Laura - The Story of a Fairy, Chapter 6 - Mysteries
The fellowship around Laura and Amber had successful entered the planet Olwon. The travel through the ancient dimensional portal passed off without any problems, and so the group could continue their important mission, the mission to search for the disappeared creator, the true God of the whole universe, who nobody ever knew so far. Except the old man, of course, and the race of the unicorns, who seemed to play a more than mysterious role in the universe. Not to say, a suspicious one...
The fellowship had entered a whole unknown world now, of course. They did not know anything about the mysterious race of different plant creatures, which also had preferred a life on their own so far, only keeping low contact to the other races. There was a delegate of the Olwons in the council of guards, of course, but the other races always had respected the wish of the Olwons to other than that stay on their own...
Of course Laura had been here one time, not so long ago, on her long journey as Goddess to visit the worlds of her universe, but this short visit could not really help here now. The group was totally on their own and had to explore this world from the beginning...
As they had seen yet though the dimensional portal, before entering it, the first region to arrive in was a huge area of forest and mighty waterfalls. Really impressing, and their the group rested first...
The fellowship talked about their further way and how to continue then, also in relation to the Olwons, if they rather should be avoided or consulted for this mission. But the members of the fellowship were not in a agreement about this matter, and so it was Laura at last to speak to the others and make her decision...
The other members of the group supported the suggestion of Laura, and so this advice was carried unanimously...
After this decision Laura started a little scenic flight herself. She wanted to explore the huge area from above, to get a first better overview. And it really was such a huge territory with forests and waterfalls all around. Laura could not see any ending from this point, except higher mountains, allying to this whole area in the further away horizon...
Finally Laura returned to the fellowship, as the sun already began to set. She reported to the group, that it seemed all the same in which direction to go, the nature stayed the same. And so they decided to spend the night at their current place and leave the next day southwards. Jofetus from the centaurs would keep guard first, and the others were lying down to sleep gradually, after they had a small dinner then...
It was some time in this night, as the other member of the group were sleeping, and Laura kept guard, a little bit apart from the group. She had changed her outfit a little bit, in order for sitting and keeping guard in the cool of the night. Very simple for a Goddess, of course, as she could change her clothes everywhere and every time within an instant. And she was just thinking about the current situation, as Amber woke up. She stood up and quietly went to Laura, then sitting down next to her. The two sisters began to talk a little bit, but of course only with whispering, in order not to wake up the sleeping other group members...
Laura began to smile slightly...
Amber nodded with her head and sighed deeply...
Amber began to smile. She laid her hand onto the shoulder of her sister before answering her whispering...
Laura also began to smile satisfied then..
Laura nodded with her head...
Laura lowered her head now and did not say anything, as Amber silenced for some moments. She waited for the further words of her sister to come, but yet knowing exactly what she would say. Laura really knew better then she ever could wish to...
Amber paused shortly and Laura really could feel her anger. Then her sister continued whispering...
Amber silenced again, and now it definitely was Laura's turn. The older Goddess sighed deeply one time before finally raising her head again. She looked into the eyes of Amber, with a really sad sight. And sadness also was also resonating in her voice now as she spoke quietly...
Amber shrugged her shoulders...
Amber laid down again and closed her eyes. She fell asleep very soon, and Laura watched her with downcast air. She felt a deep sadness inside her heart, for terrible things to come. It was more than obvious, that the great victory against hell was not enough - not enough for eternity. The old man was wrong, a new threat was raising at the horizon. And it seemed the old man was wrong in many things, or even worse, did not tell the whole truth. No matter if on purpose or not, it also could be possible he was somehow involved into all those unfortunate happenings as well...
Laura silenced and also closed her eyes. It was her only possibility to avoid some tears leaving her eyes in this sorrowful moment, as the future seemed to lay ahead gloomy...
Early in the next morning the fellowship was on their feet again. After a small breakfast they continued their important mission and journey on the planet Olwon. As decided the group wandered towards the south now, hoping to find anything on their way about the missing creator. Any hint or sign, anything at all then...
At the moment the optimism within the fellowship was rather low. With really not knowing where to go, and if there was anything to find at all, the atmosphere among the searchers was chastened, but Laura and Amber were hiding their own true feelings totally. Not to disturb their friends any further than necessary. The situation was difficult enough...
