Chapter 8 - The Conspiracy of Witches
Laura - The Parallel Universe, Part 8 - The Conspiracy of Witches
It needed time again. Really some time for Laura to get aware of herself again. It seemed to be very bright all around, and it felt like laying somewhere on unknown ground. But Laura could not open her eyes again yet, she only waited until this bright light would finally disappear. In the meantime her memories returned, she remembered her last experiences on Oz and in Wonderland again…

Laura could feel it as the bright light finally began to dull in the end, and she carefully began to blink then. First there were only weak forms and colors, nothing concrete at all to identify then. It still needed time to get used to the new environment now, wherever this environment may have been. But Laura was patient, and her eyes slowly began to open more and more then…
Laura got in a sitting position now. She could feel a gentle breeze around her, and there were birds singing from different sides, so she had to be somewhere in the wild, somewhere on a new and unknown world. And finally Laura could open her eyes completely then, getting used to the daylight around to now recognize the environment she was sitting in…
Finally Laura stood up again, though she first was still a little bit unsteady on her feet. And now she was wondering where she really was, because it was clear now, this was not a fairy tale world again. Instead Laura recognized surprised that she seemed to be on Earth again, the Earth from the past, where she once had lived her alternate live to make human experiences with her free will. It became clear with the artificial street she was standing on, and the artificial fence at one side. And the street led through an autumn forest with colored leafed trees…
Now, that is really strange. I only thought about which fairy tale world to visit next, bit I never ever thought to return to Earth again, obviously the Earth of the past where I have lived once. What would I do here now once more? Why am I here? This is really strange, I don’t understand. And this time no lost child will appear again to help me with some information…
Laura shrugged her shoulders and sighed deeply one time while she was looking around carefully…
Well, I must try to find my answers myself then…
Laura finally began to move again, following the artificially created street deeper into the autumn forest. But she was out on a limb, no life sign all around so far. The search for the next destination began…

It somehow was a very strange feeling to be back on Earth again, the same time as Laura had lived there yet before, back then as she had chosen to do so herself and drop the life as a fairy then. Though this was only a simulation of Earth, there were sad feelings though, as the memories of following a totally wrong way at this time still hurt today, with following the old man, who meanwhile turned out to be the one and only main enemy as the Lord of Hell…
Laura sighed deeply one time and put all those negative emotions aside. She could not change anything about the past any more, but there was a chance to still write a better future. And this was her mission, the only fact counting now, so the mother of all life only concentrated on this thought. And she followed the way through the foreign forest in wild determination…
Suddenly it happened. Laura noticed some light in front of her, unnatural light, coming out of nowhere, only some meters away from her position, where she stopped immediately, of course. And Laura stared at the brighter getting light astonishedly, wondering who or what was appearing there. She knew it could not be a lost child again, as Elora had told her about the final farewell last time yet. But what else could it be then, materializing here...?
The eyes of Laura began to dilate obviously. And the mother of all life began to smile happily, no, she even was all smiles then. It was a big surprise, and entirely unexpected, but it really was Elora appearing there. Not in her human body this time, but only as a light phenomenon, as a luminous figure. And the little girl also began to smile, when she began to speak to Laura…

Hello, Laura! I hope you are happy about this little gift, as I was allowed to appear in this form at least one time again, to meet you one time more before the real final farewell this time…
Laura nodded with her head while she even was fighting against some tears, trying to leave her wet eyes then…
How can you ask this, Elora? I can not describe my happiness, but only look into my eyes to really see it. This is the most wonderful gift the lost children could have given to me, I swear…
Elora nodded with her head happily…
Thank you, Laura, I have to admit, I already missed you so much. And I will after this final meeting, I also swear. There is no other creature in my whole life I ever met who I would miss the same way like you. But life isn’t always fair, and it it our destiny to follow separated ways afterwards. I was only destined to be a companion for you this little time, and your guide as far as possible, but now you must finish your way and mission on your own. Friendship sadly doesn’t matter here, not if you are the chosen one for all life at all…
Laura nodded with her head as her face lost the shine of happiest smile. Instead a sad coloring filled her face…
I know, and I feel the same, Elora. I had to make this experience often yet on my way, but it did not hurt this much so often. Not like now, like with you then. I not only learned to respect you at my side, it was love in the end. Somehow the feeling of a mother, so much loving her little daughter. I know, we both liver such a long time yet, and maybe you could even yet be older than me. But though, seeing you in that form I learned to love you like my own child…
Elora stepped closer towards Laura now, but though both wanted it, they couldn’t embrace each other this way, of course. The voice of Elora now only was sounding like a whispering in the wind…
II understand this, Laura, I understand it so well. You must know and feel it, my emotions are just the same. Whenever meeting you I feel like a child, and I wished I really would be your real daughter. It is not true, but I feel like this at least. And so, in some way, we are ´daughter and mother…
Elora sighed deeply before she continued speaking to Laura. And she saw some tears finally leaving the eyes of the mother of all life. Of the chosen mother of her own life then…
Let’s continue your way here, for a short piece of it together, and we can continue our conversation then…
Laura agreed and the walk through the unknown forest continued. Elora floated next to Laura, just over the ground. And it was Laura now to speak again, still obviously overwhelmed by her emotions…

No matter what still may happen, one thing is for sure and will never change. You are the daughter I may never have in reality, and I will always love and remember you like that. I really can promise that…
Thank you, Laura, that means so much to me. Would you mind then if I also would call you so? May I call you “mother” now…?
Laura sighed deeply one time…
Just do it, my daughter…
Thank you, mother. I really wished to embrace you now so much, but sadly it isn’t possible any more. But also as a being of pure energy, you may sense my true feelings for you here and now…
Laura nodded with her head…
I do, Elora! But if you also wouldn’t mind, may I ask you still something about this further world and mission now?
Elora also nodded with her head then…
But of course, only try, and I will see what I can do for you. I would not appear and deny to help you if there is any possibility, I really never would. You know about the limits yourself, but simply try…
Laura sighed deeply one time before she took the floor again, only speaking to her chosen daughter with low voice…
Well, after finishing the last world and mission I only expected to visit the next even more fascinating fantasy world then, especially after all the hints I got. But instead I find myself on a copy of Earth, the Earth I used to live on once myself. I really do not understand what I should do here, it makes no sense to me. Can you tell me anything about this mystery?
Elora began to smile slightly again…
Not in details, of course, but yes, I can tell you something at least. So, please, listen carefully to me, dear mother…
Elora paused for some considerable moments. Then she took a deep breath and began to speak to Laura once more…
It is clear, the long time since you lived this life on Earth back then, a lot of memories certainly have totally gone since then. As you know, these fairy tale worlds you just visit, they all belong to stories, originally written on Earth at this time. But you may have forgotten some of them, or perhaps even never known about some even in your time on Earth. This is why we offer you a little more help, some more hints to keep you on the right way here. And there is a reason you are here now, here on that copy of the Earth of the past time, because this task simply starts here, as it also originally started on Earth in those written stories and movies. So name some hints now, and you may think about, if you remember the stories around. I hope this helps, as I can not reveal all details to you, of course…
Laura nodded with her head thankfully…
I am happy for every help I can get. Let’s find out if I still can remember the stories you want to interact me here with…
Elora also nodded with her head, thinking about which hints to choose for the mother of all life. And finally she began to speak again, looking straight into the eyes of Laura. She spoke with determined voice…
Well, there are stories, fantasy stories, with no beginning and no end. They even develop with reading them, and the mightiest power in there is the power of imagination. You can even create worlds with this power, as the reality shows to you in our parallel universe. And the second part, sometimes you see so many ways in front of you, not knowing first which one to go. Especially if only one leads you to the destination, but all others into nothing. Much depends on that right way, sometimes even to save your life of the life of somebody close to you. And the problem is, dark forces try to stop you on this way, changing it again and again. Finally the third part, a world of complete non human species, falling into a dark time of fear and war. Pride can sometimes even lead the smartest creatures into evil, and even a small splinter can be so important, to finally heal or destroy a fallen world…
Elora kept silence again, once more looking straight into the eyes of Laura. And the mother of all life nodded with her head, while she began to smile. She began to answer with confidence...
A good description, Elora, and I remember this time again. I may not have written the books back then, but I watched a lot of movies in cinemas on Earth, especially fantasy movies. I simply loved such worlds, having forgotten in this time that a lot of such elements were true. But the impressing movies, they have survived in my mind, and I remember them again now…
After one deep breath Laura continued speaking…
The first of those movies, depending on a famous book on Earth, was “The never-ending Story”. The second one was “Labyrinth”, and the third one “The dark Crystal”. And I am sure I am right…
Elora nodded with her head smiling…
You are, Laura, you are…
Elora stepped a little bit closer to the side of Laura, as they finally left the forest. They could beyond a bigger plain, surrounded by mountains to all sides. And the way was leading further from here, certainly to an unknown locality with humans in some distance…
At one side of the way there were laying bigger hay balls, and Elora portended Laura to sit down there and take a rest. The mother of all life did so, and Elora began to speak to her once more…

Well, Laura, after this beginning, go on now on your own, please. Simply listen into yourself, into the deepest regions of your heart, whilst getting totally quiet and becoming one with yourself. Let your inner magic energy flow, and your love, to fill all your body, heart and soul. And in this status, look at the details once more. Try to sort them new and find out what the feelings tell you then. I am sure, totally sure that you can find the right solution this way, and whole on your own. As it is like it is, you are the chosen one, and the hope for all of us…
Laura nodded with her head, looking thoughtful at Elora. After some moments the mother of all life began to speak…
I will try, Elora. I will try…
Laura closed her eyes then and kept silence. She got quiet and totally motionless on her hay ball, trying to get one with her innermost self. And after a short time it worked, all the energies and love inside of Laura began to flow. Being in this status she began to speak again, very silent this time. It was like a whispering in the wind, but Elora could hear all words…
I feel it now. I see it in front of my eyes. The details are forming, and my heart confirms what I can see. Let me tell you…
Laura sighed deeply one time and continued…
I remember those movies of the time I lived on Earth the second time, in an area where cinemas had a great new boom. Fantasy movies also showed worlds never experienced before, as the titles I named before. Of course I have forgotten about them in all the time afterwards, but now I see them again in front of my eyes as if it would have been yesterday as I have watched them. And so I am sure now what to do and where to go from here…
Laura paused once more for some moments, but then she continued again, with her gently whispering voice…
In “Labyrinth” it was the Goblin King to take Sarah, the main character, with him into his realm, as she could not do this on her own. In “The dark Crystal” the story played completely in a fantasy world. And so it is “The never-ending Story”, who I have to look at, where the main character could get access to Fantasia himself – with a magic book. The book “The never-ending Story” itself, with its mighty symbol on it, the “Auryn”. This is what I have to find here, this magic book, and I can not imagine the lost children would have created a task to spend a lot of time only on searching this item. So it must be close here, as I guess somewhere in the first locality this way is leading me then. And further, where would one search to find a special book then? Of course, in a library or a book shop, depending on what I will find in this locality. And so the way is clear now, this is how I will continue from here…
Laura finally opened her eyes again, and she began to smile as she looked at Elora. The lost child reciprocated the smile, also nodding with her head then. The little girl began to speak satisfied…
Well done, Laura, your intuition really speaks for you. But I know it has been inside of you, as you are the chosen one. And my chosen mother, from now as long as we live, no matter if we can ever meet again. But I know you will be successful, with my love and thoughts accompanying you. Now and ever…
Laura nodded with her head and got back on her feet again. She looked straight into the eyes of Elora now...
I appreciate this so much, and you will be my chosen daughter too, from now until eternity, as long as this mind and heart will exist. It means so much to me to know you inside of me all the time, and I know, my way will be easier this way. But now I have to go, as time is short now. We may not take too much risk, the evil witches are out there, trying to destroy these worlds…
Laura sighed deeply one time, and she raised her voice now, as she continued speaking very determinedly…
It always hurts to leave a beloved being, especially like you now, Elora. But we have no choice, I must proceed now. The conspiracy takes no break, and I shouldn’t do so either. So it is time to say goodbye, the last one this time. But in my heart you will stay at my side, forever…
Laura held Elora tight for some time, fighting against some tears in her eyes. Elora felt the same, but finally both of them reacted determined again. Laura began to move and walked away, following the chosen road into new and unknown area. Elora stayed behind, looking after Laura for some time. And suddenly she began to whisper, only for herself, as Laura was too far away yet to still hear those whispering words. And with those words Elora began to vanish again, to vanish into thin air slowly, with her eyes set firmly on Laura…
We will meet again, mother. Maybe still in this life, or maybe not. But totally for sure if you succeed your mission. You will understand some day, some close day, very near meanwhile. You will understand, mother…
Elora had gone finally. And Laura followed her own way at a smart pace, trying to reach her next destination as soon as possible. She was bound and determined now, with new hope and faith in her heart...
It still needed some time, but finally Laura saw her next destination. It was a smaller town, somewhere on this copy of Earth in the parallel universe, laying down in a deeper plain from where Laura was standing now. And the mother of all life began to smile with happiness in her heart…
There it is! I know and I really feel it, the book I am searching for is there, somewhere in this town. And I will find it…
Laura continued her way once more, following the way down into the deeper plain, and into the unknown town…
It really was a small town Laura was entering now, and she not even looked for the name. It was not important. The only thing mattering as the magic book, the only item to get her further, to continue this important journey. And so Laura was walking through the streets of this small town now, seeing a lot of inhabitants on her way, who did not react to her. And Laura did not take the time to speak to anybody, she only searched for a library or bookstore here…

