Chapter 4 - The new Order of Hogwarts, Part 1
Laura - The Parallel Universe, Part 4 - The new Order of Hogwarts, Part 1
The white light began to fade finally, so Laura could open her eyes again. As she still knew nothing about her next mission she was interested of course where she would be now, what world she would visit. And as molds and colours began to flow into real structures again Laura could finally notice where she was standing now. It was a little surprise, because Laura could identify this place at once then...
Laura stood in a huge station hall, with no people around at the moment, and the mother of all life really recognized this hall immediately. Laura began to smile and spoke to herself...

Interesting. As it seems I am back on Earth, or at least on a kind of copy of it, as this is a parallel universe. I have been at this place several times on the real Earth, in my second life there. It is King's Cross railway station, and so I am in an alternate version of London, in England. I am very curious what I shall do here, and what this new mission will be about. But at the moment I am very lonely here...
Laura did not stay on her own very long, as people began to move through the station quickly then. And Laura also began to move again. She slowly walked through the station, looking around carefully, and waiting for the further things to happen. She knew somebody would meet her here, one more lost child at least, and Laura saw some of them also among the crowd. The lost children always were obvious because of their glowing green eyes, separating them from all further people...
Suddenly it happened, a young girl began to walk towards Laura. And the mother of all life began to smile again, as she was surprised once more now. She still knew this girl, from the first world she had visited in the parallel universe. And her first guide was back then...

The little girl reciprocated the smile and began to speak then, greeting Laura with warm and friendly voice...
Hello, Laura, welcome on our world, called "United Kingdom II". As you certainly have recognized yet this is a replication of Great Britain, our alternate version of it. And we need you here now for an important mission, the reason why your last task ended ahead at schedule. But your missions here are not cut in stone and can be changed if necessary, as in this case now. The problem is, this world is in danger because of a supernatural threat, and we want you here to help solving this problem...
Laura nodded with her head one time...
I am ready, no matter where you send me and what may be waiting for me. But can I get some further detail about this world? What time is this exactly, I mean compared to the real Earth. And what else can I know about this world and the danger here, what exactly shall I do here?
Elora answered after some moments, while she began to move again. Laura followed her, slowly walking through the huge railway station at the side of Elora then...
Of course, Laura, I am here therefore. All I can give to you, all what is possible, you shall get it now. But let me reach back a little bit further, and let us talk about the one world we all come from, Earth. We know of course, you lived two lives on this world, the first one such a long time ago you can't remember much details any more, except the fact you have been captured back then and brought to your second habitat, Lauhaven. And much time later you returned to Earth again, this time at your own request and the influence of the old man. You lived the full life of a normal human being then until just before dying, then you have been brought back to Lauhaven once more and continued your current way - until here and today. And I guess, at least the details of your second life on Earth are still present, and you can remember all of it, though you really lived a whole different life as a different person...
Laura nodded with her head several times and began to smile slightly before she answered Elora...

Yes, I really do, Elora. I guess this was not the purpose of the old man, as we know today things actually have been very different. I never learned what he really wanted from me with this way, and what his final destination should have been about. I know I reached something in this life, on a world still remaining in so much darkness and pain, as I could be a small light in this darkness, leading many people into a better life and giving them some hope and sense. But this was certainly not the purpose of the evil forces, and I guess the old man would have tried to turn me into evil and darkness, to lead Earth, the whole world, into the hell the old man lives in...
Laura sighed deeply one time before continuing...
Grooming me almost as a kind of messiah back then it would have been easy to reach this evil destination, if I had continued this way and finally would have been the marionette the old man wanted me to be. Earth was his key to the eternal power of evil, and he certainly wanted to start the last war and showdown from there. But those are only my thoughts, as we have no proof, but I can not imagine anything else...
Elora also nodded with her head now...
And your intuition one time more really speaks for you, as your feelings are so true, Laura. This is just the was that was determined for you from evil, and we all are so glad you could leave this way still in time. But let us forget this for now, as we have to deal with those facts another time later. For now something else is important, and I want to explain it to you now. So listen carefully to me now, my dear friend...
Elora paused for some moments, before she continued with her speech. With her warm but also determined voice...
Well, Laura, as you know yet we have created so many worlds in this universe, with our magical powers, to fulfil all our children's dreams. You could never visit all those worlds, and the tasks we have chosen for you are very limited. What you also know is that our children emanated from all possible time periods, and so they are very different, also as their dreams. The worlds we have chose for your tasks are from the time period you lived on Earth yourself - and I mean the second life, where you do have memories. This is an advantage for you to understand the backgrounds, and you can find into those missions a little bit more easy...
Laura nodded with her head understanding while Elora paused for some moments. Then she continued with her speech...
The dreams of children from this time prefer heroes very often, real heroes as you could watch them in cinemas regularly back then, fighting all possible evil enemies and defeating them in the end. This was something to give hope to children in this time of a world in darkness, one possible way to forget about reality a short time. But here we have made all our dreams come true, and we created such worlds as we saw them in movies, where we now can interact with such heroes or be them ourselves...
Laura began to smile as she began to guess what Elora was getting at, and what her next mission could be about. And she remembered this time on Earth very well, when she also often went to cinemas herself, dreaming about a better world in younger years this way. There had been a lot of movies she really had lived so much, and some of them now were in her head again. And before Elora began to speak again after another break Laura beat Elore to the punch, as she began to speak herself then...
Hearing your words and looking around where I am, I have memories, strong memories at some movies of my second childhood on Earth, when I went to cinema often, and later watched those movies in home cinema. I really loved them so much - and if it is true what I feel and think now, then this would be not only a big surprise. It would almost be impossible for me to believe, as it would also be my very own dream to come true. Can it really be possible that you now send me into the world, into the universe of "Harry Potter"? Or am I somehow totally wrong now...?
Elora smiled and shook her head several times. She looked straight into the eyes of Laura before she answered...
No, of course you are not, Laura. You have heard that before, but it is simply true, that your intuition is really amazing. But it is true, the story about "Harry Potter" was a very famous one on Earth, and for such a long time. With the books yet, but with the movies it was a dream for so many children since then to really visit this amazing world once, and especially "Hogwarts". And so it was obvious that we also had to create an own world for this fantasy, our own world of "Harry Potter". And believe it or not, you are now standing on this world and will get a part of it. Because this is your next task, to visit Hogwarts, the School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, and become a student there. While your stay on this school you will learn about a dark secret in this world, and a whole new threat, as we created our own story and alternate timeline here, not simply telling the original story again. But the characters, all of them you still know and love as I can feel, they are all real now, and you will live among them for a while. You will help to solve the dark mystery and save Hogwarts and all students there, this is your new mission...
Laura took a very deep breath and needed a short length of time before she was able to answer finally...
You have no idea what this means to me. In the matter of fantasy, and I really love fantasy stories so much, there is only one story to still be more exciting, one story I still love more, but to visit Hogwarts, to interact with those fantasy characters in real now, this is incredible. You really fulfil a heart's desire with this mission, no matter what the danger here may be. And I guess, though the characters actually are fictive, all the students there are real lost children? They have taken all those roles...?
Elora nodded with her head one time...
In fact. But they look exactly like the real characters from the movies, and you will interact with all of them. While they have been at Hogwarts for a longer time yet, you are a new student, not knowing anybody there, of course, and the first destination should be to get in contact with the main characters, and to get friends with them. All further things will develop without help then. And also know, all the characters in this world, though being lost children in reality, are totally at one with their characters, and as long as they play those roles they do not remember the reality. So they really do not know you and your own mission, for them you are a stranger and new student. Otherwise this mission could not work, so we decided to do it like this...
Laura began to smile again...
I understand. But what would my role be exactly then? You see, the students at Hogwarts are all wizards and witches, with magical abilities, except them there are only muggles in this world - normal human beings without any magical abilities. But if I am a muggle I can not enter Hogwarts at all. So, without any magical abilities in your universe, how should this story work then? How should
I play my role...?
Elore began to smile herself now, and she answered Laura a few moments later, with a warm voice...
Of course you are right, and we always adjust you to the worlds you have to solve tasks in. If I say you are a student at Hogwarts now, then I mean it exactly like this, and for the time on this world you will have the same magical abilities as every other student. You should also know meanwhile what you mean to us, and what we hope from you in the end, and we would not make this happen if we would not trust you. We know you would never harm any single lost child, and you will do all you can to help them and save this world now. And so, for this mission you have magical powers now...
Laura nodded with her head several times before answering Elora. She really knew the meaning of the words of this wonderful lost child, and she was only so happy now...
Thank you, Elora, I appreciate what you do. A dream comes true for me now, and I promise, I will not disappoint you at all. Never. If this world of my dreams is in danger now, in a real danger while I can in fact be a part of this wonderful story, then I can tell you I would even give my life to save it and all your children, if necessary...
Elora looked straight into the eyes of Laura now, as she finally stopped her walk through the station, and Laura did the same. She then got down on her knees as she noticed the tears in the eyes of Elora, taking and holding her hand now. Elora began to speak again now...

