Laura - The Story of a Fairy, Chapter 7 - Questions & Answers
The group around Amber was still on its way to reach their final destination on Olwon. Amber was in the lead of the group, and she knew exactly the way to follow. It was the power of her sister, but also her own feelings to lead her the right way - also if this way wasn't always easy to go. Just now it was leading straight through an eerie swamp, and this path really wasn't safe at all. But Amber trusted her feelings and guided the group safely so far. And she always stayed at the front of the group...
Of course it was not all about a hostile nature only here, of course. The fellowship always stayed careful and alerted, as enemies could appear every time. So far the group really had been lucky, but Amber knew, this luck would not continue. Sooner or later they would have to fight, but the fellowship was prepared to do so...
Amber often thought about Laura. She did not know what way her sister had to go, and what would wait for her on this path, but one thing was for sure. Laura would have the biggest fight to succeed here, and she needed help therefore. The only hope for her was the fellowship, reaching their destination in time and build the protection Laura needed. Otherwise this whole mission was in danger, and Amber never forgot about this fact...
The group rested only very rarely, only those times really being necessary. If day or night, if sunshine or rain, they wandered as fast and long as possible, as time now really was short...
Finally Amber and the fellowship succeeded once more, as they could leave the eerie swamp again with nobody harmed or lost. They now had reached normal forest area again...
Amber was very relieved. But there was no reason to hesitate, as she knew the way to go was still far. And so the group decided also this time not to take a rest, but continue wandering...
The mission of the fellowship proceeded. And the members even mend their pace in the protection of the dark and densely forested area. Nothing could stop them in their determination...
Laura wandered trough the wonderful landscapes of Olwon, further and further, to reach her final destination as soon as possible. She walked though mighty and ancient forests with giant trees, and sometimes she simply paused for a few minutes to enjoy the atmosphere here. Without any Olwon inhabitant the nature was simply wonderful, and also magic. And with her power Laura could create her own company, for example some magic butterflies, joining her and flying all around Laura...
Those were really magical and wonderful moments, where Laura got a clue how life might have looked like a long time before on Olwon, before the invaders od today occupied this world. At least Laura meanwhile had no more doubts about this fact, and from here then the biggest constipation ever in this universe broke the first ground...
Sad. Only sad, but also for another factor. The other supernatural races, all races throughout the universe, the council of guards, and even the gods, all of them had totally failed, as this conspiracy simply had been detected too late. Not to late to still do something now against this incredible threat, but though too late for the time it yet lasted. Those enemies had too much time to prepare their plans, and now the fellowship saw the consequences. And they had to stop them as soon as possible...
Laura suddenly was no longer completely sure about all this. Not reallysure if her small fellowship really would be able to succeed here on Olwon, and there was even something more. Another factor, not new, of course, but sadly still unknown. Laura thought about the red phantom, appearing again and again, but nobody knew anything about it. Laura only felt a really mighty and dangerous presence, and an incredible threat for the group. For the rest of the group, without her...
Yes, there were doubts now, if it really had been the right decision to separate herself from the rest of the group, but though her heart still was sure about this important choice. Her heart, but not her mind. Could it be possible, that this decision would surrender the group to the enemies in the end? And could Laura had doomed her own sister with this decision, what caused this big fear inside her now? And though, Laura still was totally sure about her unavoidable battle on this world, the upcoming battle against those incredible giant creatures from the hidden caves, which the members of the fellowship never could survive. Therefore they had to go their own way, a different way, to reach another secret place of magic, where they could create a special protection shield, a magic energy shield, for Laura...The mother of all life finally took a deep breath and shortly closed her eyes with clenched fists before she continued her peregrination. She thrusted all doubts aside and closed them away in her mind. This was not the time to hesitate now, because just this could mean danger for the rest of the group. Laura had to be strong and determined, and she had to reach her final destination as soon as possible...
Laura left the magical area of the forest and concentrated on her long and so important journey again. She knew the way was still a long one, and also a dangerous one, as she had to avoid all Olwon troops at any cost. Sometimes even with getting invisible. And of course she had much confidence in Amber and the rest of the group...
Yes, she really had. Her beloved sister would not fail, and with the help of the others they would reach their own destination and be the help for Laura there, as she had seen it in her vision...
Laura disappeared deeper and deeper in the forests of Olwon, and now even more determined as before then...
After further hours of walking and hiding from all hostile creatures on this dangerous world, Laura finally reached her next destination. Yet from some distance she saw it within the forest, a special mighty and very huge tree, spreading its branches far against the sky. And also yet from the distance Laura noticed a unnatural shimmering light around this tree, illuminating a small glade in the forest...
Laura paused for a moment, watching this beautiful tree with wide eyes before continuing again. She did not know what would wait for her now, but somehow the atmosphere in this area was really peaceful. But of course this could also be a trap then...
Laura once more took a deep breath and walked towards this glade very slowly now. Slowly and careful, prepared for all possible things which could happen now. And slowly she got closer to the mighty tree, which really seemed to grow with every little step towards it. It was an ancient tree, possibly many centuries old, and with a special feature...
As she got closer Laura saw it then. At the bottom of the giant tree, just between the roots spreading into the ground, was an entrance, an opening, leading into this impressing tree. There was even an artificial wooden handrail in front of this entrance, and some further small openings along the big tree bole seemed to be some kind of windows. Laura could see bright light shining out of those openings, and all in all the atmosphere here was really amazing. At least there was no sign of danger at all...
Laura knew what this tree was. A kind of further dimensional portal, leading to another secret area on this world. And the mother of all life also knew what she had to do now, as there was only one way to continue this important journey. Laura had to enter this giant tree...
After a short pause and taking a deep breath Laura was prepared to continue her way. And she went forward, slowly and further careful towards this really giant ancient tree...
Somehow Laura felt strange. She had no idea where she would get with crossing this portal, and what would wait for her on the other site. Feeling no danger here really meant nothing at all, as this also though could be a trap, with enemies waiting for her on the other site. Laura really did not know, she could not feel anything beyond this tree. And this was what made her feel uncertain now, but though she continued...