Somehow it was strange. Of course it was only a copy of Earth in the parallel universe, and Laura only was a stranger in an unknown town here. But somehow she remembered, she really remembered so many things now. Obviously the lost children had really had modeled this world on the real Earth, and the time aura had lived there herself. And it all seemed real, with such a lot of memories…

Finally, some time later, Laura was successful. She stood in front of a library, the only library of this town as she could feel. And she even felt something else, something really important…

This is it, this is the right place! The book, the magic book of “The never-ending Story” is in there, as I can feel its presence now. It is even calling me, and I am prepared to use it then…
Laura took one last deep breath, closing her eyes for some meaningful moments. Then she entered the library resolvedly…
Laura only searched the library for a short time with looking around through countless shelves with books, as she understood that this kind of search would not be successful, of course. The mother of all life knew better, and she really also knew what to do now. And it didn’t matter that there were other people around, the seemed not even to take notice of her at all…

Laura spoke to herself silently…
Come on, Laura, do it the right way…
The mother of all life remained somewhere in the library, standing completely motionless now. She closed her eyes, letting all her magic energies and love flow, not caring form the people around at all. Laura did what had to be done, searching for the magic book the only way possible here…
It worked. It really worked, and Laura now could feel the presence of the magic book. She began to move again, still with closed eyes, only led by her inner energy, crossing the library further then. But suddenly she stopped. Still one with herself Laura saw the magic book, the book of “The never-ending Story” right in front of her, standing between other books in a shelve, and it sparkled bright, sending out magic energy. Laura opened her eyes shortly, and the book disappeared. There was only an empty gap where it had stood before. But as Laura closed her eyes again the book was back, only reachable this way…

Laura stepped closer now with her closed eyes, taking the powerful book from the shelve in her combination with magic energy. And finally really holding it in her hands Laura could open the eyes again, looking at the magic book also this way now, as the magic protection finally was broken…
Laura left the main corridor, searching for a private room where she could be alone with the magic book. She also found one, sitting on a couch there, with the book also laying on the couch. Laura looked at it, thinking what to do next now, and she finally began to talk to herself once more…

Well, there is only one way, I guess. I will open the book, starting to read it and seeing what may happen then…
Laura did as she said. She approached to the magic book, touching it carefully first with her hands, stroking beyond the Auryn symbol on it and really feeling its magic power. Then she took the book into her hands again, opening it slowly, and the mother of all life was ready to start reading…
It had been her feelings. Laura did not just start reading the book from the beginning, as she totally trusted in her heart. With closed eyes Laura leafed through the book now, through so many sites of it, until her feelings told her to stop. First then Laura opened her eyes again…
The certain point, the passage in the book her eyes were looking at first, those were the words to start reading then. And Laura did it loudly, so her voice resounded from the walls, but only back to herself…
“It was still early in the new morning, somewhere in the old Howling Forest, when a strange creature was awakening. It had slept for such a long time, because of not being needed, but now it all changed. Of course the creature was still hiding, because it would only show up when the chosen one appeared. But sadly this girl was still hesitating, so the entry into this wondrous world was still blocked for her. Would she be able to defeat herself to simply believe?”
Laura took a deep breath and looked up from the book. She nodded with her head and began to whisper to herself…
Now well, of course I know this from the book and movie back then, as the main character, Bastian, got in contact with Fantasia this way. And at last he could enter it, with really believing in what he read. Could it also be that easy for me, and does this incredible book really just talk about me? And yes, it is hard to defeat the remaining doubts here…
Laura nodded with her head again, before she looked back into the book once more. And she felt the magic power of it, and the magical attraction, so the mother of all life really could throw away all doubts. The story was true, and it was talking about her, so this was the one and only way now to enter Fantasia. Laura knew she had to go there, right now and without further hesitation…
Fantasia! What an incredible thought still not long ago, but now reality and so close at hand! I do believe in it, into this wonderful book, and into the power of the magic Auryn! I really do…
The book reacted at once. Laura could no longer hold it in her hands, as a mighty power pulled it away from her, up into the air above the couch and Laura. And it began to sparkle again, while Laura stayed on the couch motionless…

And now it begins…
A strange light floated out of the book, straight from the Auryn, getting bigger and bigger very fast. Laura remained sitting on the couch, while this incredible bright light began to fill the whole room now…

The light was simply everywhere. All elements, all matter began to disappear in that light, and in the end also Laura. She was pulled into another dimension, and at last she lost consciousness...

Slowly. It really needed some time for Laura to get aware of herself again. Then slowly bur surely she awakened again, opening her eyes gradually once more, noticing that she was laying on an unknown ground somewhere. And the bright light all around began to vanish finally, so Laura could recognize the new environment. She was laying on the ground of a forest, with huge trees around, covering the whole area with their leafage, so it was quiet dark around. But in a short distance normal daylight was shining towards Laura, so she could recognize she was laying still at the beginning of this forest. A somehow eerie forest, as she had to admit…

Laura got up from the ground, looking around carefully first then. And it was clear at once where she really was now, as she remembered the happenings from before, of course. And the mother of all life took a deep breath before she began to whisper to herself…
The Howling Forest! Of course it can only be this area, just as I have read in the book before. It transported me here, to find that strange creature living within these trees. I admit, not my favorite journey part then…
Laura began to move again. She did not yet walk deeper into this forest, but stayed at the forest border first. And something inside of her really wanted to tell Laura to leave this forest again, as long as she still would be able to do so. But she could defeat her doubts and fears inside…
No! I have a mission to complete, and neither witches, nor a spooky forest will bar me from reaching my next destination. And if it has to be this dark forest, then be it so. I will continue my journey now…
Laura did as she had spoken. She turned away from the forest border, looking into the opposite direction now. And with one last deep breath the mother of all life began to walk straight into the heart of the Howling Forest…
Laura tried to distract herself as much as possible, to not only think about this creepy forest she was walking through. But this was not so easy, as the gloomy environment seemed to try to overwhelm her and even fill her heart and soul with fear. But Laura fought against those feelings, knowing of course, they were caused by the evil force trying to posses all these worlds, and trying to rule them. But Laura would not surrender so easily, and she let her own energies flow again. Magic and love began to fill all her body, defeating all fear…

Witches of Oz and anywhere else, you will not destroy me, and not destroy those wonderful worlds. Not as long as I live. I will stop you, and I will soon reach my next destination here…
Bound and determined Laura walked on step by step, though her legs really seemed to be so slow and weak at the moment. But the will of Laura was stronger, and she did not even make any break on her walk…

Laura felt it. Suddenly she felt and knew, the enemy was approaching here. The witches already knew she would come, of course, and they had made this way a trap. Laura had no choice then searching for the creature of the magic book, and the witches used this advantage now. Somewhere min this eerie forest, at a really dark place between old and creepy trees, Laura finally stopped and stayed totally motionless. She knew she only had one chance now, to activate all her deepest energies and let them flow through her body, heart and soul, or she would be doomed…
Laura whispered to herself, while the environment was totally quiet now. Not even one bird was still singing around…
I can do this. I can be the one all people believe in, the real chosen one. With all the powers belonging to me…
Laura felt her energies flow, and she felt the approaching of the evil witches. The battle would begin at once…
Laura had closed her eyes. She did not see the ugly witches appear from nothing, seeming to grow just out of the trees around. They had not full bodies yet, but were transparent, and they screamed with joy about the victim who couldn’t escape any more. The sacrifice would lie down here very soon, defeated and dead, and the evil creatures screeched triumphantly…

Laura did not care about the enemies. Somehow she was totally quiet now, not fearful at all any longer. Instead she used her inner power, the magic energy, knowing exactly what to do now. It was not the time to battle, as Laura would not have had any chance to defeat all those witches here. And suddenly flashes shot out of her left hand, to one side first, and to the other a few moments later. Those flashes created an energy field, straight above the mother of all life…

The witches began to scream with hate and anger. They knew what was happening and tried to reach their full bodies, but it was too late. The energy field above Laura shot out another giant flash, shooting down into the ground straight in front of Laura. And its energy combined with the flashes of Laura, pulling down the energy field form above now. And it began to grow, bigger and bigger, covering Laura at last. She disappeared in the light and energy…

Laura was gone. The witches could scream as long as they wanted, the sacrifice could not be slayed this day. And at last, in endless disappointment and anger, also the evil witches disappeared again…
Laura was back in reality finally, appearing at a whole different place. She was still somewhere in the Howling Forest, at least knowing she was safe again for the moment. But where exactly was she now?
Laura felt something. It was a presence, the presence of a foreign creature, somewhere not far away from her. And it was not an evil presence, so the mother of all life could relax again finally…
Suddenly Laura heard a whispering voice. She did not know if it was real or only in her mind, but it was there. And she could understand the words clearly then, while she did not move at all…
Walk on, Laura, dear friend, you are not far away from me. I am waiting for you, and you have nothing to fear any more in this place. Find me at last, and we can talk about the further things to do for you…
Laura took a deep breath, closing her eyes once more, as she knew exactly what to do now. She concentrated only on her feelings, on the core of her heart, leading her without seeing anything then. And with no fear at all the mother of all life walked on now, unerringly walking through the further forest with all its trees, but not touching one of them at all…
Laura stopped again. She knew she had reached her final destination here, deep in the Howling forest, as her feelings told her so. And so the mother of all life opened her eyes once more, standing at a really wondrous place. Surrounded by the old trees Laura had entered a small round glade here, where strange creatures, like Laura saw them never before, were standing around. Some of them seemed real, but some of them did not, as they only appeared as semi-transparent energy beings. They were also standing in a circle, on a higher plain around the glade. And they were watching Laura interested, curious and not hostile at all…
Laura was amazed by those creatures, but something else drew the attention on herself then. There was another creature, standing straight in front of Laura, on the lower plain, and it was watching her. This creature was a mixture of a human being and an animal, and Laura would have described it as a human cat most likely. It may have had three-fourth of her own size, and it obviously was intelligent…