Though we know you yet since such a long time while we followed your development, it is so overwhelming again and again to experience you close now and feel and see who and what you really are. Though you don't know this whole truth yourself until now. But we can accompany you now on your way, at least a little bit, though we can not reveal the truth ourselves. This must stay your task to fulfil your destiny in the end, and we know, you will finally succeed for sure then. And for your words, I know you only and always speak the truth, but it will not go this far for sure. You can not die in our worlds, not as long as you stay in our universe, as you have been told before yet. So much is for sure at least, you could only fail and loose the chance to fulfil your destiny and give much new hope to our universes. But this will not happen, never ever, and I would even swear blind on you...
Laura also was moved to tears now, but she brushed away those tears at once. Even so her voice was a little bit wobbly now...
Thank you so much, Elora, I will always do my best to never disappoint anybody, I promise. And I would be ready then to continue, as I am so excited to visit Hogwarts soon...
Laura stood up from the ground again, and as Elore began to move now the mother of all life followed her at once. Only soon time later they arrived at their destination, a smaller and more remote area in the railway station, where a baggage wagon was waiting yet, obviously the necessary equipment for Laura and her stay here...
Elora looked at Laura and began to smile before she took the floor once more with her warm voice...
I guess you know what to do next?
Laura also began to smile, nodding with her head several times then. She answered with a real happy voice...
Track 9 3/4, I still know, and only reachable with going through a certain wall. I guess this one where we are standing now. And you prepared my equipment for my stay at Hogwarts, so this amazing journey can begin now. I wasn't excited so much since a long time yet, Elora...
The young lost girl nodded with her head one time before she answered Laura, almost a little bit amused yet...
Then try now and show if you are ready, if your faith is big enough to enter the destination track. I will follow you then...
Laura did as she was told. She grasped the baggage wagon and pushed it vigorously towards the wall. And really, the baggage wagon disappeared in the wall immediately, as well as Laura the next moment...

Elora remained for a few seconds smiling, then she followed Laura through the wall...
After crossing the wall Laura saw it then, the known train, as she really remembered it from the movies on ''Earth. It really was the "Hogwarts Express", waiting to leave the station. Some helpful servants took the luggage of Laura into the train while she still remained outside for a short time. At the side of Elora. And she began to speak again...

Incredible. Somehow something inside of me still doubted all of this, that a dream like this never could come true. But it is real, and your very own and special universe really can fulfil dreams. It is still unbelievable for my brain, but I really stand ion the world of Harry Potter. In front of the Hogwarts Express, which is ready to start the journey. My own journey towards Hogwarts, and all known characters from there...
Elora nodded with her head and began to smile. She was a little bit surprised how excited Laura was then, but so one of her necessary tasks would now become a very special adventure for her, and one she certainly would never forget again in her whole further life...
So then, Laura, I am happy this new mission pleases you that much, Laura. The train is ready to leave now, all other passengers are on board and you are the last one to enter. The journey to Hogwarts begins now, so you better should get into the train now. I wish you all the best for this new mission, Laura, and I believe, you will be successful again. We will certainly meet again, in another world of our universe...
With those words Elora suddenly began to vanish into thin air, and Laura sighed deeply one time...
Okay then. All of this still seems totally unreal, just like a wonderful dream. But I know it is real now. So then, into the train finally, to start this absolutely incredible journey to Hogwarts...
Laura walked to the next open door of the train and climbed the few stairs into it. This was really an overwhelming feeling, every moment of it. And Laura remembered some of her favourite movies on Earth again, so many details, as if it would have been yesterday she watched them the last time. Actually it had been centuries meanwhile...
Just inside the train, entering the next railroad vehicle, she found the first compartment completely free and entered it...

She was too excited to walk through the train and look if she perhaps even would see known faces yet. So this should happen later. Laura wanted to becalm her emotions first, and so she took a seat in her compartment...
Laura had changed her clothing for a more comfortable and lighter dress for the long train trip. She knew it would last hours, and maybe the arrival would first be in the next morning. It was dark outside yet...

Some time later, though Laura did not want it, she had fallen asleep on her seat. But then she woke up again only a short time later, as somebody called her name. First only silently and far away, but then loud and clear...
Laura opened her eyes again. And she was totally surprised to see Elora again, standing in her compartment now. The mother of all life began to smile as Elora began to speak yet...

Laura, please excuse my unexpected further visit, disturbing you in your well-deserved sleep. You need your resting times, but I simply had to come back for one more time, at least for short. Could I speak to you again? If you would rather continue sleeping, only tell me...
Laura shook her head several times energetically, before she began to speak herself to answer Elora...
No, of course not! How could you ever disturb me, Elora, you are always welcome. Your company pleases me every time so much. So tell me everything you want then...
Elora nodded with her head before she answered again, with a happy smile in her little face...
Well, let me tell you, Laura, you...surprised me. You surprised us all so much. Of course we hoped at least you would remember such famous movies and books of this time on Earth, fantasy stories where such a lot of children, and also the lost children, got their dreams and hope from. But we could not imagine that this would cause such a strong reaction, not at all. I could feel your emotions, I could look into your heart. And though all tryouts still have to be fulfilled, let me tell you this, I do believe in you. Maybe some of us still had doubts first, but we never felt such a strong power of love and goodness in any creature, and this is overwhelming, even for us. I tried to hide at our meeting before, but as you were gone then I could not dam up my tears any longer. You simply touched my own heart as never did anybody before...
Elora paused for some moments and Laura was totally overwhelmed herself at this moment, so she couldn't react at all first. She saw the eyes of the little girl, filling up with tears, and some of them really began to flow down her cheeks. Elora wiped them aside, turning around towards the window, and she began to speak once more, with her warm, but this time also wobbly voice...

