Chapter 5 - The new Order of Hogwarts, Part 2
Laura - The Parallel Universe, Part 5 - The new Order of Hogwarts, Part 2
It was still early in the next morning, as school had begun again in Hogwarts, and all pupils were on their way to the classrooms. After a common breakfast, as usual, of course. All pupils, with one exception. Laura was in her dormitory again after breakfast, and after a short talk with Professor Dumbledore. But he already knew about the magic visit of the last night, and he agreed without any hesitation to free Laura from school...
Laura had made a first decision. As there was no possibility to speak with the group yet she would start alone with her search this day, and if possible she would talk to Harry and the others later. Laura still knew only few about Hogwarts, but it didn't matter. She would search everywhere during all people were in the classrooms, so she would at least be undisturbed and could also search in areas where she otherwise would not get so easy. And she was ready to start her search now...
Laura just stood up from the ledge of her bed as the door to the room suddenly opened unexpected. Laura was surprised as she saw Hermione, entering the dormitory now...
The new friend of Laura was astonished to find Laura here, but somehow it had been a feeling to look for her here. Hermione had been wondering not to see Laura in the classroom, and so she took the first opportunity to leave there, and look for Laura if she was alright...
Hermione shrugged her shoulders and began to speak then, standing very close to Laura then...

So, here you are then, Laura, but why? What is the problem now, it is Monday and we expected you in school. But then Professor Dumbledore told us that our new pupil, you, Laura, will not join our class for the next time. I could not understand, and so I used the first chance to leave the classroom and return here, into our dormitory. Somehow I felt you would still be here, Laura, but please, tell me what happened. What’s the matter?
Laura sighed deeply one time and looked down for some moments. But then she made a decision and looked up again, straight into the eyes of her new friend Hermione…
Well then, Hermione, I thought it would be the best thing not to get involved anybody of you into my personal matters. But I just changed my mind, and you, as my new friend, shall learn about the truth. Something happened last night, something really important, but if you can stay and have some time I would tell you about…
Hermione nodded with her head…
No problem, I freed myself from school for today, in consultation with Professor Dumbledore, of course. In fact it was even his concern, as her told me to check you out then…
Laura began to smile slightly…
Okay, no surprise somehow, but as I said, you are welcome, Hermione. I will tell you about my experiences last night…
And so Laura began to talk finally, as both girls took a seat on their beds towards each other. And she did not leave anything aside then, while Hermione was listening intently…
Laura kept silence again and looked straight intro the eyes of Hermione, expecting her reaction. After some meaningful moments Hermione began to speak finally…
Well, this is really interesting, Laura. I also have no idea who this visitor may have been, but however, it must have been a powerful creature with entering one of our worlds. Our leaders really must have had allowed this, it would not have been possible otherwise. And it only can have been a creature of light, as no evil force could enter our universe. I mean no real creature of evil, as it is different with our fantasies and own creations…
Hermione nodded with her head confirming…
This is really important, and of course I understand your decision now. You will not join our team as expected, but start your own search and journey on our world. But you should not do this completely on your own, not at all. And I will do what Dumbledore told me, and what also my own heart tells me now. I will be at your side and accompany you. At least I hope you will agree, as this is simply an honest offer…
Laura began to smile slightly once more, before she began to speak herself again and answered Hermione…
I would be honoured if you accompany me, Hermione, but I also would have only gone on my own. Perhaps you would first like to speak with Harry first? It would certainly not be good to simply disappear from here with no word. Harry should know at least…
Hermione nodded with her head…
Of course. Please, wait here, and prepare our search, I will be back soon. Then we can start from here…
With these words Hermione left the dormitory again, while Laura sighed deeply one time. Then she began to make her preparations, waiting for her new friend to return…
Laura and Hermione were on their way finally. The two girls had decided to search within the castle at first, as they were sure, the secret Laura was searching for was hidden somewhere within theses walls. Laura especially trusted into her heart and feelings, but at the moment the two girls were still completely clueless about a special destination…
After hours of futile searching through all sections, and even the forbidden area of Hogwarts, Laura and Hermione finally returned to their dormitory. It was late then, time for something to eat, and so the two friends had dinner together, with all other pupils in the grand refectory…
In the evening, as it was dark yet outside the castle, Laura and Hermione had left Hogwarts, making a walk in the area around Hogwarts. And they were talking about their way forward…
Well, we weren’t really successful this day, Laura. Do you have any idea for tomorrow, where to continue our search?
Laura sighed deeply one time. She thought about that question some moments, before answering Hermione…
I thought about it, but to be honest, I am thinking about yet since we started our search in Hogwarts today. And somehow I can feel something, now even more clear than in the beginning. Our destination lies somewhere deep below the surface, deep below Hogwarts, and I am not talking about the basement area, known from the movies. It is also not the chamber of secrets, where Harry had a mission yet, but my feeling tells me that we will find our own real starting point there. A secret portal, leading still further down in unknown areas, and towards the searched destination…
Laura looked straight into the eyes of her friend now, and Hermione answered with low voice then…
Not the best place to be, are you really sure? We all have weird feelings thinking back to this mission. This was the first point at all in our common story where we all almost died…
Laura nodded with her head one time…
I know, but yes, I am totally sure mean while. We must continue our search there, but of course I can not expect that from you. I mean, if you rather not want to enter this area I would understand and continue this mission on my own then. It is your free decision…
Hermione began to smile slightly…
Don’t worry, Laura, of course I will stay at your side as promised. Fear is something bad in our hearts, something to fight and defeat in the end. And I will, be sure. We will do this together, for sure…
Laura began to smile too…
Okay, thank you, Hermione. Then I would recommend to go to bed now, so we can start early tomorrow and may be recovered and prepared. And after this day I am tired anyway…
Hermione agreed at once, and so the two friends began to prepare themselves for the drawing near night…
A new Day began to rise around Hogwarts, when the first new daylight was gleaming at the far horizon. Most pupils were still sleeping, as Laura and Hermione were on their feet again yet. After preparing for the new day and having a small breakfast the two girls left the dormitory, with a new destination. But it was not the basement area yet, but rather a friend. Hermione and Laura walked to the hut of Hagrid, the only person who really could be helpful in this situation…
Standing in front of Hagrid’s hut finally it was Hermione to knock on the door with determination then…
It needed some tries, but finally Hagrid really opened the door. Still a little bit sleepy and also astonished he looked at the two girls, beginning to speak to them finally…
Oh, what an unexpected surprise, my two little magic ladies, visiting the good, old Hagrid. Come in, come in, and take a seat in my humble hut. I will certainly have something good for you to drink and nibble…
The two girlfriends followed the invitation of Hagrid, and they took a seat in the small hut then. Hagrid also sat down, presenting tea and cookies on the table. And while eating and drinking it was Laura then to start a conversation, talking candidly to Hagrid…
Okay, Hagrid, there is something you could help us with, at least this is what we hope. There is nobody else we could ask, and it would be impossible only for the two of us to succeed then…
Hagrid looked at Laura with big eyes, not knowing what she was talking about. But he nodded with his head…
Well, tell me, Laura. If there is something I can do for you, you can be sure the old Hagrid will help you then. But first I should know what it is, and the two little faces somehow tell me it would not be something easy. Or should I say it may be something forbidden…?
Laura began to smile slightly before answering. And somehow she was not surprised Hagrid did guess something yet…
Well, I can not deny it is something difficult, something we could not do and succeed in a normal way. But if there is somebody to help us, Hagrid, then it is you. So, I will tell you the truth…
Laura took a deep breath before continuing…
I had a visitor, a strange and unknown visitor two days ago in the night, a supernatural being not of this world. And it told me not to join the team of Harry Potter, though I really wanted to do this, but starting my own important mission instead. I spoke with Professor Dumbledore, and he allowed me to do what has to be done. Hermione helps me, and both of us spent the day yesterday with searching for the place where my own mission should start. We did not find it in the normal areas of Hogwarts, but I do know now where we really have to go. This is a problem, as we two can not make it there alone, not again anyway as Harry, Ron and Hermione had been successful one time before. But it won’t work a second time this way, as the safety measures had certainly been fortified since then to not allow anybody else to reach the chamber of secrets again. But just this is the place where we must start, and find a way to still get deeper below the surface. I can feel it, there must be undiscovered caves down there, finally leading us to the real destination of my mission, and so we must find a way to get there now…
As Laura finished her speech it was Hermione to take the floor before Hagrid could react in any way…
Please, Hagrid, can you help us here? You see, the former entry to the chamber of secrets has been locked forever by the teachers, but we know there is another way. It is the area where Cerberus guards all ways, all doors to the catacombs, the only way to succeed now. We may not be able to pass Cerberus two by two, but we could with your help…
Hagrid looked at Hermione and then at Laura, with a serious face. But finally he began to smile, getting up from his chair…
Oh, you brave little girls, it was a wise idea to ask the good, old Hagrid, and of course he will help you. If this mission is that urgent, then we will succeed together, without anybody else will notice. You can count on me, and Cerberus will not be a problem. You know he knows and trusts in me, and if I want him to let somebody pass, then he will obey…
Hermione and Laura also stood up from their places now, being satisfied by this reaction of Hagrid. It wasn’t really a big surprise, as Hermione had been convinced he would be helpful for sure…
Thank you so much, Hagrid, we would not have asked you if this mission wouldn’t have been so urgent. Urgent for Laura and her destiny, and so also for the destiny of us all in the end…