Laura still did not move, she only returned the look of this strange creature, waiting for any reaction now. And it came, as the foreign creature finally began to speak to her, with a high whispering voice…
Welcome in my kingdom, Laura. We have waited yet for your arrival a real long time, and finally you made it then. Late, but not too late to complete and fulfill your so important mission. And I am glad that I was able to make my modest contribute to your mission, so we can talk at last. You may have questions, but I may not be able to answer them all. At least you make speak freely now, and if we can be of any further help for you, we will not hesitate…
Laura took a deep breath first, still looking so much impressed on the foreign creature, before she began to speak herself…
Oh, well, yes, how could I not have questions in my heart now, standing at this strange but wonderful place and facing strange creatures as I never saw them before. But it is Fantasia, of course, and I remember that all kinds of dreams and wishes can come true here. So I shouldn’t wonder about anything. And my first question would be this one – who are you then…?
The foreign creature seemed to have expected this question, and it answered immediately, without any hesitation…
Well, let me tell you, there are important questions. There are important things to do. And the time is not your friend, it is the enemy, because you know, all frontiers are about to fall. So the last thing of any importance are names, fewest of all mine. Nothing here is important for you, nothing what your eyes can see. Rather find out what your heart feels here, what it may tell you right now. Always concentrate on the important things only, and on it what can only separate between important and unimportant things. It is your way to succeed…
Laura understood, and she still was more and more impressed. But she did what the creature told her, listening into her heart – and only into her heart. Finally she answered with low voice then…
It is strange. It is all very strange. My heart is sending me so much signs and pictures, yet for a longer time, sometimes more and sometimes less, but overwhelming right now. It is your aura, and the aura of this strange lace, as I can feel a not explainable affinity, never felt before this intense. And it is like I see certain things with my eyes, but completely different things with my heart. I don’t understand what is going on, as nothing here seems to be what I see with my eyes. This is confusing me, and I am uncertain what to do…
The foreign creature nodded with its head…
No, Laura, no! You know exactly what to do, you only have to defeat yourself as so often. Do it, do it now! Do not be what you seem to be, be what you really are. Be the chosen one…
Laura sighed deeply and closed her eyes. But indeed, the strange creature was right.
Laura knew exactly what she had to do this moment, but her mind seemed to block her. Block her against her heart. But Laura began to fight, letting her energies and love flow again, and getting whole quiet inside finally…
Laura still stood at her place complete motionless with closed eyes, as the whole environment was completely silent now. There was not one single sound around, except the voice of Laura, resounding now. But it was not more than a whispering in the air, straight from the heart out of the mouth…
I know what you mean. And I know what you mean and not have spoken in words. I don’t know who you are, but what is in you, getting through to me out of you so mighty. And it causes questions inside of me, very old questions, coming upwards earlier yet several times in my life, but hiding again with no answers. Those are just the right questions, and the mission I am on shall bring me the answers. So is the theory at least, the reason of it all here, and though I know it better meanwhile. The answer is inside of me, and it has been there all the time, since I was born. I was the chosen one before I even saw the light of day, and this is my destiny. But I forgot it for such a long time, as I also forgot other things – my real and true existence. Meanwhile it is clear, as the long journey opened my eyes, the life I live here, all existences I have gone through yet, nothing of it was real. As my mind was blocked so deeply once, in a time I don’t even remember at all, I can not find back into my true existence at all so far, no matter how much I learn and feel. Because when I look into a mirror, then I see a woman, a strange woman now, who is not me, not really. I have felt that in your universe the first time, when I was confronted with those magic mirrors, showing me unknown things and events, really totally unknown, but somehow so familiar though. And I know it now, those pictures, or to better say visions, are true. I have seen things from a whole unknown time and life – of my life. My true life, the one I am searching for now. I can still not connect yet, but I feel I am close to thew answers yet. Even with feelings and thoughts inside of me being very strong, but never articulated to anybody so far. Until now. Until I have met you, a strange being with obviously incredible power, but whole unknown to me…
Laura paused for some meaningful moments, facing the foreign creature with serious look. Then she continued speaking…
I do remember something. Something I experienced in my time and life on Earth. Almost forgotten since then for a long time, but present again in your universe. The magic mirrors reminded me, and they still do. This is why the visions are familiar now, and why my feelings and thoughts always return to that time on Earth, as often as I have them inside of me. But every time I do so I also get rid of those thoughts again at once, because my mind tells me that can not be true. It tries to tell my anything about all possible reasons, why there could be this connection, but it can not be real as less as all other adventures I experienced in the parallel universe. Because your worlds are only copies of times and places on Earth, and many of them, only created for my mission. But though of all of this, my heart feels different. It fights with my mind, a not ending battle, and I still stand between…
Laura took a deep breath, lowering her head for some moments. But then she faced the foreign creature once more, shaking her head several times. Finally she began to speak again…
But of course I know better. As you said, and between my mind and my heart only can be one winner. Only one! I feel it, and I know it, my heart is right. And the more I evolve into the real person I shall be, the more my heart gets stronger. With all feelings and the true magic energy inside of me. It is different now, really different. As I entered the parallel universe first the lost children took away my magic powers from me, and I seemed to have been reduced to a normal human being – from a goddess before. But also this was not real. I only was an artificially goddess, and the gift of the supernatural powers then have never been my own and true forces. Never! The lost children never had the intention to reduce me, in fact I only reduced myself. In truth they have taken away from me a piece of my wrong and artificial existence, preparing the way to evolve and discover my true self. And the forces I have found now are nothing of this wrong life, they are real. They come out of my deepest regions of the heart, together with all the love I have. They are different, really different – and the first real proof of what was only theory until now. They proof my real hidden existence, living somewhere still deeper inside of me. And all of this now begins to form a final picture, the first pieces of it, and of the final truth…
The catlike being nodded with her head now, as Laura kept silence again. And it began to speak itself once more then…
I knew it, Laura, I knew that all of this was inside of you yet. And it was about time to finally pronounce those facts, to not carry all this development only in the depth of your heart. And after all those thoughts, it is now time to make the next step on your way, Laura. You know I can not tell you if anything is right or wrong, but I want you to reveal it all now, all what is inside of your heart…
Laura took another deep breath, nodding with her heart slowly and thoughtful. And finally she began to speak again with low voice…
Yes, I will. You are a stranger to me, even without a name, but I feel I can trust you. Somehow I know, as if it has been so yet since eternity. And I also know now, you are not what you seem, what my eyes see in front of me. They have fooled me for such a long time yet, and it is really time to follow a different way now. Not what I see is important, only what I feel in my heart. And there I know you, what is enough. More than enough to share my deepest thoughts and feelings with you. They shall no longer stay hidden now…
Laura took a deep breath once more, closing her eyes then. They were no longer necessary here. And the mother of all life, now completely one with herself again, as all her energies and love flew, began to speak again. And her voice once more came out of her mouth like a balmy breeze of the wind…
There was a famous story on Earth, told by some books of a famous author in a time between my first and second life there. I love those books, but I did forget about them after leaving Earth again, as I was convinced it had only been a fantasy story, of course. But the first strange thing to think about then was the old man himself, in the time I still followed his way. Not discovering this before he though looked similar to a main character of those fantasy books, and this was strange to me. I never talked about that, to nobody, and I pushed this thought away until it was forgotten again. It simply had been a strange coincidence, nothing more, as my mind told me. And my mind always won these days, so I did not care any more. But later, traveling in the parallel universe, the thought was back again, with those magic mirrors. The visions I saw there, the pictures, they really could have been straight form those fantasy books again, and still much more from the also famous cinema movies of my second time on Earth, as the story had been made into expensive movies, which I also remember again now as if I would have watched them yesterday. Because the people I saw in those visions, they were exactly the same as in the movies – and of course that could not be possible. Those people had been actors, playing roles, but living as normal people on Earth back then. How could they appear in the visions of the parallel universe then, in a time they were dead and forgotten long since yet? That made absolutely no sense to me, and I also pushed those thoughts away again. At least for some time. The strange feelings about all of this, they live in my heart – with no answers. But all so far hints and facts, they only point into one direction. They point into the story of “The Lord of the Rings”, what was the title of the books and movies on Earth. Only a fantasy story so far, but finally getting more and more important now. There must be more behind it, much more, though my mind is not able to understand. It still makes no sense, but my heart wants to only tell me this. It is a true story somehow…
Laura shook her head several times…
This is the conflict inside of me I can not solve. This is the answer and truth I search, and somehow I know, it is also the hidden truth about myself. It all belongs together, I must only put this puzzle together the right way…
The catlike creature began to smile slightly as it answered again now. And the voice also was a whispering only, a whispering straight into the ears of Laura. So she could understand every single word again…
I can not give you the final truth. It is and stays your task to find it yourself, including to make the right and necessary decisions then. But I have an advice for you at least. You had all those thoughts and feelings deep inside of you. Now they are no longer hidden. You know the way to go, you know what to do. Only trust your heart, and follow the way it tells you. And as you see you did not really need my help, you are able to help you yourself. Trust into your heart, as you did now, and you will succeed. You will find the last answers then…
Laura opened her eyes again and also began to smile slightly. She nodded with her head before she answered…
I will do so for sure. And you have done much for me, really much. You helped me raising my own confidence and faith, into my true self. I could not be more grateful now. Thank you so much – whoever you really may be. But I have this feeling that we will meet again. Somehow I know it…
The creature nodded with its head one time…
And your feeling is right, we will meet again. Until then my own love and strength will accompany you for sure, Laura…
The strange creature raised his arms and magic filled the area. Really powerful magic, and bright light began to fill the glance. Laura knew it was the farewell for now, as the creature sent her further, back onto her journey again. And finally all things disappeared in the bright light…

Darkness. All around darkness, after that bright light where Laura lost consciousness for an unknown time. And now she only got very slowly aware of herself again, with keeping her eyes closed for now. First she recovered her memories, about the really wonderful encounter before, with that strange catlike creature – whoever this being may have been in fact…

Laura blinked into the darkness first, recognizing only she was laying very soft on an unknown ground. It seemed to be night at this place, as Laura could see some stars in the sky first, and her eyes gradually became adjusted to the darkness. It was not possible yet for her to recognize more about the new area, and the mother of all life closed her eyes again. She felt really tired now, and at least a little sleep would really do her good. And so Laura disappeared into the realm of dreams finally…

Laura really had no idea where she was now, and that she even was not alone at this place. Sleeping peacefully now a giant creature lay next to her, and it also seemed to sleep right now...

As the abnormal darkness was gone finally the environment was a mountain, somewhere in an unknown area. Laura lay close to the top of this mountain, on a smaller plain there, close to a giant dragon without wings...
This creature was not evil at all, yet visible through the happy smile in its face as it now opened the big eyes. In fact the head of this creature looked like the head of a giant dog, and the creature looked at Laura at regular intervals…

This creature was intelligent. And it began to speak now to itself, only with a whispering voice, to not disturb the sleeping Laura…
Yes, little girl, sleep well and sheltered, as you deserve it. You need this rest before continuing your long journey. And I will help you, as it is my duty. At least as long as it is possible for me…
The dragon finally also closed its eyes again, but it would not sleep. The protection of its new charge disallowed sleep. But the creature didn’t need it now. It only waited for Laura awakening herself…
Laura opened her eyes again. She had really slept well, but she knew it was time to continue her important journey now. Therefore she had to find out where she was now, and where to go next…
Laura opened her eyes finally. And this time it was only the normal darkness of the night, so she could recognize the environment. And it was a shock, at least for a few moments, as Laura recognized the huge dragon lying at her side. But she remembered the story, and she remembered the dragon, the luckdragon. It was Falkor, who had served the main character Atreyu in the story. And the mother of all life began to smile as she got back on her feet again…
Falkor opened his eyes again, and he was happy to see Laura on her feet once more. And he took the floor first, with his deep but warm voice. And it resounded only low, in the loneliness of the night…

I greet you, Laura, and welcome to Fantasia. We are happy to have you here, and for the time you need me, I will be your servant. The ways are long in this world, but with my help you can reach every destination you want, in a short time. You now own your own luckdragon…
Laura nodded gratefully with her head…
Thank you, Falkor, this will really be a great help for me. I am happy you are here, and I can also name my first destination. For I know this story and your adventures before, so I need to find the Southern Orcacle. No need to visit Morla, for I already know this destination. My question so would be, can you carry me to this place, the Southern Oracle, Falkor?
The white dragon nodded with his mighty head, and he further smiled at Laura. The answer followed at once…
I thought about this destination yet, and yes, of course I can carry you there. When you are ready, only get on my back and hold tight at my hide. The flight can begin at once, I am prepared, Laura…
With a smile in her face Laura nodded with her head and stepped closer to Falkor. She climbed up onto the back of the luckdragon, close behind his head and grasping the long thick hair of the hide…
So then, Falkor, I am also ready. A little bit excited, but totally happy. Let’s start up into the clouds, and to the Southern Oracle...
Falkor got up onto his feet a little bit sluggish, for dragons were not made to use their feet very often. Finally he made a big jump into the air, and he got higher and higher then. Finally the two companions flew through the air safely, towards the south then. And Laura enjoyed the journey, with no fear at all. Her feet could rest for a while now, and soon the dragon disappeared at the horizon...
Some hours had passed, as Laura noticed the first light of the new day, coming slowly through the clouds in the sky. Laura still sat on the back of Falkor, and the luckdragon flew high in the air, but under the clouds. Laura could see the landscapes they were passing, most times extensive plains between high mountains. But even the highest tops of those mountains were deep below the flying dragon. And Laura really was totally fascinated by this special journey…

After some further time Laura began to speak to Falkor, as there was one question, one information she was interested in…
What do you think, Falkor, how long will this flight still last? Will we still arrive at the Southern Oracle within the new day? The new morning is close, and at least I am getting hungry gradually…
The luckdragon answered at once…
Don’t worry, little girl, we will still arrive at the destination this new morning, and then you will be able to eat. So it is not necessary to land additional and waste further time, if you agree at least…
Laura nodded with her head one time…
You are right, if we are so close yet we should not land additionally and finish the journey in one base. I will wait until then and further enjoy this flight, as it is wonderful to experience it on your back…

Falkor answered with satisfied voice…
Very good, Laura, and I will tell you when the destination is close. I guess we will see it in less than an hour then…
And the flight continued further then, while Falkor, the huge and wonderful luckdragon, even still raised the speed a little bit now, away over the high and massive mountains of the southern Fantasia…
Laura and Falkor had reached their next destination finally. The luckdrgon had landed in some distance to the Southern Oracle, as it was not possible to fly straight until this place. Laura would walk the rest of the distance on foot. At the moment, after having breakfast in the wild, Laura took leave of Falkor. And the good-natured dragon was the one to speak now…
I am totally sure you will make the rest of the way without problems. You know the story yet, and the tasks here. In the meantime I will be waiting here for you, if you need me afterwards for further flights…
Laura nodded with her head, stroking through the soft hide of her new companion, the wonderful luckdragon Falkor…

Thank you, I will let you know. Because I am really sure that I will need you further in this fantastic world. Till later then…
Laura turned around, following her further way through the mountains of Fantasia, and towards the Southern Oracle. And remembering the story, the original story of “The never-ending Story”, she knew exactly what was waiting for her now, the magic portals, protecting the Southern Oracle…
Laura had walked a short time, still in an area of high mountains all around, following a certain path leading through this area. It was the only way to go here, so she knew she was right. And the confirmation followed soon…
Laura saw a special rock formation in some distance, actually only one of a lot around here, and though unique in the end. The way led straight to this formation, and ended in front of it. And this huge rock formation was a kind of portal, because Laura saw an energy portal in the form of a vortex, just at the end of the way she was following, at the foot of this rock formation…

