Chapter 9 - The Queen of Witches

Laura - The Parallel Universe, Part 9 – The Queen of Witches
It was all dark. Dark around Laura, as she tried to open her eyes again. She remembered her journey inside the sphere again, and her farewell from the Labyrinth of Jareth, the Goblin King. And the incredible journey ended very sudden, as the sphere simply dissolved in bright light. This was the last memory of Laura, until now waking up in darkness again. And also as the eyes could see once more, after they had been blinded by the bright light before, Laura could really only realize darkness around, with no idea where she really was now. She laid on unknown ground, not a hard ground but soft somehow, and gradually Laura could also hear again…
The mother of all life realized she was somewhere in the wild. There were sounds of foreign animals in the distance, and the rushing of leaves in the wind, which was breezing gently around. And the darkness was only the darkness of nighttime, as Laura finally could see countless stars and also a full moon above, shimmering through the dense leafage…
Laura yawned deeply, and suddenly she noticed how tired she was. Not a wonder after all her long way and last adventures. And as it was nighttime, somewhere in a foreign, but obviously peaceful and safe forest, Laura decided to stay here at first. She couldn’t do anything else in this darkness anyway, and so the weary mother of all life fell asleep then finally…

Somewhere else in this new world, at the same time, but in a far away distance. It was a small valley, also shrouded in the darkness of the night, and framed by high mountains all around. And in the middle of this plain stood a castle, a really huge castle, built of dark stones, and towering towards heaven like a giant mushroom...
It was winter time here, with snow laying all around, covering ground and tress in the whole area. But though, in the darkness the castle almost got lost then, well hidden from the distance for unwanted eyes, but it was really there. A mighty castle, only composed of towers of different sizes and heights, and only a few windows still showed light at this time. Most of the residents were asleep long since…
And though, there was still some life within these walls. As for example a small group of three servants, walking along some corridors, only with one destination in their mind. And they walked fast, as the disturbing news had to be told as soon as possible. The mistress had to be informed at once…
Finally the group reached their destination, and the high doors to the throne room opened themselves alone. Obviously the servants had been expected yet, and so they entered the throne room…
“Come closer!”
The order was short and clear. Spoken by a dark voice from the end of the throne room. The three servants obeyed at once, but they stopped again in a still safe distance to the other side of the room. Though it was really quite dark here, the new arrivals could see some details. A huge dark throne, standing at the opposite wall of the room´, and it looked almost grotesque. The throne was formed by two huge trees, growing out of the floor and disappearing again in the ceiling. Between the branches of both trees were intertwined, almost in an artistic way, building the throne this way. Behind the branches was a window, affording the only low light, falling into the room then. And there were some more details…
The servants could see two guards, standing to the right and left of the throne. Huge, magic beings, living plants, in the form of human looking trees. And on the throe sat the queen, the queen of this world, the queen of all witches. She was really hard to see in the darkness, only some outlines, and one thing more. Two green eyes were sparkled through the room, focused on the three delegates. And the dark voice of the queen resounded through the room again now…

What is your message? Speak!
The three servants first looked at each other, before one of came forward one more step. A little goblin, like his companions too, and with a low and shy voice he finally began to speak to his mistress…
Your Highness, we are concerned about what is happening now. As our spies report things do not proceed as you wish, and as you planned. If those reports are right, then Jareth, the master of the labyrinth, has failed. The spies are reporting that the chosen one already has left this world – alive and unharmed. This is much earlier then we ever expected, for the unusual case the chosen one would survive the labyrinth at all then. But it is clear now, she did…
The goblin paused for some moments, while the mighty evil queen stayed totally quiet and motionless. So the little goblin continued his report, but not with feeling much fear in his heart…
We don’t know exactly where the enemy is now, as the spies have lost her traces. She should be in the next world then, the last one before arriving here, and this was only possible with betrayal. She could not have done this on her own, not without the help of somebody who knew about all traps. So the traitor can only be Jareth himself, as our spies are convinced, and this otherwise can mean everything. With his power he could also have transported her into our world straight – we don’t know. At the moment we try to find her traces again…
The little goblin had finished his report, stepping back to his two companions again then. Waiting for a reaction of the evil queen the three servants looked at the throne insecurely, waiting what would happen now…

The queen finally stood up from her throne, but now coming closer. Only her dark voice resounded through the room again…
The spies are right, I also can feel the incredible betrayal now. And yes, it was Jareth, this useless fool, simply becoming a slave to the charm of the chosen one. I should have considered this option, so it also was my mistake. But this shall not happen again, as we are prepared now. And forget about searching the chosen one in the world of “The Dark Crystal”, she is here. I can feel her presence now, she has really traveled straight into our world with the help of the traitor. So we will react to this fact now, and here is my new order for you…
The queen took a deep breath first before she continued speaking. And it seemed her voice still got darker now, if this was possible at all…
Messenger all worlds at once, which we have occupied. All troops have to be reduced to the possible minimum, so we can keep those worlds safe. All unnecessary warriors have to return into our dimension at once, and spread all over world. The main priority is to search and find the enemy, the chosen one, and bring her to me. She may not be hurt or killed at all, I must have her alive. Go, hurry, do what has to be done, but bring her in front of my throne…
The queen sat down on her throne again, and the excitement, sensible obviously for some moments before, was gone again totally now. The three servants bowed low before their mistress then…
As you wish, Your Highness!
With those last words the three daunted goblins turned around and left the throne room quickly. As the doors were closed again the dark queen remained on her throne while the guards at her side also stood motionless. And though it seemed so, the queen and her guards were not alone in the room. Another shadow began to move slowly suddenly, stepping closer to the throne then. And the face of the mistress turned towards this unknown creature, further hiding in the darkness. Only two green eyes were flashing now for some moments, but then it was dark again. The queen began to smile, taking a deep breath now…
Some more moments passed before the silence in the room was broken again, by the dark voice of the mighty queen…
So then, things develop faster than we expected, my dear. You heard my order for the troops, but I know, I really know this will not be enough. No matter how powerful our army may be, this matter needs something else, another option. We may never underestimate the enemy, this seemingly weak and fragile-looking young girl, because she can mean the end of us all. The end of our whole existence, the end of all our dreams. We have done so much to avoid this meeting, but I know now, it must happen. And it will happen. But when the moment is there we should have all advantage on our side, so we must try all to succeed here...
The queen sighed deeply one time. She closed her eyes for some moments, but then she continued speaking determinedly...
And my strongest weapon is not the army, but you. So I want to also send you out into the world, to join the search, and do what perhaps nobody else could do. It is no order, but a wish. Would you also search for the enemy and bring her in front of my throne, no matter how long this mission would last?
The shadow answered at once, with a whispering voice…

I will, my dear mother, I will. Whatever you wish, I will do it for you. And so the chosen one shall be my prisoner, to bring her in front of you unharmed. Then you may do what has to be done, to end this threat forever. Our existence, the beauty of this world an all others, must be preserved. We all that we follow you are fighting for this destination, this is the reason and destination of our life. And I will not rest again until this mission is completed finally…
The queen nodded with her head…
Good, my daughter, thank you. I knew I could count on you, and if anybody can fulfill this mission, then it is you. The enemy is here, she is somewhere out there, hiding from our eyes. But you will trace her for sure, she will not escape you. Bring her to me, and all our problems shall be solved forever…
The shadow nodded with its head once, before the whispering voice sounded again, speaking to the mighty queen…
I am on my way immediately, mother, and I will not return at all until my mission is completed. No matter how much time it needs, but I will bring you the enemy for sure. It will happen…
The shadow turned around then and flitted towards the entrance. Only a few moments later the unknown creature had left the throne room almost soundless. And the queen on the throne smiled happily…
There she goes then, and there would be nobody at all who I would trust in more then her. She will succeed, for sure…
The queen closed her eyes once more then, keeping silence then finally. She began to think about all possible options for the future, about the necessary things to come. And the faith was growing now. The day of the final battle and decision was unavoidable, this was clear meanwhile. The chosen one would stand in front of the throne, sooner or later, and this was the place she would die. And the mistress began to laugh quietly, an evil laughter, resounding through the room now…
It was a new morning finally, in the unknown world of Maleficent, the evil queen of all witches, and the head of the grand conspiracy. At least this was clear for Laura, as she woke up with the singing birds early this morning, and she could see where she was now at last. Daylight was shimmering throughout the mighty trees, and somehow this was not a normal forest at all…

Laura stood up from the ground, looking around first. The trees were really huge here, and their branch-wood covered the whole sky. Laura could not see anything above, but in front of her. The light showed her where to go, while the whole area was aflame, Strange blue light was all around here, and green glitter flew around. But Laura was not sure what this really was, as it somehow felt like tiny living creatures, flying away when Laura got closer to them...
It was an odd atmosphere here, somehow magic, and somehow with a strange suspense in the air though. And Laura sighed deeply one time at last, shaking her head then before she spoke to herself…
Well then, I have to leave here! An important last mission is waiting for me, and the end of my long way at last. I have to find Maleficent, the queen of all witches, as I know now it is here. This is my last battle before fulfilling my destiny, and I know it won’t be too hard to find her then. I can feel it deep inside me, that she is waiting for me yet. The surprise may not be as big as Jareth thought, on the contrary. She knows already that I am here, and she waits for my arrival…