Please, excuse me my sudden surge of emotion, but I simply had to tell you now. And something more. You know I can not help you with your tasks, and nobody is allowed to do so, that is our law. And also necessary as you have to find the whole truth for yourself. This is simply essential, and one day you will understand yourself. But there is something I can do for you, as it is up to our discretion, up to those who guide you here, to give you some hints which can be helpful for your further journey. And this is what I want to do now, as a special gift for you, the beautiful and lovely woman I come to appreciate more and more, Laura...
As Elora made a break once more Laura still could not react. She only looked at the little girl with wide open eyes and mouth. And Elore began to smile happily before continuing with her speech...
You know Laura, you are on a long way through our special worlds of dreams, the dreams of the lost children, to solve puzzles, find answers and fend threats off, no matter of which kind. But in the end all of this will not be important, nothing will really matter any more if you find the right answers. The whole truth about all things. In the end our tasks shall simply help you on this way, so you learn to understand, and be prepared for what is waiting for you at the end of this long journey. It is so important for you to find the truth and understand it, and you may not miss any important detail on this way. So always be alerted, with all open senses, and save all elements inside your heart which help you on your path. Never forget anything important, so you can put the whole puzzle together in the end. And though we lead you through artificial created worlds of dreams here - things are different. Dreams are not dreams if they hide the elements of truth, and you must learn to understand what is really behind all things. In fact you have seen yet such elements, details you can not understand and sort yet, but you must keep them in your heart and never forget about any more. And there will be further signs on your way...
Elora took a deep breath while Laura finally could break loose from her emotional numbing again. And now she also found her words again, but she only whispered her answer...
Elora, wonderful child, beautiful girl, I don't know what to say. Your words simply overwhelm me so much, but of course I will always remember your advice. And yes, there are such elements yet, for example from my last adventure on Afreean. The wonderful queen there showed me such hints, and though I absolutely can not remember, I know I saw those pictures yet before in my life. It is all gone, totally gone, but there is a relationship. Still in darkness, but a first approach where to start. And you confirm this, what only stimulates me more to find the final truth. And I will, I know I will. So, thank you, Elora, thank you so much for your second visit here, and I would like to ask you a very personal question now. Or let me say it different, it would be a big wish, a desire of my heart now...
Laura couldn't hold back her own tears any longer. And her words failed once more, though there weren't necessary at all. Elora did understand, and she only answered with a nod...
Laura did as she felt. As Elora stepped close to her position the mother of all life laid her arms around the little girl, gently hugging her. And finally Laura kissed the cheek of Elora...

The little girl did not move at all any more. Instead she closed her eyes finally, enjoying the embrace so much, just as Laura did. And in the end Elora sat down next to Laura on the bench, staying in her arms with closed eyes. And Laura closed her eyes too...
Laura woke up again. It was still anytime this night, and she recognized she had fallen asleep with Elora in her arms. But the wonderful little girl from the parallel universe was gone. Laura sat alone in her compartment, but she could still feel the aura of that fragile-looking, but though so powerful little girl, who had said goodbye totally silent then...
Laura began to smile and sighed deeply one time, before she began to speak to herself with low voice...
Well then, I hope we will meet again, little Elora, another place and another time. I would like to see you again so much, as I simply love you. And your presence alone inspires me so much, as well as this whole new mission in the world of Harry Potter...
Laura suddenly yawned deeply...
But for now, I will continue sleeping as I do not believe we will still arrive in the destination village Hogsmeade before the new day begins. And some rest will certainly do me good, I mean, if I really be able to sleep the rest of the night in my big excitement...
Laura changed her position and laid down on the bench now, covering herself with a bedspread. Before she closed her eyes again Laura noticed it began to rain outside the window, and countless raindrops were pattering against it. Laura smiled happily, and in fact she began to dream soon, while her journey towards Hogwarts continued...

The new morning arrived, but Laura woke up late. First she did not even know where she was, but of course she remembered soon. And so she sat up on her bench again, spreading out her limbs first. Then she suddenly noticed that the train wasn't travelling any more, it stood still. Looking out of the window Laura saw that the destination station was reached obviously, and she wondered why there was no activity inside the train any more, and why nobody had woken her up then...
Laura got on her feet at once, putting on different clothes quickly. Then she collected her luggage and left the train finally. But nobody was on the station platform any more, could this really be true? Had all pupils left already, and Laura had been forgotten?
The mother of all life sighed deeply one time, not knowing what to do next. But then something unexpected happened, as she saw some movement in the distance. And in fact, somebody was approaching, a really huge shape. And Laura began to smile...
Incredible! It is...Hagrid...
Laura only whispered to herself, and for some poignantly moments she wasn't even able to move then. But Hagrid came closer quickly and began to speak to Laura himself now...

Hello, Laura, I am greeting you. We expected you for a while yet, and it is great you finally arrived in Hogsmeade. My name is Hagrid, and I was dent by Professor Dumbledore, the headteacher of Hogwarts, to take care for you in the beginning. He wants to be sure you will arrive safely at the Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, with all necessary equipment you need. And so, if you agree, I will be your guide until your final arrival at Hogwarts...
Laura nodded with her head smiling...
Thank you, Hagrid, I am honoured. But I did not expect to be welcomed like this, as only one normal pupil of so many...
Hagrid shook his head several times...
But no, Laura, of course you are something really special. Your family is well known in the complete magic world, an old and famous name, almost like our most famous pupil, Harry Potter. But I guess you also know his name yet. And because you are who you are, we are honoured now you finally also visit Hogwarts this school year. Believe me, I was really happy as Professor Dumbledore sent me to welcome you first...
Laura knew what Hagrid was talking about. It was obvious she had been placed into a certain role in this world, and as it seemed as a member of a well known and mighty family of wizards, and of course Laura accepted the facts at once. She played her role...
Thank you, Hagrid, it is an honour for me too. I can not tell you how excited I am, and I can not wait to finally visit Hogwarts now. And to meet Harry Potter and his friends...
Hagrid laid his hand on Laura's shoulder...
You will, Laura, very soon you will. But first, follow me into the village now, as we still have work to do. Your luggage will be transported to Hogwarts yet, but there are still things you need...
With those words spoken Hagrid turned around and began to walk away slowly. Laura was still smiling happily, and she sighed deeply one time. Then she began to follow Hagrid...
Laura had spent some time with Hagrid in Hogsmeade yet, and she now she owed her first own witch's broom and animal companion, a white owl. Hagrid made it possible again with wizardry to send those items to Hogwarts yet, and at last there was only one task left for Laura. To get her first magic wand before entering her new school finally. And so she followed Hagrid further through the streets of Hogsmeade...

After some time Hagrid reached his destination, a little shop, and Laura remembered the name. "Olivanders", indeed, this was the shop where Harry Potter also got his first magic wand then, and Laura began to smile happily as she looked at Hagrid...
I know this name, as it is the best address for magic wands in the whole magic
world. And I am honoured to also get my first magic wand now, you won't be able to imagine my excitement. Do you believe the right magic wand will find its way to me now?
Hagrid nodded with his head vigorously...

But of course it will, as it also was with your own witch's broom before. Magic items always choose their masters themselves, and I am very sure you will get the best magic wand possible. Trust the old Hagrid, because he always tells the truth, yes, yes...
With those worlds the huge man turned around towards the magic shop again and walked towards the entrance. Laura took a very deep breath and followed her guide finally...
It was done. In the shop of magic wands and more magic items Hagrid had waited near the entrance, while Laura followed Mr. Ollivander all through the shop, also upstairs. And Laura tried a lot of magic wands without any reaction, until one of those magic items finally began to glow. It was a magic blue light, and Laura knew she had been successful. This was the magic wand which chose her, as the witch's broom before...
Laura was so happy and proud, smiling all over her face as she came down the stairs again - with her new magic wand in her still a little bit trembling hand. Now she was prepared, ready to start this whole unusual and fantastic adventure, she was ready to enter Hogwarts the first time. And Hagrid waited for her downstairs. He was also smiling happily, and he spoke to Laura with a satisfied voice...