And so, there it is, my portal and the first step to reach the Southern Oracle at last. I know what is waiting behind, so, let’s continue. And time to let my energies and love flow again…
Laura walked on, a little bit more slowly as before, but being bound and determined though. Finally she reached the swirling energy portal and stopped for some moments. With a last deep breath Laura entered it then…
It was nighttime again. At least at the place where Laura stood now. The energy portal had transported her straight to the first magic barrier, to the two golden sphinxes. Laura knew what would happen here, because if she would not be strong enough in faith and confidence, the closed eyes of the huge statues would open, shooting energy flashes for killing every unworthy challenger. But Laura was sure to succeed here, and her inner strength was complete by the flowing energies…
Laura took a deep breath, looking at the two high sphinxes, with her fists clenched. She was bound and determined…

So, this is my challenge now, as Atreyu did it once. At least in the story, but this time it is real, real for me at least…
With those words Laura began to move finally, walking slowly towards the two really giant golden statues…
Laura stood close in front of the two golden sphinxes now, looking upwards into their faces. She was still in a safe distance, and the eyes of those deadly guardians were still completely closed. Wit another last deep breath Laura finally began to move once more, waling forward then. Her inner energies were still flowing, ruling her whole body and heart, and there were no doubts at all…

So be it then, the task may begin. The magic mirror door is waiting on the other side, and I will reach it for sure…
Laura closed her eyes now, as she did not need to look where she was going. She was whole one with herself again. And the mother of all life entered the death zone, while the eyes of the sphinxes still stayed closed…
Laura breathed freely again. She had made it, she was through and nothing had happened. The eyes of the sphinxes still were closed, the statues had accepted Laura as a true challenger…
Well, the first barrier is done, and the next is waiting…
Laura turned around, away from the statues, and she further followed the way. There was another energy portal close at hand, and Laura walked towards it. She could go through without any problems…
Laura was really astonished. She was standing in an incredible area now, the area of the Southern Oracle. The second magic barrier, the magic mirror portal, had not appeared, instead Laura now stood in this strange environment of total blue color. In some distance Laura could see two further giant statues, two blue sphinxes, the Southern Oracle. Except the sandy ground and some rocks Laura was standing on there was nothing else here, nothing else than endless emptiness…

Incredible to experience those areas with my real own eyes now, as the lost choldren have created so many fantastic worlds…
Laura took a deep breath and began to move again finally. She needed further information, further answers, and the Southern Oracle could give them to her. At least Laura hoped so…
Laura was standing in the middle between the two huge statues, still in absolute silence. After watching those incredible works of art for some further moments Laura began to speak with firm and loud voice…

Southern Oracle, my name is Laura, and I traveled a long way to get here. I know you possess enormous knowledge, and I came here to ask you for help. I don’t know if you can help me at all on my way, if you are allowed to do so, but at least I have to try. Will the mighty statues of the Southern Oracle speak to me, to share their knowledge with me? Can I ask my question?
For some further moments nothing happened, as the two mighty sphinxes kept silence. Laura already feared they would not even answer her, as it finally still happened though. The statues began to speak with two deep vices as one, and it resounded through the complete area…
Southern Oracle:
The one human has arrived, the mighty chosen one, as decided and pronounced such a long time ago. A little pretty woman, seeming so fragile and weak, but with incredible power as no other living being before. She is the destroyer and creator, the one and only hope and destiny for so many, though the picture is still totally incomplete. She is still not what she sees herself in the mirror, and the truth has still to be revealed. There is still a long way to go, and nobody knows how it ends. The chosen one must become the real chosen one first, she must fulfill her destiny. Then she can do what her destiny demands from her, then she can destroy and create life at all in a way as never before. The end of all things is close now – and the final beginning…
Laura didn’t react at once after those really shocking words. She had no idea what the oracle was talking about, but perhaps Laura simply still didn’t want to understand. There was fear inside of her now, big fear, and it still needed some time until she could speak again then…
One moment, please. I came here to friendly ask you for some help and answers, at least if possible. What are you telling me now? I am...what…?
As Laura had spoken her words, looking up to the faces of the statues, the Southern Oracle began to answer after some moments…
Southern Oracle:
Destiny is not always what we want and wish, little woman, and especially not for a chosen one. She has been chosen such a long time ago for only one reason, and the sense of her whole existence. But thew pretty woman still do not know this truth, as it had been hidden inside of her, so deeply in her mind, that she could not reveal it until now in all the long time. What would the chosen one think the reason may be therefore? What, if not a reason so terrible, that this long time would be needed to prepare even a chosen one? Or does her heart really still deny this part of the truth?
Laura sighed deeply one time, closing her eyes for some moments. And yes, this truth was not a secret, no matter how much Laura had tried to push it away until now. But it was there, it was inside of Laura. And the sad mother of all life answered with only low voice now…
I do know. But yes, I tried to push this truth to the back of my mind a long time. With no success, of course. Because all so far facts and details tell me the same, and only one thing. The final truth can not be something easy or happy, not at all. And I even fear it will be more than one human being can ever stand. Yes, indeed, I fear the final truth meanwhile, but this also doesn’t matter. I am the chosen one, I am born to fulfill this destiny, and there is no other option. So I accept what I know so far, continuing my journey and preparing for the final truth. And I repeat my question, is there anything else you can do for me?
The statues answered promptly, and as always with the two deep voices, speaking together as one voice…
Southern Oracle:
We wished we could, chosen one, but as everybody else also we are bound by the rules and laws, older than most people can think. The last and final truth can only be discovered by herself, the one thing we are able to help her is a little bit with the further way, waiting for her. But we believe this is better than nothing. Would the chosen one be satisfied with this information?
Laura nodded with her head one time…
Actually I only wanted to ask about my current mission, if I could get more information from you therefore. I know and accept that I must find the final truth on my own – but you were the ones to confuse me here. Your words from before, the strange and horrible pictures you drew, you really startled me then. And now, of course, this works inside of me, and the new questions in my head are caused by these words. Can you really blame me therefore now?
The two statues answered at once again…
Southern Oracle:
No, we won’t. The chosen one will find and get pieces bit by bit in her way, one time by discovering them herself, one time by hints and secret words by others. This is what we can do, and it is the turn of the little woman to put together the pieces in the right form in the end. We also contributes our share now. More is not possible, except some more details about the current world, as the pretty woman asked. So she may listen carefully to what we can tell her…
Laura did not answer, but she nodded with her head again, waiting for the further words of the Southern Oracle. She knew it made no sense to try to get more information than the statues revealed voluntarily by themselves, but she would keep every single word and hint in her mind. As long as she would be able to really put all pieces together to one final picture, and the final truth…
Finally the two statues began to speak once more, and again the mighty voices resounded throughout the whole area…
Southern Oracle:
When she leaves this place, meeting the luckdragon again, the flight should go towards the west then, in the search of the Ivory Tower. It is important for the chosen one to meet The Childlike Empress now, and she will have some more details for her who searches. Afterwards it is time to leave Fantasia again, entering the next section of one world which has been three before the conspiracy. Now the frontiers are gone. Facing the Magic Mirror Gate therefore is the task, to get access into the labyrinth, which will not be easy to solve. The Goblin King is back, and again he will try to protect his kingdom so nobody can pass. But the pretty woman must succeed here, to finally enter the last section, which was world three before. And this will be the main section for her then, the last one before leaving the world at last. Finding the necessary answers is the only way to get access to the final world of the Queen of Witches, the head behind the conspiracy. The chosen one must face her in the heart of her realm…
Laura had listened carefully to the words of the Southern Oracle, and she nodded with her head now while answering…
I understand. Thank you form those hints, I will do exactly as you told me. And I am happy I get this chance to also visit the Ivory Tower here, for I admit, I was very curious about it and The Childlike Empress. Meeting and speaking with her will certainly be the highlight of my journey here. And so I am leaving now, to continue my journey and waste no time at all. Thank you once more, I really appreciate what anybody can do for me in Fantasia…
The conversation was over as the two mighty sphinxes kept silence now. Laura reacted at once, turning around and walking away at a smart pace. She hoped the way back would be easier to meet Falkor again soon…
Laura was back in the air again. Together with Falkor, her friendly luckdragon, who had waited for her as promised. And in fact, the way back to him had been easy then, and so the next destination could be visited. Of course Falkor still knew the location of the Ivory Tower, the center and heart of Fantasia, and the mighty luckdragon was on his way to reach this destination…
Laura was excited. Really so much excited, as she could not believe she would see the famous Ivory Tower in this reality now, and even meet the wonderful Childlike Empress. But it was real, as the lost children had created another incredible fantasy world in the parallel universe, also depending on a beautiful fairy tale story from Earth, which Laura once had loved herself. To visit this world now as a real one, just like all the others yet before, was more than a dream becoming true. It really meant so much for the delighted mother of all life…
And the impressing journey continued, as Falkor flew beyond the wonderful and magic landscapes of Fantasia, with every single moment getting closer to the heart of this fantastic world…
And it happened. It really happened, as Laura finally could see the mighty Ivory Tower in a still far distance. She began to smile so pleased, while the tower got bigger and bigger then with coming closer quickly now. But Falkor got slower then and began to fly around the building in a still larger distance, to let Laura enjoy this incredible sight for some further time…

And now, Laura, please tell me, what do you think?
Laura shook her head several times. She still needed some moments to calm her emotions, before answering finally…
I am overwhelmed! Really overwhelmed, as it is still much better than I could ever imagine in my dreams. And I have often tried to imagine how it would be to really visit this place, especially in earlier days, as I also used to live on Earth. But what had been created here is far beyond this imagination, and I really wished I could spend more time in this lovely world…
Falkor also began to smile understandingly…
Yes, of course, but sadly your mission won’t allow this. But before visiting the Ivory Tower you though should still make a slight detour first. There are some further people, friendly and curious, who would like to meet you, of you agree. But of course this is your decision, Laura…
The mother of all life finally could avert her gaze again from the Ivory Tower, and she turned towards Falkor then...
How could I deny such a nice wish, Falkor? We will make time for those people. So, please, lead me to them now…
Falkor nodded with his head slightly…
Great! I am on my way yet…
The luckdragon turned away from the Ivory Tower again, flying towards a mountain area nearby, while the sun began to sink again…
Laura stood on her feet again on firm ground. Falkor was waiting at the landing place, while Laura walked away a little bit. She recognized some creatures approaching from some distance, and she could not wait to meet and greet them. At least one of them was recognizable yet from this distance – the rockbiter, a huge and really impressing being of stone, known from the original story and the movie, as Laura still could remember. And she began to smile…
It is really him! And who may the further creatures be, traveling with him, and visiting me at the Ivory Tower? Let’s find out, they are approaching soon. And I admit, I am really excited very much…
Finally the group of new arrivals stopped close in front of Laura. There were four people, and the hugest of them the rockbiter, of course, who had arrived with his funny kind of bicycle again. And three further people had traveled with him. Two of them were Engywuck und Urgl, the two gnomes, also known from the original story yet. They stood on a stony front bar of the bicycle, looking at Laura with a friendly smile. And the third visitor was a warrior from the Greenskins, not Atreyu, who was certainly prevented for any reason, but another member of his people. He was standing on a rock next to the bicycle, with one hand on his heart for greeting and showing he was honored. But Laura really felt the same way…

Hello, people, I am happy to meet you on my long journey. It is really a nice welcome every time, in every of your worlds, and I am the one to feel honored. May my time be short then, but I could not refuse this chance of meeting you, and so I am here before visiting The Childlike Empress…
It was the rockbiter now who first began to speak, with a really deep and also slow voice, further sitting on his bicycle…
We are greeting you too, little woman, and also chosen one, from whom we all heard so much yet. As the message was spreading out through Fantasia, that you would finally be here, we simply had to come. There would still have been more of us, but some sadly were too far away to make it in time. We can only also send greetings from them, and we will tell them about the meeting later…
Laura nooded with her head smiling, as she looked up to the mighty rockbiter. She answered him immediately…
I understand. Will you accompany me to the Ivory Tower then, to also meet her, The Childlike Empress?
It was Engywuck to answer Laura now…
No, we will stay here and wait. The tower is still too far away for us, and you will be there fast with Falkor. Do not care for us, it is only important that your journey is successful, to also save Fantasia then…
The warrior from the Greenskins left his rock now, pointing into the direction of the place where Falkor had been waiting. But the luckdragon was already in the air again, rather flying around while waiting…
My name is Evayan, and I was sent be my people as Atreyu was on another mission yet. Let’s walk a little bit further, to the place where Falkor will land again, and where we can see the beautiful Ivory Tower…
The group did as Evayan said, and they remained at the place where Laura had landed before, and where they really had a great sight beyond the extensive valley with the Ivory Tower…

