Laura - The Story of a Fairy, Chapter 10 - Sisters 3 - Family Matters
A new day had begun in Lauhaven. Little by little life woke up again on the fairy world, and also Laura and her sister Estera were prepared for the new day again. After spending the night together in Estera's bedroom both sisters had breakfast in a huge dining room of Estera's castle, and afterwards they met again in Laura's castle...
After talking a while about still more trivial things, with both women sitting on the edge of the bed, Estera suddenly begged her sister to stand up from the bed. Laura did so, and also Estera got on her feet again. Laura smiled with a asking face, as Estera expanded her arms widely...
Estera finally began to speak with a warm and palpably moved voice, as she turned towards her sister...
Laura looked at her sister with wide open eyes, as she was surprised by this sudden surge of emotion. But then she didn't answer at all, but simply reaching out for her sister. And Estera didn't hesitate. She came close to Laura, spreading her own arms. As she stood very close in front of her sister, she first laid her hands on Laura's shoulders, while her smile now could no longer hide some tears, appearing in her eyes...
Laura was deeply moved. She put her arms around Estera and pulled her as close as possible, simply holding her in her arms then without any words. Laura could feel a fast beating heart, and even the breath of Estera was much faster than normal. And though Estera also spoke no further word, Laura could once more feel such a deep pain in her, straight out of the subconscious mind, and Estera even trembled now...
Much time later Laura and Estera sat on the bed. They still didn't speak, but sitting shoulder to shoulder, holding each others hands. And finally Laura spoke again to her sister, keeping her own feelings under control totally. She knew what to do, and she would never talk to Estera about what she really felt inside of her. Never! Estera needed help, but from another side, as soon as possible. But not in this moment, not yet...
Laura did what she said, and Estera also changed her position then. She laid down into the lap of her sister...

The words of Estera only were a tender whispering, but Laura heard them all. Estera closed her eyes, but not without avoiding further tears to flow. And Laura laid her arms around her sister once more...
And really, Estera found peace again. Her body calmed down and did not tremble any longer. And finally the exhausted young woman fell asleep, far away into pleasant dreams...
A whole day passed by without Estera awakening again, and Laura simply let her sleep. The mother of all life could feel it so much, that her sister simply needed this recovering sleep, more than anything else at this time. And so she simply stayed with her, sitting on the bed motionless, holding Estera in her arms, and only stroking her tenderly from time to time. Of course whole carefully, so she wouldn't wake up...
Laura really gave all her love to Estera, but though her feelings were in uproar. Totally in uproar, though Laura used all her powers not to let those feelings overwhelm her. But while Estera slept peacefully, Laura's face could not hide all of those emotions then. The goddess was in deep sorrows about her sister, and this didn't change at all...
Laura though about it again and again, but there was no alternative. No other option, no choice. She had to do what her heart still wanted to refuse, where still some last doubts would not want to leave her soul. And though the goddess knew it was the only way to go...
Laura sighed deeply one time. She needed an explanation, an excuse, an emergency lie, but all inside her, really all, strove against this way totally. Laura never wanted to lie to her sister, never have secret to hide from her, but she knew it was not the time for this truth. Not even for the truth inside of Estera, this truth she did not know about herself. Laura feared this dark secret could only hurt her sister, when she would find out about it - no matter what it really was in the end. And nothing, really nothing again should ever hurt her sister once more...
Yes, this was the dilemma Laura was in now, and there was no way out of it at all. The mother of all life had to go this way now, but she did not feel good about it. Not at all...
Tomorrow! Tomorrow it should happen, this was the final though of Laura in this matter. She could not wait any longer, and she would find a way to go this way without Estera. She really would...
Suddenly Estera finally woke up again, as it yet was evening and darkness began to raise already. Laura began to smile happy, as she could hide her feelings from one moment to the other again...
Estera yawned deeply one time...
Laura nodded with her head smiling...
Estera kissed her sister onto her forehead...
The both women left the bedroom of Laura and finally her whole castle. Over a skywalk, behung with plants, they reached the castle of Estera then, and finally her bedroom in the end...
Laura and Estera stood in the bedroom for some minutes and talked a little bit, until the mother of all life suddenly had a bouquet of flowers in her hand, just appeared from nowhere...