There was no choice. It did not matter in the end, what was really waiting for Laura now, as she had to continue and finish this mission in any case and face every task waiting for her. And she was prepared to do so, hoping, if the final battle would begin, her fellowship also would be prepared and protecting her at their final destination...
Laura finally entered the tree. The light around her got brighter and brighter now, until she could see nothing else any more than light. All further colours and forms disappeared, and finally the light exploded. And then there was only darkness, and for some moments Laura lost consciousness. She fainted before she fell to the ground...
Laura woke up again only very slowly. But at first she could not open her eyes, as her eyelids seemed to be very heavy. And the mother of all life even did not know what had happened and where she was, at least for the first few moments. Then the memories came back slowly. And Laura noticed, that she was lying on the ground, somewhere at a foreign place. And she remembered the mighty tree again, and the dimensional portal inside...
Finally Laura could open her eyes again. She looked upwards, but could not see any sky. Densely treetops blocked the view here, as they were spreading above all around, and Laura noticed, that she had reached another secret area of this extensive forest on Olwon. And so, first still with some trouble, Laura got back on her feet again...
The mother of all life now took a closer look around. There was no sign of that special mighty tree from before anywhere now, instead Laura stood in the middle of an unknown forest with further huge and ancient trees - and only one possible way to go further from there...
Laura began to move again, following this forest path slowly and careful. And also slowly she got closer to the shimmering light in the distance. It was cold in this forest part, colder than before, and there was also thin white fog crawling along the ground here. All of this created an eerie atmosphere, though Laura could not feel any real danger so far...
Laura was right. After walking on for a while the close standing trees began to drop, and finally Laura stood at the ledge of a glade as supposed before. And now she saw her next destination. Within this glade, just in the middle of it, was a little house of wood, with several alighted windows and a fence of wood around the estate...
Laura still could not feel any danger here, and though she knew something really was strange about this place. Once again this seemed to be no normal home of any Olwons, as those creatures wouldn't ever need houses like that at all. And though somebody seemed to live here, as the alighted windows clearly showed to Laura...
The thin white fog also wafted around this whole place, though Laura at least could see the sky again for the first time here, looking through the top of the trees around. And she now began to move again, walking slowly towards this unknown estate...
Laura stopped immediately again. Taking the first steps towards this estate the situation changed completely. Eerie creatures appeared from nowhere, beastly creatures, half transparent, and with their bodies to be composed of fire. There were three of such creatures, two on the ground and one in the air, as there suddenly was a fourth appearance. No beastly creature this time, but a giant unknown face, also transparent and being composed of fire. It stared at Laura with no movement at all...
Laura knew, the first time of a battle now was there. Those creatures wanted to stay away here from the house, but Laura had to enter it. So there was no choice, she had to fight now. And Laura was prepared, letting her magical inner powers flow at once...
And Laura began to move again determined. Slowly, but prepared to battle, she walked towards those eerie fire creatures, noticing that they also prepared to attack now...
Strange! Really strange! This was all what Laura could think about now. Only a few moments after Laura began to walk towards the hostile creatures, they simply vanished into thin air instead of attacking. Laura first didn't believe and expected an attack out of the invisibility, but nothing happened. And finally she knew, those strange creatures really were gone again...
Laura could not understand. Had this only be a warning, or a try of her strength? However, it didn't matter. The only important thing now was to enter this house. And so Laura walked towards it, of course with staying careful and prepared for all things all the time...
Finally Laura reached the entrance door of the strange house. Her right hand went towards the handle there and Laura carefully pushed it down. And in fact, the door opened at once...
Laura took a last deep breath and opened the entrance door further. She could only see into a dark floor, with very few light in there. But Laura did not hesitate, she entered the house now...
Laura stood motionless in the half dark corridor of the strange house. She listened carefully, but she could not hear any sound all around. It seemed this house was abandoned, but of course this could also only be a trap. And all the lights - lots of burning candles all around - also spoke against this thought. And the feelings of Laura told her, there was a foreign presence, any unknown life form straight in this house. But the feelings did not tell Laura, if this life form was friendly or hostile...
Laura knew, she had to find out herself. And so she followed the corridor, straight to the opposite door in the end. With another deep breath Laura finally opened the door...
Laura looked into a bigger room now, and it seamed to be a kind of blacksmiths. So the goddess could see different kinds of weapons at a wall, a bigger and a smaller forging furnace, and an anvil together with a forging hammer and further tools. Both furnaces were in operation - the only element missing here was the blacksmith.
Laura entered the room and thought about the sense of a lonely blacksmiths deep and hidden in the woods with no base of an army far and wide. But somehow many things about this place were strange. And Laura wanted to solve this mystery...
Suddenly Laura was startled, as a second door to the blacksmiths suddenly opened. And there he was, the owner of this strange blacksmiths, as a really also strange creature now entered the room. It was a bigger mushroom in human form, obviously with a evil looking face. He walked slowly into the room, while leaning on a walking cane, and he didn't seam to take notice of Laura at all. Instead he walked to the smaller forging furnace in the middle of the room, and Laura was uncertain how to react now...
After some moments, as the strange creature simply stood motionless in the blacksmiths, Laura decided to speak to him. Only with a silent voice, but prepared for all reactions...
Laura wrinkled her brow, as the strange creature in front of her didn't react at all. He did not answer, nor even look at Laura, and somehow it seamed she somehow would be invisible for him, though Laura did not use any powers to stay unseen. And after some further moments of uncertain silence, Laura spoke to the creature again...
The answer of the strange creature now came so suddenly and somehow also unexpected,, that Lara was even startling for a moment. And as strange the whole being looked like, as strange also was his voice, for it really was very high - almost peeping like a bird...
Laura relaxed again at once, as she understood that this small creature, though being an Olwon, would not mean any danger for her, and she began to smile then. Laura answered with warm voice...
It seemed also the creature now began to smile, though his face seamed not able to create a lot of different mimic art...
Laura nodded with her head smiling...
The blacksmith turned around the first time, looking at Laura with his natural eerie face and serious eyes...
