Chapter 6 - A Visit in Wonderland
Laura - The Parallel Universe, Part 6 - A Visit in Wonderland
It was an incredible journey. Every time Laura used those energy portals, to travel between worlds and dimensions in the parallel universe. She was aware of herself, at least at the beginning every time, but her body was transparent then. Forms and colors were speeding past Laura, changing all the time. And after a while it was simply too much for a human mind, and Laura lost consciousness. Forms and colors them seemed to devour her…

Finally Laura became aware of herself again, standing somewhere on unknown ground, but safe on her feet. There was bright light all around, as every time, that Laura could only blink into the brightness first. It needed some time until this brightness dissolved, and Laura could really see where she was…

Strange. Really strange, this was the first thought of Laura now. It was an alameda, with fog behind the trees, so there was no sight beyond the trees from here. But really strange was the color, the color of all things then. There were no normal colors as Laura would have expected them, instead all things, including herself, were only in one shade, something between gray and brown…
Laura could not imagine what this was all about, but there was no time to think about it. Because the next moment Laura finally noticed that she was not alone any more. A lost child stood next to her, really close, and Laura began to smile happily as she recognized the visitor…

Elora! How nice to see you again…
Elora nodded with her head, returning the smile. And after some moments she began to speak herself then…
Hello, Laura, I am also happy to see you healthy again, so you are prepared for your next task and mission now…
Laura nodded with her head and sighed deeply one time, before she answered Elora with low, but firm voice…
Yes, I am, but it was hard to leave my new friends again so soon…
Elora understood the sad feelings of Laura, and she also nodded with her head again before answering…
We would have been pleased to give you more time on this world, as originally planned, but sadly things change. And at the moment they change too fast, so we have no choice. You must continue on your way, Laura…
Laura nodded with her head sighing, looking around for some moments. Then she looked at Elora again…
Yes, but what is this way about? Where am I now, and why do all things look so strange here? Where have the normal colors gone? I do not understand what is going on now, but perhaps you can explain?
Elora began to smile slightly at Laura…

But of course I can, at least to a certain extent, what I am allowed to tell you about this new world. And don’t worry about the colors around, this is only the beginning, and things will change soon again. But for now, please, let me tell you what you must know about your new task…
Elora sighed deeply one time, looking to the ground for some moments, before she continued speaking…
Well, for the moment you are back on a copy of Earth, the past Earth, to be more accurate. And in fact, this place should have been one world of several, visiting one by one and solving your tasks, but hings have changed meanwhile. We do have five worlds altogether, which belong to the same genre of tasks, as they all are fairy tale worlds, depending on great books and movies of a certain time period on the real Earth. And you know, this is a whole universe of wishes coming true for our children, and so many of them wished to live in such worlds. We made it possible, and each world contains one theme, with the children replaying the known stories or experiencing new ones. But which worlds those are, it is part of your mission to find it out. The problem now is, things got more complicated now…
Elora paused one more time, but keeping her eyes on Laura, who returned the look interested. And finally Elora began to speak again…
Well, something happened, something unexpected. You see, things around us have begun to speed up, much more than we thought all the time before. Evil, the real evil outside our universe, so far only a reflection of what it really had been in a very old time, begins to awaken new again. With this strengthening it also begins to influence on us now, as our former unbreakable frontiers began to break. And with those changes we now have to notice, that we also begin to loose control of our artificial creations, the adults. They begin to react different, more and more on their own, and the faces of our worlds also begin to change. This means, and I mean this totally serious, our time begins to run out. Slowly, but for sure…
Laura nodded with her head understanding. She did not answer at once, scowling to the ground then. But after some further moments she looked up again, answering Elora with determined voice…
Well, this is not really a surprise. Somehow I had a bad feeling about all this since some time yet, Somehow I was concerned. I could not say what it was, but now it is clear. The safeness of this universe collapses now, slowly, but steadily, and we all can feel it inside our hearts. And this means time begins to press, so I can only hope I can finish my whole mission still just in time…
Elora sighed deeply one time…

It won’t be easy, but we believe in you as we always did. However, we should continue now. I can not tell you about the worlds here, somehow flowing into each other suddenly, as to find out about the backgrounds is part of your task. But you must know about the change, as we know there is a conspiracy, embracing all those worlds here. We do not know about the destination, as we did loose control, and so this story has changed for you. No matter what it would have been about before, now you must find out what this conspiracy is about. Find the people behind the conspiracy, those who are responsible. Find out what they intend to do, and, if necessary, do all to stop them. And besides, solve the mystery about those worlds and their backgrounds. This mission will start now…
Laura took a deep breath…
All right, Elora, I am ready…
Only one thing still to tell you, Laura. It is the last time we meet now, as if you succeed in the end the journey through our universe ends. We can not meet again afterwards, so it is time for our last goodbye…
Laura could see that the eyes of Elora suddenly had a wet gleam, and she also had trouble to control her feelings now. After some moments of emotional silence she answered shakily…
I feared you would say this now, Elora. Of course this moment had to come, but for my opinion much too early. You know about my feelings, as you can feel them yourself, that I really love you as if you would really be my little sister. As I love my true younger sister, Estera, who I miss so much – more than I could tell anybody. In all the time, traveling through so many worlds, nobody ever reached my heart this deep like you, though of all the limits around us and the tasks we have to follow. But I always could feel myself as well, that you share my feelings, deep in your heart. If you are not allowed to speak about and admit, no problem, I accept the circumstances. But you may excuse me, that I had to reveal my feelings now in words, the moment the last farewell has come…
Elora did not answer at once, standing there motionless with lowered head. But finally she raised her eyes to Laura, beginning to smile so happily, that she couldn’t avoid some tears running down her cheeks. After some further moments of being totally moved the little girl began to speak…
Well, Laura, what can I say now, hearing such wonderful words from the real and only chosen one, we all waited for such a long time, and we all love that much. Should I say then I am honored? Yes, of course I could, but it simply would not be enough. And I don’t care about rules any more, depending on personal feelings, because if I get punished therefore, then shall it be so…
Elora took the hand of Laura, holding it tight now, before she continued speaking after some moving moments…
Yes, Laura, you are right. I could feel this love between us just the very first moment I saw you, hiding it behind my duty, of course. But it was always there, and now I can reveal it. Yes, really yes, I feel like I would be your little sister, and I envy Estera for she is what I never can be in reality. But with us both feeling like this, in the end we are sisters now…
Elora snuggled up against Laura, and the mother of all life laid her arms around this wonderful little girl. Both of them were so happy now – and totally sad at the same time. They couldn’t avoid the things to happen now, the final farewell, with knowing to never see each other again…
Laura released Elora again, and both girls looked into each others wet eyes then. Laura began to speak finally…
Well, it is hard to share our feelings finally and then leaving us forever. But life isn’t fair, and never was. I can only tell you, I will never forget about you as long as I live, carrying you in my heart. You are my little sister, and I will you will preserve you like this forever. I promise…
Laura gave the hand of Elora a squeeze one last time, and she kissed her on her forehead. Then the little girl finally began to vanish into thin air...

