Laura - The Story of a Fairy - Chapter 2 - The grand War
It was war now. A brutal, horrible war between the forces of good and evil, where countless lives were fading away. Vast armies of supernatural creatures of all kind were battling each other, on the ground of countless planets, in the air and even in space. Dimension doors had opened at many places, from heaven to hell, where still countless creatures flew out in waves after waves. It was the biggest war between the forces ever, and it would be the last and defining one for sure. The eternal fight between heaven and hell, it had to find its conclusion now. But the price for this conclusion was high, very high...
All living fairies took part in this war as well. This was no question, it had always been clear, that the final war would begin one day. And of course there was the new race, created by the mysterious old man, the angels. Laura and Amber had been the first ones, meanwhile there were whole angelic hosts battling in this war. And with the angels and fairies all further creatures of heaven and light had assembled for this last war, but the loss of lives was no longer countable...
This war was somehow a kind of madness. And also Laura and her sister Amber straight fought in the middle of this war, with no hesitation at all. There was simply no choice. Laura knew that the old man also took part in this war, as the forces of light and heaven - no matter how mighty they would ever be in quantity and weapons - they never would have any chance to succeed without the old man. But that he was here, somewhere in the middle of this war, it was really a factor of confidence and hope...
In the beginning Laura and Amber of course simply battled side by side. But in this chaos of war they lost sight of each other and both had to continue on their own, because there was simply no time at all to spend it with searching for each other...
This last war really was everywhere, at any place in the universe and countless worlds, except one. Only the Earth was safe, and mankind did not guess anything of what was going on out there. But at this time mankind really did not matter in any case, as this world really was too insignificant for the forces of evil. At least for the moment...
And so this heavy war continued. The two armies strived against each other without cease, and the war would not end before one party would be destroyed totally and forever...
The horrible dying all around would not end before one party would succeed. And at this time there was no prospect of an end. And also no time to grieve for losses, no time at all...
Throughout this long lasting war - and Laura could no longer have been able to tell how long it really lasted yet - the young fairy had not only been in the middle of huge army battles, together with countless other creatures of the forces of light, she also often had to fight with single enemies on her own. But it didn't matter, as Laura always faced all challenges, being more than prepared to give it everything for the final victory. But at this moment victory seemed as far away as it only could be imaginable...
However, time didn't matter. Nothing mattered at all any more, except one thing - fighting until the final victory or doom. But Laura kept her believe in the forces of heaven, and all her hopes. And wherever she flew across the universe, battling in space or on planets, there was no single moment at all when she ever had a feeling of surrendering. With all her powers of love and light, and with her magic wand, she defeated every enemy so far...
And there were countless enemies. She helped an angel being in danger because of a very huge demon attacking, and together they could destroy this heavy opponent...
Or on another planet, where even long forgotten ancient forces came back to live, mighty dragons of heaven and hell fighting each other, there was a heavy boss fight between two dragon leaders, where the one of heaven was in danger to loose the fight...
Laura had no fear at all again. She went straight between the dragons, combining her powers and energy with the dragon of heaven. And at once this dragon recovered, sending energy flashes out of its mouth. The energy went into the left hand of Laura, flowing through her whole body, and getting out again through her right hand...
The mighty energy hit the dragon leader of hell and caused incredible pain. The creature bellowed ear-shattering, before the energy of light totally burned it to ashes and ended this battle...
Another time Laura found one of those countless dark portals of hell, where the dark forces send waves over waves of demons into the universe. A chance to destroy one of those portals then...
Laura used all her powers, to unleash as much energy as possible, while horrible demons where attacking from all sites. But she battled them with her energy, during she was able to set the dark portal alight. It really began to burn, before it was totally destroyed in the end...
Al demons nearby died with the exploding portal, but Laura stayed unharmed. She could leave this place again, searching for her next enemy. And of course she had not to search a longer time...
Approaching on a planet with only rocks and fire all around a giant demon had materialized. Itself was burning, a dangerous fire demon. Laura flew towards the planet, facing this demon without any fear. With generating an energy cloud nearby and pooling all her own energy through flashes, with her incredible powerful voice, Laura began to attack - with flashes then shooting out of Laura's hands and magic wand...