The smiling of Laura even grew bigger, before she answered this strange, but wonderful little creature...
Laura nodded shortly with her head...
Laura stepped closer to her new friend of Olwon and laid her hand onto his shoulder before answering...
Laura looked into the now sad eyes of Okuleybo, before she sighed deeply one time and then turned around. Without another look back the mother of all life left the house in the woods again...
Laura did as Okuleybo had told her. And once more she wandered through those endless woods of Olwon, along the small path her new friend had told her. And the mother of all life was very grateful, she never had expected an Olwon friend in these dark days. But so she also had learned that now all inhabitants here were enemies, a comforting factor...
Hours passed, and finally the evening brought darkness over the forest without Laura reaching her next destination before. So she had to rest now, as she would not walk in darkness...
Laura used the forced break to reflect about the whole situation. In fact she still had no idea how to defeat this heavy danger on Olwon, as she did not even dare to guess how many of those giant creatures in the aging chambers existed. But perhaps really whole armies. And yes, Laura knew very well that she could not fight all those creatures, there had to be another way. So the hope now was the way Okuleybo had told her about. Whatever was waiting at the destination, Laura hoped for help there...
The mother of all life knew she needed some rest - and also some sleep. At least in her human form. And so she laid down on the ground and closed her eyes. The last thoughts went to the fellowship, and to Amber, her beloved sister. Laura hoped so much that all of them would be all right. And with those last thoughts she finally fell asleep...
Very early in the next morning, yet with the first new daylight, Laura was back on her feet again. She did not hesitate any further minute, but at once continued her wandering. So she followed the small path through the forest, hoping to reach the next destination soon...
Laura was there. She began to smile, as the described lake suddenly was laying ahead of her. Really a huge lake in the middle of the forest, and now the journey had to continue in the water...
Laura reacted at once again. She simply jumped into the water, and the moment she hit the cold water, the goddess changed into a mermaid. With the big fishtail she could dive very fast through the water, and she was breathing with gills now. After a while of searching around Laura found the underwater cave Okuleybo had told her about...
Laura dived towards the cave immediately and into it. The darkness in there could not stop her, and the mother of all life followed this way to her next destination...
Laura was human again, after she had left the underwater cave and reached the surface again. And she really was astonished about where she found herself now. The goddess began to smile...
The underwater cave was a secret way to a small, hidden pond, not reachable in any other way, as it totally was surrounded by high steep rocks. Along the edges of the pond stood big trees, just on the small area between the water and the rocks. So it was not possible to get anywhere here, or only leave the water. But that was of no interest for Laura, for something else had attracted her attention at once after reaching the surface...
There was an artificial construction in the middle of the pond. A small stony platform, surrounded by huge pillars, which were bonded with each other at the top by an open ceiling...
In the middle of this kind of altar, as Laura believed, stood a big statue, showing an angelic creature of stone. And Laura now swam towards this construction, where she could leave the water finally...
The moment Laura entered the stony platform, something happened. It seemed the statue got alive suddenly, though it did not move at all. But at a certain point at it a light appeared, spreading fast until the whole statue was glowing. And then Laura heard a voice from it, a strange voice. It was like two people speaking at once simultaneously, a high female voice, and a deep male voice. And Laura listened carefully...
Laura did not hesitate, and she tried to answer with firm voice, though her feelings really were in uproar...
Laura stared at the statue astonished and also visible confused. It needed some moments to answer the statue...
Laura shook her head in disbelief, as she still could not understand the words from the statue at all. But she pushed all her confusion aside and answered again with firm voice...
For some moments there was only depressing silence in the air, before the stony statue answered again...
Laura nodded with her head at once...
The statue answered satisfied...
There is only one way you can go, and it also won't avoid every battle for you. The giant creatures from the cave are being awakened soon, and then they will be in search for you. There is not much time left, so you must hurry. As you already know, there are multiple dimensional portals on Olwon, to reach many secret places, but only two of them allow journeys to other worlds. If you would be able to close those portals, making them unusable permanently, then Olwon will be isolated from the rest of the universe. No matter how much armies they assemble here - also the portal to transfer people from Earth to Olwon is only a one way road - they would stuck here then. This is your only chance to succeed, and as we said, time is short...
Laura nodded with her head again...
Laura stared at the statue shocked for some moments. Those words really had been alarming. But there was nothing Laura could do now about, as the time was short...
Laura really had heard enough now. Once more she thanked this stony statue, then it was a farewell and the mother of all life jumped into the water again. She was on her way back to the forests of Olwon...
And again Laura had walked through the never-ending woods of Olwon for a longer time yet. Suddenly she reached a little stream, crossing her way, and a bridge of stone was leading over this stream here. But something really was special at this place, and made Laura stop for some moments. Somehow there was something magical about this place, and especially the bridge remembered Laura at home. At Lauhaven. At the kind of construction fairies, dwarfs and elves would use...
Laura was wondering. The former inhabitants of this world, who only left ruins and other structures behind, could it be possible, that they had been elves or dwarfs, or even fairies in the end?
This question stayed unanswered, but the similarity of many things here really made Laura thoughtful. What if ancestors of fairies originally lived on this world, and the Olwons only occupied them? Somehow Laura had a very bad feeling about all this...
Finally Laura continued her journey again...
Amber was satisfied with the progress of the fellowship. They really walked as fast as possible, only resting if it really was necessary. and now the next destination had been reached...
A tree. A really huge and mighty tree with giant roots all around, stretching itself against the sky much higher than all other trees around. And the exception about this tree - there were illuminated windows all around the stem. So it seemed this tree was inhabited...
At the bottom of the stem there was an entrance, big and circular, and light was shining out also from there. So this was an invitation, of course, as there was no other way to continue than entering this giant tree. Amber extended the lead again, as the group walked towards the entrance, prepared for all things to possibly happen now...
Amber was very careful before entering that unusual tree at all. She stood straight in front of the entrance, taking a close look inside. But she could see nothing, nothing except light. It was so bright, that all other structures inside seemed to simply dissolve in the light. So the group could not find out what would wait beyond the entrance...
Amber spoke to the other group members shortly...