Hagrid nodded with his head several times…
I know, Hermione, I know. But though, we still should wait a little bit, for the next night arriving. It is much better and safer when Hogwarts is asleep, won’t you agree?
Laura nodded with her head confirming…
This is also our opinion, Hagrid, so we should meet the next night, preferably here at your hut?
Great, great, we will make it so. Come back again tonight, then we will reach the chamber of secrets together…
Hermione and Laura left Hagrid again, feeling really happy to make it to the next destination soon then. This night the chamber of secrets in Hogwarts would be opened a second time, and the mission of Laura, with Hermione at her side, would continue…
The darkness had surrounded Hogwarts again. Most of the pupils were asleep again yet, as Hermione and Laura finally left the grand castle again. As arranged they walked to the hut of Hagrid then, and he was waiting yet in front of his habitation…
Hello, my young friends, nice to see you again. And if you are ready we could leave at once…
Laura nodded with her head smiling…
We are ready, Hagrid, let’s go…
The small group left the hut of Hagrid again, slowly walking towards Hogwarts again. They entered the castle then, walking very careful and quiet inside, not to wake up anybody at all…
The small group arrived in front of the door to the room with Cerberus, guarding the trapdoor to the basement area. But they were surprised to notice they were not alone any more. Two more girls were waiting here, Ginny and Luna. Hermione and Laura looked at them totally astonished, and after some moments Hermione began to speak first…
What are you doing here? How could you know…?
Ginny and Luna began to smile, and it was Ginny to answer the question of Hermione first then…
Well, it was the idea of Harry, of course. Somehow he knew what was going on, and as he could not join your team himself he asked us to support you. And so, here we are…
Hermione and Laura looked at each other, and finally it was Laura to speak to the two newcomers now…
Harry Potter, I should have known that he would know. And well, a little bit more help can not be wrong, so we extend our small group then. Welcome to the “Team Laura” for this mission…
Hagrid shook his head and smiled happily…
A nice surprise, and a great team of girls then, so the good, old Hagrid can really feel reassured now. And I will prepare your way now, let me enter the room first and meet Cerberus…
Hagrid turned rhetoric into action now and entered the following room. The girls remained in front of the entrance, seeing the giant sleeping three-headed dog, lying straight on the trapdoor to the basement area. And Hagrid woke up the creature gently now…

It worked. Hagrid and Cerberus stood in the background of the room now, and the trapdoor was open. Hermione, Ginny and Luna had jumped into the hole in the floor yet, and only Laura still remained for some moments. Standing in front of the trapdoor she looked at Hagrid one more time and began to smile. Then she talked to him with low voice…
Hagrid, I really appreciate all your help and kindness, and I certainly never forget about you. If my mission here is successful, we will not meet again, as I then will leave this world again for the next one in the universe of the lost children, and I know I do not reveal a secret here, as I know you be in the know. I will miss you…
Hagrid nodded with his head…
As I will too, dear Laura. But I wish you all the best, for here and beyond, for all your further way…
Hagrid came close now and embraced Laura. After some moments he stepped back again, and Laura finally jumped into the hole below the trapdoor, with a last smile at Hagrid…
The four girls were gone. Hagrid closed the trapdoor again, and Cerberus laid down behind the trapdoor then…
Good old friend, keep your eyes peeled! It will certainly need some time, but at least three girls have to return. Ad you are responsible that nobody disturbs them, and that they can return safely…
With these determined words Hagrid turned around and finally left the room and closed the door quietly…
Laura and her friends had crossed some underground vaults, straight on their way to the chamber of secrets. But suddenly, as the girls had almost reached their destination, Laura stopped, in a very special corridor with huge snake statues to both sides. Looking at a giant stony face in some distance Laura could feel something, something really evil…

Girls, please, wait some moments. I can feel something, something really evil
down here, something that shouldn’t be here. After Harry’s mission in this chamber it should be empty now, totally empty, but I can feel it isn’t. Tell me, can you feel the same…?
Hermione was the first to answer Laura’s question, after she had taken a look around with open senses…
You are right, Laura, we are not alone here. Not at all. This chamber is as dark as before, and something evil is waiting for us. We should prepare for battle at once then…
Ginny was the first one to drew her magic wand, raising it into the air before she began to speak…
I was here before, as you know, possessed by an evil force with a name we all know much too well. And I can feel it again, the evil master sends a dark creature again to stop us here…
All girls drew their magic wands now, and after some moments of concentration they continued their way. Slowly and careful. Prepared for battle they converged to the chamber of secrets…
The four girls had entered the huge chamber of secrets, looking around very carefully. They also only moved very slowly, listening for every possible sound around. But there was nothing, absolute nothing. It seemed there was nothing else within these walls. But the girls knew better, they really felt they were no longer alone at this place…
Laura was the first one to speak again, but as she did so, her words were only a low whispering…
The atmosphere is really dark here, and all feelings are true. Evil has not left this area, or returned again after Harry was here the last time. Something wants to stop us here, or better, somebody. And of course we all know exactly who is behind all this…
Hermione looked around with saturnine look…
Yes, of course, as there is only one lord of darkness who wants to return and rule the whole world. But we are prepared this time, and together we can defeat every enemy for sure…
The girls kept silence again after the words of Hermione, waiting for the further things to come. And it really happened only a few minutes later, as the evil atmosphere suddenly deepened obviously. And some horrible sounds from some distance pronounced the arrival of a foreign creature. The girls raised their magic wands at once…
The dark creature approached finally, straight out of the water in front of the huge stony face in the wall. And it was a giant snake, raising out of the water with ear-splitting yelling…