Laura knew how much her sister loved flowers, of course, and Estera took them with a bright smile in her face. Then Laura took a leave finally for this night, while Estera still remained for some moments, happily with the bouquet of flowers in her hand...

Estera dropped the flowers into a vase on a sideboard. Then she finally got to bed without any further action. And she fell asleep soon again...
As well as Laura then in her own bedroom...
Anytime, in the middle of the night. Laura and Estera finally were sleeping quiet and peacefully, not noticing at all what was going on around them. But it happened totally silent then...
The weather hade changed suddenly, and it was the first heavy rain since a longer time now. Not really something bad, as the nature needed water urgently. But with the change of weather, something else came across, something certainly whole unexpected...
First there were only flashes, and it seemed a normal thunderstorm was also infesting Lauhaven. But it was different though, as suddenly a red light appeared in the sky, growing bigger very fast. And then all flashes only still stroke out of this red light, towards the ground, but always without causing any damage around...
It was Amarylisse. She finally appeared inside the red light, without any movement, but only hanging in the sky. As the energy flashes finally ended, Amarylisse began to speak to herself. But as usual only with her strange whispering voice...
Amarylisse sighed deeply one time before she continued speaking to herself, looking down onto both silent castles...
Amarylisse:I wished life could be this easy, to simply snap ones fingers, and all problems are solved. It is not possible, not even for a mighty goddess. I would give my life at once, if I only could heal Estera, but it would not help. And now Laura is my only hope for her sister...
Amarylisse paused a short time, and she still didn't move at all. Then she began to speak once more...
Suddenly the red light disappeared again, and with it also Amarylisse. Instead she appeared again in the castle of Estera, standing silently in front of the bed of her sleeping chosen daughter...
After some moments Amarylisse began to speak again, but this time without words, only in her mind then...
Amarylisse still stayed some minutes, hearing Estera breathing regularly with even a smile in her face, then the mysterious goddess left the bedroom again, whilst she disappeared once more...
Only some moments later Amarylisse appeared one more time, and now in the bedroom of Laura. Standing silently in front of the bed Amarylisse then talked to herself again, but also only in her mind. And even Laura did not notice anything, she continued sleeping quietly...
Amarylisse sighed deeply one time again...
Amarylisse stayed some more moments, looking then at Laura, and speaking one last time to herself...
With those powerful words Amarylisse finally disappeared again, and this time totally. Laura and Estera continued sleeping quietly, as if nothing had happened at all then...
And again a new morning began. Laura was on her feet very early, after a good night with a quiet sleep. And yes, she had needed it, to start again now with new energy - and her decision was really made. This would be the day to finally get the answers, and Laura was prepared. Prepared to do all what would be necessary to get those answers...
All remaining doubts, sorrows or prejudices, they now were finally defeated. Laura knew such negative emotions never were helpful, and the only thing what really mattered was Estera. The health of her sister was in danger, as her whole life, and therefore Laura had to act now...
The mother of all life was standing in her bedroom, sighing deeply with clenched fists. After some more quiet moments the goddess began top speak to herself then...
Laura closed her eyes for some moments...
Laura opened her eyes again...
Laura just finished her last words, as it knocked at the door yet, and Estera entered the room then. The sisters greeted each other with a warm embracement, then Estera laid down on Laura's bed. Her sister remained in front of it, looking at Estera inquiring...
Estera nodded with her head...
Laura began to smile slightly...
Estera got up from the bed again, standing right beside her sister then, and speaking to her with happy voice...
Laura nodded with her head. She turned her back on the bed now while Estera laid down onto it once more. And the mother of all life began to speak again...
Laura kissed her sister on the forehead, then the mother of all life left the room at a smart pace. But she did not leave the castle on the main way then, but entered Estera's castle instead. There she made her way straight into the huge and impressing chapel. In there the goddess got down on her knees then, folding her hands and looking upwards towards the ceiling...
Laura collected all her inner energy, getting as much strength as possible and closing all negative feelings away. Now she was up to finally follow her chosen path, and to leave the castle. And so the mother of all life was on her way, really more determined as ever before in her life...
Laura finally left the castle of her sister castle again, with a clear destination now. She walked slowly over the skywalk between the two castles then...