Karax, the goblin, answered for all others at once, nodding with his head and also with clenched fists...
Amber did not answer, but turned around immediately and entered the tree now. She disappeared in the bright light, and all other members of the fellowship followed her at once...
Laura almost couldn't believe, but she really had reached the end of the extensive woods on Olwon. But what she found now instead was not inviting, not at all. Because the mother of all life now stood at the begin of an area, where really all life ended. Naked dark rocks, volcanic activity and lava flowing all around, this area really seemed to be arisen from a nightmare. In addition the sky was black, with flashes streaking from the sky again and again. Laura really cringed innerly...
Well, there was no choice. This was the further way for the goddess to follow now, straight through this horrible area. Her heart and feelings confirmed it distinctly...
Laura spread her wings and slowly left the ground. In a safe distance to the partially deadly ground she began to fly forward, slowly and carefully, with avoiding all flashes from the sky...
Laura flew further and further, hours passed without any change. And the mother of all life knew she could not land any more, the ground was too dangerous now. And while flying and hoping, the darkness all around began to spread more and more...
Laura sighed deeply one time, but as the environment really was completely shrouded in darkness, Laura began to emit own light. Her whole body was illuminated now, and so she could find her further way through this eerie darkness...
But this dangerous journey wouldn't end. More and more flashes were streaking from the dark clouds, and only her superior instincts saved Laura again and again...
Suddenly something changed. Laura could see something again for the first time now, still far away in the distance. It was a low light, somewhere at the horizon. And this was her way, this was the destination to reach next. Laura braved the elements and speeded her flight...
Laura was safe again. After hours of flying through the horrible and dangerous darkness, the light at the horizon was a new area, where the mother of all life was safe again for now. And it was an unusual area, really unusual. The environment was characterized by giant mushrooms in different sizes. Laura had never before seen a nature form like this, and she really was astonished totally. There was a path leading through this amazing new area, and of course Laura decided to follow it...
Laura walked along the new way, straight through all those fascinating huge mushrooms, and she couldn't deny how much impressed she was. And there still seemed no danger all around so far...
Once again Laura walked on hour by hour, through different regions of this area, but really all characterized by different huge mushrooms in also different colours. But except some smaller animals and other plants, of course, there was no further sign of life all around. This was strange, and Laura did not understand how it was possible at all, that she really had been able to avoid every fight against hostile creatures so far...
And there was it again, the deep and strong feeling inside of Laura's heart, that something very strange was going on on this planet. Something really seemed to be shady about all that, as the goddess also felt this incredible powerful force again and again. Only from time to time this aura flashed in her heart and disappeared again, as if something or somebody tried all to ide this presence from Laura...
Laura shook her head in disbelief, before she continued to speak to herself with a true worried voice...
Laura sighed deeply now, and then she kept silence on her further way through the mushroom area. But here eyes spoke an own language, the language of deep, deep sorrows...
Suddenly Laura almost was scared witless, and she stopped like turning into a pillar of salt. Her eyes were wide open, and also her mouth, though she couldn't speak a word. the mother of all life heard something, she heard a voice without a sound. A voice in her mind...
The eerie whispering in her mind stopped as fast as it had appeared before. But those few words were enough to really be scared as never before. Not even all demons of hell in the great war before ever had frightened Laura every this way than this whispering voice...
The powerful, unknown force! The force behind all things and the conspiracy, it now had risen its voice for the very first time. Now there was no doubt any more, and Laura knew, the first real confrontation was close. Closer than she had expected so far...
Laura continued her way again. She got her feelings under control again, but she could not defeat all fear. And she knew, from now on this bad feeling would stay her companion on this oppressive journey. But Laura did not despair, in the end she even was more determined as ever before...
The fellowship with Amber as their leader were on terra firma again after their journey through this huge and strange tree as a dimensional portal. And now they first took a look around in the new region, where they had landed. And it was a really unusual area, with a kind of nature nobody of the group really had expected...
Somehow, and of course without any acknowledgement, the fellowship had arrived in a very similar region like Laura before. An extensive area with really huge mushrooms - also in different sizes and colours. It simply was an amazing sight then...
After only looking around for a short while, Amber turned around to the other members of the group for talking to them. And though of this wonderful nature her voice was serious and worried...
The voice of Laura pulled the group out of some wonderful dreams, as they almost had forgotten about their important mission and the danger around. Vili, the faun, spoke for the others...
Amber nodded with her head satisfied...
With those determined words Amber turned around again and began to walk along the new way here, leading the fellowship deeper into this amazing new region. The others followed at once...
The fellowship had walked through the impressing mushroom area for some hours yet, as the words from Amber from before suddenly got truth. There was only one way to go, and it was blocked now. Blocked by two really huge living trees, two Olwon warriors. They were obviously guarding this area, and of course they also discovered the enemies immediately. Amber reacted at once at the peak of the group...
Amber was prepared for this battle a long time yet, as she always knew the fellowship could not hide on this hostile planet forever. And so she let her magical inner powers flow, while the other group members took their weapons now...
The energy was prepared to be used in Amber's hands, as flashes now raised out of them. At the same time Amber began to sing, and her tones even thrilled the ground around...
Amber turned towards the two mighty living trees and began to walk against the enemies, her group followed at once. The life-and-death struggle began with might and main...
It was a hard battle, but in the end the fellowship was successful. The two Olwons lay on the ground, and their life had ended. The first victims of a beginning war, and the fellowship was still alive. they could continue their journey now, of course very careful and prepared, prepared for further battles, possible every moment...
Amber thought about Laura again. Where would she be now? Was she also successful on her way? And how close was she yet to her final destination - whatever this destination would be?
There were no answers for Amber, only hope. The hope for Laura - and the whole universe...
Laura was astonished. No, that really did not describe the situation of the mother of all life in this most important moment, not at all. Laura only stood there, after entering this new area, with wide open mouth and eyes, and she was not possible to move any more at all. The goddess stood on her feet like a pillar of salt, and she could only believe to be in a wondrous dream. But it wasn't a dream, not at all, though it needed some time for Laura to understand. And in this moment, she felt really small...
