Laura - The Story of a Fairy, Chapter 8 - Sisters 1 - The Reunion
A new morning on Lauhaven, and in the capital city, which had the same name as the planet itself. It was not long after sunrise, and the royal palace was still quiet. Most people were still sleeping. But not Laura. She was on her feet again yet, making a walk through the park. Amber was not with her, as Laura wanted to still let her sleep...
Laura was thinking about Olwon and all happenings there. And of course she thought about Ebrenell and his death, but she knew she had never been able to prevent it in any way. And more than that it was the red phantom, this unknown powerful god, what Laura thought about again and again, as she really believed it more and more, that all things just had happened as this creature wanted them to. For some unknown reasons this being wanted the group to escape, and now, being back on Lauhaven, Laura knew it more than ever before, the red phantom would have been able to kill them all, if it really had wanted to do it then. But it wouldn't...
The mission on Olwon, it had been a success in the end. A success for the rest of the universe, but not for Laura. She understood it now, why Ebrenell had to die, as the red phantom sent a sign with this act. The act to introduce itself, to show that it is active now, and that it controlled what was happening. In the end it was all the plan of the phantom, and the remaining question now was only one word. The word "why"...
Why would the strange god let it happen, that all its armies were blocked on Olwon? Why would it let it happen to let its enemies escape? All of this still made no sense to Laura...
There were no answers. Laura sighed deeply one time, looking up into the sky. There were only few white clouds, wandering along the sky, but though of the sun it was not very warm. But the season of year was changing now, autumn was beginning now...
Laura continued her little early walk, and she continued thinking about all her way until this point of time. So her thoughts also went to the old man, and Laura felt anger in her heart...
Laura clenched her fists, and she had some trouble to dispel the anger out of her heart again. But she succeeded...
Laura shook her head once...
Laura stopped her walk now and turned around. Slowly she started back now, with sad eyes and feelings...
Laura could not answer her own question. There simply was no answer. And the mother of all life knew, she really knew, that she had lost her confidence in the old man...
Laura felt a deep sadness within her heart now. And she was on her way back into the royal palace finally...
Laura had entered the royal castle again. And she was wondering, as there really were still no sounds at all. Actually the castle should have woken up again to new life already, and fairies should be walking and flying around, but there was nobody at all. And this was strange, really not normal, so the mother of all life was concerned gradually...
Laura decided to visit the room of her sister now at first, especially in her concern she wanted to look for Amber now. And on her way she had to cross some long corridors, but in one she stopped immediately then after entering through a door...
Straight ahead in this corridor, only a few metres away, Laura saw a three-parted mirror, just standing on the floor here. A mirror without glass, and of course she recognized it...
This was a magic mirror, belonging to the queen, where the monarch sometimes got special magic help. But this magic mirror definitely should not stand here, in this corridor, and now Laura really knew, something was totally wrong here now...
Laura could not finish her sentence. As she only walked a few steps further, the magic mirror reacted. All three elements suddenly filled themselves with bright white light...
Laura slowly and carefully walked on, towards this glowing three-parted magic mirror, as it suddenly happened, whole unexpected...
Laura almost was mortally scared, as all three parts of the magic mirror abruptly showed the image of the red phantom. The mother of all life stopped immediately, and for some moments she really seemed to turn into a pillar of salt. Laura simply couldn't move any more, and she felt fear inside her heart as never before yet...
In this moment it was finally clear. Laura was nowhere safe, nowhere ever. And nobody and nothing could ever hold or stop this powerful being, it could go and be everywhere in every moment...
Finally Laura broke loose out of her shock and could react again. Really not a moment too soon, as also the images in the mirrors now began to move. The three phenomena united to one appearance, and then it began to leave the magic mirror...
Laura did not wait any moment longer. She immediately turned around and ran away, she really was fleeing now, knowing this was real and she had to run for her life now...
The red phantom was floating over the three-parted mirror now, watching Laura as she ran away quickly. And suddenly a whispering, and though real powerful voice resounded all through the corridor...
After those eerie words the red phantom began to grow. And it really grew bigger and bigger then...
Laura had left the corridor yet, as the red phantom also began to move. And it still grew bigger and bigger while slowly floating through the air, until it almost filled the whole height of the corridor...