Laura sighed deeply one time before she turned around and began to walk away, not without looking back one time in some distance. But Elora was gone then...
After one last deep sigh the mother of all life turned around once more. Finally Laura really was on her way again, sad, but determined to fulfill her current mission. The last and deciding mission at all in the parallel universe…
Laura did not turn around again, walking along the alley in a world without colors, towards an unknown destination now. And so she could not see what was happening behind her, the place Elora had stood before, and now was appearing agsain. The little girl was only a huge shadow now, transparent, and she was watching Laura, how her silhouette slowly got smaller…

Elora began to speak to herself now, but her voice was only like a whispering in the wind, only audible for herself…
Laura, I really wished so much I could have been much more helpful to you. Really much more. But it was not possible, for not to risk this complete mission in the end. You must complete this journey on your own, to be prepared in the end, only this way you may be able to do what has to be done in the end. And I wish so much you will, Laura, wonderful angelic being of our universes. But you still have no idea what this is really all about, and who you really are…
Elora sighed deeply one time and kept watching Laura, before hear whispering voice sounded again in the wind…
The people of your universe call you “the mother of all life”. And they are so right – and wrong. You are much more than this, you are what nobody else ever could be. You are the destroyer – and the creator, when the final ending has come. All things depend on you, the decision about the future of us all. You will be the end of all things, and the beginning. The only one who can break the mirror, the grand illusion, which keeps us imprisoned in eternity. Mighty and endless walls, and they can never be broken by us, by nobody. Nobody except you. This is the will of the gods, what they decided such a long time ago, to keep the hope for their universe. For all life. And now you are finally here, you are on your way…

Elora paused again for some moving moments, before she began to speak once more, to speak into the wind…
The time, this time, is ending now very soon. The last decision has to be made, and you are on your way to reach this destination. And I know you will find it, you will succeed at last for sure…
As Elora paused once more, and as the silhouette of Laura got smaller and smaller, something unexpected happened. Another shadow appeared from nowhere, straight next to Elora. It was a giant shadow, and also transparent, floating in the air above the ground of this world. The being was completely swathed into white light, so no forms or body parts were visible…

Elora did not move, she did not look towards the new visitor. But she began to speak, once more with her whispering voice…
Mother! I am really surprised to meet you here. Does that mean you have come to punish your child, for it has not been obeying all your orders? But I am prepared to bear the consequences. You can punish me every way you wish, for I do not regret anything I have done. Especially not my feelings…
For some moments nothing happened. But finally a new voice was swinging in the wind, another childlike voice, sounding like an angel. And Elora could only feel love all around in the air…
Elora, my wonderful beloved child, how could I ever punish you for something I just feel the same way like you? Like all our children feel, in the important time of the end of time in our universes. Of course we had to make those rules, believing in them all the long time before, but I always knew they would be broken. And I am happy for the feelings you shared with Laura, as this love, this relationship, will also help her on her further way and last stage. And we all know, if Laura succeeds, what we all believe in firmly, we all can finally leave our current bodies, to raise again, into the final and ancient beings we once have been. We waited for this moment such a long time, but it is close now. And you, Elora, are the most lucky girl at all, because your destiny is different to those of all others…
Elora took a deep breath before answering…
I know, and I am thinking about all the time of this life yet. To finally meet Laura here, after all this long time, was so incredible – and hard. Really hard to play my role, knowing the whole truth and not revealing it to her. You can believe me, it almost broke my heart, mother…
The voice whispered her answer tenderly…
I know, child, I know. We all have our cross to bear, but I am so proud of you. You have done all things you had to do, and the way for Laura is prepared. She now must only still finish it and succeed. Ans she will, she definitely will. She will in time, before evil can destroy us all…
Elora took another deep breath…
Then we have fulfilled our destiny now, mother. The rest depends on Laura, the one and only chosen one, the mother of life, and the mother of us all. Our thoughts and love will always accompany her…
After those last words from Elora there was only still silence in the air then. The two huge shadows remained for some further moments, watching Laura finally disappear at the horizon. Then the two beings began to fade now, and to vanish into thin air then finally…
The same time, but another place, far, far away. A place of eternal darkness, pain and fear, a place of entirely evil. A place no living being of light and goodness ever would like to be then.
The dimension of hell seemed endless. The whole dimension was filled with giant, steep rocks of brown and black color, with endless streams of lava and fire flowing by. And the never dying fire wasn’t empty, as hell was filled with countless souls, remaining there in brutal imprisonment. The souls in hell could never escape, and they were tortured all the time…
The final dimension of evil was filled with never-ending yelling of pain and fear, next to a whispering voice for every ear, telling the same message over and over again. It was the only remaining hope for all lost souls, the message of the upcoming war of apocalypse, the´day all souls in hell would be released for the last war ever. Battling and destroying all enemies was the only chance to get released in the eternal realm of evil afterwards, when the lord of hell finally would ascend the throne of the whole universe, for the eternal reign of evil...
The suffering souls in hell, madness was there only hope to live. They could not wait to finally fight, to battle every possible enemy, in the mad hope to get released this way again. And so they waited and suffered, tormented by the keepers and torturers all around, the higher demons of hell, forming a giant army of madness this way, for the last and deciding war of apocalypse…
And though all preparations seemed to proceed well, there was concern among the higher servants of the lord of hell meanwhile. The army of hell really seemed strong enough to begin the long awaited last war, but the master of all evil did not give the final sign to release the power of hell. In fact he did nothing at all, and since a longer time nobody had seen him any more at all…
The highest delegates of hell, dark masters of evil themselves and be reporting to the lord of evil, finally made their decision and asked for an audience themselves. They wanted to try to understand what was going on, and at last the lord of hell really accepted to meet them again…
The delegates began to assemble in front of the throne room finally, trying to hide their inner unrest then. All delegates wore large capuchins, hiding their true shape totally. But they had humans forms at least…