Laura had really seen so much yet. Flying all through the universe as a goddess before, and seeing so many life forms and other wonderful things, the mother of all life though had to admit that she had never seen anything like that before, as what her eyes showed to her now. But slowly, very slowly, Laura finally began to believe...
The goddess eventually could move again. Carefully, and even a little bit shy, Laura stepped forward, towards this really giant and mighty creature, not far away from her...
After this huge area with giant mushrooms before, Laura now had reached a new region, a new region of mushrooms. But this time they were different. Totally different then. Laura could see smaller ones, flying around through the air. They had different sized and colours, and they emitting bright light...
Yet of course those creatures were so much amazing, but the rather element, fascinating Laura so much, was another creature, so tremendous, that Laura had to raise her head very much to look up the whole creature. And it was also a mushroom, obviously the queen of all mushrooms, with the difference, that this creature also had something like huge legs and arms. All around like branches they lead from the creature in high arches into the ground. And also this giant creature emitted beautiful light. And it moved. So slowly and almost not visible, but it moved...
Laura knew those creatures were alive. Not only as plants, but intelligent life. She could feel it in her heart, and also something more. Those creatures meant no danger for her, as this whole region didn't. And so Laura further walked towards the giant creature, as she only could believe this had to be the leader of all living mushrooms...
Finally Laura stopped again. Raising her head once more the mother of all life began to speak with deeply moved voice...
Laura paused for a few moments, but the mighty foreign creature did not react. So she continued speaking...
Laura became silent once more, looking upwards to what was the head of this giant creature, though there was no face at all. And of course Laura was not sure, if she wouldn't only speak to herself, when this creature not was able to understand and speak at all...
There was only silence hanging in the air now, with every second feeling like eternity for Laura. And as she began to feel disappointed yet, suddenly something happened. Something really unexpected. the whole ground of the area began to shake, so Laura spread her wings and raised into the air. But this was no normal earthquake then, not at all. And Laura began to understand, as suddenly a voice filled the air. A really mighty voice, with every tone shook the ground again. And like the statue before, the northern oracle, also this giant creature spoke with two voices at the same time, a high female one and a deep male one...
The voice ended for some moments and Laura felt the suspense hanging in the air. This creature really was intelligent and able to understand, and the help of it would have been so important for Laura. But would this being really be friendly in the end, or hostile though...?
Laura only nodded with her head slightly and did not speak as the voice paused again. She patiently waited for the creature to continue, noticing further of those giant mushrooms in the distance slowly coming closer. It seemed they were assembling now...
The eyes of Laura dilated barely notable, and she really was very excited now. The giant creature continued its speech...
The voice once more paused for some important moments, before again continuing with the story of Olwon...
Laura really was surprised about those whole unexpected words by this giant creature, named Crityracytyn, and a few moments later the mighty voice continued yet...
Once again Crityracytyn paused for some moments, before the giant and majestic creature continued...
Crityracytyn paused another time, while Laura tried to take those incredible and important words in. After some moments Crityracytyn began to speak again with this powerful voice...
Laura nodded with her head, as Crityracytyn became silent once again, and she took the opportunity to ask a question herself...
After some moments of silence again the mighty and ground-shaking voice of Crityracytyn raised again...
Laura began to smile slightly, and she nodded with her head. Then she began to speak again...
Laura nodded with her head...
Crityracytyn did not answer again, but Laura felt a special energy surge, flowing from the giant mushroom. She closed her eyes, hanging in the air close to Crityracytyn, as she now received pictures from him. She saw them like a vision with her inner eyes, and it was a clear way, a further way to go for reaching the last destination...
Crityracytyn suddenly began to speak again, but this time without a voice. Laura also heard the words only in her mind...
Laura reacted at once. Still remaining in the air she raised her hands and let all her energies flow inside. It was time to call Amber now, to get in contact with her. And Laura began to send the words in her mind with the energy, to reach her far away sister this way...
Somewhere in this secret part of the forest they now had found a bigger glade, filled with smaller ponds all around, and something else at the right ledge, what they never had seen before. It was a smaller tree, but really a totally unusual one, because it was made of gold. And yellow light was spreading from it, and then melting into little yellow sparks flying through the air. It was such a wonderful sight, and the group enjoyed it so much...
Suddenly something changed. Amber abruptly appeared like ossified, with her eyes closed. She had a vision, getting it straight from her far away sister Laura, hearing her words and seeing her pictures inside. The others assembled around Amber, wondering about what was happening with her, as she suddenly opened her eyes and returned into reality again. and at once the goddess addressed the fellowship then...
Amber now turned straight to Ebrenell and spoke to him with distinctly serious voice...
Ebrenell nodded with her head at once...
Amber began to smile happily, and she raised her right arm with opening the palm. The next moment a small transparent sphere appeared in it, and she gave it to Ebrenell...
Ebrenell nodded with her head again, while she took the sphere and put it in one of her pockets...
With these determined words Ebrenell turned around and run away at once. Only within seconds she was gone. And Amber didn't hesitate, she now spoke to the rest of the group...
Amber also turned around and intently walked towards the golden tree. The other group members followed here at once...
Laura had reached another special area in the extensive woods of Olwon finally. On a bigger glade in the forest the mother of all life found an ancient castle ruin again, but with one strange aspect. It was about the open entrance of this castle, where bright light was shining through. So it seemed this ancient castle ruin was not totally abandoned yet...
Laura still stood in a safe distance to this entrance, watching the ruins carefully. She explored her mind and feelings, and also the depths of her heart. And all inside of her was alarmed, the feelings distinctly warned about a very close danger here. But Laura had no choice, her only way to continue was crossing this ruins, as there was no way around...
The goddess sighed deeply one time, clenching her fists. Laura let her inner energies flow, speaking to herself then...
Laura began to move again, carefully and slowly, towards the luminous entrance to the caste ruins...
Laura opened her hands again, and they began to gleam now. The energy was flowing all through her body, and concentrating in her hands then. Laura reached the entrance now...
Laura entered the castle finally. And she disappeared in the bright light of the ancient castle ruin then...