Urgl was the one to speak next now…
Brave little woman, it was very kind of you to give us this chance to meet you here, but you should leave again now. Time is so valuable, especially for you and your mission, and you should meet The Childlike Empress now. She is waiting for you now, and further delegates there, and we will be with you in our thoughts and hearts. This is for sure, chosen one…
Laura sighed deeply one time…
So be it then! Farewell, my dear friends…
Falkor seemed to have felt what was just going on, and in fact he flew towards the group quickly. Only some moments later he landed not far away of them, and Laura could climb onto his back once more. For a last time she waved at her new friends, then the luckdragon got back into the air again. Without any further hesitation he now flew straight towards the mighty Ivory Tower…
Laura and Falkor were quite close to the Ivory Tower now, still flying around it a little bit, so Laura could first watch the details from a short distance. She could see the top of the tower with the huge platforms around, and though, something seemed to be really strange with getting closer. First it was only a feeling of a wrong impression, but then Laura shook her head several times. After taking a deep breath she began to talk to Falkor again…
Well, Falkor, am I somehow in a wrong dream, or is it really true? This tower seemed to be so mighty, so huge, at least from the far distance. And now, the closer we get, the smaller it really seems to be. But this can not be true, at least what I still remember from the stories on Earth. Is this a kind of illusion, or do you have any other explanation for me here, Falkor?
The luckdragon answered with steady voice…
Well, Laura, this is not an illusion. You see, this is Fantasia. And as you should remember, it changes with every visitor, with every child dreaming of it and imagining things. And the Ivory Tower is not a normal building at all. People say it has its own life, changing for everybody to arrive there. I mean, if there are standing a hundred people on the platforms, everybody of them could see something different. This is what Fantasia is about…
Laura nodded with her head once…
Yes, I remember, and I understand. So for some reason I see this tower as something small, though my mind told me it would be giant before. This is strange, as my mind and my heart seem to struggle here…
Falkor laughed silently short before answering…
Yes, Fantasia can do such things with us. But you will find out for yourself if you visit the tower, let’s wait and see how you will see it then. I mean, if we still have the chance to see us again afterwards…
Laura sighed deeply one time…
I hope so. And I hope I CAN visit the interior of the tower, because if it still shrinks I may be too huge to enter it…
Falkor didn’t answer, but he laughed again amused. Then he went towards one of the platforms, in order to land there. But Laura had some doubts if they wouldn’t be to huge to do so in the end…

It seemed really strange for Laura. As long as she was flying around the Ivory Tower on the back of Falkor, the building seemed to be to small to ever enter it. And Falkor would not even have been able to land on a too small platform. But as they rally approached then the tower reacted. As if it would be alive and decide to allow the arrival, it now began to grow bigger and bigger. In the end Falkor could land on one of the platforms without any trouble then…
Laura stood on firm ground again finally. She saw an open door not far away from her position, as an invitation as it seemed, so she could really enter this impressing tower now. But first Laura turned around once more instead, looking at Falkor. And the mother of all life began to speak to him again…
Falkor, my dear friend! Please, would you wait for me here? I feel, no, I know this way through Fantasia is not yet over for me. I would further need you, until my mission ends in this section. Is this possible? I know, I can not demand this from you, but I would be pleased. It would be a great help for me…
The huge luckdragon nodded with his head several times and smiled while he launched into an answer…
And it would save you valuable time, Laura! Of course I will stay with you, as long as you need me and wish it. I am your luckdragon now, as long as destiny demands it from me. This is my reason for living, and in this special case the really biggest joy and most important task of my life...…
Laura stepped closer and touched the cheeks of Falkor with both hands, as he laid on the ground now for resting…
Thank you, Falkor! I will never forget this! I really found a lot of friends on this journey, more than I could ever hope for. But you are really somebody very special, and I love you, Falkor…
Laura had tears in her eyes now, and she brushed them away. The she turned around quickly, facing the open door to the Ivory Tower again. Laura walked towards it fast now and entered the building…
Falkor sighed deeply one time as Laura had disappeared in the tower. He still looked at the open door, whispering to himself now…
I would wish you luck, little Lady, if you would need it. But it is not necessary here. You have come close to your own destiny now, only so close still at the final truth that you could almost grasp it. How much would I like to tell you, but I can’t. As less as everybody else. It would destroy all we were living and hoping for since such a long time yet. You must succeed on your own, as you know it, and I believe ion you. We all do, and you will not disappoint us…
Falkor laid his huge head down onto his for-paws, closing his eyes finally. He did not sleep, but only having some daydreams. So he was waiting for the return of Laura, knowing she would come back again…
The Ivory Tower, now from inside finally. Laura walked through the hallways only very slowly, deeply struck with awe now. And again the tower surprised her, as she thought it had to bee only small inside. But now she crossed one corridor after the next one, knowing the building had changed itself again…
This is real magic. And I somehow sense a kind of conscience here. Of course the mighty aura of The Childlike Empress, but also something else. There is more behind this tower. It has its own life for sure…
Laura had only whispered her words, but nobody was here who could have heard her at all. And finally she reached her last destination, recognizing it from the current corridor. At the end of it a big room was waiting, also with an open door and with no guards in front of it. Laura saw bright light shining out of the room, and she felt the powerful aura of the regent very close now. Because she was waiting in this room ahead, and Laura too a deep breath now…
So then, The Childlike Empress…
Step by step Laura came closer to the throne room, being so excited to see the regent of Fantasia finally. And with another last deep breath the mother of all life entered the throne room at last…
Light! So much light all around! Laura was dazzled with light for some moments, so she could first not recognize anything in the throne room. Instead Laura protected her eyes with her right hand, only getting used to this bright light very slowly. And before she could really see anything in here, she heard a voice. A very tenuous and high voice, coming from somewhere in this room. It was almost like a low susurration in the air, but Laura could understand every single word…
You will get used to this light very soon, Laura. Try to open your eyes again, I guess it will be much better already…
Laura did as she was told, and in fact, it was better now. Laura could take a look into the throne room the first time now
Beautiful! So beautiful! Those were the first thought of Laura in her mind, regarding the throne room, and also The Childlike Empress, her hostess here. As the whole tower also this room was completely built of Ivory, with beautiful ornaments all around. And in the middle of the room, between all walls, the throne was standing, of course also consisting of the same material. The Childlike Empress was sitting on it, looking at Laura with serious eyes. And the mother of all life finally began to move again, slowly, getting closer to the throne. And while she made those small steps The Childlike Empress was speaking again with her unusual voice…

The Childlike Empress:
Be welcome, Laura, finally. I am so happy to see you here, because as you certainly have heard it yet a lot of times before, also I was waiting for you yet such a long time. It is a pleasure and honor…
Laura began to smile slightly now…
Thank you, Your Highness, but please, wait a moment. Before you continue, telling me anything else, let me say something. I have some certain feelings in my heart, letting me
writhe just now…
The Childlike Empress also began to smile and nodded with her head. She already knew what would be happening…
The Childlike Empress:
But of course, Laura, speak freely…
Laura took a deep breath before she continued…
I know you! Yes, somehow I know you! Not in this shape, of course, as we meet the first time at all right now. And though, I feel that we met before yet, not long ago, and on this world. And trusting my feelings I can only say, you were this strange creature in the forest, who spoke to me wisely to me. And even more, I can also feel that you are still more than that, more that the eyes can see. You are not an artificial creature, created by the lost children as the other beings in this and other worlds. You are a lost child yourself, as I feel the aura around you. An artificial being could not be so powerful at all. But I thought so far, the lost children would only interact with the worlds they have created, not playing the main characters themselves. So my question would be now, am I right with my feelings, or am I dreaming a mad dream here? My feelings are clear, but my mind says this can not be real…
The Childlike Empress shook her head several times, smiling slightly at Laura, before she answered her…
The Childlike Empress:
You are totally right with your feelings, Laura, I can tell you that much at least. And yes, normally we create the main characters of our stories as we had them in stories and movies on Earth, to interact with them this way. We children love this, and wishes do come true here. At least they came true, because as the frontiers fall now, and evil can also infect us, nothing ever will be any longer as before. But however, I am an exception here. I wanted to be The Childlike Empress, simply because of you. Because we knew you would appear here some day, in your so important mission, getting a few further advice here. This is what I want to do, and for the creature in the woods, yes, it was also me. You have seen there what I will be in the future, as I will leave Ivory Tower after your visit finally. And forever…
Laura frowned and shrugged her shoulders…
I don’t understand. What do you mean with leaving the Ivory Tower? There must be a Childlike Empress in Fantasia, you can not simply disappear and leave this wonderful world behind. Especially not in times of such a dark conspiracy. Please, explain this to me, Your Highness…
The Childlike Empress nodded with her head, looking deep into the eyes of Laura now. Then she began to speak again…
The Childlike Empress:
Well, Laura, things regularly change in Fantasia, as they always did, and as you also know from the written original book. I have been The Childlike Empress from the beginning, since this world was created. I could lead this world of human imagination and dreams in a good way all the time, but only to wait and being prepared for the much more important things to happen. You know it yourself meanwhile, though you still have to search for the last truth, your role in this complete story is much more extensive than what you believed in the beginning. I know what you know so far, and I know what you can feel. It may be this puzzle is not complete so far, but it will be completed now little by little, growing inside of you, inside of your heart. You will learn to understand all things, as you did understand here, only with your infatuation and feelings. You are the chosen one, and you do what you have to do. This means bringing hope to us all, but in the end in a whole different way than you could think so far. And I know, also if your mind still refuses to believe, you know it. You can feel it yet, and you must learn to prepare yourself for that truth.,.
Laura sighed deeply one time before she answered…
I know what you are talking about. And yes, I am beginning to understand now slowly. What happens throughout this universe, the breaking frontiers, this sums up for myself in the end. For an unknown reason I am totally blocked inside, and it is a hard fight between my heart and mind. But those frontiers, the barriers inside of me, they are also breaking now. I am connect to your universe more than I could ever think, and not evil was it to be responsible here. On the contrary, evil – at least regarding the Lord of Hell and those who follow him – has retreated meanwhile, not doing anything here, and they even want me to succeed my mission. I am not fighting against them, but against me. The witches here are only exceptions, following their own way for some reasons, for perhaps they also understand and want to keep the current status. But it doesn’t matter, I only have to stop them. And my way, my long mission, it is not what it seemed to be as it started. I have not come to save the parallel universe and the worlds in it, nor will I save the other universe where I came from. Instead I have been called “the destroyer” yet, but I wouldn’t want to understand so far. But, and this is what changes now, I do begin to understand now…
Laura paused for some moments, closing her eyes and clenching her fists. Suddenly things were so clear in front of her inner eyes, as her mind was keeping silence totally. The energies from her heart were flowing at the more, filling the mother of all life then completely…
This is wrong! Somehow all of this s is wrong! I do not understand it yet, but somehow not only me, but all life everywhere lives in a kind of illusion. There should not be a parallel universe, and there should not even be the other universe the way we know it. And it is so clear to me now, this world, Earth, the world we separated from all other life totally all the time, Earth is the center of it all. The center of a wrong kind of living, as if I now would just look at it all from the other side of a mirror. And this would mean both universes would be a parallel and wrong kind of living, where we all have been trapped for such a long time. And the solution for it all is Earth, anyway, but for sure, and that was the reason – the true reason – for the lost children to create this parallel universe with the copies of fantasy worlds, depending all on stories from Earth. This is how you wanted to lead me back slowly onto the right way, the way of discovery, and it begins to work now finally. I can not save worlds which exist in a dream, in an illusion. And what I never could have believed before, I am the one to destroy all those worlds in the end, with breaking the mirror where we are all trapped in. Could you say anything to those worlds and feelings then, Your Highness?
The Childlike Empress did not answer at once, as Laura opened her eyes again. They were filled with tears now, as the new discovery was hard, and still there were so many questions without an answer. At least for the remaining doubts inside of Laura, as her ind worked again…
Finally The Childlike Empress began to speak again, with looking seriously into the eyes of her visitor…
The Childlike Empress:
You have come really very far meanwhile, chosen one, to really become this chosen one you have been selected before you were even born. The few remaining doubts will be defeated, and you will also still find the last remaining answers. As you see and feel it now, Laura, all truth and answers are only inside of you, nowhere else you can make a find. It was very wise to secure the final truth so deeply inside your heart, that there was enough time to prepare you for the final day. But as the frontiers break in this universe, also the barriers break inside your heart and mind. And you are ready to make the next step now, to confront the leaders of the conspiracy in these worlds. This is your last challenge before reaching the final destination, before knowing all answers and deal with them. I can not reveal any further details, as you must find them totally on your own. It is essential, and you know it. So close to the final destination now, your own true feelings do not hide any more. But they will further struggle with your mind, until the last details are found and accepted. This is the way you must go, until it finally ends. And we believe in you…
Laura nodded with her head understanding…
I accept your words and will not ask any more questions. Except one at least. What is it with Fantasia now? If you leave here, who shall take your place? You can not seriously think about leaving your people alone in this time. Who shall give them hope for the uncertain future? Fantasia can not exist without The Childlike Empress, at least so much I know and believe…
The Childlike Empress nodded also with her head, smiling slightly as she looked straight into the eyes of Laura…
The Childlike Empress:
And it won’t, of course. Fantasia never will be without The Childlike Empress, as long as it exists, and one Empress can only leave when the next one is already there. And so, we will present my successor now…
The eyes of Laura dilated obviously, as she understood at once what The Childlike Empress was talking about. But Laura could not understand, and she looked confused at her counterpart…
I know what you mean, you seriously want me to take your place now. But this makes no sense to me, as I must leave again at once and continue my journey. Fantasia need an Empress within the Ivory Tower…
The Childlike Empress shook her head one time…
The Childlike Empress:
No, Laura, this is not right. I have also been on missions often myself, and The Childlike Empress always does what her destiny demands. My people know that and support it, and they will support you. Nobody else than you, also called “The Mother of all Life”, and being the one and only chosen one, can take this place, for you only can complete what we all are hoping for. It is you, Laura, it is your time, and you will see, the Ivory Tower, a mighty life-form itself, who makes the final decision, will accept you. The only still important point now is, are you prepared, and will you accept this choice yourself? Fantasia needs you, I need you, the whole universe needs you. But in the end it is your decision…
Laura took a deep breath and closed her eyes for some moments. She was still surprised by this offer and development, but she trusted in her feelings. And there the decision was made already then…
Well, what can I say to you now except a clear and confident “yes”, Childlike Empress. This is an unexpected honor for me, any my feelings are about to overwhelm me. But let’s wait and see what happens, I mean, if the Ivory Tower really accepts your choice. This is the final decision then…
The Childlike Empress nodded with her head and closed the eyes herself. There was only silence then, but Laura could feel she was talking. Talking only in her mind with the mighty Ivory Tower…
Finally The Childlike Empress opened her eyes again. And doing so she began to smile at Laura immediately…
The Childlike Empress:
The choice is made, any my destiny confirmed. I will leave this wonderful tower now forever, to make way for the new and mightiest Empress ever. You will be enthroned and crowned by the Ivory Tower now, Laura. And all my best wishes and love will accompany you on your further way, ever. Farewell, my beloved mother of all life, I will never forget you…
Having spoken these moving words it happened at once. An unnatural light appeared in the air, straight behind the head of Laura. And it got bigger quickly, filling the room behind her...