After wandering for several hours this day the situation changed then. It was the moment the fellowship encountered the first Olwon on their journey. It was one off the huge tree creatures, walking around for protecting and taking care for the nature around...
As the group ramained then it was Laura who stepped forward for addressing the huge tree creature, which also stood still now. And it watched the unexpected visitors carefully...
Laura silenced for some meaningful moments, before continuing with her as much important as serious words...
Laura kept quiet again, looking interested at the huge tree creature, how it would react in this moment. And after a while, where this being only stood totally motionless, it began to speak with a very deep voice. The echo was reflecting from the environment. The creature only spoke with a very slow voice, as all of its species did...
Laura smiled satisfied and nodded with her head...
Laura looked straight into the face of the huge tree creature, and into its yellow gleaming eyes...
The huge tree creature seemed to think about the words of Laura for some moments, before answering then...
The huge tree creature began to move again and slowly tramped away. And the fellowship remained at the current place, pitching up a camp an waiting for the tree creature to return...
Laura changed her mind quickly. It did not need much discussions, one sight between Amber and her, after the huge tree creature was gone, and they knew what to do. The strange bad feeling inside their hearts simply wouldn't want to stop, and so they did what was necessary. They told the fellowship about their thoughts and suspicion. And somehow, without any concrete fact to proof it, they also did not trust this tree creature. The Olwons were allies, yes, and they had shred the great gathering. But something went wrong now, terribly wrong, and also on this world...
All of it still remained only a suspicion, nothing more. A bad feeling in the heart of two goddesses, but the group shared this feeling. They all were in agreement about, and they acted accordingly. During the fellowship stayed in their new built camp, one of the group didn't. Ebrenell of the elves was chosen to follow the tree creature, as she was a skilled huntsman and tracker, and she would easily find her way back to the group then...
There had not been any discussion about that, it was necessary, and so it was concluded. Ebrenell left the camp quickly and silent, and she was on her way to follow the tree creature...
Laura and Amber stood a little bit apart from the camp, looking after Ebrenell as she slowly disappeared at the horizon. The elf was really very versatile, and she used every possibility to hide slink, so the two sisters were certain she would not be seen by anybody...
Laura looked into the eyes of her sister, with a serious mien, before she expressed what was in her mind...
Amber nodded with her head...
Laura and Amber turned around again, slowly walking back into the camp of the fellowship...
Ebrenell followed the huge tree creature for hours meanwhile. Of course this was a very slow journey, with this creature only walking very slow. And often other Olwons crossed their way, so Ebrenell had to hide and elude, but she could succeed all the time. And she never lost sight of her destination, no matter how long this pursuit lasted...
It yet was near sundown, as the huge tree creature obviously reached its destination. Ebrenell kept her distance, of course, and she found a good place to hide, but overview the whole area in front of her...
It was an impressing piece of nature here, just stepping out of the forest. A valley followed here, surrounded by high rocks in a strange similar form. And there were giant mushrooms, as Ebrenell had never seen them before. Also a river was flowing nearby. And though, the beauty of the nature was irrelevant, for what happened now...
Ebrenell had to see a kind of gathering here. The huge tree creature met with other very strange creatures, as she had never seen some of them ever before. Plant creatures of different kind. But the main aspect was something different. There was also a unicorn present - and a human being. But Ebrenell could not identify this person, as he was totally enveloped in a red cloak. And sadly Ebrenell was too far away to understand the spoken words, but it was not possible to get any closer...
The gathering ended after some time and the creatures disappeared in different directions. Ebrenell had to make a quick decision, what to do now, and she did. She would follow the unicorn, as she knew he would be fast enough to do so. And this unicorn did not rush, so it was not difficult. The huge tree creature meanwhile remained at the former place, obviously waiting for further directives. The more Ebrenell was sure to follow the right creature, especially as this human being had not been an alternative. Straight after the gathering this creature had disappeared into thin air...
Ebrenell followed his way with all necessary caution, and she was sure nobody had discovered her at all so far. Also the unicorn seemed unsuspecting, and the pursuit continued...
Ebrenell followed the suspicious unicorn a long way. The journey lead her trough densely forests, mighty rocks and extensive valleys, often with rivers or streams flowing through. And from the mountains often waterfalls came down, ending in those rivers or streams...