Crossing her own castle once more she reached the rear exit, and finally she was on her way again in direction of the royal castle from Lauhaven. Form there she entered the magical woods behind the town, now walking fast and determined towards her destination...
Oh, yes, of course, there was only one destination, only one place where she could go and do what she had to do. Far away from all fairies - and also far away from her beloved sister. And she found this place again soon, the magical place with colourful plants, the magical place where she met her sister the first time before...
Laura stopped now, standing motionless for some moments and only concentrating on her inner powers. The goddess closed her eyes and let her energies flow...
Laura changed her position very abruptly. Her head fell backwards into the nape, her right arm raised towards the sky, her left arm lowered towards the ground. Then all energy flow, ending in both hands. And then mighty energy flashes stroke out of them, towards the ground and the sky at the same time. Laura began to yell against the sky now...
Laura didn't have to wait. She had barely finished her call, as it happened yet. A bright red light appeared in the air, coming down quickly, and in it Amarylisse materialized. She also sent out energy flashes towards the ground, until she reached it then...
Laura changed her position again at once. She stopped all inner energy, lowering her head and laying both hands on her breast then. Amarylisse began to speak first then...
Laura took a deep breath, but she didn't answer at once. Instead she suddenly fell on her knees, showing respect and humility for Amarylisse for the very first time. And also sounded her voice now...
Amarylisse nodded with her head slightly. She was silent for some moments, until she answered then with her whispering voice. And Laura appeared like a small child next to her huge shape...
Though the voice of Amarylisse always only was a whispering, Laura slowly learned to differentiate between some emotions in it. She could feel the deep sorrows of Amarylisse, and her true love to Estera. And the mysterious goddess continued finally...
Laura stayed on her knees, but she looked up to Amarylisse, straight at the point where her face was hidden under the cowl. After some significant moments of silence she answered with firm voice...
For some moments now there was only silence. Of course Laura could not see the face of Amarylisse, but she felt so much what was going on inside the goddess now. And in fact, as she answered her whispering voice really even trembled then...
Laura closed her eyes now and lowered her head, to hide the tears filling her eyes. But she couldn't. Amarylisse paused again for some moments, before she began to speak again...
Amarylisse paused one more time again, while Laura kept her head lowered and her eyes closed. But the mother of all life nodded with her head one time, before Amarylisse continued her speech then. But the words now only passed her lips hardly, Laura could really feel how hard it was for Amarylisse to share this secret now.
Finally she began to speak again...
Amarylisse shook her head one time, with pausing for some seconds, but then she continued her speech again...
Amarylisse paused for another moment, and Laura noticed again and again anew, that she had great difficulty in telling this sad and hard story. But Amarylisse continued again...
Amarylisse nodded with her head a few times, pausing again for some moments, before she continued once more...
Amarylisse created a special energy beam, which stroke out of her cowl in multiple colours, and sent it towards the kneeling Laura, straight over her head. At this point am energy sphere appeared, and bright white light out of it, soon covering the whole body of Laura...
And the energy flew into her body and brain, creating pictures there. And suddenly those pictures formed a vision, putting Laura at the place of Amarylisse, so she now could see what was happening with her own eyes...
Laura was shocked. Totally shocked, and she reacted at once. Yet before seeing any further detail she cried out her despair...
It was true. It sadly was really true, because the eyes of Laura could not lie to her. The visitor, and somehow Laura yet had feared something like that yet, this visitor in hell was nobody else than the old man himself. He just entered the huge hall at a smart pace, but then remaining just behind the entrance in a safe distance to the demons...
The leading demon in the black capuchin began to speak first, and its dark and deep voice resounded through the hall...
The old man nodded with his head satisfied. His serious look fixed the demons, keeping his eyes glued to them all the time. Of course the old man did not trust those creatures only one moment...
The old man paused shortly, but the demons did not react in any way so far. And so he continued with his speech...
The old man sighed deeply one time before speaking on. He did not feel comfortable here, but he was deadly determined...
The old man kept silence now again, waiting for the response of the leading demon in the black capuchin. And after some further moments this demon began to talk then...
The old man shook his head without any sign of feelings, as he answered now a last time with cold voice...