The uncanny red phantom finally took up pursuit of Laura, and this time she would not escape any more. Because this time the red phantom really had all time in the universe for this final encounter...
The escape was over. Laura found herself unexpected in the consulting room of the fairies queen, though she didn't even ran into this direction at all. But instead of entering Amber's room for help she now unexpectedly stood in this consulting room - finally knowing herself, that all of this, as much as a seemingly abandoned royal castle, was the work of the red phantom...
Laura did no longer try to further escape, as she knew now, there was no chance at all to escape. It seemed Laura was trapped in another dimension, totally on her own with the enemy. So she now waited for its arrival, and the final confrontation then. Laura prepared for this last encounter, as she let her inner energies flow...
It happened only some moments later. As expected the red phantom really appeared now, and this time without any red light around...
The appearance of the red phantom was enormous, it almost seemed to reach from the bottom to the ceiling. Laura didn't act in any way, she only concentrated on her energies. And after some suspense-packed moments the red phantom finally began to speak...

Laura finished her own energy flow, as the red phantom was totally right. The mother of all life could really feel it, this godhead was much too powerful to ever defeat it on her own. This "battle" was lost before it ever had begun, and Laura totally was at the mercy of the red phantom. But this would probably mean her end...
The red phantom answered at once...
Laura refused to look up at the red phantom, her head stayed lowered with her eyes even closed now...
The red phantom remained totally motionless all the time, also as it answered Laura again now...
Laura didn't answer. What choice would she have in this situation? She only nodded with her head one time and kept staring to the ground, but she would listen to the words of the red phantom...
Finally, after some moments, the mysterious godhead began to speak again, and all the time with this strange whispering voice. But at least a real voice now, not only in Laura's mind...
The red phantom paused for some moments, before it continued with its speech. Laura herself felt more and more uncertain, as all the words from her counterpart touched her to the quick. But she tried all to keep her feelings under control...
With those words the red phantom a mass of red fog and light appeared around it, until the creature totally disappeared in this red light. But instead of the red phantom suddenly another body appeared in the mass now, and soon the identity was revealed...
Laura really was totally shocked. She could not react in any way, but simply fell down onto her knees then...
Laura could not come to terms with her shock. She also could not believe at first, believe what she had to see. But it was true, and the mother of all life knew it. She really knew it...
Amber! It was really Amber, her own sister, now stepping out of the red light, with raised arms and in gigantic appearance. And only some moments later Amber began to speak...
Amber laid one hand on Laura's shoulder, and the mother of all life winced slightly. Amber continued speaking...
Amber sighed deeply one time...
Laura shook her head several times, and she simply had to ask now. She still could not understand...
Suddenly, whole unexpected, Amber brandished her spear towards Laura, and the deadly cutting edge reposed straight at the throat of Laura...
The mother of all life did not move at all, she did not feel fear at all. Also not as Amber arose into the air now. Her body began to shrink, and suddenly she threw the spear towards Laura. But it did not hit her, instead it drove into the ground straight in front of her...
Amber remained in the air, shrouded in red light, as she began to speak again. But not with any angry voice at all, no hate or hostility, but the warm voice Laura had been used to all the time before...
Amber shook her head for several times...
This was the moment Laura looked up again very sudden. And she was totally shocked once more. But before she could react in any way, Amber now was continuing with her incredible speech...
Laura now looked at Amber, as she could no longer refuse this now. But the dismay really was written in her face...
Somehow it was for Laura like to wake up out of a horrible dream. But this nightmare simply was her whole so far life. Of course Laura preferably would have revealed all those words as lies, but she couldn't. The mother of all life yet could feel it, returning memories like from a whole different life, and the name "Estera" was so much familiar...
Laura felt tears, a lot of tears, filling her eyes. It was true, it was really all true, every single word of Amber. Or the red phantom. And more and more an old picture began to form itself in Laura's mind, the picture of Estera. It was still blurred, but really there...
Amber disappeared now finally, throwing her speer towards Laura, but of course without hurting her. She only left her weapon behind before disappearing finally...
And instead of her the red phantom appeared again within the eerie red light. Laura shook her head then...

After a short break again the red phantom continued with its speech for a last time then...