Laura really felt no fear. She never did, with only one destination in her mind - to finally end this war and defeat all evil forces once and for all. And now, as terrible this war also was, she was a steady part of it. Laura did not fight with a weapon any more, as she simply didn't need one. She really had enormous powers in her heart, to protect herself and others, but also to use mighty energy from inside her and destroy evil creatures around. And there was no frontier for the determination of this small fairy, especially after her sad loss...
Yes, meanwhile there was certainly no fairy not to bewail dead relatives, and Laura herself had to leave the largest loss behind which she ever could have imagined. It was Amber, her beloved younger sister, who also had been fighting so hard in this war. But only one moment of inadvertence, and Amber had to pay the highest prize. She died on the home world of the fairies, near the tree of life. And though Laura had been near by, though she always tried to protect her younger sister, she could not save her in the end...
Not one tear so far. In fact, Laura did not show any emotion, and weakness - she closed all her feelings away, into the deepest regions of her heart. Laura knew she had to be strong, and now only the more, for her sister, for all fairies, and for all forces of light battling the cruel enemies all around. And Laura was strong, now only more than ever before, and it seemed no enemy ever could stop her...
With all the energy, released from the forces of light and evil everywhere, meanwhile it seemed the whole universe was burning. Energy flashes and flames all around, as far as eyes could see. All around the fighting forced...
Laura somehow knew the end of all of this was close. Somehow she could feel it in her heart, the terrible war was heading for the eschatological battle. It was the old man, far away somewhere in the universe, who was sending those signals, and Laura understood. He would face the final leader of all evil forces soon, as Laura had to face a really mighty demon now herself. Not any demon, but also a leading one.
Laura was prepared. She was ready to fulfil her part and destroy this leading demon, as the old man would destroy his opponent. And if the feelings really were true, then those personal battles could be the final decision in this war...
Flying through space Laura suddenly saw her destination. It was a huge region with strange clouds of many colours, and flashes of energy streaking all around. But this wasn't all, as at one point massive flames were spreading. Laura flew towards those flames at once, and so she saw what was going on. Another dimensional door had opened, a door straight from hell. Fire was spreading from there, and in the next moment Laura saw a massive body pulling out of the flames. It was a demon, a really huge demon, stronger than all others Laura had fought before. And this creature screamed like mad as it saw Laura approaching...
Laura did not hesitate, not for one moment. She was prepared for this battle, for her final battle in this war. And she even flew faster now...
The terrible war between the forces of light and darkness finally reached its peak. Laura had to face her final enemy, this horrible mighty demon raising out of heavy flames, as well as the mysterious old man entered his final battle area. It had been a hard way to go, but he found a way down, straight down into the horrible regions of hell.
There had been no other chance to face the actual final enemy, the terrible lord of hell, who pulled the strings behind the scenes without risking his life. And so the old man followed his destiny, fighting all dangers on this way until reaching his destination. But hell was a really an extensive place, and the hidden place of the dark lord was still to find...
The last battle of Laura had just begun, the final battle of the old man was yet to come. He was on his way straight through hell to find the master of all evil forces there. And nobody could stop him on this way...
At this time meanwhile the half universe was in flames. Uncountable losses of life, almost whole races wiped out, whole planets destroyed, and others a one and only sea of flames. Also the world of the fairies had not been spared, the major part of the once wonderful magical forests were burning to ashes. All fires long since were out of every control, and this world now only still was a dying one...
The tree of life. The holy tree of the fairies, the guarantee of their life, it also was burning now. The once so mighty tree got weaker and weaker, and it was obvious that it would die finally. The whole world of the fairies was lost...
If this horrible war would not end very soon, then the whole race of the fairies was doomed. Half of the race had died anyway yet in this war, and the rest of those amazing magical creatures would not survive much longer. The whole army of heaven, the forces of light, were with their back on the wall, as they could no longer compensate their losses, during hell still spit out new demons further and further...