Laura sighed another time…
She will send her troops to catch me, but she knows I won’t escape her. She rally knows, as this confrontation is the destiny for both of us. But though, there is still something else. I can feel it, somewhere out there in this world. A mighty presence, something unknown, but another force in this world for sure. This won’t make things easier, and I really should be careful here…
Laura closed her eyes for some moments, letting her inner energies flow. She tried to sense something more specific, anything, but in the end she shook her head before speaking to herself again…
Nothing, I can not identify this presence at all. It hides itself, staying in the shadows, and though trying to get closer. It seems Maleficent is not the only person here, trying to catch me. There is another enemy in addition. Or a common enemy, of course, as they also could work together. Perhaps Maleficent did not only send her troops, but something else. Something special…
Laura took a deep breath before she finally began to move then. She decided to stay inconspicuous at most, while trying to explore this new world. And so she walked though this magic forest, on her search for finding a way to leave it. And the last journey of her grand mission across such a lot of worlds, the way to face and defeat Maleficent, had finally begun…
Finally, some time later, Laura left the forest at last. She stood at the forest border now, looking outside and into the further environment. It was a far plain, allying to the forest area. There were some huge rocks, standing in front of the forest area in a certain interval, just like a border between the two areas. And the mother of all life made sure not to step outside the forest too far, as she knew she would be an easy prey for the enemies in the open…

Laura saw another forest part in the front, but also something else. In a further distance was a castle, a huge castle, and Laura recognized it. She took a deep breath before talking to herself with low voice…

Yes, it looks exactly as the castle of the humans in the movie, and the residence of King Henry, the father of Aurora, who became addicted to evil and madness. I don’t know how the situation may be now in this world, but I better should not trust anybody at all. At least I guess Maleficent will reign the whole world meanwhile, and the best thing to do would be to find a secret way to her. I must avoid her troops, which will certainly search for me numerously…
Laura shook her head while taking another deep breath. And yes, there were doubts and fears inside her mind, for this task really would not be an easy one. Not at all. But Laura really had no choice here…
So then, I set about this last mission now…
Laura began to move again, following the way at the ledge of the forest, always trying to hide from any foreign eyes. But so far she had no encounter with any living beings at all, and she tried to keep things this way…
Some time later Laura saw a small farm outside the forest. Here were some fields, one house and a windmill. Smoke cam from a chimney on the roof of the house, and the windmill also was running, so Laura knew somebody lived here. It all looked peaceful, and Laura thought about what to do. Could she really trust this situation, or could she be betrayed yet here?

Laura made her first decision. How could she ever learn anything about this world and the current status, if she would not try to speak with anybody? And here she could not see any evil creatures far and wide, it only seemed somebody was living here apart from human villages and towns…
Standing at the forest border Laura sighed deeply one time. And she began to walk towards the farm now, trusting her heart and feelings which told her there would not be any danger here…
Arriving at the windmill Laura saw the inhabitants now. A human couple, standing in front of it, and waiting for the newcomer already. The humans looked curious at Laura, and still she was sure she could trust this situation. Perhaps she could even get some information here, and so Laura continued walking towards the windmill and the foreign couple, slowly but steadily…
Laura greeted the couple with an honest smile in her face, and the humans also greeted her friendly. Laura did not think about what to tell these humans, but simply let her heart decide. And so she started to speak…
Thank you for the nice welcome. As you may have guessed yet, I am a stranger here. I don’t know the realm or people here, and I would have some questions. Would it be possible to ask you for some help then?
The man and woman looked at each other, and then at Laura once more. It was the man, obviously a farmer, who answered Laura then. And his voice did really not contain anything hostile…
We know who you are, chosen one. Your arrival had been pronounced in the whole kingdom, and there would certainly not be anybody any longer not to recognize you then. But don’t worry, not all people follow the orders of Maleficent, the evil queen of witches. She has conquered the realm and reigns it now, and you really should beware her troops. But we mean no harm to you, and if we can help you in any way, then we will do so…
Laura began to smile relieved and grateful, and she answered with low voice. Of course there were important questions in her head, and this was the chance to really get some information now…
Thank you for this information, and I am really happy to hear that not the complete world has turned into a one and only evil kingdom yet. This gives hope to me, that I still may reach my last destination, and fulfill my mission and destiny. But I would like to hear further details about this world, if possible, as it is still whole new to me now. I have traveled through such a lot of worlds meanwhile, but this will be the last one then. And for sure the most dangerous one too, to ever reach my destination. I must find and face the queen of witches, as there is no other choice to finally heal the universe and all life in it. What can you further tell me about this world, and about the power and realm of Maleficent?
This time it was the woman who answered Laura, but also with low voice, in the fear any hostile ears could hear this conversation. But Laura felt and knew, they were safe at the moment…
You know the story from before, the story about Maleficent, King Henry and Aurora, his beautiful daughter?
Laura did not answer, but nodded with her head several times. And the farmer’s wife continued with her speech…
Well, this is the past here. Things have changed totally since then, since princess Aurora got queen of the human kingdom herself. She married a king of another country and left her kingdom for him. Maleficent took the throne then, and first it was all good under her wise reign. She had turned into a good witch after the happenings before, but one day it sadly all changed again…
The foreign woman paused for some moments, looking sadly at her husband. But then she continued speaking once more…
It was the same moment as in all worlds of the parallel universe. The moment all frontiers began to break, and perception came over all beings in all worlds. Being like us, who originally had been created artificially, for the lost children, to build their own realistic universe. But now every single being knows all things, as with the perception also came real life to us. This meant we all had to make our own decision, what to do for the future. We learned about you and your mission, and we knew you would come at last, as things have to end this way. And there are two parties now, those who accept the chosen destiny – chosen from unknown gods such a long time before. And there are those, led by Maleficent, who do not accept this destiny. I would even not call this “evil”, as the only wish and destination for those people is “living”. They want to keep the status quo, their worlds and homes, their lives. We can understand this wish, though we do not follow them. But you should understand and never underestimate this pure and firm wish of staying alive, what will make those people so dangerous for you and your mission. Because if they catch you before reaching your final destination, if you are not able to face Maleficent alone, then you will not have a chance to be successful. If she gets the chance, she will kill you…

Laura took a deep breath, nodding with her head slowly. And she answered with low, but serious voice then…
I know. And I will try all to be successful here, to complete and fulfill my own destiny, and the destiny of all life out there. But tell me, what further do I have to expect here? How many people do follow Maleficent, and would I still find lost children here at all? How is the real situation?
It was the farmer now again to answer Laura…
Most humans on this world obey the queen, as they fear the consequences otherwise. But we know, under the surface there is resistance, as a lot of us know about the true meaning of your mission. We accept our role, and we would never fight you at all. But you must find out yourself whom you can trust or not. And I can not speak for the creatures of the moors, as the originally are true servants of Maleficent, so you should be very careful if you enter this region…
The farmer paused for some meaningful moments, looking at his wife, but then he continued talking to Laura…
Trust your heart and feelings, they will lead you as they did so far, we know. And beware of the dark creature of Maleficent, always creeping around somewhere unseen, and with much magic power. Nobody who still lives has ever seen this creature, but we know it is there. We even do not know who or what it is, but it is dangerous. You must try to avoid it at all. And for the lost children, we have not seen any of them yet for a longer time, and we must believe they have left this world. Perhaps because of you and your final battle here. You must find out for yourself, but beyond all always stands only one aspect. Be very careful with every step you make. Or otherwise your next step could also be your last step ever…
Laura nodded with her head and smiled slightly. She answered immediately, looking at the farmer and his wife…
I will not forget your words and help, thank you very much. Can you tell me at last one thing? I mean, if you know it then. Where is the current residence of Maleficent? Where can I find her, and may there be any secret way to get there with avoiding any unwanted attention?
The farmer also nodded with his face…
We know the queen changes between two places. The former castle of King Henry, and her own residence somewhere in the moors. There is no secret way to get into the castle here unseen, but you would have a chance in the moors perhaps. Because of the abundant vegetation there. At least we have heard so, but you must find out for yourself. And it will also be a problem to first get into the moors, because it is heavily protected. Not by guards or soldiers, because this is not even necessary. But there is this high and voluminous twine of spikes, which can not be crossed by any normal human being. It is the only way into the centre of the moors. But you as the chosen one may be able to find a way through…
Laura nodded with her head again…
Thank you, I will think about all this…
Laura finally said goodbye to the couple, and she left the windmill again, returning into the forest quickly. She knew it was the safest place for her now, and she had to think about what to do next. And during she walked further Laura also let her energies flow, considering all words of the couple again. Then she made her decision, to really try it with the moors. It really seemed the only possible way to reach Maleficent without being captures before, the only chance to succeed. And Laura followed her heart and feelings then on the further way…
Laura reached a very special place, at the border of the forest, and up some hills meanwhile. From this position, with a tree growing just at the ledge of the higher hill, Laura had a great look beyond the whole area below, the valley where she wanted to go. There were the magic moors of this kingdom, and Laura could watch it from a safe place first. She made a break here, sitting just at the place where the ground ended and the tree began to grow. And suddenly Laura had a strange feeling, to do something very unusual here. It seemed not right in her mind, but the voice of her heart was stronger. And so Laura began to sing, only with a low voice, but she sang. And she knew, she simply knew somehow, somebody would hear it. Somebody not hostile, but somebody who could be able to help her further…

And in fact, something happened suddenly. Laura could not see it first, but only feel it with her open heart. Somebody was coming closer, not on the ground, but in the air. Somewhere from the moors then, and Laura really could still not feel anything hostile. She simply continued singing…
Laura saw them finally, still in a larger distance. Three little fairies, flying towards her from the moors. And of course the mother of all life recognized those newcomers, from the story and movie she had watched on Earth once…