Ebrenell succeeded in not being discovered all the time, and finally it seemed the unicorn would arrive its destination. It now walked towards some high rocks, and Ebrenell could see something interesting there. Because at the ground was an opening, obviously a bigger cave, leading inside this mountain. And in fact the unicorn entered this cave...
Ebrenell waited until the unicorn had disappeared, then she also slunk towards this cave. And she was lucky, as the entrance was not guarded. What or who ever was inside there, they seemed to feel totally save here. And so Ebrenell entered the cave herself now...
Ebrenell did not lose sight of the unicorn in the cave, which was not a dark one. There were different sources of light in different colours, but Ebrenell could not identify them. But it didn't matter, the only thing what mattered was the successful pursuit of the suspicious unicorn...
There were several junctions on this way, but the unicorn always followed its way straight and certain. Finally there were to bigger chambers in the cave, one with blue and one with yellow light. The blue cave contained a strange kind of energy portal, as there was a blue energy beam coming out of the bottom...
There was no time to examine this chamber, as the unicorn entered the left cave with the yellow light at once. And the elf didn't want to loose it at all...
Ebrenell waited again until the unicorn was out of sight. And as nobody else was to see around here, the elf could follow the suspicious unicorn once more. And so she also entered the second chamber with the yellow light, curious about what to find next...
Ebrenell followed the unicorn through further cave-skeins, until it really reached its final destination. At least this was obvious for Ebrenell now, as they reached a really huge subterranean area, a kind of valley, and now the unicorn was no longer lonely...
Ebrenell acted very careful now. Of course the most important point was not to be detected, but she succeeded in still slinking a little bit further. A bigger rock gave her shelter than. From this point Ebrenell could overview all things very well in safe position...
The elf was really shocked now. It needed some time to believe what she saw, and what this valley really was about...
Ebrenell only whispered to herself, but she really needed some time to accept what she had to see. And the secret, hidden on the world of the Olwons, was much bigger than ever expected. Especially as it was clear now, that as well the Olwons, as also the unicorns were enmeshed into this matter, into a big plot against the rest of the universe...
Ebrenell looked at a strange construction, filling post part of the subterranean valley here. It was some kind of a huge chamber in the form of a sphere, glowing in orange colour. The material was unknown and half transparent, but it was not possible to take a look inside. Whatever was hidden in this chamber, it remained undiscovered...
A wooden kind of winding stair was leading from the ground upwards around the chamber, and beyond. Some giant trees around could also be reached with this stairs. But the most eerie thing about this chamber was the fact of energy flashes coming from its ceiling and spreading through the valley all around. And of course this construction was guarded by the Olwons, so it was not possible to get any closer...
Ebrenell could see the unicorn stepping onto the stairs and walking upwards. And in fact it entered the chamber finally. The elf had seen enough now, more than enough. It was time to leave this eerie cave and go back to the waiting fellowship again...
Ebrenell could leave the cave unseen finally and soon was on her way back to her group. And on this way she still saw something, a kind of vision in her mind. It was a picture, but really a creepy one. But there was no time to think about it now, Ebrenell would discuss this all later, together with the other members of her group...
The weather got worse on his journey, and partially the elf had to fight against rain and thunderstorm. But it all didn't matter, the only important aspect was to reach the fellowship as fast as possible. Sometimes also Olwons crossed the way of Ebrenell, but she always was possible to avoid any contact or even battles. She only followed her way purposefully. And finally Ebrenell was successful, as she saw the camp in some distance...
There was no time for any report from Ebrenell, though the fellowship of course was more than curious to hear from her about her mission, to say nothing of being totally relieved that she returned unharmed at all. But Ebrenell convinced the others of not wasting any further valuable time, but turning tail and fleeing at once. The group needed to find another safe place first, a hideout, and nobody asked any questions. They simply believed Ebrenell, that there was no time, she would report on her journey later. And so the fellowship was on a further tramp again. And it was totally clear yet, that the planet Olwon had to be classified as hostile now...
After hours of wandering, and with avoiding every contact to living beings from this world, the fellowship entered a new region then. But it was strange, for they found something never expected. It was known about the Olwons, that those plant creatures only lived in full harmony with the nature, without the use of any artificial structures at all. They never needed houses, villages or towns, it had been a world of pure nature ever...
