heart and true feelings. Laura listened deeply into her heart, getting totally quiet inside, while her energies were flowing…
Laura began to move again. Step by step she walked on, slowly but determined through the new area. She did not see anything, but her heart guided her through the dangerous region…
Laura stopped from time to time, simply standing still and looking around, so the complete conjunction with her heart was interrupted for a short time. So she could at least take a look around at certain places, seeing the impressing environments of Wonderland, though it was a one and only region of death all around here. Afterwards she always closed her eyes again, letting the energy flow further and continuing the dangerous journey through those beautiful, but deadly landscapes…

Laura was not sure about the number of castles in the end, because she may not have had stopped at all castles. But as she finally stopped again, this time with a good feeling again, the mother of all life began to smile. And she really was so much relieved…
And here I am, the last castle, and the only real one again. I can see the exit of Wonderland now, and I am prepared to leave finally. Let’s see which world will be waiting for me next then…
Laura continued walking, now across an artificial bridge of stone, crossing a deep abyss in this area of high mountains and waterfalls. And at the end of the bridge the new castle was waiting, but not with a normal entrance door then. Instead Laura saw a dimensional energy portal there, in blue color, and turning constantly as a vortex…

Laura continued walking slowly, coming closer to her destination carefully, but little by little…
Thank you, White Queen, you really have been a very big help for me on my way and mission…
Laura took a deep breath now…
I have visited two wonderful worlds here now, the world of Oz and Wonderland, playing the roles of Dorothy and Alice there. It was really a great experience then, and this journey is not yet over. I am very curious about what to expect next, and what role I will play then. For I know yet, from the White Queen, there are still more fairy tale worlds waiting for me…
Laura still was all smiles, and her heart was beating faster now, with approaching the end of this current chapter of her journey. And she knew, the next world to visit would still even be more important than the ones she had visited until now…
Let’s see what it will be about. And I will be very attentive, to not miss the secret the White Queen mentioned…
Laura finally reached the dimensional portal, being very small as she stood in front of it. After some moments of taking several deep breaths, the mother of all life was ready to continue. And being firmly determined she then entered the dimensional portal and disappeared through it…
The adventures in the world of Oz and Wonderland were finally over for Laura, but the next mission began straight now…
The end of chapter 7…
…but to be continued in chapter 8...