Amber and her group stood lined up in front of the wonderful golden tree. All of them were concentrating totally, just as Amber had told the members of the fellowship. Amber herself had raised her arms, letting her inner powerful energy flow and concentrating it within her open hands. But this time it was different, no energy flashes out of her hands, but something different suddenly happened then...
The energy inside of Amber was flowing in accordance with the energy of the mysterious golden tree. And this tree reacted now, as it sent out its own energy forms. A green shimmering sphere appeared about every head of the group, remaining there. Then the energy of Amber materialized , flowing through all spheres and combining them this way...
Amber was smiling now with closed eyes...
Nobody of the fellowship answered, nobody even moved. The whole group stayed totally concentrated, and the energy continued flowing. And it began to spread, invisible through the air, even crossing the dimensions. Amber was very satisfied...
Laura had almost reached the other side of the ancient castle ruins, but she did not feel safe at all. Not for one moment, and suddenly she stopped. Something was happening now...
Laura didn't wait until she would see her enemy. She let her energy flow further, and also began to sing. And suddenly she felt another energy around her, straight coming out of another dimension. It was the energy of the fellowship and the golden tree, just how it had been shown to Laura before in the giant mushroom region...
Laura was enshrouded by blue light, the protection energy sent by Amber and her group. And the next moment the earth began to shake, and Laura heard an inhuman yell. Laura did not look up, she didn't react at all and remained totally motionless. Her own energy began to collect itself above her head, as the giant monster finally appeared...
Laura felt no fear at all. She stayed totally quiet, except her singing tones and the energy flowing, while the monster approached straight through the high trees, snapping them like little branches. The monster noticed Laura now and yelled again ear-deafening...
Laura now whispered to herself...
The monster got closer, trying to lunge at Laura at once. But it couldn't, the creature deflected off the energy shield of Laura. Conversely Laura could hurl her own energy against the monster...
The creature yelled again and continued its attacks, trying to break the shield of Laura. The battle raged fiercely...
Ebrenell was astonished, really astonished. Of course she had reckoned with a journey of several days or even more, to finally get back to the place where this journey had started. Though of the elf run as fast as she could, with as few breaks as possible, under normal circumstances this journey would have taken much more time, of course...
And though, this journey back was over yet...
Ebrenell saw the dimensional portal again, where the fellowship had arrived on Olwon first then. And she knew, there had been magic in play, there was no other explanation. And only Amber could have done this, as she remembered the last farewell before, as she had touched her slightly. In this moment she must had transferred magical energy into her, and the elf now had reached her destination in only several hours...
Ebrenell took a deep breath one time, as she slowly stepped forward towards the dimensional portal...
Ebrenell slowly walked further towards the portal, but then she suddenly stopped, speaking to herself...
Ebrenell sighed deeply one time, and she walked on. She could only trust into the abilities of the goddesses, and she could hope. So she took the small sphere out of her pocket...
Ebrenell did as she was told, she placed the small sphere between the pillars of the portal, and then she backtracked behind the next tree. As she was not sure what would happen...
It was safe. The sphere began to glow in red light, and at once flashes were streaking out of it. But only upwards, what let enough space left for Ebrenell to get through. But the portal was not activated...
Then it happened. At the left bottom side of the portal a smaller white light appeared, getting big enough for Ebrenell that she could get trough. This was her way home, the gift of Amber before the portal would be closed forever. And the elf reacted at once, as she walked towards the portal once more. Time to leave this hostile planet...
Ebrenell had not seen what also happened with activating the sphere. She simply did not look upwards, above the huge portal, where an eerie occurrence had appeared from nowhere. It was the red phantom, as usual totally swathed into its red capuchin. And the eerie creature did not move at all, it was only hanging in the air above the portal...
Ebrenell stood next to the portal, at the ledge to a deep abyss in front of the rock he stood on, looking down. She sighed one more time, and it was time now to bid this world the last farewell...
Ebrenell did not see how the red phantom disappeared above the portal again, only to reappear a few seconds later a few metres behind the elf. And the next moment an energy flash winced from the phantom towards the unsuspecting elf. The flash disrupted the lower breast of Ebrenell in a second, causing a fountain of blood out of her...
Ebrenell died within a second. She tilted forward, falling into the deep abyss and disappearing there forever...
The red creature slowly walked forward, until reaching the ledge of the abyss, where it looked down. Deep below, barely visible, the phantom could see the smashed body of the elf, and for some moments the creature remained motionless in this position. Finally the being began to speak to itself, but only with a whispering voice...

The phantom kept silence shortly, before it continued with its strange whispering voice...
The creature now sent another energy flash down into the abyss. This flash hit Ebrenell once more and burned her to ashes in seconds. Nothing remained of the elf at all...
The red phantom remained for some further moments, then he vanished into thin air again within seconds. The sphere however finished its work, the dimensional portal was deactivated forever...
Laura was still alive. In fact she had survived three battles against those giant monsters on her further way, with the help and protection of her fellowship. Now she had reached safe ground again, at least for some time. And there was something else. ..
As it seemed Laura had found a secret headquarters of the enemies, also between some giant mushrooms. This place laid within a bigger canyon, with a small river flowing through. Laura had reached the right side of it, and across the river she could see a small, unremarkable cave, which had been build artificially, and she could see light shining out of the entrance. But the mother of all life was too far away, so she decided to make herself invisible, to still get closer...
Laura dissolved her body, and being invisible then she carefully sidled closer towards the hostile base, getting down into the canyon and onto a mushroom close to the river. From here she could see all details, and also the creatures assembling now...
Laura saw the strange, fire creatures again, and a guard placing in front of the entrance to the cave. Then a unicorn appeared, and at last the red phantom. Also a huge human tree joined this meeting. Finally the red phantom began to speak, and Laura could understand every single word from her position, without anybody knowing about her presence...
This very short meeting was over yet, and the delegates disappeared soon. Only the red phantom and the guard stayed. Laura also backtracked silently, and first in safe distance she got visible again...