At least all other races had believed it this way. But now the fellowship could see, this was an error. On purpose or not, it definitely was wrong. The landscape changed now, as the forests involved obvious artificial structures - in form from antic ruins. This could only mean there had been a time anytime when creatures lived on Olwon who did work with artificial structures, a fact the Olwons themselves always where hiding from all other races...
But why? There was no answer, only questions. But it got more and more obvious, that the group was on the scent of a important secret, and some kind of conspiracy, which more and more took on a dramatic scale. And it was also obvious the Olwons would not want to let the intruders escape again with their new acknowledge...
The fellowship did not rest. Until there was no safe place again to hide and speak, the group would not stop wandering. And on the further way, with always hiding as much as possible at all, they passed an ancient castle, today only sad ruins, of course. But the sight did tell the group it had to be an impressing and huge castle a long time before...
The fellowship decided to enter the ruins here. The castle ruins took a really huge area, and in the other ending it even got over into the next forest part. Really impressing. And there was enough shelter here to hide for some time, so the group felt safe again. So they could rest again now and began to set up their camp at once, near the other end of the castle ruins...
After a while the group stood together and talked finally. Now Ebrenell could report to the others about her experiences, and they listened carefully. In the end Ebrenell still told her own opinion...

Laura nodded with her head and answered herself now. The feeling inside her heart got worse more and more...
Laura paused a short time, looking around into the eyes of all other group members, before continuing...
Bedel spoke for the others as she answered Laura spontaneously then, and with a determined voice...
Laura nodded with her head one time while she smiled slightly, looking at Bedel. Then the mother of all life finally began to speak again...
Laura nodded with her head for a confirmation of her words, before she continued with her speech...
Laura looked down for some moments and silenced, but then she continued again with determined voice...
Laura paused once more, and she could see questions in the eyes of the others. So she kept on talking again...
Laura looked down for some moments and did not speak then, but finally she continued with her speech again...
Laura took a deep breath before speaking on...

Laura took another deep breath and silenced for some depressing moments, before she began to talk once more...
As Laura silenced again Amber used this chance to take the floor. And she talked with serious and determined voice...
Borim clenched his fists and also began to speak with totally firm and determined voice now...
Laura nodded with her head...
There was no discussion at all. The fellowship would follow Laura, and she told them which way to further go at first. Laura wanted to stay alone for some moments, so the group left without her. Laura sat on the ground, looking down and thinking about the mission. While the group left the area yet only Amber was looking back, and of course she worried about her sister. She could imagine that there was still much more about this mission as they all could understand, and so did Laura...
In the end also Laura left the area, following the others and finally taking the leadership of the peregrination...
It needed one more day until the fellowship reached their next destination area, depending on the feelings of Laura, where she lead her group on this still unknown planet. And all the way the fellowship only walked with most possible care to avoid all Olwons. Of course they saw them often, and more and more patrols were on their way. But so far every hostile contact had been able to avoided, so the group could reach this new destination safely once more. But they always knew their was no real safeness on this whole world, as it was a hostile planet...
The fellowship stopped and watched the new environment. It was a huge area, with antic ruins and savage vegetation. A really impressing sight, but also a dangerous area. Much places had broken grounds, and the group could view into very deep abysses. And some of the bridges around didn't seem to really be safe, so the fellowship knew they had to walk around very carefully here...
However, it was necessary, as Laura accentuated again. Something important was here, anywhere at this place, any certainly somewhere within the antic buildings or caves. So they had to explore the whole area...
Laura spoke to the group before they continued on their dangerous way. And once again with very serious voice...
The other members agreed, and so they continued. Some stairs lead them down to the main ground of this huge and ancient area, which was another proof of an unknown ancient culture here, so the plant creatures had not been the only life form on this world all the time. And Laura was whole sure, within those buildings and caves an answer was waiting for them. The fellowship now only had to find it...
Them group then began to explore the area, following the possible ways, where the ground was not broken. And after some time they had seen all outside areas, without anything interesting. So it was time to enter the first building, and it was clear yet which one first...
The fellowship did as Laura said, following another stair into a huge entrance to the seemingly main building...
After hours with exploring this really huge and ancient area the fellowship finally found access to a further cave. But this one was different to the others so far, for it was not reachable from the outside area, but only by crossing several of the ancient buildings. This cave really was well hidden, and also protected by guards, but the fellowship always was successful in not getting seen by those guards. Sometimes they could simply distract them and passing areas this way, as well as this new cave...