Well, done, Laura, well done! Indeed, I knew you would find your own magic wand, and I am really happy for you. Now, if you are ready, we should continue and visit Hogwarts finally...
Laura nodded with her head several times, searching for the right words in her big excitement. But finally she could speak again, still being moved inside her heart so much...
I am ready, Hagrid, I really am...
Good, good, Laura, so follow me once more to our next destination. I show you how you will continue now from here...
The huge man left the shop again and Laura took a deep breath first. Then she followed her new friend again...

Laura and Hagrid arrived at the eastern end of the village Hogsmeade, at the last house there. It laid on a lake, which came from the Black Sea, laying in front of Hogwarts, as Laura knew. But more interesting for now was something else, a blue car, standing between the house and the lake. And this car was the destination of Hagrid...

Laura looked at the car with a smile, because she identified it at once. It definitely was the flying car of the Weasley family, though Laura could not imagine what it was doing here now. But Hagrid solved the mystery at once, as he began to speak...
I am leaving you now, Laura, as I still have other work to do. To arrive at Hogwarts only enter this car, which I could borrow for you from a family of wizards. You do not need a driving licence here, as this car is intelligent and can drive itself. The only thing you need is faith, then it will carry you safely to your destination...
Laura nodded with her head...
How could I not trust you, Hagrid? Thank you for all your help, and I hope we will meet again at Hogwarts...
Hagrid laid his big hand on Laura's shoulder and looked into her eyes with a happy smile...
But for sure we will, Laura! Soon, very soon. But now, continue your way, your new home for this session is waiting...
Hagrid turned around and walked away slowly, while Laura looked after him until he disappeared. Then she opened the door of the enchanted car and entered it. As soon as she sat on the driver's seat the car started. Rolling away very slowly first the journey went out of the village. First then the car raised itself into the air and flew away...
Laura could not have told how much she enjoyed this incredible journey, the flight in a enchanted car beyond the wonderful landscape. Soon she crossed the Hogwarts Express, driving back to London of this world, but Laura's journey was the opposite direction now...

It needed not so much time until the so much excited mother of all life could see her final destination at last. Hogwarts, the mighty castle, appeared at the Horizon, with the Black Sea in front of it. And the flying car continued travelling straight towards the destination...

The journey was over then. After landing not far away from Hogwarts Laura left the car and it flew away at once then. Laura took a deep breath and turned towards the wonderful and mighty castle...
There it is. There it really is, and I still have trouble to believe that I am really here. But it is no dream, it is true...
After taking another deep breath Laura began to move finally. She began walk slowly towards the Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, while her hands were trembling a little bit...
Laura was standing on the long stony bridge, leading her to the main entrance to the huge castle. And now, standing at this place, Hogwarts even seemed to be still bigger, and majestic. Laura only stood there and looked at the buildings for a while, before she took anther deep breath once more, and finally she began to move again. The still so much impressed mother of all life walked slowly towards the entrance of Hogwarts...

It was done. It was finally done, as Laura reached the entrance of the mighty castle and entered it. She remained in the big entrance hall at once, taking a look around first. Pupils were walking around, appearing and disappearing, greeting Laura friendly when passing her. But there was somebody else, obviously a teacher, standing in front of the big stairs in the background. It seemed he was waiting for Laura, looking at her smiling. And the mother of all life walked towards him then...
Standing in front of the young teacher Laura was not able to speak yet. But the foreign man, Laura could not identify him from the movies at least, began to speak himself then...

Hello, you must be Laura. We have been waiting for you yet since some time, after Professor Dumbledore told us about your early arrival. My name is Prickles, and I am a teacher at Hogwarts. I will lead you to Professor Dumbledore first now, if you are ready to meet him, as he is waiting for you yet in his office...
Laura nodded with her head, finally finding her voice again. But with all the impressions around she still seemed to be a little bit shy, even with knowing all of this was artificially created by the lost children. But is was real now, and only impressing...
Thank you, Mister Prickles, it is an honour for me to be here now. And I am ready to speak with Professor Dumbledore, if he wants to meet me then. Please, take me to his office...
Mister Prickles nodded with his head one time, turning around then and walking away. Laura followed him at once...
Laura had reached her destination. She stood in the known office of Professor Dumbledore, just exactly with all details she remembered from the movies on Earth. It really had been such a long time ago since she watched those movies the last time, but it was all there again now, every single detail. And this was simply overwhelming...
Laura walked a few steps forward, discovering Professor Dumbledore finally then. He stood on the gallery at the end of the room, to the left side, first a little bit covered by a huge curtain and pillar. But now he showed himself totally, looking at Laura with a serious face. And as she still was too shy and moved to react he began to speak with a soft voice...
Hello, Laura, nice to meet you finally. We have heard from you yet and know your family, so we are happy you visit Hogwarts finally yourself now. But please, come closer now, come at my side, so we can talk better. And there is no need to be shy or even fearful in any way, you are really welcome at this wonderful place of magic...
Laura did as she was told, finding her smile again, and finally she stood straight next to Professor Dumbledore. Now she also could speak again, and the first time at all to this wonderful person, really looking exactly as the actor in the known movies...

Thank you, Professor, I am so happy to be here, after I got my invitation finally, as it was a really long, long wish to visit Hogwarts at all. I thought about this most of my life, and now that I am here I have still trouble to understand that it is not only a beautiful dream then. I am really honoured so much, so, thank you for that special invitation...
Professor Dumbledore nodded with his head, as usual keeping a serious face, but he spoke with his warm voice again...
Well then, I am glad you could follow our invitation, and we all here thought it would be about time to have you here now. Hopefully you enjoy your stay and can learn a lot of things, also with making friends for your life here. But also never forget, Hogwarts is not only a place for fun and joy, it is also dangerous, as the whole world of wizards and witches. Normally we do not accept new students after a session already has begun, but this one time we make an exception. For you...
Professor Dumbledore paused for some meaningful moments before he continued with his speech...
Be careful, and listen to your senses and heart, for evil never stops with trying to seduce us. If you always keep this in your mind, then you can be successful here. And you will learn about the rules quickly. The only thing remaining for now is where you will stay the time you are here, there is one of four houses to choose. And therefore we have a very wise creature to help you, certainly one you wouldn't expect. But it can help you with this decision, for it is an important decision which should be considered carefully...
Laura knew exactly what Professor Dumbledore was talking about, of course, the incredible speaking hat from the known movies. And in fact, the next moment it really appeared out of nowhere, hanging in the air for some moments then...

May I introduce you, Laura, this is our wise speaking hat. Let it sit on your head now, and think about your choice carefully. Then we will see w3hat the hat tells you finally...
Laura nodded with her head, already thinking about her choice intensely. Yet from the first moment recognizing this world and adventure she knew exactly where she wanted to go, only to the house Gryffindor. And she hoped so much the hat would accept her choice...
Laura took a deep breath as the speaking hat finally came closer and sat down on her head at last. For some moments there was only silence in the office afterwards, until the hat began to speak...

So, the girl has already a very strong wish in her heart, begging and hoping for my positive decision. But are you really sure that the other houses perhaps couldn't be more helpful for you?
Laura nodded with her head strong-willed...
No, not at all! As long as I dream of Hogwarts I also dream of this one house, please, send me to Gryffindor...
The hat answered at once with its deep voice...
Well, so be it then, don't let me stand in your way. This dream can come true now, from this moment you belong to Gryffindor...
Laura was so happy, with clenched fists she had even trouble to control her emotions now. The hat disappeared again, and instead another well know person entered the office. It was Professor McGonagall, the governess of Gryffindor, greeting Laura now and standing to her right then. Afterwards it was Professor Dumbledore to take the floor again...