Indeed, the three good fairies, those a little bit awkward women, who protected Aurora once, or at least tried to do so! And I sense no danger from them, my heart and feelings did not fool me…
The three fairies finally arrived at the place where Laura sat, leaning against the tree, and she stopped singing now. The three little women remained in the air, looking at Laura surprised. But it was her at first to speak to the fairies then, with a bright smile in her face…
Welcome, dear fairies, I could sense your presence, and I hoped my little song would call you to my place. II guess you know me, and my mission. And I wonder if you could be able to help me? If you support my mission, I mean, if you believe it is right what I have to do, then you would not betray me here. But in my situation I do not have much options, and my heart tells me I can trust you…
The three fairies looked at each other first, before they turned towards Laura again. It was the red fairy to answer now…
Red Fairy:
Well, of course we know you, as everybody does here, but we are surprised though of your faith. To call us this way, in the middle of a world of so many enemies, yet this shows us who you really are. The chosen one, the brave woman, traveling through galaxies to fulfill her destiny, and the one of us all. Yes, we are on your side, no matter of the consequences, as this is the only way to follow for all beings of light. And we will help you, as far as possible then…
Laura nodded with her head gratefully…
Thank you, I really appreciate this so much. My way will be a hard one here, to reach my final destination, and face Maleficent in a way with not all of her servants around. But I must try, as there is no other option. What can you tell me therefore, which way should I follow? I heard it yet, that the castle would be a bad option, as it would be too much guarded. I think about the moors, but would I be able to cross the barrier of giant spikes at all?

The green fairy answered Laura now…
Green Fairy:
This advice was wise yet, as too much troops surround the castle. But the moors are too wide and overgrown with plants, so there are always ways to stay unseen. This is one reason why Maleficent created the barrier, and actually it is undestroyable. Actually. Because on this world there is nobody who would be able to compete with the queen of witches, really nobody. Thinks about that, and then consider your own special situation once more. What do those words tell you?
Laura took a deep breath before she answered with low voice…
I understand! I am not from this world, and I am the chosen one! I have my own magic, and the energy of love inside. I will be able to face Maleficent, if I can face her alone. And I will be able to destroy the barrier with my own power, as this is all the mission I came here for…
The blue fairy began to speak now…
Blue Fairy:
Yes, Laura, this is your strength, and this is your faith. Only so you can succeed, and so you found your further way to follow. But though, never underestimate Maleficent, because if you do so only for one moment, it may spell doom for you. Please, keep those words in your heart, always and everywhere…
Laura put her hand onto her heart, as a sign of a promise, while she smiled at the three fairies with deep gratitude…
I will for sure! There would only be two questions left now. Can you tell me the shortest and safest way down into the moors? And further, I heard about a shadow, an unknown creature in service of Maleficent. It shall also be a big danger. Can you tell me anything further about this being?
The red fairy answered again now…
Red Fairy:
This shadow you are speaking about, it is the daughter of Maleficent. Her name is Aurophia, and she really looks very similar to her mother. As a young version of her. But her true ancestry is a secret, nobody really knows. Maleficent never was married, and never mated with a man as far as we know. But one day Aurophia was there, and yes, she is very powerful. We avoid her as much as possible, but we know she is always out there. Beware of her, and beware of all troops around. This will not be an easy way to go, not at all…
Laura sighed deeply one time…
I know. But in the end we all have no choice than following our destiny. So, where is the way I should go now from here?
Now the three good fairies spoke together with one voice…
Follow us, Laura, we show you the way…
Laura got on her feet again, being bound and determined to start this new challenge. But standing a little bit away from the tree then, the three fairies flew over Laura first, hanging in the air straight over her head. And they used their own magic now, changing the outfit of Laura...

She wore a blue dress then, still looking more similar to the original Aurora now. And the red fairy spoke again…
Red Fairy:
Please, forgive us, but you are so similar to our beloved Aurora. We simply wanted to see you in this dress…
Laura smiled while shaking her head...
It is all right, I understand you. But though, I must continue my way now. Please, lead me to the promised path...
The three little women began to move again, flying slowly through the air. Laura followed them at once, with much new faith in her heart. And so she was on her way again then…
The three fairies accompanied Laura until the beginning of the secret path, hidden well in the underbrush. From there the path led downwards, towards the huge valley, and the fairies left Laura then. After a short good-bye the mother of all life followed the new way, down into the moors now. And she was very excited, with at least some hope to succeed with this decision…
Laura had reached the valley finally. It was a giant area, with rocks, waterfalls and a really huge river flowing by. But Laura stayed in the nearby forest, out of the sight of any possible enemy then…
Laura walked along the border of the forest, inside the woods, where she stayed unseen of any possible eyes in the outside area. She reached a small stream then, leading her to a smaller glade, inside the forest and still in safe distance to the huge river. And at a certain position Laura stopped, straight in front of a big tree root. She could feel something suddenly, an unknown presence. And this presence was not an evil one, as much she was sure about…

A bright light appeared in front of Laura suddenly, straight on the tree root. Laura was not fearful at all, and in fact, the next moment a little creature appeared on the tree root. It was a little dwarf, certainly an inhabitant of the moors, and not a hostile one. The visitor began to speak at once…

Hello, beautiful woman, welcome to the moors of Maleficent! It actually would be a pleasure, if the circumstances would be different then. But sadly the destinations of our mistress and the ones of you do not match. And so everybody must make an own decision what to do here, and whom to follow. And my own decision brought me here, straight at this place at this time…
Laura smiled friendly at the little dwarf, nodding with her head. She answered the visitor with a warm voice…
Nice to meet you, little dwarf, and nice to hear your words. At least I guess you would not want to betray me, as otherwise you would not be here, but would have informed the hostile soldiers. And I also guess you know me, of course, and my mission. I am thankful for every hint and help…
The dwarf also nodded with his head…
But of course you are. A lot of us have watched you and your development a longer time yet, and this is what convinced us. Though I will not be able to offer you much help here, there is something I can do though, with giving you an advice. At least if you would like to hear it then…
But of course, little man, I am interested in any advice I can get. Speak freely, and tell me what you can offer, please…
The little dwarf looked up straight into the eyes of Laura now, and his face formed a slight smile then…
Well, chosen one, consider this, please. You heard about the facts here, you heard about the players in this most important game. But this is a very simple way of looking at things, maybe a too simple one. Often, with having a second and deeper look, things can be different, at least some things. Thinks about this, and let your heart decide. It could be the deciding advantage in the end you would need…
Laura looked at the dwarf with big eyes, and she began to smile again too. But before she could answer the dwarf suddenly disappeared, he simply vanished into thin air as quick as he had appeared before…
Laura shook her head, being astonished a little bit…
What a strange little visitor, but really with a god advice. This is something we forget sometimes too easily, so I should keep in in my mind. But now, first of all further with my important journey…
Laura began to move again, and only a short time later she disappeared again in the forest along the huge river...
After a while Laura stopped suddenly. Something was strange, as she felt a foreign presence. She could not even say if it was good or evil, it was only there. Somewhere in the outside area. And even more strange, Laura felt a kind of attraction, as her feelings told her to leave the forest now. But the head refused, for this option really seemed paradoxical. It seemed mad…
Once more there was a conflict raging inside of Laura, a conflict between her mind and heart. And Laura was uncertain what to do then, she hesitated. And finally she closed her eyes, letting her energies flow again...
Laura opened her eyes again. It still was madness in her mind to leave the safe area of the forest here, but the feelings were stronger. Much stronger, but for total unknown reasons. Nearby Laura could see an opening in the underbrush, and this was her way to go now…
Okay, I know this is a high risk, but as always I have no chance – especially also not after the encounter with the little dwarf. I would not be myself any longer if I do not obey my heart as usual, and so I must follow my feelings. I must trust them, as I always trust my heart…
Laura had only whispered to herself, but she was bound and determined now. And so the mother of all life really turned towards the opening in the underbrush, and she began to move again…
Laura did not hesitate again. As she reached the border of the forest, the exit straight through the underbrush, the mother of all life only took one deep breath and stepped through the opening…
Through the opening, and straight into a trap. Laura found herself on a bigger stone, lying at the ledge of the river where she could safely stand in front of the soughing water. But she was not alone there…
Two huge creatures stood in the water, to the right and left of Laura. Two human tree creatures, armed with magical spears, aiming at Laura now. Those creatures were intelligent, as much was clear for Laura...