Several courses lead from the entrance down, deeper into the mysterious cave. It almost seemed like a kind of labyrinth, but Laura knew the right way. The goddess had abilities beyond all human possibilities, and she used them whenever necessary. But at this point, and for more than uncertain area, the group branched for the first time. Only Laura, Amber, Ebrenell and Borim followed the further way through the cave, all others stayed back near the entrance, to back up their friends and watch over the guards. Laura again assumed the leadership over the explorers...
The way through the mysterious cave went down deeper and deeper, under the surface. Though of many junctions on this path Laura followed her feelings whole certain. And they did not need any torches, as there somehow was natural light everywhere within the cave, reflecting from countless crystals on the walls, ceiling and ground. And finally the small group reached a new area, a giant chamber within the cave, where the course now ended. And the group stopped immediately, not believing at first what they saw in this moment. And nobody could speak a word for a while...
It was incredible. Really incredible, and for sure now the first time the group looked into the face of a real new enemy now. An enemy as they had never seen it before so far. It was a giant creature, sleeping under a cage of glass, and obviously waiting for the day it would be activated. The shape was a human form, but energy from the ceiling of the cage showed this creature was still in a condition of changing. It seemed not to be final so far. And there was something else, as Laura and Amber felt it so clearly. As Laura spoke to the small group, she only whispered...
Amber nodded with her head. The younger sister of Laura was obviously shocked, and she also only whispered...
Borim also nodded with his head. The dwarf had clenched his fists and looked with gloomy sight, as he also whispered to the group now...
Laura also nodded with her head and did not answer any more. She turned around and began to walk the way back where they had came from, and the others followed her...
It needed some time with walking and hiding from hostile guards, until the small group finally reached their waiting friends again. And without telling them anything at first the reunited fellowship left the huge cave again, walking back in the direction of the huge and ancient outside area again. In the end they could reach it safely then...
Laura knew there was not much time to discuss about new plans now, or to tell the others all details what happened. The mother of all life had seen one more vision on her way back here, and this important acknowledgement was really all what mattered now. And before anybody else could say something then, Laura began to speak herself. Her face and voice expressed her determination while talking...
Laura began to smile slightly before continuing...
Laura nodded with her head as confirmation...
The group agreed at once, and no further word had to be spoken then. Laura assumed the leadership again and the others followed her. The mission of the fellowship continued...
And it was a longer way again. A way leading the fellowship through further areas of the ancient ruins then. This whole region was still much larger than expected so far. Huge ancient buildings, partially broken and ruinous, but still impressing...
Nobody knew which ancient culture once had lived here, there were no traces at all. Even as goddesses Laura and Amber also had no clue at all, and the old man never talked about something like that...
Finally, the next day, the fellowship reached their destination. They yet saw the artificial construction from some distance, and Laura began to smile again. Nobody was there, the enemies had not yet discovered this place. So the explorers still were in the lead...
The group reached the strange place, not really knowing what would be so special about this construction of stone, only Amber yet had an idea. She looked at Laura, and her sister nodded with her head...
Laura looked at the others, as well as they looked at her asking. And now it was the right time to explain...
Laura began to speak finally, with a really serious and also determined voice, while also looking totally strong-minded at the other members of the fellowship...
The other members of the fellowship looked at each other with some confusion in their faces, of course with one exception. At least Amber could share all feelings of her sister and already knew what would come now, without having spoken one single word about it with Laura...
Finally Laura continued with her speech, and the expression of her face was determined as not often before...
Laura now looked into many horrified faces, but she did not pause for not letting anybody traverse. Instead she continued her important speech once more with her serious voice...
Laura eyed Amber now, and her younger sister nodded with her head at once. She was prepared for her mission, to lead the fellowship to the next destination, and to activate the portal now...
Laura and Amber asked the others to stay back, and then both goddesses spread their wings, but stayed on the ground. They positioned themselves to the left and right in front of the dimensional portal, with closing their eyes now. And then they activated their inner energies...
Flashes were shooting out of the hand of Amber and the magic wand of Laura finally. Those energy flashes were heading into the dimensional portal, soon creating an energy field in there...
And the energy, first in white colour, interacted with the portal, what caused the energy field to change its colour into blue...
It got bigger fast until the whole portal was filled with the energy. Now Laura and Amber opened their eyes again...