The four girls were shocked only for a few moments. Then they let their energies flow, and magic light got out of their magic wands. Staying in motion all the time the girls could get out of the way all snake attacks, while they shot their magic energy on the creature again and again…
Laura also jumped around slinky, and she noticed the giant snake tried to hit her preferentially. It was obvious she was the primary destination, but Laura escaped those attacks frequently…
But then it happened. Running around Laura suddenly stumbled and fell to the ground straight in front of the water basin. Trying to get up immediately Laura noticed it was too late. The giant snake was in front of her too quickly, yet preparing with its huge jaws to attack…
Laura believed to die this moment, but it was Hermione finally to save her. While Ginny and Luna attacked from the sides Hone stood on the top of the stony face, aiming at the snake from there. Her energy beam now hit the right eye of the snake and destroyed it, just one moment before the creature could attack Laura…
The giant snake howled of pain, and Hermione used this advantage. With her magic wand she aimed at the left eye of the snake now and destroyed it also the next moment…
With one last yell the giant creature fell to the ground and died at once. The four girls were safe finally, and Laura stood up from the ground again. She took a deep breath while Hermione climbed down to the ground again. She walked towards Laura, and with a happy smile in their faces both girls embraced. They remained like this for several minutes…
Laura stepped back from Hermione again and still smiled at her in great gratitude. She began to speak then…
Thank you so much, Hermione, you saved my life. I really thought yet it all would be over now. It was like facing death for sure, but because of you my mission can still continue…
Hermione began to smile slightly…
I am glad I could help. Wherever your mission leads you, and what it may be all about, it is much more important than our missions. You must survive, and I would give my life for you at once…
Laura laid her hand on Hermione’s shoulder, looking into her eyes with with bleary eyes…
Thank you. I appreciate this so much. But now we should continue, before evil perhaps sends another creature for us. Somewhere in this chamber must be an entry, something to lead us further downwards, deeper into the underground. Let’s find this way…
We should divide us, maybe we can find this entry sooner then. So then, girls, let’s start this search…
The four friends began to move, walking into different directions. They began their search for the hidden entry, to continue their journey deeper down into the underground…
After some time the four girls came together again in the chamber of secrets. But the result was frustrating, as there was no sign at all for any hidden door or anything else to give them access to a deeper area to the underground. Really nothing at all though of an intense search. Could this really be possible they had only reached a deadlock now?
Hermione was the first to speak again, after she had taken a deep breath and shrugged one time…
Well, so what now, girls? There was no sign at all about any further way from here, could we really be so wrong in the end? But where else should we search then instead?
Laura also took a deep breath then, looking down for some moments first. Then she began to speak herself…
No, girls, no. We are really at the right place, the only problem is, we searched in all wrong directions, as I know now. There are two further possibilities we did not consider until now, and we must check them both before thinking about anything else. Look here, the giant stony face, and the water basin. The mouth of this face looks like an entry, so, where does it lead? And if not, where did the giant snake come from? Out of the water. So it can be possible we can find a passage through the water…
Ginny nodded with her head confirming…
Yes, Laura is right, we really did not consider those facts so far. But I would recommend to first explore the stony face entry, diving in the water would not be my first wish. Only if there is no other option left. But well, how can we reach the passage in the face?
Not in a normal way, but with magic. Let’s create a magic bridge from here, all together with our magic wands…
The four girls realized the suggestion of Hermione, and in fact, with their magic abilities a transparent bridge of magic energy could be built. All girls took this way into the stony mouth then and disappeared in it, with Laura in the last position. Standing in the mouth then Laura turned around, seeing the magic bridge disappear then. With a deep breath Laura turned around again and followed her friends…

The four girls were back in the chamber of secrets finally. The passage in the huge stony face sadly also had been a deadlock, and so there was only one way left now. The way through the water, without knowing at all if this really would be the right passage. The chances to die here in the water, to drown in the end if this also only would be a deadlock, and the morale within the group was not very good therefore. But Laura had made an important decision herself meanwhile, for the current situation…
Please, listen to me, friends. I have made my decision now for this unknown way into the water and darkness. I can hear a voice inside of me, recommending to continue this way on my own. It is my mission, and only I can complete it. I will have all needed abilities to finish all challenges, for I was told so since entering this universe first. I do not want to risk any further life here, and so it is my wish here for you to return to Hogwarts. I am really so grateful for all your help, but our common way must end here…
Luna shook her head several times…
But Laura, we really…
Laura did not let Luna speak further, shaking her head herself then. She confirmed her wish resolutely…
Luna, I know, you would accompany me until the end of this way, no matter where it would lead us. But there is an important difference between your missions on this world, and my mission. I am on my own here, and I have been told this a lot of times. Of course there can be help between, but never at the destinations and at the challenges waiting for me personal. This is a part of my mission, and the only way to fully complete it in the end. It is not my rule, but I must obey it. And it is my big wish now that you respect it, because you are my friends. Return home, join the team of Harry again and fulfil your own missions, and I will follow my own destiny…
Hermione took a deep breath and advanced a few steps, straight in front of Laura. She reached out her hand and Laura took it. Hermione began to speak with serious voice then…
Okay, Laura, we accept your wish and mission. It was an honour to know you and accompany a little bit on your way, but so we return to Hogwarts now. We wish you all the best for your mission, and that you may be successful in the end…
The three friends of Laura accepted the situation finally, and after a last farewell with bleary eyes Hermione, Luna and Ginny turned around. They left the chamber of secrets finally…
Laura still remained in the chamber for a short time, but finally she raided her magic wand. With her magic energy Laura immediately changed her clothes, standing there in a swimsuit then. Taking one last deep breath the mother of all life jumped into the water basin now, diving into the dark and unknown deepness at once…

Laura dived through the water as fast as possible. With her magical abilities on this world it was possible to hold her breath much longer than a normal human being ever could do, but though it stayed a matter of time if she would be able to reach a dry shore before she would drown. And it certainly would have been a gamble to find the right way here, as there were multiple possibilities soon in the deepness, but Laura fully concentrated on her feelings, leading her straight through the unknown water…

Laura got further and further in the cold water, not knowing at all where this journey finally would lead her then. It was a race against time before her strengths and air reserve would last before dying. But Laura believed that she could make it…
Suddenly it happened. Diving further and further Laura felt the power of evil again, attacking her whole sudden and in a never expected way. Horrible creatures appeared in the water from all sides, diving towards Laura and blocking her way. She reacted quickly, attacking the demonic creatures with the energy of her magic wand, but there were too many of them. And still more appeared from an unknown source, until they had encircled Laura. Multiple arms grasped for her, until Laura could not defend herself any longer, and finally she knew she was doomed…
The evil creatures tore Laura off, downwards into the dark deepness, and she was sure to die now. But then it happened, completely unexpected again. From a distance a magic light began to glow, getting bigger and coming close very fast. Laura was almost about to loose consciousness, but she could still see a shadow appearing at the horizon, and it was a human being. She couldn’t believe, but it was true…

Hermione attacked the evil creatures with all her magic power, destroying them one by one. Her magic wand sent out magic energy in a growing radius, finally destroying the evil creatures on a huge scale. The swarm ended finally, and the evil attack was over, with the last creature being destroyed. And Laura was still alive then…
Hermione quickly dived to Laura and touched her with the energy of her magic wand, giving her new life energy this way. And Laura recovered soon then, so both girls could continue the dive now…
It needed still some time, until the underwater journey finally ended. Laura and Hermione reached a giant and unknown underwater cave and could leave the water lastly. Standing on dry ground again Laura looked into the eyes of Hermione, not sure what to say in these moving moments. But finally she found her voice again…
Hermione, I really have trouble to find the right words now. You didn’t listen to me and followed me against my wish, and I really never have been more grateful for ignoring my wishes than now. Again you saved my life, and my mission, by totally ignoring the danger for your own life. Normally, as I understood your leaders at least, this shouldn’t happen, normally I only should be responsible myself for my life. But you broke these rules, you really did. How could you do this, against the will of your leaders…?
Hermione began to smile slightly…
You are my friend, Laura, but not only therefore. You are the hope of a whole universe and beyond, and I do not care for silly rules then. Luna and Ginny returned home as it was your wish, but not me. It was never an option at all to leaver you alone, in a dangerous world you do not know. I am standing at your side, for how my own heart tells me, and for what Dumbledore and Harry asked me. So no more discussion now, my dear friend, I am the chosen one in this world to help you, and I will stay until the end of your journey here. You must accept this now, and as two times of rescuing you show it is simply necessary. You need me, Laura…
Before Laura could answer anything Hermione spoke one more time, continuing with serious voice…
And besides, you can be sure, our leaders see and know everything what is happening in our worlds. If there really would happen anything against their will, at least one of them would appear and avert it. But this didn’t happen. So, don’t worry, we lost children are still free to make our own decisions, also against rules, if necessary. And especially if it is for a friend, for a wonderful friend like you, Laura...
Laura felt how her eyes filled up with tears, and she nodded with her head several times then…
Yes, I do, Hermione…
Laura embraced her friend happy now, and the two girls remained like this for several minutes. But finally the two girls moved apart again, and Laura could only whisper her next words…
Thank you, Hermione, thank you so much…
Hermione didn’t answer, but laid her hand on Laura’s shoulder. Then the two friend began to move again, climbing the next rocks to reach a point for a better view into the giant cave...
The cave was really giant. Laura and Hermione could almost not see the other end of it, but suddenly a bright white light began to gleam at the opposite ending of the underwater cave. The two girls could not identify what it was, but they knew the further way now. And there were only two possibilities to reach it, across the rocks along the walls, or straight through the water until the gleaming light…