All delegates had assembled in the throne room finally. They stood behind the throne in a semicircle, waiting totally motionless and patiently for the arrival of their master. But the throne was still empty…
Finally it happened. The lord of hell appeared on his throne, sitting there in a human shape, and really physically. His body was completely covered with royal robes , even hiding his face, and a crown was placed on his head. Only two dangerous red eyes were visible in the face, as the ruler also sat on his throne without any motion – and not speaking any word at all…
The delegates still waited for the moment they would get the allowance to speak, and finally the moment was there. The lord of hell only said one single word, but his mighty voice resounded from all walls…
Lord of Hell:

One of the delegates, chosen as speaker of the group, answered his master without any movement at all then…
Master, we beg your pardon for this disturbance, but we have important news. The strategists of our final army do believe we are strong enough meanwhile to attack and subject all races in the universe. They mean the time for the last was of apocalypse has come and we should no longer hesitate. It is your decision, but at least we wanted to inform you of those thoughts. And hell, the whole dimension and every single soul in it, they are all ready. This universe would no longer resist us, and the next step, to finally also conquer the parallel universe, is coming into range now. The so far impenetrable frontiers of this second universe are breaking, the lost children loose control. They will be vulnerable as never before, and not be able to protect the chosen one any longer. Your victory would be complete…
After those optimistic words the delegates kept silence again, eagerly waiting for the reaction of the lord of hell. Because when at all if not now should this so long expected war finally begin...?
It still needed time. The ruler of all evil still sat motionless on his throne, and he did not react. The delegates could not understand, but they only waited. And finally, after a felt eternity, the lord of hell began to speak. And his mighty voice resounded from all walls once more…
Lord of Hell:
Yes, you are right, which point of time could ever be better than this moment now, to start and win this so urgently and long expected last war of apocalypse? In fact, with all the changes now it even could be an easy victory, s there is nobody there, not even the chosen one, to stop and defeat us. And I can see, I can feel her close. She is so slight and fragile, so defenseless in her current status, that this war would be over before it even really began. It would be victory, total victory – and the destruction of all things. It would be nothing, nothing at all, as it means noting any more. And this is why I do not give a signal, the war in this universe will not happen, not now and not in the future, if possible then. I have made my decision, and it is final. Hell stays closed, and we do nothing, nothing at all…
The delegates were really confused now, not able to react and speak any word. Nobody knew what was happening here, and a noticeable disturbance was laying over the whole throne room…
The lord of hell reacted again. After some further moments of uncertainty he began to speak again to his servants...
Lord of Hell:
I am finally awakened now, from a long, long sleep. Of course you can not understand and never will, but this is not important. We all have been deluded, living in a mirror of illusions for such a long time. It was the will and work of the gods, and only the lost children in their own universe knew about this truth all the time. But now I also understand, and believe it or not, what they do, what the gods do now, and most of all, the mission of the chosen one – all of this is also our mission. Because Laura is the only one, really the only one to reach this final destination and do what has to be done. She could break the mirror, with consequences nobody can overview at all. Except the gods, of course. And the lost children. And what they believe to be their chance against evil, what they try to reach, it is our chance as well. What has been lost since such a long time, the whole truth, can be restored now, and this is all I want and always did. Because evil does not want to rule a dream, an illusion, but the real truth. This means more than we could ever reach here, it means all to me. Because even my body, my whole existence here, it is not true. I am not who I should be, but Laura will change it all in the end. She really will…
After a short break the ruler spoke once more, and deep satisfaction was laying in his shaking voice now…
Lord of Hell:
This is my decision for you. We will not do anything until the last decision is made, until the chosen one reaches her destination. If she succeeds all things will change, totally and forever, and this whole conflict will start new. Hell stays closed until this moment, and only if she fails, only if we know for sure that the mirror never breaks, then we will do what has to be done. Then we will destroy the universes here and rule about what is left - the only thing what we still can do then. It will never be the true victory, and a bitter ending, but I hope this will never happen. This is all what you must know, and never doubt my decisions. Do what I want and leave now, leave me alone with my thoughts to follow the further happenings…