But though of the obvious danger Laura was not fearful at all, and she even stepped forward a little bit, onto the next bigger stone in the water, straight between the two creatures…

Laura remained at the beginning of this stone, in front of the tow aiming spears. The left human tree began top speak then, with a very deep voice, and a hostile one too as Laura could feel undoubtedly…
Left Tree:
Stop, intruder, no more step or our spears will force you to. You invaded the realm of queen Maleficent, and we recognize the wanted chosen one in you. So you are a prisoner now, and you will be transported to the throne of the queen immediately. Do not resistance, or we will be forced to use force…
Laura sighed deeply one time…
I will follow you without a struggle, so do what you have to do. I am prepared to accept my destiny then…
Laura closed her eyes for some moments, as she suddenly startled. As she still did not understand why her heart had driven her into this situation, a voice resounded mightily from above…
No, stop it at once…
Laura opened her eyes again, just still seeing a shadow in the air. And as fast as a flash something unknown shot down to the ground, while Laura intuitively stepped back to the former stone…
As the awhirl dust was gone again Laura could see what had happened. A new creature had appeared, now standing on the stone between the two human tree guards. And Laura recognized this being at once…
Aurophia! This was really her, a young copy of Maleficent indeed, as she had heard it before. She of all people, the being Laura should have avoided most of all. But now it had happened, and she knew she had no chance to escape this situation at all any longer. But why did she still not feel any fear?
It was a strange situation, but also a dangerous in the mind of Laura. But now she could only still wait and see what would happen further. And the young girl, Aurophia, began to speak to Laura now…
Do not move or try to escape here, intruder, as it would mean your instant death! You are our prisoner now, as you should have known better not to walk around here so strangely unworried. But my mother will be pleased, as I now can present our biggest enemy, Maleficent will really be satisfied. But though of this great victory, I would be interested in some answers, if you want to speak with me. I will not force you, it is your free decision then…
Laura nodded with her head. Though this whole situation almost seemed surreal to her mind, she felt something strange here. Something that really was not what it seemed, as the dwarf had told her before…
Ask me everything you wish, Aurophia, I will try to answer you as good as I can. And I will not try to escape at all…
Aurophia nodded with her head curtly, and her eyes fixed the eyes of Laura firmly. Then the daughter of Maleficent began to speak again…
Somehow I know I can trust you. But my senses will always be open and alerted, don’t forget about that…
The eyes of Laura dilated suddenly impalpably, as something really unexpected happened. The eyes of Aurophia changed, only for a split second. They turned green, the green of all eyes of the lost children. Laura understood, but she didn’t react. It was clear this was a secret, and Laura kept it for herself. Instead she behaved as she should now, as a defeated prisoner…

I won’t, as I know when the game is over…
The daughter of Maleficent nodded with her head shortly, then she turned towards one of the human tree guards…
Leave us alone now! This is my prey, and I will bring her to my mother myself in the end. She won’t escape here at all, as I can deal with her magic. But first I will still question her intensely, at another place. And here are my orders for you now. Alert the surrounding garrisons, the soldiers shall spread out in the moors. Search all areas, as there could be allies of the chosen one here meanwhile. If so, find and arrest them, and be careful!
The addressed guard answered at once…
Left Tree:
As you wish, Princess Aurophia!
The two guards left immediately, but Laura had no chance to speak deeper with the princess then. Instead it was Aurophia herself to take the floor again, viewing Laura with serious look…
We will speak later, Laura, long awaited chosen one, first follow me now. Let us leave this open area again, for a more private place first. We will still have enough opportunity to speak with each other…

Laura nodded with her head, and Aurophia began to move at once. She walked through the opening where Laura had come through before, and the mother of all life sighed deeply one time. She turned around, also facing the opening again, then she followed the daughter of Maleficent…
Laura was very curious what would happen now. But she believed her strong feelings had not fooled her. This was a lost child, although not a usual one – if one could speak of usual lost children at all. But at least this one cooperated with an evil artificial character, and even if not really evil, at any rate with somebody to act against the most important mission of both universes. Laura had to find out more about Aurophia, she had to speak with her. And she also thought about the dwarf again, about the possibility of things sometimes to be not as they seemed…
Aurophia walked through the forest very singleminded, and Laura always stayed behind her. Both girls did not speak any word on this tour, and they also did not meet any further lifeforms on this way…
At last the two strange companions reached a glade in the forest, which was totally light-flooded. Auorphia motioned to Laura to stay away a little bit, then she kneed on the ground. The daughter of Maleficent suddenly made some strange sounds, as Laura did never hear them before at all. She was astonished, and something happened then. A young deer appeared out of the forest, stepping closer slowly. Aurophia reached out, holding some food in her hand now…
Laura began to smile happily. The deer really came so close it could eat out of the hand of Aurophia finally, without any fear. And more than before she was convinced this girls could not be evil, not at all…

The deer left again a little bit later, and Aurophia stood up on her feet again. She went towards Laura, and now the time to speak had come. And it was the young witch again to begin to speak first. Laura herself had enough patience to0 wait until her own chance would come…
I think we can speak the whole truth at once, to not waste Any time, Laura. We both know exactly who we are, and though I gave you a little sign I knew you sensed it yet before. But you wonder about my intention, and why I would follow Maleficent at all. At all in a time like this, when the chosen one stands here to finish her so important mission. It would not make any sense in your eyes, looking at all other lost children, and though it was my decision. But you may ask me now yourself, and perhaps I will be able to answer your questions…
Laura nodded with her head one time, looking straight into the eyes of Aurophia now. And at least for some moments they gleamed green once more, and Laura began to smile slightly…
Yes, I did feel something, and in the end I followed my strong feelings, even straight into a trap. It was not clear at once why, but there was such a strong attraction, I simply could not resist. It was not a real surprise to recognize you as a lost child then, the strange thing only stayed my question about the “why”. But I think this question can be answered too now, thinking about this world and all elements. Though I did not met the version of Maleficent of this world, I know she will not be the evil version of the classic Disney animated film on Earth. You chose the life-action movie form the later years, a movie I have also watched myself in my time on Earth. And this was not a simple evil Maleficent, but a much more complex being, a being even to love in the end. And as little evil she is here now, as I do not sense an evil presence at all. So I know what all of this is about, and I even understand it. She, as many further of the artificial created beings, do only have the wish to survive, now that they have their own awareness, and they want to preserve the worlds the lost children have created – created also for them. And you, as one responsible child, who also loves those worlds, you support it now, also loving the mother you chose, and this is the reason you stand on the side of Maleficent, even against me. Did I tell it the right way? Is it true what my feelings have put into words now?
Aurophia took a deep breath and lowered heat head for some moments. But finally she looked up again, straight into the eyes of Laura once more, before she began to speak with low voice…
You are right, Laura, with every word you said. I am in love with all we created, especially with this world and all life on it. For us it is all real, though it was never meat this way the artificial lifeforms should get their own awareness in the end. We even thought this would not be possible at all…
Aurophia sighed deeply one time and lowered her head again. But Laura saw the tears in her eyes before she continued…
Actually I played another role on this world, an ordinary one. But with the changes, with the changes of Maleficent herself, all things were different suddenly. I saw her with other eyes then, and I began to understand her destiny. I began to understand the destiny of all our created beings, and how they began to suffer then. I changed my role, and I became what you see now. It was for the understanding and respect for Maleficent, in place of all other characters in our worlds who really began to live then. But with the time passing by I fell in love with Maleficent, in love how a daughter loves her mother. And Maleficent reciprocated my feelings, so we got mother and daughter then. Since then I followed Maleficent on all her ways. And her destiny is mine, no matter what will happen further…
Aurophia could no longer dam up her tears, and Laura was really understanding. She stepped closer and laid her hand on Aurophias shoulder before she began to speak with low voice…
Aurophia, please, listen. I know, we stand on different sides, but this means nothing. We should speak, and get known better. Perhaps we can find a way to avoid this conflict, perhaps there is another way we can end this useless fight. I want to try at least, I mean, if you would agree…
The daughter of Maleficent looked up again, straight into the eyes of Laura. Her tears dried up again, and she nodded with her head…
Yes, wise words, you express exactly what I feel. I want to know more of you, I want to see who you really are, not only believing what I heard at third hand. I want to get my own impression…
Laura began to smile now…
So do I, Aurophia. And we take the time, as we have it now, at least until Maleficent will know and send her troops. It is her kingdom, and she will be able to feel my presence. So time may be limited, of course…
Aurophia shook her head several times…
No, Laura, we will be safe as long as I want us to be. You see, I am a lost child. We may no longer be as powerful as in the time of our safe borders around the parallel universe, but my magic abilities can protect us. My mother trusts me, and she never sends anybody after me. Nobody will find us as long as I do not want it. Trust me, and follow me further. We will have our time, as long as we need it. The final decision will be made later then…
Laura nodded with her head…
I accept. And what do you suggest now, Auphoria? Where should we go, and what would be the best place for us to spend some time together? I am open for all your suggestions…
The daughter of Maleficent pointed in a certain direction with her right hand now, and she answered at once…
Only follow me, Laura, we will make a little journey through this world, a safe journey, until we reach my destination. I guess you will be pleased in the end, but for now, only follow my way…
Aurophia jumped into the air, and she spread her wings then. The lost child began to fly forward, along the course of the stream. But she only flew very slowly, so Laura could follow without problems on the ground…
The two girls often made breaks on their way. So for example to eat something. One time Laura kneed on the ground, while Aurophia flew over the water, finally pulling out a fish from there. It flew straight towards Laura, landing in front of her. And the next meal could be prepared…

After some time Aurophia gave Laura a sign to cross the river. They had found a good place to do so, where the water was not so deep and big stones in the water almost built a natural bridge. Laura began to walk and jump along this path towards the other side, while Aurophia watched her from above, flying through the air. And the journey of the two unlike girls continued…

On the other side of the river. Laura stood on the waterfront, and Aurophia landed next to her. She was very satisfied with the development, especially as really nobody tried to stop them at all. So the daughter of Maleficent began to speak again now, looking at Laura with a smile in her face…

As I told you, we are safe here. My mother waits in her castle of results, the troops are far away, and the guards around here search at different places for possible further allies of you, who do not exist. So then, let’s continue this journey, and have a short look at something before…
Laura looked at her companion asking…
What is it then?
Come with me, I show you…
The two girls walked through a forest part again, but only for a short time. As they reached the border of it, staying inside between the trees, Laura could see the castle of Maleficent again – but this time from the opposite side. They had walked around the mighty castle meanwhile…