So then, Laura, a good choice as I believe, and Professor McGonagall, your new governess, will conduct you to your new quarters now, which you will share with other girls. Accidentally there has been remained one place left, as one girl could not share us here for this session, so you will take her place now. And I wish you all the best for your stay, Laura...
Laura was all smiles now as she answered Professor Dumbledore, still totally moved inside her heart and simply overwhelmed. She only could speak with low voice now...
Thank you very much, Professor Dumbledore, I will try my best to never disappoint you then...
After those words Professor McGonagall began to move again and left the office. And Laura followed her at once...
Before arriving in the Gryffindor area Professor McGonagall had stopped one more time, turning around and looking at Laura. With serious sight she shook her head several times, suddenly raising her magic wand. So she talked to Laura then, also with serious voice...
Well, Laura, as you belong to the house of Gryffindor now, you have to change your clothes before we arrive there. And we are lucky to be able of using magic in such situations, while your clothes on your luggage also are being adjusted. So, also be a Gryffindor pupil externally now...
Only a little movement with her magic wand from Professor McGonagall, and Laura stood there with whole new clothes, now representing the wonderful house of Gryffindor. And she really was so happy, smiling all over her face...

Professor McGonagall turned around and moved again, now using the enchanted stairs labyrinth in the main hall of Hogwarts. And Laura followed her at once of course...
The destination was reached finally. Professor McGonagall entered a bigger room with Laura, where she waited in a corner of the room, portending Laura to also waiting for something. Laura did as she was told, and only some minutes later another person entered the room. Really involuntarily the eyes of Laura dilated, because it was Hermione. The first member of the famous and everywhere known magic trio of the house of Gryffindor - Hermione as Laura remembered her from the movies...

The welcome was very heartfelt. And after a short time then Professor McGonagall said good bye and left the room again, leaving Laura in Hermione's custody...
After Professor McGonagall had left the room Hermione looked at Laura smiling, speaking to her now...
So, you are Laura, of the mighty Bretan family, well known in the world of magic since a long time. We heard a lot of your ancestors yet, and if you carry their heir, then you may also get a mighty witch some day. I am happy to hear you share our house and my room, and if it is okay for you, especially for your beginning here, I would like to offer myself to help you as a guide, so you can get known with all things here easier and faster...

Laura nodded with her head smiling...
Thank you very much, Hermione, I am happy to hear this and accept gladly. Do we still have a lesson today?
Hermione shook her head once...
No, you are lucky, school is over yet for today, and besides, you may not have noticed, but it is almost evening again. We just had dinner I the huge dining hall, but if you are hungry we can certainly still get something to eat for you. I could get you something...
Laura raised her hand a little bit...
No, thank you, not necessary. I am not hungry, only so excited, really too much to still eat anything today. Instead, if you would agree, I would rather like to talk to you a little bit...
Hermione reacted unexpected this moment. With a smile in her face she suddenly took the hand of Laura before answering...
Somehow I feel I can trust you, and I also feel the good and positive out of your heart. Of course we can talk, and I have an idea where to do this privately and undisturbed. You see, our normal dormitories are not suitable therefore, as there live four or five pupils at once. But there are some single rooms to evade, and when we are lucky one of them may be free now...
With those words Hermione released the hand of Laura again, turned around and
left the room. Of course Laura followed her, whole sure now that this could be the beginning of a new and very special friendship...
Hermione and Laura reached their destination, as Hermione opened a door to a new room finally. The two girls entered a smaller room with few furniture, and one bigger bed in the background. It stood below the only window of this room, and Hermione sat down their on the ledge then. She looked at Laura and began to smile...
Well, then, Laura, here we are. We can spend some hours here to talk, if you want, and if you would like to speak about yourself. I am a good listener, and I would like to learn about you a little bit. After all we will spend a longer time at this place, and I feel you are a person I would like to go around with. But as I said, if you are interested in...
Laura also began to smile and sat down on a chair in the room, looking at Hermione as she answered her...
Well, I would not know why I should refuse an offer like that. I can also feel you are a girl I really would like to go around with. But as I am totally new here, would it be too much to ask for if you would start then, if you would first tell me something about you?
Hermione nodded with her head...
No problem, Laura. But don't keep this distance, please, I really don't bite. So also have a seat on the bed, next to me on the bed, and I believe it will be much more comfortable for the next hours for you...
Laura did as Hermione had asked her, and the two girls looked at each other then. Hermione began to talk...

Well, Laura, can we speak candidly, now at this place and in private? I hope you agree before talking about useless things. This is too important, so I would not want to waste any time...
Laura arched her eyebrows and looked a little bit astonished at Hermione. She had expected a cursory talk first, and perhaps something deeper later, but now she really was surprised. It seemed Hermione wanted to talk deeper at once, and Laura nodded with her head...
Of course we can, Hermione, I am also no friend of talking insignificantly, and though I also would have questions to ask, I first would be interested in what you would like to know about me...
Hermione sighed deeply one time and closed her eyes for some moments. But then she looked at Laura once more, beginning to speak to her again. And her voice sounded very serious now...
Well, this is just the point, Laura, it would have been the conversation I had been expected to have with you. Of course I shall play my role as you play yours, and only some of our chosen leaders speak freely to you and guide you in a certain way. There are those rules for us all, and I won't break them, of course. But though, this is a point where I want to leave my role for some time, so we can really talk faithfully, though I won't reveal anything to you what you now shall not know...
Hermione paused for some moments, and Laura looked at her with really wide open eyes. She took the floor herself now...
This is a surprise now, Hermione. I have not expected this, though I know of course that this is a fantasy world, artificially created by you children, playing the roles of all known characters of this fantasy universe that once was created on Earth. And as I love the "Harry Potter" saga I was happy to enter this world, playing my role perfectly then. But speaking this way to you now, I am even more happy, and if it is possible, I would like to learn first who is behind the role of Hermione then...
Hermione began to smile understandingly...
Of course I can understand your wish, Laura, as we both know we are only playing a role here. But unfortunately this is something not to be revealed at all, and not only with me. All people you meet in this world are only what you see here, the true identities must stay secret. There are some important rules which must stay untouched, and I hope you accept this. The only proof I can give you, that Hermione only is a role like everybody else here, is this, the sign of all lost children in this universe...
Laura saw the change at once, as the eyes of Hermione suddenly changed color into green. Only for some moments, then her eyes were normal again as before. And Laura nodded with her head...

No problem, of course I do respect all things you want from me, and I will not ask again. You play Hermione - and as long as I am here you are Hermione. As I also do accept every other person here as the one he or she will appear in front of me. I also understand the wish of so many of you to create this wonderful world, the world of "Harry Potter", as I also loved those books and movies myself so much in my second time on Earth. I have dreamed about being a part of this fantasy world myself since such a long time, knowing though it would never happen, of course. But now this very special dream came true, and it is a wonder for me. As well as sitting here and talking with you, with Hermione, the girl I admired so much in the books and movies, as I simply wanted to be like this character in my youth on Earth. And now we are here, together, at the begin of a friendship. Incredible...
Hermione nodded with her head...
Yes, incredible, just as in the opposite way, Laura. Though we are not allowed to leave our roles and share our true feelings, I can tell you every single lost child in this whole universe also admires you. We all know you since such a long time, waiting for your arrival, and some of us even yet since a time before you were even born. But we know who you really are, and we believe in you. Nobody would ever fear you could fail your mission, and it is such an honour for me to sit here, next to you, and talk with you. We all know about your true mission, and about your true identity, something you are totally unaware about yourself for good reasons, but all of this will change in the end. We help you as much as possible, but in the end you stand alone, to find all answers and all truth, to get the person finally you are chosen as, and to do whatever has to be done to safe all life. Your mission is so much a mission for your own destiny, but also for the destiny of every further living being. This is a very huge responsibility, of course, but not too much for you. If anybody can succeed in the end at all, than it is you, Laura...
After those important words there was silence in the room for some moments, while it slowly got darker around. The light was only shining low, and the darkness of the night outside the window was additionally supported by nascent rain. The raindrops pattered against the window, while Laura could not avert her eyes from those of Hermione. But finally Laura could speak again, however with low voice...