The lord of hell kept silence again, even closing his eyes, and his body vanished into thin air afterwards. The meeting was over, as the hall began to fall in darkness more and more, and the delegates left the throne room then. Still totally confused, and not understanding what their master had spoken about, but of course they obeyed. They obeyed as they always did. And the huge throne room remained dark and empty finally…
The throne room was shrouded in darkness completely. All delegates had left, and also the lord of evil was gone. But suddenly his mighty voice resounded again through the darkness, straight out of nowhere, speaking to himself now. Nobody else in hell could hear those words…
Lord of Hell:
So, then, Laura, things have changed totally once more, though you are now the only one of all important players still not knowing about the truth, for you are still captured behind the mirror, searching for the truth. And instead of fighting against you, and your gods, our destiny now is the same. We all want your success, to break the mirror in the end, for we can only return into the whole truth with your success. You are the key and always have been, but I have also slept too long, and live in wrong existences, as I indeed still do. And this is what you do not know and what you will understand first when it is too late. To free all life also means to free me...
A dark laughter began to resound from all walls now, and after a while the evil master began to speak again…
Lord of Hell:
I am still prepared to do whatever necessary and conquer the current universes, if you fell, the second best solution, if the way into the lost reality can not be restored again. But as long as there is hope, I will wait and retain my armies, though they can not wait to begin this last war of apocalypse. But who knows, now that the frontiers of the parallel universe begin to break, perhaps there is even a way to help you on your mission, in a way you never know…
The dark laughter sounded once more, and it needed some time until it finally ended. Afterwards the dark throne room really remained empty, as the lord of hell was really gone now…
Laura was on her way, walking through unknown territory on an unknown world. And it was strange to look around with no colors at all, while the mother of all life thought about where she could be now. And what this new mission, another time a changed mission after her Afreean adventure, could be about, especially with the alarming conspiracy of an unknown kind. And Laura was concerned, most of all because of her knowledge about the breaking frontiers to the parallel universe. So she couldn’t know how much time there was left to finish this mission in time, before an evil invasion could start…
Finally Laura left the alley behind, entering a farmstead then. A man was working at the family house there, and he greeted Laura happily as she approached. He even waved at her then…
Hello, Dorothy, nice that you are back so soon from school. Toto is waiting for you yet, he will be pleased…
Laura understood. She understood at once, as her outfit also had changed suddenly. She was standing on a famous farmstead in Kansas, in a copy of the USA on Earth, and her name now was Dorothy Gale. She was about to enter the world of Oz, as Laura remembered of this famous story on Earth, and being excited so much about Laura turned around, with her back to the man on the ladder. And he was uncle Henry for sure. Laura heard some yapping from a smaller dog in the background, and she closed her eyes for some moments…

Yes, uncle, I am glad school was over so early today, as you know how much I miss Toto all the time…
Uncle Henry didn’t answer, but laughing shortly, while he continued working at his house once more. Laura however turned around again, seeing Toto, this little pretty dog, running quickly towards her now. He did recognize her, and Laura got onto her knees, reaching out for the dog…
Toto, my beloved Toto…
The little dog arrived and jumped into the arms of Laura at once. And she stood up with him again, keeping him on her arms while he licked her face happily, and Laura began to walk around with Toto now...
It simply needed no time. Laura was in her new role totally yet, and also in reality, she always had loved dogs. Some time later she let Toto down again, setting him down onto a bigger agronomical device, looking at her eagerly. And Laura reacted in the only logical way in this role…
Toto, I love you…

With these words first Laura now began to sing. And she sang with a beautiful and almost angelic voice, a little song about her love to Toto. And the little dog listened interested…
After finishing the song Laura also sat down, turning towards Toto and laying her head against his. She held his little head in her hands, while she began to whisper, only audible for his ears…
Toto, my little dog, a big adventure is waiting for us soon. But until it starts, let’s walk around a little bit further then…
Toto seemed to understand and jumped down to the ground. Laura left the area of the farmstead again, and Toto followed her...
Laura and Toto visited the village nearby the farm, but it only was a very short visit. Suddenly all inhabitants were escaping to their houses, and Laura was like paralyzed with fear for some moments, as she noticed what was happening. It was a tornado, still in some distance to the village, but growing very fast then…

Tolto, a tornado, hurry, we must run home quickly…
Laura turned around and began to run as fast as she could, and Toto followed her at once. They left the village in the direction of the farmstead, as Laura knew she had to reach the house in time. It was the only way to get to Oz then, and Laura had to reach this destination. But the tornado really followed her straight, and it even seemed it got faster and faster on this way. Laura was not sure to escape until to reach the house at all…
Laura saw the farmstead finally. But running towards it she felt the power of the tornado yet on her back, and somehow instinctively she stopped and turned around. With wide open mouth, and with Toto barking fearfully, Laura knew that it was too late. She could no longer escape this mighty storm…

The dog obeyed and jumped into the basket Laura was carrying, while the mother of all life closed her eyes now. This story was a new one, and it would develop different. Laura could only hope to survive the tornado at all, but nothing seemed to be sure for the moment. Nothing at all…
It happened. The power of the tornado grasped Laura and Toto, pulling them into the vortex and raising them into the air. Laura was pulled higher and higher, while the storm went its way through the landscape, and sometime later Laura could not see anything any more. She was still conscious, but held her eyes closed. And she was holding Toto as firmly as possible…

Somehow there was more and more light around, and Laura felt it even through her closed eyes. She was leaving reality, the reality of this world, and finally she lost consciousness…

Laura woke up again. It needed some moments to get fully aware of herself again, as she noticed she was still holding the basket with Toto, and she was floating through the air. Somehow and somewhere, with so bright light all around that Laura simply could not see anything. But she landed safely on firm ground again finally, and the mighty tornado was gone…

It needed some time again until Laura finally could see anything, and the light around began to fade…

Yet with light around Laura knew that she had reached her destination, standing in an unknown forest, but on the famous yellow-brick road. And finally the unnatural light was gone totally…

Toto, look, it is Oz! It is really Oz, as I know it from books and movies, and I really entered this fantastic world now. Incredible! Totally incredible, and I am very curious what is going on here now…
Laura took a deep breath, looking around a little bit, but so far there was nothing interesting to discover for her…
So then, let’s walk along this road, Toto! We will explore this world now, finding out what’s wrong here, and what this conspiracy is all about Elora told us. The new adventure can begin now…
Laura sighed deeply one time, keeping Toto in her basket for now. And she began to follow the yellow-brick road...