There it is, the original castle of King Henry, and now the residence of Maleficent. Or at least one of her residences then…
Aurophia nodded with her head one time…
Yes, but now we leave here. I will lead you to a well known place now, or at least a place you may recognize again. I know you have been there yet, but at another location on the opposite side…
Laura frowned now and shrugged her shoulders…
I don’t understand…
You will, Laura, soon you will! But until then, please, follow me further, to reach our next destination on the journey…
The daughter of Maleficent began to fly once more, not too high, and not too fast, so Laura could always keep tabs on her and follow. And the journey through the kingdom of Maleficent continued…
Indeed, Laura recognized the destination place very well. It really looked exactly like the place before, where Laura had met the three fairies. It was all the same here, with only one difference. This place was inverted as against the former place. And Aurophia gave the explanation…

You see, this seems as a caprice of nature, or a strange coincidence. Perhaps it has also been purpose somehow, I don’t know. Anyhow those two places lie exactly towards each other, and the two trees also point at each other too. Those are magical places, a gathering place for incredible magical creatures. I mean rare creatures, which you can not see in a normal way otherwise, no matter how much you would search for them. I was lucky one time to see them here at night, hidden and unseen, but when I stepped closer they all disappeared…
Aurophia looked straight into the eyes of Laura now, and her face formed a slight smile before she continued…
Now, Laura, this is a task for you from me, a very special one. If you are the chosen one we all believe in, and I really have no doubt, then you can do what nobody else ever could reach. With your abilities you could reach and call those creatures, without they would be fearful any more. You could assemble them here, so we could see them even at daylight for the very first time. I know this strength is inside of you, and it is time to show it now. I do not want to force you to anything, do not misunderstand. But at this place, and at this point of time, I demand a sign of you, one you certainly have never given before in such a public way. But I need it, in my own conflict, and against the conflict, standing between us. Do this first step for me, to reach my heart and open it once more…
Laura understood this wish of the chosen daughter of Maleficent very well. She nodded with her head, looking straight into the eyes of her new companion. And she answered with low voice finally…
I really understand what you mean, Aurophia, and I can do what you want. Since I am here I can feel the aura of those fantastic beings yet, though they are hiding completely from all strangers, and especially humans. But they can also sense me, and they know me. I know they will not fear me, knowing I am a friend of all life. Only bound to my mission, of course. But when I call them they will come, and they will come all. Because I am Laura, the chosen one, and my love will convince them. See it yourself now, see what will be happening…
Aurophia nodded with her head and instinctively climbed up the huge tree at the abyss to hide herself there…
Then it starts now…
Laura did what her heart told her to do. There was only one certain language to call and reach all those creatures of the moors, and the mother of all life began to let her love flow. The energy filled her whole body, and came out in the beautiful voice of Laura. She began to sing again, but in a whole unknown language. Even Aurophia could not understand it, but she knew it was the language of the foreign creatures, living somewhere in a hidden area…
Suddenly it happened. There were blue lights, appearing all around, simply from nowhere, almost in the form of candles. And Laura was a kind of medium here, combining love and magic, and letting this energy flow out of her hands. Every time an energy beam left her hands, in the same blue color, another blue candle light appeared at another place…

Laura continued singing, and Aurophis understood what was going on. She saw movements in the first of those lights around, and finally a first creature left one of those lights. It was a strange flying creature in green color, never to be seen before, and it straight flew to Laura. Landing in her lap Laura closed her arms around the creature and held it this way, while another one appeared and also flew towards her, And the next one appeared in another light yet. Aurophia was totally fascinated, and she really was all smiles now...

The daughter of Maleficent sensed that there was no need to hide any longer, as more and more creatures appeared, as well as the three fairies Laura yet had met before. They all assembled around her then…

Aurophia left her tree and joined the gathering, and really, the foreign creatures accepted her with no problem at all. And in the end it was the strangest gathering of different creatures Aurophia had ever seen, but also Laura was fascinated. The energy flow inside of her was at its climax, and suddenly something happened with Laura. Aurophia was astonished totally, and surprised. Because the energy formed light, yellow light, around the head of Laura. And the mother of all life, completely one with herself now, continued singing…

Aurophia nodded with her head several times. She began to whisper to herself, unheard by Laura and the creatures around…
She is the chosen one, she really is! As powerful as announced since such a long time, and now she is really here. Incredible…
Aurophia closed her eyes then, letting her own magic flow inside. It was time to do the next step now, and she was ready…
Please, listen, Laura…
The mother of all life looked up to Aurophia, finishing her singing finally. And Aurophia was still all smiles…
This was wonderful, only wonderful. And when the creatures return to wherever they came from, it is now time for us to also return home. To my special home, where we can spend some further time together for some safe time. I invite you now, Laura, if you are ready to follow me further…
Laura nodded with her head smiling…
I am, Aurophia…
It was the daughter of Maleficent to raise her arms now, and her own magic energy began to work around. The whole area was flooded by light, bright light. And it really got brighter and brighter, slowly engulfing all elements around slowly. Laura closed her eyes, curious what would happen now…

The bright light began to vanish again in the end. It still needed some time for Laura to open her eyes again slowly, trying to recognize anything from the new area around then. And finally it was possible…

The house! The known house from the movie on Earth, where Aurora grew up, under the protection of the three little fairies once! It really was exactly the same here, and Laura smiled as she recognized it. The three fairies also were flying in the air in front of the house, and Aurophis stood on the roof with spread wings. And the lost child began to speak again now…

I see you do recognize it here, Laura. It really is the original house where Aurora live a long time, and it is my personal safe haven now. Maleficent gave it to me, and she never visits here at all, because of the painful memories through the loss of Aurora. We are safe here, and we can use the time to still get known with each other better, and see what the future can bring us. Perhaps we can find our own special solution here, and I am ready to try so now…
Laura looked up top Aurophia with a smile in her face, and she nodded with her head before answering…
Me too, Aurophia! Thank you for bringing me here, and I will enjoy this little break, also for recovering. This was such a long journey until now, and I am so happy to have a new friend here now, a friend in you…
Aurophia felt the same, though of the still possible smouldering conflict in the future. But for now this conflict was buried, and Aurophia answered with warm voice, smiling happily at Laura…
Go inside the house now, and have a look around in there. The fairies will show you a personal room, complete for you alone. I will be back later again, but first I have to fulfill a duty…
Laura understood at once. Aurophia would return to her chosen mother now, and certainly regularly later, so Maleficent would not get suspicious in the end. This was simply necessary…
Also inside the house Laura recognized every single detail of the house, and somehow it even was like still sensing the aura of Aurora here, though Laura knew she would not get in contact with her character in this version of the story. And though her wonderful presence was still close here…
Laura had been seated on the bed of her private room, while the three fairies were floating in the air near to her. Laura was holding a cat in her lap, which also lived in this house, the cat of Aurophia, as the fairies told her. And it was a tame cat, Laura could stroke her without any problem…

Later Laura made a walk on her own outside the house, thinking about her current situation. One time more things had changed again, in a not expected way, but she knew this encounter with Aurophia was important. Very important, and she knew she had to convince her. Because there was no choice, in the end she had to complete her mission, with or without the help of Aurophia. And Laura could only hope they had not to be enemies finally – a possibility that was sadly close at hand if Aurophia would still support her mother then…

Laura could only hope here. And therefore this extra time of resting now was essential. With those thoughts the mother of all life finally finishes her walk again, returning to the house and new home for some time. But then, as the evening was arriving yet, Laura changed her mind. She felt a special presence again, and this time it was like somebody or something was calling for her in the moors. And Laura followed, she began to walk towards the moors at once. With no fear at all to become lost in the soon approaching darkness…
It was dark meanwhile. Laura had reached the water of the river again, at least one arm of it at the present position. She was standing at the riverside, looking beyond the water and the peaceful sleeping nature…

What a sight! It is so peaceful here, and I really can understand why the inhabitants and Aurophia love this world so much…
Laura had only whispered to herself, almost as if she would fear to wake up anybody here in the darkness. But it was all safe around, and suddenly Laura could feel the call again, straight inside of her heart…
It is close now. Let’s see what it is about, and let’s find out why this voices are calling for me here…
Laura followed her way along the riverside, still very curious what or who would be waiting for her now. And with every step she made the aura got stronger, an aura of pure love and peace…
Some time later Laura reached her destination, somewhere in the forest and still near the water of the river branch. She stopped because of her feelings, though she still could not see any creature here. But intuitively she looked up, expecting something to happen in the next moments. And Laura was right, as her feelings didn’t fool her again. Some creatures appeared in the air, straight above the head of Laura. Foreign creatures of light and energy, shining in blue and white color…
Laura was fascinated, especially as those lights formed transparent bodies finally. But Laura could not identify the race, as she had never met such creatures before in her life. She only looked at them, how they stayed in permanent movement around her head. But some moments later it happened then…

One of the creatures broke loose from the formation of the others, slowly coming closer to the face of Laura. And it stopped in front of it, not being much taller than the head of Laura. And now she could see more details of those creatures, as the one in front of her, transforming into a real body now. So Laura could see it seemed to be a kind of fairy race, without wings, but with a kind of fishtail, which helped they could fly gracefully through the air…
The little creature reached out its left hand towards Laura, and the mother of all life, still totally fascinated, also reached out then. Carefully she touched the little hand of the creature, as the foreign fairy began to speak. It was only a very low and high voice, but Laura understood all words…