Well, Hermione, I am searching for the right words. I never expected to hear anything like that in this world, and your faith in a totally unknown person like me is incredible. We have just met the first time and speak together the first time, and though it seems we would be friends since an eternity. I feel friendship for you, as I know you feel it for me, and I am honoured by your words more than I could ever say. I will try all to never disappoint you or anybody else at all, and in the end I will succeed. I know I will. No matter where this leads me, no matter what I am expected to do, I will not fail. If there still were doubts at first, meanwhile I am sure, as there has happened too much to still doubt that I am the chosen one - the chosen one for whatever then. But I will find the answers, and the whole final truth...
Hermione began to smile happily, and before she answered she laid her hand on Laura's shoulder...
Yes, this is the Laura I believe in, the strong and determined Laura as chosen one, so full of faith and love as nobody else then. And it is the base for the friendship we both feel inside our hearts...
Hermione voiced her feelings now whilst embracing Laura for some moments, and Laura also laid her arms around her new friend. Those were such touching moments, and the two girls did not speak any more. Instead they remained in their embracement while the rain outside got stronger...
Laura and Hermione sat on their former positions again on the bed, as Hermione finally began to speak again...
Laura, listen to me, and listen carefully, please. Your final destination is still so far away, and though you even don't know it yet at all, really nothing else matters. Of course you must solve all tasks in your missions, no matter which worlds in our universe you still will visit. They get you closer to the last destination, to the final truth and all answers, but you won't succeed without also finding all special secret hints, placed for you by us at different locations on different worlds. Nothing can show you deeper details about the missing truth, and the more secret hints you find, the more you will be able to fight the block inside of you which still keeps you as a prisoner in reality of illusions. This is essential for you...
Laura nodded with her head one time...
Yes, I know this, as my last journey and task finally brought me into a secret palace to a supernatural being, the queen of Afreean, who showed me the first of those secret hints. And though I still do not understand, the visions I saw were somehow so familiar to me. I have seen those pictures before, but the memories at them are totally blocked, somehow as deleted. I try to remember, but so far I could not succeed...
Hermione sighed deeply one time and kept silence for some meaningful moments. But then she answered again...
I know, and we all know. All about this final truth had been blocked inside of you totally a long time ago, but only for good reasons. You would not have been prepared to deal with this truth, as you are still not, and this will not change until the right moment has come. Your search and journey will get you closer and closer to that truth, while you collect your hints, until the right time is finally there. Then all shrouds will fall, the mirror of illusion will break, and all so far frontiers will open. I know, and I believe so, as much as I believe in you, Laura. Never forget about this, please...
Laura nodded with her head several times...
I promise, Hermione, I promise. But can you perhaps answer me one question? I mean, if possible, of course. How could there be two so different universes, mine with so many races living in a total illusion, and yours with every single child knowing about the whole truth? How could this ever happen, this is something I can not understand at all...
Hermione drew a deep breath before she answered Laura, and once more with her warm but serious voice...
Well, let's say this was something even the gods did not plan who gave us our own paradise first back then. They could not imagine how powerful we finally got, all those countless lost children together, creating a kind of magic never existed before in our universes. And so we could do what no living being in your universe was ever able to do, we could look through the mirror. We saw what was hidden, and what still stays hidden, until you finally fulfil your own destiny, Laura. And our power protected us totally, so no evil ever could pass into our universe, at least until the day of your final fulfilment. And that day is closer now, really much closer...
Laura looked thoughtful at Hermione and nodded with her head several times before she answered with low voice...
Somehow I can also feel it, deep inside my heart and soul, Hermione. The whole truth is near, very near, and one day I will understand. I will understand it all, just as you do now yet. And the best thing to do to get closer to my last destination is making the next step now, here in this world, in the world of "Harry Potter". Can you tell me something about your current problems and missions here, or is this also a secret I must find our myself? I would like to know how I could help here...
Hermione began to smile slightly...
Oh, no doubt, you can. You see, knowing all "Harry Potter" stories from your time on Earth, there is no need to repeat those facts then. But on this world it is another reality, as we created our own "Harry Potter" universe, and the story can further develop totally different now, with your arrival. So far all insiders know about the return of "he-who-must-not-be-named". He has not shown public until now, but we know and feel he is out there, rallying supporters around him. Older ones, but also new ones. and we prepare for the future battle, the last war between the forces, which will come for sure. But nobody knows what may happen next, so we must be prepared for the worst all time. And we would be honoured if you join our order, the new order of Hogwarts, as we call it here and now in this reality...

Laura nodded with her head...
I understand. Will the others, I mean, Harry and Ron, and who else may be part of your order, agree to what you say, or do you first have to speak with them to ask? After all I am still whole new here...
Hermione took the hand of Laura and both girls looked straight into each others eyes now...
I will speak with them, but no problem, they will agree. They may not be aware about all details as I know you, but they have heard about you yet, and it is predetermined. So, don't worry, I am sure we will have the answer, the positive answer, yet tomorrow...
Good, I would be happy. And I am very excited. I really can't wait to get known with all details of this world you have created here...
Hermione nodded with her head and smiled understanding. But though her voice sounded serious again...
But though of all your excitement, please, be careful, Laura, and don't let your feelings overwhelm you too much in the end. This can also be dangerous, and you may never do anything what could threaten your mission. And also for to find the secret hint on this world then, you must always keep all your senses open. It is so important...
Laura also began to smile now...
Of course, please, don't worry, this is only for the beginning now and here. I will be careful for sure, and I will control my feelings. In the end I will succeed, together with you and the other friends. For sure...
Laura and her new friend Hermione kept talking, not really recognizing how the time passed. And then, anytime, it suddenly began to get light again, a new morning began to rise...
Hermione yawned deeply one time now, finally noticing that they really had talked until the new morning, and Laura began to smile. She shook her head several times while speaking again...
Well, I guess we will not be very well rested and concentrated this day, but certainly we must go to school though...?
Hermione sighed deeply and seemed to be relieved as she answered with a satisfied voice...
Well, I guess we are lucky, my friend. It is weekend now, and there is no class at Saturday and Sunday. We can recover, and I would recommend to sleep first for a while. Later I would speak with Harry and Ron, and then I would introduce you to them...
Laura nodded with her head, and her smile even still got a little bit wider. Her voice sounded excited...
I agree, and I love this thought. Meeting Harry is such a great event in my life, no matter if this also only is a role for another lost child. But here and now, and for me, it is Harry Potter - more real than it ever could have been on Earth with the books and movies...
Hermione laid her hand on Laura's shoulder...
I understand you, Laura, but now we may leave here and return to our dormitory. There we will go to bed now, and I guess you will have wonderful gegen abenddreams then...
Laura closed her eyes for some moments, sighing deeply before she answered with a whispering voice...
I will, I really will...
The two girls finally left the small room again, returning to their dormitory in the Gryffindor section then. And falling into their beds they disappeared in the realm of wonderful dreams at once...
It was towards afternoon, as Laura was just about to meet the whole group of Harry Potter for the very first time then. Hermione and Laura had slept almost until lunch, and in the end they had been too late again. But it didn't matter, with some more pupils, being lat for different reasons, they could still get something to eat in the huge refectory, where Laura and Hermione talked again. Meanwhile Hermione had a chance to speak to Harry and Ron shortly, and now the two boys were ready to meet Laura the first time...