It now was the most critical part of this gigantic war. The only hope for success of the forces of light were the final battles of Laura and the old man against the final enemies of hell, as otherwise heaven would loose this war. And the forces of evil continued with their awful work, destroying one world after the other and killing all possible live. It also was clear that it would not be long any more until the army of hell also reached Earth...
The whole universe was about to get defeated and conquered by the forces of darkness, while mankind on Earth did even had no clue about what was going on. Earth was the only world not being involved into this war, as the forces of light could protect this planet so far. But this protection now also was about to fail, and certainly there was not much time left until the dark forces would also attack Earth. It seemed darkness could not be stopped any longer and would win this terrible war...
Laura battled her final enemy with all her powers, but this battle lasted a longer time yet. The brave fairy would not surrender until death, and she was scarred by this horrible battle yet - with numerous wounds and blood-soaked clothes. And Laura knew, even if she would win this battle, without the old man beating his very own final enemy, there was no chance to win this whole war at all. Laura concentrated on her important battle totally, but she always knew, the old man was the last and only hope for the forces of light to survive. Otherwise, if he would fail, the complete universe was doomed forever...
It had needed some time, though the old man really had hurried, but his way through hell had not been easy at all. Numerous enemies had to been fought on this way, and always the hurting thought that it all could be too late in the end...
It was so terrible to feel such a lot of his children die in this horrible war, but there was nothing the old man could do for them - except fulfilling his own final battle. And he was prepared to do so, really more than prepared. All of this had to find an end finally and forever...
Suddenly the old man stopped, near the end of the bridge. He could feel the presence of the dark lord now, the emperor of hell was approaching. So the old man pooled all his powers and energies, and the energy of light made his magic wand glow at the top. In the other hand the old man had a sword, and suddenly it began to burn. As well as the eyes of the old man - and so he expected his final enemy...
A blood-curdling yell resounded all through the area. One time, and then another. At the same time the rocks began to quake, as something really huge was materialising within the area. It was the lord of hell, preparing for battle himself. And then the old man could see his enemy for the first time, emerging out of darkness...
The last and conclusive battle between the leaders of the forces from heaven and hell had finally begun. The old man was absolutely concentrated, and he tried to use the weaknesses of the huge demon for himself. One weakness for sure was the size of the demon, what made him slow in his movements. The old man could avoid all strikes with the mighty fire-paws of the demon so far, though there wasn't much space for him to move on this small bridge. But the old man was much faster and more agile in his movements as he would have seemed in his age...
The old man had to notice soon, it was not possible to fight fire with fire, with his so far weapons he was not able to harm this horrible creature at all. So he had to change his attacks soon...
The old man touched his sword with his magic wand, and at once the top of the sword began to glow. It was filled with the energy of light, flowing through the body of the old man into the magic wand, and from there into the sword. The demon noticed what was going on and yelled blood-curdling once more. And at once he tried to attack again...
The old man was faster once more and could avoid the attack again. And the next moment he attacked himself, hitting the demon with his energy sword. The creature howled with pain and recoiled instinctively, and of course the old man took this chance at once. He shot out and could hit the monster once more - but sadly he had to understand, it was useless in the end. The energy sword could cause pain to the demon, but nothing more. The old man was still not able to harm this creature in any way...
The demon attacked his enemy himself again. And this time the attack was much more faster, so the old man was almost hit. He tumbled back and could avoid a downfall from the bridge into the endless abyss in the very last moment. But after all the old man knew what to do now, he understood his only chance to defeat this mighty enemy. Not magic, and not his weapons could help him here, this monster could not be killed by any weapons. But there was another way, and the old man wanted to try...
After breathing deeply once the old man began to draw back deliberately on the bridge. And the demon reacted as hoped, after some seconds the mighty creature began to follow...
Reaching the middle of the bridge the old man stopped again. The demon came closer and closer, straightening himself to full size. The creature yelled once more, this time triumphantly yet...
As the demon raised his paws for attacking again, the old man reacted himself. He raised his magic wand and ramming it with all his powers into the bottom of the bridge, straight in front of him...
The energy of the magic wand split the bridge at once. The old man did not wait for what would happen now, he turned around and run back the bridge towards where he came from as fast as he could. And yet it happened what he had hoped, the bridge began to collapse on its whole length after and after. But the old man could reach save ground before he could fall, turning around again finally...