Laura had no sense of time, how long she had been waling through the world of Oz yet, following the yellow-brick road. But suddenly she found something unexpected, still being on this road within the huge forest. To the right side was a wooden hut, but in front of it, as a kind of guard before reaching the entrance to the hut, a person was standing. Laura could not yet recognize this person from the distance, but she saw a hatchet in his hand…
Coming closer she really was surprised. It was the Tin Woodman, one of the famous characters of “The Wizard of Oz”, and she really was meeting him now in this wonderful world…

The smile in Laura’s face disappeared very quickly again after coming very close to the Tin Man. Finally Laura even spoke to him and touched him, but there was no reaction at all. It seemed there was no life in this creature any more, he seemed to be petrified. Laura was very unhappy not being able to speak to this creature, and she was concerned. This was a true sign of something not being right in this world, not at all. And she thought about this mysterious conspiracy again at once…
Toto, this is not good, not at all. What happens in this world, and what happened to the other members of this group? I mean, the Scarecrow and the Cowardly Lion? We must try to find them…
Toto confirmed with yapping while he run around at this place, but Laura then preventively put him back into her basket again. With a very disquieting feeling she continued walking along the yellow-brick road…
And again it happened. Laura reached another certain place on her journey, noticing a kind of dwell with a strange kind of with roof above it on the road, surrounded by the yellow-brick road around it. But much more interesting was something else, namely in fact the Scarecrow standing at the left side of this construction. And coming close Laura had to see he also only was a statue now, without life, just as the Tin Woodman before. This was really alarming…

Laura sighed deeply one time…
As I feared yet, and I have no hope we could find out the Cowardly Lion would not also have shared this destiny. On the contrary, I fear we will find him also very soon, in the same constitution…
Laura sighed another time before continuing…
But okay, I must have certainty first, then we can think about what to do next. Let’s further follow this road, Toto…
The concerned mother of all life did as she said, following the pretty yellow-brick road again, in the search for the Cowardly Lion now. Laura really was sure he also would not be far away again…
And finally then, the Cowardly Lion indeed. Laura had just passed an open wooden hut, built like a bridge, and to her right at the other side was the Cowardly Lion. He also was petrified, standing motionless as statue. Those really were sad moments for Laura, and the world of Oz had changed totally. Something bad had happened, probably in combination with this conspiracy, and Laura knew the situation was deadly serious. She had to find out what was going on here and somehow stop this conspiracy, if necessary at all cost. Letting Toto out of the basket again Laura began to speak to him once more, and to herself…

This is so sad, Toto, so sad and concerning. Please, come here! It is better you not run around here too much until we don’t know what is going on here, though I know you don’t like it to sit in this basket…
Toto obeyed. Laura reached out for him and he jumped into her arms. Laura held him like this, looking up into the stony face of the Cowardly Lion again, when she started speaking again with sad voice…
Nothing more to do here then, we can not help those old friends, the solution is being hidden somewhere else. And so, this means to continue my journey, exploring the changed world of Oz and finding out what is going on here, Toto. I am ready if you are too then…
Toto barked one time as confirmation, and with a last sad sigh Laura turned away from the Cowardly Lion. She began to move again, following the yellow-brick rood once more, but now heavy-footed meanwhile…
Laura stopped again. Not much time had passed since leaving the place of the Cowardly Lion, as Laura found the further way blocked now. Blocked by a big two-parted gate, with every part of this gate had one letter written on it. A giant “O”, and a giant “Z”. It was the word “Oz” then…

Laura was confused, shaking her head then. And once again she began to speak to Toto and herself now…
Since when has the yellow-brick road been blocked by a gate like this? I never heard about such a gate ever then. And if the real world “Oz” first begins behind this door, why are the three fellows outside? Or is this now only a special region, trying to keep undesired people out?
Laura took a deep breath before continuing with her speech, while Toto sat quiet and motionless in his basket…
However, nobody will keep me out of the heart of Oz, not at all. Let’s find out if we can open this gate in any way, Toto…
Laura walked closer towards the gate until she could touch it. There was a special mechanism, a kind of lever, certainly for opening this gate, but it was blocked. Or even worse, perhaps rusty. And Laura really found no normal way to open this two-parted gate in the end…
Well, this is really not a good start in this world, not at all. Now, how should I continue from here? I can not open this gate with muscular power, but perhaps in another way? Let’s think about it. If the conditions in the parallel universe change, and if the frontiers begin to break, the lost children also begin to loose control. Elora yet confirmed this, and we fear the influence of evil yet, if it is able to pass the frontiers finally. But I forgot something else. With those changes, and for the best of this world and universe, perhaps my true abilities and forces also may return…?
Laura closed her eyes for some moments. She totally concentrated on herself, trying to reach her inner strengths and let them flow. And she felt the change, also inside of herself again finally…
Yes, this is me, the real “me” again! And go!
Laura bundled her magic power within her right hand, reaching out instinctively towards the lever with still closed eyes. And really, an energy flash left her hand now, hitting the lever and moving it finally. The two-parted gate now opened, and the way to pass it was free for Laura then…
The mother of all life opened her eyes again, smiling happily now, and raising her voice one last time at this place…
Yes, my real strength is back, and my magic power. I am not defenseless here, and I can further follow my way now. It may be evil is part of this world yet, I still don’t know. But I am prepared, prepared for all possibilities now…
Laura looked at Toto then…
My little beloved dog, somehow I believe you can understand every single word I speak. Though I am not really your Dorothy, I do love you yet as if you would be my dog. I really do! And believe me, I will protect you, no matter which challenge or danger is waiting for us in this changed world. We will face it all together, and solve the mystery of Oz. I believe so…
With those words Laura finally began to move again, walking through the now open gate in front of her. And a now section of this wonderful, but now also mysterious world was waiting for her and Toto…
Laura had left the huge forest finally. With passing the gate she stood in a huge plain, and the yellow-brick road crossed this area until the visible horizon at least. There was only grass around, and some single trees in the distance, but nothing else. No signs of other life or even a village or town at all…