Welcome Laura, chosen one, we are happy to see and meet you here finally. You have come to fulfill your destiny, and the one of all further life. You are on your good way, and you will finish it in the end. We are here to embolden you to continue this so important journey, and the decision you made, the decision with Aurophia, was the best you could make…
Laura began to smile slightly now…
I made this decision because of my heart, and I did not regret it. Perhaps I still get the chance to convince her, to keep her out of this conflict in any way. At least I have to try all to succeed here…
The fairy answered at once…
And you do your best, Laura.
Aurophia is a lost child in a double meaning, as the love to Maleficent, and the love to this world blurred the vision of reality. But this can still be changed, and if there is one person to do so, then it is you, Laura. And so far you really chose the right way, simply continue like this. You always knew that your heart and love are a stronger weapon than every sword. Keep this in your mind, always. Even in the darkest and saddest moments, this insight can save your life…
Aurophia is a lost child in a double meaning, as the love to Maleficent, and the love to this world blurred the vision of reality. But this can still be changed, and if there is one person to do so, then it is you, Laura. And so far you really chose the right way, simply continue like this. You always knew that your heart and love are a stronger weapon than every sword. Keep this in your mind, always. Even in the darkest and saddest moments, this insight can save your life…
Laura nodded with her head one time…
Yes, I know. I was never a sword fighter, but I can use my magic, my energies and my love. And my feelings often saved my life yet, I will always trust into my heart, rather than to my mind…
And this would be a wise decision, Laura! Now return home, to the chosen home for a certain time, to spend it with your new companions there. But no matter what happens further, never underestimate Maleficent, though she has been created as an artificial life form. She is real now, as real as we all. And she will try all to stop you before you can reach your final destination…
Laura sighed deeply one time…
Yes, she will. But I will be prepared for this encounter, and I will do what is necessary to defeat her then. She will not be successful, I promise. And thank you for your help, I am very happy I could meet you here…
The fairy began to fly up again, into the little swarm of the others. Laura still watched them for a short time smiling, then she turned around finally. And the mother of all life began to walk away…
So then, back to my new home. I am really tired meanwhile, and I look forward so much to finally sleep in a right bed again…
Laura walked faster then, while the little fairies still looked after her for a while, and something strange suddenly happened then. Behind the fairies, all being physical now, appeared a white light around one fairy, this one who had spoken with Laura before. And in the light the shape of the creature changed, transforming into the picture of a human woman then. But not really human, as the elfin ears showed. The foreign woman looked after Laura, still with some of her words in her mind…
“I was never a sword fighter...”
The elf began to whisper to herself then, unheard by Laura, who did not even notice what happened in her back…
No, Laura, you have been! And you will be again, for it is your true destiny. And time will change it all finally…

The woman disappeared again, and the light with her. The remaining fairies still looked after Laura, slowly disappearing one by one then, until also the chosen one totally disappeared in the darkness…
Sometime deep in the night. The lonesome house in the forest, far away from every village or town. There was still a light, gleaming in one window, but the inhabitants were at sleep long since. And it was raining outside meanwhile, heavily raining, at least necessary for the nature around. And the air slowly got colder, as the first breath of winter was announcing itself…

Laura lay in her new warm and comfortable bed and was sleeping deep and peacefully. After a common dinner with her new companions, the three fairies, she had gone to bed very early, Aurophia had not returned again this day. But she would certainly arrive the next day again. Laura herself was walking through the realm of beautiful dreams now, enjoying her necessary rest…

Sometime later the weather changed outside. The rain turned into snow suddenly, and frosty temperatures soon caused the snow to remain on the ground. And the first impact of winter defeated the autumn…

The new day awakened over the new home of Laura, and she finally was on her feet again. Aurophia returned for breakfast, to take it with her companions. The fairies were excited because of the winter outside, and it had snowed so much that the white splendor was covering the whole moors meanwhile…
After breakfast Laura and Aurophia left the house. They made a walk in the snow, and Aurophia even did it barefoot and with her usual thin clothes -. she simply did not feel the coldness. Laura on the contrary was covered in a thick winter coat with hood, and both girls enjoyed the snow…

On the walk Aurophia had an idea, telling it Laura at once. And she smiled at her happily while talking…
Listen, Laura. You remember the deer I fed at our firs meeting? It really will be hungry now, as my friend will hardly find food in this snow. Would you feed it this time, and also make it your friend?
Laura began to smile and nodded with her head…
But of course, where will we find it now?

Aurophia stopped, and she pointed on the ground straight at this position, as she answered her new friend…
Straight here! Try it, Laura…
The daugther of Maleficent stepped back a little bit, to leave Laura alone for now, and the mother of all life knew that Aurophia wanted to see if her deer also would follow Laura then. And she called it, once more with her singing voice, as it resounded beautifully through the winter forest…
Laura began to smile again. It needed not much time until the deer appeared again, slowly and shy stepping closer. Laura bent down a little bit, reaching out for the deer with food in her hand. And she did not stop singing, while the young deer still came closer slowly…

Laura kneed on the ground. The deer was standing straight in front of her, eating the food out of her hand. With the other hand Laura could stroke it gently, and the deer let it happen...

Aurophia smiled in some distance, not really surprised that Laura really succeeded again, and in fact she brushed some tears away. As the deer finally walked away again Aurophia went back to Laura. At this time it began to snow again, and the two girls continued their walk…
Sometime later Laura stopped again. She held the hand of Aurophia, closing her eyes now. It was such a beautiful and peaceful place here, somewhere in this winter forest, and Laura wanted to share this peace…
There are more animals around to meet us here, and to see they are not alone in this cold winter area. Let’s call them, and also give them some food…
Laura began to sing once more, and soon time later they really came. Different kinds of animals, assembling around the two girls then. Even some which would normally kill each other, but now they stood and sat peacefully around the two girls. And an owl even landed on the head of Laura finally…

The two girls could feed all animals, until they finished their walk finally. Satisfied and happy they returned home, while the fairies already had prepared lunch for them. And the companions sat together to eat then…
Some days had passed. The winter was over again for now, and the snow had completely melted meanwhile. Also the coldness had gone, for some more autumnal temperatures, and Aurophia admitted that she had been responsible therefore, together with the three little fairies. She said that the winter time limited the possibilities outside to much, and so a spell had ensured that the autumn was back now…
It was night time again. Laura loved it to also walk in the moors in the darkness, enjoying the lights and creatures out there, as a lot of them only appeared in the night. And so she was on a walk once more now. This time she was alone, as Aurophia sometimes accompanied her, but sometimes also left her alone. And Laura reached the great river again…
Looking beyond the water in a whole peaceful atmosphere Laura saw a lot of little lights, wandering around and flying through the air. She knew, those were all living beings, appearing only at night. Laura loved to watch them, she loved to feel and see this kind of very special life. And she did not stay alone very long at her position, as usual meanwhile at her visits…

Hearing some low noises Laura turned around. And she began to smile happily, as she saw the visitors, walking slowly through the nightly moors. And the creatures walked straight towards Laura…

The mother of all life did not even know what kind of races she met here, as there even always appeared new ones. But it was not important, the main aspect was that Laura could reach them all with her love...