It was a full success. The old man could still see the demon, just falling down into the endless abyss, as the huge creature had not been able to reach save ground himself in time. With a last inhuman yell he disappeared in the dark deepness forever...
Once more the old man breathed deeply, closing his eyes then. It was done, it was really done. This war was finally over, although this victory was hard-won. Very hard with all the losses of life. But in the end the universe was saved, and life at all could start all over again...
After one last view into the dark deepness the old man turned away. It would be a long way back out of hell, and on his way he began to smile. To smile while seeing all the armies of darkness finally being pulled back into hell where they belonged, from wherever they had fought
Laura was alive. Really still alive. Somehow she had survived her dreadful fight against this mighty demon and destroyed it in the end. And also somehow she had survived this whole abominable war. In the end it really had been strange, to see all those horrible armies of demons being pulled into hell, from wherever they just fought - not one single demon was spared. This event only was about a few minutes, and it all was over then. The gruesome war of such a long time over within almost an instant. It had been unbelievable, but it was true then. And Laura knew, of course, what had happened, she really understood it all. This had not been her credit, though she might have had a share, but in the end the old man had decided this war...
Laura could not imagine what may have happened down in hell, but she knew the old man had been able to get there. And somehow he had been able to find his way there, defeating all enemies, and facing the lord of hell at last. Facing and destroying him in the end. And this certainly had been the one and only way at last to end this war forever...
And now? What should be now, or asked differently, what could be now after this horrible war? Laura had no answer, because the prize for the victory at last had been much too high. And now there was not much left of the universe known before this war, as the demons had destroyed too much. Whole worlds had gone lost, whole races exterminated. All of this could never be renewed, and life at all would never be the same any more. Laura was overwhelmed by tears and sadness totally, for all the losses of life - and of course especially of her own beloved sister...
Laura knew she would never come to terms with the death of Amber, and of course she would never forget her. But it was not only about her sister, and not even to speak about other worlds. Back in her own homeworld, back in the realm of the fairies, all Laura could see was death and destruction. There was not much left of the former glory of this world, as all the beauty of the magical forests had gone...
Flying around now, all what she could see, as far as Laura's eyes could look, was fire out of every control and destruction. Almost all forests on her world were engulfed in flames, and those fires really were about to eat up all the nature of the fairies world. Nobody and nothing ever could be able to stop this heavy firestorm - the world of the fairies was finally doomed. And as they could not leave their world and start all over again somewhere else, the magical race of the fairies would cease...
Laura could hear it. She could hear the cry of her whole race in the hour of dying finally. And there was nothing, really nothing what she still could do at all. The end of the horrible war against the demons of hell would now also mean death and the final grave to all fairies. And there was only one wish left for Laura now. Only one last wish, seeing her world going down. Laura wanted to die with her world and race, and she was prepared to do so. Those horrible consuming flames all around, they now should also be her end. Laura would die here and now, together with all remaining fairies, and together with her whole world...
Just after Laura moved again, straight towards the ocean of fire, she suddenly stopped again. There was something strange in her mind, she really could hear something inside her heart. Almost a voice, and a strong presence, still well known and somehow comforting. But could this be real? Or only an illusion in the moment of dying?
Laura was convinced. She turned around, away from the firestorm, and followed her intuition. She flew away, following the strong voice, to find out what this would be about...
It was incredible. And somehow really surreal. After all the landscapes of death and destruction, of fire and damnation, this strange voice inside of Laura's heart had let her into a part of the great woods, which was totally unharmed. No fire, no destruction at all, and it seemed as if time would have had stand sill here all the time. It seemed the horrible war somehow never reached this part of the fairies world. But Laura couldn't believe, she rather thought about to be in a beautiful dream - much too beautiful to be true. And though, the heart of the sad fairy told her something different. It only told her all of this was really true, as well as the voice inside of her...