After looking around for some moments Laura took a deep breath again. And finally, with further carrying Toto in the basket, the mother of all life moved again, following the yellow-brick road…
Somehow it was strange. Though of the circumstances, a pretty, but mysterious world with a conspiracy going on, and with not knowing what to expect, Laura felt like singing on her way. Walking through a smaller forest again, and holding Toto in her arms, Laura let her feelings flow and began to sing. It was a song of hope and faith, and somehow Laura even walked along the way with closed eyes. She was completely led by her feelings, trusting into them totally…

Finally Laura found something. It was a smaller hut, looking like being inhabited, but she soon found out that nobody was there any more. For a while Laura stayed outside, sitting on a small wooden fence and waiting for a possible inhabitant to arrive...

But nobody came at all. And so, as the night fell over the area, Laura entered the hut with Toto, spending the night in there…
Early in the next morning Laura was on her way again. And it needed not so much time till she finally found what she had been searching for, since the beginning of her journey through the world of Oz. Laura found the munchkin village, the one she knew from the original movie, the one Dorothy Gale visited on her journey there. But again nobody showed up at all, but Laura knew it was possible the munchkins were hiding. Yet because of the conspiracy around for one reason…
Laura did what her feelings told her now again. Straight on the village square she began to sing again, a happy song this time, and she was dancing around. Toto joined this dance in his very own way with jumping around then. And Laura hoped to lure the inhabitants this way…

It was for nothing. Laura stopped her performance as nobody showed up at all, and finally she had to accept that she was alone in this village. It was left like the hut before, and slowly the feeling grew that this whole world now could be abandoned. A strange and frightening imagination…
Laura began to further cross the village, and somehow she couldn’t stop to sing here with her beautiful voice. But it wasn’t a happy song any more, as the melody now showed her sad feelings. And the sad mother of all life decided to finally leave the village again…

Leaving the abandoned village of the munchkins again Laura soon was on the yellow-brick road once more. It now led her through green grain fields while the area around began to rise, Mountains towered to all sides of the road. And Laura continued her journey, on her search for something, for anything alive in this world, and for the mystery of this strange conspiracy on Oz. She reposed confidence in finally solving this mystery, hopefully very soon…
Laura stopped immediately then as she noticed strange feelings inside of her. Something was strange, something was not all right. But looking around she couldn’t see anything dangerous, nothing unusual…

Is this delusion? But I really can feel something strange, Toto, as if things around here wouldn’t be what they seem…
Toto seemed to agree as he growled low now, and in the next moment Laura should get the confirmation for her feelings. All around here the environment suddenly began to change. It happened only slowly, but obviously then. The whole area changed its position, and in the end it all was laterally reversed. The further way, the yellow-brick road, leading to the right before now led to the left…

Laura sighed deeply one time and shook her head several times before she spoke to Toto and herself again…
Well, Toto, I was right. Isn’t this strange then? This whole world seems totally odd, and I do believe, all of this is related to this unknown conspiracy, getting Oz into disorder. Or even worse. But we will find out, and we will deal with all possible consequences. Let’s continue this journey again…
Laura sighed deeply another time, before she began to move again. She followed the new direction of the yellow-brick road to the left, with no idea at all where her destination would be…
A few hours later. Laura finally stopped again, now with a happy smile in her face. She had really found what she had been searching for. At least it had been her big hope, to find and visit the fantastic and incredible Emerald City on the world Oz. And now Laura had found it at last…
Laura still stood on the yellow-brick road, holding Toto and the basket on her arms, and enjoying the wonderful sight in front of her. Emerald City was huge, really huge, and still even prettier than ever imagined. It was a wonderful creation of the lost children, and Laura still did not move while only watching this incredible town, built of green marble and crystals…

Now, look at this, Toto, the final destination of the yellow-brick road. Since entering this world the very first moment I hoped my way would also lead me here, and now it really happened. Incredible, simply incredible. It is almost like dreaming a wonderful dream, one of the most beautiful ones ever. And I guess, no that we found Emerald City, we are invited to enter it…
Toto barked excited several times, as Laura finally began to move again. She began to walk towards the town slowly…
So then, Emerald City is waiting for us, Toto! Let’s enter it then and find out what is waiting for us inside...
Laura put Toto to the ground and he walked at her side, and Laura could feel her heart beating faster with every step…
A shock! It was a real shock, walking inside of Emerald City finally and seeing what had happened to this wonderful town. Laura needed some time to really understand and trust her eyes, but the truth was obvious…
Emerald City was a dead town. All inhabitants were still there, but not alive any more. They stood, sat and laid all around, as stony statues. And really all life had been petrified, exactly as the three fellows of Dorothy Gale before. And now Laura knew about the true dimension, as it seemed now the whole world of Oz was a dead world. Of course Laura thought about the mysterious conspiracy again at once, as this could be the only cause for a disaster like this. And for the first time at all, since entering the parallel universe, Laura felt fear inside of her. Real fear, that this whole mission could still fail before reaching the final destination. Because it seemed evil now had found a way into this wonderful universe of the lost children – and the whole creation, as the children themselves, were in danger now…