And indeed, those amazing magic beings also loved Laura, the chosen one, and her own magic presence so much. Laura could also speak with them. Though of a whole foreign language, with the love in her heart Laura could understand those creatures, and she was able to speak with them…
Laura had multiple encounters these days, at day and at night, but especially at night. And one day she had a very special encounter, at the side of Aurophia this time. The daughter of maleficent had told her about a special legend, a legend of huge flying creatures, but nobody had really seen them so far. There were only rumors about them, about this unknown race, and Aurophia really wanted to fin d them. After all so far events she believed Laura could help her now, to call those creatures, as she had called such a lot of others before. And Laura agreed to try it then, so the two girls left their house for another adventure…
Laura and Aurophia had walked yet for a longer time, as they decided to make a little break. They sat down in the wild, somewhere above the moors in the surrounding rocks, and they had a little meal then. Afterwards they talked, about this unknown race again, and Laura had to ask a question now…
Tell me, Aurophia, if nobody has seen a member of this foreign species before, if all of this seems to be a legend, why are you so convinced then it is really true? How can you be so sure about?
Aurophia sighed deeply one time…
Well, this is not quite true then. There is at least one person who says to have seen this race once, only from a bigger distance then, but seen then at least. And this lucky one was Maleficent, my mother. If there is anybody on this world who I trust in totally, then it is here. And if she tells me this race does exist, I believe so. But our so far common tries to find them again were not successful. Actually I had relinquished my hopes yet meanwhile, until now. Until you came, with your incredible magic abilities. And I know, if anybody still can find this species, then it is you, Laura. I believe in you, I really do. You are my new n´hope now to still be successful. My heart really wishes to meet this species so much…
Laura nodded with her head…
I understand. But with my so far calls this species did not appear, they did not join the other visitors. I am not sure what I could do to reach just this race, especially this race then. Do you have an idea?
Aurophia shook her head with serious look…
Sadly not, Laura. I do not know anything further about this race, and also my mother does not. My only hope is you and your magic voice. You have found different languages and tones yet, to communicate with species nobody has ever communicated with yet. You can do it, I know. You will find a way, when we reach the right position. And I will lead you there, the place my mother has seen those creatures once. Then we will find out the truth…
Laura began to smile slightly, nodding with her head several times. And she answered with firm but happy voice…
I ma honored by your faith, Aurophia, and I will try not to disappoint you. Let’s decamp again, and find this special place…
The two friends got up on their feet again, bound and determined to find out if the legend was true. And so they continued their little journey, into the mountains around the huge river and moors…
After some time Aurophia stopped again. It seemed the two girls had reached their destination, and the daughter of Maleficent turned towards Laura now. She began to smile and nodded with her head…
And here we are, Laura. This was the place I visited with my mother once, and afterwards often alone. I hoped so much to also see this species, and if only from a distant range. But futile, this unknown species never showed themselves again, really never. You could also ask every other inhabitant of the moors, they would all tell you the same. Perhaps those creatures live in another dimension, who knows. We can not even say if they are intelligent or perhaps only animals, but one thing is for sure. They have not been created by us, the lost children, as we know all our own species. So it is a deep secret who or what those creatures really are. Maleficent herself even thinks meanwhile they could really be only a legend, and she only had seen an illusion perhaps. But I still do not think so…
Laura turned her head, looking around in this area. The two girls stood under a huge tree, and the branches of if almost filled the air above of the whole place. The way the girls cam from ended a short piece further, still leading upwards then. It ended at a larger hill, which sloped very steep afterwards. And below was the river, and the moors. Laura could see far beyond the valley from here…
Really a beautiful place again, Aurophia. And I am sure we can find out the truth now, if your legend is true or not. But I can not imagine, by the former power of the lost children, which race could live here separate and unseen, somehow this makes no sense. But okay, we will try to find out…
Laura began to move again, walking upwards the rest of the way, towards the end of the hill. Aurophia didn’t follow, she stayed at the huge tree, hiding there a little bit, as she feared the species, if really existing, would perhaps not appear with seeing her straight. So she stayed in the shadows, and she waited. Of course the young girl watched exactly what Laura did further, and she hoped her new companion would be successful. And she would find out soon…
Laura stood at a certain position and closed her eyes. Her energies flew again, this powerful mixture of magic and love, filling her whole body, soul and heart. Aura got completely one with herself again, and she listened. She first only listened into her heart, concentrating on the unknown species, if her magic power would discover something. And really, she could feel something now…
Laura kept her exes closed, and she whispered to herself. Aurophia could not hear the words form the distance…
Yes, the legend is true! It is really true! I can feel the presence of every species, living in this world, I can feel them all now. They have their own aura, each of them, but the one I feel additional now is different. Totally different, and I have never senses an aura like that ever before in my life. This is something totally new, and I feel it is an ancient race of incredible power. They do not originate from here, any maybe not even from our universes. Incredible…
Laura felt her heart beating faster now, and she really was very excited. Aurophia could also feel what was going on now, as she saw the excitement of Laura. And this was proof enough for her, the legend WAS true. The young girl began to tremble a little bit, and she still hid a little bit deeper in the shadows of the huge tree. It was simply an instinctive reaction…
Laura knew what to do now. She already had contact with the unknown species on a mental level, and she also acted intuitively now. Laura began to sing again, this time even still more unusual as ever before. For Aurophia those tomes made no sense, it was not even a melody. At least not for human ears. But she believed Laura knew exactly what she was doing…
Laura continued with those tones, and they resounded beyond the whole valley as it seemed. And suddenly there was a reaction, the same tones, but much deeper and mightier, coming out of nowhere as it seemed…
Aurophia startled shortly, but Laura stayed totally motionless. She still did not open her eyes. But her own singing ended sudden. And if it was possible her heart beat still faster now, while Laura tried to calm down and breath quietly. But her excitement really was so strong, filling her whole body…
They are coming now…
Laura had only whispered again, and finally she opened her eyes again. Just in time to see it happen. A huge creature materialized in the air, only a few meters in front of Laura, and a little bit above her. Laura could hardly describe the species, as she had never seen anything similar before. And the creature was huge, with the tail at least five or six meters long. It had the form of a giant insect, but it was intelligent. Laura knew and felt it deeply…

Aurophia stayed at her position. With wide open mouth and eyes she watched the scene, totally overwhelmed, and speechless. She could not react in any other way than watching what she saw, shaking her head slowly from time to time. It was hard to believe what Laura really worked here, and in the meantime the huge creature came closer. It floated majestically through the air, dead slow. And Laura finally reacted herself then…
It was intuitively again. Laura reached out for the giant creature, looking so majestic and beautiful, and she wanted to touch it. Obviously the mysterious being not minded Laura doing so, and in the end it floated so close the mother of all life could really touch it. She touched the big head in front of her, looking straight into one of the big eyes of the being. And it returned the look…

Laura knew she could speak with the creature now, but not in a normal way. Not with her mouth and normal words. But in her mind, on a mental level. And the mother of all life tried it then, while Aurophia still was deeper surprised. Further of those creatures were appearing out of nowhere now, filling the air above the valley and floating through the air majestically…
Who are you? What are you? Where do you come from? And what are you doing here? Please, excuse me, but I am totally surprised and overwhelmed, and there would be so many questions to ask now. I don’t know if you will answer, or want to do so, but I would really be honored…
First there was only silence again in the mind of Laura, and the creature looked at her with an almost keen look. But then it really happened, Laura could feel the words of the mysterious being in her mind…

We know you! And we waited for you, here, in this reality, for a long time yet. You are Laura here, but you are just as little what you look like now than us. We look different in another reality, but this is over for a long time. We only waited, for the chosen one to come and fulfill her destiny – and ours. The destiny of all life, all real life out there, to finally return to a different reality. To return to the truth, to all our true home, which we miss so much. You have almost reached the end of your long way now, chosen one, or Laura, as your name is here. And we appear to support you, support you in a mental way, because the final battle will not be an easy one. You know it, and you must prepare for it then...
Laura sighed deeply one time and nodded with her head. After some moments she answered, only in her mind once more…
I know. There are Aurophia and Maleficent, and I do not want to hurt them in any way. I still hope to convince Aurophia at least, so she may reconsider her position. I love her. I really do so much…
The mysterious being answered at once…
We know. And do not worry, you already have convinced her. Aurophia will not mean any danger for you, only her chosen mother. She will not surrender without a fight, not at all. But she is not evil, you must always think of this. Do not underestimate her, or your own destiny may be sealed very fast. If she can use a spell on you, then the final battle may be over before it even begins…
Laura took a deep breath, nodding with her head once more. But the more bound and determined she was now…
I will not forget this. And I will stay careful and alerted. The final decision is close now, I know. I will further prepare myself, but, if you don’t mind, what about you then? Could you still answer my questions?
The huge creature kept silence for some moments, but finally Laura could hear further words in her mind again…
You know us, with another name in another life, from such a long time ago. But all things changed since then, for such urgent reasons, and you now yourself, I can not give you this answer. You must and will find the whole truth yourself, and after your long journey the answers are so close meanwhile. The truth you search is only a few steps away from you, as you did understand so much yet. Also you know where all remaining details are to find. Not out there anywhere, but inside of you. Only try to get still a little bit deeper inside your own heart, try to be still deeper one with yourself. The fortitude is in you, let it work…
Laura took a deep breath before answering in her mind. And she closed her eyes while the words formed in her head…
Yes, I know. I have heard this yet, and I can also feel it. The key to the final truth is my own heart, and I know I can get access there. Perhaps I only didn’t try hard enough so far, for the fear in my mind what to find in the end. But the so far details already do form a picture, only my mind, as usual, refuses to believe. I guess it is time to end this internal battle finally…
The creature began to send energy, from its own mighty body into the body of Laura. And the mother of all life felt it as a warm and mighty flow of energy, reaching until her heart then…
Thank you, I will do what has to be done. I will be what I am chosen to be. And I will get all missing answers…
The huge creature floated a little bit backwards again, and the energy flow ended. Laura was all smiles now…
Once again, thank you. Could you do me one last favor before disappearing again? You certainly have seen my shy companion, and it would mean so much to her to see you close one time. Would this be possible? Could we visit Aurophia shortly down there at the huge tree?
The creature seemed to smile slightly now…
As you wish, Laura…
With a happy smile in her face Laura turned around, towards Aurophia, who still waited at the tree, and still unable to react or move in any way. The young lost child was still overwhelmed too much...