Laura looked at Hermione and spoke to her again…
So, at least we know where to go next, this light is helpful in this strange and unknown area. As those rocks do not look very inviting I would recommend to swim through the water. What do you think?
Hermione nodded with her head…
I agree, so then, let’s return into the water…
The two girls changed their clothes again with their magic wands and dived into the cold and dark water of the underwater cave. Quickly they began to swim towards the opposite ending…
Laura and Hermione had reached their next destination safely. And it was a surprise to see where they really were now, as the end of the cave was the begin of underground vaults, artificially constructed underground vaults, by whom ever then. The two friends now stood in a corridor, made of stones, with no idea where this way would lead them now…
Strange. What is this here? Who had built this, deep under the surface of the Hogwarts area? I can not imagine anybody of the teachers there know about this place…
Laura shook her head one time…
I also have no idea. And I can not even feel anything about this place, I mean, if it is something good or evil behind all this. At the moment my feelings simply tell me nothing at all…
Hermione took a deep breath…
Okay, as there is no alternative, I recommend we follow this way, and find out what is waiting for us here…
Laura agreed and the two girls finally began to move again, following their way through the underground vaults…
Laura and Hermione could cross the artificial constructed corridor without any problems. And though the atmosphere changed on this way, as something impalpable laid in the air. It was not even clear if it was something good or evil, hidden totally behind an unknown shroud…

The two friends reacted to this change, walking slower through the corridor with whole open senses, being prepared to anything what could happen, also a sudden attack…
Finally the girls reached the end of this corridor, which had been flooded with light. Not normal light, and therefore eerie. It had not been obvious at all where this light came from, as well as in the cave before, for it was no artificial or natural light at all…
The area got darker again now. Laura and Hermione found themselves at the top of a long stairs, leading downwards from this position. A long way down, still deeper into the underground…
The only illumination sources in this new corridor now ware torches, burning torches, hanging at both sides of the walls. But down at the destination of the stairs, leading into the next unknown room, the girls could see another different source of light, like in the corridor before and really shining bright out of this room…

Something was wrong here. Something was totally wrong, and the atmosphere changed into fear now. It still was nothing evil, rather neutral, but somehow very dangerous though…
Laura was the first one to speak again. But at this eerie place she only whispered to Hermione then…
Hermione, I have a whole bad feeling about this place. Something is bad here, not evil, but bad. And my feelings tell me now we are walking straight into a big trap here…
Hermione nodded with her head confirming, as she shared those feelings totally. She also only whispered her answer…
I would say we should not simply walk on here, Laura. Not without our magic energy flowing through us…
The two friends kept silence again, doing just as Hermione had recommended. And the two magic wands began to glow…
Ginny and Luna finally arrived in Hogwarts again, and being back there the two girls had only one destination. They searched for Harry Potter, and they found him finally outside, in front of Hagrids hut, sitting there on the ground next to Hagrid. The face of Harry turned from interest into sorrow, as he noticed the anxiety in the faces of his two friends…

Harry didn’t wait for one of his two friends to speak then, but began to speak himself instead…
Well, returning home without Laura and Hermione seems not right, especially with the feelings coming out of you so obvious. Please, tell me, what has happened? And where are Laura and Hermione?
It was Ginny finally to tell the story, all things happening until the group had separated. And ending this report Ginny only added one thing, the true and deep concern within her heart…
Harry, it was Lauras wish. Her true and unambiguously wish, so we couldn’t refuse. We separated at this point and began to walk back again – only for a really short distance. Then Hermione said to us to continue back to Hogwarts, but she wouldn’t. She wanted to follow Laura even against her wish, as she was in such big concern. And now both of them are on an unknown way and mission, and we are left in fear and uncertainty…
Harry took a deep breath once, but he didn’t answer immediately. Instead it was Hagrid, speaking somehow to himself quietly, but somehow also to his young friends…
Not good! Not good at all…
Harry shook his head one time, closing his eyes then. He also answered finally, but only with a whispering voice. Low, but still obvious enough the others could hear it…
Yes, not good at all. But no surprise. Somehow I felt it all the time, that it was the destination of Laura to be alone on this mission. Why did I let this happen? It is wrong, really wrong…
The group remained keeping silence now, not knowing what to do now. But they felt it, they really felt it now. Hermione and Laura were in big trouble and danger, the aura of death was lying in the air...
The bad feelings inside of Laura and Hermione had not been wrong. After standing at the top of the stairs for some moments they could hear and see deadly flashes, streaking out of the ceiling of the room down at the end of the stairs and lighting this area extremely. Those flashes came down regularly, with rolling thunder…
Hermione looked at Laura, and their eyes met. It was Laura then to speak again first, revealing her concerns…
Well, seems the further way contains some traps. At least flashes at this position are not natural, and this means something or somebody does not welcome us here and wants to stop us…
Hermione nodded with her head one time…
Yes, and you can guess this will not be the only trap here. But my feeling even says this is still getting worse…
Hermione had hardly pronounced her concerns as it happened yet. More flashes appeared out of the ceiling, but this time straight in front of the two girls, only some metres away. It were double flashes, also streaking regularly now, straight into the ground...

And finally an additional fire flash appeared between the normal flashes, streaking down in the same rhythm as the white flashes, totally blocking the corridor now…

Laura shook her head several times…
Great, if there still was any proof necessary for waiting traps, then here we have it. And how should we continue now from here? It is clear, those energy flashes are absolute deadly…
Hermione gazed with also shaking her head…
Deadly, yes, but not for us. Of course there is always a way, and we must trust into our magical abilities, of course. Those abilities are our only possibility to continue. It is dangerous, but we have no choice. Unless we would surrender and reverse, of course...
Laura clenched her fists determinedly…
No way! I have used my magical abilities not enough so far, and sometimes I even forget about them. But we will do what is necessary here, and we will continue. Do you have a good idea?
Hermione nodded with her head at once…
Yes, I have. It is dangerous, but possible as I believe. Look what I do then, go through when possible as fast as you can, and then do the same from the other side. I am sure this will work, and if so we will be able to pass this trap without any damage…
With those words Hermione raised her magic wand, letting her energy flow. Suddenly a blue energy beam shot out of it, hitting the area with the flashes at once. The magic energy created a kind of protection shield, not letting flashes through in a certain radius, and big enough a human being could pass. It still seemed dangerous though, but Laura was convinced she could get through without hurting herself…
Okay then, we’ll make it…
Laura began to run and jumped through the magic opening without thinking about any longer. And she really made it, standing at the other side safely then. Immediately she also raised her own magic wand, letting her energy flow and hitting the magic opening. As Hermione lowered her own magic wand, the magic doorway really stayed open…
Hermione did not hesitate at all. At once she began to tun herself, jumping through the opening then, and finding herself at the other side afterwards, safe as Laura. The two friends turned around and continued on their way down the stairs, towards the end of it…
The entrance to the next room was protected b y the same kind of trap, but the two girls could enter with the same magic power. And so they finally left the dangerous corridor…
The new room was only another corridor then, getting darker soon as the flashes ended. But there was another problem now, as this corridor turned out to be a deadlock. There was a kind of passageway in the end, but blocked by wooden barriers – and an energy force field, even not breakable with all magic power the two girls could exert…