Waling along the streets in Emerald City Laura was so sad she couldn’t even prevent some tears running down her cheeks. And as she spoke to Toto again, now holding him on her arms once more, her words came only slowly and with pain. The voice of Laura only was a low whisper now…
It seems we are too late already. Too late for this wonderful world, as it had been doomed already, Toto. I simply can’t believe this, and it makes me so sad that I can not hold back my tears…
Laura continued walking through the town though her feet seemed weighted with stones. Every single step was a hard one now. But Laura finally reached the main palace of the town, and she was about to enter it…
The palace of the great Wizard of Oz! Let’s find out about his destiny, or if all hope really is for nothing yet…
With a last deep breath Laura opened the great doors to the main palace, and she entered it resolved, but on a slow pace…
Laura stood inside the palace of the Wizard of Oz. She began to cross it, with its multiple green corridors, almost remembering at a labyrinth. But Laura did not get discouraged, but further followed her way through the mighty castle, on her search for the great and powerful Wizard of Oz…
Some time later Laura suddenly stopped, somewhere in the mighty palace, in one of those countless corridors. The sight of Laura went upwards, into the direction of a window, but she could not see anything interesting or unusual there. And though, it was a clear feeling, coming straight out of her heart, telling Laura to remain and look at this certain point…

Laura waited, and indeed, something happened then. Something really unusual, and also unexpected at this place. Laura could see an oval frame, artfully decorated, appearing straight out of nowhere. It simply hang in the air, next to the window, just there where Laura was looking at yet since some time…

I know this, I know what is happening. This is another magic mirror, and I am curious what it will show to me this time. I wasn’t expecting that yet at all, rather near the end of this adventure again…
The magic mirror finally showed an image, and of course Laura recognized it at once. It was Emerald City, including the palace she was just standing in. But Laura did not understand and furrowed her brows…

Well, this is strange. Why would I want to see the town and palace I am yet standing in? This makes no sense to me at all…
Perhaps Laura was a little bit too impatient at this moment, depending on her important mission and few time, but she saw it with a smile in her face, that the image in the magic mirror changed quickly then…
The woman! It was the unknown woman again, and Laura was very excited to see this face once more. It was such a wonderful feeling every time then, and Laura really was all smiles now…

Yes, it is here again. I saw her on Afreean first, and meanwhile I am sure, really sure, I have met her in Hogwarts, in that wonderful encounter at night in our dormitory. She was the woman speaking to me, the voice from a forgotten past. And here she is again, in all her beauty, and somehow with an almost magic attraction. I hope she will speak to me again instead of only being an image…
Laura sighed deeply one time, staring at the image in the magic mirror almost totally entranced. She was waiting for something to happen then, and in fact, the unknown woman began to speak…
Laura saw it, and she could feel it, the lips of the pretty woman were moving in the magic mirror. And though, she could not here any single word, nothing at all. Laura could feel it now, some kind of spell, laying over this palace and the whole town. And maybe over the whole world Oz then…
How sad, Toto! It really seems we are the only ones to move normally in this whole world, and we even can not hear the words any more, coming from the magic mirror. Something really is totally wrong here, and it seems we are standing here all alone. The magic mirror can not help me this time…
Just spoken her sad words Laura suddenly saw bright light inside the magic mirror, and the image of the unknown woman resolved itself within the light. And something else happened then…

What is going on here, Toto…?
The bright light left the magic mirror, quickly also expanding into the whole corridor. Finally all matter began also to resolve itself now, including the surprised Laura and her dog on her arms…

Laura was aware of herself again. She found herself outside the palace, and also outside of Emerald city, standing on the beautiful yellow-brick road once more. And the task was clear then…
I can not find further help or traces here, and so I have been shown my further way at least. Leaving Emerald City again, and further exploring this somehow ossified world. And this is what I will do now…

Laura sighed deeply one time, looking back at least once again for some moments. But finally she was on her way again, leaving the area of the wonderful and incredible magic town Emerald City…
Some time had passed meanwhile, but Laura could not have told how long she was wandering around yet. Somehow she still enjoyed the wonderful colored nature around, but somehow she was also very sad for the circumstances. And she still had no idea what this mysterious conspiracy was all about then, and who would be behind it, pulling the strings behind the scenes…
Laura stopped suddenly. It was because of a strange feeling again, yet in so much distance to Emerald City that she could not see the town any longer. But something inside of her told her to return. Laura only hesitated for some moments, then she listened to her own inner voice…
Toto, we have been to fast in the end. My heart tell me to return, as something will happen there, happen at Emerald City. And so we do what we have to do, we will return to this wonderful town…
Laura did what she said at once. And so she was on her way to Emerald City one more time, not knowing what this was all about. But the feeling was so strong and true, and Laura obeyed her heart...
Laura finally arrived at her destination, standing on the yellow-brick road and watching Emerald City from some distance again. She knew something strange was happening here, she could feel it. But though, all things looked normal so far, and there was no sign of anything unusual…

Well, should I really be wrong in this case? But my heart still tells me so, something is happening here right now…
And Laura was right. But it happened so slowly that she simply didn’t recognize at first, until finally also her eyes noticed the change. It was the whole area, all around, somehow changing slowly into something different. All structures from before began to disappear, while new structures appeared slowly. But still the final result was not clear, not at all…