The old man turned around and left the hall quickly then. After he was gone also the demons reacted. They opened the portal to the dungeon and entered it, closing the portal again behind them...
Amarylisse remained on her position for some further moments, really being shocked totally. But then she reacted determinedly in the end...
Getting out of her invisibility again she got down to the floor. Preparing her inner energies and all power, the goddess then opened the portal herself, also entering the dungeon. The mission to save Estera continued...
Amarylisse paused for a short while. She wanted to let Laura try to somehow get along with what she heard so far, but it was clear, totally clear, that this was not possible. Probably the mother of all life would need the rest of eternity to somehow get those horrible facts out of her system, but more likely this would perhaps never be possible...
Laura still remained on her kneels, with lowered head and whole motionless. So Amarylisse finally continued...
Once again Laura was shrouded by bright white light, as it had stopped before shortly, and soon once more pictures were forming in front of her inner eyes. And then Laura was standing in hell again, together with Amarylisse, bodiless, but seeing through her eyes...
Amarylisse stood at the upper end of a longer stairs. Those stairs were leading downwards, as expected, with torches, hanging and burning at the left wall, to lighten the way down...
Nobody was to see here, and so Amarylisse began to walk downstairs slowly. Of course she was very careful, trying to always stay in the dark corners and alcoves, avoiding battles as long as possible on this further gloomy way...
Amarylisse was aware about everybody in hell knowing about her hostile presence meanwhile, after she first had been here for a while as supposed ally, just to get known with all details about the armies of hell. She had done the same here as in her role as Amber, but of course left this wrong "ally" much sooner again, when she knew much enough about strength and plans of hell...
Now she was an enemy, of course. Every single demon would attack her at once, and she was standing here alone, alone against millions and more creatures of hell. But it didn't matter, as Amarylisse had a mission, an important mission, to save an important life. Nobody could stop her now, and she was following the traces of the former demons determinedly...
Amarylisse had reached a special chamber, knowing she was on the right way then. Nobody was here again, but the searched demons had also been coming across this way before. It was a kind of ritual room, with lava flowing at all side walls. From some distance Amarylisse could hear some sounds, horrifying sounds of tortured souls, and there were many. And so the goddess continued her way again...
Amarylisse now stood in another dungeon with a lot of cages, but she did not have a closer look into them. Amarylisse would feel it at once if she reached the cage of Estera, and to save all trapped souls of hell was an impossible task. She could not help those sould...
Amarylisse took one deep breath then...
Amarylisse began to move again, leaving this dungeon area again finally. After some more corridors, with leading here more and more downwards, she reached a new bigger hall in the end. A hall with more cages and torture chambers - and really the final destination...
Amarylisse could feel it now, Estera was here. She was here in one of the cages, but also the demons from before. And now they felt the presence of the mighty enemy, as an inhuman yell witnessed it. The goddess had no fear at all, and she moved into the next bigger chamber...
Suddenly the three demons were stepping out of a certain chamber, seeing their enemy now. And Amarylisse did not hesitate, but began to concentrate all energies and powers inside...
And finally, with the demons barging forward screaming, the defining battle began...
Amarylisse paused for a moment, as Laura of course knew about the battle yet, and that the demons had been wiped out. So she skipped this part, continuing afterwards, as the battle was over. And the goddess now walked on towards the chamber the demons had left before...
It was hard. It was really hard to enter this chamber now. Amarylisse could feel the presence of Estera, and that she was still alive, she simply knew this searched girl was caged in this chamber. And the pain, the endless pain of an innocent young girl, was yet speaking to Amarylisse so desperately, so intense, that even the goddess hesitated now, trembling in every limb, and fearful as never before in her whole existence...
Amarylisse stopped her turmoil of passions finally to not waste any further time. And though, with moving again, she did not enter the chamber at once, but only standing in front of the open door and getting a first careful look inside this way then...
Amarylisse was not prepared for what she had to see now. Of course she had tried to imagine the worst before, but all her imagination did not last out to be ready for this sad look. Taking a deep breath and fighting with her feelings she only shook her head again and again...