Finally Laura and Hermione were at a loss with this situation first, thinking about what to do now. To turn around was no option at all after all, but there simply seemed no way to continue…
It was Laura to start smiling suddenly, as she found the solution with letting all her senses flow…
Hermione, this is only an optical illusion, we can continue from here. Only not the way it would seem then…
Laura was totally sure herself now. Hermione didn’t understand and frowned, but Laura nodded with her head convinced…
Look at me and follow then…
Laura turned towards the right wall in front of the deadlock, walking straight towards it. But she didn’t bump against it, instead she went trough as if it simply wasn’t there. Hermione also began to smile then, and with shaking her head she followed Laura at once…
It was a feeling like to jump out of the frying pan into the fire for the two friends in the end. Crossing the wall they now found themselves in a new corridor – but a corridor full of new traps. So they could see the further way was full of deadly spiked wheels, sticking in the walls to both sides of the corridor. There was no movement at all, but this was an illusion for sure. The girls knew those traps would react with movement near them…

Laura sighed deeply one time before speaking to Hermione finally, and her voice sounded really concerned again…
And the next corridor, full of deadly traps. Look at those horrible spiked wheels, able to kill every person in an instant. Do you believe our magic can make it possible for us to get through here at all?
Hermione scowled but nodded with her head several time. She answered after a few moments of silence…
Yes, I do, but this is really a matter of perfect coordination. If you look carefully here, then you see that always two of those wheels interlock, they will be activated together and attack from both sides. This means we can only be successful here if we stop both wheels at the same time, as long until we passed them. Each of us must always control one wheel for the same time, so you must exactly follow every move I do. But I believe you are able to do this, as I always believe in you…
Laura took a deep breath before answering…
I will, Hermione, I will. So let’s do what has to be done, I am happy when we leave all those trap-infested areas behind…
The two girls raised their magic wands once more, ready to face the new challenge. And their magic energy began to flow through them, through every pore of their bodies…
Laura and Hermione really reached the other end of the corridor with the spiked wheels unharmed, after controlling all wheels with their magic abilities in perfect coordination. It had always been a matter of moments to not get deadly hit by the spikes, but they really succeeded in the end. After acting in full concentration the two friends could breathe again, simply relaxing for some minutes then…
Hermione and Laura continued on their way again. After crossing a shorter dark corridor with no new traps the friends reached a new bigger room again – a room with a large round opening in the middle, where flames were burning all around. The room contained further open doors at the sides, but the most interesting aspect for the moment was the opening in the floor. What would be down there in the opening?

Laura and Hermione stepped closer slowly, trying to get a sight into the opening. And Laura was the first to look down there, followed by Hermione straight behind her…
The two girls could see another room below, on a lower floor, and it obviously was a kind of treasury. But all the gold and other treasures were not the most interesting aspect. Instead Laura and Hermione looked at a kind of statue, containing a globe on the top…

Laura and Hermione knew this room below was the next destination for them. So they searched a way to get there now. So they tried the next opening in the right wall, but this was a deadlock. Te two friends took the next door in the opposite wall from where they came from, and they made a find. It was obviously a puzzle room, with a half wheel sticking in the ground in the middle, and with a strange construction at the opposite wall, containing three big symbols…
Laura and Hermione entered the room, placing in front of the wheel in the middle of the room…
Okay, Hermione, no more traps here, but a puzzle then. I try to understand what we shall do here, but somehow it is this construction at the wall what we must change in a certain way. I guess the right combination of the symbols will trigger anything, in the best case the access to the globe room below. Do you share this feeling?

Hermione nodded with her head…
Yes, this is our task here. Let’s check this room out carefully, to find out how this puzzle works…
The two friends agreed and began to examine the whole room bit by bit to find the needed solution for the puzzle…
It needed some time to understand the mechanism of the construction in this room, but finally the two friends were sure about what to do. The half wheel in the middle of the room was the key to move the symbols at the wall, and Laura was the one to try this puzzle. With the help of a small golden sword, found in the treasure chamber, the two-parted wheel could be moved. There was an opening between the two parts where this sword could be put in exactly. Pulling the sword to the right or left the two parts of the half wheel could be moved. And with the movements the symbols at the wall could also be moved, and their position changed…

Laura needed some time, but finally she found the solution. To the left and right of the symbols at the wall were two other constructions, mechanic beasts with wide open mouths. And the puzzle was solved as two of the symbols were moved straight into the mouths of the beasts…
Laura and Hermione were totally happy, as they saw another door, locked until then, opened now…
Well done, Laura, the further way is open now. Let us continue to reach the next destination from here…
Laura nodded with her head…
Yes, to the next area…
The two girls entered a new dark corridor, passing it very carefully. But no traps this time, so they could enter the next bigger room. A darker room, but an impressing one again…

Laura and Hermione stepped further into the room, Looking around closely. But the most interesting aspect in this new room was standing at the left wall from the entrance then…
The two friends kept a little distance to the huge statue they found here, an unknown female portrayal, with big black eyes, staring straight into this room. And it was obvious from the very first moment, that this statue was the next puzzle to solve here, as there was a mirror behind it, visible through a two-parted red curtain, but there were no other doors at all. The only way to leave this room into another direction seemed this mirror, but so far there was no way to do so at all…

Well, I can not find any mechanism here to do anything with this statue, though I am sure it must be the item to do something here. Do you have any idea for what to do here now…?
Laura nodded with her head once…
I guess so, yes. At least let me try something…
Laura stood in front of the statue, holding her magic wand in both hands. She concentrated on her magic energy, letting it flow again through all her body. And from her body into the magic wand…
The magic energy shot out of the magic wand then, hitting the statue at two special points. The two-parted energy beam hit both eyes of the statue, and very soon the black eyes began to glow white…

Laura ended her magic energy beam, looking at the statue hopefully, and in fact, something happened now. The statue changed suddenly, as her back turned into another person. The front stayed female, but the back was male now, with red glowing eyes…

As the red eyes hit the mirror it reacted. The unbreakable glass simply vanished into thin air, and the way to leave this room was free. Laura and Hermione began to smile happily…

Well done again, Laura, another puzzle solved. Let’s hope we can continue to the final globe room now…
The two friends finally left the room of the statue, walking through the open mirror now without any problems…
Laura and Hermione finally reached their hoped destination, the grand room with the statue, holding a globe at its top. All around they could see countless treasures, but the girls were not interested in gold or prosperity, of course. The only interest for them was the statue, and to find out what to do next, and where to continue from here…

It seems the destination is clear, Laura. There is only one further door in here, blocked for now, and we must open it. The only question is, how shall we do it, any idea?
Laura looked thoughtful at the statue, still keeping silence for some moments. Then she answered with low voice…
Well, there can only be one solution, for my opinion the statue must be the answer. Somehow it must be possible to open the blocked door with it, we only must find out how…
Hermione agreed, and the two friends began to examine the whole room and the statue very carefully. After a while it was Laura to speak first again, standing next to Hermione…
We are searching in the wrong place, Hermione. It is the statue, and only the statue. To be more specific, the globe at the top. I have a strong feeling about this, and I wonder if you feel the same…
Hermione looked at the globe, nodding with her head then. She also answered with low voice…
Yes, it is time again to use our magic wands, in combination with this globe at the top of the statue…
Without any further words the two friends acquired special positions, in some distance to each other. Then they raised their magic wands again, letting their magic energy flow…
Two magic energy beams hit the globe from two positions, creating a green energy field around it. After a short time the two girls stopped the energy beams and stood at safe positions then, watching what was happening. And the globe really reacted…

The green energy field suddenly began to attract flashes from the ceiling, hitting the globe regularly. At the same time a kind of energy cloud was spreading at the ground around the statue…

Laura and Hermione were satisfied, because hey were sure there would follow a reaction with the blocked door. And in fact, suddenly the globe created a huge fire beam, hitting the blocked door...