Amber nodded with her head and spoke for all others now. She was bound and determined to fulfil her own task with the others...
Laura die not answer any more, but only also nodded with her head. Then she turned around, walking towards the portal slowly. A few moments later she had disappeared in the blue energy...
Nobody spoke or asked anything, the whole fellowship understood the urgency of the current mission. And so they entered the blue energy filed one by one, until only amber was left...
With one last deep breath Amber also entered the blue energy field. Turning around at the entrance one last time and sighing deeply, also Amber finally disappeared in the dimensional portal...
The whole fellowship had finally disappeared. They were on their further way, and the blue energy of the dimensional portal disappeared. The ancient construction stood there as if nothing had happened. But the mission to save the universe once more had just begun...
The group around Amber appeared again, somewhere in a far away unknown region. They noticed to be in another forest again, where mighty high trees of an ancient kind were stretching their branches against the sky. Those trees were in full bloom, and colourful flowers also were sprouting all around. It really was a peaceful place, where a path lead further to a glade with a small ancient temple. To the left and right of this path waterfalls were rushing, and the small way was leading further behind a stony portal...
Amber knew the group was not in danger here, as she could not feel any enemy presence around. But she knew there was still some way to go until the next destination, and there was no time to hesitate. The group did not know when Laura would reach her own destination, and they had to be prepared if this would happen...
Standing under the stony portal, Amber turned around to her group and spoke to them with firm voice...
Jofetus answered Laura and spoke for all other group members, with a bright smile in his face...
Amber nodded gratefully with her head...
Amber turned around again and got under way again. The other members of the fellowship followed her determinedly...
Laura found herself at a really strange place again, after crossing her own way through the dimensional portal. She stood on a small stony stair, which lead down into a huge maze of green bushes. At the other end of this maze laid a big castle, obviously the next destination, but not easy to reach because of this huge maze. And though, all of this was not the actual reason of being astonished. Not at all...
Laura looked around and still couldn't believe, but it was true. All normal colours had disappeared at this place, and the whole environment was only dipped into an unnatural yellow colour. But not only the environment, also Laura herself had lost all normal colours...
There was no time for wondering or even solving this mystery. Laura had to accept this fact for now and she finally turned around, towards the entrance to the huge maze...
Laura slowly walked towards the entrance of the huge maze, and she sighed deeply one time...
Laura entered the maze finally, walking carefully towards the first parting of the ways. She could choose between a way to the right and another to the left, and she felt something terrible...
Laura took a deep breath once...
Laura made her decision for the first further way to choose - and it was the right decision. The mother of all life could continue her way through the dangerous maze in this strange yellow area...
Laura took a deep breath as she finally reached the end of the maze, and she stood in the entrance area of the strange castle. It was partially broken, and also with succeeding the maze this really weird yellow colour around didn't change at all. But the even more strange thing was something else at this place, and it seemed the castle would perhaps not be as abandoned as thought before. In front of the entrance some fire owls were standing - and the were all burning. Somebody had lit them...
Laura slowly walked towards the open entrance into the castle, trying to be as noiseless as possible. She did not know who to expect within this castle, and where, and so she acted very carefully...
And with entering the huge castle finally, things changed again. Because the unnatural yellow colour disappeared, but admittedly not replaced by normal colours again. Instead Laura found herself in an area with only red colour, including Laura herself...
Laura had entered a huge but empty arrival hall of the castle. And she remained there for some moments...
Laura remained for some further moments, closing her eyes and concentrating on her inner powers. She let her energy flow, and suddenly she knew where to go further...
Deadlock! Laura had followed her intuition further through this castle, until her way ended suddenly at a wall...
Laura took a deep breath and did what her feeling were telling her. She moved on against the wall - and simply through it. The wall was an illusion, and Laura found herself in a secret room of the palace...
Laura took a look around first. She stood in a huge room with a lot of books in shelves and much other items. It seemed this was an old kind of laboratory, but something else attracted her attention now. Because there was something in this room what never had to be found at this place. It was a big globe in a bracket, and Laura slowly walked towards it...
Laura crossed the strange red lobby slowly then...
It needed hours. Hours of searching every ledge of this weird castle carefully and considerately. But though of all feelings inside the heart of the mother of all life, this castle really seemed empty. There was no sign of life at all, so Laura nodded with her head finally...