The headgear, previously adorning the head of The Childlike Empress, now appeared on Laura’s head. Behind her the former Childlike Empress began to vanish into thin air slowly, until the light got so bright that all matter seemed to disappear in it. As well as Laura finally…
Laura knew it had only been a matter of moments, as she could use her eyes again. The light was still very bright in the throne room, where she was sitting on the throne herself now, while the former Childlike Empress was gone. And so the change was really made, Laura was The Childlike Empress of Fantasia now...

And she knew exactly what to do next, as her people were already waiting on one of the huge platforms outside the tower. Laura had top speak to them, as the new Childlike Empress now, giving them what they needed…
Laura took a deep breath and stood up from the throne. Slowly she began to walk towards the exit of the throne room…
Laura smiled happily as she entered the outside area of the Ivory Tower, one of the platforms near the top of this giant building. People from whole Fantasia had assembled there, waiting for their Empress to appear and speak to them. And they already seemed to knew about the change, as they accepted the new Empress without any problem. Laura could only read joy and curiousness within all faces, while the bright light still radiated around her head…
Laura did not have to think about what words to speak to the people now. She simply opened her heart, with all love and energies flowing, and so the words now came straight out of the center of her heart. The new Childlike Empress began to speak with firm but loving voice…

People from Fantasia, assembled here to hear the worlds from your new Empress, I am speaking to you now. Your former Empress has gone to fulfill her own destiny, and the mighty Ivory Tower has chosen me to be the follower. I have accepted this choice, additional to my destiny as chosen one of all life, being on this important mission to fulfill my own destiny now. You know I can not stay here, as the mission must continue, and the beautiful Ivory Tower has to be left then. But you will not be abandoned, not at all. My strength and love will stay within these walls, and at least a part from me will remain here forever. I can not really say yet what will be happening if I succeed my mission, I have to find out myself at last. Perhaps all things will change then forever, but it is the destiny of us all then. I know you all believe and trust in my, so keep this faith and support me with accompanying me with your love and strength. This is how you can help your new Empress, and I promise, I will do all to succeed, what ever may be necessary on this way…
Laura could only find agreement within all faces, and many of the creatures nodded with their heads. And this was the end of the short speech already, as all important things had been told…
Laura raised her voice one time more…
This was my first and last speech to you, as I must leave again now. The journey continues, and I must leave Fantasia Again for other destinations. Live well and in peace, as much as possible…
Laura waved at the crowd, and the creature began to hail the beautiful new Empress with so much excitement. Finally the new Childlike Empress turned around again and left the platform, waling back into the Ivory Tower. And she continued her way through it to reach the platform where she had arrived, to meet Falkor again, her wonderful friend, the luckdragon...
Laura reached the platform with Falkor finally, and the huge luckdragon raised his head with her arrival, with a friendly smile. But Laura crossed her arms and shook her head several times before she began to speak…
So then, Falkor, of course you were aware about this event before yet, not telling me anything, of course. You knew what would happen…
Falkor nodded with his head slightly one time, still smiling friendly at Laura, before he answered with low voice…
But of course, as everybody else in Fantasia. We were waiting for you such a long time, as The Childlike Empress always taught us about the future, and her own destiny. Which had been written even before she was born. You are the chosen one of all universe, and of curse also of Fantasia. Who else could ever otherwise have been the last Empress? And it was my task to escort you here, so history finally could take its course. But what the people of Fantasia still do not know, as we want to leave hope to them until the very last moment, is that you will leave them and never return. Fantasia, as well as all other fairy tale worlds, will not survive, because this is not the destiny. I know who you really are and what you must do, and it will be done at last for the real survival of us all then…
Laura took a deep breath and lowered her head for some moments, while she also answered with low voice…
Though I still do not know the whole truth, this is a sad fact I do understand, Falkor. And no matter why, and what the reasons are, it will be a very hard way to go for me. I also understand why nobody told me before, and why it is so important to have this time and find all answers myself. I never would have been prepared for such a burden otherwise, so much is clear for now…
Falkor nodded with his head once more…
But you will be prepared when the day, when the moment has come, I know. So many do believe in you, and countless hopes, good wishes and love will always accompany you. You may be alone as person at the end of your way, but not not in your heart and soul. Never forget about that…
Laura sighed deeply and began to move again finally. While answering she climbed onto the back of Falkor again…
Surely not, but at the moment the responsibility is still so high though. But I will learn to deal with this fact. I really will…
Falkor turned his head a little bit towards Laura…
And for now, what is our next destination? Where shall I fly you then? Only tell me and we will be on our way again…
Laura closed her eyes again and listened into the depths of her heart. And after some moments she began to speak again…
I have not been told anything about the next step, but it doesn’t matter. I know it myself yet, as only one last challenge is waiting for me. I feel that I have to enter a dimensional portal, lying in the sky at any position. But with the power of my heart we will wind it, so, let’s get started. Fly into the clouds first, and I will lead you then on our further way from here…
As you wish, Laura…
Falkor got up into the air again with his passenger, leaving the mighty Ivory Tower finally. And they flew away fast, into the direction Laura told him, led herself by the magic energy flowing from her heart…

It was true. Laura and Falkor found the searched destination, only some time later then. It really was a kind of dimensional portal, in the form of a round energy sphere, hiding in the sky between the clouds. The luckdragon still kept a safe distance to it, speaking top Laura again now…

So then, here we are, Laura, as you told me. And I feel, this is our farewell finally, as you will not return, from wherever you go now. I can only still give you my best wishes for your further way, and my love and strength also will be inside of you from this moment. This is for sure…
Laura answered with sad voice then…
Thank you, Falkor, I wished we could have spend a little more time together, as well as I would have loved to explore moire from Fantasia. But it is not possible, as the time simply is short. And so, I also love you and will never forget you, my dear friend, what also is for sure. Please, fly as close to this portal as possible, without getting you in any danger, but I must jump straight from your back into this doorway. There is no other option here…
I know, and don’t worry. I am a luckdragon, nothing will happen to me. I will get you into this portal for certain…
Falkor now changed his course, heading straight towards the mighty energy portal in the clouds. He really could get very close to it, a little bit above the sphere, and Laura took her chance then. She stood up and jumped without any hesitation, straight into the energy of the sphere…
It was only a matter of moments, not more. Laura felt the energy around her, and the light got very bright. She closed her eyes, falling into nowhere, and only a moment later she lost consciousness…
Laura got aware of herself only slowly again. But the first thing to realize was the strange fact that she somehow was standing on her feet instead of lying somewhere. And as she opened her eyes again finally she saw a strange environment then. It was nighttime, and the moon was standing high at the sky, shimmering through the clouds. There were high mountains all around, but this was all Laura could see. Because of the fact a heavy snow storm was ripping through the unknown valley, and Laura really did not wear the right clothes for such a weather. It was really cold here, but the mother of all life did not feel this coldness…
There was something else here, very close to the position Laura was standing now. And Laura knew exactly what it was…
Incredible! The Magic Mirror Gate! Really the Magic Mirror Gate at last, I did expect it earlier yet. But there it is now…
The Magic Mirror Gate was standing on a higher pedestal, and small stairs were leading up to it. To both sides of them big icicles were rising up into the air, and the end of it all was the big mirror. It had an oval form, and it was empty from the distance, showing noting at all now. But Laura knew this would change, as soon as she would step straight in front of the mirror…

Laura sighed deeply one time…
Well, only one step to do here, with looking into this magic mirror, and the way could be free to continue. But I know the story, I know about the mirror. It will only show the truth, the truth about me. And most times not an easy and nice truth, but something from the deepest regions in oneself. It can be terrible to recognize certain things, and I my case I really do fear it. I fear the truth about me, because I do not even know myself at all as I understand meanwhile. I am still searching the truth about all things on my way, and I guess I will not like what I see hear. Or I should better say, my mind will have trouble with it for sure, as it is the one thing within me still having the biggest trouble with the change all around…
Laura shook her head and sighed deeply…
But my mind is what really matters fewest of all now, and I should better listen to my heart only. I should look into this mirror with my open heart – if it only would be this easy then…
Laura closed her eyes for some moments and still didn’t move again. But finally she spoke to herself one time more…
Come on, Laura, what are you waiting for? Nothing and nobody can help you here, it is another fight against yourself, against your doubts and fears. So, let’s show that you are what people believe in, the real chosen one, facing every challenge. And this is another one, so face it then…
Laura took another deep breath before she finally began to move again. Slowly, but determined now she walked on step by step, towards the Magic Mirror Gate. And then onto the stairs, up to the mirror…
You can do it, Laura! You really can…
And it happened finally. Laura still stood on the stairs, only a few steps away from the highest position, remaining like this in front of the huge mirror then. And Laura really looked into it, with firm but open heart, waiting for the Magic Mirror Gate to react in any way…
Laura saw something happening. In fact the mirror began to form a picture, first only blurred, but getting clear quickly. And really, Laura looked into her own face now. In fact her own face somehow – and somehow not. Laura even startled a little bit – but even more the image of her on the other side. This likeness even looked shocked, as if it really would also recognize the person in the opposite side of the mirror herself. And Laura saw herself with open hair in the mirror, and with headgear within. But the most strange fact was something else. This likeness had different ears, and Laura recognized them at once. Those were elfin ears, nothing she ever had herself, no matter in which existence she live so far…

Laura instinctively stepped back suddenly, and the image in the mirror disappeared at once. The mother of all life shook her head several times, speaking to herself again with whispering voice…
What is this? Would this be a picture of me, a real one, as I never saw it ever before? Could this really be possible…?
Of course the mind of Laura had doubts again, as usual, but she tried to ignore it. Instead she tried to listen to her heart, with remembering every single detail she found on her so far journey…
Fascinating! Somehow really fascinating, and also terrifying at the same time! Can this really be true in the end? I still do not know all facts, and there re further answers to find. But so far, all I ever find, and all I ever see, all elements point into the same direction. Could this really be the final truth then, that another pure fantasy story from Earth, though I loved it since I read it in books the first time, is the final truth I am searching for all the time? And will my mind ever be able to accept this truth then? Creating a whole parallel universe with real fairy tale worlds is one thing, as I always know, those are only images of stories from Earth, realized by the lost children. But this goes much beyond all this, much, much further...
Laura sighed deeply one time more…
No more doubts for no, and no more hesitation! Back in front of the mirror then – and through it, if it accepts me…
Laura moved again, walking forward once more with getting up the stairs as before. And she looked into the mirror another time, as before with defeating her mind and opening her heart as wide as possible…
The image of herself returned, just the way as before. And now Laura reacted, stepping up the least remaining steps onto the pedestal. She reached out her arm slowly until she touched the mirror, but nothing happened. On the contrary, it was firm glass and Laura could not get through this way. Also her image on the other side did not react, but Laura knew what to do now. With determined and loud voice she began to speak – to the mirror and to herself…
I know there are still doubts and fears inside of me, I don’t deny that. I am still in search for the final truth, and for my real self, trying to understand all things I find, and trying to accept them. I hope this is enough to pass the Magic Mirror Gate, as this is the whole truth I have to offer here. I can see my true self in the mirror, now I will try to also find it within me…
With those words Laura reached out her arm one more time. And this time also the image of herself did the same, until both hands touched at the glass...