After a short time the door burned to ashes, the fire beam went out, and the way into the next room was free again. Laura and Hermione looked at each other smiling…
Well, Laura, you are a good riddle solver, and with a good intuition. Together we are a great team indeed…
Yes, but let us continue now. The next room is open for us, and I have no idea how long this journey still will be…
Laura and Hermione began to move again, entering the new room finally. It was another part of the treasure area, another room with a statue. This time a giant statue with a hybrid of a human and a beast. But no more riddle this time, the girls could simply continue from here…

Laura and Hermione entered a new corridor. A long corridor, and it was not obvious yet where it would lead them. Not knowing what to expect here the two girls crossed it slowly and carefully…

Almost strange. Nothing happening any more, I almost miss further traps meanwhile. I can not believe we have already solved all challenges here. What is your opinion?
Hermione sighed deeply one time…
I believe the same, Laura. This isn’t over yet for sure, and I expect a bad surprise at some place. This is only the lull before the storm, and this storm will still appear soon…
Laura really had a bad feeling about all this. Solving some puzzles was one thing, but this could really not have been it then. Also not the traps from the beginning…
Finally the corridor ended. Laura stood straight behind an entrance into a new corridor, looking more ancient now, with two big fire bowls to the left and right at the beginning…

The two girls remained at the entrance, looking around very closely. They could not discover anything suspicious, but somehow they had a very bad feeling about this area. It was like an evil atmosphere was growing stronger, and new danger was getting real now…
Laura sighed deeply one time now, and as she began to speak her voice was only a low whispering, though Hermione could hear every word. The two girls really felt fear inside their hearts now, and both of them held their magic wand in the hand already…
Not good! Not good at all…
Yes, indeed. Perhaps new traps in here?
Laura shook her head once…
No, worse. We didn’t face enemies for a long time yet again. But I can feel them now, they are here. They are waiting for us. This is a trap, a horrible trap. We will have to fight for our lives…
Hermione could feel the same now, and she nodded with her head, scowling then while she answered…
So then, we have no choice! We must continue, no matter what is waiting for us. Let’s prepare for battle…
The two girls did not speak any more words then, but they let their magic energies flow. It was clear an attack could start every moment, no matter by which enemies. And the two friends were ready, so they slowly entered the new ancient corridor…
It began only a short time later. As Laura and Hermione had reached the middle of this new corridor the expected attack began. Horrible creatures, looking like the Dementors, known as guards of Azkaban – the prison for evil wizards in this world. But in this case those creatures were only evil, certainly sent to kill the invaders here…
Laura and Hermione used their magic wands with all their magic forces, but the attack wouldn’t stop. No matter how much of those creatures were destroyed, in the end it seemed for every destroyed creature two new ones appeared. It almost was like an endless flow…

Hermione and Laura fought for their lives, as hard as they could, but sometime their strengths began to fade. And the two friends began to sense they could not win this battle. The mission seemed to be irrecoverable, if not still a wonder should happen…
A Wonder! And though it happened, totally unexpected, but true. Being in extremis Laura and Hermione suddenly couldn’t believe their eyes. But they did not dream. From the entrance where the two friends had entered the corridor before Harry, Ginny and Luna suddenly appeared, attacking the enemies from behind at once. With this new combined magic power from two sides the children could clear the way soon, and the group used this advantage immediately. All of them ran to the opposite stairs then, repositioning themselves new. Turning around towards the corridor the group attacked the enemies again, burning every creature to ashes then...

And sometimes later the attack of the creatures ended…
It really seemed a wonder, but the whole group was alive, and nobody of them was even heavily injured. Especially Laura was totally moved now, shaking her head again and again. She also got bleary eyes, as she finally began to speak with shaking voice…
Well, folks, what can I say now? You are really the best friends anybody ever could imagine, even such good friends not listening to my wishes and refusing them, to save my life in the end. I would never had made it here on my own, so much is clear now…
Laura sighed deeply one time, looking around in every present face, before continuing her speech…
I can not say how grateful I am now, and you really came at the eleventh hour. We would have died here otherwise, and I simply tell the truth now – I need you. I really need you, my dear friends…
Harry nodded with his head smiling…
No problem, Laura, it wasn’t only your fault. We all should have reacted others, feeling that the danger here was much bigger than we admitted ourselves first. And we shouldn’t have hesitated at all. If we would not have reached you here in time I would never had forgiven myself at all. Never! But it is okay now, we all survived. And we are here to help you, Laura, as your mission is the most important thing at all now. Our own concerns can wait, until you have reached your destination here. And together we will succeed, this is what we believe, and therefore we came. Ron holds position in Hogwarts, with our team there, and this is enough…
Hermione nodded with her head…
I also believe so, and I never gave up hope that you would think as me and make the necessary decision. You did, as you never ever disappointed me at all. For you are Harry Potter…
Laura could not do anything else now than embracing every of her present friends to show her true feelings. Afterwards the group was ready to continue again, and they left the corridor beyond the stairs…
The group around Harry Potter had reached a bigger underground area, and at least for the moment they were safe. No more enemies or traps, and the friends used this situation to make a little break. Of course with talking to each other about all things which had happened so far…

After a while it was Harry to talk to Laura again, asking a certain question. A question all others also had in their mind…
Laura, as you know of course we all are not what we seem to be, what we look like here. We play roles, the beloved and favourite roles of heroes we admired in our childhood – the real childhood on Earth in the life before we turned into lost children in the parallel universe. It is not necessary now to still hide behind any masks. But the much we all know who we really are, as much we wonder about you. We all know of course about your important role in both universes, and in all our existence we always heard and learned about the chosen one, the one person to come one day and change all existing things. Your mission is not only somehow important, it is the most important thing what ever happened in all the existing time. You can not imagine how much we love you – and how much we fear you at the same time. Our leaders told us the truth, since such a long time yet, a truth you do not even know yourself. On the contrary, standing in front of you, you seem so shy, so fragile, and so homely, that if we wouldn’t know better, we never would realize ourselves you could be this chosen one. But our hearts tell us it is the truth…
Harry kept silence for some moments, to bring his words into effect, before he continued his important speech…
What convinces us, and every person who meets you, is not your physical strength, not the magical power inside of you. It is the love, the incredible love, flowing out of your heart in every moment, a love nobody of us has ever felt before in this intensity. You are unique, and just as we all here, you are not what you seem. You are more, much more, even if you are still may not be aware about yourself. And so, the one question inside of me, inside of us all as I know, is this one. Who are you, Laura, who are you really...?
Laura did not answer at once. She looked around herself, into every face of her friends, and into the eyes of them. Finally she took a deep breath before answering with low voice…
What a question! You have no idea who often I ask myself the same question, since such a long time yet. Indeed I have lived several different lives yet, in different existences, and longer in my universe than I could even tell myself. There is a hidden, long away past, another life, something totally gone in my mind, and impalpable for me. This whole mission, the long way I am going now, is not only a mission to reach whatever I shall reach for the universes. It is also the search for my true identity, for my true self. I know that I have lived in an illusion for such a long time, and an impenetrable shroud still hides the truth from me. I can only feel that there is more, much more for me to discover, and I must find the answers on this journey. But my feelings, my heart and soul, they are in fear of what to discover. What am I really in the end? A saviour for all life? Or a destroyer...?
Laura sighed deeply one time and shook her head, with closing her eyes for some moments. But then she continued speaking…
I simply don’t know, but if the answers, if the whole truth would be this easy, things certainly would not have been so complicated for such a long time. I guess there is still much more behind all this, more than I still could ever imagine. And this is what frightens me. Or in other words, there are moments when I doubt it all. Doubt to continue this journey, and doubt if I really want to discover the whole truth about myself…
Harry nodded with his head understanding, and as Laura kept silence then he was the one to answer her…
We really wished we could help you with this, Laura, but we can’t. It was our wish to learn how far you really are, but it is necessary to find all answers yourself. For really good reasons. You are really still so far away from this truth and yourself, and there is not much time left. But you must go through all this, to find all answers and raise, to raise so far beyond your current self. Because yes., you are what you feel, the saviour and the destroyer at the same time, and we do not reveal anything with telling this. You are even still more than this, but to find your true identity is is still a long way to go. You must find your true power inside, to be prepared for the things to come, and to save us all in the end. Otherwise we are all doomed, both universes. Evil will awake soon in its true size and power, and if you fail then, we will all die. Forget about Voldemort and other dangers, nothing of those fantasies are important. Only follow your own way and destiny, and fulfil it when the time has come…
Harry looked straight into the eyes of Laura, and she returned the look. For a while nobody spoke any more word. The face of Laura changed then, simply overwhelmed by her feelings. Joy and fear were fighting each other, and Harry knew exactly what to do now. He reached out for Laura inviting, and she did not hesitate. With tears in her eyes Laura fell into the arms of Harry, closing her eyes finally. He simply held her, and she began to cry. But it had to happen, the feelings had to come out now…