Laura nodded with her head and wrinkled her brow. Now things really got worse, and a horrible suspicion was laying in the air. After some moments Laura spoke to herself again. But this time the voice of the mother of all life sounded truly worried...
Laura took a deep breath once more...
Laura nodded with her head...
Laura knew where to go now. This secret room also contained another real passage, leading to another area of the castle. And of course the goddess would follow this passage...
The new passage went downwards. A lot of small corridors with stony stairs, and now all in green colour. Laura followed and knew this way was not only leading her into a cellar. Because a cellar would not lay so deep under the surface, and the stairs still went down...
Laura knew she was on the right scent. There was another secret within those walls, and the goddess was about to find it finally...
Laura was confused. Since entering this strange castle she had felt about this energy, but put aside all bad feelings. There simply could be no evil any more on any planet, but meanwhile Laura had doubts. Really big doubts, that all beliefs of the races of light could be destroyed in the end. Could the old man really have been so wrong, with all his laws and plans? What was really going on in this universe?
Laura paused again for some minutes, thinking about it all, and once more talking to herself silently...
Laura finally reached the end of this long and green stairway, as the light suddenly changed again. The time of strange lights was over then, and all environments had their normal colours back. Also Laura herself, as she had expected...
Lauras feelings had be right. It was not an error, no illusion at all. And the goddess reacted at once, using her powers to hide from all possible enemies. Laura made herself invisible, yet still walking down the rest of the stairway. And she was totally silent...
Troops! Troops all around in this giant underground vault, partially build within the rocks, and partially with artificial structures. And here secret troops were placed and hidden, but not any troops. To see it with her own eyes now, to understand the whole truth of this scene, Laura really was completely shocked. She could not continue for some moments...
Finally the goddess reacted again. She could control her feelings again and slowly walked down the stairs further. Without any fear the mother of all life walked towards those troops, and soon among them. They could not see or feel Laura, as she was bodiless now, and her powers protected her totally. But it was such a bad feeling, until she was on her own again, until she had passed all those troops from the planet Earth...
Yes, no doubts any more, not at all. All those people were from Earth, no matter how this could be possible. But anybody, any mighty force, must had taken them to Olwon, and possibly Laura only had seen a part of the whole dimension. Possibly there were further troops elsewhere...
Laura walked on through those eerie vaults, as she knew her search was not over yet. She could have believed things could not get any worse now, but she didn't. On the contrary, she knew better...
Every moment now seemed like eternity now, as Laura moved on, while knowing her shock was only the beginning. There would be further answers within those vaults, and they wouldn't please her. But there was no choice, as Laura needed those answers...
And Laura was right. Only a few minutes later she reached a new region of this giant underground basis. And yet from the distance she could see further human people, assembled at a certain place. But those humans, certainly being some leaders of the troops from before, were not alone. There were two more creatures within this gathering, and the mother of all life found her suspicion confirmed...
Laura could not get any further, because there was a danger she could be discovered though of her bodiless form. Not because of those human leaders, but of the leaders of the humans. Laura saw that red shape again, a faceless phantom, always staying incognito. And there was a unicorn, in fact the leader of this race - Ventur. But it was not really a surprise, as Laura long since knew that he also was part of this conspiracy, as all Iverions. The only remaining unknown factor was the red phantom...
Laura suddenly scared abruptly. Something really incredible happened, as this delegation now showed unexpected powers. At the end of this long stairway of this area there was a huge kind of holder - empty so far, but no longer now. Above this holder a transparent picture of a planet appeared - and this planet really was Earth. From the ceiling energy flashes came down, around the holder and Earth picture...
Laura knew at once what was happening. And she also knew it was time for her to quickly withdraw now, even as a goddess...
Laura left this sad place, and she could escape completely undiscovered. In the end she could leave the castle, this time at the opposite site, with also crossing another labyrinth part...
Taking a deep breath now Laura rested for a short time. But soon she was on her way again, as this mission was not over yet, of course. There had only been some first and important answers now, but the long journey was still at the beginning though. And she also knew, the battle for the planet Olwon had just begun...
Laura was prepared. She was ready to face whatever would still wait for her. And she continued her long journey, once more through the extensive forests of Olwon. And her heart told her where to go, which way to follow, to reach the next important destination...
End of chapter 6
...but to be continued in chapter 7...