With those words the red phantom finally disappeared. And Laura now found herself back in her own room, still kneeling on the ground with wide open eyes. And now, suddenly smiling. Smiling again for the first time. And Laura really felt it, she felt the presence of her sister. If it had been gone all those years before, now it was back...
Laura closed her eyes and let her feelings flow. And there were pictures, a lot of pictures, getting more and more clear. Laura began to cry, as she could not hold back her tears any longer...
The tears dried up finally, and Laura closed her eyes. She now let her feelings and all pictures flow, trying to get some clear images finally. The memories were still blocked and only came fragmentarily, this would certainly still need much more time. But Laura knew she had this time now, as she believed the red phantom. She still knew almost nothing about it, but somehow, really somehow she trusted it. Somehow she knew this creature only spoke true, and now there was no anger any longer...
Laura saw one picture again and again. It was only hazy, but getting clearer slowly. There was fog and white light, much white light, but in this light a house. A wooden house, with a small stream flowing by in front of it. And there was a small bridge, leading over the stream. In the background was a forest, with trees in multiple colours. And all around were further colourful plants. A really wonderful scene...
But this was not the main aspect. Laura recognized this house. She really did, but from so far away, like from another life. She could not get all details, but she knew it. And then, suddenly, there was something else, on the small way next to the stream...
Laura recognized two persons. Two girls, materializing slowly. A younger and an older girl, playing in the pretty nature. And Laura then saw the faces of the two girls. One was her own face, and one was Estera. Laura saw how she then embraced her younger sister...
The memory came back again. Laura remembered the first real scene from her former forgotten life, a whole unknown life as normal human being on Earth. It had been a cottage, where she had often spent time with her family. And especially with Estera...
And then more memories came, raising out of Laura's mind. As there was no blockade any more, now more and more pictures were raising, images from the real family of Laura...
Also the second picture was only blurred. But Laura could see five persons, posing for a picture there. And after some moments she saw her whole true family, she saw the faces of her sister, her brother and her parents. Still blurred, but visible...
Laura saw further pictures. One more of her whole family, sitting somewhere on a bench and looking towards the close sea surf. And the faces got more and more clear now...
Laura saw one more picture. She saw herself and Estera, as younger girls in beautiful white dresses, sitting in a room on a bench. And Laura was laying in the lap of her sister...
Laura sighed deeply one time and opened her eyes...
Laura thought about it and closed her eyes once more. And again she let her feelings flow...
Laura felt the presence of her sister. And this presence wasn't far away. A new picture began to form in Laura's mind...
Laura, the mother of all life, was on her feet again finally. The pictures in her mind were gone again, but the feelings, her feelings about Estera, were still so strong. This presence now was attracting Laura magically, and her feelings lead her forward. So the goddess now entered the garden of the royal palace once more, but this time to leave it towards the forest. And the attraction got stronger and stronger...
Laura walked through the forest. She walked very fast, though she didn't know the destination yet. But she trusted her feelings, and only those feelings were leading her now...
Laura reached a certain place within the forest. A really magical place with trees and plants in multiple colours. But also the air was filled with gay colours, and Laura stopped here. This was the right place, here Estera would arrive. Laura was totally sure. And so she waited, she simply waited for the arrival of her sister...
A bright white light. Simply appearing out of nothing. And it really gleamed so brightly, that Laura at first could not even look into it. She knew what was happening, of course, and involuntarily both of her hands went to the mouth and covered it...
Laura began to tremble in every limb, and once again tears filled her eyes. And still her heart was asking, could this really be possible?
It could. Something happened within the light. Laura tried to raise her view again and again, and she believed to see movements in there. Slowly the light began to fade, and a human body was noticeable then. The body of a younger girl in fact...
Laura cried. She could not move, she could not do anything. But she saw Estera now, she saw her true sister. And finally Estera reacted the first time, as she stepped forward, after the light was totally gone...
Laura couldn't really speak, her voice had only been a tenderly whispering. And first now Estera seemed to be aware what was going on. She was totally astonished, but she recognized her sister at once. And as Laura also Estera first couldn't believe...
Laura couldn't answer. Suddenly a new white light appeared, but this time filling quickly the whole area...

The white light filled everything, and everything disappeared within this bright light. In the end also Laura and Estera disappeared...