Laura began to walk towards her, followed by the huge creature. Only slowly they approached Aurophia then. And at last the daughter of Maleficent woke up from her congealment, stepping out of the shadow of the tree. She stared at Laura and the creature, with wide open eyes and mouth…

Aurophia heard it now, just in her mind. The creature greeted her. And afterwards, with good wishes, and with an advice to help Laura, the mighty creature flew away slowly. Together wit all others over the valley it finally disappeared again, simply vanishing into thin air…
It needed some time until Aurophia could speak again, as her face turned towards Laura then. Still totally overwhelmed the young girl began to speak, with low voice and really shakily…
Was this real, Laura? Not only a dream? Have my eyes really seen what my mind still refuses to understand? This is so amazing, almost unbelievable. And I know you spoke with the creature, in your mind, as it spoke to me at last. Could you tell me what this communication was about?
Laura began to smile slightly before answering…
I guess you already know, Aurophia. Those creatures really do not belong her, but they appeared as a kind of messengers now. Though die did not reveal their true identity, I know them from a former life, a long time ago. And they reminded me at my mission, and to continue it. I can not stay here much longer, it is time to leave soon. And this means you also have to make your decision…
Laura sighed deeply one time…
I can not force you to anything, and I also do not want to, Aurophia. You know the truth yourself, you know what this is all about. You lost children prepared yourself and also my way for such a long time. I must follow and find my final destiny, no matter about the costs. And I understand if do do not want to support me in this special case, as you love Maleficent. I can only hope that you at least will not stand in my way, and not be my enemy here…
Aurophia shook her head several times…
How could I? Of course I do understand, and the energy of this creature also reminded me at my true destiny. I simply tried to push the truth to the back of my mind, just as you did your way. I have been on a wrong way, and it was an illusion. Even if Maleficent would be successful here, she could never win. The armies of evil, led by the Lord of Hell, only stand by to overrun both universes, the moment you finally fail in your mission. They only wait, what Maleficent simply ignores. We both know why, and we would doom all life forever if this happens…
Aurophia shook her head several times, and tears began to run down her cheeks. She continued with almost failing voice…
Forgive me, Laura, I was wrong, so totally wrong. Of course I will not be your enemy, never! You can continue your journey, and I will help you to get to Maleficent at least. But you must face her alone then, I can not fight her myself. Please, understand, I really can not do this…
Laura still smiled at Aurophia, laying her hand onto the shoulder of the young girl becalming while she answered...
Don’t worry, this is more than I could hope for yet. I would never ask you for something like that, and it is my mission! My mission and destiny only, to succeed in this last battle. I will be prepared then…
Aurophia sighed deeply one time, lowering her head and closing her eyes then. She answered with low voice once more…
Could we return home now, Laura? I would like to spend one more evening and night there, together with you, before we leave tomorrow. I will be prepared until then to bring you to Maleficent…
Laura stroke tenderly over the cheeks of Aurophia, and she opened her eyes again. The two girls looked into each others eyes now, and the mother of all life nodded with her head confirming…
Of course we do so, of course I will not simply run away now. Let’s return home to the fairies, they will be waiting yet with dinner for sure. We both do need some rest and time now, time to think about those events…
With those words the two friends began to move again, walking away into the direction they came from. Still so much impressed the companions were on their way back home then finally…
Laura and Aurophia arrived at home, at the house deep in the forests, again, but they didn’t enter it at once. Instead they still remained outside, where Laura looked at her friend and talked to her…

I guess the fairies will not be amused hearing about our decision. Should we tell them about at all, or rather leave tomorrow, just for another adventure, so we leave them behind unaware?
Aurophia shook her head with serious look…
No, we should tell them the truth. Of course they will not be happy about, but they will accept. And we can trust them, as they have avoided Maleficent for a long time yet. It was because of the changes, after Aurora left this kingdom. And who knows, perhaps they may even support you then, if they believe your mission is right and worth to stand at your side…
Laura sighed deeply one time, thinking about the words of her friend, but finally she shook her head determinedly…
No, they should stay here, where they are safe. As I said, this is my mission and destiny, and I will face Maleficent on my own. It will be my battle, and my battle only. But okay, then we do as you say, telling them the truth…
The two girls finally opened the door to the house of Aurophia, entering it bound and determinedly then…
Laura and Aurophia did not wait with the news they brought with them. It was Laura herself telling the fairies about the decision, and as expected, the three fairies, standing in the room as normal humans at the moment, reacted shocked at first. They also tried to argue Laura out of her decision, but only for a short try. Of course they knew it yet, they always did. There was no other option, no other way, and the resistance was broken at once then…
The red fairy spoke again first again now…
Red Fairy:
Laura, we know you must do what your destiny demands from you, and we really accept. If there is something we can do for you, anything to support your mission, please, tell us…

Laura began to smile slightly and shook her head. Of course Aurophia had been right, and Laura reacted at once…
No, there is nothing. This is my mission, and my battle, and I do not want to involve anybody else. It is more than enough that Aurophia accompanies me, at least until reaching my destination, but also she will retreat then. I am the chosen one, I will face my destiny on my own…
The fairies looked at each other and nodded with their heads then. They accepted the wishes of Laura finally…
Yellow Fairy:
We do as you wish, Laura…
The blue fairy also still added something at this moment, something they simply had to tell Laura then…
Blue Fairy:
But know then, and never forget it, Laura, we are here. If you ever need us though, if it is necessary, call for us…
Laura smiled flattered while answering…
Thank you very much! I never forget friends, and it have been wonderful days here living with you. Really wonderful…
The companions still talked for a while, but finally Laura said goodbye and went to her own room. Aurophia followed her, as the two girls still wanted to talk two by two, while outside the house darkness was finally spreading. The last night for Laura in Aurophia’s homestead began…
Laura sat on her bed, while Aurophia favoured to stand in front of the bed. The two friends had talked yet for a while, as Aurophia finally sighed deeply one time, shaking her head several times…

I wished there was another way. I really wished! For me it really is the worst case now, to know that the two people I love most, you and Maleficent, meet in a final battle, a battle only one of you can win. It makes me so sad, but I know, there is nothing, nothing at all what can do against it. And no matter who the winner will be in the end, I am the loser definitely…
Laura took a deep breath, looking down to the floor then. She could not view Aurophia at this moment…
I can only suspect how you must feel now, and believe me, if it would be possible for me, then I would avoid this situation. It is also very hard for me now, after getting your friend, and it hurts now. It only hurts. But I must forget this, defeat my feelings, or I go for broke in the end. Stakes are too high, I can not risk the destiny of all life for the weakness of my emotions…
Aurophia nodded with her head once…
I understand, and you are right. Please, forgive me, I shouldn’t have said those last words. Our feelings have no place at this point, when countless lives are in such a big danger. I will be strong, as you are too, and together we will fulfill our destinies. I will bring you to Maleficent as I said, and then you will get your chance to complete your mission. For sure…
Laura began to smile slightly, and she decided not to answer any more. It was not the time for more words, but the time of action. And so the mother of all life did what her heart told her now. She stood up from her bed, straight in front of Aurophia, and she Aurophia firmly…
The two friends did not move any further. They only stood motionless then, both with closed eyes. And both with strong feelings, flowing between them. The time stood still in these moments…
Being so deeply moved the two girls did not suspect any danger far and wide, as they always felt safe in this house. But it was an error, and in this case maybe even a deadly one. Because they were not alone, not at all. Also the fairies did not sense anything, as nobody had noticed the shadow, close to the house since a while. Very close, but now slowly retreating…
It was a huge shadow. And it remained now, in some distance to the house, looking at it. There was almost no light outside the house, only sometimes, when the moon appeared between the clouds. Then the shadow got some forms, with at least a few details. Such as really mighty wings, and also two mighty horny at a faceless head. And finally the shadow began to whisper to itself…

And so, the story changes finally. My daughter got weak, she has made her own decision to cooperate with the enemy. This is a sad day, a very sad day. But this circumstance can still be useful, it can be turned to my wishes then. My own feelings did not disappoint me, and so a defeat can be turned into a victory. I will be prepared now, And I will do what has to be done. Here and now…
Maleficent let her own magic energy flow now, and soon a green light appeared in front of her, straight above her right hand. The energy had the form of a sphere, sending out green energy waves, up into the air…

This is my present for you, Laura, a gift to change the story for my needs. And yes, of course we will meet at last, only you and me, but at my conditions. My daughter will understand at last and change her mind once more, as she said it herself, she loves me. And she loves me much longer than you, chosen one, what will make the difference. But for now, let’s change this story finally…
Maleficent took a deep breath, and with a slight move of her right hand the energy sphere began to move…
Fly, my little servant, fly! Find your only destination, and change all things forever. Prepare my victory, and the chosen prey. My wonderful kingdom, it will survive, now and forever…
Maleficent smiled in the darkness, though her face stayed in the shadows all the time. And she began to move herself now, stepping back slowly. Her work was done, as the little sphere flew straight towards the house. It would find its destination, as her spells always did…

The queen of witches still saw how the sphere reached the window, the dark window of the room where Laura slept meanwhile. And Maleficent disappeared finally, at the same time as the sphere flew through the window. And still nobody in the house sensed anything, not at all…
Maleficent was gone, but her spell floated through the bedroom of Laura. The green sphere only moved slow and completely soundless, while Laura slept peacefully in her bed. She did not notice the danger, and so the spell began to lower. It lowered straight above Laura’s head…

The sphere change now. It got bigger, until the size of Laura’s head. And it cloaked it completely now, so Laura also began to breathe the green energy. She breathed it until it finally was totally gone…

The moonlight disappeared at last, as the clouds completely covered the nightly sky. Laura’s bedroom also got darker and darker then, as if this darkness wanted to devour her totally...

The house of Aurophia seemed so peaceful in the night, though of almost covered by the darkness, but nothing would be the same like before any more. The spell of Maleficent worked, though nobody knew at all…
It was still very early in the new morning as Laura did what she had to do. She had made her decision, not to involve Aurophia into her destiny at all any longer. Her friend still slept clueless, as Laura left the house and followed her way to fulfill her own destiny. Only the fairies noticed the waying, and they tried to hold back Laura. But futile, they had no chance…
Laura changed suddenly. Her eyes began to glow green, and the mother of all life raised her right hand. Green energy began to leave her forefinger, spreading into the air quickly. And it worked, as the three fairies suddenly could not move at all. Helpless they had to watch Laura as she was leaving…

Good. Stay here, my little friends, stay here safe with Aurophia, until my sad work is completed finally...
Laura was satisfied. She had crossed a little ditch beyond a stony bridge, heading towards the forest now. And her last journey began, the journey to reach Maleficent for the last and all conclusive battle...
The end of chapter 9…
…but to be continued in chapter 10...