In the same moment the glass disappeared, and for one moment Laura really could feel this touch of the Laura from the other side. It was like a thunderbolt, striking through her whole body, and Laura reacted. She believed in what she saw and felt, and she stepped forward then. Laura could go through the mirror now, and her likeness disappeared again in the same moment. At the same time the snow storm got so heavy that all further elements began to disappear. And Laura was gone, the mirror remained empty...

And once more, Laura did not know how much time had passed until she got aware of herself again. She also could not recognize anything around her at first, because the bright light all around made it impossible to look around. And so the mother of all life kept her eyes still closed, only noticing at least that she was standing on firm ground once more. But where was this ground now?
Gradually the bright light began to draw back then. After some time Laura dared to open her eyes again. Slowly and carefully, of course, but she could recognize first forms and colors once more...

And as the bright light finally was gone totally Laura saw the new area she was standing in. Looking around with wide open eyes and mouth she could not speak at first. But after some time, understanding that she really was standing at this amazing place, Laura began to smile slightly. Taking a deep breath first she then began to speak to herself…

Okay, here I am, in another movie based world, created by the lost children. As it was “The never-ending Story” before, a famous story and movie from Earth, I am now standing in the world of “Labyrinth”, this really great movie, also from the same time on Earth. It was created by the famous Jim Henson back then, and of course I still remember it very well…

Laura sighed deeply one time, closing her eyes for some moments and thinking about that movie she had loved once. As she opened her eyes once more she began to talk to herself again…
The part of the Goblin King, it was played by David Bowie, who also was performing some great song within the movie. I am very curious if the lost children also have placed a likeness of him here, if I have to deal with him too in my own experience of this fantastic world…
Laura took another deep breath, still being very impressed by the sight from her current position. Standing on a higher hill she was looking down into an extensive valley, the valley of the labyrinth. It was really so giant, filling the whole horizon from here. And she could see the castle of the goblin king too, placed in the middle of this labyrinth, so the chance to meet the Goblin King seemed very high…
What a fantastic sight! I would just remain here enjoying this view, if I had the time for, but I haven’t. So I must find a way to enter the labyrinth, and a way to cross it. It will be my only chance to continue from this part of the world into the next one, wherever this next one will be. But first I am concentrating on my current task now, of course with not underestimating it at all…
Laura took one more deep breath, and she was about to move again. But something happened then, as the air began to flicker…
Oh, I guess a visitor is approaching yet? And should I guess who it would be? No, I know yet. I really know…
Laura wasn’t wrong at all. She had expected the Goblin King, and it was really him. At least his head, appearing in the sky above her, in a transparent form. He looked at Laura with a serious face, and she responded without any fear. The Goblin King, who really looked like the famous David Bowie from Earth, began to speak then, also with a serious voice…

Laura, finally, and so you really made it this far, visiting me in my wonderful kingdom, as it was announced yet such a long time ago. Of course you know me, so I do not have to introduce myself. You have your mission here, and you are the chosen one, with really incredible powers, and though, all of this won’t help you here. This is my kingdom, and I am the master of all dreams and imaginations here. You may hope for the story of Sarah, but I guess you won’t believe this challenge may be that easy again. This time I am prepared, and I am not standing alone. You know about the conspiracy, and maybe you have wondered yet to get this far so easily, though of the mighty witches of Oz. But the answer is easy, as they left the final decision to me, knowing the labyrinth would save them much work. And your biggest enemy now is not whatever you may think, as things are different…
Laura id not react to the words of Jareth, as she only listened carefully. And she didn’t underestimate the dangerous situation for one moment, knowing the threat of the Goblin King was really serious. And finally Jareth continued his speech, looking straight into the eyes of Laura…
I am also a chosen one, Laura. Not the leader behind this conspiracy, but the one to stop you at last. And the motivation really is different, not as easy as you may believe. It is not the source of evil, stimulating me here to cooperate with the witches, as their reasons for all of this is so easy and clear. It is understandable. They did not need much to convince me, and so I will do all, really all whatever may be necessary to stop you. No matter how right your way may be for all who believe in you, there are others, so many others, being doomed by your decision. But we also want to live, today and tomorrow, and the day after tomorrow. So we will fight, and this labyrinth now will be your last station. You will not leave it again if you enter it, because then it will become your final tomb, for eternity…
The Goblin King did not wait for any reaction of Laura, as his head disappeared again after his last words were spoken. And Laura still remained for some moments, thinking about those gloomy words. She could still feel the emotions of Jareth, the despair and truth behind his worlds…
Laura sighed deeply one time, before she began to talk to herself silently. Her eyes were closed now…
I do understand, as I have felt it long since in my heart. This conspiracy is not on a base of evil, though of evil looking witches. It is a conspiracy of despaired creatures, being aware of themselves now, and their heir because of the creation of the lost children. They do what everybody would do, trying to survive, though so many others follow blindly. This makes my mission not easier, not at all. But we all have no choice, not at all then. I must face my destiny, no matter of all consequences, and the battle of the labyrinth has now begun…
Laura sighed another time deeply, opening her eyes again. Then she began to move, walking down the hill slowly, towards the mighty labyrinth. She had accepted the challenge…

Laura had reached the outside area of the labyrinth, protected by high stony walls all along. There was no sign of an entrance, and Laura followed the way of the wall slowly, waiting for anything to happen so she could enter the labyrinth. And suddenly, on her way, her clothes suddenly changed, perhaps caused by Jareth, so Laura now really looked like Sarah from the known story and movie on Earth. But Laura didn’t care, she only searched for a possibility to enter the labyrinth…

Suddenly Laura stopped. In some distance she saw a little creature, standing outside the labyrinth. And she recognized this person at once, while her face formed a smile then. Hoggle, the dwarf, also well known from the movie Laura once watched on Earth. And she knew, he would also be here the only person to help her, at least Laura hoped so now. And she slowly walked towards the dwarf, who still not seemed to have recognized Laura…
Finally Laura began to speak, almost standing next to Hoggle, who not seemed to be surprised as he noticed her…
Hello, Hoggle, I am pleased to meet you here. You may not know me, or you even may have expected me yet, I don’t know. I am Laura, and I would need help to get into the labyrinth, because I must cross it. Would it be possible for you to help me, I mean, could you open the entrance to the labyrinth once more, as you did some tome ago for Sarah yet? I really would be deeply grateful…
Hoggle looked at Laura shortly, turning away then again and continuing walking along the wall. Laura followed at his side. And the dwarf answered finally, with his known rather grumpy voice, though Laura knew better, of course. And she could feel the true and good heart within this creature. And suddenly the clothes of Laura changed, simply in a oment, so she really looked like Sarah even more now. Hoggle smiled happily…

So, you have arrived then, Laura as the new Sarah, and as it was announced yet a long time ago, of course. And somehow I knew it would be this day, when my intuition told me to walk outside the labyrinth, but girl, as pretty as you look, and as much I could like you like the first Sarah, I can not help this time. You better should go back from where you came immediately, as long as you may still be able to do so, for you have no idea what waits for you now…
Laura shook her head several times…
No chance, this option is not being on hand at all. You must not fear Jareth this time, as it is something personal between him and me now, and I only need your help for the entrance. Inside I will search and find my way on my own, and if it may be a matter of the price, then tell me anything you want, and I will give it to you. I must enter the labyrinth, no matter about the costs…
Hoggle nodded with his head and stopped finally. He turned a little bit and looked up, straight into the eyes of Laura…
No price, no costs, little girl, not this time. Believe it or not, my only concern is your safety, and entering this labyrinth you will die for sure. I don’t want this to happen, I really don’t want this at all…
The mother of all life began to smile. This dwarf really was sincerely, as Laura could read it in his heart. She began to smile again…
This is very nice of you, my dear friend, and I do believe you. But your concern can not stop me, as I have no choice. With or without you, Hoggle, I must and will find a way into the labyrinth, as the destiny of all life depends on it. But I still hope the heart of a little dwarf, who I do see as a friend here, will not leave me high and dry, not in such an urgent matter. Believe me, I can take care of myself, and I have gone a long way until now, so I will be able to face Jareth. As well as all dangers before, and all what still may wait for me…
Hoggle sighed deeply one time…
Well, Laura, do not say I didn’t warn you. But of course I know I can not stop you, and though of all my fears, you must have your chance to at least go and try to succeed. But I wished you wouldn’t do it, and I wished I would have been able to do more for you. It will never be enough…
Laura laid her hand on the shoulder of Hoggle…
Believe me, it will. I appreciate what you do for me, and I will not forget it for sure. But my time is short, and I must continue now. Can you, please, open the door to the labyrinth now?
The moment she had asked her last question Laura heard some noises in her back, and she turned around. In fact a portal just opened in the wall, a portal where not had been one at all just before…

There it is! As I can not stop you, please, only promise me one thing. Be careful, just be careful so much…
Laura nodded with her head…
I will for sure, my dear friend. And thank you so much, I really knew I could trust you. You wouldn’t betray me at all…
Laura entered the labyrinth finally, and Hoggle followed her then. Together they walked along the inner corridor a little bit, and it was Hoggle then to speak first again. His voice only sounded low at this point…

Laura, please listen to me…
The two companions stopped, and Laura turned towards Hoggle, so she could look into his face once more. And the little dwarf still was obviously concerned, talking to Laura with his low voice again…

Believe me, this labyrinth has changed sins the happenings with Sarah back then. It is much more dangerous now, it is a death trap. Never forget about the witches in the background, as Jareth is not the only and not the main enemy here. Somebody else wants your death, and somebody much more dangerous, waiting in the darkness of the background. I can only warn you, think about every single step you make here. Otherwise you will die for sure…
Laura sighed deeply one time before she answered. And she knew, this was a real true warning. The labyrinth would not only not be easy to cross in the matter of finding the right way, it also was full of deadly traps, as Laura also could feel this yet herself. And she nodded with her head, looking seriously at Hoggle. The fear in his eyes was really obvious and true…
Hoggle, I really appreciate your concern so much, and I thank you for your warning. I will be careful for sure, but this is just the reason not to take you with me. It is only my mission, and my danger, and I want you to leave therefore right now. You have done enough, for Sarah before, and for me now. You are a true friend and always will be, and I am really serious about this…
Laura laid her hand on the shoulder of Hoggle once more, as she smiled at him for a last time now…
Good bye, my dear friend! The adventure is over for you now, and I will find the way through the labyrinth myself now…
Hoggle nodded with his head one time…
Okay, Laura, I leave. But I do believe in you, because if anybody can survive this labyrinth, then it will be you…
The dwarf nodded with his head one more time before he turned around and walked away slowly. Laura looked after him until he disappeared, then she turned around herself and walked away into the opposite direction…
The same time, another place. The castle of the Goblin King in the middle of the giant labyrinth. And it was a huge castle. A lot of Goblins had gathered in the throne room, for a very special reason. Of course the message of the chosen one, arriving in this world, had been spread around very fast, and the confidence in the victory of the Goblin King really was absolute. There were no doubts the chose one could defeat Jareth, and so the Goblins yet celebrated the close victory…
The big room was filled with yelling and laughing, and the goblins all around were eating, singing and dancing. The only one not sharing the incredible joy in this room was Jareth, the Goblin King, himself. He sat on his throne for a while yet, with his hand in front of his face, thinking about the situation...

Something seemed not right here somehow, and after a while Jareth lowered his hand again. But he did not look at the party, instead he gazed into space a longer time. And somehow the whole celebration sickened him, as he decided to leave here...