After some time Laura calmed down again, still remaining in the arms of her strong friend. Her feelings were quiet once more, and she was ready to continue her journey…
Thank you, Harry, thank you so much. Sometimes things overwhelm me, but I am ready. I am ready to continue…
I know. And I am glad I could help you, as we all are. This is why we are here, why we live. It is our destiny…
Laura broke away from the embrace with Harry finally, smiling again as all tears were gone now…
As you said, it is still such a long way to go. And the small piece of it you can accompany me, you are so welcome. I enjoy your presence, and I love you all. As long as I live in this existence, so much is for sure at least, I will never forget about all this and you again…
After those words the group began to move again, searching for an exit of this area and where to continue the journey...
After some time, and after another attack of the flying creatures, who could be defeated again, the group finally reached a further destination. In the underground area they now stood in a huge room, with stairs leading upwards for a further possible way. But those stairs were not interesting any more, as the group saw something much more interesting between this two-parted stairs – an opening in the wall. This opening only contained light, such bright light that it was impossible to see what was behind this light. It was even difficult to stand this brightness for a longer time…

It was Laura now to speak to the group. From the first moment seeing this light-flooded opening, she knew exactly where to go now. Her heart and all feelings spoke unambiguously to her…
There we are then, folks. It is not important where the stair lead to, my way ends here now. This is the portal where I must go through, to find my final challenge on this world. I feel it, I know it…
Hermione looked at Laura, still with doubts and concerned. Her answer was only spoken in low voice…
Are you sure, Laura?
Laura nodded with her head smiling…
I am! This is a dimensional portal, I can feel the magic energy. Nobody who is not a good wizard or witch can pass here, and this is what the evil forces wanted to thwart. But now we are here, and I am ready. I am ready to pass this portal, though it means a farewell. I can not take the whole group with me, though I know it is not the last and defining portal yet. But your leaders would not allow, I can hear them now in my mind. Only one person shall follow me further, until we reach the last and final portal…
Luna began to smile…
Okay, then it is clear. This honour will certainly be for Harry, we others will wait here for him to return…
Harry took a deep breath and shook his head then. As he spoke he looked straight into the eyes of Laura...
No, Luna. Of course it would seem logical after all, and after the great wish of Laura to meet and interact with her childhood hero, Harry Potter. But it is not true. Listening further to your heart you know who it is, who is the only person to escort you further. The one person your friendship grew so much, standing closest to your heart now…
Laura also took a deep breath, turning her sight towards Hermione then. And she nodded with her head…
Yes, it is true. I would like to end this how it began, together with Hermione. My best friend ever, here and elsewhere…
Laura reached out for Hermione now, but her friend could not react at once. She was so emotional now, really moved to tears. But then Hermione took the hand of Laura resolved…
How it began, Laura. I am ready, and it is an honour to accompany until the very last portal of your mission…
Laura nodded with her head, and she embraced the other members of the group afterwards goodbye. It was an emotional farewell, but finally Laura and Hermione turned towards the portal…

With one last looking back the two friends walked into the bright light and disappeared at once, while the rest of the group positioned to both sides of the stairs, waiting there for Hermione to return. And they knew they would never see Laura again…
It was Ginny, standing with Luna at the right side of the stairs, to finally change position. She walked to Harry, speaking to him with low voice. But of course also Luna could hear it…
Harry, you believe in her, as you always did. But I am fearful, the doubts will not leave so easily. Is it perhaps because of the end of it all? Do we really have to die? And will it be painful…?
Harry sighed deeply one time before answering. His voice also sounded only low, but also comforting…
Luna, you have the same strength as we all, to defeat all doubts and fears. We have been prepared for such a long time, and we always knew this kind of wrong paradise, or should I say, illusion, could not last forever. Laura must learn about the truth she was born for, to find her own strength to fulfil her destiny. The end of it all will not be painful, not at all. It will be the final salvation, the salvation we are waiting for since such a long time. The people in the other universe have forgotten it all, but we live the truth. We prepare the way for Laura, for our beloved chosen one, for a being much beyond our imagination. We all could feel it close now, we had the honour to walk with her for a while. We could feel her love, the incredible love to change all things in the end. This is what we believe, what we know, and what we are waiting for. Listen to your own heart, and listen carefully. Would you then really still have doubts and fears in your mind?
Ginny closed her eyes for some moments, getting complete calm inside. And she nodded with her head finally…
Yes, Harry, of course. Sometimes the spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak. But I know it. I really know it. And I wish Laura only the best, so she may fulfil her destiny, and the destiny of us all…
Ginny embraced Harry for some moments now, before she finally returned to her place at the side of the smiling Luna…
Laura and Hermione had entered their next destination, standing in a giant hall. But his hall had no real floor, artificial platforms protruded from giant pillars into the hall. The two friends looked at a locked chamber in the middle, with a statue on a pedestal in it, as they could see through glass elements. Behind this chamber, on the other ending of the hall, was another locked portal, as the girls could see an energy-vortex behind the locking bars. And it was obvious what to do here then, as Laura and Hermione had to find a way to get access to the energy portal…

The two friends walked forwards, onto the platform with the chamber in the middle of the hall, and to the right side of the chamber. They now talked to each other, thinking about what to do here now…

Well, all important elements locked in here, Laura. Do you have a suggestion what to do now? I could not yet find a solution how to get into the chamber, obviously the first step to do…
Laura sighed deeply one time before answering…
Well, I am sure this glass is unbreakable, so normal and not chosen beings can never get into the chamber. But perhaps our magic can help again, I would say we try this out...
Hermione agreed, and the two friends let their magic energies flow. With raised magic wands they tried to get through the glass to reach the statue, but no matter if one by one or even together, they were not successful at all. Because all magic energy bounced back from the glass…
The girls were baffled at first, until Hermione began to shake her head several times. And she even began to smile…
Laura, think about this again. We are really only one step away from your last destination, and I am whole sure now, I can do nothing here. Nothing at all. This is only your turn, the task of the chosen one, as this chamber only can be entered in one way. Not with magic only, something you only learned and used for this world. But it is not enough for your own way and task, so really think about it and understand…
Laura looked at Hermione with wide eyes…
I do. I really do now, though my own doubts sometimes still stand in my way. But we just talked about it, and the wonderful words of Harry are still resounding inside my heart and soul. There is a power, much bigger and mightier than magic ever could be. And the combination of both elements, it will clear the way…
Hermione nodded with her head happily, as she knew Laura was totally sure about herself now. And in fact, the mother of all life now let her magic energy flow again – but not only. At the same time she let all the love flow, the true love of her heart, combining with the magic energy. And this time the white energy beam, shooting out of the magic wand, really went through the glass as if it wouldn’t be there…
Laura hit the statue at a certain point at the head. And she continued with this energy beam, until there was a reaction finally. And Laura absorbed then, absorbed into the chamber…