The goddess was confused. Could this last mission on Olwon now really be this easy? The red phantom was the leader, the head behind this whole conspiracy, as Laura had thought about a longer time yet. But could it really be this easy to predict, as Crityracytyn showed her before? Laura knew about another way to the destination, avoiding the whole region all enemies should assemble now. And the red phantom did not know about?
Laura shook her head and sighed deeply one time, before she spoke to herself silently. But she did not give any room to the thoughts about Ebrenell, as this was not the time for. Any weakness now could mean the end for the mission, and Laura stayed strong...
Laura once more contacted Amber mentally, and showed here where to go next. The fellowship would reunite at the ruins again, where they had started before, the ruins with the first of the giant monsters they found. And short time later Laura was on her way to this destination...
The red phantom was really satisfied again. Of course it had been fully aware about the presence of Laura, as not even a goddess ever could hide from it. And Laura had just heard all she should have heard, so all things now could take its course...
The red phantom now began to speak to itself, but this time mutely and only in its mind...
The red phantom suddenly turned around and entered the cave, the human guard followed straight away...
The ancient ruins and caves of Olwon, the place where the fellowship started their current explorations and separated then, as Laura had to follow her very own way on this world. And the place, where the whole fellowship wanted to reunite now again, after the last investigations had been partially successful at least...
The mission still had not found any signs and traces of the disappeared creator, the god stayed vanished without any sign. But the threat of Olwon, the biggest conspiration in the whole universe ever, was discovered and could be finished forever with the deactivation of both important dimensional portals. One was closed already, for a very high prize, as the group had lost one member forever, Ebrenell, the elf woman...
But there was no time to hesitate and mourn for the lost fellow, as time was more than short. The group had to reach the second portal as soon as possible anyway, with avoidance of the assembling armies of Olwon. But there was a good chance to succeed then though of all enemies, as Laura knew about an alternate secret way to the destination...
Finally all group members arrived again at the impressing courtyard to the ancient ruins, and even almost at the same time...
The group around Amber arrived through the main entrance of the giant ruins. Laura came through a side entrance, which had been still blocked at the first arrival, blocked by a magical barrier. But of course Laura had been able to deactivate this barrier now, to also enter the huge courtyard again. And with a smile she saw the rest of the group arrive...
Laura moved again and walked around the whole area to also reach the courtyard, where the rest of the group waited for her. Amber and Laura embraced happily, but Laura moved apart very fast and began to speak to the others with serious voice...
Of course all others were really shocked about this sad news, but Laura did not wait for reactions. She continued speaking...
Amber nodded with her head...
Laura began to smile slightly, as she laid her hand onto the shoulder of her beloved sister...
Laura turned around and walked towards the exit, from where the fellowship arrived at this place the first time. She knew exactly where to go now, and all others followed her straight...
The fellowship with Laura in the lead had begun another long wandering across the world Olwon, for a secret way leading them with a detour towards the north. This secret route should bring them straight to the northern dimensional portal, just as Crityracytyn had promised Laura. And of course she trusted this giant ancient creature of Olwon, what now meant the only remaining chance to fulfil their last important mission...
Laura had found the first stage of the journey soon, a hidden cave nearby, the entrance to the secret route. The fellowship entered this cave at once, though it was deep in the night meanwhile, but they all knew, there was no time to rest. So they crossed this cave, filled with water, which only reached to their ankles, so it was no problem to wade through here. And finally they could see the bright moonlight again, and the end of the cave...
Laura spoke to the others now...
Bedel, the dwarf woman, spoke for the group then...
Borim grinning laid his hand on the shoulder of his wife...
Laura nodded with her head...
Laura turned around again and walked towards the exit of the cave, the other group members followed her...
It really was a long journey, extensive and very exhausting. The fellowship around Laura and Amber did not spare themselves in any way, as the only important aspect, the only thing really still mattering, was to reach the final destination as soon as possible anyhow...
And so the breaks were pared down to the minimum, and also eating and sleeping. It was necessary, because though of the secret way without any enemies at all so far, the group knew exactly, that this advantage could change any time, when the enemies, especially the mighty red phantom, would notice their error...
This journey was like walking below the sword of Damocles, which could fall down every moment. But however, this journey was and would stay a battle against the clock...
As it was night again, at the second day of the long journey, there was a short break. Only Amber and Laura stayed awake, as they did not need much sleep, all others slept at the moment in some distance...
Amber and Laura were talking with each other, but only as silent that the others would not wake up...
Amber wrinkled her forehead before she answered Laura. In this moment Amber really was astonished...
Laura sighed deeply one time...
Laura shook her head one time and dropped her gaze. She wished she could have answered this important question...
Amber really was concerned...
Laura nodded with her head and didn't hear her sister out then. Instead Laura finished Amber's thoughts...
Amber really was shocked in this moment, and she needed some moments to answer her sister...
Laura shrugged her shoulders...
Laura looked up again, straight into the eyes of her concerned sister. After some moments she answered sadly...
Laura sighed one more time deeply...
Amber nodded with her head. Of course she understood the sorrows of her sister, and she supported her...
Laura began to smile slightly, as she looked into the eyes of her sister, laying her hand onto Amber's shoulder...
Both sisters then did not share any further words, only looking deeply into each others eyes. Then they embraced and remained in this position with closed eyes for a longer time...
The journey continued, still in the same night. Before sunrise Amber and Laura woke up the sleeping group again, and only a little time later, all were on their feet again. Then the fellowship got under way once more, in the highest possible tempo...
After and after the fellowship crossed multiple different kinds of landscapes. From the extensive woods of Olwon, over meadows and fields, over stony regions and high mountains, and through rivers, lakes and swamps, there was nothing what could have stopped the group. Also not bad weathers as rain and thunderstorm...
With the passing of time the way to go got more and more strenuous, and also more dangerous. So it got also more and more clear why this was a very secret way, and why the inhabitants of Olwon really did not know it. But the group continued, no matter of the difficulties. With Laura as their leader they continued their journey determined, with the hope, staying alive, that they could reach their destination...
One day later the landscape changed totally. And now, finally, the fellowship really knew, that they were on the right way, as no army ever could follow on this special path...