The group met in the boys dormitory. Hermione led Laura to this destination, and after entering the final room she sat on one of the empty beds there. After closing the door Laura stepped forward, looking around in palpable excitement. There were three more people in this room, to the left on a chair Ginny Weasley. To the right on the floor Harry Potter, sitting on a pillow, and right to him Ron Weasley sitting on the wooden ledge of another bed...

Laura needed some moments to get her feelings under control again. Though of knowing all those people in actual fact were lost children, they looked like Harry and his friends, exactly as in the known movies. And in this moment they simply were those characters...
As Laura was still keeping silence in those moving moments it was Harry Potter in the end, beginning to speak first...
Hello, Laura, welcome to Hogwarts and to Gryffindor, to our wonderful house of this great place. We heard a lot about you yet, as your family is well known in the magic world. And Hermione told us it is your wish to join us, our team, and our fight against evil, and most of all against him, whose name must not be spoken. We feel honoured and would like to get known to you a little bit better, perhaps you can tell us more about you?
Laura took a deep breath and nodded with her head, and after some further moments she began to speak then...
Oh, well, thank you first for this chance, as all of this really makes a dream come true. I heard a lot about you, Harry, and was so interested to get known with you, but unfortunately my family way very...distinct, in relation to Hogwarts and all other schools of Witchcraft and Wizardry. They refused to let me go there, because of their fear for dangers, in their strong believe that he, whose name must not be spoken, would return some day for sure. I know my parents had their important role in the first war of wizards, this war where you almost have been killed then, and where you lost your parents. My own parents survived, but those events made them think it all over, and they withdrew from the world of magic. It was their own decision, and they even tried to nurse me as a whole normal human, as a Muggle. But this failed, as the magic inside of me even grew bigger than all magic inside my parents. And after years of resistance, sometime they knew it was for nothing, and they even understood they could not keep me away from Hogwarts, as it always was such a big wish inside my heart to go there. And for this season they finally agreed, as they now let me live my own life and make my own decisions. It was past time, and so, here I am finally. And now I hope to learn a lot in this school, to control and use my abilities, but most of all to join your team, in the necessary and important battle against him - Voldemort...
Laura looked straight into the eyes of Harry Potter as she had ended her speech, and he nodded with his head smiling...
Well, this really reminds me at something, though your parents of course were different and had other reasons. And they were no Muggles. But somehow I can understand them, though I believe they are wrong with their decision, as this battle is so important for us all, and in the end for the whole world. Evil may never win this conflict, or we may all be doomed for eternity. I will do everything what is necessary to prevent this, with everybody at my site who wants to join this battle. And so I can only say, speaking for all of us, welcome to our team, Laura...
Harry reached out his hand and Laura took it happily, while all others smiled and nodded with their heads. Hermione stood up from the bed, stepping in front of Harry and Laura...
As you can see, Laura, exactly as I told you before. There was never any doubt the other could not accept you in our team...
Harry nodded with his head confirming...
I can feel that you are a complete honest person, with a big heart full of love, and with a true soul. Those are exactly the people we need for our battle, people like you, Laura...
Laura almost blushed a little bit because of such words, and she beg an to smile, dropping her gaze...
Thank you very much, you people really honour me. My dream has come true now, to be part of your great team...
Ron shrugged his shoulders and began to grin...
Well, anyway, how could we not have accepted you, Laura, after such an emotional intercession for you by Hermione...?
The group began to laugh, while Hermione punched against the shoulder of her friend Ron...
It was true and deserved, but of course nothing can happen without your intelligent comments, Ron...
Also Laura began to laugh now, and in the end even Hermione joined the general merriment. But the really happiest person in these moments simply was Laura, as the next step was done now. She was part of the team of Harry Potter, in the eternal conflict between the forces of light and darkness, and against Voldemort personally. And this new and unique adventure, in the halls of Hogwarts, had just started...
The group still sat together in the boys dormitory, talking about the current situation. And of course Laura was interested in to learn more about, and what the current status was in Hogwarts. It was Harry then to tell her more about the latest problems, while the others listened with serious faces. And Laura looked straight into the eyes of Harry...
Before we continue, before I tell you more about our current situation here in Hogwarts, Laura, please, tell me something. I know you can sense a lot of things with your heart, as it is full of theurgy and love, more than the most humans ever will be able to share. So, if you let your senses flow, letting them explore Hogwarts, what do you feel? Just tell me what it is, no matter if something wonderful or terrible...
Laura wrinkled her brow a little bit, still looking into the eyes of Harry, and she answered spontaneously. She didn't need time, because her senses did tell her the truth yet long before, since she entered Hogwarts for the very first time then not long ago...
Well, if you ask me this, and as we only speak free and true, I can sense a still hidden, but terrible danger within these walls. I know it shouldn't be like this, but there is something here what should not be here at all. It is hiding as good as possible, because the time to show up has not yet come. And it never should, because then it would be too late and Hogwarts would be doomed. It certainly has to do something with Voldemort, but it is not himself. Not himself, but also very powerful...
As Laura kept silence again Harry nodded with his head, while Hermione now began to speak determinedly...
As I told you, guys, she is the person I believed we need. She will be helpful for us and our cause. Together we will find this new enemy, where ever he or it may hide, and defeat it...
Harry nodded with his head again, finally standing up from the floor. He looked into the eyes of Laura...
Well, nothing more to say now about this matter, as you did it yourself. We do not know more about it ourselves yet, but we can feel exactly the same as you, Laura. And we continue to do what we did before, now together with you. We will search for this danger and eliminate it. Hogwarts must stay a safe place for every single pupil, now and forever...
Laura, also sitting on the floor meanwhile, also got up onto her feet again, and she nodded with her head resolutely...
I am ready, Harry, and I am so happy you allow me to join your important team. There is nothing more important in this world, and the evil, in which form ever, must be destroyed. Whenever you need me, I will be here, prepared to support your struggle. But on Monday I will have my first lessons at this wonderful school then, and I hope I can be successful there too...
Hermione came up closer to Laura and laid her hand on the shoulder of her new friend. And she began to smile...
No worries, Laura, we are also here to help you as a beginner, and you can consult me with every question you have...
Ron began to grin and shook his head before he answered first. It was a typical situation where he couldn't react any different...
Yes, Laura, with Hermione you are in the best possible hands. There is no other guy at this school being smarter than her, and she even won the competition of being the biggest grind at Hogwarts at all...
The face of Hermione darkened at once, and she ran towards Ron to beat him. But he reacted fast, running out of the room, laughing out loud. Hermione followed him cursing...
Ginny was the next one about to leave then, as she stood up from her chair, stepping close to Laura then...
Don't worry, this is normal between Ron and Hermione, and she will calm down soon again. For now, also a warm welcome from me in our team. We are happy to have you here...
Ginny gave the hand of Laura a squeeze, then she turned around and left the room finally. Only Harry remained, and Laura felt the excitement to stand next to him in the room now, in private. She smiled happily, as Harry began to speak to her again now...
So then, I guess we could please you with this first gathering, and I can only say, I am also glad you want to join our team. At least there are also other groups here in Hogwarts, other streams, and not all of them are good. But you have chosen the right side now...
Laura nodded with her head and began to smile...
This was no question at all, and yet a dream since such a long time. And you could not have ever gladdened me more than in the way of what happened today. This is all I want, and you can be sure, I will not disappoint you or ever betray you. Never...
Harry came closer to Laura and laid his hand on her shoulder before he answered with satisfied voice...
Well then, enjoy this evening and do whatever you want to do, until the lessons begin tomorrow. You will be in our class, this is what I know at least yet. You may have to learn a little bit more and harder then we as we yet started this season some time ago. But no problem, with our and especially Hermione's help you will succeed for sure...
Thank you, I am sure about this. Before I return to our own room, would you be interested in a little walk through Hogwarts, and perhaps show me more about the locations here? I mean, if you still would have so much time left. I would be very happy then...
How could I disappoint such a nice invitation, Laura? I have the time, and I am interested. Follow me then, and I show you more of this really unique and magnificent place...
Harry turned around and left the room finally. Laura took a deep breath, while she only was so happy, happier than she even could have explained in words. Then she followed Harry at once...
At last it was about almost two hours Laura still had spent time with Harry, walking around with him all around the area, inside and outside of Hogwarts. She had learned about all locations here, and of course she also had talked to Harry further a lot. She could feel his positive energy and aura, as much as she always had believed him to be if he would have been a real person. And now he really was a real person...
Finally Harry took leave of Laura in one of the countless hallways of Hogwarts, but there was one last wish that moment, and after a moment's hesitation she asked her special question...
Before I leave, may I ask you for a last little wish, after all those happy and moving hours we shared for the first time...?
Harry looked at Laura astonished first, but the next moment he began to smile and seemed to have a certain idea...
Tell me, what is it, Laura?
Would it be asked too much if I wanted to embrace you just a short moment at least? I mean, if you would...
Laura could not finish her sentence, as Harry reacted yet. He had really had the right feeling yet, and without any further words he simply came close to Laura and enfolded her in his arms...