Laura stood straight below the statue now, raising her magic wand upwards and touching the statue with it. Her powerful energy continued flowing, and in the end the statue reacted again…
A mighty energy beam. It really was a giant yellow energy beam, leaving the statue now. The energy hit one of five openings around the blocked portal, the one straight above it. And after some moments all bars vanished into thin air, so the portal was open now…

Yes, Laura, you did it…
Laura was transferred out of the chamber again, and the two girls turned towards the energy portal then. Almost reverently they began to move towards it, but finally stopping again and still keeping some distance. The five holes around in the wall were now closed, showing symbols of suns in different positions, the final solution then to have the portal open now. And Laura knew she was only still a few steps away from her final destination…
Well, then, I can enter the portal. You can still follow me to the next and last portal, if you want, Hermione, and I would be pleased. Or you can return to our friends, it is your decision. I would never force you to anything, of course. What do you think?
Hermione shook her head smiling…
Are you really serious, Laura? How could I return now, at this special point? No and never! I will follow you until we reach the very last point on this way where I can be at your side…

Laura only nodded with her head as answer, also smiling happily. Then she reached out for her friend again, and Hermione took the hand of Laura. Together, and bound and determined, the two girls looked forward again, entering the portal finally…
Hermione simply reacted spontaneously to what she saw after standing on safe ground again. The two girls were located on another platform, hanging in a further giant hall, but with many differences to the hall the two friends had visited before...
All elements in this enormous hall were involved in different blue shades, and looking beyond the platform all matter seemed in a steady flow of change. Forms and colours were flowing into each other, and there was continual movement all around…
The most impressing element though was something else. High in the air was a blue energy vortex, also in durable movement, and the size of this portal was really gigantic…

After watching this amazing scene for a while it was finally Laura to speak again, looking straight at Hermione now…
This is it now, Hermione, almost the end of my mission in the world of Harry Potter. The final area waits for me, with passing this last energy portal, where you can not follow me any more. This last task, I must face it alone, and solve it. Time to say goodbye then, to the best friends I ever met so far in this life. His is not easy for me…
Hermiuone nodded with her head…
I feel the same, Laura…
The two friends did not talk any more, but simply embraced each other, remaining like this for several minutes. But then it was time for Laura to finally leave. And she did what she always wanted to do, at least one time, at the end of this adventure. Laura changed her outfit, now standing there in the uniform of a quidditch player, and with a flying broom in her hand. She began to smile at Hermione then…

Well, reaching this vortex I get the chance to do what I always dreamed about, being a quidditch player. Not really, but at least I can fly like this one time, as my farewell from this world...
Hermione also began to smile slightly…
You would have been a great quidditch player, I am sure, Laura! And I will wait here, watching your first and also last flight ever in our world, until you are finally gone…
Laura sighed deeply one time…
Please, great the others again, one last time. And as I said to you, I will never forget you at all, this is for sure…
With those emotional words Laura finally sat on her broom, and it raised itself into the air then. After looking back on Hermione one last time Laura began to fly then, slowly towards the energy vortex…

Hermione watched Laura with serious mien. And she talked to herself then, but it was only a soft whispering…
You will forget about us, Laura, sadly you will if your mission is successful in the end. And you must be successful, at any cost. If not we are all doomed forever. But I believe in you. Always…
Hermione kept watching Laura, as her friend finally flew into the energy vortex. Suddenly the brightness all around was rising more and more, while Laura disappeared in the vortex…

Hermione turned around as she couldn’t stand the brightness any more, and she left the hall with a last deep sigh...

Laura Was aware about herself again. She stood in a whole unknown area, in a rocky landscape, shrouded in darkness. Laura stood on one of the rocks, looking into a certain direction, where she had discovered something. Nothing less than her final destination, the destination of her own mission on this world. And the adventure with the world of Harry Potter and his friends was finally over, of course a reason for sadness…

Laura could put her feelings by, concentrating on her own important mission now. She looked at the huge temple in some distance, standing on still higher mountains, and obviously not accessible afoot from her position. Because of a giant abyss between the rocks where she stood and the rocks of the temple. But this wasn’t necessary for Laura at all…
With a deep sigh Laura drew her magic wand, holding it downwards, and speaking to herself then…
So, this is the end of my Harry Potter experience, much too fast for my taste, but not to change then. Time to face my own last task here, with entering this impressing temple. And also time to change my outfit finally, as I am totally myself again…
The magic wand began to glow, as Laura let her energy flow again. But not only the magic energy, especially also her powerful love. And the energy began to flood her whole body…

Laura got more and more swathed in unearthly light in different colours, while she had also changed her outfit. She now wore a white short dress, and also white shoes. In the end this light completely covered her, and it wasn’t only light, but also magic energy. It was like a sphere, and Laura could fly into the air with it. She navigated the sphere only with her mind then…

The sphere with Laura floating inside of it flew towards the temple slowly. And in the end it landed in front of it safely, where the sphere vanished into thin air immediately...
Laura hesitated only for some moments, until she began to move again. And the mother of all life entered the temple now, as the entrance gate was not sealed then…
It was not a long way to go for Laura inside the temple. No more tasks to solve to find a new destination, as it simply was reachable after a short walk inside this strange temple. For it was only a temple from outside, inside Laura stood in a giant ancient cave. Climbing beyond some rocks Laura finally stood at a deep abyss, looking at an artificial chamber to the opposite. It certainly was the sanctuary of the temple – but not of interest for Laura then. Much more interesting was a huge mirror, hanging above the chamber entrance, but being empty. It was the same kind of mirror as Laura encountered it before, on the former world Afreean…

Here I am, this is what I was really searching for on this world. And it is also my last task here, to activate this magic mirror and see what it wants to show to me. Then I can leave this world again…
Laura knew what to do. She did not hesitate once more and let all her magic power flow, and all her love. Carrying this powerful energy into her magic wand Laura fired a magic beam into the empty mirror. And in fact, the magic mirror reacted immediately…

Laura could see it now. The mirror showed a picture, another subject of a world and time being totally forgotten now. Laura saw it with discomfort, as it was about two evil creatures for sure. Laura saw a giant kind of flying dragon, and a dark creature sitting on it…

For one moment it seemed the picture would suddenly come alive. The dark dragon and its rider left the picture, and with a horribly yell they rushed upon Laura. She was scared witless, but after one moment the really horrifying vision ended again...
Laura really trembled for some moments, but she calmed down again soon. And though, whatever she tried, she didn’t get access to this picture and vision. As little as to the pictures on Afreean. But it was not the time to further think about it, as suddenly flashes threw out of the picture, down to the ground straight below…

The flashes ended again, leaving something behind. It was a portal, a dimensional portal, as Laura met them yet before in the parallel universe. She began to smile, as this adventure really ended now...

The portal was activated yet, and the way into the next world in the parallel universe, the way into the next adventure and mission, was finally free...
I can not solve the mystery about those pictures, but more being like visions, yet. This will happen later, for sure. For now I will only leave this world, and see what is waiting fore then…
Laura sighed deeply one time, closing her eyes. And she spoke further to herself after opening them again…
Well, I found some of my best friends ever here. And it isn’t easy to leave them now. Not at all…
Laura clenched her fists, using her magic power once more finally. With this help she could simply fly beyond the abyss again, landing safely in front of the dimensional portal…

Farewell, my dear friends…
Laura took a deep breath and walked towards the portal slowly. Straight in front of it, with almost touching the energy filling the circle, she hesitated for some moments…

It was about time. Laura moved again, stepping into the matter of energy and light finally. After only some seconds the mother of all life vanished into thin air, leaving the world of Harry Potter forever...

The end of chapter 5…
…but to be continued in chapter 6...