The group had reached another area with extensive lakes and waterfalls, surrounded by high and steep rocks. Along the waterfalls, beyond a very deep abyss, a really dangerous way was leading further, partially formed by rocks and plants on a natural way. As it seemed this way was really old yet, but so far undiscovered. Certainly because it yet had been a long and hard journey to get here at all...
As far as the group could see so far, the path was partially very small. Only one false step could mean a death sentence, with a fall into a deadly depth. So the group was very carefully and concentrated, as they finally started to walk beyond the new path, during Laura and Amber flew through the air, checking the area around...
It really was an impressing sight, and the best aspect about all, really no enemy far and wide. Whatever the enemies did at the moment, or wherever they assembled, this region was safe...
The journey beyond the very special waterfall path lasted until the evening. As the sun began to set, with the group walking along further most impressing waterfalls, they reached the end of this amazing part of the voyage. Laura and Amber further flew around through the air, but still no hostile signs at all in this region...
The landscape now changed. At this point the group had to continue through high mountains again, and the beginning night did not stop them. The journey proceeded...
And though, really though of all things going so well now, with no enemies at all, Laura still had a bad feeling about all that. Something was wrong here. Something anyhow was really wrong here, something with this strange and dangerous red phantom...
What was it? What was it really all about around this mysterious creature? For now there were more questions than answers. Besides the fact of having found no signs about the creator at all. But Laura knew, the answers all were out there. And they would come, with the red phantom...
The journey through the high northern mountains of Olwon lasted almost another day yet. The fellowship had only one shorter break on this way, apart from that they had only kept walking. And still the group did not know how far the final destination, the second dimensional portal, was still away from their current position...
It really was a voyage for all members, which demanded all from the involved members, at least the rest of the fellowship. Laura and amber could frequently use their wings instead of their feet, so they had an advantage. But the rest of the group didn't complain, as every of them knew exactly what was at hazard, and so they continued...
At the begin of the next day, as the sun was still low at the horizon, the way through the mountain went downwards again for the first time. Perhaps a good sign of soon reaching the last destination?
The group never lost their hope. And while all others were carefully walking downwards, Laura was in the air again. And once more the new landscape was very impressing, especially because of smaller floating islands nearby, floating high in the air...
Laura observed the environment, and once more she was satisfied, as their were no hostile activities at all far and wide. So the enemies still did not have found the traces of the fellowship at all. More and more it seemed this mission could be finished successful...
And though, there was something nobody saw, something more than disturbing. But not even Laura herself noticed the red shadow, appearing behind one of the floating islands...
The red phantom once more, it was there. And it observed the hostile group very carefully, without being discovered. Finally the creature began to speak to itself, but only in its mind...
The red phantom paused shortly with the words to itself, before it continued satisfied again...
The red shadow behind the floating island began to disappear again slowly, as there was a last whispering in the wind...
Nobody had heard the whispering. Nobody except Laura, and only in her mind. The goddess startled heavily and turned around to all sites at once, but she could not see anything suspicious...
The group walked on without any hint on what startled Laura, and the mother of all life put it aside again quickly. She could not do anything about this returning voice in her mind, and of course she did not want do uncertain anybody in her fellowship...
And so the journey continued, through the mountains of Olwon, and towards the final destination of the mission...
The deed was done. Finally it was really done, though nobody within the group really could still believe it yet. But they really had reached it now, on a high rock plateau, the second dimensional portal of Olwon. The same construction as the first portal...
From the plateau the fellowship had a very good sight beyond a far plain below, and really, about something else. In a far away distance, almost merging in the horizon, they could see parts of the hostile armies of Olwon, obviously still waiting for not arriving enemies there...
Laura spoke to her group now with serious voice...
Amber understood what her sister was taking about. Both goddesses then activated their inner powers and let it flow into the portal. It was activated at once, and the way home was prepared...
Laura activated another small sphere in her hand now, the energy sphere to close this portal forever after the group had passed. But in this moment it happened. Within seconds a black mass appeared at the horizon, and then spreading in incredible speed...
The group obeyed immediately. The eerie black mass devoured the horizon within seconds, as the red phantom really appeared. Out of the nothing it hang in the air as a giant appearance, and huge flashes shrugged out of its cowl, where a face was obviously hiding...
Nobody was hit. The group could run through the portal in time, also as Amber, after a last view at her sister. Laura stared at the red phantom for one moment, then she reacted. The mighty enemy came closer really fast now, but Laura placed the sphere between the pillars of the portal...
With the last possible seconds the determined mother of all life jumped though the dimensional portal herself, and in the next moment this doorway was closed forever...
The fellowship had escaped. They really had escaped in the last moment, with now separating the planet Olwon forever from the rest of the universe. An incredible big danger was avoided finally...
Lauhaven again. The successful group around Laura and Amber really had returned home, now assembled in the consultation room of the queen of the fairies, who also joined the group now. Further delegates were some chosen fairies and guards, and also a whole new visitor...
The knowledge of Ebrenell's death had not stayed a secret, of course. As there were further delegates of this race on Lauhaven, the decision was made at once, to choose a new delegate for the fellowship and the further adventures. And this delegate had entered the room then...
The gathering greeted the elf warmly. And it was a woman again then, a female warrior named Alaafiel. She pledged allegiance to the fellowship at once and was accepted by all members...
The gathering spoke about all happenings on Olwon, but only roughly. The fairy queen accepted this, as the fellowship simply needed a longer rest now, after this exhausting journey. The main aspect was the success against this horrible conspiracy, and that was enough for the moment...
The gathering separated quickly then, as the group members only wanted one thing now - a long and recovering sleep. Also Laura and Amber left the consulting room now, satisfied for now, but with the strange feeling that this story wasn't over at all...
If they were right, if the red phantom was a god - and the last encounter would have been more than enough proof - then it would return. Probably return very soon...
Laura and Amber embraced a last time, before they also separated. Laura was tired, really so tired. And she would certainly sleep until the next day, so much was for sure...
The mother of all life finally reached her private sleeping room and entered it, closing the door behind her...
End of chapter 7
...but to be continued in book 2...