A young girl, laying on the cold, stony ground. At least Amarylisse felt so, as the head of the girl was trapped in an iron mask of torture. There were only openings for the eyes and mouth, but instead of real living eyes Amarylisse could only see a black nothing, showing to her that this girl had been blinded, or even totally lost her eyes...
But this was only a small part of the whole shock for Amarylisse. Looking at the whole body the goddess saw shredded clothes and such a lot of wounds everywhere. Older ones, ones with seams, and ones just bleeding. The right arm of Estera was chained with an iron chain at the wall...
Amarylisse could hear the girl breathing only weakly. She really seemed more dead than alive, and had no strength to move at all. In fact she could not even move a finger...
Amarylisse was totally overwhelmed with emotion. She even felt tears flowing under her cowl, for the really first time of her existence. And now she finally entered the room, getting close to the poor girl and speaking to her with a whispering, but clear voice...

Amarylisse was shocked by those painful and despaired words of Estera, begging for her death. But taking away the iron mask the goddess even understood it more, seeing more of the brutal details, what the demons had done to this innocent young girl. Also her face was full of wounds, with stream of blood running down, and with the horrible sight of empty black eye sockets then...
Amarylisse laid her hand onto the forehead of Estera, and at once at least the wound there disappeared. But it was not the time to stay here any longer, and the energy of the goddess made Estera fall asleep then. Afterwards Amarylisse took the young girl onto her arms, but not for waling away. Instead she simply vanished into thin air and disappeared this way from hell with Estera. Laura's sister was finally saved...
Somewhere in space. Countless stars were shining bright, and nearby also some unknown planets. It was at this point, as Amarylisse materialized again, not whole physically, but at least as an appearance. And with the sleeping Estera in her lap. So the goddess now flew through the universe, towards a certain destination in her own safe dimension...
Finally Amarylisse was there. A huge planet in the background, looking like Saturn in the solar system of Earth, was the final destination where the goddess stopped now. And suddenly, on the opposite side of this foreign world, a bed appeared, a bed in space...
Amarylisse then flew there, laying down Estera into this bed. And the journey continued, with Amarylisse moving the bed slowly towards the giant planet...
The vision ended at this point, and Laura was back in the presence. Here she heard the whispering voice of Amarylisse again, as she continued speaking after some silent moments...
Amarylisse sighed deeply one time...
With those emotional words Amarylisse took her energy away from Laura again, and the white light faded. At the same time the red light around Amarylisse got brighter and brighter, until the goddess began to dissolve in it slowly...
Laura was finally alone again. And it needed time, really much time, until she could move again. It was very hard to stand up finally, and as Laura succeeded, she remained in this position first. With lowered head, closed eyes and her right hand laying on her breast, the emotions finally overwhelmed Laura. And she began to cry heavily...
Laura began to finally move again slowly. and while she walked away her left hand got onto her mouth, and higher, with finally covering her sad face...
The tears were flowing all the time, as the mother of all life could not stop crying at all. She had never before been so sad in her life, an endless sadness and despair for what she knew now about her poor sister. The anguish of Estera was incredible, really still worse than ever feared...
It needed a very long time for Laura top calm down again. But she had to, she really had to for her sister. Laura could not show weakness now, she had to be very strong now. And Amarylisse was right, if anybody still could help Estera now, then it was her sister. Laura had to try, also if it needed some time for her to handle all those horrible information herself. But in the end she would do it, she would try...
Laura began to move again, being on her hard and sad way back home again then. But she could only walk very slowly, every step forward was so heavy...
As Laura finally reached the area with the castles of Estera and her own one again, her feelings were completely under control again. But Laura still stayed outside for a wile, thinking about all she had just experienced. It still was so horrible, only horrible...
Laura sighed deeply one time, with clenching her fists then. Her thoughts went to the old man - with infinite anger in her heart...
Laura shook her head several times...

With those determined words Laura finally began to move again, walking towards her own castle. And times really had changed totally now, and never would be the same again ever. The alleged mentor of Laura, the old man, now was her new main enemy, and the alleged main enemy before, the red phantom, was her new friend and mentor, and even more than this. Amarylisse was the new stepmother of Estera and Laura...
With a deep breath an endless sad mother of all life entered her castle in the end, slowly walking towards her bedroom then...
The end of chapter 3...
...but to be continued in chapter 4...