The magical forest of the old man as it always had been before the bloody war against the demons. Laura would never have believed to ever see this again, the wonderful nature she had always loved so much. But finally she had to believe, that she was not dreaming. And she recognized it all, the whole atmosphere around, as it always had been close to the mysterious and mighty old man, which see would never see again now. After his disappearance without any word there had been nothing else to believe for her of course, but now she felt his presence again...
The old man was alive! It was totally clear now, there could be no doubt any more. Nobody else ever in the universe could send a presence and atmosphere like that, only this mysterious creature, also known as the "golden stag" within the nation of the fairies. And now, after all this time, he was calling her again, the golden stag called for Laura once more. This was the first time ever she began to smile again, after this long and horrible war, the first time of hope again at all...
Laura continued following the voice inside her heart, leading her deeper into this totally undestroyed part of the magic forest. The heavy fire was still raging all around this area, but somehow it could not get further. Like there was a magical barrier around this part of the forest...
Laura was safe here, she knew the fire would not reach her in this area. And the presence of the golden stag came closer, she felt that she was about approaching her destination finally. And of course she was so curious, she really was longing for the closeness of the old man. And if he really still was alive, then there was really hope life at all would not die after that terrible war. The old man could save it, and the nation of the fairies...
And so, finally, Laura reached her destination. She entered a small forest glade, in front of a little pond, stopping there at once. Her eyes dilated immediately, filling themselves with tears. And tears began to flew down the face of Laura, as she stared at what she saw. It was not the golden stag as she used to know it before, but a shimmering blue stag. Huge and majestic it stood in front of Laura, looking at her. And for some moments there was only silence, until Laura began to speak first herself...
Laura could not read in the face of the blue stag, as there was no impulse. But the creature answered with a soft and sad voice. And in fact it was the voice of the old man...
The blue stag paused for some moments, then it continued with its serious words to Laura...
The majestic looking blue stag took a deep breath before it continued to speak to Laura once more...
Laura was totally confused about what she was hearing. She only stared at the blue stag, but before she could say anything, the blue stag was faster and spoke again...
Having spoken those meaningful words the blue stag used his remaining powers and created a new magic wand, which appeared in the air above Laura. And the blue stag spoke to her one last time...
Laura could not react in any way. She was too much moved emotionally, and tears were running down her face...
Those incredible moments with the blue stag seemed to last like eternity. But as Laura was able to react again, and to move, the situation began to change. The moment, as the magic wand safely landed in her hand, and as Laura wanted to speak to the blue stag, forms and colours began to change, the whole area began to skew. In front of Laura's eyes all things began to rotate, and she felt giddy. Then she felt how she slowly lost consciousness. The last thing she could notice was the blue stag also slowly melting into thin air...
Some time had passed since the last encounter with the blue stag. The old man did not appear again, and Laura really feared she would probably never see him again. And Laura had changed herself totally meanwhile, as she accepted her destiny. With his last moments near Laura the old man had shared all his remaining powers with her, and after she was fully conscious again she had been reborn. Reborn as the goddess, as the old man had told her. But she kept her human form, as she wanted to keep living in her angelic form at first. But with all her new powers, and with her mighty magic wand, she had been able to change the destiny of the universe totally...
The sad traces of the war against the armies of hell were removed. All fires extinguished, the ruins gone. Laura had spend much time in rebuilding the worlds, and the races began to populate them again. With no more evil all around the worlds could flourish again, and nature could recover everywhere. With the time all wounds would heal and with new generations the horrible war would pass into oblivion. Now there would wait paradisial times for the races of good and light...
Laura would visit the worlds she had healed with her powers regularly, but she also visited something else at first now. There was something what would remain forever, one wound not to be healed in eternity. Because all her powers were not enough to bring back the dead, and so also not her sister Amber. This sadness remained and would stay a hurt forever. But Laura visited the grave of Amber regularly, as she did this day again...
Laura stood in front of the crypt, in the middle of the main cemetery of the capital city on the world of the fairies. She always remained there a longer time, not moving at all, but only thinking about the wonderful times she had spend with her sister, in earlier and more light-hearted days. And so she would keep the memories of her younger sister, for eternity. And nobody would ever understand how much she missed her...
End of chapter 2...
...but to be continued in chapter 3...