Jareth got up from his throne, and all goblins shared around him at once. With the magic of his hands the Goblin King created a transparent sphere, only a small one, hanging in the air above his hand. And it showed Laura, the face of her, with an obvious emotion. The chosen one was suffering…

The Goblins really were excited very much, and the yelled around again. But Jareth seemed not happy once more, making a decision then. Ordering his people to stay in the throne room he then left it with unknown destination…
The goblins were confused for some moments, and the party suddenly stopped then. But after a short time it continued as before, because the Goblins were not concerned with any problems. They simply continued celebrating, and their master would solve his problems on his own for sure…
Laura had speeded her step, running along the first corridor in the labyrinth and searching for a turnout into the further inner part of it. But so far all attempts, though knowing about the way of Sarah in the movie, had been useless, she could not find any passage so far…

Laura also looked for any help here, but even the helpful little worm, from the movie with Sarah, did not appear this time. Running further and further Laura did not surrender, as she had to find a way to continue at any price. And so she walked, examined and ran, with keeping her hopes to succeed somehow in the end, against the power of the Goblin King…
Jareth had adjourned to a private room on the upper floor of the castle, sitting on a windowsill now and looking outside. E still was busy with his own thoughts, and with feelings, somehow being churning since some time. And the Goblin King really knew the reasons very well…
Ridiculous! This is simply ridiculous! The victory is mine already, and the only thing I still have to do is watching. But though this is not right, not at all. Because in reality it is not my victory, not at all. The witches have changed all elements here, including to turn all rules upside down. And so I am not even the king of my kingdom any more, not at all. I am a marionette, in an evil game, and this is not right. I am the Goblin King, the master of the labyrinth, and the master of dreams. I will not accept those rules, making my own decisions again…
Jareth raised one hand, and he let his magic flow again. Another little sphere appeared above his hand, an empty one this time. But it should not stay empty, of course, and Jareth began to whisper to himself…

Well, then, let’s change the rules again in this little game. And this is a gift for you, my dear Laura, a very special gift…
The Goblin King blew on the sphere a little bit, and it began to move. It flew away towards the labyrinth and as Jareth looked after it since it disappeared he began to smile slightly…

It was frustrating. Laura could do and try whatever she wanted, there was no way to get further into the inner part of the labyrinth. And the time came when Laura really was about to surrender finally…
The mother of all life stopped, leaning against one side of the walls finally and shaking her head again and again…

This is not fair! The trick of the movie does not work any more, and I can not find any creature here to help me. I can not surrender simply now, but how can I find a way to continue then...?
Laura was exhausted now and sat down on the ground, further leaning against the wall then. And she was thinking about her situation, with still no idea what she could do now. She sighed deeply one time…
So, what shall it be then now? I am not even able to face one “death trap” here, because of not getting into the inner part of the labyrinth. This can not be the ending of it all, I must find a solution somehow…
Having spoken these words Laura suddenly looked up. With a sad expression she noticed a little sphere, approaching out of the air. And of course she knew where it came from, as this was the special magic of Jareth. But though Laura looked into the sphere, as it was close to her face, remaining in the air. And the mother of all life was really astonished, as she could see something she never would have expected. No illusion, no wrong dreams, but instead it was herself. Again Laura believed to look into a mirror, a magic mirror, seeing a different version of herself, as it was in Fantasia before. Laura was sitting on a giant eagle there, raising her arms happily and flying towards the sky, in whole freedom. And there was at least one element, one sign she knew this was not an illusion at all…

The ears! The elfish ears again! I can not believe it, why am I seeing something like that here? Why would Jareth, the enemy, send me such a sign of hope at all? Something is wrong here, totally wrong…
Laura shook her head several times in despair, as she suddenly heard a voice, speaking to her out of nothing. And it really was the voice of Jareth, only whispering into her ears, but she could understand every single word…
Laura, trust me! What would you still have to loose now, not finding a way on yourself? We both have been fooled, we both are victims here. But I can help you, if you let me then. Think about it. I offer you a chance, but you are the one to decide if you will take it then. Decide wisely, please…
Laura still was confused. Could this really be true, that Jareth wanted to help her now, or would it only be a trap, the death trap she had been warned of before? Laura closed her eyes for some moments, only listening to her heart, as her own magic and energy began to flow…
Laura opened her eyes again. Jareth did not appear personally, but he was around here now. And Laura answered him…
It sounds crazy, and it is crazy, but I believe you. At least my heart does, and this is all what matters. I have no idea about the true reasons, but I will follow you. Only tell me what to do now…
The voice of Jareth began to whisper again…
Follow the little sphere then, it will lead you to a special position in the labyrinth, and it will open passages. Do not depart from this way at all, or you will die instantly because of thee death traps. When you reach the final position of this path, you will meet me, and then we will talk about all further things…
Laura nodded with her head…
Okay, I trust in your words. But tell me one thing before I leave from here. Why this picture in the sphere? And what do you know about this existence of me, as I do still not understand it fully myself…?
Jareth answered immediately…
Wait until we meet, this is not the place and time to talk. Follow the sphere now, as it only can exist for a limited time. Reach the destination where we can meet, then we can talk further…
Laura agreed and saw the sphere leaving then...

She got up from the ground with new hope and determination. And so the mother of all life followed the little sphere, straight on a certain way into the inner part of the labyrinth. And the mission of the chosen one finally could continue…
It was really a giant labyrinth, and Laura had to admit she would have had big trouble to find her way through, not to mention the death traps. But now it was a straight way, with simply following the little sphere, and this path was really safe. The mind of Laura still could not defeat all remaining doubts, but her heart was safe and sure. And Laura always followed her heart…

Finally, at a special position, somewhere deep in the labyrinth, the little sphere stopped then, hanging up in the air first and finally vanishing into thin air. Laura knew she had reached her destination, and she waited without moving any more. She waited for the arrival of the Goblin King…
And he appeared. Jareth materialized out of nothing, first as a transparent manifestation, and while he began to speak he got fully physical at last. And in his hand another sphere appeared. At the same time also Laura changed. Her outfit was a bulky white ball dress, exactly looking as the one Sarah had worn in the movie once. And Laura listened to the words of Jareth then…

So beautiful! Even more than Sarah once, and even with a much more important mission then. Laura, the chosen one, the savior of all life without even understanding her true existence. But yes, I do. This is why I have sent you this special vision, for new hope on the one hand, but for another true mirror image on the other hand. This may be confusing for you, as I was meant to be your enemy, with the mission of stopping you at all costs. But hings can change often, and in this case it did. It totally did, with my own understanding of the real truth, though it will mean the end of my own life in the end. But I can accept it now. The witches do not, and this is the reason for their resistance. They simply want to survive, what would not be possible if you complete your message. It is simply the bitter truth, that your mission will mean the salvation of so many out there, in all existing worlds, but it also means the end of existence for so many others, who only can exist on this side of the mirror. But I feel this is not a surprise any more, because you know it deep in your heart. Otherwise I could not have told you about, but you know it…
Laura sighed deeply one time…
Yes, Jareth, I do. And more and more it gets clear why this mission had to be that extensive, to learn and accept my destiny. To know and understand that my mission includes also destroying so much, also if it is a wrong kind of life behind the true mirror at all, this is not an easy task. And I still fear I am not ready yet when the last moment of truth will come…
Jareth shook his head several times…
No, Laura, you will be ready. As so many others also I believe in you now, and I can feel the incredible power you have inside. It may still not come out completely yet, but it will. You have changed such a lot of things on your way yet, including me. And at last it will be you yourself…
Laura looked straight into the eyes of Jareth now. She could feel something in his heart now, something she did not notice before. But it was there, and it was so obvious now. And Laura felt how her eyes got wet…
Jareth, you did not tell me all yet, the truth about you and your change. I first thought it was a kind of revenge because of the witches, as they made you a player for them and their destinations. But this is not true. In fact, the change happened at another point, the point when we first met at my arrival here…
The Goblin King did not answer at once. He lowered his head instead, and Laura continued speaking herself…
It is love! You experienced the power of love, true love, for the first time in your life at all. You saw me and fell in love with me, and this mad your heart change all things, it gave you a whole new existence. And it is true, you don’t even fear death any more, on the contrary. The only thing mattering for you is my success, my survival, and I can feel it so obviously now…
Jareth still didn’t answer, but he nodded with his head once. But at last he raised his head again, returning the look of Laura. As he answered then his words only were like a whispering in the wind, but Laura could understand every single word. And she had trouble to avoid tears…
Yes, Laura, you found the truth here. I can not deny it, I fell in love with you since the first moment we met here. It is a forbidden love, a love that can never come true, but at least a love to help you with your mission. This is the last and final thing in my life I can do for you, and when death comes, I will be prepared and die happily, happily with my last thought for the mighty chosen one, the wonderful girl I could help on her way, the girl I loved so much then…
It was Laura now to lower her head, with closing her eyes to still keep her tears from running down her cheeks. But as she looked at Jareth again finally, and as she answered, Laura could no longer hide her emotions. The tears began to flow, and Laura also could only whisper her answer then…
I don’t know what to say now, Jareth, except that I never was more surprised in my life. I really never would have expected anything like that, and of course I feel honored now. But of course, this is something complete impossible, as my mission would never allow any relationship like that. Besides that, without wanting to offend you in any way, I do not share such feelings. But I do appreciate every help you can give me very much, and I will not forget it at all…
Jareth nodded with his head, smiling slightly…
Of course I know how silly my feelings are, Laura, but I simply had to tell you. And there is more I can do for you, at least if you let it happen. It will be your decision, only yours, of course…
Laura returned the smile of Jareth…
What can you offer, Jareth?
As you know, I am the master of dreams in my realm, and so I can fulfill any dream you wish here. For example, to let you go into the next world straight from here, or even to skip over this world. If you want, and if you feel prepared, I can send you straight into the last world at all on your journey, the world of the queen of witches. The last main enemy you must face on your way…
Laura looked at Jareth with wide open eyes, as she really was surprised now, and the Goblin King continued his speech…
Laura, there are only two more worlds waiting for you now until reaching the end of your journey. The next one, the world you know from the movie “The Dark Crystal” on Earth, would give you another hint on the final truth, the whole truth you are searching for. But all I can see and feel now tells me that this is not necessary any more. The truth is inside of you, every single element of it. You are ready to face the end of it all now, and the queen of witches. For this would also mean an advantage for you, as the queen does not expect this at all. She believes you spending much time in my world, and dying here at last. And even for her worst case you would survive the labyrinth, the queen still would have time to prepare as you would have to cross one more world. Instead appearing now and straight in her world would totally surprise her, and this could be your key advantage. Think about it…
Laura nodded with her head several times, as she listened to her heart about the important words of Jareth. And she didn’t have to think about very much time, and the answer came quickly…
Well, what an incredible offer! It would have been nice to also visit the wonderful world of the Gelfling, the world of “The Dark Crystal”. But if it is really possible to get into the final world now yet, and at once, then I am ready to go there. I am ready to face the evil queen of witches, and to finish my long journey. If you really can bring me there, then, please, do it…
Jareth nodded with his head…
Don’t worry, I can tell you, you will still meet the race of the Gelfling later. Another time, another place, but it will happen. For now the most important thing is to finally finish your journey successfully, and do what has to be done. I know you are able to fulfill your destiny, and my hopes and wishes, as also my love will accompany you. Now and ever…
Jareth took a deep breath before continuing. And before he spoke again another little sphere appeared above his left hand…
Now your journey continues, wonderful Laura, and mighty chosen one. You will now get into my sphere, to travel further from here and safely cross the labyrinth. With this sphere you will get straight into the last world, as you dream wishes now. The final decision now is close at hand…
With those words the Goblin King finally vanished into thin air, and only his new sphere remained. It flew a little bit up into the air, and it began to grow. At the same time Laura began to shrink…

So then, I almost can not believe it. But it is true, I am reaching the final world in the parallel universe now. Thank you so much, Jareth…
The transparent sphere began to sink down, towards Laura, and as it was bigger than her Laura was pulled into it...

Afterwards the sphere flew up into the air once more, beginning to cross the labyrinth in a safe height…

The transparent sphere, with Laura as its passenger inside, suddenly raised its speed considerably, and finally, after only some more moments, it disappeared at the horizon, on its way to leave the labyrinth at last, while the whole environment began to vanish in bright light...

Back at the palace of the Goblin King. Jareth had returned into his private room on the upper floor, sitting on the windowsill once more. He was looking outside, but with empty eyes. Jareth thought about what had happened, and he was happy. Happy and sad at the same time…

Laura! Now you reach your own destiny, thew true destiny of your life. I know you are strong enough to succeed, even over yourself. The queen of witches will not stop you, and the end of all things, the end of both universes, will come. As it was predicted a long time ago…
Jareth formed another sphere, letting it flow into the air then. It remained in front of Jareth, and it formed a picture inside then…
Laura! The true Laura, but this is not even your name. You will find this truth, the rest of it. Soon, very soon…

The Goblin King watched the picture fascinated, which really showed Laura. Laura as a princes, a princess of elves…
This is where you really belong, this is where you must find back to. And you will. What would my life mean to prevent this? Nothing, nothing at all. I am nothing, and I will dies happily if you succeed. For sure…
Suddenly the sphere began to fly again, away from the window, out into the sky. This was the final farewell between Laura and the Goblin King then, and Jareth sighed deeply one time then…

Good-bye, Laura! It was such a pleasure to meet you, and to feel this love for a short time. You have been the fulfillment of my life, now find the fulfillment for yourself, and for your life. Find your true destiny…
Jareth kept looking out of the window a longer time, until darkness was raising then, the darkness of the approaching night. And finally Jareth closed his eyes, continuing dreaming of Laura...

The end of chapter 8…
…but to be continued in chapter 9...