And yes, this is strange, totally strange. What is only going on in this world? And what will it be now, right here…?
Laura saw it now. The process of change ended at last, though she still looked at Emerald City. But the town looked very different now, still green, but much darker and somehow eerie. Also the landscape around had changed somehow, as the town was surrounded by mountains now…

Laura was concerned, really very concerned, and though she knew it still wasn’t the end of the change. There was still a bad feeling about all of this, and of things still getting worse. And Laura sadly was right again, as she could see just the next moment.
For the first time at all in this world it began to fill with life now, with dark and dangerous life…
For the first time at all in this world it began to fill with life now, with dark and dangerous life…
Oh, no, please not…
Laura saw the conqueror of Emerald City finally, and she began to understand what was going on around here…

I know these creatures, from the original books and movies on Earth. Those ugly and evil winged monkeys, controlling the capital city here, and it is a first proof of the conspiracy by the witches of Oz. I guess this is a view into the future, one possible future, where Emerald City is defeated and controlled by the evil forces. But I believe I can still prevent this from happening, but for now it is time for me to finally leave here then…
Laura turned around and left the area finally, this time with the knowledge not to return again for a longer time. She had to find and follow the traces of the conspiracy, no matter where they would lead her finally. The witches of Oz had to be stopped, at any costs then…
Some hours had passed. Laura was still wandering through the lonesome landscapes of Oz, hopefully searching for something, for anything, to tell her where to go next. Standing in a huge plain with a smaller farmstead nearby Laura stopped at last, looking upwards into the sky…
Now that is the last thing to be still needed now and in this somehow abandoned world. The weather changes, and I can see new tornadoes forming at the horizon. Things seem to still get worse here…
Laura sighed deeply one time and wanted to turn around yet, to walk away in the opposite direction, as she suddenly grew stiff. She discovered something new, and really something whole unexpected. And looking up into the sky, though of those dangerous upcoming tornadoes at the horizon, Laura now began to smile. And she took a very deep breath then…
This seems my first success in my new mission, probably the one thing I was searching for all the time since my arrival…
A balloon! A big balloon was flying high up in the air, slowly, and probably also trying to escape the tornadoes. Knowing the books and movies about Oz form Earth Laura was totally sure who was traveling there, as it was the great Wizard of Oz back then. And the mother of all life knew what to do now, as she had to follow this balloon, no matter to which destination…

So then, tornadoes or not, and no matter which areas around, I have to keep sight of this balloon at any cost. We will follow it then, Toto, for our only chance to find and speak with the Wizard of Oz…
Spoken those words Laura began to move again. And she followed the big balloon, which flew straight across the country…
Some time later Laura arrived at Emerald City once more, as the big balloon also had this destination, but without landing there. And the big city had changed another time, not looking dark and evil any more, on the contrary. With the arrival of the balloon the town looked wonderful again, just as everybody would imagine it in the most wonderful dreams…

But the journey continued. Continued in another way. Laura did not move any more, she only stood there and watched what was happening. As she had experienced it yet before, the whole area simply began to change. It happened very slowly, hardly visible at the beginning, but steadily then…

Somehow a strange kind to travel, Toto, but at least the most easy way without any trouble and barriers. But eerie though. However, we will find out soon about our next destination…

Laura waited for the area to completely change, and she noticed to really be in a whole different area then. It even was a little bit dangerous, standing in high mountains now, and straight on a small cliff…

Wow, Toto, what a sight…
The cliff Laura was standing on was a mountain peak at the same time, allowing a far view over a huge area here. But she climbed up then the short piece to the final mountaintop, to finally have the full sight over the area with no limit at all. And what she could see was really amazing. Mountains and valleys, much green and a big river, even with some waterfalls, it was a wonderful landscape. And Laura also discovered the big balloon again…

There it is, and I guess I know what was happening. It must have been the great Wizard of Oz, using his powers and magic to change the areas, now and yet before in this world. This would be an explanation. And I also recognize this area now, from another famous movie in my time on Earth, called “Oz – The Great and Powerful”. It was the prologue of the known story around Dorothy Gale, and maybe the Wizard himself now escaped into the past to change the bad things to happen in the presence. And if this is right, if my thoughts are accurate, I must find and help him on this way...
Laura sighed deeply one time with closing her eyes for some moments. But then she continued her speech...
Against the conspiracy of the evil witches of Oz…
Laura saw that the balloon was going down now, just as expected. And she spoke to Toto, being bound and determined…
So then, we must get down into the valley too, my beloved Toto. This will not be an easy way, but we will make it for sure…
Toto barked confirming, and Laura looked around carefully. With her current position there were possibilities to climb down this mountain, but none of those way would be an easy one for sure.
Laura sighed deeply one time…
Well then, Toto, there is no choice for us, we can not remain here on this mountaintop. We must find the great Wizard of Oz…
With those words Laura chose one direction, one way to try to climb down this high and steep mountain, after she had secured the basket with Toto on her back with several laces. And she hoped it would be enough, as the fear to loose Tot on this dangerous way sadly was existing. But Toto was a smart dog, and he remained in the basket without trying to get out of it at all…
Here we go! It is a long and hard way down into the valley, hopefully to be succeeded before the next darkness will come. But we take it as it happens, trying to do the best possible. As usual…
Laura took a last deep breath with closing her eyes for some moments again. At the same time she collected all energies and strengths inside of her, inside of her heart. And she was prepared now…
Laura was on her way then. Slowly and carefully she climbed down the mountain step by step, with breaks from time to time between. She was making good progress on this hard and long way, but the valley still was so far away. But Laura believed in herself, she was sure to make it in the end…
Making another short break on her way Laura now saw the balloon disappear in the valley, as it landed there. Satisfied the mother of all life turned towards her own way and continued to climb down...
The end of chapter 6…
…but to be continued in chapter 7...