Laura woke up only very slowly again. The mother of all life was not aware at first, where she was and what had happened, not even how much time had passed since then. The memories only came back gradually. But finally Laura remembered the last occurrences again, the occurrences with the red phantom and the return of her sister Estera...
Laura was laying in her bed, in her own room within the royal palace of Lauhaven, but she did not remember how she got there then...
Finally Laura sat up in her bed and wrinkled her brow. She now remembered the extreme white light after the first encounter with Estera, and she knew, she had lost consciousness. This had happened in the forest, so Laura did not know how she came back into the palace. And the goddess was also concerned, what had happened to Estera afterwards? Where was she now, and was she well? Laura left the bed at once...
After Laura was prepared for the day again, before she left the room, she still remained for some moments, closing her eyes. And Laura spoke to herself, with churning feelings...
Laura sighed deeply one time and opened her eyes again. And finally she was about to left her room, of course only with one purpose. She had to find out what really had happened before. To find out, if she really had met her sister Estera, after a most disturbing encounter with the mysterious red phantom. And if Estera really was still alive...
Laura had problems to believe what was going on in her life at the moment. Was she really a human girl from Earth instead of a fairy from birth? Could all of this really be true, or had she only be captured in a very bad dream? Laura could not answer those questions...
Laura clenched her fists...
Laura explored her feelings, and yes, she could feel the presence of her living sister again. So she finally left her room now, to begin to look for her sister Estera now...
Laura hurried through the royal castle of Lauhaven. And this time she was not on her own, this time all seemed normal, as fairies now were all around, going their ways. A good sign, so Laura knew she now really was back in her own dimension again. And the mother of all life felt the presence of her sister Estera more and more, she was coming nearer...
Laura reached one further of the endless corridors in the royal castle, and stopped immediately. At the other end of this corridor stood a person. Obviously no fairy, but a young human girl. As the girl turned her back on Laura, she could not see her arrive...
Laura began to move again, once more trembling in every limb. She could only walk very slowly, but with coming closer towards the girl, Laura saw it finally, this young woman was Estera...
Laura finally stood only some metres away from Estera, who still was not aware of Laura. But it was obvious, she had at least been aware of the fact that Laura was awake again and would come to her soon. And therefore Estera held a floral bouquet in her hands...
Laura could not speak. She was fighting with her tears, as now finally was clear, she had not dreamt or had an illusion. It really was all true, and Estera stood in front of her. The mother of all life shook her head several times, as her tears finally ran down her cheeks...
Laura only could whisper, but Estera heard it then. But before she could turn around, Laura now stepped forward, straight behind her sister. Laura stood behind her at the left side, laying her right hand on Estera's right shoulder. She let it happen, smiling happily, but it still was too much for Laura. The goddess could only cry, really cry, holding her left hand in front of her face. And Laura had her exes closed now...
Laura finally could speak again, but she wouldn't release her sister. It was so wonderful to held her in her arms again, exactly as Estera said, only overwhelming. And as Laura answered her sister in the end, her voice was really heavy with tears...
Estera moved apart now from Laura, turning around and looking straight into her face. The mother of all life could see tears also in the eyes of her sister, as they just began to run down her cheeks...
Laura nodded with her head and smiled slightly...
Laura now laid both hands on Estera's shoulders and further fought with her tears, as she answered...
Laura walked back a few metres and said Estera to turn around again. The sister did as Laura wishes, and the mother of all life then let all her energies flow. She knew of course yet, that Estera was not only a normal human being any more, because otherwise she would not live any more after that long time. Her story was still unknown, but whatever it should be, Laura wanted to give her sister this very special gift now. And so, finally, there were flashes streaking through the air, creating an energy sphere then. This sphere materialized above Estera, and in the end further flashes came down on Laura's sister. But they did not hurt her at all, of course, instead Estera was shrouded by bright light - and transformed then...
Estera suddenly had her own wings. All clothes were also changed into white colour, and a new angel then was born. Estera was really happy, while Laura still had tears in her eyes...
After the transformation Laura stood straight behind her sister again, and both women were totally happy. Estera still held the flowers in her arms, the only thing not changed at her...
The both deeply moved sisters got under way again and left the corridor finally, on their way to Laura's quarter...
The end of chapter 1...
...but to be continued in chapter 2...