Laura also did not speak any more words. She was surprised a little bit that Harry really agreed, but then she was simply happy and closed her eyes. And the "short" embracement lasted a longer time then...
Laura was back in her room finally, totally overwhelmed by all happenings of this so impressing day. It had even passed off better then ever hoped before, and now she wanted to have some quiet to meditate a little bit about this whole day and the development. She was alone in the dormitory and laid down on her bed after changing clothes, closing her eyes soon. Recalling all the events of today Laura began to dream, to dream without sleeping...
It was somewhere in the night, and obviously deep in the night yet. The girls in the dormitory were all sleeping, as well as Laura, until she suddenly woke up...

Actually it had been a dream, walking around in Hogwarts at night, as suddenly a voice appeared out of out of nowhere. It needed some moments to really wake up for Laura and realize, that she was not dreaming anymore. But the strange whispering Voice was still there...
Though the unknown voice was only sounding like w whispering in the wind, Laura believed it was a female voice at least, but she was not completely sure about that. And finally Laura sat up on the ledge of her bed, answering quietly to the voice to not wake up anybody else. At least Laura could not feel anything dark or evil here...
What is happening here? And who are you, who is speaking to me? Please, show yourself if you want to talk to me...
Laura got an answer at once, though it did not came in words. Instead she saw a dazzling light appear in one ledge of the room, under the ceiling. And it was so bright that Laura could not look into it straight...

So, who is it, who arrives here...?
Out of the swirling light, shining in yellow, orange and red, another light appeared, this time in white colour. And this light began to change quickly, as it turned into a transparent form, a human form. But for the brightness Laura could not look into it further, and who ever this visitor was, he or she obviously wanted to stray unrecognised. But Laura believed it was a woman, the forms she could see at least for moments appeared like this. And finally the foreign voice began to speak again...

I am a voice that was real once, a long time ago, a time completely forgotten today by all living creatures. And I can be real again if your mission is successful. Until then I am only a voice from nowhere, from a kind of dimension between your universes, a voice without a body as pure energy. I have slept all the time since our dimension got lost in time and space, but now I am wake again and aware of myself. And this means the time of sleeping will end soon, the sleep of all real lost ones of the forgotten time. The lost children were the first step on this way of awakening, and this is why they allow me to be here now and speak to you. It is important. Though I also can not help you with your mission, I can do something for you at least, if you want to hear it and trust a voice from nowhere...
Laura answered immediately, totally listening to her heart. And the feelings from there were really clear...
I have still no idea what this is all about, and I don't know you at all. But my heart tells me to trust you without any doubt, for you are a being of light and love. I can feel this...
Yes, Laura, as you are called here, and you do feel so because we are the same beings from the source. I am what you have been once, in a time all living creatures have forgotten since then. But I know you can feel it in your heart, this search is also a search for yourself and your true identity. It is unalterable to find it again, or your mission will fail. The answer, all answers, are somewhere out there, and this is the only matter you have to be interested now at all. Those who prepared your long way once thought you would have more time, so they made this journey a long one. Not to stall you, but to male it possible to lead you slowly and cautiously to your destination and the truth. But now, that real souls from the old days begin to wake up again, the sands are running out now. We would have been pleased to allow yourself such longer adventures like here, to spend a whole season with Harry Potter on this world, but it is not possible. You must start your own search at once, for a further hidden hint on this world of the truth you search, and your friends here must deal with their own danger themselves. Because never forget about one fact. When the real creatures of light begin to wake up again, it is only a matter of short time when the creatures of real and pure evil also will do. And what you experienced about evil forces in your own universe so far is nothing against what will wait in the future. The only hope for us is you success, for otherwise all life is doomed. And this is a fact, this is the sad truth...
Laura nodded with her head, looking toward the floor all the time, as her eyes could not stand the very bright light...
I understand, and of course I accept. I will tell my new friends tomorrow and leave Hogwarts then, but is there any first hint for me to find where I would have to go then?
The voice answered after some meaningful moments of silence, and as before with a deep serious sound...
No, Laura, you must not leave, not yet. It was not for nothing to bring you to Hogwarts, as your first answer really lies within these walls. Search it and find it then, on your own or with your friends if they understand you and accept your mission. And besides, something else...
Laura looked up for some moments and squinted, lowering her head again at once before she spoke...
I am thankful for every help and hint from you...
Be careful, Laura. Really be careful and trust nobody. With the awakening process something else happens now, something very strange. In a universe without any evil a strange conspiracy is about to start, and we know yet several worlds are involved. There is no feeling yet about this world, but it can change every moment. I can not tell you anything else, as this is all I know, but something changes here totally. and if the lost children loose their control, then chaos will be the consequence. So again, Laura, be careful. Careful and alerted on all your further way...
Laura nodded with her head again...
I will, be sure I will. and thank you for your help, I will do my best to succeed, I really promise...
I know. All my best wishes for your further journey, Laura. and one day, if you do succeed in the end, we will meet in a new reality. I believe so, and until then my thoughts and love will accompany you...
With those wonderful words the appearance began to disappear into thin air again. Laura was still very moved inside her heart, and as she looked around now she could see that the other girls were still sleeping peacefully. Nobody had noticed what just happened...
It took some time until Laura could sleep again. She was determined, but also sad to leave Hogwarts so soon again. But it was not the first time things changed suddenly, and it certainly would not be the last time. Her mission simply was too important to risk anything with wasting time, and in this case it would be like that if she would stay at Hogwarts and ignore the vice of the strange visitor. Laura had to react now...
At least, it was no sudden farewell then at least. The first hint was somewhere in Hogwarts, and Laura had to find it here. She would talk to the others the next day, hoping for their understanding. But if not Laura was determined to continue her way on her own again then...
And so, as the it really was late yet in the night, Laura could finally disappear into her own foreign, but magnificent dimension, the dimension of sleep and wonderful dreams...
The end of chapter 4...
...but to be continued in chapter 5...